Henry Olonga | 280 pages | 19 Jul 2010 | Vision Sports Publishing Ltd | 9781905326815 | English | London, United Kingdom Blood, Sweat and Treason, - Shop Online for Books in Fiji

Former Zimbabwean cricketer, Henry Olonga, made waves when he became the youngest and first black cricketer to play for his country, reflecting his tremendous strength and determination. Over the course Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story his career, he has played for a number of teams in various tournaments, all of which combine to give him a knowledge of the sport that many can only dream of. After studying at Rhodes Estate Preparatory School, Henry played for the Partridges, which is the national primary schools team. In a match against the English team, Brighton College, Henry scored an amazing runs, as well as taking 8 for 15 runs. Making his domestic career debut in March ofHenry played in the for Matabeleland, against opponents, Mashonaland, taking 5 wickets. UntilHenry played domestic first-class cricket for Matabeleland before moving to Mashonaland A, playing there until Prior to retiring inhe played for Manicaland. Regarded as one of the fastest bowlers in international crickethis invaluable representation as his nation's first black cricketer sent ripples throughout the sport. Additionally, Henry helped the team win their first overseas Test inagainst the formidable Pakistan. Whilst playing for his country, Henry took 68 wickets and boasted a average of His book, Blood, Sweat and Treasonwhich discusses his controversial advocacy for Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story in Zimbabwe, was longlisted for the William Hill Sports Book of the Year in As a first-class cricket speakerHenry can cover a range of topics, both politically, personally and professionally. With experience playing at top-level cricket, Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story first-hand experience of achieving peak performance makes him a valuable addition to any event. To book Henry Olonga as the speaker for your corporate event, function or conference, contact The Motivational Speakers Agency using the contact details below:. Enquiry form motivationalagent championsukplc. Henry Olonga. Book Henry Olonga Today! Book your motivational speaker today! Cricket Speaker. Back to 'Cricket Speakers'. To book Henry Olonga as the speaker for your corporate event, function or conference, contact The Motivational Speakers Agency using the contact details below: Enquiry form motivationalagent championsukplc. Please note we do not accept requests for autographs personal messages or video messages. Request a callback Speak to a member of the Motivational Speakers Team about booking the perfect speaker. Would you like to receive newsletters from The Motivational Speakers Agency? Would you like to receive newsletters? Event Location i. Date Required. Do you have a specific speaker in mind? How did you hear about us? Top 10 Hosts for Your Awards Ceremony. Blood, sweat and treason | Henry Olonga's book website

Zimbabwe, batting first scored at a rate of over 5 runs per over with the help of some alluring display of batting by the Flower brothers posted a target of for India in 46 overs revised target. India looked like comfortably chasing the target with crucial contributions from Sadagopan Ramesh, Ajay Jadeja and Robin Singh. Last 2 overs of the game, 9 runs required of 12 balls and 3 wickets in hand. Easy, right?? Enters Henry Khaaba Olonga and bowls probably the most memorable over of his international career. A heart break moment for the Indian fans. Fast forward toHenry Olonga is settled in Australia with his wife and 2 kids and is away from cricket. He had to cut short his international career with Zimbabwe in after being vocally against the then Zimbabwe president and the World Cup being his last tournament in Zimbabwe colours. In one of the World Cup matches, Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story and teammate wore black armbands to "mourn the death of democracy" in Zimbabwe. Both later received life membership of MCC in He has 4 other siblings and his brother Victor Olonga is the former of the Zimbabwean national rugby team. Inwhen Olonga first played international cricket for Zimbabwe, he became the first black cricketer and also the youngest to represent Zimbabwe in international cricket. In one of his earlier interviews, he mentioned how as a kid, everybody asked him to not pursue cricket and play golf instead as there was more money and less physical strain involved. The right arm fast bowler made his debut against Pakistan in . In his short international career, he played 30 Test matches taking 68 wickets with a of Olonga had a short but controversial career with his other activities gaining Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story. Inwhen Andy Flower and he decided to wear Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story armbands to "mourn the death of democracy", there were warrants issued for his arrest in Zimbabwe and he had to go into hiding post the World Cup. A year later inhe got married to Australian Tara Read and Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story settled down in Australia. His autobiography Blood, Sweat and Treason was released in Tuesday, 27 Mar, 8. Disclaimer : This story is auto-aggregated by a computer program and has not been created or edited by Dailyhunt. Publisher: Sportzwiki English. Henry Olonga-Guest Keynote & Event Speaker | ICMI

