El 632 Vol. 2

Public Disclosure Authorized World Bank Financed Transport Project Sub-project 2: Rural Transport

ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Public Disclosure Authorized Public Disclosure Authorized

Constructor: Guiyang Project Management Office Author: Institute of Environmental Science and Designing Public Disclosure Authorized December 2006 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

Compiler: Guizhou Institute of Environmental Science and Designing Certificate: No.3302, Grade 1, National Environmental Assessment Legal person: Zhang Wei Institute's technical chief: Zhang Tao Environment assessment project chief: Zhang Junfang

Outline Compilers: Name Title Responsibilities Tu Senior Social Current and impact, project analysis Zhijiang Engineer Zhu Keyong Engineer Ecologic environmental impact, treatment Current noise environment and Luo Jing Engineer impact, noise treatment, , Public consultation Xie Yun Engineer Current water environment and impact, risk evaluation, treatment General provisions, Current environmental air and impact, treatment Junfang Engineer measures of

Junfang _atmosphere, Public consultation

Reviewer: Name Title Yang XieKe Senior Engineer Shi Lunxuan Senior Engineer

2 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

List of Abbreviations

EA Environmental Assessment EIA Environmental Impact Assessment EMP Environmental Management Plan BOD Biological Oxygen Demands COD Chemical Oxygen Demands TP Total Phosphor dB(A) Decibel (Acoustic)

NH3-N Ammonia Nitrogen pH Acidity unit SS Suspended Solids

NO2 Nitrogen Dioxide OP (World Bank) Operational Policies PMO Project Management Office PRC The People's Republic of EPB Environmental Protection Bureau TOR Terms o f Reference

3 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project


I General introduction ...... 7 1. I Background of the project ...... 7 1.2 Purposes of EIA ...... 7 1.3 Basis of the EA ...... 7 1.4 EIA scope ...... 8 1.5 EIA contents and key points ...... 8 1.5.1 EIA contents ...... 8 1.5.2 Key points ...... 8 2 General description of the project ...... 9 2.1 Project composing and design parameters ...... I 9 2.2 Role the project is to play in the transportation planning in Guiyang City ...... 16 2.3 Prediction for transportation volumes and proper passenger number ...... 16 2.3.1Prediction for transportation volumes ...... 16 2.3.2 Prediction for the proper passenger number of stations ...... 17 3 Natural and social environments in the project area ...... 1 8 3.1 Description of natural environment ...... 18 3. 1.1 Landform and topography ...... 18 3.1.2 Geology ...... 18 3.1.3 Climate and Meteorology ...... 19 3.1.4 Hydrology ...... 19 3.1.5 Vegetation ...... 20 3.1.6 Cultural relics ...... 20 3.1.7 Involvements between scenic sites and the project ...... 20 3.2 Social environment ...... 23 3.2.1 Administration and population ...... 23 3.2.2 Ethnic minorities ...... 23 3.2.3 Resource and products ...... 23 3.2.4 Economic development ...... 24 3.2.5 Traffic condition ...... 24 3.3 Current status of environmental quality and environmental functional area classification ...... 24 3.3.1 Current status of environmental quality ...... 24 3.3.2 Environmental functional area classification ...... 25 4 Rural road engineering ...... 26 4.1 Sensitive objectives of rural road engineering ...... 26 4.2 Identification of key environmental problems ...... 27 4.3 Environmental impacts during construction period ...... 27 4.3.1 Analysis for water environmental impact ...... 28 4.3.2 Analysis of air environment impact ...... 29 4.3.3Noise impact ...... 29 4.3.4 Impact on ecological environment ...... 30

4 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

4.3.5 Impact of social environment ...... 31 4.3.6 Impact of infrastructure ...... 31 4.4 Impact of operation period ...... 32 4.4.1 Acoustical environment ...... 32 4.4.2 Atmospheric environment ...... 32 4.4.3 Minority ...... 32 4.4.4 Road transportation ...... 33 4.4.5 Impact on landuse ...... 33 4.4.6 Impact on landscape ...... 33 4.4.7 Indirect impact on scenic spot near the roads ...... 33 Tianhetan scenic spot in Huaxi ...... 34 Xiangzhigou scenic site in Wudang ...... 35 Yangming scenic site in ...... 35 Baihua Lake scenic site ...... 36 Analysis on scenic site's management capacity ...... 37 5 Environmental impacts of rural bus station ...... 39 5.1 Sensitive spot of rural bus station ...... 39 5.2 Analysis on the sources of environmental impacts of the proposed project ..... 40 5.3 Identification of key environmental problems ...... 40 5.4 Environmental impacts during construction period ...... 40 5.4.1 Atmosphere environment ...... 40 5.4.2 Noise environment ...... 41 5.4.3 Aquatic environment ...... 41 5.4.4 Soil erosion ...... 41 5.4.5 Population densely distribution areas ...... 41 5.5 Environmental impacts during operational period ...... 42 5.5.1 Noise ...... 42 5.5.2 Air pollution ...... 42 5.5.3 Water pollution ...... 42 5.5.4 Solid wastes ...... 43 5.5.5 Passenger and cargo transportation ...... 43 5.5.6 Land use ...... 43 5.5.7 Improvement of transportation conditions ...... 43 6 Public Participation ...... 44 6.1 purpose and role of public participation ...... 44 6.2 Scope, method and contents of public consultation ...... 44 6.2.1 Brief description ...... 44 6.2.2 Public consultation ...... 44 6.3 Result of public consultation ...... 48 6.3.1 Rsults of personal questionnaire survey ...... 48 6.3.2 Results of questionnaire survey towards groups ...... 49 6.4 Information release ...... 49 6.5 Acceptance of public suggestion ...... 51 7 Environmental Management Plan ...... 63

5 9

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1o3fOld i.odsumjl jem- :z iooiod-qnS V1l 13nfold 9Jgjl SuleA!n 9 pueui!j Tuug PPloA World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

1 General introduction

1.1 Background of the project With the purpose of supporting the strategic goal of "construction of Big Guiyang City" and pushing forward the great-leap-forward development of transportation in downtown and suburban of Guiyang City, the following goals have been listed in the "Planning for Road Network in Guiyang City during the year 2002 to 2020" by Guiyang Municipal Government. 1) Constructing or reconstructing annually of road at county or township level with total length of 500km; 2) constructing annually 10OOkm of hardening road for impoverished villages; 3)Within 3 years time, constructing or reconstructing 3000km road with quality equal or above tertiary road for several impoverished villages; constructing entrance road with quality equal or above tertiary road for each impoverished village; and at the same time strengthening the management and maintenance of roads at county, township as well as countryside level under the maintenance scope of Guiyang City. However, with the constraints of both socioeconomic development and the geographical condition, the existing transportation infrastructure system in Guiyang City can hardly support the platform of development for "construction of Big Guiyang City". The "bottleneck" for transportation in Guiyang City hasn't been broken through from the root despite that transportation networks within limited area have already come into being through years of construction. Meanwhile, overall system of urban transportation networks in Guiyang has not yet come into being for the reason of the absence of cycled line connections among different trunk lines in Guiyang City, and of the radioactive channels, which are able to perform sufficiently the urban function. In addition, roads connecting counties and villages are characterized by low classification and poor passage and reachable function due to the late startup of construction, which becomes one of the factors holding back the socioeconomic development in villages along the line. In order to raise fund for construction of urban and township transportation infrastructure system in Guiyang City, loaning application to World Bank has been proposed by Chinese Government. Viewing the real situation of urban and township transportation infrastructure system in Guiyang City, the loaning project was listed in the loaning plans of World Bank for the fiscal year of 2007.At the same time, the project was also listed by State Council of China in a three year plan for utilizing loans from World Bank. Approved by Development and Reform Committee of Guizhou Province in February 2005 with the document Qianfagaiwaizi No[2005]167,total investments for the project are 1.6 billion Yuan(RMB), among which 800 millions Yuan are from World Bank(Converted into 100 millions USD), while the rest will be raised by Chinese side.

1.2 Purposes of EIA Purposes of EIA include: 1 Identifying the major environmental problems for the sub-project 2 Assessing the direct and potential environmental impacts 3 Proposing the control and mitigation measures for the specific environmental problems.

1.3 Basis of the EA Relevant regulatory, policy and administrative requirements for environmental assessment

7 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project of development projects in China, both at state and municipal levels, were followed during the preparation and evaluation o f environmental assessment, as were the Bank's safeguard policies. Major laws and regulations applied in the EA are as follows: Laws of Environmental Protection o f the PRC of December 26, 1989; Law of Air Pollution Control o f the PRC of September 1,2000; Law of Water PollutionControl o f the PRC of May 15, 1996; Law of Environmental Noise PollutionControl of the PRC o f March 1, 1997; Law of Cultural Property Protection o f the PRC of October 28, 2002; Guizhou Environmental Protection Regulations of 1992; Management Regulations on Environmental Protection for Construction Projects of November, 1998; Administrative Regulation for Protection of Basic Farmland,Document No257 from State Council,Dec,1998. Wild Animal Protection Law of P.R. China, Novermber, 8,1988; Forrest Law of P.R. China, Sep, 20,1984; Scenery spot Management tantative Law, Jane, 7, 1985; Technical Specifications for Environmental Impact Assessment; and Various applicable regulatory standards for air, water, noise and non-contaminated biological fields; World Bank safeguard policies: Environments Assessment (OP/BP/GP4.01), Natural Habitats (OP/BP4.04), Cultural Property (OP4.11). The EA work also makes the reference to various project preparation documents, including project feasibility study reports, General Roadnet Planning of Guizhou Province (1991-2020), and expert opinions and review comments for the EA TOR. Various graded plans for road net related with the project have also been the basis for the EA.

1.4 EIA scope 200m areas or the areas possible direct or indirect impacts may take place around the project cite

1.5 EIA contents and key points

1.5.1 ETA contents Analysis of Environmental Sensetive objectives along the project, ecoenvironmental impact induced by the project; The impact to nearby scenery spots and cultrue properties; Impacts of noise and dust during construction period on environment; Environmental control measures; Public opinion towards the project and the impacts of demolition and resettlement on environment.

1.5.2 Key points Impacts of the projects on air, noise, and water environment; Impacts of the projects on ecosystem.

8 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

2 General description of the project

2.1 Project composing and design parameters The whole project composes 44 rural roads and 46 bus stations. See table 2-1-1, 2-1-2,and fig 2-1-1.

Table 2-1-1 44 rural roads general description

Section No Sub- Length Construction Width of Width of Towns and villages along Design

Project (km) scale the existing the the road parameters

road projected Width of Vehicle

(m) road (m) Road Rate

Base(m) (km/h)

Baiyun R38 Liangshuijing 6.213 Grade 4, 3-6.5 6.5 Duijiazhuang, xinzai, 6.5 20

District - dashanjiao Reconstruction shazhishao farmland,


Huaxi R19 Tianhetan- 4.582 Grade 4, 4 6.5 Tianhetan, ludi, gairong 6.5 20 District Gairong Reconstruction

R14 Maipin- 13.81 Grade 4, 4-5.5 6.5 Maiping, wangzhuang, 6.5 20 Huchao- 9 Reconstruction changba, yuanfang,

Machang hucao, qishang, machang

Wudang R20 Dagu-Laping 24.29 Grade 4, 6.5 7.5 Dagu, shangtangko, 7.5 30

District 4 Reconstruction dazai, xingbao,

and new wanggang, longjiao,

construction taping

R33 Shuitian- 9.768 Grade 3, 3.5 7.5 Shuitian, lizhi, 7.5 30

Dingpa Reconstruction huangchai, peie, dingba

R24 Daqiao- 26.46 Grade 4, 3-5 6.5 Daqiao, guxi, rangshang, 6.5 20

Hefeng 5 Reconstruction youngfen, yangrnei,

wangche, hefeng

R41 Xiaba-Gujin 6.161 Grade 4, 4.5 6.5 Xiaba, qiabaoguaiko, 65 20 Reconstruction gujin

Qinzhen R4 Liwo-Qibai 18.08 Grade 4, 6 6.5 Zuoba, hexi, zhoujiaqiao, 6.5 20 City 2 Reconstruction bailang, dagu,

mangzhukai, yangliujing,

wen] ing, maocao

R6 Chashan- 13.74 Grade 4, 4-6 6.5 Mashu, tianping, 6.5 20 Liming 7 Reconstruction dahuala, daping

RIO Maolishan- 4.486 Grade 4, 4-6 6.5 liangshuijing 6.5 20 qinshan Reconstruction

R2t Baiyan- 16.25 Grade 4, 4-7 6.5 Maojiazai, baiyang, 6.5 20 Minglian- 7 Reconstruction youqi, boluo, minglian, Longjing gendi

9 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

20 R31 Tiaozichang 10.88 Grade 4, 4 6.5 Huangshi, zhaowu, 6.5

-Chayuan 9 Reconstruction bumeng 20 R18 Xianshui- 9.132 Grade 4, 6 6.5 Labai, datu 6 5

Datu Reconstruction

R28 VWicheng'- 19.19 Grade 4, 4.5-5 6.5 Shangzai, yemao, 6.5 20 Liujidianzhan 3 Reconstruction panj iazai, haoj ia

R26 Pingyuanshao 5.85 Grade 4, 3-6 6.5 Shuttang, baini 6.5 20

-qugzhendia Reconstruction

20 R36 VWhngchenpo- 17.11 Grade 4, 4-6 6.5 Tashan, liyutang, 6.5

xiaoshanbian 2 Reconstruction qingshan, shichao 20 R40 Yongle- 10.47 Grade 4, 4-5 6.5 Miaotian, tianjiawan, 6.5

guanba 0 Reconstruction dongdixia, shaba 20 R42 Anliu-shatia 20,81 Grade 4, 4-6 6.5 Anliu, shatian, xingdian 6.5

n- xindian 3 Reconstruction 7.5 30 Xiuwen R7 Guangtian-h 14.16 Grade 3, 4 7.5 Tuanshan, qianfeng,

County ejiangdong Reconstruction pingying, jingshan, yuanqing, wulong 20 R30 Shetian-wu 18.31 Grade 4, 3.5 6.5 Zhexi, hongyan, 6.5

gongqiao-xi 3 Reconstruction xingyan, shaoshang,

aoba wugongqiao, xingle 20 RI Danmu- 28.29 Grade 4, 2.5-5 6.5 Xiaomu, sanzai, raoshang, 6.5

xinyang 8 Reconstruction yongfeng, baozai 20 R16 Liutong-bai 10.76 Grade 4, 5-8 6.5 Sanbao, liangjing, 6.5

mao 6 Reconstruction tuanxin, huangquan 30 R12 Xiaohegou- 28 62 Grade 3, 4-5 7.5 Xinzai, nuchang, ganba, 7.5

shuiko 2 Reconstruction shaxi, changchong, pingzai, hongxing. shuiko, datang

R35 Shuitang-sh 10.98 Grade 3, 4-5 7.5 shuitang 7.5 30

iyiba 5 Reconstruction 20 R2 Xingzhong- 17.10 Grade 4, 3 6.5 Xmnhe, shapo, heyin, 6.5

wulaoshan- 7 Reconstruction qingkang, gangzai,

zhongrning beizhuang, zhongni

R34 Shian- 10 88 Grade 4, 3.5 6.5 Shian, baibianjie, xiabao, 6.5 20

lufang 6 Reconstruction shangbao 30 R8 Xiaojing-qi 18.92 Grade 3, 4-6.5 7 5 Daxing, xiaoba, chuanxin, 7.5

ngshan 9 Reconstruction quanhu, gangzai. xinzai 6.5 20 Xifen Rll Zhuhua-xinya 17.18 Grade 4, 6.5 6.5 Sailing, zhifang, wenshe

County ng-huguang 5 Reconstruction

R23 G210-nanji 15.38 Grade 4, 4.5-6.5 6.5 Guangtian, heba, 6.5 20 4 Reconstruction nanqiao, nanzhong 20 R43 Tiantai-jing 13.19 Grade 4, 3.5-6.5 6.5 Xinlong, anda, chayuan, 6.5

zhong 4 Reconstruction dashui, shaba

10 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

R29 Guangtianba- 9.433 Grade 4, 6.5 6 5 Xishan 6.5 20 fenhuangchi Reconstruction

R15 Gaojiaba-zh 26.03 Grade 4, 3.5-6 6.5 Gaojiaba, wujiadapo, 6.5 20

ongjiaping-j 4 Reconstruction gaishuijing, zhongzai,

ingjlang hejianzai, jingjiang

R32 Yalongshi-p 7.102 Grade 4, 4.5-6.5 6.5 Qinggang, goujiaowan 6.5 20 ingshan Reconstruction

R37 Wenquan-sh 20.39 Grade 4, 5-6 6.5 Ganghua, ganzhi, 6.5 20

angzai 0 Reconstruction wanzhi, mashui, sanjiao

Kaiyang R5 Yongwen- 17.63 Grade 4, 24 6.5 Yonghen, shuanghen, 6.5 20

County liangluko 8 Reconstruction shuanghe, anping

R3 Nanlong- 15.64 Grade 4, 3.5-4.5 6.5 Wencha, zhongqiao, 6.5 20

lewanghe Reconstruction wenshao, qingjiang

R9 Maoping- 15.77 Grade 4, 34 6.5 Xinglong, huiqian, 6.5 20

xinshan 4 Reconstruction maoping, lanhuping

R22 Longgang-liji 21.31 Grade 4, 24 6.5 Dashuitang, kabi, 6.5 20 ng-naoyun I Reconstruction geling,lijing

R17 Guajiu- 16.99 Grade 4, 6-6.5 6.5 Shunhe, dajing, 6.5 20 longgang 4 Reconstruction dashuitang

R13 Zaiji- 27.21 Grade 4 and 3, 2-3.5 6.5 Yantang, qingpo, daba, 6.5 20(30) xingshan 5 Reconstruction /7.5 daping

R25 Gaozai- 17.07 Grade 4, 6.5 6.5 Gufen, xinxia, pinzai 6.5 20 guangzhong 6 Reconstruction

R27 Fenshan- 10.46 Grade 4, 2-3.5 6.5 Pingshang, xinghua, 6.5 20 yongwen 4 Reconstruction xiaozai

R39 Guyang- 11.43 Grade 4, 24 6.5 Daban, guanko, 6.5 20

wenzhen- 0 Reconstruction guantian, tianlin,

jiangshan nanmuao, limawo

R44 Nanlong- f3.19 Grade 4, 3.5-4 6.5 Shangzai, nangong, 6.5 20

gujing 4 Reconstruction fangjiazai, shuitoushang

* Note: the road No corresponds to the Road No. in the feasibility study report.

