Explorations in Ethnic Studies
Vol. 8, No.1 January,1985 EXPLORATIONS IN ETHNIC STUDIES The Journal of the National Association for Interdisciplinary Ethnic Studies Published by NAIES General Editorial Board Paula Gunn Allen, Wr iter an d In de pe ndent Sc holar EI Ce rrito ,Ca li fornia Wolfgang Binder, Am erican Literat ure Er langen ,We st Ge rmany Lucia Birnbaum, It alian Am erican Hi storica l Society Be rke ley ,Ca li fornia Lorenz Graham, Wr iter Claremont ,Ca li forni a Jack Forbes, Na tive Am .erican St udies Da vis ,Ca li fornia Lee Hadley, Wr iter Ma dr i d,Io wa Annabelle Irwin, Wr iter Lakev iew,Io wa Clifton H. Johnson, Am ista d Researc h Ce nter Ne w Or leans Joyce Joyce, En glis h Co ll ege Pa rk ,Ma ry lan d Paul Lauter, Am erican St udies OldWe stb ury ,Ne w Yo rk Ron Takaki, Ethn ic St udies Be rke ley ,Ca li fornia Darwin Turner, En glis h Io wa Ci ty ,Io wa Vol. 8, No.1 January,1985 Table of Contents Goan Literature from Peter Nazareth: An Interview by Charles C. Ir by ....................................... 1 Racism and the Canadian State by Da iva K. Stasi ulis . .. 13 Cr itiq ues A. Wi lliam Ho gl und. .. 32 Luis L. Pi nto .......................... .. 34 Va gn K. Ha nsen . .. 36 De lo E. Wa shington ..................................... 37 Between Shadow and Rock: The Wo man in Armenian American Literature by Ma rgaret Be dr osian ........................ 39 Cr itiq ues Jo e Ro drig uez ..............................
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