Click here to the index of sports autobiographies. When I was seven I was I had an in-built sense that people could not be trusted. Remember, too, that I had been moved from pillar to post and had had very little stability in my life. I remember one teacher Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story us that if we heard a shot it meant that we were still alive, that we would never hear the bullet that killed us. Mr Lowe saw some potential in me and made me work hard, telling me that I had the ability to become another Carl Lewis if I wanted it badly enough. I remember watching the Olympic Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story on an old black-and-white TV and seeing Lewis win all those medals, and it really inspired me. I was late for dinner and just wanted to get away but I learnt that anything worth pursuing in life needs commitment. I have always responded well to mentors but I have also been mindful, subconsciously, that they always leave. They come for a time into my life and then they are gone. I have always believed that it is correct to show some respect to your elders, but surely they have to earn it in some way? Like everybody else, I had bought into the fact that it was OK to pummel somebody we felt had let us down but seeing him in tears stirred something in me, and I felt genuine compassion for this poor boy. It struck me that there were some pretty dreadful things going on in the world if you could be singled out just because of the colour of your skin. I felt in my heart that I had heard the truth I was seeking. So, at the age of 16 on 12th DecemberI decided to become a Christian. I felt free and at peace with God. If ever there was a man I looked up to, a man I wanted to do well for, it was Atherton Squires, and now he was gone. My sporting dreams were shattered. I had been appointed head boy, which gave me the perfect opportunity to try to leave a positive legacy and I thought it would be great to try to change that. It is amazing how something that can seem insignificant in your teens may go on to shape your entire life. So I strapped up my ankle and bowled through the pain, taking a few wickets in a rain-affected match but nonetheless impressing the selectors in the process. It was a lesson to me that sometimes you just have to play through discomfort. I bowled hard, but I bowled fair, and I got no enjoyment out of trying to hit a tailender unless they started getting smart. But unless you can get an expert in biomechanics who can come in and fix it for you, or at least point you in the right direction, Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story are just going to keep doing what comes naturally to you, whether that be Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story or wrong. The only thing that was stopping me was how I wanted to be remembered. As you go through life you come across inspirational characters like this guy, people who have suffered the very worst that life can throw at them but who keep smiling, have a positive outlook and rise above it. After my time at the academy, I went home to Zimbabwe with a new Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story and belief in my action. This was going to be one of those times when I would just have to bite the bullet. I had always been told that you never really play at per cent, and sometimes you just have to grit your teeth through the pain barrier. If I wanted to get back in the team I needed to look like a proper athlete and be at my peak. After the programme I felt that I was ready for anything. It Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story true that my dad has made his Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story in life and he might have made wiser choices, but in that short space of time he became my greatest hero, role model, inspiration and mentor. I found it hard to believe at first because it was so shocking but the evidence just kept mounting up. Perhaps coaches have a shelf life and, after Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story in charge for about five years, we thought that the relationship between the team and this coach had run its course. Unfortunately, one of the consequences of that fateful team meeting is that cliques began to form and in my opinion it ironically bred a culture of selfishness among players as player power became an increasing force in the game. I have always attempted to be man enough to admit when I have screwed up and so I later apologised to a few of the players involved, individually and also generically in a letter to the then captain Andy Flower. I felt it was my responsibility as the senior black man in the team to stand up for the junior member of the team who could not stand up for himself. Make no mistake, I was no world-beater anyway and I had an average career. But I am happy to admit that I was more average after that. I had tried to man up and take it on the chin, to never reveal the true extent of my depression. But behind the brave face a certain regression had taken place, back to the child I had been in junior school. I had become unsmiling and introspective and I hated it. This was not me. I was not that kind of depressed, morbid guy any more. Whether we like to admit it or not, most people have their prejudices, but this was malicious and much of it was blatantly offensive. It has been said that the eyes are the window to the soul. I had been asked to Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story the team because I had obviously made a good impression somewhere, perhaps not just as a bowler but as a leader. I mean that I was ready in the sense that death may spring up on any of us when we least expect or invite it. I had things that I wanted to do with my life. I had a growing feeling that as high-profile sportsmen we should stand up and be counted, that we needed to tell the population that we did know what they were going through or at least that we cared about their fate. They went Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story and on about it as if it was the only important thing, but what they failed to see is that racism can work both ways. How could it be wrong to stand up for other people less fortunate than you who would never be heard? Seeing the lack of transparency was one of many episodes that drove home the fact that my homeland was not in good hands. Learn to do good. Yes, I had been warned of the dangers of the action we were about to take but in my optimism I naively still expected to Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story out the rest of my life in Zimbabwe. I remember how we had both been tossing things back and forth and agreeing that the worst thing in life was to have an opportunity to effect change, a chance to do something meaningful, and choosing to do nothing. On the one hand brimming with excitement at what we had done and a sense that this is going to