Eastern Progress Eastern Progress 1966-1967 Eastern Kentucky University Year 1966 Eastern Progress - 05 Oct 1966 Eastern Kentucky University This paper is posted at Encompass. http://encompass.eku.edu/progress 1966-67/4 •COLONELS' WIN SECOND-CLASS AGAIN STUDENTS? ®lp> Eaefertt Progress Pafte 4 Pa&e 2 Setting The Pace In A Progressive Era Wednesday, Oct. 5, 1966 Student Publication of Eastern Kentucky University, Richmond, Ky. 44th Year, No. 4 Alumni Association Awards Scholarships Mental Health To Five 'Outstanding* Eastern Students Needs Nurse's School where she distinguished By BOB LEWIS ceivlng the scholarship for the! boy receiving the scholarship fourth year. Raker, who gradu- is Stephen Holt, a Junior Eng- herself with outstanding schol- Special Staff Write* ated from CarroU County High I llsh major from WurUand, Ky. astic ability. Other Worker* School In 106S as valedictorian I Receiving the award for the The other recipients are J. W. Thurman, Director of Janet Sue Phelps and Deborah One of the most frustrating Alumni Affairs here at East- of his senior class, was the | third year Stephen, the son of ern, announced this week the first recipient of the Alumni Mr. and Mrs. William M Holt, Lee Culver both sophomores Jobs in the world of mental graduated from Wurtland High and second year recipients. health is finding and keeping recipients of the annual Alum- Scholarship during the fall Miss Culver Is a physical edu- ni Scholarship award for the semester of 1988-84. Raker, a School as the valedictorian of nurses and other female work- his class, and has distinguished cation major from Frankfort, ers to help run hospitals and 1866-67 school year. senior mathematics major, has In explaining the purpose of distinguished himself while here himself at Eastern with mem- Ky. She is the daughter of Mrs. clinics, according to the Ken- bership In Kappa Iota EpsUon Margaret A. Culver end a tucky Mental Health Manpower the award, Mr. Thurman said, at Eastern as editor of the graduate of Shelbyville High "The Eastern Alumni Associa- Progress, First Vice-Presldent and Omlcron Alpha Kappa, Commission. of Kentucky IntecoUeglate both honor societies. School. tion felt that there were many Miss Phelps Is an elementary The Commission believes it ££££ m"the~state deserving Press Association, and by mem- Other Recipients Announced has a partial answer■—"*•*•" ^ opportunity to attend ccJ- bership In Wtoo'e Who In Amer- The other three-year winner, education major from Mealry, easler for mothers to work by , ^ ^^ iated the Pamela S. Arnett, daughter of where she graduated from lt mlt ican Colleges and Universities Meade Memorial High School providing good care for their scholarship program to help while a Junior. Mr. and Mrs. Swing Arnett Is young children. a Junior majoring In chemistry. as co-aalutatorian of her class- provide the means of obtain- Besides Raker, there are four She Is the daughter of Mr. sad Working with the Kentucky ing a college education to other Eastern students recelv- She Is from Middlesboro, Ky., 'I'm A Cheerleader!* Mental Health Department, the worthy and outstanding stu- lng the award. The only other > and attended Bell County High Mrs. Edwin R Phelps. Ml Thursday evening at the pep rally In the BEOKY SIZES welcomes a newly chosen Commission is operating a new dents." 'ootball field. A new "Colonel" was selected Kiddie Care Center at Eastern The award is given on the freshmen to the ^^SSSLS^tlSZ ootnpeUUon for three cheerieedlng positions to boost the team along this coming year. State Hospital In Lexington. basis of applications submitted As a result, the hospital has to the Alumni Association by been able to hire two more students who have been rec- nurses and a aide and another ommended by an alumnus of Freshmen, Colonel Picked nurse plans to begin working Eastern. The Alumni Scholar- this month. Fifteen children ship Committee then reviews are attending the center. There the applications and awards the is room for 17 others. scholarship on the basis of the For Maroon Cheer Squad need of the student and bis Operating along Kentucky past scholastic achievement Linda Is from Stanford. Paul Child Welfare Department By JUDV WIOGLESWOBTH Fedderaen, and Paula Flta- Once the scholarship Is award- gerald, and they In turn led Narducd, a Junior from Bethle- guidelines, the modern center "j"^ recipient receives It un- hem, Penn., was chosen as At last Wednesday's tryouU the onlookers In a pep rally. gives the children a chance to, m he empfctss his undergrad- Jovita Dick, Sandra Dobson, 'Colonel." , . play with other children and Mtt work provided he maln- In Hanger Stadium, two new The Judging team consisted Linda Harris, Kathy Thomas, with toys designed to stimulate tama a 3 0 „„, gj] standing, freshman cheerleaders and a of Paul Seyfrit, Dean of Men; "Colonel" were chosen. While and Sally