CHERNIVTSI REGIONAL STATE MUSEUM of FOLK ARCHITECTURE and LIFE Department of the Foreign Languages (Scientific Adviser–Tutor І.V

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CHERNIVTSI REGIONAL STATE MUSEUM of FOLK ARCHITECTURE and LIFE Department of the Foreign Languages (Scientific Adviser–Tutor І.V Чернівці - місто моєї мрії UDK: 727.7 (477.85) A.V. Yavorskiy, D.S. Dmytruk CHERNIVTSI REGIONAL STATE MUSEUM OF FOLK ARCHITECTURE AND LIFE Department of the foreign languages (scientific adviser–tutor І.V. Semenko) Bukovinian State Medical University, Chernivtsi, Ukraine Chernivtsi Regional State Museum of Folk tools and household items, furniture, kitchenware, Architecture and Life was established after the resolution household products industries and handicrafts, works of of the Government of Ukraine on the 19th of July, 1977. decorative art, prints, photographs etc. The Museum with such profile is one of a few in Now it is planned to build Polonyna stable, water mill our country. Similar museums were found in Kiev, and other residential and commercial buildings, a church Lviv, Uzhgorod, Ivano-Frankivsk. The Museum`s first with a bell tower, a chapel, a school etc. Transported visitors came there on the 5th of July, 1986. Today at gates were caved and installed in 1934 on the foot of the this museum there are two unfinished exhibition zones mountain. – “Hotynschyna”, which includes Sokyriany, Khotyn The Museum held dozens of stationary and and Novoselytsia districts, and “West Podnistrovya”, mobile exhibitions, among them – “Arts and Crafts which includes Zastavna and also Novoselytsia districts. of Bukovyna”, “Bukovyna Carpets”, “Bukovyna On this area with the size of 9,379 hectares there are 33 Woven Belts”, “Bukovyna Chest”, “Ritual Painting of reconstructed buildings, which are typical for the old Bukovyna”. Stock museum collection comprises about 8 Bukovinian village of XIX – mid. XX century (houses, thousand items: agricultural machinery, tools, household barns, hen-houses, stables, mills, churches with their bell items, folk costumes, fabrics, wood, metal and clay, tower, village councils). musical instruments, objects of worship, books, etc. Of Most structures are formed in dwellings, with truly these, over 1.5 thousand are presented in the interiors of complete interior of monuments. In the museum there are buildings. Museum supports the development of crafts 7,964 objects of a fixed asset and 96 scientific objects. and trades in Bukovyna, actively promotes the recovery Among them there are folk costumes, fabrics, peasant and preservation of traditional customs and ceremonies. 13.
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