Südasien-Chronik - South Asia-Chronicle 1/2011, S. 393-437 © Südasien-Seminar der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin ISBN:978-3-86004-263-2 Negotiating Ethnic Identity in the Himalaya - The Tamang in Nepal ANNE KUKUCZKA
[email protected] “[T]he discourse on ethnicity has escaped from academia and into the field. [...] [T]here is certainly a designer organism out there now, bred in the laboratory and released into the world to be fed by politicians, journalists, and ordinary citizens through their words and actions” (Banks 1996: 189). In the Nepalese Constituent Assembly elections of 2008 among the 74 registered parties, the Tamsaling Nepal Rastriya Dal (Tamsaling Nepal National Party, TRD) promoted the concept of transforming Nepal into a federal state based on ethnic groups’1 ancestral homelands. The claim for ethnic groups’ self-determination is one of the major political is- sues the Constituent Assembly is facing today while working towards a new constitution for what was the world’s last Hindu kingdom. Already in the early 1990s, Parshuram Tamang, who at that time was head of the Nepal Tamang Ghedung (Nepal Tamang Association, NTG), Nepal’s largest national Tamang organization, argued for a cantonal approach and the reorganization of the local government in order to decentralize 393 power and enable ethnic communities to actively engage in politics. Significantly, as early as 1992 he referred to the group that constitutes 5.6 percent of the total Nepalese population, and thereby forms the third largest ethnic group in Nepal2, as a “nation, which has inhabited [the] hills for longer than any other group” (Tamang 1992: 25).