Nys Hardingham Headteacher Admiral Lord Nelson School Dundas Lane Portsmouth PO3 5XT rd 3 October 2017 Telephone: 023 9236 4536 Email:
[email protected] Website: www.alns.co.uk Dear Parent/Guardian, ‘GCSE Poetry Live!’ Visit The English Department is planning a visit to ‘GCSE Poetry Live!’ at the Brighton Dome. This is a chance to see and hear performances from a brilliant collection of poets, whose work features on the GCSE English Literature course, as well as attend GCSE examiner sessions where students will be given ‘invaluable guidance and advice about the new unseen examinations’ from experienced Chief and Principal Examiners. Your son/daughter is currently studying the AQA Poetry Anthology for their English Literature GCSE and experiencing the poems being performed by the poets, as well as hearing from experienced examiners, will be invaluable in helping students to understand the poems. On the day, students will hear from: Simon Armitage (Remains) who will also discuss the poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley (Ozymandias) and Ted Hughes (Bayonet Charge), John Agard (Checking Out Me History), Poet Laureate Carol Ann Duffy (War Photographer), Imtiaz Dharker (Tissue) as well as Daljit Nagra, Maura Dooley and Gillian Clarke, who as well as reading her own work will discuss the work of William Blake (London). Students must arrive promptly at school by 7:45. Students must bring a packed lunch and will return to school by approximately 17:00. Students must be in full school uniform for the trip. Venue: Brighton Dome, Brighton Date: Thursday 25th January 2018 Cost: £35 which covers ticket price and coach journey Depart School: 08:00 Return to school: 17:00 We have a limited number of spaces for this trip and places will be in high demand.