WATER WINGS Story and Photos by Guy R Maher
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OWNERS’ MANUAL: WATER WINGS Story and Photos by Guy R Maher VWDEOLVKHGRQEDVHOHJ,KDYHWKHÀDSVVHW 7XUQLQJ¿QDOWKHÀDSVDUHORZHUHGWRIXOO EDWGHJUHHVRXWRIDSRVVLEOH7KH DQGWKHSRZHULVVHWWRLQFKHVRIPDQLIROG SURSFRQWUROLVVHWWRKLJK5307XUQLQJ¿QDO SUHVVXUH0DLQWDLQLQJDWRNQRW ,PDNHRQHODVWFKHFNRIWKHODQGLQJJHDU DSSURDFKVSHHGIROORZHGE\DJHQWOHÀDUH DQGFRQ¿UPWKDWLWLVGH¿QLWHO\LQWKH³83´ DQGZHVHWWOHQLFHO\LQWRWKHODNH3RZHU SRVLWLRQ<HV\RXUHDGWKDWFRUUHFWO\7KH immediately to idle and full back pressure on ODQGLQJJHDUPXVWEHLQWKH³8S´SRVLWLRQIRU the control wheel after splashdown yields a ,DPDERXWWRODQGRQZDWHU smooth deceleration of this plane now turned ERDW7KDW¶VZKDW,FDOOIXQ 2828 CessnaCCeessssnana PilotsPililotots AssociationAAssssoociciatatiioon | JulyJJullyy 2018201018 VanFleet’s 172XP is equipped with Wipaire, Inc.’s Wipline 2350 amphibious floats. www.cessna.orgwwwww.w ceesssnan ..orgg 299 VanFleet’s 172XP has a modified engine that increases the horsepower from 195 to 210. 7KHDLUSODQH,¶PÀ\LQJLVDEHDXWLIXOUHGDQGZKLWH 6HYHUDO\HDUVODWHUVKHPRYHGWR*HRUJLDWREHFRPHWKH &HVVQD;3HTXLSSHGZLWKDVHWRI:LSDLUH dietitian for Athens Regional Hospital. At last she was ,QF¶V:LSOLQHDPSKLELRXVÀRDWV7KHRULJLQDO able to pursue her lifelong dream - to obtain her private 7&0,2.HQJLQHKDVDOVREHHQPRGL¿HGXSSLQJ SLORWOLFHQVHLQD&HVVQDLQ&KDQJLQJMREVWR WKHKRUVHSRZHUIURPWR7KHRZQHURIWKLV Ross Abbott as a pharmaceutical representative, getting VSHFLDO;3DIIHFWLRQDWHO\FDOOHGSamanthaLV6XVDQ PDUULHGKDYLQJDFKLOGDQGEX\LQJD&HVVQD VanFleet, owner/operator of VanFleet Aviation based in WREXLOGWLPHNHSWWKLQJVEXV\IRU9DQ)OHHW7KH Hickory, NC. well-paying job also allowed VanFleet to advance in her pilot ratings. VanFleet had been after me for months to experience ÀRDWÀ\LQJLQSamanthaDQGWKHRSSRUWXQLW\¿QDOO\ ,Q9DQ)OHHWVWDUWHGKHUIXOOWLPHÀ\LQJFDUHHU came on a beautiful May morning in North Carolina. DVDÀLJKWLQVWUXFWRUDQGVKRUWO\DIWHUZDVKLUHGE\ +RZHYHUEHIRUHZHJHWWRWKHÀ\LQJ,EHOLHYHLW¶V WKH8QLYHUVLW\RI*HRUJLDWRÀ\WKHLU&HVVQDIRU DSSURSULDWHWRRIIHUDOLWWOHEDFNJURXQGRQ9DQ)OHHW±DQ the administration and athletic departments. And she interesting story in of itself. SXUFKDVHGD7DLIXQPRWRUJOLGHUIRUWKHIXQRILW $OWKRXJKKDYLQJOHDUQHGWRÀ\LQLWWRRN¿IWHHQ /LNHVRPDQ\FDUHHUSLORWV9DQ)OHHW¶VSDWKKDG PRUH\HDUVEHIRUH6XVDQ9DQ)OHHWEHJDQKHUSURIHV- PDQ\WXUQV,QHDUO\VKHEHFDPHD.LQJ$LU