Table 2-1-2 General information of the bus stations

Projected Scale Sub-project Section Location (Grade, No. ScinLcto (bus station) person-times per day) Xiuwen S I Jiuchang County Northwest part of the jiuchang market town Grade 5, 200

Located in edge side of Tuchang village, S 11 Fengsan Kaiyang Fengsantown, where the 002 county road is Grade 5, 250 nearby

SIll Huali Kaiyang Built at an abandened depot, which is belonged to Grade 5, 200 grain management department of Huali town

11 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

Qinzhen Near the baihua road, and facing the farming Grade 5, 150 SIV Baihuahu ,Gae5 5 City trade market of Baihuahu town Xiuwen Close near No. 190 county, Fuyu village, Gupu S V Gubao Grade 5, 150 County town Qinzhen SVI Xindian Southern side of Xindian township government Grade 5, 300 City

SVII Dangwu Huaxi Southern side of Capsicum market, Dangyang Grade 5, 100 District village, Dangwu town

Xifen SV\il Luwo Coun East bank of Wentong River, Luwo township Grade 5, 100 County

- Huaxi West of the Zhengfu Road, lOOm southwest of Sl Gaopo .. Grade 4, 950 District the township government site

Northeast of the township government site, east S2 Maling Distnct of the market of agricultural products market, Grade 4, 400 50m to the road of township level

Huaxi S3 Maiping Huaxi South of the road of county level Grade 4, 900

Huaxi south of Guiyang Chengyu natural pepper S4 Yiyaoyuanqu . pigment extraction company which is under Grade 4, 250 District construction

Huaxi North of the Zhong-Guang line, south of the S5 Shiban ,Grade 4, 1350 District village

Huaxi North of the State Road 201, west of the S6 Xiaobi ,Grade 4, 650 District committee of Xiaba village

Huaxi West of Jingzhongqiao-Shiban Road of county S7 Jiu'an Grade 4, 650 District level

Huaxi North of the road of provincial level, northwest S8 Huchao Grade 4, 1350 District 15m of the township government site

Huaxi South of Leng-Qian Road, north of the village, S9 Qiantao Grade 4, 450 District west 500m of the primary school

Huaxi North 200m of the government site, east of the S10 Yanlou ,Grade 4, 650 District road of township level

Wudang South of the State Road 321, northeast 700m of Sll Jinhua ,Grade 4, 1450 District the center Wudang 321 East of Guiyang-Kaiyang Road, north of S12 Yangchang Distract Yangchang-Baiyi Road, adjacent to the Grade 4, 500 agricultural products market at the west

Wudang Adjacent to Yongle-Guiyang Road and S 13 Yongle Grade 4, 400 District agricultural products market

South of Baiyi-Dashiban Road, east of S14 Baiyi Dang Baiyi-Xintianzhai Road, adjacent to the Grade 4, 450 District agricultural products market at the west

12 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

Wudang South of Machangping-Baiyi Road, adjacent to S15 Xiaba District the primary school at the west, at the original Grade 4, 500 place of the grain administration station Wudang At the original site of the paper mill of the S 16 Xinchang Grade 4, 500 District township Wudang S17 Xinbao Dang At the site of the township government Grade 4, 200 District

S Wudang East of Pianpo-Dongfeng Road, 500m to the S 18 Pianpo ,Grade 4, 100 District township government site Kaiyang A plot of farmland at the west of -Kaiyang S 19 Zhaiji Grade 4, 300 County Road which is under construction

- Kaiyang North of Yong-Wen Road, at the original site of S20 Yongwen Grade 4, 300 County the grain administration station Kaiyang S21 Maoyun West of Mao-Gang Road Grade 4, 200 County

S22 Gaozhai Kaiyang Beside the clinic of the township Grade 4, 400 County

S23 Longshui Kaiyang In the Longjiang village, Longshui township Grade 4, 250 County

Kaiyang East of the Gaoping- Miping Road, north of the S24 Miping ,Grade 4, 150 County Zhaiji-Shanxin Road

Kaiyang North of the provincial road 104, west of the S25 Hefeng ,Grade 4, 250 County agricultural products market East of the Yanglongsi-Wenquan Road, north of Xifeng the Ring Road of the town, west of the S26 Yanglongsi ,Grade 4, 350 County Sichuan-Guizhou railway, and adjacent to the agricultural products market at the north

S27 Xishan Xifeng South of Dizhai-Maluyan Road, east of Xi-Jiu Grade 4, 250 County Road

Xifeng South of Minzu Road, north of Qingshan Road, S28 Qingshan ,, Grade 5, 150 County west of Yong-Qing Road

Xiuwen A plot of farmland, 220m to the County Road S29 Liutun County 192, adjacent to the agricultural products market Grade 5, 400 at the west Xiuwen At the conjunction of Saping-Xiuwen Raod and S30 Saping Grade 4, 450 County Xiaoba-Wugongqiao Raod

Xiuwen East of Jinsha-Guiyang Road which is in S31 Dashi Grade 4, 350 County planning

Qingzhen In the new village for farmers, south of the S32 Wangzhuang ,Grade 4, 350 City County Road 004, west of the planned road

13 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

Qingzhen S33 Zhanjie Grade 4, 400 City

.h Adjacent to Maige Road(in planning) at east, S34 Maige .t south of the village where the government is Grade 4, 450 City located, 500m to Wei-Bai Road

Qingzhen West of Zhan-Zhi Road, at the original site of S35 Liwo ,Grade 4, 700 City grain administration station

Qingzhen At the Sanqu Street, beside the agricultural S36 Anliu Grade 4, 450 City products marke South of the roundabout of Zhongba Street, north

S37 Zhongba i of Laojiao warehouse, at the original site of the Grade 4, 800 agricultural products market

Miao'ershan bus Qingzhen West of the downtown of Qingzhen city, south of S3 8 station for transit Grade 4, 1400 buses City Guiyang-Huangguoshu Road

14 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

Roadnet plan of Guiyang City and the distibution of the world bank financed traffic projet



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Note: The number in the map corresponds to the table 2-1-1.

Fig 2-1-1 Distribution map of Guiyang rural raods

15 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

2.2 Role the project is to play in the transportation planning in Guiyang City

44 roads and 46 countryside bus stops in the project, which are to be distributed sporadically in three districts, three counties, and one city in Guiyang City, is the important component of road networks of Guiyang City. Thanks to the implementation of all the sub-projects, the distribution and transportation of road networks in Guiyang City will be more reasonable, which is significant to the optimization of structure of road networks, the strengthening of effects of poverty alleviation, the expansion of people numbers benefited from the project , the strengthening of social and economic efficiency of road networks, as well as the promotion of local economic development.

2.3 Prediction for transportation volumes and proper passenger number

2.3.lPrediction for transportation volumes According to the feasibility study report for the project, the predicted traffic results of each road in the region are listed in the table 2-3-1 . Table 2-3-1 Prediction for transportation volumes for each road transportation volumes ( pcu/d ) No. Road name 2005 2010 2020 2025

R38 Liangshuijing- dashanjiao 600 801 1369 1665

R19 Tianhetan-Gairong 858 1067 1290 1543

R14 Maipin-Huchao-Machang 362 492 882 1073

R20 Dagu-Laping 250 394 624 910

R33 Shuitian-Dingpa 205 315 576 810

R24 Daqiao-Hefeng 364 490 786 914

R41 Xiaba-Gujin 220 325 580 850

R4 Liwo-Qibai 320 443 832 1037

R6 Chashan-Liming 164 427 727 932

RIO Maolishan-qinshan 208 488 641 974

R21 Baiyan-Minglian-Longjing 168 333 657 845

R31 Tiaozichang-Chayuan 96 310 680 911

R18 Xianshui-Datu 106 447 776 1044

R28 Weicheng-Liujidianzhan 214 397 657 894

R26 Pingyuanshao-qingzhendianchang 86 319 524 779

R36 Wangchenpo-xiaoshanbian 148 305 685 980

R40 Yongle- guanba 678

R42 Anliu-shatian- xindian 805

R7 Guangtian-hejiangdong 321 453 891 1165

R30 Shetian-wugongqiao-xiaoba 280 513 822 1190

16 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

RI Damu- xinyang 224 316 622 913 R16 Liutong-baimao 286 363 661 1075 R12 Xiaohegou-shuiko 268 407 878 1018 R35 Shuitang-shiyiba 298 438 672 956

R2 Xingzhong-wulaoshan-zhongming 308 452 700 1092 R34 Shian- lufang 264 408 723

RII Xiaojing-qingshan 108 358 626 906 R8 Zhuhua-xinyang-huguang 328 480 990 1233 R23 G210-nanji 88 229 566 831 R43 Tiantai-jingzhong 198 390 697 945 R29 Guangtianba-fenhuangchi 86 326 660 923 R 15 Gaojiaba-zhongjiaping--jingjiang 834 R32 Yalongshi-pingshan 673 R37 Wenquan-shangzai 668 R5 Yongwen- liangluko 189 467 825 1270 R3 Nanlong- lewanghe 308 435 855 1092 R9 Maoping- xinshan 208 494 978 1237

R22 Longgang-lijing--aoyun 178 451 794 1031

R17 Guajiu- longgang 206 291 572 730

R13 Zaiji- xingshan 346 488 861 1026

R25 Gaozai- guangzhong 126 378 650 847

R27 Fenshan- yongwen 186 263 516 659

R39 Guyang- wenzhen-jiangshan 552

R44 Nanlong- gujing 706

2.3.2 Prediction for the proper passenger number of stations

According to feasibility study for the project, proper passenger numbers for the year 2010,2015, and 2020 are listed in table 2-3-2

Table 2-3-2 proper passenger number ( ten thousands persons)prediction

Year Jiuchang Fensan Huali Xindian Gubao Baihuahu Dangwu Luwo

2010 3.81 4.13 3.12 5.84 2.69 2.14 1.73 1.22

2015 5.55 6.02 4.55 8.52 3.92 3.12 2.52 1.77

2020 7.47 8.09 6.13 11.45 5.27 4.19 3.39 2.38

Note: the late increased 38 stations has not been included.

17 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

3 Natural and social environments in the project area

3.1 Description of natural environment

3.1.1 Landform and topography

Guiyang city is in the area from 106°07'to 107°16'east longitude and from 26°11'to 27°21'north latitude. It is located in the slope belt of east Yun-Gui plateau, with the highest point, elevation 1749.6 m, at the Mt. Nanji top of north-east Xifeng County, dwarfing Wujiang River whose surface elevation is no higher than 600m. In topography, it is high in south west and low in north east, gently sloping into valleys. Except a small part of south , Guiyang city principally belongs to Changjiang River basin. Rivers within Guiyang city territory consists of Maotiao River, which flows from south to north and injects into Yaxi River (upstream of Wujiang River), famous Baihua Lake and Hongfeng Lake (upstream of Maotiao River), Yangshui River, Gucha River, Nangong River and Nanming River. Among these, Yangshui River and Gucha River flow into Wujiang River from south to north, and Nangong River and Naming River join Qingshui River in a flow direction of south west to north east after traveling through Guiyang urban area. The terrain of this project area is shaped by 4 processes: erosion, erosion-corrosion, corrosion and denudation. It's complex terrain turns the road construction into a difficult task reflected in arduous work of routine selection, many changes in vertical and horizontal slopes, a large number of elements to be built, and high cost of construction.

3.1.2 Geology

(1) Stratum and geological structure Areas along the project routine have a large diversity in outcropped stratums where the sedimentary rock is the dominating one. The trend of mountains and bedrocks mainly goes along north east or north-north-east, which has effects on the routine selection for this project. (2) Sick geologic feature The number one geologic sickness lies in the slope stability, followed by landslide, karst, gob, yielding soil and etc. Guiyang city is located in an area full with limestone. Areas along the project routine have intensively developed karst. The proposed project involves Grade3-4 roads construction, not including large-scaled structures, thus kast is not the major geologic obstruction for this project construction. (3) Earthquake The plate of Guiyang city has good stability, without active rift being found. There is no

18 World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural Transport Project

intensive earthquake recorded in chorography of Guiyang city or its counties. According to Seismic ground motion parameter zonation map of China (GBI 8306-2001), Guiyang city's seismic peak ground acceleration is 0.05g, characteristic period of the seismic response spectrum is 0.35 s, and basic earthquake intensity reaches 6 degrees.

3.1.3 Climate and Meteorology

Guiyang city is located in subtropical humid monsoon climate zone. Affected by south east monsoon due to its low latitude and high elevation, climate in Guiyang city shows the following features:

(1) mild climate in four seasons. The annual average temperature is 14.13, with monthly average temperature for the coldest month (January) of 1.43 and 28.73 for the hottest (July). The hottest is at 35.43,and coldest is at -7.8] . The period of frost-free is more than 260 days. (2) abundant rainfall. The annual rainfall is about 1200mm, and the rainy period lasts for 80 days, however it is not distributed evenly and most of rainfall concentrates on period from May to August. Perennial relative humid is kept at 76.9% or so, and absolute humid varies in the range of 14.1 to 15.2 mill bar.

(3) gentle wind power. Most are Grade 2 wind. The north wind is the prevailing one in winter, and in summer the frequencies of divergent south wind and divergent north wind are almost in equal. The annual wind speed is 2.2 m/s, seldom the wind power is stronger than 10 m/s, and the lasting time is very short.

3.1.4 Hydrology

(1) Surface water

Guiyang city, where the project is inhabited, has rich water resource in form of river runoff. However, the distribution of rivers is not even in space and has the same pattern as the rainfall volume. Affected by the monsoon, these rivers have distinct wed period and dry period. Generally June - October is the wet period, and December - next April is the dry period. From many years' statistical data, the runoff volume of the wet periods (4 months) has accounted for 56-73% of that of the whole year. The project area involves rivers such as Wujiang River, Qingshui River, Huaxi River, Baihua Lake, Hongfeng Lake, Nanming River, Yuliang River, Maotiao River, Nangong River and etc. (2) Ground water

Ground water mainly occurred in the form of fissure water, or karst water, accompanied by pore water of the Quaternary Period. The project area is rich in groundwater resource, and has a wide spread of karst funnel, doline, and depressions which catalyze the down penetration of the

19 Transport Project World Bank Financed Guiyang Traffic Project EIA Sub-project 2: Rural rainfall into deep ground.

3.1.5 Vegetation

The vegetation in the area belongs to middle subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest. Due the to human disturbance, the original vegetation has been destroyed into a small area, and two secondary vegetation becomes the dominating one. Vegetation here can be divided into plant categories, natural and cultivated. Among these, the natural vegetation consists of acid-soil forests and calcareous-soil plant, and cultivated vegetation covers agricultural crops, economic and fruit forests.

3.1.6 Cultural relics it is After field investigation and consultation to the local units of cultural relics protection, say that found that there is no cultural relics existing near the project sites. Thus we can in construction activities, such as road reconstruction, new road building, and bus station building spots of rural areas, will not bring direct impacts to cultural relics. In particular, there are few human cultural relics along or surrounding the project sites, but most of them are a member of on the landscapes within some certain scenic site which is already under protection. Analysis sites impacts to human landscapes is described in detail in Chapter 4.4.7 indirect impacts to scenic along the project routines.

3.1.7 Involvements between scenic sites and the project Site Guiyang city boasts a large number of scenic sites, for example National Scenic Huaxi, Hongfeng Lake National , and a batch of Provincial Scenic Sites such as Baihua Lake, the Xiuwen, Kaiyang, and Xiangzhigou. The involvements between these scenic sites and proposed project are shown in Table 3-1-1 and Fig 3-1-1.

20 Table 3-1-1 Involvements between scenic sites and sub-projects No Name of Protect Name of Role of the road Location Remarks the scenic ion the relationship site level sub-proj ect Tianhetan provinc Tianheta I)For agricultural The sub-project is the This scenic site is in Huaxi ial level n- products out extended part of well-known for its karst district Gairong transportation; Huaxi-Tianhetan cave, it is not a natural 2)As tourism line to road, and located at habitat, without rare and connect Tianhetan the south side of endangered species. with outside. scenic site. 2 Xiangzhig provinc Dagu- I)For agricultural The section This scenic site is ou in iallevel Laping products out K15+600- K17+180 well-known for its human Wudang transportation; is located at the left landscape and natural district 2) For rural villagers' of the core zone of landscape. There are rare going in-and-out; Xiangzhigou. species living within its 3)As tourism line to scope. connect Xiangzhigou with outside. 3 Yangming provinc Xiaoba- I)As poor-relief The section K12 + This scenic site is in Xiuwen ial level Shetian traffic line for poor 200- K12 + 650 well-known for its human county rural areas; goes through landscape and natural 2) As tourism line to Wugongqiao. landscape. it is not a natural connect Wugongqiao, habitat, without rare and Yangming group endangered species. (including Sanren tomb, Tiansheng bridge, Lihua garden) and other village-based scenic sites. 4 Baihuahu provinc Wangche 1) to improve traffic The sub-project is This scenic site is ial level ngpo- condition for located at the south well-known for its human Xiaoshan peri-Baihua lake east of Baihua Lake. landscape and natural bian areas; The reconstruction of landscape. it is not a natural 2) to upgrade the the road will not habitat, without rare and tourism image of cause direct impacts endangered species. Baihua Lake; to the scenic site. 3) to contribute to the goal of all the villages within the township having access to the road.

21 -r r / /

Xiuwen scenic spot 5 millst^

) 6940 XianezhiYou scenic sDo.t g","i

- 711 - ' -f

Baihuahu scenic spot X ^ t ,,

- it

Tianhetan scenic spot ' A. -

ttiE"X0 A 8 12 16 2z02 28 (km) 1

Fig 3-1-1 Geographical links to involved scenic sites

22 3.2 Social environment

3.2.1 Administration and population Guiyang city, briefly called as Zhu, is the capital of Guizhou province. Located in the middle of Guizhou province, Guiyang acts as the political, scientific & technical, education, and culture center of Guizhou province. As a front, open and multiple-purposed city, it plays a big role in the development of south west China. Guiyang city governed 6 districts, 1 city, 3 counties (, , Huaxi district, , Baiyun district, , qingzhen city, , Xiuwen county, and Xifeng county) with an administrative area of 8034 sq km. According to the statistical data provided by public security bureau of Guiyang city, at the end of year 2004, Guiyang city has total 93403 households and population is 3,478,132, of which male accounts for 1,790,133, 51.47% of the total, and female accounts for 1,687,999, that is 48.53% of the total. The population of non-agricultural people is 1,692,254, that is 48.65% of the total, that of the agricultural people is 1,785,878, 51.355 of the total. The population density in Guiyang city is 437 persons per sq km, increased 3 persons compared with last year.

3.2.2 Ethnic minorities Within Guiyang city territory, there live 15 ethnic minorities, for example Buyi, Miao and etc. The ethnic minorities whose population is more than 10,000 include Miao, Buyi, Tujia, Yi, Dong, Gelao and etc. According to the fifth census in 2000, Guiyang city has population of ethnic minorities 573,900, accounting for 15.43% of the total. Here ethnic minorities have colorful and unique cultures, especially the Miao group. Miao 's garment, Lusheng (a musical instrument), round dance, and traditional festival are most famous in the local region. Buff-fight Day, one of the traditional festival, has become the important platform on which spreading Miao's traditional culture and exploring tourism resource are staged. Miao's traditional garments have been designed as tourism gifts in hot sale. Lusheng music and round dance have been more and more favored by local civilians and tourists from all over the world.

3.2.3 Resource and products (1) Mineral and energy Guiyang city is rich in mineral resources such as Aluminum, Phosphor, coal, iron, Magnesium and others in south China. The bauxite reserve has been found to be about 200 million tons, that is the one fifth of the total all over China; the retained reserve of high-grade phosphate ore with high is up to 2.2 billion tons, thus Guiyang is ranked as number three among all China's phosphate ore bases; the retained reserve of coal is about 10 billion tons. Water resource is also very rich here, with a volume of 5.34 billion cubic meters. It is estimated that the theoretical water energy implied in Wujiang River is 7.4 million kilo-watt, and can install 6.148 kilo-watt power set. The fact is that Guiyang has been one of the 10 major hydraulic power bases, and is the main supporter for the project of West-to-East Electric Power Transfer. (2) Tourism resource Guiyang city is the tourism traffic hub in Guizhou province. It has melt natural landscape, scenic spots and historical sites and ethnic culture into one entity, and enjoys the good reputation of City of Miniature Garden. It has beautiful mountain-water-cave karst sights, for example Huaxi,

23 Xiwangshan, Hongfeng Lake, Duobin Cave, Liuguang Valley, Xifeng hot spring, stone forest, stone window, and etc. With the unique beauty, a large number of tourists have been deeply attracted; and it has owned countless historic sites of Ming and Qing Dynasty, such as Hongfu Temple, Yangming ancestral temple, Cuiwei Garden, Jiaxiu Tower, Wenchang Attic, Junzi Booth, Yangming Cave, ancient town, and etc. All these sites are in a style of unconventional, simple, primitive and elegance; the ancient 107 cliff paintings, are a great miracle, fascinating and remindful. Those ethnic fellowmen, all being good master of singing and dancing, have different customs and the same honest. Accompanied with the comfortable weather in four seasons, and modem out look of the city, Guiyang has become a unique touring resort. (3) Major products The major grains produced by rural area of Guiyang city are rice, wheat, and corns, followed by soy bean and other beans, sweet potato, and potato. Food products are not enough to survive all the people in this area due to the less farmland and more population. Agricultural and sideline products include live stocks, grass weaving products, soil-baked or china ware, quality tea, Chinese herb medicines which contribute a lot to the rural economic development.

