79-20 Rorient 73 Z. 1-20.Indd
ROCZNIK ORIENTALISTYCZNY, T. LXXIII, Z. 1, 2020, (s. 119–153) DOI 10.24425/ro.2020.134049 RAJESH KUMAR SINGH (Ajanta Caves Research Programme, Dharohar, SML, Udaipur, India) ORCID: 0000-0003-4309-4943 The Earliest Two and a Half Shrine-antechambers of India Abstract The shrine antechamber is a standard component of the Indian temple architecture. It was originated in the Buddhist context, and the context was the rock-cut architecture of the Deccan and central India. The first antechamber was attempted in circa 125 CE in the Nasik Cave 17. It was patronised by Indrāgnidatta, a yavana, who possibly hailed from Bactria. The second antechamber was created in Bāgh Cave 2 in ca. late 466 CE. The patron remains unknown. The third antechamber was initiated in Ajanta Cave 16 within a few months. It was patronised by Varāhadeva, the Prime Minister of Vākāṭaka Mahārāj Hari Ṣeṇa. When the third antechamber was only half excavated, the plan was cancelled by the patron himself due to a sudden threat posed by the Alchon Hūṇs led by Mahā-Ṣāhi Khingila. The Nasik antechamber was inspired from Bactria, the Bāgh antechamber was inspired from the parrallels in the Greater Gandhāra region, whereas the Ajanta Cave 16 antechamber was inspired from Bāgh Cave 2. Keywords: Buddhist rock-cut architecture, Nasik caves, Bagh caves, Ajanta caves, shrine antechamber, central pillar, Gandhara, Alchon Hun Khingila, Vakataka Introduction This article shows how the earliest two and a half shrine-antechambers of India were developed. The shrine antechamber, as we know, is an integral part of the Indian temple architecture.
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