HPE Guide to Digital

Get started 1 Your customers have gone digital. You should, too. 89%

These days, B2B buyers are using digital resources to research solutions, of B2B buyers go online during their purchase process1 engage with , and make purchase decisions. They’re in control, choosing when and how to engage with content and brands. That’s why it’s important for your to maintain a strong, consistent online presence. helps you stay competitive by reaching your customers where, when, and how they access content online. 66%

66% of a B2B buyer’s journey is spent interacting with digital content and this is consistent throughout the buying process.1

1 Source: SiriusDecisions, 2018 2 Accelerate your digital marketing efforts About this guide with HPE Whether you’re a savvy, experienced digital marketer or just beginning your digital marketing journey, HPE is dedicated to The HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program gives partners access to a providing you with the information and resources you need comprehensive suite of digital marketing resources, tools, and content to help them to help you enhance your expertise and improve your digital accelerate their digital marketing practices and drive effective, multi-channel marketing marketing successes. campaigns that ultimately yield more pipeline and generate more . It provides partners the opportunity to: This guide is designed to help you advance your knowledge of digital marketing and take advantage of HPE content, tools, and • Assess their level of digital marketing maturity and identify areas where their resources that can assist and enhance your digital marketing companies should focus to further develop their digital capabilities. It also provides efforts. The content includes everything from quick-read recommendations on where they can supplement their own expertise with tools and infographics to detailed whitepapers that let you dive content from HPE. deeper into digital marketing topics. • Educate themselves and build their digital marketing proficiency through the HPE Partner Ready Marketing Pro Academy which offers workshops and online educational content that shares insights on the latest digital marketing trends and best practices. • Collaborate with HPE marketing teams or Marketing Services Agencies who can supplement their own resources and provide digital marketing expertise, insight, and support to help facilitate the planning and execution of their co-marketing efforts. • Empower their marketing teams with ready-to-use, customizable content, campaigns, and tools to enable them to quickly and easily launch digital and social activities.

Learn more about the program by accessing the HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program eBook or visit the program page on the HPE Partner Ready Portal.

3 Learn more about digital marketing

Digital Marketing Digital Content Marketing Lead Nurturing Marketing Social Selling Search HPE Marketing Tools and Resources

4 Digital Marketing

5 Digital Marketing Build relationships to drive more business with digital marketing. More than ever, people are consuming content and acquiring information through digital channels. The days when a customer engaged with a salesperson have been replaced with online research and peer recommendations via social media at all stages of the buyer’s journey. Along with human interaction, digital marketing plays an important role in building trust with your B2B prospects and helping them move through their buyer’s Defining digital journey—and that role continues to increase. It provides an opportunity to make marketing strong, meaningful connections with customers by making relevant digital content readily available no matter where customers are in their buyer’s journey. The more Simply defined, digital content marketers make available, the more opportunities customers have to marketing is the access and consume it. This builds trust in your brand and drives more business by of products, positioning your company as an industry thought leader, making customers more likely to purchase the products, solutions, and services you provide. solutions, services, and brands via electronic According to a recent study, 57% of brands say that content download forms media. It includes the generate leads with the highest conversion rates. In the same study, these companies identified research reports, social media content, website articles, , delivery of content and case studies, and whitepapers to be the types of digital content that deliver the advertising through highest customer conversion rate.1 digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile.

1 Source: https://www.smartinsights.com/digital-marketing-strategy/which-content-type-generate-the-most-leads/, September, 2017 6 Digital Marketing

Where does digital marketing fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention Digital marketing encompasses the full buyer’s journey. You can make the greatest impact through advertising and search to earn attention, then incorporating lead Engage and persuade nurturing and content marketing for the engage and persuade phase, and finally Commit to purchase utilize social selling to help close the sale.

Access the following HPE content and resources to learn more about how to Access all on PSNow incorporate digital marketing into your overall marketing campaigns, and reach customers at each stage of their buying journey.

HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program HPE eBook • Explains how the HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program can help you improve your digital marketing proficiency and drive more effective digital campaigns • Directs you to available HPE tools and resources designed to support your digital marketing initiatives.

Access now Digital Marketing Overview Digital marketing overview HPE Article • Provides a detailed overview of digital marketing, its components, Get started

Sales guide For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. and how to create the right mix of digital marketing strategies and tactics for you.