3.2.4 Economic development

GDP for Guiyang city in 2004 is 44.363 billion Yuan, 13.7% higher than that for the last year, among which, total production for the first industry is 3.177 billion Yuan, 7.6% higher than that for the last year; total production for the secondary industry is 23.324 billion Yuan, 15.6% higher than that for the last year; total production for the tertiary industry is 17.862 billion Yuan, 12.3% higher than that for the last year. Per Capita GDP for Guiyang city in 2004 is 12,683 Yuan, 13.0% higher than that for the last year. Net Income per Farmer is 2,809 Yuan, 11.9% higher than that for the last year, taking out the price factor, the actual increase rate is 7.4%.

3.2.5 Traffic condition At the end of year 2004, the road mileage of Guiyang city extends to 3843 km, of which highway accounts for 123.33 km. From the above data, the conflict of traffic road structure is striking, which has become one of the major factor that limited the traffic development for Guiyang city. Except some roads laying in several urban centers, most roads are in bad conditions with poor infrastructures. The road network, connecting districts, counties, and cities, has not been finished. Low grade of roads, short mileage, low road density(half that of areas in east China) all contribute to the poor traffic condition in Guiyang city. In 2005, the freight volume of road transportation amounts to 54.67 million tons, and passenger capacity amounts to 260 million persons.

3.3 Current status of environmental quality and environmental functional area classification

3.3.1 Current status of environmental quality (1) Air 3 In 2003, average value for SO2 concentration in Guiyang City is 0.089mg/m , which can meet the requirement of "Ambient Air Quality Standard" Class 3; average value for NO2 3 concentration in Guiyang City is O.OI 9mg/m , which can meet the requirement of "Ambient Air

24 3 Quality Standard" Class 1; average value for TSP concentration in Guiyang City is 0.103mg/m , which can meet the requirement of "Ambient Air Quality Standard" Class 2. (2) Aquatic environment Aha Reservoir, Maida sector of Naiming River, Wangjiadajing sector of Nanmeng River are the dringking water source of Guiyang city. In the year 2003, water quarlity of the drinking water source can satisfy the national standard level up to 100%, while that of surface water of the city is about 94.4%. The type of pollution is organic pollution. The water quality of Hongfen Lake and Baihua Lake can reach the Class III level of the national standard, while ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus is above the level. (3) Sound environment In 2003, average value for environmental noise in urban area of Guiyang City is 55.8 dB(A). Noise from social life take the leading position among urban environmental noise sources.

3.3.2 Environmental functional area classification 1. Guiyang Municipal Government Document No [1996]37 Notice from Guiyang Municipal Government on Issuing "Environmental Functional Area Classification of Surface Water Area in Guiyang City" 2. Guiyang Municipal Government Document No [1998]37 Notice from Guiyang Municipal Government on Issuing "Environmental Functional Area Classification of Ambient Air Quality in Guiyang City"

25 4 Rural road engineering

4.1 Sensitive objectives of rural road engineering Table 4-1-1 Sensitive objectives of rural road engineering Sub-projects Sensitive Objectives Baiyun Liangshuijing- Longjingzhai, Duanjiazhuang, inhabitation area, water pumping station, district R38 dashanjiao Xinzhai elementary school, ponds, Drainage ditch, well,Tianshengqiao, Luoshuidong, Luogedang reservoir Huaxi Rl9 Tianhetan-Gairong Lengfanhe river,pond,inhabitation area,Leizhuang elementary school district Maipin-Huchao- Maipin town, Changba, Yuanfang village, Luguan, Wangchangpo inhabitation R14 Machang area, Maipin middle school, Yuanfang elementary school, Yuanfanghe river, Lengfanhe river, Luguan elementary school, Wangguan reservoir Wudang R20 Dagu-Laping Dazhai, Longshang village (xinbu town) inhabitation area, forest, well, district Xiangzhigou core scenic area, Baishuihe river, pond R33 Shuitian-Dingpa Huangcheng village, Peie inhabitation area R24 Daqiao-Hefeng Daqiao elementary school, Guxi, Guxi elementary school, Yangmei elementaryschool, Yangmei village, Pingzhai village Xiaba-Gujin Shuangliang river, Kanzhanheriver, Gujing elementary school, ponds, R41 Shangkabao inhabitation area Qingzhen R4 Liwo-Qibai Niwo town, Gaopo town inhabitation., Niwo middle school, Niwo elementary city school, Hexi elementary school, wells, Maocao elementary school Chashan-Liming Chengjiazhai village, Guankouzhai inhabitation area, Tianpin elementary R6 school, Tiaodenghe river

Maolishani-qinshan Qinshuipin community, Luowanghe river RIO

Baiyan-Minglian- Maojia village, Baiyan village, Boluo village, Liujia village, Xinyuanhuiming, R21 Longjing Pengjia village, Longtanpo inhabitation area, ponds for irrigation , Ludi elementary school, Xinkeqiaoxin elementary school Tiaozichang- Tiaozichang village, former water-pumping station, Kangji elementary school, R31 Chayuan Zhaowu elementary school, Zhaowu village, Huangshi village, Chayuan village Xianshui-Datu Datu village, ponds, Shangba reservoir, Shangba elementary school, R1 8 Nabaichang

Weicheng- Wanghen village, spring, ponds, Martyr's grave, water-pumping spot, Maodong R28 Liujidianzhan reservoir, Qinglong tree farin, Wangheng elementary school, Qinlong agriculture middle school, Zaijiang elementary school R26 Pingyuanshao- Pingyuansha, huangtuzai, gaojianyuan centralized - gingzhendianchangq residential area, irrigation pond

R36 Wangchenpo- Wangchenpo, Riverside, Wangguan centralized residential area, Tiqing Tower, xiaoshanbian longtai, well, Baiyi elementary school of Qingzhen City Yongle- guanba No. 7 Junior High shool of QingzhenCity, Pingqiao, xiayoutian, R40 nishuiwan,dongdixia, shaba Anliu-shatian- Lairongpo, dazai village, guzhong elementary school, zhangjiangzai, R42 xindian pond,shatian elementary school, jiyao elementary school, jiyaopo Xiuwen Guangtian- Guantian,jingshan village, martyr monument stele, yuanqing village, yuanqing county hej iangdong elementary school Shetian-wugongqiao Qixi, houzai, xinchang, changba ele. school, 3-person grave (provincial level, R-xiaoba cultural relic protection unit), shaoshang village, water taking spot, wugong R30 bridge(provincial level, cultural relic protection unit), peace ele. school, wugong bridge senic spot Rl Damu- xinyang slogan,threeCentralized gingkgos,residential shool area, school, minority community, Red artny R16 Liutong-baimao R__6_ huguangchaoShanbao village, liangjing ele. school, liangshuijing, longdong, wanzhi,

26 Centralized residential area, Xinling fireproof material plant of Xiuwnen R12 Xiaohegou-shuiko County Shuitange-shiyiba Residential area of former Xinhong machine plant, affiliated school of R35 Xinhong Plant, pond of qingshui, muzhujing Xingzhong-wulaosha Xialaqia residential area, shanglaqia residential area, qingkangling, heying ele. R2 n- School, heying village zhongming Shian- lufang Daqiao group, daba, xinzai centralized residential area, Shaba River, shangbao ele. school, shangbao, xiabao ele. school, xiabao, shidongko, banbianjie, R34 Jenwiss hope ele. school of xinzai village, shian, honghua concrete plant of Xiuwen County, yaojiazai ele. school,old Xifeng Xiaojing-qingshan Zhuha ele. scholl, zhifang ele. school, yangzai zhongying hope county RI tree, wenshe River

R8 Zhuhua-xinyang-hugua Centralized residential area, Xinzai ele. school, rare and old tree, machangele. ng school R23 G210-nanji

Xinlong village, tiantan village, rendu concrete plant, shaba village, funeral R43 Tiantai-j ingzhong home R29 Guangtianba-fenhuangc Centralized residential area of Xishan village, well, Fenchi Temple hi Gaojiaba-'zhongjiapin Village group of Shiqiao, Naijiajing Group, Zhongjiaping Group R15 g- jingj iang R32 Yalongshi-pingshan Shuixia Group residential area, zhongjingshan residential area, pingshan village group, Wenliang hope schol

Gaohua Group, ganzhi ele. school, wanzhi village group, mashui group R37 Wenquan-shangzai ofGanzhi village, shanjiao ele. school Kaiyang R5 Yongwen- liangluko Shuanglong ele. school, shanhe ele. school, gusha River, Jianshang county 5GroupofShanhe village Nanlong- lewanghe Well of Baishapo Group, Baishapo Group, xinqiao ele. school, zhongqiaoele. R3 School, zhongqiao village

R9 Maoping- xinshan Qingshuiping Group, Luowang River R22 Longgang-lijing-maoy Longgan middle school, lijing ele school, Center cle. school of Maoyun town un R17 Guajiu- longgang Maochaoping R13 Zaiji- xingshan Pantong ele. school, Panjia Group, qingshui River, wuzai ele. school R25 Gaozai- guangzhong Guangzhong ele. school, pingzai village, guangzhong Group R27 Fenshan- yongwen Zhaojiawan, centralized residential area of xingfangzhi, Gusha River R39 Guyang- wenzhen- Guoshijiazai, jiangshan, centralized residential area of Guyang, Victory jiangshan ele.school, jianshan ele. school R44 Nanlong- guj ing Nangong River, centralized residential area of yangfangzhi, cultural relic I ofyangfangzhi, Geling ele. school Note: See detailed environmental sensetive objectives in the attached files for each subproject.

4.2 Identification of key environmental problems Identification of key environmental problems for the proposed project can be in accordance with the following principles: (1) Possible serious impacts; (2) Medium impacts, however with long term effects; (3) Medium impacts and short term effects, however only partially mitigated; (4) Slight impacts, however the accumulative effect can be partially mitigated only.

4.3 Environmental impacts during construction period The rural traffic project basically locate within the area where the soil resources quality relatively worse. Certain impacts on ecological resources and land use along the road will take place when rebuilding or partial newly building road.

27 These roads will be reconstructed for standardard national 3rd or 4 Grade. The typical engineering activities for the project are the following: roadbase widening/ height raising Earth work, concrete work, and bridge construction. The implementation of above-mentioned engineering activities will produce impacts on the surrounding environment of project area in some extent.

4.3.1 Analysis for water environmental impact (I ) Impact on roadside ponds While the roads were constructed, soils for the earthen embankment were collected from roadside areas leaving these borrow areas as ponds, and as such majority of the roads have a large number of roadside ponds In rural areas these ponds have potential and multi-purpose use including bathing, washing and pisciculture. Road improvement will require roadside pond-filling impacting their potential uses A reduction in the pond area from embankment widening and/height raising will not only affect the potential household use of the pond, but also will reduce the fish-yield and cause the difficulty of the agricultural irrigation The impact can be avoided/minimized by: Widening of the embankment towards opposite side of the pond, and, Providing earth retaining structure (slope cut-off) at the pond side. These measures will not only save the pond but will also ensure the durability of road-embankment at the pond location (since at the pond location slope stabilization of embankment becomes difficult in most cases) (2) Roadside well impact Groundwater wells are generally used for small portion of the inhabitants. Mitigation measures are the same with roadside pond, anthor word, widening of the embankment towards opposite side of the pond. (3) Water pollution Water pollution occurs from increased water turbidity due to carrying away of eroded soil by water that ultimately reaches nearby waterbodies Such impact is a potential threat to some fish species. The way of minimizing/avoiding such pollution is to protect the erosion as well as embank the ponds/waterbodies (where possible) so that eroded soil can not reach these waterbodies. It is strongly recommended, such countermeasures should be implemented where the waterbody is used as dringking water source. (4) Impact of wastewater

Main wastewater during the construction is washing wastewater form concrete mixer with the main pollutants of suspended substance and residue of building material. It is prohibitted to discharge the wastewater into the environment at will. Sedimentation tank should be built near the mixer. Wastewater should be reused to production after treated. Wastewater treatment facilities should be paid more attention to the location where there are important rivers or water source protection area, as to avoid water pollution. (5 ) Impact of aquatic organisms With lots of rivers, mid-size and small bridges should be rebuilt or newly built, bridge

28 construction may cause some influence on the rivers. During the construction, such as desilting, pile driving, damming, water becomes muddy, where aquatic organism live should be influence, sometimes the fish and shrimp change their action line. Excavating river-ban and making cofferdam may destroy aquatic plant community of alluvial flat, influence aquatic animal on finding food. But the influence is temporary, which would be decreased in short time after the construction. (6) Impact of domestic sewage During the construction, builders live together in different road section, domestic sewage is large. According to analogical investigation, common 100 builders live one place,. According to the calculation of one person need 60L water, with 75% domestic sewage, domestic sewage one place should be 4.5 ton one day, pollutants volume discharged may be BOD 5kg/d, CODC, 6kg/d. If the part of sewage has been discharged directly without treated, which may influence nearby water environment. So temporary treatment facilities of domestic sewage, such as septic tank, should be built in large construction area with a lot of builder. The effective volume of facility is

60 m3, wastewater delayed time is 3 days. Removal rates of the tank are BOD530-40%, CODc, Try to 50% . Domestic sewage should be treated before discharge or reuse as crop irrigation water. avoid discharging directly to water body, and reduce the pollution influence on water environment.

4.3.2 Analysis of air environment impact (1) Dust nuisance Dust nuisance occurs due to handling of soils during construction and mainly from lack of watering of earth surface. Such nuisance is also a function of weather condition- in dry season nuisance is more, during rainy season, because of rain, dust nuisance subsidizes. In concentrated residential area as well as crops' cultivation region, the dust nuisance to the inhabitants and crops' growth would happen during the construction time. Only frequent and extensive watering of earth surface during construction can control dust nuisance. (2) Influence of flying dust and waste gas Flying dust may be caused during the concrete mixing, asphalt gas may be caused during asphalt boiling. Flying dust can cause the influence to the concentrated residential area and cultivated area during the construction period, which may influence residents and crops. During the construction, concrete should be mixed using inclosed technology and working with dust eliminating device. Asphalt should be transported in non hot-source or high-temperature container to construction site. Concrete mixing and asphalt simmering should be carried out in relatively concentrated way, with the distance of more than 100m from down-wind direction of environment sensitive spot, so as to prevent flying dust and waste gas from pollution.

4.3.3Noise impact Concrete mixer, air compressor, windlass machine, road roller may cause building noise and blast noise, which may influence the roadside objectives such as Residents-concentrated area, 29 school, hospital. The protection work should be done according to the provision of "Noise limits for construction site" (GB12523-1990). Construction during the night and important days for student exam is strictly forbidden in these area.

4.3.4 Impact on ecological environment (I) Roadside farmlands

Since there are farmlands extentively located at both sides of roads, some farms may be occupied in road widening, which cause land loss. The loss is permanent and non-restored. More and more attention has been paid to farmland preservation with a growing population, however the influence of road widening is unavoidable. To decrease farmland occupation, using sunk fence to protect the filling roadbed slope should be considered in design, while roadbed stability is required. Land loss should be compensated to the owners. (2 ) Loss of topsoil of agricultural lands

Topsoil is the invaluable ingredient for agricultural crop yield The present practice for soil collection involves cutting of agricultural lands with shallow depth, which causes losses of enamours topsoil loss reducing the quantity of agncultural lands in the area and resulting in the loss of crop production. Such impact can be avoided by collection of earth from barren lands. Another option may be to collect earth from existing borrow areas to the use of roadbed height raising. Generally, it should be avoided to do high filling and deep excavating, and try to reduce the excavating and abandoning amount in it. (3 ) Impact on forest

Because the project is alteration and extension, the limited amount of woodland would considere to be occupied while no forest farm and large woodland would be destroied. As long as enough attention is payed to preserve forest during the construction, and through transplanting the removed trees and prohibitting random wood-cutting, the influence should be small. Resource owner should get equal compensation for loss. (4) Impact on vegetation

Vegetation of roads includes secondary vegetation, artificial vegetation and farm vegetation on shoulders of the road embankment, while the protogenic vegetation has almost been destroied in the past. Over 95% of the total length of all the roads go through the rural areas and most of the roads have extensive vegetation coverage. However, it is necessary that all roads will require clearing of vegetation due to the roads widening. Vegetation clearance results in increased soil erosion and slope destabilization of the embankment in addition to their loosing support for ecology. One side widening of the embankment rather than both side widening would require minimal vegetation disturbance. Some important roadside bushes/large old trees can be preserved by doing limited widening/disturbance to minimize the impact on roadside ecology. In addition, planting diversified trees and bushes/grasses on batter slopes is one of the suggested measures to

30 recover the losses (5 ) Soil erosion Soil erosion occurs from the exposed loose earth-surface (from where soils have been collected) to the rainwater/flood water during monsoon and mainly due to lack of compaction as well as vegetation coverage, and then induces the nearby waterbodies pollution in terms of increased water turbidity. Considering surface water and vegetation cover along the road, soil erosion exists with relatively bad vegetation cover. (6) Impact on natural drainage Obstruction to natural drainage of floodwater/rainwater would occur from road widening and/or height raising that might require, at some locations, partial/full filling of natural drainage channels would cause this type of effect as key issue. Measures suggested for saving these channels or reconstruction would work as preventive/mitigation measure in this case (7) Impact on landscape The road construction will inevitably destroy the natural scenery. Main influence comes from physiognomy destruction of borrow pits and vegetation elimination. During the construction, limited and regular borrow pits should be considered to mitigate the impact on landscape. Diverse vegetation along both sides of the road can improve the roadside landscape after 2 or 3 years (Depends on the types of trees and regional soil).

4.3.5 Impact of social environment (I ) Population concentrated area Because most of roads link town and larger village, house, residence and poultry-cultivation shed may be removed for road widening. Part route change may avoid large removal. But sometime route can not be changed with terrain reason, settlement of the removal should be made better to compensate for the owners. (2) Impact of human health Main pollution is dust and gas pollution caused during the construction around working site and dwelling district. The engaged labors must use mask on their mouth and nose in order to prevent them from fince particles. Mixing workplace should be positioned with the distance of 100m away from the dwelling area.

4.3.6 Impact of infrastructure Road widening or road heightening should fill in part or all of irrigation canal. The mitigation measures are showed as following. When the irrigation canals pass through the road in cross-shape, culvert should be reserved or improved. When the irrigation canals run parallel to the road, the measure is as same as that of pond protection mentioned above. Public facilities like hydraulic projects, electrical power, communications and local roads will be given abundant attention, while some influence is inevitable, which can bring the

31 inconvenience for residents and enterprises. The project management part should coordinate with interrelated units, strengthening the protection to these facilities, so as to ensure the needs of local people.

4.4 Impact of operation period The aim of road rebuilt is to improving local basic condition of rural poor village, facilitating the farmers' selling activities, corresponding them with better commerce and service facilities nearby. Road operation could bring positive influence on the local peasants' transportation activities and economic development, and especially for the minorities. During operation, land ownership, land-use type and landscape change may cause extensive variation. Such as, roadside farm lands may be changed into residential and commercial land. With convenient transportation, land type may be changed, which are considered to be positive. At the same time, some indirect influences may be induced on nearby scenic spots, some are favorable and others are unfavorable.

4.4.1 Acoustical environment

Through noise prediction, the influence on protective objectives is fundamentally few, but with crowded house on both sided of the roads, there lies some influence. Considering relocating or planting tall broad-leaf tree on both sides of the road and setting non-beep symbol, the influence can be mitigated. Moreover the schools always locate in crowed area, the safety of the students and pedestrian should be paid enough attention, the decrease-speed symbol should be set in these sensitive spots.

