Aid Loss Forces $2M Budget Cut Tomorrow Is the Deadline to Dominate Teachers for the 1994 Charles Philhower Fellow, Dr
Set your table Setting the pace Yes, she Is You could win Freshman Suzy Kozub is A chat with "Athlete of Season" an Easter ham Melissa Etheridge See pages A-2, A-3 *•• Sports, page A-13 $•• VftrttndPlus .4 (A II HHATION The^festfielThursday, March 17,1994 d Record Vol. 5, No. 11 A Forbes Newspaper 50 cents ; BBBBi BSS^^^^SiWSWSi^Si^BBBSJBSSBSSBlBB™^SJS<SJSJSwJSSBBB^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^BlHS^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^S^^^H^^^^S^ I Briefs Nominations are due Aid loss forces $2M budget cut Tomorrow is the deadline to Dominate teachers for the 1994 Charles Philhower Fellow, Dr. Smith sees property tax hikes with program reductions based on outstanding teaching, interest in children and contin- sV NtCOUA-QAVINNKOU A. QAVN4OO Dr. Smith anticipates »neea needd toto cucutt in yean,years," Dr. Smith said. "ThThe day, leaving school officials with laslost year. The largest loss will bie a ued pursuit of professional THE RECORD more than $2 million in the current task before the Westfield Board of less than a week to re-draft their Vi cut in transition aid, equaling a| growth. working draft budget, while work- Education Is to reduce our working budget loss of nearly $400,000 for West- According to Schools Superin- ing within a decreased cap per- draft budget by $2,070,963." At press time, Westfield hadn't field Eligible persons must have tendent Mark C. Smith, Westfield centage of about 4.2 percent The result of this will be In- received exact figures, but only re- Categorical aid, which includes; taught K-5 for S years in West- will definitely see a rise in property "We're looking at a combination creased property taxes and the loss ceived word on the governor's plan special education, transportation, field.
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