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Digital Marketing Optimization Checklist Digital marketing checklist HPE Article • Access helpful checklists on a range of digital marketing topics. • Shows how you can optimize various digital marketing tools,

Sales guide For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. including video, SEO, and mobile.

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7 Digital Marketing

Programmatic 101—The Rise of Programmatic The rise of programmatic in B2B marketing

In an always on, always connected, multi-channel and multi-device world, the B2B buyer’s journey has become increasingly fragmented. Potential customers in every phase are putting in more time on screens than ever before—and where customers go, brands must follow. As a result, connecting with customers is increasingly more intricate. Marketers must be able to plan programs and messages to be consumed in B2B Marketing seamlessly across every point of interaction. It’s not about throwing the same message across every channel and hoping it works. What is programmatic marketing? One trending solution that is helping B2B digital marketers connect with customers in this changing landscape is programmatic marketing. Simply put, programmatic is the use of technology to automate the buying, selling or fulfillment of online media. It can include tools that help automate everything from rate negotiation and campaign set up to optimizations and actualizations.1 HPE Article Programmatic is here to stay 1 What’s in Store for Programmatic. CMO website. 2 Programmatic 101: DSPS Explained. Centro website. Programmatic isn’t anything new. But over the past few years, it’s established 3 US Programmatic Ad Spending Forecast: Most a proven track record of boosting media buying efficiency and improved Mobile Display And Video Ad Dollars To Be Automated By 2018, eMarketer Inc., 2016 targeting. And the proof is in the numbers. Programmatic ad spending 4 eMarketer Inc. reached nearly $15 billion in 2015, and that figure is expected to reach Germany mobile programmatic ad spend $20 billion by the end of 2016.2 UK mobile programmatic ad spend China mobile programmatic ad spend Marketers are transitioning their focus to programmatic, especially when it 5 Interactive Advertising Bureau Europe (IAB Europe) and IHS, “European Programmatic comes to digital display (banner ads, rich media, etc.). In 2016, programmatic Market Sizing 2015,” September 14, 2016 will account for 73.0% of all US digital display ad spending.3 What’s more, 6 Programmatic Ad Spend in Japan Reaches Mobile Tipping Point, 2016 programmatic’s share of US digital display ad spending will reach $37.88 billion, by 2018.3 The numbers around the globe are equally persuasive: • Defines what programmatic marketing is, why it’s important, and Germany EMEA Japan

€127 million €3 4 billion ¥130 million 2014 2014 2014

€1 1 billion4 €5 78 billion5 ¥279 4 million6 2018 2015 2018

UK China

£623 million $4 21 billion 2014 2014

£3 2 billion4 $22 94 billion4 2018 2018

Sales guide For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. the basics on getting started. • Includes statistical insights as to why a growing number of B2B marketers are embracing this technology.

Access now HPE Enterprise Customer Personas Guide HPE Article • Provides an in-depth view into the key behaviors, attributes, motivations, challenges, and goals of our key enterprise customers personas. • Shows how to easily connect with them by delivering content and messaging that addresses their needs and concerns.

Access now HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program HPE Infographic • Provides a brief overview of the HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program. • Highlights the resources and tools available to help you accelerate your digital marketing proficiency.

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8 Digital Marketing

Five Ways to Empower your Digital Marketing Success HPE Infographic • Shows how the HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program provides you with a full range of digital marketing tools, content, and resources to enable you to develop, launch, and track your own digital marketing initiatives.

Access now Enabling Your Digital Marketing Journey HPE Infographic • Outlines how HPE PSNow provides you with a single, convenient resource to help you find the digital marketing content you need to streamline and expedite your digital marketing campaigns, drive demand, and grow revenue.

Access now HPE Co-marketing Campaign Toolkits for Partners HPE Video • Shares how HPE Digital Marketing Campaign Toolkits are designed to help you create your own co-marketing digital campaigns with assets that generate awareness, nurture leads, and drive pipeline.

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9 Digital Marketing

Make a serious impact with digital marketing. The evolution of the B2B buyer’s journey is having a profound impact on how both sales and marketing engage with customers. To stay competitive, you need to be engaged with your customers when, where, and how they access content online. “Digital marketing is no longer a nice to have; it’s an imperative,” states Maria Chien, Service Director, Channel Marketing Strategies at SiriusDecisions. “Organizations have to use digital to engage with buyers or they’re going to be left behind.” Here are a few assets HPE has developed featuring SiriusDecisions, a leading global B2B research and advisory firm.