4.4.2 Atmospheric environment

Before construction, most of roads are made of sand rock. There are a lot of flying dust after automobile running away in dry season. Roadside crops have been seriously influenced by the flying dust. With the leaf absorption, natural crops- growth have been hindered, so the production hence has been reduced. Influence of the dust on crops and resident along the road should be decreased largely after the reconstruction of the project. And the human health should be protected with concreted road surface. On the other hand, waster gas from vehicles should become an obvious environmental problem with the improvement of road and increase of the traffic. In rural area, because of stronger air diffusion, the influence of waste gas can be small under suitable management measure and good traffic planning.

4.4.3 Minority

There are 15 minorities in Guiyang, such as Miao, Buy, with the population of 57.39 ten thousand, who live in remote rural area. When road improved, they may contact with outer world and minority culture may be spread abroad. In addition, unique minority culture (traditional

32 holiday, dance and so on) has been thought as potential non-substance culture value. Local travel industry should be improved with the road change, so the local economy is expected to be promoted. On the other hand, though the transportation improvement can bring the positive influence on the folk culture exchange, those minorities in disadvantage may undertake increased mental pressure, and their traditional living habits and value concept face challenge.

4.4.4 Road transportation After road rebuilt, transportation become rapider and safer. Hence, all the roads project should cause active influence. It is very likely that development of some secondary and tertiary roads linking these roads within some remote rural areas will occur due to the road improvement. An unplanned road development can be a disaster to the environment and therefore it is suggested to take an integrated approach for overall development in the rural areas rather than undertaking segregated development approach for development.

4.4.5 Impact on landuse Changes in roadside landuse will occur from the induced demand for roadside human settlement and commercial values, which will likely convert the agricultural lands into the same use. Because of their location advantages, these roads will provide better road accessibility to their respective district/divisional towns. And because of the same reason, roadside areas have already comparatively high demand for such changes. An integrated and planned approach for the roadside landuse can optimize the benefits from such changes while the reverse can be a harmful to the environment affecting the overall benefits of such changes.

4.4.6 Impact on landscape Impact on landscape will occur from the change in roadside landuse, roadside avenue trees Such changes will occur as a medium to long-term effect and consequently change in landscape will be a function of time.

4.4.7 Indirect impact on scenic spot near the roads Road reconstruction should make indirect influence on scenic spot along the road. The road to scenic spot should be quick and comfortable, which is potentially the main aspect on attracting tourists. So tourists number should be increased because of road improvement. The more tourist and income, the more pressure on ecological environment. The pressure induced from the tourist action mainly are garbage, man-made vegetation destruction, man-made fire, climbing the mountain, evacuation, interfering animal, and land subsidence with lots of tourists. Most of the above influences are not remarkably destructive to scenic spots, while accumulated and unceasingly affected may cause big disaster to the ecosystem. A good management ability of the scenic spot and some basic facilities are important to subsidize the capacity construction as to mitigate the ecosystem pressure while tourists increase.

33 After on-the-spot investigation and inquiry from local officials, main scenic spots are shown as following: *Tianhetan scenic spot in Huaxi * Xiangzigou scenic spot in Wudang * Yangming scenic spot in Xiuwen * Baihuahu scenic spot The following are analyses of the environment influence on scenic spot after road reconstruction. Tianhetan scenic spot in Huaxi (1 ) Geographic location

Tianhetan scenic spot mainly lies in Shibai town of Huaxi District, distributed in ribbon land along stream valley, east to dam of Huaxi Reservoir, west to Xiangbi yan of shangchetian, total length is 13.5km and the area is 13.9km 2. (2) Current ecological environment and ctourism development Tianhetan, with the old name of Natural bridge, comes from Ludi River, then form shaft and deep pool in underground lake, run through natural stone bridge. Typical thin carbonatite is dominated in this area. There are obvious Karst land form. Basically no pollution in river and soil horizon is stable, and air quality is rather fine. Terrain vegetation is evergreen broadleaf forest of middle semitropics. Its protogenic vegetation can not be found, only some typical trees of evergreen broadleaf left. Artificial vegetations are fir, redpine, scrub, and some economic forest. At the beginning of 1990, Huaxi District Committee, Huaxi District government decided to develop Tianhetan as scenic spot. After two-year development and construction, the spot was made open to the public. After some years construction, management unit has been set and enriched, accommodation and board areas have been established. Parking lot, standard external latrine, park gate, garbage tank and simple travel shortcut have also been built. The scenic spot has reached at certain scale with the functions of dining, living, traveling, shopping, playing improved basically. Since its open, the spot has welcomed 1.70 million visitors. In addition to the above favorable conditions, Tianhetian has been limited by the following factors, one is inner service facilities should be improved. Exploitation and utilization level is low except form the center. Another, afforestation rate of the mountain on both sides of the valley is low, where the barren hillsides and grave located in valley, thus, environment quality and sight effect have been affected. (3 ) The relationship of projected road and its influence Tianhetan-Gairong Road lies in the south of Tianhetan scenic spot. Gairong road will be connected with the projected road. After reconstruction of Tianhetan-Gairong road, it is easy to communicate from Huaxi center to Tihetan, which may shunt the tourists from Huaxi park -Qinyan old town to Tianhetan (13km away from the previous). This may finally cause the management pressure.

34 Xiangzhigou scenic site in Wudang District (1) Location Xiangzhigou scenic site is located in Xinbao Buyi Ethnic Township, 42 km away from urban area of Guiyang city. It has a planned area of 50 sq km, which is 85% of the total area of the township. Now the Baishui River scenic plot, 22 sq meters in area, most of which is at Longjiao village of Xinbao township, has been put into operation and opened to tourists. (2) Ecological environment and tourism development Within Xiangzhigou scenic site, there grow a natural forest of 33 sq meters, cultivating 141 ancient trees, 10 rare and endangered plants, and 116 species of animals. This area also has rich agricultural resources, such as grain, oil, economic crops, fruit trees, and many kinds of vegetables. Xiangzhigou scenic site was originally founded at the end of year 1995, since that time it has absorbed total investment of 17 million Yuan up to year 2003. It has established management organ and employed management personnel, and deployed the accommodation areas deliberately. Ring roads, touring roads, and sightseeing roads have been built, as well as a lot of touring gift workshops. It will also host the fixed recreations such as March 3 Buyi ethnic culture festival, Buyi wedding ceremony, Buyi camp fire party and others. There are 23 hotels (based on data in 2003), containing 1000 plus beds, being able to accept a large number of tourists. And business horses amount to 135. At present, the number of management personnel for this scenic site is 13, and that of service personnel is about 300. However, the condition of hydrogeology here is not stable, for example, the mud-rock flow in July of 2003 once interrupted the road leading to the scenic site, and caused significant damage to the infrastructures and ecological environment within the scenic site. Because of the short of funds, the recovery work towards that mud-rock flow event is still going and not finished so far. (3) Potential impacts to scenic site The proposed project, involving with the scenic site, consists of the construction of Dagu-Laping road, which is to be newly built into a Grade-3 one. It starts from Dagu(where is joining Xiuwen county-Yangchanng town road and intersecting Road S104 Wudang district- Kaiyang county in the territory of Xinbao township), and ends at Laping (where is joining Wudang district-Baiyi town road). The construction of this road will refresh the record that there is no road directly connecting Dashi and Laping. It will extend southward to Wudang district and Guiyang city, northward to Kaiyang county, westward to Xiuwen county, and then a complete traffic network comes into form. This project will provide traffic convenience to public who live along the road routine, and also it will lay a concrete foundation for the development of Xiangzhigou tourism. Due to the improved traffic condition, more tourists will be attracted and visit this scenic site. Subsequently the large number of tourists will bring forward more environmental pressure which challenges the environmental management of this scenic site. Yangming scenic site in Xiuwen County (1) Location The protection level of Yangming scenic site is provincial level. This scenic site is located in Xiuwen county, the center of Guizhou province. In geography, it is the north front door of Guizhou province, north-west 34 km from Xiuwen county seat, and 68 km away from urban area

35 of Guiyang city. (2) Ecotourism and tourism development This scenic site is located in the deeply cut hill-plateau-valley area in the middle of Guizhou province. It has various splendid and unique landscapes, for example, peak cluster, peak forest, valley, water cave, stone forest and etc. Here the climate is a subtropical moisture monsoon one which cultivates lush forests and rich plant and animal resources. The coverage rate of forest, which covers an area of 112 sq meters, reaches 15.3%. Yangming scenic site, famous as Kingdom of School of Wang Yangming and Heaven Filled with Beautiful Scenes, is the place where Mr Wang Yangming, a greater thinker and educator of Ming Dynasty, lived after his official exile and explored and grasped the truth. It has been developed into 8 scenic plots and 7 touring plots, embracing human landscape and natural scenes of mountain, water, cave, waterfall, stone, and forest. Xiuwen's tourism resources are featured as multi-form, contents complete, high grade of culture, unique, ancient, and rare, with highly fantastic and sightworthy. At present, the infrastructures within the scenic site have been modified and improved gradually; the number of tourists and the income from ticket selling have been going up steadily. However, the development of the tourism of this scenic site has been largely limited by the poor road conditions and inconvenient traffic. (3) Potential impacts to the scenic site The proposed project is the reconstruction of Xiaoba-Shetian road which will come across one of the scenic plots, Tiansheng bridge scenic site. Tiansheng bridge scenic site comprises two cultural scenic spots, Sanren tomb and Wugong bridge. This project will have potential impacts upon these two spots, not involving with the natural scenic spot of Tiansheng bridge since it is about 500m away. Due to the improved traffic condition, more tourists will be attracted and visit this scenic site. Subsequently the large number of tourists will bring forward more environmental pressure which challenges the environmental management of this scenic site. Baihua Lake scenic site (1) Location Baihua Lake scenic site is located in the north-west suburban of Guiyang city, 22 km from Guiyang urban area. As a famous touring site of provincial level, it has a total area of 83 sq meters. (2) Ecotourism and tourism development More than 100 various sized islands scatter in the Baihua Lake. Karst, lake and mountains are the major reliefs here. The 2004 Guizhou Environmental Status Bulletin revealed that the water quality of Baihua Lake is averaged as class-3, in some exceptional monitoring spots NH3-N and DO exceed the standard limit. Visually the water is clear. Mandarin duck and other birds inhabit here all year around. At present, the matured touring spots, total 12, include karst, hot spring, Hongwu temple, Zhuchang old castle and others. It has established a management organ with full functions, and designated special employees to take the task of maintaining the lake safe and preventing and fighting forest fire. Here the touring infrastructures are in good and complete condition and the tourists-receiving capacity is strong. In the golden week of May I holiday in 2006, Baihua Lake scenic site have received 22,000 tourists, increased by 20% compared with last year. The rural tourism and drive travel are the

36 dominating touring styles for this year. (3) Potential impacts to the scenic site The proposed project, the reconstruction of Wangchengpo-Xiaoshanbian road is located at the south side of Baihua Lake. The major role it will play is to provide convenient transportation for the surrounding people and contribute to the aim of Every Village Having Access to Road. At present, it is easy to communicate between Baihua Lake scenic site and Guiyang city, for example, there are shuttle buses departing from Guiyang bus station everyday. Either the construction or the operation of the project will not cause direct impacts to this scenic site. And increase of the tourist number, which is brought by the traffic improvement, will be in a limited degree. Analysis on scenic site's management capacity (1) Analysis on management capacity In order to know well the management capacity of the above four scenic sites, we have inquired and shared ideas with the management and service personnel who engaged in these scenic sites. Firstly we told them the potential impacts which may be brought by these project constructions, and then asked them some questions respecting the management capacity, including: 1) Do you know clearly where the boundary of the scenic site is? 2) Do you have annual plan of tourism training for the employees? 3) Do you have annual plan of training regarding environmental protection, firefighting, safe productions? 4) Do you have environmental monitoring system? 5) Do you know how many tourists this scenic site can contain? 6) What are your countermeasures towards the increase of tourist number (including aspects of service and environmental protection)? From their answers, we can conclude that: All the four scenic sites have personnel training plan on tourism post, however when questioned whether the scenic site has training plan on environmental protection and safety, and monitoring system, most employees have no idea about that, only persons in charge know it well. Facing the question about the management capacity, they had no objective judgment regarding tourist receive capacity; however they all agreed that there is no problem in handling the increase of tourist number. They did not give answers from the point of environmental protection or ecological pressure alleviation when questioned whether there are countermeasures towards the increase of tourist number. (2) Measures in promoting management capacity Their answers showed that the scenic sites have a weak management capacity when encountering indirect impacts and we suggested: environmental protection training should be held in order to improve service and management personnel's environmental protection consciousness, which will play a big role in achieving sustainable development and ecological preservation for the scenic sites. Such training courses should be proposed and executed by Guiyang World Bank PMO, and the training cost be included in the project budget. Except the training, we have draw out other recommendations: I ) To increase financial input, and support the environmental protection work of the scenic sites; and separate the ownership from the management right.

37 2) To expand the area of scenic sites, and speed up the construction of new scenic spots, in order to disperse the mass tourists and keep the touring resource away from more human disturbance, since the increase of tourists number have cause considerable pressure on scenic sites and in some spots the ecological environment has been damaged. 3 ) To slow down the construction speed, enlarge the protection scope, compress new projects, , and improve project's quality for the scenic sites whose environment has been damaged. At the same time, to handle the visional pollution or ecological destruction as soon as possible to stop such damage growing. 4) To improve the guides' personal quality. A qualified guide can spread the environmental protection idea to the tourists through his speech, for example, tell tourists how to handle garbage which is generated during the touring activity, or tell them the fact that painting or writing randomly is an action damaging the cultural relics or landscapes. About the touring garbage, it can be solved by means of installing more dustbins along the touring routine, or by strengthening maintenance and round inspection.

38 5 Environmental impacts of rural bus station

5.1 Sensitive spot of rural bus station Table 5-1-1 Sensitive objectives of rural bus station No. Sub-project Major environmental sensitive objectives S I Jiuchang Jiuchang ele. school, Residential area. S II Fengsan 5 household residents locate at west side of the projected station location with the distance 2 meters. sin Huali 10 household residents in the first line facing thestation, without wall separating, and the nearest distance is about 2 meters. SIV Baihuahu Qinzhen No. 9 middle school, Dongfen Kindergarten, residential area SV Gubao Wuli middle school, Wuli ele. school, Fuyu Village SVI Xindian Residential area is located in the southem and nothem side of the project site, without wall separating. Dismantling is highly considered. SWl Dangwu Hospital of Dangwu town, Dangwu middle school, Dangwu ele. school, Residential area at southern and nothem sides of the site with no wall sVI Luwo Planned Luwo middle school locates at the west side of the station site. Si Gaopo residential area at the south S2 Maling residential area at the south and north S3 Maiping villagers of Maiping Township S4 Yiyaoyuanqu residents of Yang Ai farm at the east S5 Shiban residential area at the north-east S6 Xiaobi 20 households of Xiaba village community S7 Jiu'an lodging house for workers of Jiu'an Public Transportation, villagers of Jiuan township S8 Huchao residents of Huchao Township S9 Qiantao Qiantao middle school S1O Yanlou Yanlou primary school S11 Jinhua residential areas surrounding S12 Yangchang residential area at the west S13 Yongle shop fronts S14 Baiyi residential area at the west S15 Xiaba primary school of Xiaba township S16 Xinchang residential areas, primary school of Xinchang township, clinic of Xinchang township S17 Xinbao clinic of Xinbao township S18 Pianpo residential area at the north-west S19 Zhaiji households around the bus station site S20 Yongwen households around the bus station site, Yujing River, and Yongwen water reservoir S21 Maoyun households around the bust station site, Tianba stream S22 Gaozhai households around the bus station site, clinic of the township, Gaozhai stream

39 S23 Longshui households around the bus station site S24 Miping households around the bus station site, Miping gully S25 Hefeng households around the bus station site, Yuliang River S26 Yanglongsi residential area at the south-east S27 Xishan residential area at the north S28 Qingshan shop fronts, Xinhua Hope primary school S29 Liutun residential area at the southwest S30 Saping residential area at the northwest S31 Dashi dorms for the teachers of Dashi middle school S32 Wangzhuang residential area at the northeast S33 Zhanjie residential area at the east S34 Maige residential area, students' dorms of Maige middle school, Maige primary school S35 Liwo residential areas at the north and the east S36 Anliu residential area at the north S37 Zhongba residential areas at the west and the south S38 Miao'ershan bus residential area at the west station for transit buses

5.2 Analysis on the sources of environmental impacts of the proposed project

The project cite is located in rural or market town place, and it is a newly built project. The typical engineering activities for the project are the following: demolition engineering, earth and stone work (during the land leveling), concrete work, and structure engineering etc., The implementation of above-mentioned engineering activities will, to certain extent, produce impacts on the surrounding environment of project cite. When the project is put into operation, local transportation condition will be improved, which creates a better basis for local economic development. However, environmental impacts such as air pollution, noise, solid waste, and water pollution will thus be produced after the project is put into operation.

5.3 Identification of key environmental problems

Identification of key environmental problems for the proposed project can be in accordance with the following principles: (1) Possible serious impacts; (2) Medium impacts, however with long term effects; (3) Medium impacts and short term effects, however only partially mitigated; (4) Slight impacts, however the accumulative effect can be partially mitigated only.

5.4 Environmental impacts during construction period

5.4.1 Atmosphere environment

Enerally speaking, bus stop is located in the population densely distributed area. Demolition engineering will produce some environmental problems such as the dust etc., on the condition that the demolition of some buildings is to be carried out due to the proposed project. In that case, dust proof measures such as the water spraying to the buildings under demolition should be adopted.

40 Dust impacts will take place during the earth and stone work during construction period, if water spraying to the surface soil doesn't carry out. Climate conditions usually tend to play an important role during such a process. In the dry season, for an instance, in winter or in Autumn, impacts of dust is more serious; while in the Spring or in the Summer, when the rainfall is more frequent, impacts of dust is less serious. Possible impacts of dust on residents or crop may be produced as construction work is to be done in residential area or in the crop cultivation area. Residential areas are more centralized near the bus stop where the potential targets to suffer from the impacts are centralized. Moreover, the scale of the residential is relatively larger. Therefore, key environmental problems such as the impacts of dust will be produced during construction period. Periodical water spraying to construction area during construction period is necessary. Dust will also be produced during the mixing of concrete materials and pitch gas will be produced during the process of for making pitch. Possible impacts of dust on residents or growth of the crops may take place as construction work is to be done in residential area or in the crop cultivation area. During the construction period, closed mixing process with dust remover should be employed for concrete materials mixing; and transportation of pitch with containers of high temperature or container without thermal sources should be employed for pitch producing. Moreover, the places for the concrete materials mixing and the pitch producing should be as centralized as possible and should be located in somewhere lOOm away from the environmental sensitive points in the downwind direction to avoid the direct impacts of dust and pitch on environmental sensitive points.

5.4.2 Noise environment Population densely distribution area especially the schools, hospital etc., near the project cite need to be protected. Relevant regulation of "Noise value limitation for construction cite" (GB12523-1990) need to be carried out. For an instance, construction should be prohibited during the night or during the period of important examination for students in above-mentioned noise sensitive areas.

5.4.3 Aquatic environment Soil erosion due to earth and stone work will ultimately cause the increase of turbidity in the neighboring water bodies such as reservoirs, rivers, and pools, which will endanger the life or production of fish species involved. To avoid such an impact, dam need to be constructed in the water bodies under protection to prevent soil from entering the water bodies. The relevant protection measures will be even more important for water bodies where the drinking water pumping points are located.

5.4.4 Soil erosion If pressing or vegetation recovering are not carried out in the surface of loose soil after the land leveling, soil erosion may take place due to the flushing by flood and rainfall so as to increase the turbidity of neighboring water bodies and produce secondary pollution. Therefore, construction activities should try to be avoided during the rain seasons.

5.4.5 Population densely distribution areas enerally speaking, bus station is located in the population densely distributed area if requisition of

41 house site and demolition of building is to be carried out during construction period, it should be done strictly under relevant regulation and proper compensation should be made to the landowners.

