expatsEEK! express kuwait! Kuwait’s first and only e-magazine for the Western minded expat NOVEMBER #3, 2011 Always wanted to write a book about your time in Kuwait? Someone just did! expats express kuwait! EEK! Free Subscription:
[email protected] Kuwait’s first and only e-newsletter for the Western minded expat Issue #3 11/2011 “thousands of brands rushing online without thinking...” “No, no, no my dear, EEK! is NOT “ONLINE” anything, it is simply “e”. Yanni, you can say it is “PRINTED MEDIA DELIVERED IN A DIGITAL FORMAT”. And so it goes, in so many of our marketing pitches we, EEK!, have to explain that we are not an online entity, and that “e” does not mean “website”. I know this is preaching to the converted, but yikes folks, if you’re not subscribed you don’t get it! Get it?! LOL This whole issue of “e” has been a very interesting road to take. I recently met up with an old friend and we had a chat on where and what EEK! is and where it fits in in the local media landscape. “Dude, EEK! is like a printed blog” he said as his glasses fogged up from the coffee half an inch from his nose. This statement made me realize for the first time that “yes, EEK! isn’t just about news, its way too intimate for that!”. (And intimate it is let me tell you. We receive loads of mails from you, our subscribers, and we try to read each and every one - we’re doing our best to keep up...) But I digress.