Weaver were chosen creativity and Imagination. i^, number of scholarships James Baechtold, head basket- Earl Staton, executive direc- depends on the amount of the Judges) chose five finalists as the five finalists and per- ball coach; Roy Kldd, head foot- out of the 38 participants, formed three cheers as a team. tor of the Manpower Commis- money collected during the an- The Judges then announced ball coach; Miss Dorothy Klrk- nual scholarship fund drive, Becky Slier, cheerleader cap- patrlck, cheerleadlng sponsor; sion, says opening of the center tain. Introduced the old cheer- that Jovita Dick and Linda climaxes a year of Joint re- and this year five students Harris had been chosen. Jovita and Miss Jane West, KTMA search and planning between the have been awarded the schol- leader*, Sarann Shepherd, Ann sponsor. Alumni Scholarships Winners Miller, Peggy Mannen, Jerl is from West Milton, Ohio, and Commission and hospital In an arship. effort to provide the best of First Recipient Debbie Culver, William Raker, Jan Phelps, William A. Raker, son of Mr. ACCEPTING ALUMNI Scholarship checks care and pre-school education from J. W. Thurman, Director of Alumni and Pam Arnett. for the children who attend. The and Mrs. Harold W. Raker, of Coordinate Commission is a federally sup- Carroll County, is presently re- Affairs, are, left to right, Stephen Holt, Revision Discussion ported body that works closely with the Mental Health Depart- By Polity Society Constitution Supporters ment. John L. Vlckers, Assistant to Staton said he and members National Teacher T Milestone Photo Dates the President, has taken a seven of his staff gained Insight into The Polity Society, the Po- weeks leave from his duties here how to set up the center partly to become the chairman of or- by visiting a similar center at litical Science Honorary So- the Baptist Memorial Hospital Offered Four Dates Milestone pictures are being Friday, Oct 7, A through O. ciety, will sponsor a discussion ganisation for "Kentucklans for Monday, Oct 10,-H through a Better Constitution." Her- In Memphis. Two private in- made in Room 200 of the Keen on Oct. 11, at 4:10 in the Grise dustries in Kentucky have set College seniors preparing toby many targe school districts Johnson Student Union Build- P. room. The topic wU be the Pro- bert Veaclo is acting coordinator as__ oneI.H... of _* several.u>»al factors#«A*-n*-« Inl*» the Tuesday. Oct 11, Q through of Student Financial Aids until up similar centers. teach school may take the Na- ing from Sept 38 to Oct 17 posed Revision of the Consti- The center Is non-profit and selection of new teachers and from 10 sun. to * pn. and 5 tution of the Commonwealth of Vlckers finishes this project on tional Teacher Examinations by several states for certifica- Girls wear medium . November 8. money for its operation comes p.m. to 8 p.m. Kentucky. solely from parents whose chil- on any of the four different tion or licensing of teachers. Sophomore pictures will be blouse or sweater; no large The purpose of this project Is are **.-. test dates umounced today by Some colleges also require all earrings or other Jewelry; A panel of four, consisting to gain support for the proposed dren use it. Charges?eB are based made according to the follow- of a local lawyer, a faculty on ability to pay. For Instance, Educational Testing Service, a seniors preparing to teach to ing schedules! pearls are permissible. Men revised constitution before It ap- nonprofit, educational organi- take the examinations. membmember, ana two students wlU e employee earning under Wednesday, Oct. », L through wear medium or dark coat sad TL ^J^n'nMembsra P»«™ °" "> November 8 ballot 88,000 a year will pay $8 a week, zation Milch prepares and ad- Leaflets indicating school P. tie. (No loud sport ministers this testing program. systems and state departments please.) greatest potential for getting while a parent making over Thursday, Oct 8, Q through $5,000 will pay $12 a week. New dates for the testing of of education which use the ex- Z. It Is Important Charles R. Coy, L.L.B., a support for the project will be prospective teachers are Jan. amination results ere distrib- make your appointment If your prominent Richmond attorney; on the campuses throughout the So far, the center plans to op- Junior pictures will be made Dr. Allan Ragan, sponsor of erate on a daytime 7:30-4:30 7, March 18, July 1, and Oct. uted to colleges by ETS. according to the following picture Is to appear in the 1SCT state." shift only, unless the demand 7, 1987. The tests will be given Common BwmtasHons schedules: the Political Honorary Society "We are making every effort JOHN VICKEBS at nearly 500 locations through- On each full day of testing, and head of the summer Work- to organise the student bodies Increases for a night shift too.
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