5.5 Environmental impacts during operational period In order to improve the lag behind transportation conditions in rural area and to realize the convenient passenger, cargo transportation, operation of proposed project will produce positive impacts on the traveling of local farmers especially the local minority ethnic groups, and on the local economic development. After the proposed project is put into operation, deep changes over the land ownerships, land utilization types, and landforms will take place in the surrounding areas of proposed project. For an instance, the traveling will become more easily due to the position advantage of bus station; part of the original residential area may become the commercial areas etc., changes of land utilization type and land ownerships may take place. All these changes can be regarded as positive.

5.5.1 Noise

According to the prediction of impacts of noise, no impacts will be produced on the targets under protection. However, certain impacts will take place on the surrounding areas of some of the bus stops points where the residential areas are more centralized. To avoid the impacts, the following control measures need to be take into consideration: 1) demolition and resettlement; 2) plantation of some broad-leave tree species near the bus stops; 3) setting up signals inside the bus stops prohibiting the trumpet.

5.5.2 Air pollution

Exhausting gas will be produced in the parking lot. Major pollutants include CO,NOx,HC,TSP etc., which will produce certain impacts on the surrounding residential areas. Therefore, bus stops should be placed in the downwind direction of local annual dominant wind direction. The parking lots should be avoided to place in the upwind direction of centralized residential areas. And the administrative offices of bus stops should try to be placed in the upwind direction of parking lots.

5.5.3 Water pollution Major water pollution sources of bus stops come from the wastewater for washing automobiles and the domestic wastewater. Impacts of wastewater may be produced on the neighboring water bodies (pools and brooks). Major pollutants include COD, SS and petroleum group etc., In addition, wastewater from toilette may become the potential impact factor for the underground water bodies. The following control measures need to be taken to avoid the pollution of surface or underground water bodies caused by the bus stops: (1) Rain and wastewater drainage systems should be separated, independent rain collecting and drainage systems need to be constructed; (2) Leaking proof measures should be adopted to avoid the leaking towards underground; (3) Wastewater is to be discharged into the neighboring discharging ditches or water bodies after it is treated and meet requirement of relevant emission standards.

42 5.5.4 Solid wastes Solid wastes include package material for cargos, relinquished cargos, food residues of passengers and the domestic rubbish from employees of the bus stops. Solid wastes will be treated in the way of landfill after it is collected and transported to the rubbish field by local environmental and sanitation administrative bodies.

5.5.5 Passenger and cargo transportation Thanks to the proposed project, local passenger and cargo transportation conditions and the traveling condition of local farmers especially the local minority ethnic groups will be improved greatly, and the transportation and transaction of local agriculture products will be even more convenient.

5.5.6 Land use The needs of local residents for pursuing the better residential conditions and commercial values deprive from the operation of the proposed project may cause the variation of land use in the areas. The variation is characterized by the transferring of land originally for cultivation purposes to land for commercial purposes. Construction of the bus stops will improve the traveling and product transaction conditions for the reason of geographical advantage produced by the project. Moreover, strong needs for changes of land use in surrounding areas have already been witnessed. General planning of land use in surrounding areas of each bus stop can optimize the benefits produced by the change and avoid the adverse environmental impacts, and ultimately affect the overall profit produced by the variation of land use.

5.5.7 Improvement of transportation conditions Originally, there are no bus stops in the market towns of the proposed project. Therefore, automobiles are usually parked in the streets of the towns, which not only produce adverse impacts on the orders of local transportation and become the potential factors for traffic accidents. Thanks to the construction and operation of new bus stops, streets of these market towns will be more spacious and the local traffic will be much smoother, which are all the positive factors for improving the local transportation conditions.

43 6 Public Participation

6.1 purpose and role of public participation The purpose of the public participation is: (1) to empower the public and agencies concerned the right to express their own opinions, (2) to provide the public the opportunity to impose affects on the project development, (3) to improve the public acceptability of the project with mitigation measures, (4) to address conflicts or disputes on environmental issues for the public, and melt the obstruction for governmental organs to carry out plans, (5) to satisfy the requirements which is legal and submitted by public, and (6) to host double-way idea share between governmental officials, civil servants, and citizens. Through such idea share, further to identify public's major concerns and value views, increase public's awareness on the government and their plans, also to make the government have a better understanding on each alternative solution and their potential impacts, so that they can make out right decisions. Public participation is an important part of enivironmental impact assessment. It is an effective way in achieving scientific decision-making. Public participation works to, obtain public's full acknowledgment on the project, learn public's attitude and expectations regarding the project, and report public's opinons to superior departments in charge, faciliating big issues concerned by public to come to consensus. Public's or affected population's support, is meaningful in making vital decisions or obtaining solution to problems existing in a large-scale project.

6.2 Scope, method and contents of public consultation

6.2.1 Brief description The public participation is conducted to gather opinions and advices from people living along the project routine, respecting the impacts on natural and social impacts. For this project, three times of public consultation (one is in March -April of 2006, one is in August of 2006 for 8 road routines, and the other is in October - November of 2006 for the new added 38 bus stations) have been carried out in forms of public meeting, group discussion and questionnaire survey, when the EIA is undergoing. The participants, identified as local villagers, governmental officials, teachers, management and service employees of the scenic sites, included the affected groups, relative governmental organs and non-governmental organs, amounting to 1,800 plus persons. Total 71 public meetings have been held for this project-- 44 road routines and 46 bus stations. For the first time of public consultation, 1690 copies of questionnaire forms have been distributed and filled out. The scope of the public consultation covers the areas directly affected by this project implementation, mainly the sizable villages and schools along the road routine.

6.2.2 Public consultation Public consultation is to survey the public on such questions, for example, how much they know the project, through which channel they know this project, their attitude upon the construction of this project, their requests and suggestions regarding this project, the quality of the environment where they are living, their opinions on major environmental issues brought by the construction and operation of this project, and how this project will affect their regional economy,

44 and etc. The public consultation takes place in two forms, public meeting and questionnaire. (1) Public meeting The public meeting can be held in the affected area, such as at school, village committee, or town government building, and presided by the EIA worker or person in charge of the project. The attendee should include various occupations, for example teachers, farmers, administrative leaders of the village, as well as weak groups, for example elder, women, and minor ethnic groups. The procedure of the meeting is, firstly, the EIA staff or the person in charge introduce the basic information of the project to the attendee, including the project design, road routine or site selection, project size, and potential negative impacts on environment and society, and etc; secondly, the attendee give opinion and suggestion in their own interest. (2) Questionnaire The procedure of questionnaire survey is, firstly, to introduce to the public the background information of the project, including road routine selection, project size, positive and negative impacts on be caused by the project; secondly, to invite the public to fill out the questionnaire form on their free will or express their opinion orally; lastly, to collect the completed forms and do the statistics and analysis. The questionnaire is in two forms, company and personal, as shown in Table 6-2-1 and 6-2-2.

45 Table 6-2-1 questionnaire form for public consultation (personal) Dear citizens/ villagers, the proposed project-44 country roads and 44 bus stations in Guiyang city, is a member of World Bank loan project-Transportation Upgrading in Guiyang. It is sponsored and funded by Guiyang municipal govemment and the World Bank, in order to improve economic development in poor areas, and narrow the gap between city and rural areas. It is certain that this project will bring economic advantages to the project areas and those along the roads.

However, this project will acquire lands, for example farmlands, forests, barren lands, or housing lands, and in some cases, residential houses need to be relocated. All the land occupation and house relocation will be compensated according to national policies. Aside from the land occupation, the construction and operation of roads, bus stations, freight stations, will cause ecological destruction to their surroundings, and generate construction wastewater, noise and vehicle exhaust. The construction party will do their best to reduce the pollution discharge amount, restore the ecology, conserve water and soil, and avoid the impacts on agricultural production and environment quality. Now we are supposed to survey your attitude to the construction of the project and your opinions to the above environmental issues. Please give us your valuable comments. name gender 1 Age Nationality Interviewee education background vocation Working company Tel surveyed questions Do you agree with the construction of the I project?lprjc?yes no UnknownI Do you agree the project's design? yes no Unknown

Do you think whether this project will l benefit the local economic development? y Do you think whether this project will contribute to the improvement of the local yes no Unknown living condition? Will you still support the construction of the project when it leads to some house yes no Unknown relocation and farmland occupation? Will you accept the arrangement according Yes, but to land occupation and resettlement yes with no policies? conditions Is the environmental impact acceptable in l Yes I do not care Noi the coming construction phase?

Other comments or suggestions

46 Table 6-2-1 questionnaire form for public consultation (agency) Honored agencies, the proposed project-44 country roads and 44 bus stations in Guiyang city, is a member of World Bank loan project-Transportation Upgrading in Guiyang. It is sponsored and funded by Guiyang municipal government and the World Bank, in order to improve economic development in poor areas, and narrow the gap between city and rural areas. It is certain that this project will bring economic advantages to the project areas and those along the roads. However, this project will acquire lands, for example farmlands, forests, barren lands, or housing lands, and in some cases, residential houses need to be relocated. All the land occupation land and house relocation will be compensated according to national policies. Aside from the occupation, the construction and operation of roads, bus stations, freight stations, will cause ecological destruction to their surroundings, and generate construction wastewater, noise and vehicle exhaust. The construction party will do their best to reduce the pollution discharge amount, restore the ecology, conserve water and soil, and avoid the impacts on agricultural production and environment quality. Now we are supposed to survey your attitude to the construction of the project and your opinions to the above environmental issues. Please give us your valuable comments, thanks.

the construction of this project Support Not I do not Attitude to support care l Do you agree the project's design? Yes No Unknown this project will benefit the local l Do you think whether Yes No Unknown I economic development? project will contribute to the I Do you think whether this Yes No Unknown I improvement of the local living condition? impact the local ecology and - How much will this project Extensive Slight None I agricultural resource? Your suggestion to the environmental impact brought by the coming construction activities

Your suggestion to the environmental impact brought by the coming operation

Other comments or suggestions

The surveyed agency (stamp)

(or signature of the representative) Please fill out the information of your agency Contact Tel: Fax: Address: Zip code: Person in charge:

47 6.3 Result of public consultation

6.3.1 Rsults of personal questionnaire survey Total 1690 copies of questionnaire forms, including 1562 personal and 128 group forms have been called back. The composition of the group surveyed by personnel questionnaire is shown in Table 6-3-1. Table 6-3-1 composition of the group surveyed by personnel questionnaire Occupation Farmer Cadre Teacher Workman Other Subtotal Population 1008 171 149 102 132 1562 Percent (%) 64.6 11.0 9.5 6.5 8.4 100 Junior Education Elementary high Senior high IlliteracyhihCleeSboa College Subtotal background school school school

Population 79 516 563 328 79 1562 Percent (%) 5.0 33.0 36.0 21.0 5.0 100 Above Age (years) 10-20 20-30 30-50 50-60 60 Subtotal

Population 79 523 500 344 117 1562 Percent (%) 5.0 33.5 32.0 22.0 7.5 100 Since the questionnaires were dispensed randomly, the proportion of professions, cultures and ages in the investigated group appears non-uniformity, that is also revealed by the Table 6-3-1, but it is highly representative and has wide covering area. In this investigation, the professions of the surveyed group mainly were farmers, cadres, teachers, and workers, and the proportions were 64.6%, 11%, 9.5%, and 6.5% separately. Obviously farmer group was dominating, which can be explained as that this project was located in the rural areas where traffic was still inconvenience. The "Other" option in the profession column includes students and individual economy and so on.) The structure of education background for the surveyed group, covering each level from elementary school to college, mainly consists of elementary school, middle school and senior high school, and the proportions are 33%, 36%, and 21% separately. This showed the public's great passions and close concerning on the environmental issues and activities in taking part in the EIA survey. From the point of age, the group whose age ranges from 20 to 60 accounts for 87.5% of the total participants; proportions for younger than 20 and older than 60 are 5% and 7.5% respectively. Following are statistic conclusions of public participating in personal questionnaire. 1) 93.5% public thought that the project can accelerate local economical development, 87% public thought that the project can improve their life quality and 95% public can accept the fact that the project demand house relocation or land acquisition. At the same time 95% public will accept the arrangement on land occupation and resettlement according to relative polices. 86% public said that they can accept the environmental impacts, when questioned "if they would accept the environmental impacts that were caused by the project construction". Through statistic

48 conclusions, most of public support the construction of this project. 2) Many public expected that the roads be built as soon as possible when facing the column "opinions and suggestions". It is an urgent need for local people who have been deeply bothered by the inconvenient traffic condition for a long time. In addition, for some sub-projects, public proposed requirements on resettlement and protection on drinking water, schools, ancient and rare trees. Such opinions and suggestions showed that those publics have an improved environmental protective consciousness, for example they thought protecting drinking water and trees were very important. On the other hand publics' concerning about the resettlement reflected that they are actively appealing to their own interest, and this was also the intention and meaning of public participation. In addition, during the public consultation held in schools, teachers put forward the noise issue and suggested that we should protect schools from noise disturbing.

6.3.2 Results of questionnaire survey towards groups The groups attending the public participation consist of village committee, government offices, schools, hospitals and others who inhabit along the project routine. From the result of the questionnaire survey, we can see that the surveyed agencies support the construction of this project. The opinions and suggestions from agencies are very similar to those from individuals. Agencies have the same concerns with individuals and support the construction of the project. Also they gave suggestions on how to protect schools, and how to protect irrigation works.)

6.4 Information release (1) The information should be published in the hot medias, such as Guiyang Daily newspaper. There should be a notification published in the newspaper, carrying the date and location the EIA report will be shown openly, and contact information for feedback. With the feedback, we can revise the EIA report. Since the project is located in a rural area where the education level is relative low, the information release should be performed in a simple and clear way. (2) The first script of the EIA report shown will disclose information such as, project's environmental impacts, mitigation measures, feedback information from the first public participation event, and etc. As required by the World Bank, the information disclosure should take place in the location where public can easily and freely reach, without any cost, and no need to take a bus.

49 I 6.5 Acceptance of public suggestion The acceptance for the public's suggestions are listed in Table 6-5-1. Table 6-5-1 The acceptance for the public's suggestions

No. of Name of sub-project site of public Issues concerned by Public's suggestion Proposed solution sub- participation s ublic taking place P project To select a new routine for this section, at the position K4+650 where is the joint of Tiansheng bridge and farm routine is 300 m long, andjoins to the Shazishao The drinking water of To protect Luogedang reserviro, boundary. This new intake port of the reservoir. prison Luogedang reservoir and keep the road routine far away old roads, and skip the water from the water intake poll. This pattern will be discussed in the design.

It has any possibility to To control the new construction of Shawen build new houses along buildings along the both sides of R38 Liangshuijing -Dashanjiao a reasonable village plan. township the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make government road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. The irrigation at the site To maintain the irrigation fluency Section the ditches. This will be discussed in K3+500 of K3+1 10, crossing the from the ponds on the left of the To remain and modify the design. K3+640 in rosd road to the farmlands on the right Xinzhai village of the road. Maiping Road facilities To enclose the road slope be discussed in the design. township protections in the design, and This will prevent water and soil erosion or R19 Maichangping- Machang government landslide. and flood a vRoad facilities To set up sewage be discussed i the design. Luguan village drainage facilities along the road. This will on management ability. This will be Tianhetan The increase of tourist To provide training organized by World Bank project management office. Tianhetan-Gaiyong scenic site numer None Gaiyong village At the dry season, the R14 surface. road surface will have To achieve good road surface for To pave asphalt on the road dust which will do harm the new road to the crops nearby.

51 Dagu ~-laping Xinbao To protect vegetations during the R20 township The vegetation R20 government construction activity To take protection measures during construction. Xiangzhigou The increase of tourist None To provide training on management ability. This will be scenic site number organized by World Bank project management office. Daqiao-Hegui townshipXinchang Land occupation and To prefer less occupation of fertile To use the old roads as possible as it can, and skip the govemment house relocation lands, and less house relocation. concentrated residential area. Yangmei When will the road To start the construction as soon as Ylangmei Whensttill thegr possible. It is local people's urgent To start the construction as soon as possible. villge cnstuctin bein? wish to build this poor-relief road. R33 Shuitian-Dingpa Xiaba township safe problem regarding To build defense walls on the left govemment the slope side of section Kl+OlO K2+380 This will be discussed in the design. R41 Xiaba-Gujin Xiaba township Ancient and rare trees To protect rare and ancient trees. Aer field investigation, such affects will not occur, govemment however it demands careful protection during construction. It has any possibility to To control the new construction of Xindian build new houses along buildings along the both sides of Anliu-Xindian township the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. R42 govemment road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. Threatening students' To limit he construction time, not Schools safety at each phase. at the students' rush hours, and to To make a good construction time plan. pre-reserve passages for them. It has any possibility to To control the new construction of The build new houses along buildings along the both sides of R21 Baiyan-Shuichan company govemment of the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. Qingzhen city road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. After field investigation, we found that 40-200 m in front of the school entrance it is a high slope and there live residents; Chashan-Liming Tianping To alter the routine which should behind R6 primary the school it is a 50m high steep slope, therefore it is school Safety problem ntps h rn ftesho not available to change the routine, and the pattern proposed in the feasibitiy study report is still validate, thus we have to do best to protect the environment and guarantee the students' safety

52 a small section is recommended due to Concentrated Routine change in and farmland of .uanoual House relocation the large amount of house relocation, occupation. - village Liwo middle- Safety problems To demand the vehicles watching sign. school carefully when there are studients To set up speed-limit .w i waling on the road The whole To start the construction as soon as R4 as soon as possible. the wole People's going possible to solve the To start the construction road in-and-out inconvenience caused by the poor road condition. It has any possibility to To control the new construction of -Qingzhen power The build new houses along buildings along the both sides of Pingyuanshao to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. R26 station government of the both sides of the the road, in order Qingzhen city road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. It has any possibility to To control the new construction of The build new houses along buildings along the both sides of Qingshan-Maolishan in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. Rl government of the both sides of the the road, Qingzhen city road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. The It has any possibility to To control the new construction of government of build new houses along buildings along the both sides of plan. .. the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village .i.nZhanCie town road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd road. Tazchang-Chayuanbeen put into operation. To watch carefully the students' R3 1 and set up The primary The school's fence wall safety during construction, and To strengthen the construction management; facilities to ensure the school of is 20 meters from the ensure students have the normal safety warning marks and speed limit safety. Kangji entrance of the road. recommended to change the students' routine. It has any possibility to To control the new construction of The Qingzhen build new houses along buildings along the both sides of Wangchengpo- order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. R36 city the both sides of the the road, in Xiaoshanbian government road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road.

53 To watch carefully the students' Schools Student's safety Weicheng-Liuji safety during construction, and R28 power station during the operation phase to install safety warning marks and This will be discussed i the design. speed limit facilities, to ensure the students' safety. To watch carefully the students' Xianshuimiao-Datu Student's safety safety during construction, and R8 Schools during the operation phase to install safety warning marks and This will be discussed in the design. speed limit facilities, to ensure the students' safety. It has any possibility to To control the new construction of Yongle-Guanba The Qingzhen build new houses along buildings R40 along the both sides of city the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. government road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. R23 G2 10-South Pole Shiqiao Land occupation and To start the construction as soon as To offer compensation according to policies, and take into villagers' group house relocation possible. account the farmers' interest.

Gaojiaba-Jingjiang Nanjiaqing Compensation for the To reduce house relocation as To offer villagers' group ocpie possible as it can, compensationaccount theaccording farmers' to interest. policies, and take into Zhongjiaping Farmland occupation To offer compensation. To offer compcnsation according to policies, and take into villagers' group account the farmers' interest. To strengthen the management on Fengchi temple Protecting the temple construction workers, and employ Strengthen the construction management work during the adodaetes special personnel to do the work of construction time Guantianba- and old-age trees protecting the temple and trees R29 Fenghuagchi after the construction is finished. Xishan It has any possibility to To control the new construction of township build new houses along buildings along the both sides of government the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road.

