CONSERVATION CASES PROCESSED BY THE GARDENS TRUST 11.03.2021 This is a list of all the conservation consultations that The Gardens Trust has logged as receiving over the past week, consisting mainly, but not entirely, of planning applications. Cases in England are prefixed by ‘E’ and cases in Wales with ‘W’. When assessing this list to see which cases CGTs may wish to engage with, it should be remembered that the GT will only be looking at a very small minority. SITE COUNTY SENT BY REFERENCE GT REF DATE GR PROPOSAL RESPONSE RECEIVED AD BY E ENGLAND Ashton Court Avon North 21/P/0510/FUL www.n- E20/1806 08/03/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION 30/03/2021 Somerset Conversion of Pavilion building, anningapplications incorporating a small extension, lobby, plant room, timber cladding and replacement doors and windows, resin play area and other associated works, to provide temporary classroom accommodation for up to two years by Cathedral Primary School to supplement lost classroom space. Upon termination of the temporary use, the proposed classrooms are proposed for use in perpetuity in connection with the established forest school and sports education at the application site. Provision of purpose-built, self- contained changing room facility and associated works. BUILDING ALTERATION
[email protected] dmscanningrequests@n- Benham Park Berkshire West 21/00196/HOUSE E20/1797 05/03/2021 II PLANNING APPLICATION 26/03/2021 Berkshire DC https://publicaccess.west Single storey orangery extension to existing dwelling and formation of link applications/ Benham Gardens, Benham Park, Marsh ction=simple&searchTyp Benham, Newbury e=Application BUILDING ALTERATION
[email protected] Ascot Place Berkshire Bracknell 21/00167/FUL E20/1799 05/03/2021 II* PLANNING APPLICATION 26/03/2021 Forest http://www.bracknell- Erection of new timber gates and brick piers, following removal of existing ngapplications timber gates.