Digital Marketing—What You Need to Know HPE Whitepaper featuring SiriusDecisions • Learn how the new focus on digital affects the buying journey and selling process, and discover what digital approach works best for your organization.

Access now The Digital Marketing Imperative to Win More Business HPE Video featuring SiriusDecisions • Highlights ways organizations can achieve higher levels of sales success and generate twice as much pipeline as the competition.

Watch now Assess your Digital Marketing Type to Drive Performance HPE Video featuring SiriusDecisions • Summarizes how to measure your digital readiness by defining your digital type.

Watch now Align Digital Marketing and Sales for Higher ROI HPE Video featuring SiriusDecisions • Shares why it’s important for sales and marketing to work together for better results and cost efficiencies.

Watch now 10 Digital Advertising

11 Digital Advertising Drive awareness and results with digital advertising. Digital advertising encompasses a variety of digital media tactics such as video, banner ads or display advertising, and . Each tactic offers unique opportunities to share your story with prospects at all stages of the buyer’s journey. Understanding more about these tactics, including when and where to place them, can make a significant impact on your overall digital marketing success. Defining digital Digital advertising is an extremely effective way to reach your target audience. It’s advertising also one of the most cost effective—in a recent survey, U.S. marketers reported to see an average 18% return on ad spending for online display advertising.1 Digital advertising is when marketers Considering today’s customers are spending an enormous amount of time—nearly 10 hours each day with electronic media1—digital advertising lets you deliver leverage the internet timely, relevant, customized content to buyers through multiple channels at each and its properties to stage of the buyer’s journey. deliver promotional ads to customers on various digital channels.

1 Source: http://www.mediadynamicsinc.com/uploads/files/PR092214-Note-only-150-Ads-2mk.pdf, 2014 12 Digital Advertising

Where does digital advertising fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention You can make the greatest impact with digital advertising in the first two stages of the buyer’s journey by launching a search, social, and/or banner ad campaign Engage and persuade to gain attention, then switch to retargeting during the engage and Commit to purchase persuade phase.

Digital advertising encompasses a variety of tactics such as banner Access all on PSNow ads, video, and mobile. Review the content below to learn how to best utilize each as part of your overall digital marketing campaign.

Digital Advertising Overview and Step-by-Step Guide HPE Article • Provides a handy resource and guide for planning, creating, and launching digital advertising initiatives.

Access now Digitally Enhanced—Optimizing Your Digital Advertising Formats HPE Whitepaper • Identifies the most common and effective digital advertising formats. • Provides insights into which formats are most effective in the buyer’s journey. • Highlights best practices to consider when creating digital advertising content.

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13 Digital Advertising

Creating More Meaningful Moments Across the Buyer’s Journey HPE Whitepaper • Shares in-depth information and insights on three types of digital advertising placement techniques. • Including definitions, advantages, and considerations for each technique

Access now Digital Advertising—Online, On Time, On Target HPE Infographic • Covers the importance of digital advertising in delivering timely, relevant, valuable information to prospects and customers.

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14 Content Marketing

15 Content Marketing Customers crave content. At the heart of digital marketing is the content that marketers provide for their prospects and customers. For B2B marketers, content marketing is key to helping develop strong and long-lasting relationships with prospects and customers at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Consider this: B2B companies who use content marketing generate 67% more leads than those that don’t.1 In this digital marketing age, customers aren’t waiting for information. They’re actively seeking it online, from their office, home, or wherever work takes them. Content includes much more than basic marketing tactics such as articles, Defining content whitepapers, and brochures—it can also include videos, case studies, blogs, marketing presentations, eBooks, social media posts, and more. Essentially, anything that helps customers educate themselves and impacts their purchasing decision can Content marketing is be considered content. the process of creating While content such as product brochures have their role, it’s vital that marketers and distributing timely, also create content that is interesting, fresh, relevant, and provides value. relevant, and valuable content to attract, acquire, and engage your target audience.

1 Source: https://www.impactbnd.com/blog/blogging-statistics-to-boost-your-strategy, January, 2017 16 Content Marketing

Where does content marketing fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention Content plays a key role in all phases of the buying journey as customers research and review materials on their way to making a purchase decision. Engage and persuade Marketers can make a significant impact in the second phase of the buyer’s Commit to purchase journey by delivering relevant, high-value content that can convince customers to place your brand or solution into their consideration set.