54 Wenquan t It has any possibility to To control the new construction of W menqaton build new houses along buildings along the both sides of government the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan.

Tiantai-Jinzhong road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. R43 This road may carry To control the new construction of many heavy-duty trucks buildings along the both sides of Tiantai which transport mineral the road, in order to eliminate the To ensure the road quality. ores after it is put into traffic accidents due to the crowd operation. road. to policies, and take into Gaohua village Land occupation and To reduce house relocation as To offer compensation according house relocation possible as it can. account the farmers' interest. Ganzi primary school's safety and the To set up road marks. To set up speed-limit signs. noise R37- Wenquan-Shangzhai school to policies, and take into Mashui Farmland occupation To start the construction as soon as To offer compensation according interest. villagers' group possible. account the farmers' noise screening walls. Sanjiao chool's safety and the To build noise screening walls. To set up speed-limit signs, and build primary schools noise Ld oTo build the new houses for the h road's left side. Zhonglanshan Land occupation and resettled resieents as soon as To broaden the Yanglongsi-Pingshan village house relocation possible. offer compensation according to governental policies. R32 Pingshan Land occupation and To take full account of the public's To village house relocation interest. signs. Wenliang hope Student's safety To address the traffic noise and To set up speed-limit primary school - safety problems for the school. and speed-limit signs. Zhuhua primary Student's safety To widen the road, and set up To set up school-here warning plate school sidewalk. To set up school-here warning plate and speed-limit signs. Zhuhua-Huguang Zhifang Student's safety To widen the road, and set up RII primary school sidewalk. speed-limit signs. Zhongyin hope Student's safety sidewalk. To set up school-here warning plate and primary school Section K There are old-age slogans of Not to damage the ancient gingko To arrange the routine carefully, if necessary, to broaden one RI Damu-Xinchang 3+500- gingko and the road. Ks3+640 in the Red Army along the and slogans of the Red Army. side of Damu two sides of the road.

55 e sTo start the construction as soon as possible; to make full R7Guangtian-Hejiadong R7 Yuanqing Thenstartctimeofo therod To accept the national use of old roads; and to offer compensation to land village constructon of the road, compensation policy, occupation according to relative policies of state, province, and land occupation. and county level. Lian~ingTo plant vegetations, build noise Liangjing screening walls, forbid sounding To plant vegetations, build noise screening walls, forbid primary school Noise and safety bugle, and set up obvious sounding bugle, and set up obvious school-here signs, and school-here signs, and speed-limit speed-limit facilities. facilities. Ri 6 Liutong-Baimo Liutong Land occupation and To reduce occupation of fertile To make full use of old roads, and skip concentrated township house relocation lands, and house relocations. glovernment residential areas. .The start time of the To start the construction as soon as Liangjin village construction possible. It is local peoples' good To start the construction as soon as possible. wish to build this poor-relief roads. Hongyan Land occupation and To accept the national To offer compensation to land occupation according to village house relocation compensation policy. relative policies of state, province, and county level. Shetian-Wugongqiao-Xiaoba The protection for To submit R30 application to the cultural relics ad.instrations, Saping town cultural relics: Sanren To protect cultural relics, and skip and study the routine selection for such section; and adopt tomb and Wugong them when reconstructing the effective protections for cultural relics and skip off relics bridge. roads. when reconstructing roads. To strengthen environmental protection in construction Daqiao Water quality of Shaba phase, especially for the Shaba river; in the operation phase, Shian-Lufang river To prevent Shaba river. to set up side ditches and sediment tanks to protect the R34 Sahba river, and prevent the river being contaminated by car accidents. Xiabao village Expectation on building To start the construction as soon as the country roads possible. Xinghong Noise and safety To demand no bugle, and set up To demand no bugle, and set up speed-limit facilities, and R35 Shuitang-418 school speed-limit facilities, and plant plant vegetations. vegetations. patvgttos It has any possibility to To control the new construction of Xiaohegou-Shuikou Longchang build new houses along buildings along the both sides of R12 government the both sides of the the road, in order to eliminate the To make a reasonable village plan. road after the road has traffic accidents due to the crowd been put into operation. road. R8 Xiaoqing-Qingshan Xiaoba village Land occupation and To reduce the occupation of fertile house relocation lands and house relocation. This will be discussed in design.

56 side of the Gaozhai village Protecting the To protect the honey locust which To conduct the road reconstruction from the other 500-Years-old honey should not be affected by the road road rather than the gingko side. locust reconstruction. Maochang Student's safety To strengthen management and To set up school-here and speed-limit plates. primary school avoid traffic accidents. start the construction as soon as Q The start time of the To soon as possible. Qmggag construction. possible. It is local peoples' good To start the construction as Xinzhong-Wulaoshan-Zhongming village wish to build this poor-relief road. Saptoing hl oo-ehfrod R2 Saping Land occupation and To reduce the occupation of fertile To make full use of old roads, and skip concentrated township house relocation lands and house relocation. residential areas.

______govermment w C i To protect the hospital, and Dangwu Construclon noise minimize the impacts on hospital To take measures to control construction noise. Dangwu hospital and patients. S I Dangwus S Not to cause safety threatens to the plates. middle- school Student's safety students when they are going To set up school-here and speed-limit in-and-out the school yards. iTo offer reasonable compensation . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to Fengsan Residenteal policies of state, province, and county level. S if areas near the Land occupatoon the land destitution among the relative station villages. and install noise Huali township Noise, student's safety To reduce the construction noise, To set up school-here and speed-limit plates and set up noise screening sreend faclities. Huali primary school screening facilities. Huali facilities in operation phase. Food store of Land occupation and To compensate the land To offer compensation to land occupation according to house relocation occupation and house relocation. relative policies of state, province, and county level. Baihuahu Construction noise To protect the surrounding measures to control construction noise. Baihua township environment during construction. To take govemment time sIV Residents in Management on the To strengthen the management on To perform civilized construction and make reasonable Baihua Lake construction construction behavior and not to region bring impacts on residents nearby. schedule. noise To lower construction noise, and Dongfeng kid's Construction noise. park not to affect the students' study To take measures to control construction and rest.______S V Xindian the ninth high Student's safety Not to bring safety threatens to the school of students when they are going To set up school-here and speed-limit plates. Qingzhen city in-and-out the school yard.

57 In construction phase, to use low noise-generating To reduce construction noise and equipments, and control their operating time; to forbid night Fuyu village Noise and land traffic noise in operation phase, construction activity; in operation phase, to reduce the noise occupation and to reduce the occupation of impacts by means of planting trees, building noise screening fertile lands. walls and etc; at present, the category of the land occupied is SVI Gubao __of construction use, it is In construction phase,urged to use not low to noise-generatingoccupy fertile lands. Wuli oiseequipments,igh and control their operating time; to forbid night Wuli high Noise To reduce construction noise and construction activity; in operation phase, to reduce the noise school traffic noise in operation phase. impacts by means of planting trees, building noise screening walls and etc; by doing so, the impacts on the school is ignorable. Jiuchang town The start time of To start the construction as soon as Jiuchang goverment construction possible to solve the traffic jam Jiuchang government construction ~~due to the vehicles parking along T tr h osrclna ona osbe SVII the street randomly Peripheral Noise To build noise screening walls and To plant trees, build noise screening walls and forbid residential area reduce the noise impacts, sounding bugle within the bus station. Luwo high Not to bring safety threatens to SvIII Luwo school Student's safety students when they are going To set up school-here and speed-limit plates. in-and-out the school yard. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation SI to land occupation according to Gaopo residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according S2 to Maling residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation S3 to land occupation according to Maiping residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer S4 compensation to land occupation according to Yiyaoyuanqu residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages.

58 To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S5 Shiban residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S6 Xiaobi residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S7 Jiuan residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S8 Huchao residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S9 Qiantao residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S10 Yanlou residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to SIt Jinhua residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S12 Yangchang residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S13 Yongle residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages.

59 To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S14 Baiyi residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation S15 Xiaba Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S16 Xinchang residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation S17 Xinbao Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation S18 Pianpo Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. Nearby To protect the surrounding Noise mitigation measures should be considered during the S19 Zhaiji residents Noise environment during the construction period. construction period Yongwen township S20 Yongwen govemment, Nearby residents Maoyun S2 1 Maoyun township Safty and noise Signs like 'no beeping', slow down' should be set. govemment Township It's recommended traffic noise S22 Gaozhai medical clinic Noise would not bringt impact to the Signs like 'no beeping',' slow down' should be set. clinic S23 Longshui -_ - _. S24 Miping Township N Traffic noise problem during Signs like 'no beeping', slow down' should be set. S24 Mipig Govemment oise operation period will be solved Township Traffic noise problem during S25 Hefeng Government Noise operation period will be solved Signs like 'no beeping', slow down' should be set.

60 To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to province, and county level. S26 Yanglongsi residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to . and county level. S27 Xishan residents land occupatin the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, villages. To offer reasonable compensation . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to . Nearby and county level. S29 Lmgshn residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, villages. To offer reasonable compensation . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to Nearby and county level. S29 Sin residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, villages. To offer reasonable compensation . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to . Nearby and county level. S31 Dashi residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, villages. To offer reasonable compensation . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to . Nearby and county level. S3 1anh g residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, villages. To offer reasonable compensation . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to Nearby and county level. S33 zhang residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to and county level. S33 Maige residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province,

Nearby Noise, dust Noise and dust mitigation To demand no bugle, and plant tall vegetations.

To offer reasonable compensation occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S3.ag Nearby ladocpto to the level. S4Mgeresidents ladocphn the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county villages.

61 Nearby residents, Noise, dust Noise and dust mitigation To demand no bugle, and plant tall vegetations. school S35 Liwo Nearby Noise, dust Noise residents and dust mitigation To demand no bugle, and plant tall vegetations. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S36 Anliu residents land occupaton the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to S37 Zhongba residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. villages. To offer reasonable compensation Nearby . to the occupied lands, and adjust To offer compensation to land occupation according to Miao'ershan bus station for residents land occupation the land destitution among the relative policies of state, province, and county level. S38 transit buses villages. Nearby Noise, dust Noise and dust mitigation To demand no bugle, and plant tall vegetations.

62 7 Environmental Management Plan

7.1 EMP purpose, guideline and requirements

7.1.1 EMP purpose As predicted by the EIA, major project-involved pollution is from vehicle noise and exhaust. This EMP has detailed contents such as environmental impact mitigations, environmental management, supervision and monitoring. It will act as the instructive document in implementing those actions in ways of: (1) to identify the environmental impact mitigations for affected objects. The PMO, EIA compiler, and design party have conducted field investigation and confirmation towards the environmental sensitive objects and make out effective environmental impact mitigations which have been enclosed into the engineering design document. (2) to provide an instructive document regarding environment-related issues. This EMP will be distributed to construction supervision agency, and environmental management agency and other parties concerned after it has been evaluated and approved by World Bank. (3) to sort out the role and responsibilities for each party. This EMP has clearly defined the role and responsibilities for involved administrative and operating departments or agencies, and presented the channels and methods by which these departments communicate with each other.

7.1.2 Action guideline and requirements World Bank officials, international consultation professionals, EIA party and PMO have co-worked to promulgated the overall goal of the environmental management for this project: to keep the sustainable development in social, environmental arid economic aspects for Guiyang city, and improve Guiyang city's traffic condition, and reduce or eliminate and compensate the negative impacts, arising from this project implementation, to rural group and environments. Action: (1) to propose and perform the environmental management and monitoring plan; (2) to propose and perform the strategy of vehicle emission mitigations in order to alleviate the impacts on ambient air. Requirements: to implement the environmental impact mitigations proposed by the EIA according to the specified procedure.

7.2 Environmental impacts and mitigations during design phase The construction will generate impacts on social, sound, air, water and ecological environments. Although majority of such impacts is transient and recoverable, sufficient attention is still needed to be paid on them during environmental impact assessment. The environmental protection liabilities of construction party should be enclosed in the bidding document, to make sure the construction party has a full understanding about that.

63 7.2.1 Sound environment The construction will generate noise unavoidable. To minimize the noise impact, articles, issued by Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Cure of Ambient Noise Pollution and local regulations, should be implemented strictly during the construction activities.

According to the Article 2.2, Noise limits for Construction Site (GB 12523-90), noise level at the boundaries of the project site should meet the relative standard's requirements, in order to reduce or eliminate the noise impacts on surrounding sensitive spots. The predicted result indicated that, most of the construction noise level is over the limits of Noise limits for Construction Site. Although the construction noise is unavoidable, the construction party should do their best to minimize the noise impacts on surrounding environment. They should act closely upon the articles of the Environmental Protection Regulations of Guizhou Province, and regulate their construction behaviors, detailed as: (1) To use lower-noise generating machines or machines with noise insulation or elimination devices. It is forbidden to use diesel motors, or operate high noise, or high vibrating frequency machines at noon or midnight when people are resting. (2) To lay out the construction site reasonably, for example, the working area with high noise should be pushed far away from the sound sensitive spots; for some construction areas with extreme high noise, the transient sound fence, or workshop as a replacement, should be built. The earthwork should be carried out with multiple machines working together, in order to shorten the construction time. The fixed vibrating sources should be gathered in concentrated sites, to reduce their disturbance range. (3) To adopt personal protection for field operators. They should wear earplug, helmet, and etc. According to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Prevention and Cure of Ambient Noise Pollution, if the noise limits are still over-run after the noise mitigation measures are taken, especially for the cases of disturbing civilians at midnight, the construction party should apologize and give compensation to the victims.

7.2.2 Ambient air During the construction phase, the major impact factors are the flying dust in the construction site and the exhaust released by the transportation vehicles. For these, the following measures should be taken: (1) during the construction activities, flying dust will be generated by ground leveling, piling, excavating, material transportation and mixing. The situation will be more serious in dry weather. In the construction site, water spray should be performed four or five times one day, which will reduce flying dust by 70%. (2) When the construction site comes near the school, village or other environmental sensitive objects, the dust control will be of more importance. More effective dust control measure should be taken, such as increasing the water spray frequency, and press tight the newly built embankments as soon as possible. (3) The vehicles, which are used to transport the construction materials, such as stone, sand,

64 earthwork, should be modified into enclosure type, to avoid any leakage along the transportation routine. If not so, the dropping of the sand or soil will totally generate the second pollution and damage the landscape. (4) The construction materials should be mixed in a fixed position with a specific process. And the mixing site should be located far away from village, school and other environmental sensitive objects, to minimize the flying dust impacts on human health. Cement and lime should be stockpiled indoors, if not so, rain and wind proof facilities should be installed, in order to reduce the generated amount of dust. (5) The material used to mix the road's asphalt must be provided by local asphalt mixing factory (qualified by local environmental protective department). (6) The roads within the construction site should be kept flat and clean. Road maintenance and cleaning workers should be employed, to make sure the roads are in good condition. (7) Particle, flying dust, and pollutants from oil burning will do harm to human health. Good protection should be taken for site operators. (8) The excavated earthwork should be stockpiled in a fixed place, to reduce the area exposed in dust. And the earthwork should be refilled timely, to reduce the dust affecting time.

7.2.3 Water environment During the construction, the impacts on water environment are mainly involved with the receiving water bodies nearby. Besides, the bridge construction activity will cause temporary impact on water environment. The water pollution mitigation should include: (1) The machines should be kept in good condition, as to avoid any oil leakage. (2) The sewage brought by the living of the construction workers, should not be discharged randomly. They should be treated with the septic tank and then go to the municipal sewer, or be used as irrigation water. (3) Any oil running off, spilling, dripping, and leaking should be strictly controlled and forbidden. (4) wastewater produced by bridge construction is not permitted to be discharged into the river under the proposed bridge, instead it should be imported into the dike and then be discharged.

7.2.4 Ecology (1) To strengthen the protection on basic farmlands. For the occupied farmlands, the compensation should be implemented according to the national policy. The road routine or bus station site selection should prefer to non-fertile lands, or non-basic farmlands. In the basic farmland areas, bridge solution should prevail, rather than the high embankments, earthwork taking, dumping fields. Temporary construction sites and roads should not occupy basic farmlands. (2) To reinforce the environmental protection education to construction workers, and intensify their environmental protection consciousness. It is forbidden to cut trees during construction activities. Earthwork taking and discarding should run according to the design. It is required to avoid any destruction of grass and brushwood around the construction sites. The camp of the construction workers should not be set in forest lands. Trees which stand on the bus station

65 sites or road lines should be transplanted, and choping them is forbidden. (3) Construction workers should take care of and protect the wild animals; preying and killing animals are not allowed. They also should relocate and free the wild animals who come across the construction sites. (4) The dumping ground should be carefully designed. It is forbidden for any random earthwork digging or discarding. Cost for discarded earthwork's transporting and piling, cleanup and vegetation recovery in the dumping ground and other alike should be included in the project's construction budget. In the visual range of the project roads, it is not allowed scattered earthwork dumps appear; instead they should be covered with fences or vegetations, which should be done before the project is put into operation.

7.2.5 Solid waste (1) This project demands a large number of civilian houses and industrial factories to be relocated, which will generate a large amount of construction waste, part of which can be reused as rebuilding material. In this way, the reduction and recycle can be realized for solid waste. Unrecyclable construction waste should be delivered to designated position or landfill field. Construction waste's random discarding, which will damage the landscape, is forbidden. (2) The garbage brought by the living of construction workers should be stockpiled in a specific position. If the construction site is near the farmlands, the garbage can be used as agricultural fertilizer; if the construction site is in the urban area, the garbage should be collected by the environmental sanitation department and then sent to the landfill field. (3) If available, the excavated earthwork must be recycled. Or they should be sent to the nearby field, which is specially defined as earthwork stockpiling ground. Any personal random discarding should be forbidden, in order to prevent further water and soil erosion and landscape damage.

7.2.6 Water and soil conservation To conserve water and soil, we should stick to the principles of Preventing Erosion Firstly, Planning All-around, Multiple Control, Adapting to the Local Situation, Strengthening Management, and Weighing effects. Prior to the construction, the solution to control the water and soil erosion should be brought out. And special funds should be afforded. In the transient occupied lands, we should do our best to reduce the occupying time, and clear the lands timely, in order to recover the original function of the lands. We also should adopt effective management and take mitigation measures, to reduce the affected land area. (1) The excavated earthwork should be cleared everyday. If this is not achievable, they should be stockpiled in compliance with the relative regulations, for example, the dump should be pressed tight into a slope ratio of 1.5. (2) Reasonable arrangement should be made regarding the earthwork excavating and refilling. The transient spoil ground should be decorated with protection facilities. Earthwork excavating and refilling should be stopped in raining weather, to avoid water and soil loss, water body pollution, or sewer jammed due to the raining flushing.

7.2.7 Concentrated residential area In the construction phase, the impacts on residential area should be relieved by the following

66 mitigations: (I)To apply semi-enclosed construction style during road reconstruction, to leave passage for walkers, bicycles and public buses. (2) To build temporary roads and simple bridges and set necessary safety assuring facilities, in order to facilitate going in-and-out for people and groups who inhabit along the routine. (3) If there is a school near the construction site, it is better to take the construction activity in summer holiday or other holiday periods, to reduce the impacts on student's going in-and-out. (4) All the construction materials should be sorted and stored in specific places. Workers should be specially appointed to manage this. The construction waste should be cleared and delivered out timely, so that the trouble of material occupying lands and jamming the traffic can be relieved. (5) To install safety warning and information notification plates and etc during the construction in order to mitigate the impacts on the life of concentrated residential area

7.2.8 Local traffic and transportation Due to the traffic congestion or the prohibition of passage of vehicle in road sections under construction during construction phase, vehicles in traffic and traffic pressure will be increased in neighboring or relevant road sections. The following measures should be adopted to alleviate the traffic congestion: * Rational road construction plan should be proposed. Construction of the neighboring or intersected road sections should be constructed in different times so that the vehicle can be branched off efficiently and timely and the directional traffic congestion can be alleviated. * To prevent the traffic stop due to the construction activities, which may affect the traveling of residents of partial enterprises and institutions, construction will be done in a way of semi-closure. Public transport bicycles will be allowed while the vehicle in transit will be prohibited. * Construction in a way of closure should not be carried out in the crossing of road sections where the traffic is heavy. The construction a way of semi-closure should be employed, while the one-way traffic should be adopted to ensure the smooth passage of public transport. * Construction in the road sections where the traffic should not be stopped, the illumination should be retained. Construction should be done after the installation of mobile illumination facilities. * Traffic management and organization need to be strengthened. Restriction of vehicles types that is allowed for passage should be done in relevant road sections. One-way traffic should be practiced in some of road sections. Rational layout of traffic signals should be done in order to reduce the traffic flow in a maximum scale. * Before the construction, road served as the transportation line of the project should be reinforced. If the road needs to be partially closed, channels for pedestrian should be built to connect the original road. If the road served as the transportation line is damaged during the process of construction, the road should be recovered by construction organizations or the compensation should be done to local residents.