VLRQDOFDUHHULQDYLDWLRQ)LUVWJUDGXDWLQJIURP6WHSKHQV VLPXODWRULQVWUXFWRUIRU)OLJKW6DIHW\,QWHUQDWLRQDO College, Columbia Missouri with an AA degree, VanFleet >)6,@LQ$WODQWD%XWGXHWRWKHHYHQWVRIDQG WKHQUHFHLYHGKHU%6LQ'LHWHWLFVDW,QGLDQD8QLYHUVLW\ the resultant downturn in aviation, VanFleet’s low IROORZHGE\D\HDU V'LHWHWLF,QWHUQVKLSDWWKH8QLYHUVLW\ VHQLRULW\DW)6,PHDQWVKHZDVRQHRIWKHRXWRI RI&DOLIRUQLD0HGLFDO&HQWHULQ6DQ)UDQFLVFR to eventually be let go. 30 Cessna Pilots Association | July 2018 Undaunted, VanFleet moved to Abington, VA to start $QGZLWKWKHPRYHWR+LFNRU\9DQ)OHHWZDV¿QDOO\ KHURZQÀLJKWVFKRRO$ELQJGRQ$YLDWLRQLQ+HU OLYLQJKHUGUHDPWHDFKLQJFOLHQWVKRZWRÀ\RIIRI WUDLQLQJDLUFUDIWZHUHDOHDVHGDQGD ODQGZDWHURUERWK3ULPDU\DQGLQVWUXPHQWLQVWUXFWLRQ &HVVQDQDPHGRosebud, that she purchased. And was accomplished in RosebudWKH&HVVQD she still had the motor glider, too. DQGWKHÀRDWSODQHLQVWUXFWLRQZDVGRQHLQSamantha. >6KHKDGVROGWKHPRWRUJOLGHU@0RXQWDLQÀ\LQJ 'XULQJWKRVHHDUO\\HDUVWKHÀLJKWVFKRROJUHZDQG FRXUVHVVFHQLFDQGSKRWRJUDSK\ÀLJKWVDQGVSHFLDO afforded VanFleet the opportunity to make a fateful trip RFFDVLRQÀLJKWVDOVRNHSW9DQ)OHHWEXV\7KHQWKH WR$ODVNDZKHUHVKHH[SHULHQFHGÀRDWÀ\LQJIRUWKH unthinkable happened. ¿UVWWLPH6KHIHOOLQORYHZLWKVHDSODQHVDQGHDUQHGKHU VLQJOHHQJLQHVHDUDWLQJLQ0RRVH3DVV$.9DQ)OHHW 2Q2FWREHUDWSPORFDOWLPHDWRUQDGR QRWRQO\UHWXUQHGWR$ODVNDIRUPRUHVHDSODQHÀ\LQJ ripped through the Hickory Regional Airport. Rosebud, for several years she also spent her vacation time the major bread-winner for VanFleet Aviation was SXUVXLQJWUDLQLQJLQVHDSODQHVLQ&RPR,WDO\DVZHOO destroyed along with a number of other airplanes that DV1HZ+DPSVKLUHDQG0DLQH7KHQLQ9DQ)OHHW shared the same hangar. However, Samantha - stored in bought SamanthaLQ3RUWODQG0DLQH another hangar - was spared of any harm. Because the Abington area wasn’t very conducive to À\LQJRQÀRDWV9DQ)OHHWEDVHGSamantha in Hickory, NC, located at the base of the Appalachian Mountains and steeped in beautiful locations to water-land the ;36KHGHFLGHGWRPRYHKHUEXVLQHVVWR+LFNRU\LQ 2014 because of the local scenic beauty, the climate, the people, the professional service experience she was having at the Hickory Airport, and to live in the area ZKHUHVKHEDVHGWKH;3 VanFleet decided to base at the Hickory, NC Regional Airport in part due to their excellent FBO services. An October 2017 tornado destroyed VanFleet’s Cessna 172 fixed $Q$73OLFHQVHGSLORWZLWK6LQJOH(QJLQH/DQGDQG gear trainer. The float plane was unharmed. 