Content marketing needs to be a key part of your digital . The resources below can help you leverage best practices Access all on PSNow for creating and sharing the right content to the right audience at the right time.

Content Marketing Overview and Step-by-Step Guide HPE Article • Describes what content marketing is, why it’s a vital part of digital marketing, and how to create and share the right content to your customers throughout their buyer’s journey. • Includes a thorough checklist to get you started.

Access now Implementing a “Content Factory” Approach to Tackle Your Content Marketing Needs HPE Article • Shares an established framework for creating appropriate content that builds excitement around your brand, products, and solutions.

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17 Content Marketing

Thought Leadership and Content Marketing—They Just Go Together HPE Article • Summarizes how thought leadership and content marketing can work together to strengthen trust and loyalty among prospects and customers.

Access now Effective Content Marketing HPE Video • Describes the importance of content within your overall digital marketing plan. • Shares best practices and insights on what content is preferred and accessed throughout the buyer’s journey.

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18 Lead Nurturing

19 Lead Nurturing Take the lead on lead nurturing to grow pipeline. Today’s buyers engage with brands and companies through their own research across multiple channels—such as social media, events, collateral downloads—often long before marketing or sales has the opportunity to directly engage with them. Today’s buyers don’t become customers overnight. They need to be nurtured over time as they self-educate and build trust with a company. With lead nurturing, Defining lead marketers can communicate consistently with buyers across multiple channels and throughout the buyer’s journey—addressing the gap in time between when a lead nurturing first interacts with you and when the buyer is ready to purchase. Lead nurturing is the Implementing a solid and consistent lead-nurturing strategy can process of providing • Result in bigger sales—nurtured leads make 47% larger purchases1 than non- relevant and valuable nurtured leads content to prospective —nurtured leads have a 23% shorter sales cycle2 • Result in faster sales customers that helps • Provide a significant competitive advantage—25–50% of sales go to the vendor that responds first2 move them along the buyer’s journey. Lead nurturing can be automated or manual, but should be based on an ongoing communication with your prospect or customer that is personalized to their interests. Continuing to engage with prospective customers through lead nurturing can help you make sure you’re in the consideration set once they’re ready to buy. Studies show, marketers realize a 20% increase in sales opportunities from nurtured leads compared to non-nurtured.1

1 Source: https://www.marketo.com/definitive-guides/lead-nurturing/ (2016-2017) 2 Source: .hubspot.com/marketing/topic/lead-nurturing#sm.00012tnlhijulfepri71cs14b542d, August, 2017 20 Lead Nurturing

Where does lead nurturing fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention Lead nurturing is most effective for marketers in the latter phases of the buyer’s Engage and persuade journey through the use of content marketing, multi-touch emails, or retargeting Commit to purchase banners to nurture the customer from a prospect into a lead.

These resources further detail how you can incorporate lead nurturing into Access all on PSNow your digital marketing mix to convert prospects into leads.

Lead Nurturing Overview and Step-by-Step Guide HPE Article • Shares why lead nurturing is important for generating leads and filling the sales funnel. • Outlines four steps to take when creating a successful, comprehensive lead-generation program. • Includes a glossary of common lead nurturing terms.

Access now The Art of Nurturing Leads HPE Article • Explains the important role lead nurturing has in building customer relationships during their buyer’s journey. • Features a lead-nurturing architecture from HPE based on best practices, and a case study from a past HPE lead nurturing campaign.

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21 Lead Nurturing

Top 5 Strategies for Reaching the C-Suite through Lead Nurturing HPE Article • Describes best practices for reaching the elusive and busy C-suite audience.

Access now The Importance of Lead Nurturing HPE Infographic • Shares powerful statistics that show why a lead-nurturing program is so important for B2B marketers and sales.

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22 Social Media Marketing

23 Social Media Marketing Make an impact and engage with customers through social media. Considering 86% of B2B IT buyers use social in their purchase decisions1, it’s critical for B2B marketers to incorporate a strong social media marketing strategy into their overall marketing mix. Social media has rapidly become a viable tool for B2B buyers to research solutions, seek opinions from peers, and review content.