67 7.2.9 Cultural relics

As stated in the Implementation Methods of Guiyang Cultural Relics Protection, if cultural relics are found underground during the house relocation and construction activity, the construction party should stop the construction activities immediately, and report the fact to the cultural relics administration of Guiyang city, and re-schedule their construction according to the instructions and requirements from the cultural relics administration of Guiyang city.

7.2.10 Power and communication facility Prior to the construction, the coordination with the power and communication departments should be made. In each power-grid removing site, safety supervisors should be present. The safety warning, for example the warning lines, LED at night should be installed.

7.2.11 Scenic spot

Environmental Protection training should be carried out towards management and service personnel of the 4 scenic sites which are supposed to be indirectly impacted by the project implementation in order to improve their environmental protective consciousness. Such training should be planned and executed by Guiyang PMO, and the related training cost will be brought into total budget of the project.

7.3 Environmental impacts and mitigations in operation phase

7.3.1 Noise environment (1) to strengthen the road surface maintenance and keep the road surface flat and neatly, in order to lower the noise arising from tire rubbing the road surface. (2) For the schools, residential houses, and other environmental sensitive objects, which are near the bus station or along the road routine, usually noise screening window and green belt for noise insulating are used. The evergreen broadleaf trees are of strong noise reduction, and they also show appreciating capacity in vehicle exhaust absorbing and purifying the air. (3) For the sensitive objects, which are difficult to be resettled, the solution can be building noise screening wall to relieve the noise impacts. Compared with the resettlement, this solution has the advantage of saving land and a large amount of resettlement cost. (4) To require the vehicles to observe the rule of speed limit and no bugle when running through sensitive sections. (5) For this project, noise mainly comes from the vehicles running, which will cause impacts on the residents living nearby. The solution can be, the vehicles should lower the speed and not be allowed to bugle when they draw near the bus station.

7.3.2 Ambient air With the development of the vehicle industry, air pollution coming from traffic fleets has become more and more serious. According to the forecast, with the complete of the road reconstruction project in Guiyang city, the amount of vehicle emission will be increased year by year due to the motor vehicle flux rising naturally. So we recommended the following air pollution mitigations:

68 (1) Control from sources El Not allow passing for vehicles whose exhausts exceed the standard limit D To reinforce the vehicles inspection and maintenance El To reduce the dust on the roads L] To support and cooperate with the local government regarding vehicle exhaust control (2) Distance sensitive objects to be built from project site The locations of sensitive objects to be newly built should be kept far away from the project sites. The free space between vehicles and the surrounding sensitive objects will be enlarged with the increase of the distance between road and nearby sensitive object, which is helpful for the dilution of pollutants, so that the pollutant concentrate at the object site is lowered. On this considering, we suggest that, the planning department of county, or township should not arrange any sensitive objects, such as hospital, school and etc to be built within the area 40 meters away from both sides of the road, or from the bus station. Existing sensitive objects within such area should be relocated or modified step by step. The buildings facing roads should be moved backward as possible as it can, and a certain distance should be kept between roads and the buildings. By doing so, the impacts of flying dust and vehicle exhausts can be alleviated to some certain degree. (3) Use vegetation to purify the air Experiments proved that, the broadleaf trees along the both sides of roads can resist dust and purify the air to some extent. The construction party should act closely upon the City Afforestation Management Regulations of Guiyang City, for example to plant trees along the road sides to make full use of their air purification function. (4) Measurement of plan sensitive objects To minimize the NO2 impacts on human health, schools, hospitals or other should be planned to be built out of the area 40 meters from both sides of the roads.

7.3.3 Water environment Mitigation measures for waste water: (1) To make sure the vehicles are in good condition, to avoid gasoline/oil leaking and dripping onto the road surface;

(2) To strengthen the inspection and maintenance of vehicles, to avoid oil or other toxic substances leakage.

(3) The facility of sewage treatment in bus stations is septic tank, which should be cleared and dredged periodically by local environmental sanitation department.

7.3.4 Security of bus station The safety and fire system in the station should be built up and perfected, the location and deploy of fire plugs and extinguishers indoors and outdoors should meet the relevant provisions of Code for Fire Protection Design of Buildings (GBJ16-2001). It is urged to pay more attention to those main fireproofing sites within the station, establish and perfect the system of post's

69 responsibilities and relevant criterion of safety operations. And it demands to enhance employee's senses of safety and do the best to prevent fire potentials. The facility of fuel store in the station should be located in a place far away from open fire and forbidding smoking. Exploding-proofing illuminations should be used in works of maintenance or checks. Electricity distributor house, boiler house and other establishments with high fire risk should be designed into independent buildings and separated away from each other. It is urged to strengthen supervising and managing on traffic safety in the station area, and only qualified bus drivers can be employed.

7.3.5 Management on accidental pollution and emergence response (1) Management on accidental pollution

In order to avoid accidental pollution caused by vehicles who are running on roads or bridges to transport dangerous materials, the transportation department should adopt the license management and the public security bureau is in charge of award of transportation permit. When an accident happened, the local departments of environment and sanitation, police and traffic should make up a temporary united organization to handle it.

The vehicle with dangerous materials should be in a good condition and fixed with fire extinguishing equipment and carry a mark of dangerous caution; meanwhile, the vehicle should be approved and awarded a transportation permit by the traffic department. Tricar, non-motor vehicle and motorcycle are prohibited to transport dangerous materials.

The holders of vehicles which are supposed to transport explosive or dangerous chemicals should have been certificated by the public security department and obtained transport permit for materials of explosive or dangerous chemicals.

Emergency response: according to the national law of environmental protection, when an accident happened, the relevant department should take measures right now, meanwhile, they should inform local residents and organizations, and report this to local departments of environment and sanitation or others.

When the roads are put into work, according to the national law of prevention and control on water and air pollutions and the relative regulations of Guizhou province, local departments of environment and sanitation, public security and traffic management should handle those accidents together.

(2) Emergency response towards accidental pollution

In handling pollution accidents, the basic principle of Prevention Firstly and Safety Foremost should be kept in mind.

Emergency response system should be set up to treat unpredictable pollutions, especially for accidental oil pollution and others alike. It involves the following tips:

0 To intensify the research on environmental risk, as well as draft corresponding emergency response plan, in order to reduce the lost due to the accidents.

© To make a good environmental risk assessment. It is the basic step. Only when we are

70 familiar with the risk's property, probability, and environmental impacts, we can exactly obtain the risk prevention solution and then perform better in eliminating such risk potential or lowering the risk probability. A plan of emergency response should cover the following points:

(X) Emergency response system

An organization, who will give quick response to emergency, should be set up. It includes the instructing and coordinating center, consultation center, monitoring center, and recovery work group.

Instructing and coordinating center: this sector should be organized and headed by the project holder, and attended by environmental protection organ, water-supply company, water resource bureau, marine products bureau, pollution cleaning company, and etc. It should be equipped with advanced communication devices; if possible, it is enabled to trigger the 110 emergency police to shorten response time. Its task is to build emergency response system, coordinate multiple-parties relation, and instruct how to eliminate accidental pollution. Consultation center: this sector is taken over by the scientific research department. Its main task is to make out the risk assessment based on history and nature literatures and previous scientific achievements. Also it will figure out the name, type, amount of pollution control facilities and instruments, and their store place. It is required to give quick and scientific guidance to the instructing and coordinating center on how to handle accidents, for example collision, blasting and etc. At the same time, the consultation center should conduct event tracking, and make self-evaluation, in order to facilitate to amend the further work procedure, or adjust their research direction.

Monitoring center: at present it is taken over by environmental protection or monitoring departments. It needs to build a test lab with specific test instruments, such as gas chromatography. Its main task is to conduct water pollutant analysis, and then submit the result report.

Recovery work group: it consists of environmental protection personnel (if necessary, law counselors will be employed). Its main task is to conduct law research and negotiation regarding the pollution cleaning cost, and reclaiming the pollution damage.

(X Supervising and reporting system

A good emergency response system should comprise action plans with good operationality and adaptability. Such action plans is of great importance in handling accidents, and mainly cover notification, assessment, decision processing, resource redeployment, and accident recovery. Routine supervising and information receiving are the duty of project holder. Once the accidents occur (the signal maybe comes from one of the information channels, for example the public source), the project holder should inform the instructing and coordinating center and other sectors concerned, and then the emergency response system is started.

(M)Training and practice

After the emergency response plan is defined, the work group of emergency response (including water resource, environmental protection departments and etc) should arrange training/practice and theory study courses periodically, to test the operationability and adaptability

71 according to the requirements of the plan. The group also needs to organize human resource to draft a pamphlet Emergency Response to Sudden Occurred Environmental Pollution Accidents, and hand it out to everyone.

7.3.6 Disadvantage group

In the process of improving the traffic condition, accelerating vehicle speed, lifting flow fleet, and keeping the traffic influence, we should consider more about the disadvantage group and give them enough cares. We should deliberately design the sidewalk and its width, set up bridges and tunnels with taking into account the actual rural transportation condition and stick to the principle of People First during the work of design and implementation.

Before any construction starts, notification should be posted in villages along the construction sites, in which construction time, effects brought by this construction activity and other related should be published.

7.4 Environmental management and supervision

7.4.1 Frame structure of environmental management organ

See Fig 7-4-1 for frame structure of environmental management organ.

Management and execution organs Supervising organs ...... [ EPB ofGuizhou province

Dsign and Transportation Bureau of Guiyang City L aE cson . phases.i

Proj ect amet management offfice


...... |LocalOperatio| Monitoring OpaRom phase -depatmn

Environmental protection- sector

Fig 7-4-1 Frame structure of environmental management organ for Guiyang rural traffic project 72 7.4.2 Purpose For the purpose of protecting the environment along the road routine, and effectively controlling and alleviating the negative impacts arising from this project design, construction or operation, close and scientific tracking, normative environmental management and monitoring should be performed throughout the whole process of this project implementation.

7.4.3 Environmental management Individual organ should be established to take the task of environmental management for each stage-- feasibility study, design, construction and operation, since the environmental management has different implications for the four stages. For this road reconstruction project, its environmental management and supervision plan is shown in Table 7-4-1. Table 7-4-1 environmental management and supervision plan

Stage Supervisor Content of supervision Purpose of supervision Feasibility EPB of 1. To evaluate the EIA outline, I To ensure the EIA covers all the study stage Guizhou 2. To evaluate the EIA report. needed points, subjects are set properly, province and key points are highlighted. 2. To ensure the EIA presents all the potential, significant environmental issues. 3. To ensure the environmental mitigations are accessible, and have

.practical implementation plan. Design and EPB of 1. To check whether the 1. To ensure the environmental construction Guizhou environmental protection funds has protection funds are really injected. stage province been put into the right place EPB of 2. To inspect the dumping and 2. To ensure the surface water is kept Guizhou disposal of the solid waste from free from contamination. province, bridge and tunnel construction. 3. To ensure the solid waste from the and 3. to inspect the discharge and construction will not jam or contaminate Local EPB treatment of life sewage from the surface water. construction workers and waste oil from construction machines 4. To inspect the restoration and 4. To ensure the landscape and land treatment of the earthwork taking resources along the routine are free from and discarding ground. serious destruction, and get recovery. 5. To inspect whether the sites of 5. To ensure such sites meet the material piling, asphalt and concrete environmental protection requirements. mixing are located in appropriate places. 6. To inspect the performance of dust 6. To reduce the environmental impacts and noise control, and determine the deriving from the construction activity, construction time. and act upon the requirements stated in corresponding environmental protection laws and regulations. EPB of 7. To inspect the implementation of 7. To ensure the Guizhou the Three-At-The-Same-Time of the Three-At-The-Same-Time has been put province environmental protection facilities. into practice. 8. To inspect whether the 8. To test the environmental protection environmental protection facilities facilities. can reach the standard requirements. Operation EPB of 1. To inspect the implementation of 1. To ensure the monitoring plan has stage Guizhou monitoring plan been executed. province 2. To identify whether further 2. To ensure the environmental environmental protection measures protection measures have been taken. are needed to be taken (when unpredicted environmental problems occur).

73 EPB of 3. To inspect whether the 3. To strengthen the environmental Guizhou environmental quality at the management, and protect human health province, sensitive areas can meet the indeed. and corresponding standard limits. Local EPB 4. To inspect the dumping, delivering out, and landfill of the solid waste. Responsibilities of environmental management The responsibilities of the environmental management in construction phase includes: (1) to draft out detailed environmental protection management method and plan, especially to make and execute the plan of training on subjects of environmental knowledge and environmental monitoring towards project contractor and environmental protection supervisor. (g) to examine the construction sites periodically, supervise how far the construction party has implemented the environmental protection management method, and stop and correct any wrong construction behaviors at the first time.

( to investigate and handle any problems, for example, disturbance to people or pollution arising from the construction period.

(A) to submit the staged report of environmental management to local administrative department who is in charge of environmental protection. Work scope of supervision In order to have an effective control on pollution arising from construction activities, the supervision in construction phase should not only cover the management on construction quality and progress, and also should involve the inspection on civilization level of the construction behavior, how far the environmental mitigations have been executed, and the implementation status of articles specified in project contract regarding environmental protection responsibilities. (1) the employer should enclose the articles of environmental protection measures in the contract when awarding the overall contract. The construction party is required to act such articles strictly and apply the rewards and penalties system.

( the construction behavior of the construction party should be in compliance with the requirements defined in the State or local government-made regulations, contract articles, and EIA environmental protection suggestions. A civilized and environmental-friendly construction will be highly appreciated.

(D) the employer should consign qualified supervision agency to designate special supervisor of environmental protection who will be responsible for supervising the construction party to implement the environmental protection measures. (1) the construction party should appoint full-time or part time personnel to be in charge of environmental management, who will be present in the construction site to manage the pollution source control. Especially for high noise and vibrating construction machines, their operation time should be limited strictly. © the construction party should be honest to publish the environmental impacts information. Constricted by technology and construction conditions, it is unavoidable that construction activities will generate environmental pollution even with mitigations taken. So the information

74 release should be done towards the affected residents who live along the routine, in order to obtain their understanding and support in advance, so that the construction can go ahead without obstruction. ( the selection of new sites where are proposed to accept the relocated households should be evaluated in terms of environmental impact assessment. Once the sites have been identified, they should be planned scientifically, and equipped with a complete set of utilities, to make sure the resettled group lead a good life. @) A complaint office should be established by the employer or the construction party. The complaint office should release a hot line to hear the public' voice and once receiving the complaint they should arrange special personnel to handle it within a specified term.

7.5 Environmental monitoring plan The purpose of making a monitoring plan is: to supervise whether each environmental protection program has been taken into practice; to provide realtime monitoring results based on which to adjust environmental protection action; to provide basis for drafting time schedule and implementation mode for environmental protection program. Preparing of the monitoring plan is based on the predicted environmental impacts in every phase (construction and operation phases). For this project consists of many small-scaled subjects, which aim to prompt the rural development and have limited impacts on the environment, so we only need to select some representative subprojects to conduct monitoring plan. Environmental monitoring program for construction and operation phases are made upon the characteractis of rural transporation projects. Refer to Table 7-5-1 for the monitoring program. Table 7-5-1 environmental monitoring program for construction and operation phases

Monitoring frequency Name Monitoring Monitoring items Construction Operation Subproject spot Cntuto prto phase phase regular indicators of Qingshuijiang water quality of I R13 Zhaiji-Xinshan River rivers (COD, SS, oil) regular indicators of Lengfan water quality of 1 River rivers (COD, SS, R14 Tianhetan-Gairong oil) Tianhetan Number of tourists - scenic spot regular indicators of Baishui River water quality of rivers (COD, SS, 1 1 R20 Dagu-laping oil) Xiangzhigou Number of tourists I scenic spot Xiuwen R30 Shetian-wugongqiao-xiaoba Yangming Number of tourists - 1 scenic spot

75 regular indicators of Baihua Lake water quality of rivers (COD, SS, R36 Wangchenpo-xiaoshanbian oil)

Baihuahu scenic spot Number of tourists

Luogedang regular indicators of R38 Liangshuijing-Dashanjiao Luogedr water quality of reservior rivers (COD, SS, oil)

7.5.1 Procedure of monitoring The employer should draft out the environmental monitoring procedure for construction and operation phases, after referring to the project's features, other's experiences on operation and management of same type of project, and requirements of environmental management system IS014004. The environmental monitoring procedure should cover the following contents: (1) To establish an environmental management organ with sufficient funds and human resource allocated.

(2) To define environmental management system, monitoring program, personnel training plan, and pollution mitigations for this project. (3) To conduct training according to the above training plan, to make sure all the workers own required environmental protection acknowledge and operation skills, including pollution prevention and control skill. (4) To assign works to individuals; to process daily affairs(including site supervision) according to the plan, and execute environmental monitoring for this proposed project. (5) To build a fluent channel for information communication, especially to build an effective response approach towards public's complaints. (6) To organize the corresponding monitoring agency to perform periodic monitoring, and duly report the monitoring results to relevant departments in charge. (7) To correct the articles which can not stop the re-occuring of some environmental regulation violation or disturbance to civilians in both construction and operation phases, and draft out prevention measures; if necessary, to amend relative management method. (8) To manage the important records, for example, monitoring report, civilian's complaint, form on requiring the responsible agency to treat the pollution within a specified term, and etc. (9) The environmental management organ should conduct periodical supervision on implementation progress, and prepare and submit the Environmental Monitoring Report to relative administrative departments in charge, who will then give comments after examining the monitoring report. The environmental management organ then should amend the problem parts of the management procedure after considering such comments and civilian's complaints. With such effort, it is hopeful to achieve better environmental management for this project.

7.5.2 Environmental monitoring report for construction phase According to requirements of Chinese management policies and regulations towards construction projects, and stipulations of World Bank business, the environmental monitoring

76 agency should prepare the Staged Report of Environmental Monitoring, which convinced the administrative department of environmental protection that the environmental protection program has been taken into practice, and that special measures will be taken soon in order to eliminate some other predicted negative impacts.

