Watson Winners Colby's Ethiopia and the Model U,N. Archer and Slavin
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Watson Archer And Winners Slavin by Peter Kingsley A writer of poetry and a. student of international economics at Colby College have been named reci pients of Thomas J. Indicted Watson Fellowshi ps, which support post- graduate study and travel abroad. Grants of $7 ,000 each h ave been a- warded to seniors Jennifer Barber of New- Constitutional Conflict ton Centre , Mass ., and Peter Schmidt-Fell - nei of Riverside , Conn. Watson Fellows are selected in a na- by Philip Glouch evitch tional competition for their commitment to Two former Studen t Association mem- a particular field of interest and their po- bers , Treasurer Mike Slavin and Social Life tential leadershi p within it. Chairperson Pierce Archer , will be broug ht Miss Barber , an English major who before the Student J udiciary on charges has been selected a Rhodes Scholar as well, up expects to spend a year writing poetry in filed by Doug Kap lan for fraud and theft. are being Quebec Province , Canada , deriving inspira- Both Slavin and Arche r Cri minal tion from the area 's literary renaissance and charged for fraud under the Maine landscape. Code. Mike Slavin has also been charged Peter Schrnidt-Fellner (left) and J ennifer Barber (ri ht) refers to mis- Economics major Schmidt-Fellner g who were named Watson with theft. The fraud charge Fellowship winners. y the accused; the theft will be traveling to England , Belgium , use of telephones b checks . S-witzerland , Zambia and the Philippines occuring when Slavin signed the 1977. modem dance , and cross-country swing. Fraud is defined as misuse of entrusted to study international commodity agree- is among Miss Barber will expand the scope of Comparative medie-val literature property in section 17 A, subsection 903: ments and the new world economic order. a project in which she is involved as a her scholarl y interests. He anticipates his visits will include "1) A person is guilty of misuse of Senior Scholar. The Newton North High Establish ed in 1968 by the Thomas J. entrusted property if he deals with property the London Commodity Market , the United School graduate is writing lyric poetry for Watson Foundation of Providence , R.I., Nations Commision on Trade and Develop- that has been entrusted to him as a judici- a collection dealing with Maine and Scot- the fellowship pr ogram is administered with which he knows is a ment in Geneva and in Manila , and the Com " ary. .in a manner tish landscapes , and relationships between the cooperat ion of 50 private colleges and violation of his duty and which involves a mon Market head quarters in Brusse ls. men and women , Previous works , one of universities . This y ear , 70 graduating seniors A graduate of Greenwich High School , substantial risk of loss to the owner or to a them a thematicall y related group, earned from 45 instit utions were reci pients of Schrnidt-Fellner is a Charles A. Dana Scholar person for whose benefit the property was her college poetry prizes. s totalling $515,000. " at Colby in rec ognition of his academic grant entrusted. A Charles A. Dana Scholar for the English Professors Char les W. Bassett the cost of the achievement and demonstrated leadership. Archer estimate d past two years and a consistent dean ' s list and Peter B. Harris are the Watson advisors The money has He earned the Putnam Prize in German in phone calls totalled $110. student , Miss Barb er is active in gymnastics , at Colby. been repaid by Archer and Slavin. Executive Chairperson Sid Moh el asked th e Student J udiciary to define whether the "Representative Assemb ly act ed constitutionally in passing the below Colby' s Ethiop ia And The Model U, N. resolution: 'Th e Student Assembl y hereby em- powers Doug Kapla n to file a complaint of by Susan Sprague idealistic terms. Colby ' s delegat ion, repre- make to this trul y erroneous charge. Con- fraud on behalf of the Student Assembly, One thinks of the UN usua lly as a sentin g the Marxist nation of Ethiop ia and trary to popular b«Iief , we are not a nation against Mike Slavin and Pierce Archer , to meeting place for grim -faced diplomats in a sponsored by the Int ernational Relations of Zionist dogs, wc are a nation of Zionist the Student Judiciary Board .' " shad owy neth erworld where Wor ld-impor- Clu b, went to the National Model United Not oil the action and deb ate was in the This resolution was passed 18-4 last tan t issues are discussed in sonorio us and Nations in New York City . We discover ed Plenary Committee sessions. The Colby Sunday