Presentation and History of LVMI Europe

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Presentation and History of LVMI Europe Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe VZW Patrons: • F. Bolkestein, former Commissioner • Herman de Croo, Minister of State and Honorary Speaker of the House of Representatives • Mart Laar, former Prime Minister of Estonia • Earl of Stockton, Chairman of Macmillan Publishers • Alexander Graf Lambsdorff, Deputy Chairman of the FDP Bundestag group Honorary members : HSH Prince Philipp von und zu Liechtenstein Dr.Hanns-Martin Bachmann, former head of the Hessen Vertretung to the EU Board of Directors President: Annette Godart-van der Kroon, L.L.M., Belgium Secretary: Philip Close, Orange Business Treasurer: Nuno Lebreiro, University of Leuven Director Financial Planning Filip Smeets, SERIS Members: Prof. Marc Cools University of Ghent, Free University Brussels Ulrike Haug, Director Sempre Avanti Prof. Dr. Jesús Professor, University Rey Juan Carlos, Spain Huerta de Soto Patrick Meinhardt, Member of the Federal Executive Board, Head of Politics BVMW (Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft) 1 Who we are… The Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe was officially established on 12th October 2002 as a non-partisan think tank fostering an open and free society. It bears the name of Ludwig von Mises, one of the most prominent libertarian economists of the whole XX century, and one of the main representatives of the Austrian School. The Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe primarily aims at: ❖ Exchanging and promoting a free and open economy with a particular focus on the economic ideas of “the Austrian School" ❖ Bridging the gap between “Brussels” and the European citizens and between Eurocrats and Eurosceptics ❖ Acting as an interface between top academics, senior business leaders, respected media commentators, and leading politicians across the EU and in Brussels ❖ Teaching young professionals and students from all over the world to learn about the workings of the European Institutions ❖ Connecting world-wide liberals and organizations at national and international levels …and what we do Since its foundation in 2002, the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe has successfully organized a variety of conferences, symposia, discussions, targeted dinner debates and lunch debates, discussing topics like: The growing role of the EU; Knowledge & Innovation; Transatlantic Relations; Tax Competition; Better Regulation; and Islam and the EU, FTT, Banking Union and Banking and Monetary Policy. LVMI Europe has several important publications to its credit. The Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe is a non-partisan think-tank fostering an open and free society and dedicated to bridging the gap between believers in the free market across artificial boundaries that often divide academic, business, and political circles. Ludwig Von Mises Institute-Europe has as the sole objective to creating prosperity for every individual, while initiating new and unaccustomed ways of analysis and debate in order to ensure Europe’s future prosperity and security in the global village. Members include former Prime Ministers, MEPs, former commissioners, key politicians, senior academics, business leaders and prominent journalists. Educational Program ◼ Aims at teaching young professionals and students from all over the world to learn the workings of European Institutions 2 ◼ Exchange and promote principal ideas and merits of Classical liberalism, with a particular focus on the Austrian School; During the whole year the LVMI Europe offers internship positions to students from universities all over Europe and beyond. Interns get the chance to fully develop skills that are essential for organizing events, writing research papers, and editing the newsletters, website management, database management and network management. ◼ Having a good cooperation with universities is very important for the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe. This helps us with research work and allows us to give interns a chance to develop their skills at the Institute. We maintain contracts with the Universities of Leyden, Bologna, Cagliari, Lille, Tampere and Brussels (VUB/Vesalius). This does not mean that all of our interns are exclusively European: in the past we have had interns from Eastern-European countries, China, India, Tanzania, United States, Canada….as well. ◼ Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe firmly believes that the international character of her internship policy allows for a better contribution to the discussion on a free and open society. For the interns, the knowledge and skills they develop at the Institute give a boost to their future prospects; many of them find a job very quickly and the others went back to their university with fresh ideas. Upcoming events: 2021 March, 2021 Free Market Roadshow, “Disruptive innovation” . A cooperation with Austrian Economic Centre and European Liberty