7.6 Training plan Personnel training plays a big role in achieving fluent and effective project implementation. The training should focus on environmental protection knowledge and environment-friendly work skills towards the construction workers. In addition to explaining the importance and implications of the project construction to all the workers, the training will also take different forms and apply different courses towards different groups who have been sorted out according to their posts. Generally the training locations have two alternatives, in domestic and abroad. The detailed training plan is shown in Table7-6-1. Table 7-6-1 Training plan for environmental protection technicians Number of Cost Term Personnel Training course Method trained Term (10,000 persons Yuan) Basic theories about Technicians in environmental charge of .o. . Training 2 from protection, monitoring construction-related inside each 2 15 environmental method, monitoring province subproject report compiling, and post training Regulations on 1 from environmental each Technicians in protection, Training construction plan, inside subpro, 3 charge of ,and 1 from environmental province construction-related . . u.l. employer 25 environmental moitrigruieln pnirotmetin and specification protectionTraining Noise pollution inside 8 4 control technology province supervising engineers of National advanced environmental technology on traffic Training protection, environmental outside 5 15 15 environmental management, and province managers from noise control method employer's party Travel service and Training Total 8 Principal of scenic site envrionmental outside from 4 4 10 protection method province scenic sites

77 Total I 6

78 8 Conclusion and suggestion

This project will promote the construction of Urban-Rural connecting road network in Guiyang city, and contribute a lot in solving the road problems such as too narrow, in lower grade, difficult to reach remote areas. This project also contributes a lot to the poverty relief, environmental improvement, living and education level lifting for this area. Several roads in this project are the tour routes that prolong to the scenic sites, but we do not need to worry about it, the construction of this project won't destroy the cultural and historic monuments and the tour spots along the routine; on the contrary, it will drive the development of the local tour industry significantly. As for the indirect impacts coming form road reconstruction, the affected scenic sites have any possibility to transfer them into a positive one if they take proper countermeasures in hardware and software aspects. Due to the similarity in terrain, all the sub-projects have the common points regarding environmental issue. Aside from terrain and geography, there are other impacts such as, social and economic, resettlement, safety and etc. How to mitigate such impacts is described in other reports. Through design optimization, and implementation of good environmental management plan, the environmental impacts brought by the project will be mitigated not very difficultly. So the environmental impacts caused by this project are not very intensive.

79 I

I I I Environmental Impact Assessment Luwo Township Bus Station Project Attached File 1 1 Introduction 1.1 Brief introduction of the project The project, Luwo township bus station is located in the Luwo township, Xifeng county, Guiyang city, Guizhou province. It is a member of World Bank loan project-- country road network upgrading, which aims to improve the local traffic and economic condition. 1.2 Traffic interlink Luwo township bus station is proposed to be built on the east bank of Wengtong River, adjacent to the Lu-Chang Road. Northward, it goes through Liuchang township and Xiaozhaiba township and reaches the county seat of Xifeng. Southward, it extends to Jiuzhuang township. The bus station is in good geographic position and has convenient traffic condition. 1.3 Project size and components The project has a total fund of 1,254,300 Yuan, and occupies lands of 3,766 sq meters. The feasibility study report predicted that, the bus station is built into a Grade-5 one with average passenger traffic volume 100 persons per day. The earthwork includes ground leveling, infrastructure construction and etc. The infrastructures consist of station building and auxiliary building. Station building comprises waiting room, booking hall, rooms for station workers, executive office, luggage room, lobby for drivers and stewards, obstacle-free paths, service facilities for disabled, and toilets; and the auxiliary building comprises vehicle safety inspection platform, doorkeeper's lodge, shop and restaurant.

2 Environmental condition of the project area 2.1 Social environment In the town of Luwo township, the population is 2,000 plus, and the annual income per capita is 2,600 Yuan. According to the urban plan of Luwo township, the new urban area will contain the market, hospital, business zone, since the old urban area is short of land resource. And with the tourism development, the new urban area will be the center place gathering passengers. At present, Luwo township has no bus station, all public transportation buses are parked in the streets, which blocked the traffic significantly. The construction of the bus station is an urgent need for the residents of Luwo township. 2.2 Natural environment The project site has a flat terrain, and is located in an area with good stability and earthquake intensity less than 6 degree. The station will occupy about 2 Mu of barren lands. There is no landslide, mud-rock flow, unstable and deep slopes, karst collapse or other bad geological conditions. There are no standard drainage facilities in the project area. The sewage from the nearby residents are discharged to the ditches and later used as irrigation water.

3 Environmental impact analysis 3.1 Water, air and noise impacts In the construction phase, the camp of construction works is a major source of sewage. For this part of sewage, the construction party should strengthen the management, and adopt proper sewage treatment and then discharge them into nearby ditches or use them as irrigation water. In the operation phase, the waste water mainly comes from the vehicle washing and life sewage, which has the potential to contaminate the water bodies nearby. The major pollution factors are COD, SS and petroleum. In additional, the toilets of the bus station may cause pollution to the ground water. In order to protect surface and ground water which are likely to be polluted by this bus station, the following mitigations are recommended: (1) to separate the rain from sewage, and build sewage collection and drainage system, (2) to set anti seepage liner for the septic tank attached to the toilets, to avoid any water seepage into the ground water, and (3) to discharge the wastewater to the nearby ditches or water bodies only after they are treated to meet the relative standards. In the operation phase, for the rain and vehicle washing water, in which the major pollutant is oil, the treatment should be oil screening and sediment. After the treatment, the wastewater is supposed to meet the class I of Integrated Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996) and then can be discharged into sewer network of the town. For the life sewage from the station staff, 10.0 tons per day, the treatment facility should be septic tank. After treatment, this part of wastewater can be reused as irrigation water. Since the amount of waster is small, the impacts they caused are not significant. The construction activity will generate some certain impacts to air environment. Such impacts mainly come from the exhaust of construction machines and transportation vehicles, and flying dust in the construction field. Since the construction workload is relative small, and the air at the project area is humid due to sufficient precipitation, the impacts to the air can be controlled into a limited level when we keep the construction site in moisture. Noise pollution exists in both construction and operation phases. There are fewer houses near the proposed bus station. However, it is planned that Luwo township middle school will be built at 30 meter west to the bus station in year 2008. In that case, the Luwo township middle school will be affected by the noise generated from the project operation. Here we suggest that, the school building should be arranged as far as possible to the bus station. At the same time, it is recommended to plant tall broadleaf trees on the west side of the station, and set up bugle-off signs within the station, in order to minimize the noise impacts to the school. 3.2 Ecological impacts As described in the feasibility study report, this project will not involve the extensive excavation or earthwork refilling, however a small amount of discarded earthwork will be created. The construction management should be strengthened. Earthwork taking, and discarding should take place in specific places, in such places, trees or grass should be planted in order to prevent water and soil erosion. 3.3 House relocation and land occupation As shown in Resettlement Action Plan Report, the data about house relocation and land occupation are listed in Table 3-1. Table 3-1 House relocation and land occupation

structure and area Types and amount of Type and area of farmlands Type and area of of the house to be a non-farmlands removed annexes to be removed (Mu) (Mu) brick brick and rough Wooden Fruit and wodnhuefnetm tre te Paddy Dry Vegetablesutal Forest Barren subtota concrete 2 )(2 olln adland land I 2 2 (in ) (in ) (in)m 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5.583 0.066 0 5.649 0 0 0 The resettlement should act upon the articles of Resettlement Action Plan Report, and regulations of the Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China, Regulations for Management of Urban House Demolition and other policies. Also the provisions in World Bank Policies for Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) and mitigations proposed by this EIA report should be enforced. All the affected households should be compensated and their living source should be maintained at a higher or at least the same level as before. Meanwhile, it is supposed that the temporarily affected households (due to land requisition) can access to the advantages brought by the projects.

4 Environmental sensitive objects 4.1 Picture of the environmental sensitive objects Refer to the attached Fig 1. 4.2 Environmental sensitive objects near the project site The descriptions of the environmental sensitive objects are shown in the Table 4-1. Table 4-1 environmental sensitive objects environment Distance Potent Mitigation measures Notes al sensitive to the ial objects boundary impact (m) s Luwo 30 Noise, To set up bumping forbidden Luwo township middle school is planed to township dust marks in the station, and be built in year 2008. It will consist of the middle plant tall trees existing Luwo primary school and Luwo school middle school, and occupy land about (present 30,000 sq meters. For the project area, it location) applies the Class 2 of Standard of Environmental Noise of Urban Area (GB3096-93) Settlement 300 Noise, To plant tall trees around the This settlement community mainly accepts community dust boundary of the bus station local relocated households, at present, none of Lulong has moved in. The project area applies the village class 2 of Standard of Environmental Noise ofUrbanArea (GB3096-93) Wengtong 10 Dome To separate the rain from For Wengtong River, it applies class III of River stic sewage, and make sure the Environmental Quality Standard for sewa quality of sewage can reach SurfaceWater (GB3838-2002) ge the discharge standard

5 Public Consultations 5.1 Procedure of public consultation On March 23, 2006, we conducted public consultation in forms of questionnaire survey and public meeting at the Luwo township government and other organs involved like Luwo township middle school. The basic result of the public participation is shown in the Table 5-1. Table 5-2 basic result of the public consultation Location Position and distance I Number of people | Consultation Public attitude to (to the project site) attending mode [Notel the project construction Luwo township Southwest side, 5 1,2 Support' government 200m Lulong village South side, 30m 2 1 Support Luwo township North side, 800m 12 1,2 Support middle school (present location) Note: 1- questionnaire survey, 2- public meeting 5.2 fruits of the public consultation Table 5-2 Fruits of the public consultation

Location Issues concerned Suggestion Proposed solution by public Luwo township students' safety Wish, this project will not increase safety To set up School Here sign, middle school risk to students when they go in and out. Lower Speed plate and etc.

6 Environmental management plan The environmental management contents of both construction and operation phases are listed in the chart of 'environmental management plan' in general framework. The construction contract should clearly show the common mitigation measurements in general framework and the specific measurements in this subproject. The environment protection measurements in the construction contract should be examined by the Xifen county environmental protection bureau, and make sure the articles related in environmental protection will be carried substantially. The mitigation measurements of environmental protection: a. See the common mitigation measurements in general framework; b. The mitigation measurements aiming for the safe and environmental issues of the Luwo middle school: Set up signs like 'School ahead', 'Slow down', 'Bugle off' in the roadside 100-meters away from the school. Set up bugle-off signs within the station. Plant tall broadleaf trees on the west side of the station, as to protect the projected middle school.

7 conclusion and suggestion With the construction of the project, some certain impacts, to lands, vegetation, schools and etc, will be brought out. However, such impacts can be minimized through relief measures. With the bus station project, the street will become broaden; vehicles will run more fluently, which contribute to the improvement of the traffic condition for this town. In general, Luwo township bus station project will bring us huge social benefits, while the environmental impact can be controlled into a limited level through proper mitigation measures. 4,rt

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* 4*JO I I I Environmental Impact Assessment Dagu-Laping Road Reconstruction Project Attached File 2

1 Introduction 1.1 Brief Description of Project Dagu-Laping Road Reconstruction Project, taking place in Wudang District, Guiyang City, is a member of Guiyang World Bank Financed Project-County Road Network Upgrade, which aims to boost the economic development in poor areas along the routine. It runs a total length of 24.294 km, starting from Dagu(where is joining Xiuwen county-Yangchanng town road and intersecting Road S104 Wudang district- Kaiyang county in the territory of Xinbao township), and ending at Laping (where is joining Wudang district-Baiyi town road), via Shangtangkou, Dazhai, Xinbao( Buyi ethnic minorities autonomous) Township, and Xiangzhigou beauty spot. The major function of this proposed road includes: transporting out agricultural products, providing connivance for rural villagers' going in-and-out, and connecting Xingzhigou beauty spot with outside. 1.2 Existing road condition The roadbed is in a stable condition. The road from Dagu to K2+000 position shares the same route with the Yangchang Road. Then, the road line from the overlap end point to Xinbao, 12km long, has no road; the section Xinbao-Longjiao, 7.5 km long, has a Grade-4 asphalt road (paved with asphalt and gravel); the section Longjiao-Laping, 2.8 km long, has no road. Both sides of the road can be extended. The traffic volume in 2005 is 250 pcu/d. 1.3 Project specification This road reconstruction project needs to rebuild 101 tunnels and 6 plane intersections. Finally the road will be rebuilt into a Grade-3 one, with such a standard, the roadbed, and road surface should be 7.5m and 6.5m wide respectively. The work scope of this project covers newly building roads, widening and lifting old roads, straightening wind roads, paving asphalt on road surface and etc.

2 Environmental Condition along the routine 2.1 Terrain and Resource Areas along the road routine are mainly dominated by hills. The road goes through a majority of paddy fields, dry lands and barren mountains, with least residential area. The section from Xinbao to Longjiao, which is a Grade-4 road in good condition, mainly travels through non-agricultural lands within Xiangzhigou Beauty Spot Region. 2.2 Drainage condition Lacking of standard drainage facility, the existing roadbed has poor vertical and horizontal drainage capacity. The proposed project will add side ditches, drainage ditches, and chutes along the both sides of the road. 2.3 Vegetation Areas along the road routine, mainly distributed by barren mountains and agricultural lands, boast rich vegetation resource, in particular the secondary vegetation. However original vegetation can be found in Xiangzhigou beauty spot section where grows natural forest 33 sq km, implying 141 ancient trees, and some rare and engendered species, for example 10 rare plants. According to field survey and previous records, there is no rare or endangered species traced in other sections involved areas-- 300m distanced from the road line.

3 Environmental impact analysis 3.1 Water, air and noise impacts Sewage from camps of the construction workers, and construction sites is usually discharged dispersedly. For this part of sewage, the construction party should strengthen the management, and adopt proper sewage treatment, for example building a septic tank in worker concentrating areas, and then discharge them into nearby ditches or use them as irrigation water. The construction activity will generate some certain impacts to air environment. Such impacts mainly come from the emission of construction machines and transportation vehicles, and flying dust in the construction field. Since the construction workload is relative small, and the air at the project area is humid due to sufficient precipitation, the impacts to the air can be controlled into a limited level when we keep the construction site in moisture 3.2 Ecological impacts As described in the feasibility study report, this project will not involve the extensive excavation or earthwork refilling, however a small amount of discarded earthwork will be created. The construction management should be strengthened. Earthwork taking, and discarding should take place in specific places, in such places, trees or grass should be planted in order to prevent water and soil erosion. 3.3 House relocation and land occupation This project will acquire lands 335 Mu, among which farmlands account for 330 Mu. Total 1110 sq meters of houses will be demolished and relocated, and the work load of resettlement is heavy. The resettlement should act upon the articles of Resettlement Action Plan Report, and regulations of the Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China, Regulations for Management of Urban House Demolition and other policies. Also the provisions in World Bank Policies for Involuntary Resettlement (OP4.12) and mitigations proposed by this EIA report should be enforced. All the affected households should be compensated and their living source should be maintained at a higher or at least the same level as before. Meanwhile, it is supposed that the temporarily affected households (due to land acquisition) can access to the advantages brought by the projects.

4 Environmental sensitive objects 4.1 Pictures of the environmental sensitive objects See the attached Fig 1. 4.2 Environmental sensitive objects along the routine The descriptions of the environmental sensitive objects are shown in the Table 4-1 Table 4-1 environmental sensitive objects Environmental chainage Length Location Distance Left/Right Potential Mitigation Remarks

sensitive (m) from impacts measures

objects proposed

Dazhai K5+900-K6+380 480 Dazhai 4 Both sides Noise, dust 50

concentrated village households, residential area 155


Concentrated K8+400-K9+200 800 Longshang 4 Both sides Noise, dust About 200

residential area village households of Longshang



Rare tree K9+980 Matou 2.5 R Damaging the To broaden Called Lang

village grow of the the left side Tree by

tree local people

Well K13+100 Wanggang 8 L Contaminating To keep the It is the

village drinking water construction water intake

materials port for

away from villagers of

water and Wanggang

prevent such village


Core of K15+600-K17+180 1580 Xiangzhigou L Damaging To improve There lives

Xiangzhigou beauty spot ecological the rare species

Beauty Spot environment management in the beauty

Region capacity and spot region

control tourist


Baishui River K16+000-K20+230 4230 Both sides, Polluting To prevent It travels

parallel to water body construction across the

the river material core of

trend flowing into Xiangzhigou


Pond K23+950-K24+150 200 Laping 4 L Polluting the To prevent Its area is

village pond construction about I ha.


flowing into pond

5 Public consultation 5.1 Procedure of public consultation On April 18, 2006, we conducted public consultation in forms of questionnaire survey and public meeting in concentrated residential areas of Dazhai and Xinbao township, and other organs involved, such as Xiangzhigou beauty spot, Xinbao township government and etc. The basic result of the public participation is shown in the Table 5-1. Table 5-1 basic result of the public consultation

Location Stake No or Number of Consultation Public attitude toward

position people surveyed mode project construction

Concentrated residential area of Dazhai K5+900-K6+380 7 1 Support + Concentrated residential area of K8+400-K9+200 6 1 Support

Longshang village(Xinbao township)

Xinbao township government K9+ 100 3 I E 2 Support

Xiangzhigou beauty spot region K15+600-K17+180 19 1I 2 Support *note: 1- questionnaire survey, 2- public meeting, 3- other forms (including telephone interview, correspondence, scattered oral records and etc ) In the public consultation towards Xiangzhigou beauty spot region, we have interviewed people engaging in service and management positions of the beauty spot region, and obtained their suggestions and advices regarding the road reconstruction, and we also drew out the potential negative impacts arising from this project from the point of beauty spot management capacity. We obtained the following information after we communicated and consulted the management and service personnel regarding beauty spot management capacity: (1) They had no clear idea or objective evaluation regarding tourist receive capacity, however they all agreed that there is no problem in handling the increase of tourist number. (2) They did not give answers from the point of environmental protection or ecological pressure alleviation when questioned whether there are countermeasures towards the increase of tourist number. We draw the conclusion that the beauty spot has a weak management capacity when encountering indirect impacts from the project, and we suggested: in this region environmental protection based training should be held in order to improve service and management personnel's environmental protection acknowledgement, which will play a big role in the sustainable development and ecological preservation of the beauty spot. 5.2 Fruits of the public consultation Table 5-2 Fruits of the public consultation

Location Issue concemed Suggestions Proposed solution

Xinbao township vegetation Good protection for the vegetation To take environmental protection measures when

government should be performed during construction is undergoing construction activity

Xiangzhigou beauty increase of None To organize training course in subject of

spot region tourist number management capacity, executed by the project management office

6 Environmental Management Plan Environmental management issue has been described in the section Environmental Management Plan in the chapter Overall Frame. The construction contract should enclose the detailed environmental mitigations and contents of General Mitigations in Overall Frame. The articles regarding environmental protection should be checked and authorized by Environmental Protection Bureau of Wudang District, to ensure such mitigations can be put into practice indeed. Environmental mitigations: a, Refer to the General Mitigations in the Overall Frame chapter; b, Ecological preservation and safety protection in Xiangzhigou beauty spot: to install vehicle slowing down, No bulge and other signs; to strengthen the management on construction workers, to forbid destroying vegetation of the beauty spot, and forbid building construction camp or sewage treatment facility within the beauty spot scope. Environmental monitoring plan during construction phase: Baishui River, flowing through the beauty spot area, is identified as class II water body. This project's road routine runs almost parallel to Baishui River. In the construction phase, monitoring

is proposed to imposed on Baishui River. The monitoring indicator includes COD, NH3 -N, coliform, TP, petroleum and etc. The monitoring frequency should be set at twice per month. It will be executed by Guiyang environmental monitoring organ.

7 Conclusion and suggestion With the construction of the project, some certain impacts, to lands, vegetation, schools and etc, will be brought out. However, such impacts can be minimized through relief measures. Impacts and corresponding mitigations are described below: (1) Aside from old road reconstruction, this project also includes new road building, which will occupy large area of barren slopes and dry lands and involve a few house relocations. (2) The project may cause some indirect impacts to Xiangzhigou beauty spot. It is suggested that beauty spot's managers make good preparation and handling plan before the project is put into operation, so that the ecology of this beauty spot can be preserved well. In general, the construction of this project, Dagu-Laping road reconstruction is highly feasible.

Pic I Concentrate residential area of Longshang Pic 2 a rare tree (Lang Tree called by local people) at village, Xinbao township position K9+980 in Matou village


Pic 3 Cichong well at position K13+100 ||Pic 4 Entrance of Xiangzhigou beauty spot l r. 0 n Xe<--- Rongshong VlUog

| t | llS1J'zhQi \/ilVgjel , /gn j

| ,kFore ore oi: Xzhlgou spot

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|Project End Polnt

f xe Attached Fig I The environmental sensitive objects along the moad