District Government Accountability Model Raja AMPAT in the Field of Health Service in Perspective Special Autonomy

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District Government Accountability Model Raja AMPAT in the Field of Health Service in Perspective Special Autonomy View metadata, citation and similar papers at core.ac.uk brought to you by CORE provided by Hasanuddin University Repository International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2016 687 ISSN 2250-3153 District Government Accountability Model Raja AMPAT in the Field of Health Service in Perspective Special Autonomy Hosea Rimon Ambrauw 1, Nur Muhammad Sadik 2, Rachmat 2, Badu Ahmad 2 1 Graduate Student PhD, Study Program: Science Of Public Administration. Hasanuddin University, Makassar, Indonesia 2 Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Hasanuddin, Makassar, Indonesia Abstract- The implementation of special autonomy for Papua Special Autonomy for Papua, namely Law No. 21 of 2001 on Province since 2001 until the year 2014 has been entered into 13. Special Autonomy for Papua. Enforcement of special autonomy The implementation of special autonomy in Papua have bring a for Papua Province since 2001 until the year 2014 was entered in lot of change and progress for indigenous Papuans in various the 13. In the process, the implementation of special autonomy in development sectors such as health. However, the Papua have bring a lot of change and progress for indigenous implementation of special autonomy in Papua still reap a lot of Papuans in various sectors of development. As an illustration that criticism, one of which is indigenous Papuan community during the year 2010-2012, the government has special autonomy dissatisfaction against the implementation of various funds significantly to the budget of Papua and West Papua. development programs and activities funded by the local Raja Ampat Regency Government, during the period 2006- government of the special autonomy funds, such as missing the 2013 allocated a budget of 366.450.377.337 IDR, to finance the target and uneven in its implementation. Therefore, development of the health sector. The fund is intended for the accountability is required to provide an explanation for what has construction and development of health centers into inpatient been done by the bureaucracy. This study aims to find a model of health centers (pustu) and some into a clinic. The available funds accountability of local governments Raja Ampat district in the are also used to build additional and village polyclinics health care field in the era of special autonomy. The approach (polindes) in some villages, as well as the procurement of used is a qualitative approach to the type of research is medical equipment both in the clinic, health centers (pustu), and descriptive. The focus of this study describe the model and find village polyclinics (polindes). The budget allocation is also the model of local government accountability in the health care indicated for the procurement of medicines, public nutrition field in Raja Ampat. This study uses interview, observation and improvement, procurement of furniture health centers, and the documentation. Data were analyzed through qualitative data development of health infrastructure more (LKPJ Regent of Raja analysis includes the structuring of data, data reduction, data Ampat, 2013). presentation, and conclusions or verification. These results Health development should be seen as an investment to indicate that the model of accountability of local governments in improve the quality of human resources, among others measured the field of health services in the district of Raja Ampat in the era by the Human Development Index (HDI). In the measurement of of special autonomy, still adhered to a closed system. This means HDI, health is one of the major components in addition to that the accountability model is used for this follow bureaucratic education and income. Health is also an investment to support rules exist which is rigid, hierarchical and closed. economic development as well as having an important role in poverty alleviation efforts. Index Terms- accountability, autonomy, health services, When further analyzed the problems as mentioned above, it bureaucracy can be said that issues like this happens due to lack of good planning and management of the program, in particular the management system of programs and activities in the health I. INTRODUCTION sector, both at the level of provincial and district governments. he existence of local authorities with the concept of According Yoteni (2015) that some of the symptoms inherent in T autonomy is basically one embodiment to streamline the life of society in Papua lately that might be a factor inhibiting government services in the context of geographic and the implementation of special autonomy as a whole including the demographic broad and big as the state of Indonesia. By giving behavior of government officials (in Papua), the behavior of some authority in the central government to local governments or politicians and public behavior. According Widodo (2001) the the so-called decentralization, the hope is that government government brought closer to the governed (the people) will be services to its citizens increasingly on hold and further improving able to identify what the needs, problems, desires and interests the quality and access to services can be improved continuously and aspirations of the people is good and true, hence the policy in line with the intensification of interaction between citizens and created will be able to reflect what the interests and aspirations of government (Soerjodibroto, 2011). the people it serves. Departing from the basic principle of the enactment of Law Therefore, one solution to address these issues is to restore No. 32 of 2004, then in Papua since 2001, enacted Law on the system of local governance. One of them by applying the principles of local governance is good (good local governance). www.ijsrp.org International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 6, Issue 4, April 2016 688 ISSN 2250-3153 Good governance (good governance) is one of the latest there are several underlying principles, namely (a) there must be paradigm in the science of public administration today. So that in a commitment from the leadership and the entire staff of its implementation should be acceptable politically, legally government agencies concerned, (b) must be a system that can effective and administratively efficient (Baderi, 2009). Four main guarantee the use of resources consistent with the legislation in elements or principles that can give a picture of public force, (c) must be able to demonstrate the level of achievement of administration, characterized by good governance are goals and targets, (d) should be oriented towards achieving the accountability, transparency, openness, and the rule of law mission and measure the results , (Sedarmayanti, 2004). The policy of decentralization and regional autonomy will According Pohan (2000) that good governance (good not achieve optimal results if the accountability process is not governance) are not limited to how the government exercised its working as it should. Mawhood (1987) in Manggaukang (2006) powers properly, but more important is how the community can stated that the main purpose of the decentralization policy is an participate and controlling the government the authority to run attempt to achieve political equality, local accountability and properly. Therefore, good governance is often seen as a building local responsibility. Relation to the implementation of the special with three poles. Third's pole is transparency, accountability and autonomy, accountability is also part of the local community participation. In connection with the third important element in instrument for the sovereign, as the lofty ideals of the special the implementation of good governance as mentioned above, in autonomy that Papuans should be healthy, educated, prosperous this study are the focus of research is on the element of and dignified. One of the obligations of local government in accountability. This was confirmed by (Tjokroamidjojo, 2000 in accordance to Law No. 32 of 2004 about local government is an Rachmat, 2006) that in order to create a system of governance obligation to do the planning, control, dissemination and that is characterized by good governance, the government is implementation of development programs to all interested expected to apply the principles of accountability, in addition to parties. Under article 27, paragraph 2 of Law No. 32 of 2004 on transparency, participation and the rule of law. Accountability is local government, local governments have an obligation to the capacity of public authorities to account for the success or submit a report on Regional Government (LPPD) to the failure in carrying out its mission in order to achieve the government, Report Description Accountability (accountability objectives and targets periodically. This means that every report) to the Parliament, and provide information reports local government agency has an obligation to account for the governance to the people. achievement of the organization in the management of the According Dwiyanto (2008) that the government is usually resources entrusted to him, from the planning stage to willing to embody the values of good governance as far as their implementation and monitoring and evaluation (Pohan, 2000). interests do not interfere. The government is willing to be open Accountability is a measure that indicates whether the activity of and participatory if by being open to engaging stakeholders the public bureaucracy or services carried out by the government during the process of policy
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