Forum in the European Parliament (tbc) February, 2021 A Conference on Cyber Security (tbc). January, 2021 Conference „Disruptive Innovation II: Banks versus Crypto Currency“ (tbc) Past events 2020 October 1, 2020 Lunch debate on “Future Federalism for Europe”: some concrete proposals”, Holland House September 16, 2020 3 A get together for members LVMI Europe in Holland House July 7, 2020 General Assembly 2020 at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1050 Brussels June 10, 2020 Regulating private security in Europe” a conference with MEP Hilde Vautmans in the European Parliament (postponed) June 4, 2020 Board Meeting LVMI Europe at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1050, Brussels May 6, 2020 Free Market Roadshow, “Disruptive innovation”. A cooperation with Austrian Economic Centre and European Liberty Forum in the European Parliament. (Postponed) March 4, 2020 Lecture on Austrian Economics for students of LVSV at the University of Antwerp January 20, 2020 : Conference on “Artificial Intelligence”, Hosted by MEP Maria Carvalho. in the European Parliament. Speaker Max Rangeley, Cobden Center, Stefan Moritz ( European Entrepreneurs 2019 November 18, 2019: Conference on Banking Union and the future of European Finance with Professor in Holland House, Brussels October 14, 2019 Reception and Inauguration Alumni program LVMI Europe at the headquarters of LVMI Europe: Rue d’ Arlon 20, 1050, Brussels June 20, 2019 Lecture on Pufendorf at the 32st Heilbronn Symposium, Germany 4 June 5,, 2019 General Assembly at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 32, 1000, Brussels May 7,, 2019 Board Meeting at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 32, 1000 Brussels April 10, 2019: A conference on „Cross-Border Enterprises“ with BVMW, European Entrepreneurs, “Netwerk Ondernemen (Flanders)” and Reseau Entreprendre (Bruxelles/Wallonie). Speakers: Mr Stéphane Ouaki, Head of Investments and SMEs Unit in DG RTD Stefan Moritz, Managing Director of European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME: Presentation of DigitaliseSME, Ms. Valérie Guimard, Vice-President of European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME, president of the Association Française de Dirigeants d’Entreprise en Europe – AFDEE (F), and CEO of the French IT company SI4YOU Daniel Kaddik, director of the Liberal Foundation European Liberal Forum Moderator: Philip Stafford, Editor, FT Trading Room at Financial Times November 22, 2018 Conference and presentation of “Banking and monetary policy from the perspective of Austrian economics” in the European Parliament Hosted by Bashir MEP. Speakers: Brendan Brown, chief economist at MUFG, Professor Starbatty, MEP and Max Rangeley Cobden Centre September 26, 2018 Speech by His Excellency, Minister of State, Mr. H. de Croo: Herman de Croo rooted in life. His memoirs” in the Club des Guides, Rue d’Arlon 32, Brussels August 2, 2018 Publication of the book “Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics”, by Springer Verlag June 26, 2018 Mises Circle with Robert Cutler, Fellow, Canadian Energy Research Institute; Senior Researcher, Institute of European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, Carleton University; (Montreal) June 8, 2018 5 General Assembly at the hotel Montgomery, Brussels May 16, 2018, Free Market Road Show: “Which are the Values Europe Needs?” Club de la Fondation Universitaire. April 12, 2018, “Brussels goes to Wuppertal”, “Private Altersvorsorge in einer Welt ohne Zinsen” a discussion of the consequences of the monetary policy of today on a.o pensions. March 22, 2018 Co-organisation of Brussels Summit “Future of Europe”, Steigenberger Hotel, Brussels 2017 December 5, 2017 Dinner Debate”Der Einfluss der anstehenden EU-Reformen auf den Mittelstand”, an event organised together with BVMW and European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME that took place in Hotel Metropole, Brussels November 28, 2017 A brainstorming meeting at the office of European Entrepreneurs. July 11, 2017, The Mises Circle with Brendan Brown, MUFG, Executive Director and Head of Economic Research, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc, a member of MUFG, June 15-17 2017, 30th Heilbronn Symposion in Economics and the Social Sciences. Presentation of a paper on Menger and Schmoller. June 2, 2017: General Assembly March 28, 2017 The Free Market Road Show 2017: “THE WORLD AFTER BREXIT AND TRUMP”, which took place in the European parliament, hosted by Syed Kamall ◼ 2016 November 10, 2016 6 A podium discussion on “Capital Flow Management and FTT” in co-operation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Brussels. Speakers: Dr. Roland Beck, Principal Economist, International Policy Analysis Division, European Central Bank, Germany. Dr Peter Grasmann, Head of Unit, EU/EA Financial system, European Commission. Professor Alastair Milne, Professor of Financial Economics, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University,
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