Constellation Coloring Pages
Constellation coloring pages OU Lynx Johann Bode, Uranographia (1801) Plate 6 (Ursa Major) Leo Minor the Little Lion, Ursa Major the Big Bear Plate 7 (Bootes) Bootes the Herdsman, Canes Venatici the Hunting Dogs, Coma Berenices the Hair of Berenice, Corona Borealis the Northern Crown, Mons Maenalus the Mountain, Quadrant Muralis the Mural Quadrant Plate 8 (Cygnus) Cygnus the Swan, Hercules, Lyra the Harp, Ramus Pomifer the Apple branch, Sagitta the Arrow, Vulpecula the Fox Plate 9 (Ophiuchus) Antinous the Servant, Aquila the Eagle, Ophiuchus the Snake Handler, Scutum the Shield, Serpens the Snake, The Bull of Poniatowski Plate 10 (Pegasus) Delphinus the Dolphin, Equuleus the Foal, Pegasus the Flying Horse Plate 12 (Orion and Taurus) Canis Minor the Little Dog, Gemini the Twins, Orion the Hunter, Psalterium Georgianum the Harp, Taurus the Bull Plate 14 (Virgo) Cauda Hydrae, Ears of wheat, Hydra the Water Snake, Libra the Balance, Virgo the Maiden Plate 15 (Sagittarius) Ara the Altar, Corona Australis the Southern Crown, Lupus the Wolf, Norma the Carpenter's Square, Scorpius the Scorpion, Tubus Herschelii Major the Telescope of Uranus Plate 17 (Cetus) Apparatus Chemicus, Cetus the Whale or Sea Monster, Eridanus the River, Fornax the Furnace, Machina Electrica the Electrostatic Generator, Sculptor the Sculptor's Workshop Plate 18 (Canis Major) Argo Navis, Caelum the Sculptor's Chisel, Canis Major the Big Dog, Caput Hydrum, Columba the Dove, Hydra the Water Snake, Lepus the Hare, Lochium Funis the Nautical Line of Argo Navis, Monoceros the Unicorn, Officina Typographica the Printing Press, Pyxis the Compass of Argo Navis Plate 19 (Hydra) Antlia the Air Pump, Argo Navis, Centaurus the Centaur, Corvus the Crow, Crater the Cup, Felis the Cat, Hydra the Water Snake Exhibit: Galileo’s World.
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