Engaging with B2B buyers requires a strong social media presence. 75% of B2B buyers use social media to make purchasing decisions2, and 71% of consumers who Defining social had a good social media service experience with a brand are likely to recommend it to others.3 media marketing Social media marketing Social media marketing takes a more personal approach to connecting with customers. Brands who have a solid social media presence can make a positive is the method of using impact among their customers. This not only strengthens customers’ relationships social networking sites with the brand, but also encourages them to reach out to others and share (such as LinkedIn, their experiences. Facebook, , YouTube, and others) as an online marketing tool to drive traffic, generate leads, and boost brand awareness.

1 Source: https://reply.io/101-social-selling-stats, April, 2017 2 Source: https://maark.com/b2b-search-and-social.html, 2017 3 Source: https://socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-marketing-industry-report-2017 24 Social Media Marketing

Where does social media fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention Social media marketing makes its strongest impact in the first two phases of the buyer’s journey as customers are seeking solutions and ideas through social Engage and persuade media channels. In particular, marketers can use social media marketing during the Commit to purchase engage and persuade phase to strengthen their position as a problem solver and solution provider.

83% of executives who choose a vendor on behalf of their companies use Access all on PSNow social media in their decision making.1 To be part of their consideration, you need to be diligent in using social media to connect, share, and engage with B2B buyers. The following resources can help you as you create and implement a social media marketing strategy.

Taking a Closer Look at Social Media Marketing HPE Article • Highlights the benefits of social media for B2B marketers. • Shares how to track the effectiveness of your social media campaigns. • Provides guidance on how to incorporate social media into your overall marketing mix.

Access now Make a Social Impact in your B2B Marketing HPE Article • Offers guidance on how to overcome some common misconceptions about using social media for B2B marketing.

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1 Source: https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2018/03/22/strategic-social-media-is-essential-for-driving-b2b-sales/#5b29331db02b 25 Social Media Marketing

Social Media Means Business. Top Three Social Media Platforms for B2B HPE Article • Shares data and insights about the most popular social media platforms used by B2B marketers today.

Access now The ROI of Social Media Marketing: Putting Social Media to Work for your Business HPE Article • Summarizes how tracking your social media results can help you gain valuable insights to increase the success of future campaigns.

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26 Social Selling

27 Social Selling Connect, cultivate, and close with social selling. While social media marketing provides a way for marketers to share content to a broad audience, social selling provides a way for salespeople to utilize their own social media channels to engage and share content in a more personable, relevant, and relatable way.

Social selling is a key tool for B2B salespeople. These days, 90% of decision makers never answer a cold call, but 75% of B2B buyers do use social media to make Defining social purchasing decisions.1 Through the use of social selling, salespeople are able to guide, educate, and build relationships with customers by supplying and discussing selling content, as well as answering buyers’ questions. Social selling is when Social selling lets salespeople make strong connections and engagements with salespeople utilize customers in near real time. Compared with other digital marketing strategies, their own social media social selling is more personal with true one-to-one engagements between channels to interact with salespeople and their customers. Salespeople who consistently utilize social selling prospects and customers as part of their customer outreach can significantly improve their success, with 72.6% of salespeople who use social media as a core part of their sales process on a one-to-one basis outperforming those who don’t.2 to share content, build relationships, and learn Customers take notice when a salesperson reaches them through social means. 91% of B2B buyers are now active and involved in social media3, making your more about their social media presence more important than ever. challenges and needs.

1 Source: https://reply.io/101-social-selling-stats, April, 2017 2 Source: https://www.socialmediaexaminer.com/social-media-marketing-industry-report-2017/ 3 Source: https://www.superoffice.com/blog/social-selling-statistics/, 2018 28 Social Selling

Where does social selling fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention It’s up to salespeople to drive social selling, particularly when building relationships and trust during the engage and persuade phase. Marketers need to provide Engage and persuade relevant product, solution, and promotional content for sales teams to share with Commit to purchase their customers throughout the buying journey and, ultimately, to help close the sale.

Learn more about how social selling differs from social media marketing, and how both play a critical role in moving customers through the Access all on PSNow buyer’s journey.

Act. React. Interact. How Differs Act. React. Interact. How social selling differs from social marketing From Social Selling HPE Article • Explains the differences and unique roles social selling and social

Internal white paper For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. marketing play in helping customers move along their buyer’s journey. • Includes a side-by-side comparison as a handy reference guide.

