Blackpool Core Strategy Pr eferred Option Development Plan Document April 2010 Building a better community for all Please Let Us Know Your Views It is essential the views of Blackpool’s residents, businesses, organisations and all interested parties are made known to help us together to shape Blackpool’s future development. There are 2 main ways in which you can comment on the Council’s Core Strategy Preferred Option: 1. Use the Council’s on-line consultation portal by visiting the following website: 2. You can also send in your views on the “Comments Form” at the back of this document by e mail to:
[email protected] or by post to the address below: Planning Department, Development Plans, Blackpool Council, PO Box 17, Corporation Street, Blackpool, FY1 1LZ. Further copies of the Comments Form are available from the Council’s main offices or on- line from the Council’s website at: The Policies and Proposals of the Core Strategy will affect everyone that lives, works or visits Blackpool – so please get involved and have your say. The following policy framework does not represent the final version of the Core Strategy but is the main opportunity for public comment. Please refer to the Key Diagram (p25) which summarises and illustrates Blackpool’s Core Strategy proposals to 2026. The Ordnance Survey mapping included within this document is provided by Blackpool Borough Council under licence from the Ordnance Survey in order to fulfil its public function to make available Council held public domain information.