6HD,QVWUXPHQWDQG0XOWL(QJLQHUDWLQJV&),&),, 0(,DQGFRPPHUFLDOJOLGHUFHUWL¿FDWHV9DQ)OHHW¶V Regardless, the effect was devastating to VanFleet’s ÀLJKWH[SHULHQFHLQFOXGHVPRUHWKDQKRXUVRI FRUHEXVLQHVV,WZRXOGWDNHVL[PRQWKVEHIRUHVKH ZKLFKKRXUVDUHDVD&),6KHLVRQHRIWKRVH ¿QLVKHGWKHDUGXRXVSURFHVVRIORFDWLQJUHSDLULQJ W\SHVRILQVWUXFWRUVZHDOOZLVKWR¿QG:LWKDQ refurbishing, and ultimately placing the replacement infectious laugh, a booming positive attitude, a true VKHIRXQGLQ7H[DVLQWRVHUYLFH6WDWHG9DQ)OHHW³, love for teaching and transfer skills to match, VanFleet FRXOGQ¶WEHKDSSLHUZLWKWKH¿QLVKHGSURGXFW-RQHVDW is one of the best ambassadors General Aviation has in ,UHGHOO$LUFDUH*DU\DW&DUROLQD$YLRQLFVDQG%LOODW this area. And that goes double for the seaplane world. %RVV3DLQWLQJ>DOO1RUWK&DUROLQDVKRSVWKDWDUHFORVHWR www.cessna.org 31 +LFNRU\@UHDOO\ZRUNHGKDUGWRJHWPHEDFNLQWRWKHDLU ,ZDVSOHDVDQWO\VXUSULVHGDWWKHWDNHRIIDFFHOHUD- DVVRRQDVSRVVLEOHDQGZLWKTXDOLW\UHVXOWV´ WLRQRIWKH;3(YHQDWJURVVWDNHRIIZHLJKWDQGZLWK WKHPRUQLQJWHPSHUDWXUHDOUHDG\DERYHGHJUHHV ,QHDUO\0D\Blue Belle±WKHUHSODFHPHQW&HVVQD SamanthaZDVTXLFNO\PRYLQJGRZQWKHUXQZD\ ±ZDVRI¿FLDOO\FKULVWHQHGGXULQJDVSHFLDOULEERQ REYLRXVO\HDJHUWRJRÀ\LQJ:LWKXV¿UPO\LQWKH FXWWLQJFHOHEUDWLRQDWWKH+LFNRU\$LUSRUW2YHU climb and the landing gear tucked away, VanFleet had SHRSOHDWWHQGHGLQFOXGLQJORFDORI¿FLDOVDQGSUHVLGHQWV PHFOLPEDOOWKHZD\XSWRDZKRSSLQJIHHWDERYH RIDUHDFKDPEHUVRIFRPPHUFH7KHJHQXLQHORYH ground level. None of that higher altitude stuff today. this community has for VanFleet was palpable and LPSUHVVLYH7KH\WUHDWHGKHUDVLIKHUEXVLQHVVZDV Although there was suitable water nearby for landings, much larger than it actually is. VanFleet had a different plan. We would follow a series of rivers for about 30 minutes that would twist and turn Both Blue Belle and Samantha are representative of XVXQWLOZH¿QDOO\DUULYHGDWWKHODNHZKHUHVKHZDQWHG what we wish more of the legacy general aviation to do the water work. WUDLQLQJÀHHWORRNHGOLNH7KHLUDSSHDUDQFHLVFOHDQ IUHVKDQGZHOFRPLQJ%RWK¶VDUHHTXLSSHGZLWK Not only would this get me used to the rudder intensive *DUPLQ:¶VDQG$'6%LQDQGRXWZLWK%OXHWRRWK À\LQJFKDUDFWHULVWLFVRISamantha, but it would allow connectivity. But the six-pack still rules here. VanFleet 9DQ)OHHWWRGLVFXVVWKHYDULRXVWHFKQLTXHVIRUVSRWWLQJ is adamant that primary training should be on steam obstacles and hazards over, on, and under the surface JDXJHVWKHQEULQJRQWKHJODVVODWHU$PHQWRWKDW