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Internal white paper For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. Build Connections—and Business—With Build connections—and business—with social selling Social Selling HPE Article • Provides an overview of how social selling fits into an overall digital strategy. • Shares suggestions on how marketing and sales can work together to set up and implement a social selling strategy.

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Internal white paper For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. Social Selling: Understanding the Rules of Conduct Social Selling: Understanding the rules HPE Article of conduct • Shares guidelines on how to properly and effectively engage with prospects and customers through social selling.

Access now 29 Social Selling

The Why of Social Selling: An Evolution in the B2B Sales Approach HPE Article • Stresses why social selling is an effective way for B2B marketers and salespeople to reach prospects and clients throughout the buyer’s journey.

Access now Social Marketing and Social Selling With HPE HPE Video • Covers the importance of integrating social media within the buyer’s journey. • Details the impact social selling can make in nurturing prospects and closing sales.

Watch now Amplify Sales With Social Media Trends HPE Edelman Video • Features Mory Fontanez, Managing Director for Global Client Strategy at Edelman, a global communications marketing firm. • Provides insights on how today’s social media trends in B2B are affecting how sales and marketing engage with customers.

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30 Social Selling

Leverage Social Marketing and Selling to Drive Sales HPE Edelman Video • Explains how sales and marketing must work together to create effective, consistent communications with customers through social media.

Watch now Engage and Grow Your Network HPE Video • Describes the types of content you should consider to create engaging social media posts. • Details how the HPE Partner Ready Social Media Center can help you find, customize, and place HPE social media content. • Shares how you can strategically grow your social presence on key social media channels

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31 Search

32 Search How Search impacts your ROI. Every digital marketing initiative or campaign needs to include search engine marketing (SEM) or search engine optimization (SEO) to improve its chance of reaching your target audience. Why? Because search is one of the most common first steps for customers as they begin their buying journey:

• 90% of B2B online buyers use search specifically to research business purchases, conducting an average of 12 searches prior to engaging with a brand1 • 71% begin with a generic search query, looking for product and solutions options first, not a specific brand1 Defining search By having a strong search strategy that incorporates both paid search (SEM) and marketing unpaid (SEO), you can make sure your brand has a significant presence as your Search marketing is the customers begin their search process. You want your website and content to be process of gaining traffic easy to locate. After all, the sooner they find your website, the more likely they’ll engage with your content and place you into their consideration set for purchase. and visibility for websites and pages from search More importantly, search marketing refinement never ends. You need to continually engines through both optimize your website to ensure you’re listed high on search results pages. Adding paid search to your strategy can further enhance visibility among your customers. paid and unpaid efforts. It Together, SEO and SEM can make the difference between customers finding your encompasses both Search brand instead of the competition. Engine Optimization (SEO) and Search Engine Marketing (SEM).

1 Source: https://www.weidert.com/whole_brain_marketing_blog/understanding-todays-b2b-buyer, June, 2017 33 Search

Where does search fit in the buyer’s journey? Earn attention As an HPE partner, you should focus your search marketing on the engage and Engage and persuade persuade phase with a keyword strategy that’s more focused on the specific Commit to purchase product or solution you provide.

You can use search to complement and support any digital marketing campaign. The resources below provide insights and guidance in developing Access all on PSNow a search strategy, then managing and modifying it to maximize results.

Business white paper For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. Keys to a Stronger Keyword Strategy Keys to a stronger keyword strategy Optimize your search marketing with keywords HPE Article • Illustrates how you can optimize your search marketing activities to complement HPE campaigns. • Details best practices to consider to maximize your search ranking with keywords.

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Business white paper For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. The Search Is On: SEO/SEM Guide The search is on: SEO/SEM guide Increasing business results through search HPE Article • Reveals the differences between organic and paid search. • Explains the importance of website optimization and keyword strategy. • Illustrates how to manage and implement your bid strategy.

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Business white paper For HPE and Channel Partner internal use only. Are You Search Savvy? Are you search savvy? Explore the latest technologies that can impact your search marketing HPE Article • Describes new search technologies like voice search and machine learning, and how they’re altering how marketers think about SEM.

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34 Search

Optimizing Search With HPE HPE Video • Illustrates how you can optimize your search marketing activities to complement HPE campaigns’ with ongoing HPE campaigns. • Discusses best practices for search and HPE recommended search strategy for channel partners.