change the world, and on the other hand there was this feeling of trepidation because of course there was this ever- present sense of possible doom. After everything I had been through, it was heart-warming to suddenly discover that so many people wanted to assist me. Just chill out for a week or two Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story think of life again, because when something so tumultuous and life-changing comes your way you run on adrenaline. But some black Africans think Mugabe is unquestionably a hero because the white colonialist is always the bigger enemy. As my new life in England has unfolded, more and more I have found myself drawn away from cricket and leaning towards my music and past interests. There are also people who are born with gifts that they never discover. There is a saying that the grave is the richest place because in the grave you will find unfulfilled potential in many people, and that is true. Once that decision was made there was no place for a wuss or a wimp. I had to face the music, not back down or shy away. It was the moment I grew up. In a moment in time I recognised and realised that there are deeper issues to life than entertainment, which is essentially what sport is. You can plough along minding your own business, never criticising, never standing up to things, or you can make an effort. People tell me that sport and politics should never mix and while I Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story generally agree with that, I would also say that had I not been in the position I was within the team then I could never have made my protest in front of such a huge global audience. I feel that what I am doing with my life now makes more of a difference, and is far more worthwhile, than what I did on any cricket field. Zimbabweans felt pride when we won cricket matches, and so did I, but it never really had an eternal impact. I have this naive belief that the more people who know, the greater the chance that something might be done to bring it all to an end. Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story I know that awareness is just part of the solution. When you are in the evening of your life, perhaps that is the time to think of a long-term legacy. But as a seven-year-old I did not have a bone of prejudice in me. Chapter Three: Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story in the Lan Chapter Four: Venturing Abroad I remember one teacher telling us that if we heard a shot it meant that we were still alive, that we would never hear the bullet that killed us. By accident, I also found that I had an aptitude for things. To me Mugabe was, and remained, the hero I was being told that he was. Chapter Six: Finding My Voice I Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story always believed that it is correct to show some respect to your elders, but surely they have to earn it in some way? Chapter Seven: Spiritual Awakenings It struck me that there were some pretty dreadful things going on in the world if you could be singled out just because of the colour of your skin. Chapter Nine: Bowling them Over Although I loved my athletics, without my mentor my passion for running began to fizzle out. Chapter Ten: Climbing the Ladder So I strapped up my ankle and bowled through the pain, taking a few wickets in a rain-affected match but nonetheless impressing the selectors in the process. We are given skills and abilities to use at the right time but with wisdom. Chapter Eleven: Playing with the Big Boys But unless you can get an expert in biomechanics who can come in and fix it for you, or at least point you in the right direction, you are just going to keep doing what comes naturally to you, whether that be right or wrong. Chapter Twelve: Back in the Swing As you go Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story life you come across inspirational characters like this guy, people who have suffered the very worst that life can throw at them but who keep smiling, have a positive outlook and rise above it. Chapter Thirteen: Bumbling Along This was going to be one of those times when I would just have to bite the bullet. Chapter Sixteen: Building for the Future It is amazing how much you appreciate people when losing them becomes a real possibility. Chapter Seventeen: Pulling Teeth But knowing when to stop analysing and just expressing myself was always a tough balancing act. He was a hero and that was unquestionable. But that view was about to change. There are some good things that can never be taken away from Robert Mugabe. Chapter Eighteen: Time for Change Perhaps coaches have a shelf life and, after being in charge for about five years, we thought that the relationship between the team and this coach Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story run its course. Chapter Nineteen: Out in the Cold I have always attempted to be man enough to admit when I have screwed up and so I later apologised to a few of the players involved, individually and also generically in a letter to the then captain Andy Flower. Chapter Twenty: Building Bridges I had tried to man up and take it on the chin, to never reveal the true extent of my depression. Chapter Twenty-One: Dying Young Whether we like to admit it or not, most people have their prejudices, but this was malicious and much of it was blatantly offensive. Chapter Twenty-Three: Your Money or Your Life I had been asked to captain the team because I had obviously made a good impression somewhere, perhaps not just as a bowler but as a leader. Chapter Twenty-Four: Tensions Brewing I had a growing feeling that as high-profile sportsmen we should stand up and be counted, that we needed to tell the population that we did know what they were going through or at least that we cared about their fate. Chapter Twenty-Five: Taking the Plunge How could it be wrong to stand up for other people less fortunate Blood Sweat and Treason: My Story you who would never be heard? Chapter Twenty-Eight: The Start of a New Life Just chill out for a week or two and think of life again, because when something so tumultuous and life-changing comes your way you run on adrenaline. The sense of nostalgia intensifies as one gets older.