after Kaplan asked the Assembl y the incredible and comp lex organization of people." The assembly collasped in laugh - to support his charges again st Slavin and the UN and the inner dissensions which ter , while Israel , oblivious, sat d own , Arch er. Controversy arose over the Assem- characterize it. bly's ri ght to "empower " a student to press del egation was well-re pre sented. Debbie es on behalf of the Representati ve Beta Kappa The deba te in most committees start - char g Phi Clark and Peter Forman were an the Ec- Assembly. Essentially , the debate fo cuses ed on the ques tion of the day: should South onomic and SociaJ Committee, Laurel on the limits of the Assembly 's power. Africa be denounced for its racist policies Johnson and Gary Kimbal on Disarmament Scott Lehigh, Public Information Congratulat ions to the following and suppressi on of the Black majority ? Th is Dwight Darro w on Legal and Annette Lum Ch airperson and Chairperson of the Assem- studen ts who were elected to Phi Beta led inevitably to the question of whether and J ana Kendall were members of a Com- bly , stated in a letter to th e Student Ju- Kappa on April 7, 1978. Zionism was also a form of racism , just as mit tee of 24, which deal t with colonization , diciar y) "Indeed , outside of requiring th at abhorrent as South Africa 's, which directly while Sunday Omatseye and Sue Spra gue ' Class of 1978; Lee-Anne Meservey the Assembly adhere to Robert s Rul es of Karen J. Miller condemned Israel 's aggressive policies in the alterna ted between meetings of the org- Order and inform the Execu tive Committee Richar d D. Afcranw Carl V. Nelson Middle East. In meeting s such as the Gen- anization of African Unity (OAU) and of its decisions...there is no clause or phrase Jennifer C. Bar ber Linda E. Page eral Assembly, various African and Arab the plenary committee of the General ...gran ting to the Executive Committee any Lauren Proc tor nations were calling for point of recogni tion Assembly. Debate and procedure were . power to strike down or condition any ac- W. Mark Brady *' Jane M. Brox Mary E. Rolerson and denouncing Israel as " a nation of Zion- long and tedious , l asting from °: 30 a.m. ti on oi the Assembly... Lehigh added tha t since the Assembly was not express ly pro- Karla J . Desteul.cn Paul Rose to as late as 1 >30 a.m. Vet overshadowing ist dogs" to which there was much clapping hibited from acting independently , i.e. with- Linda J . Donnell ] Bonni tta M. Roy and cheering from the other delegations. this all was the particular kind of influence Daniel Driscoll Peter A. Schr nidt-Fellner out presenting a formal motion to the At this point , an arrogan t delegate from of the superpowc rs-th e U.S. and Russia. In Executive Board , the resolution supporting Bradford S. Gcrma iri Michael P. Scott every bloc, their influence was felt. For ex- David H, von Winkle Israel had had enough of the verbal stabs , Kaplan is constitutionally valid. Kevin A. Gliwa' , in the Plenary Committee, Cuba Scott P. Hamilton and he asked to be recognized. ample f The procedure , according to the ref- pressuring Verne K. Meckel Class of 19791 "Madame Ch arima Ji ," he began , without a Soviet " allv," was constantl y erendum that established the Assembly, is St ephen B. J acobs microp hone and in slightly screeching tones, Ethiopia to vote in the interest of the th at the Public Information Chairperson Garcia Communis t bloc. Consequently, that meant report recommenda tions of the As- Paula M. Jones Marc A. "I' ve heard a lot of talk in this honored will " Allan Kleban Mark A. McAuliffe voting against the OAU and thus disrup ting sembly to the Student Association Execu- J. assembly (a slight grimace crossed his Gary M. Lamo nt Angela Mickalide African cohesiveness which led to furious tive Board . The Public Informatio n Chair- face at this point) concernin g the sovereign J . Drcnnon Lowell Gregory M. Pfitzer caucusing and pointed accusa tions. person will also present all notions by t Elisabe th Mathey Eric S. Roscngren state of Israel. I have only one answer to Continued on page three, Continued on pa ge three ¦ Women J oggers LwiMitiNiWE " oisonous Solar Energy Power Cautioned By Dean s by Scott Murchie In past articles , we have dealt with the tri city dir ectly throug h photovolt aic cells, by Jane Eklund dangers of nuclear power and the nuclea r which are expected to be economically com- Spring has finall y arrived at Colby, that this area is safe because it is so iso- future proposed for us, as well as with ways petitive by 1985. Also, a recent ER.DA report but with the warm weather and bugs come lated.