Watch now Optimize your Search Marketing With HPE ptiie your search aretin with Historicall te first ase of te ers orne as alwas inclded edcation and researcreiewing hat is search? coman rocres and collateral seaking wit earc marketing is te rocess of gaining traffic and eers attending eents and tradesows and engaging isiilit from searc engines trog ot aid and wit sales res naid efforts Howeer tese das mc of tat reliminar researcers do HPE Playcard researc is done online wit te maorit of tose searces eginning wit a generic searc n aerage researcers do searces rior to 71% engaging wit a secific rands site 12 searches learl ers rel eail on searc as a ital of researcers start teir on aerage rior to engaging on art of te ers orne wic is w searc searc wit a generic searc a secific rands site mst e art of an sccessfl marketing lan

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ranic an pai wor etter toether • Summarizes how to establish a keyword strategy that aligns with omining organic and aid searc can significantl imroe or searc reslts and drie incremental traffic to or wesite ere are additional enefits of tiliing ot organic and aid sc as te ailit to romote mltile destinations on or comans wesite or instance wile or organic listing ma link to a age wit rodct information or aid ad can oint to a age featring crrent offers or or online store working in tandem o gain greater isiilit on te wic gies o a cometitie adantage eling generate greater crediilit of or coman to rosects and cstomers the buyer’s journey and complements HPE search activities. • Includes a checklist for creating and launching a paid search

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35 HPE Marketing Tools and Resources

36 HPE Marketing Tools and resources HPE tools and resources to empower your digital marketing journey. Accelerate your digital marketing execution by accessing the following HPE tools and resources to help you create, launch, and even track your own digital marketing initiatives.

HPE Products and Solutions Now (PSNow) PSNow provides an easy way to find and access a variety of relevant, high-value digital marketing content to help move your customers along the digital buyer’s journey. Content available through PSNow includes product and solution information, campaign content, selling collateral, and co-marketing campaign assets.

Access now

HPE Partner Ready Social Media Center The HPE Social Media Center is a complete social media tool that helps you integrate ready-to-post, customizable social media content into your digital marketing programs. Through the tool, you can deploy click-to- share content, customize posts and schedules, access measurement and analytics tools, tools, as well as review training content on industry trends.

Access now Or if already logged into the HPE Partner Ready Portal, access via this navigation path: HPE Partner Ready Portal home page > Sales &Marketing > Marketing Resources > Social Media Center

HPE Content Syndication Services Through HPE Content Syndication Services, you can automatically receive HPE product and marketing content pushed directly to your website or online store where you can customize, supplement, and package it under your brand. Choose the service that best fits your go-to-market strategy, and receive leads directly from the dynamically syndicated HPE brand showcase.

Access now Or if already logged into the HPE Partner Ready Portal, access via this navigation path: HPE Partner Ready Portal home page > Sales & Marketing > 37 Marketing Resources > Content Syndication HPE Marketing Tools and resources

HPE Partner Marketing Concierge Can’t find what you’re looking for? Let HPE help you find the HPE digital marketing content and assets you need. Connect to qualified consultants to get training on HPE digital marketing tools, help you quickly and easily locate HPE content and assets including sales content and social media content, and get support on content syndication.

Access now

HPE Marketing Services Agencies (MSAs) HPE-approved MSAs offer a full range of B2B marketing services to our partners to help them plan and develop effective demand and lead-generation marketing campaigns and activities that are funded or co-funded with HPE Market Development Funds (MDF).

Access now

HPE Co-Marketing Campaigns Enhance your digital marketing initiatives by accessing complete, ready-to-use, customizable HPE campaigns and assets. These campaign assets include digital demand generation tactics such as infographics, digital ads, and e-DMs that support the digital buyer’s journey. You’ll also find Channel Campaign Prep Kits and Social Media Kits for current HPE campaigns that include guidance on how to develop and execute an integrated digital marketing campaign.

Access now Or if already logged into the HPE Partner Ready Portal, access via this navigation path: HPE Partner Ready Portal home page > Sales & Marketing > Marketing Resources > Products & Solutions Now >Co-Marketing (under the section Content Types)

38 Contact: Resources To see the full set of resources available to HPE channel partners, visit the HPE Partner Ready Digital Marketing Program website. and contacts For additional support: Access the HPE Partner Marketing Concierge.

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