Sculptural Serenity: an Open Air Extravaganza on Blackpool’S Promenade Introduction
SCULPTURAL SERENITY: AN OPEN AIR EXTRAVAGANZA ON BLACKPOOL’S PROMENADE INTRODUCTION When the opportunity to travel comes back into our lives in 2021, outdoor space, and the chance to explore new facets within it, are likely to be highly valued. The so-called ‘staycation’ is predicted to be the number one holiday trend this year and we may, for some time, need to do our own thing, keeping our distance from others, to keep everyone safe. If there is one thing Blackpool – and the rest of our Fylde coastline – has in abundance, it is open space. We are all said to have fallen in love with nature during lockdowns and our fabulous seafront offers every opportunity to explore its call, whether you listen to crashing waves, watch the sand change colour as the tide recedes, or pay attention to the cries of the herring gulls overhead. We reflect the colours of Blackpool within our luxury self- catering holiday apartments, using the ‘Left Coast Colour Palette’ within each one’s individual branding and interior. What we really want to do, of course, is get our visitors outdoors, exploring these for themselves and discovering new facets to Blackpool and its surrounding towns and villages. To help you do that whenever you can, whilst (for now) giving you something new to learn about Blackpool, we have put together our little guide to some stunning things, remarkable, unusual and poignant, which you can see, when you step outside our door. If you want to walk with added purpose, get carried away with your camera whilst trying to take artistic shots, or cycle and take in sea air, this guide will provide something for you to look out for, ponder, debate and discuss with the dog, perhaps, if he or she is also staying with us! We hope it will bring you some added pleasure, at a time when the outdoors and open spaces will have to continue to be our sanctuary.
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