RIWKHULYHUVDQGODNHV7KLVDOVROHGLQWRGLVFXVVLRQVRQ how to pick the best landing areas. )RUPHLWZDVDORWOLNHWKHWHFKQLTXHV,XVHZKHQ À\LQJKHOLFRSWHUVLQWKHQRQDLUSRUWHQYLURQPHQW We are always looking for wires, poles, towers and other killers in the landing area. But with WKHÀRDWSODQHQRZ\RX¶UHDOVRFRQFHUQHGDERXW ZKDW¶VMXVWXQGHUWKHVXUIDFH$UHDVWKDW±DW¿UVW ±ORRNHGOLNHWKH\¶GEHIXQSODFHVWRODQGDQG beach revealed submerged logs and other hazards upon closer inspection. 1RWRQO\WKDWEXWZLWKWKHÀRDWSODQHWKHUH¶V more to it than just watching the water surface WRGHWHUPLQHZKLFKZD\WKHZLQGLVEORZLQJ± something most of us have done at some time. Now you are also studying the water to determine VanFleet, standing next to Blue Belle, the 172 that replaced the one lost in the tornado, and with her float XP, Samantha, in the background. the direction and strength of the water current. Remember, once you splash down, you are now a house boat with wings. 6L[SDFNRUQRWZKDWVWRRGRXWPRVWWRPHRQFH VWUDSSHGLQWRWKH;3ZDVWKHKHLJKW,ZDVRIIWKH VanFleet obviously knows her stuff and how to make JURXQG7KLVZDVRQHVLJKWSLFWXUH,ZDVJRLQJWRKDYH learning fun. But she didn’t make it easy on me. We WRJHWXVHGWRTXLFNO\([FHSWIRUFKHFNLQJWKDWWKH FLUFOHGDQGFLUFOHGDSDUWLFXODUVHFWLRQRIDODNH± JHDUVHOHFWRUZDVLQWKH³GRZQ´SRVLWLRQEHIRUHWXUQLQJ GHVFHQGLQJDELWORZHURQHDFKODS6KHDGPRQLVKHG RQWKHEDWWHU\SRZHUVWDUWXSZDVW\SLFDO+DZN;3± me to evaluate the whole situation and decide where meaning effortless. we should touch down and in what direction, where our abort point would be, and after take-off where we’d go 7KHQLWFDPHWLPHWRWD[LWRWKHUXQZD\±QRWVR LIWKHHQJLQHTXLW6KHSXOOHGHQRXJKDQVZHUVRXWRIPH HIIRUWOHVV,PDJLQHVWHHULQJDJUDQGSLDQRRQ\RXUIURQW to earn her a dental degree. ODZQDQG\RX¶GEHFORVH/RWVRIIXOOUXGGHUSHGDOZLWK bursts of power while not riding the brakes and with 2QO\WKHQGLG9DQ)OHHWWDONPHWKURXJKP\¿UVW lead times for control inputs measured in yards instead ZDWHUODQGLQJ6KHGLGQ¶WHYHQZDQWWRGRRQH¿UVWWR of feet pretty much is how it goes. GHPRQVWUDWH7KDWZDVWKHRQO\WLPHGXULQJWKHHQWLUH 32 Cessna Pilots Association | July 2018 KRXUVZHÀHZWKDW,TXHVWLRQHGKHUPHQWDODFXLW\ DGMXVWPHQWVDWHDFKSRLQW7KLVVHWV\RXXSIRUWKH But her instruction was clear and precise and the SHUIHFWDWWLWXGHLQZKLFKWROHDYHWKHZDWHU±DQGZH ODQGLQJGHVFULEHGDERYHZHQWVZLPPLQJO\>6RUU\, GLG<RXFDQUHDOO\IHHOLWZKHQWKHSODQHEUHDNVIUHH KDGWR@ from the water. 2QFHZHVORZHGGRZQWRW\SLFDOWUROOLQJVSHHGIRUD But as much fun as the