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Iitiierilh M THE LACLEB2 BLADE jjjajaEEjaaggaMaaaaaaaaaaiiaaaaaMaM " " . .1 i..i 11. .nan 'J1 m TO ISOLATE FORMER RULERS ALOES CLOSING IN iitiierilh Students Led by College Professors Break Up Meeting in a xrn Hall In Baltimore. ' ON STfQUENTIN 1 HJ5J0HE Baltimore, Md., April 2. After the greatest patriotic demonstration this i If cross, feverish, constipated, city has seen since the Spanish-America- n New British Gains Cause a 'fir Sl3H.r3. - give "California Syrup war, several thousand persons Double Menace to German stormed the Academy of Music to- of i Figs." night, swept a' cordon of police aside Stronghold. .A laxative today saves a sick child and interrupted a big pacifist meet- tomorrow. Children simply will not ing, stopping Dr. David Starr Jordan take the time from play to empty their in the middle of a word and refusing IMPORTANT FRENCH ADVANCE become clogged up with to allow the speaking to continue. bowels, whleh ' waste, liver gets sluggish ; stomach Police reserves Were called out and ft - sour.' '.j. broke up the crowd. One.man was so Gen. Neville's Troops Capture Several ! coat badly beaten that he had to be Look at the tontrae. mother If taken Teuton Trench Systems South- ed, or your child Is listless, cross, fev- to a hospital and a number of arrests of Laon City. erish, breath bad, restless, doesn't eat were made. east heartily, full of cold or has sore throat Just as Dr. Jordan was beginning anti-pacifis- fighting or any other children's aliment, give a his plea for peace, the crowd of ts London, April 2. Heavy teaspoonful of "California Syrup of composed of business men, took place today west of St. Quentin, Figs," then don't worry, because it is professor of schools and colleges and fociiUlnv in iha rant lire bv the British perfectly harmless, and in a few hours students made a sally through a cor- of the village of Savy. Later, British all- - this constipation poison, sour bile don of police, rushed down the aisle troops attacked Savy Wood, about a and fermenting waste will gently of the theater to the stage, where they mile from the village and only three move out of the bowels, and you have demanded that the meeting cease. miles from St. Quentin, and occupied a well,, playful child again. A thor- that position. ough "inside cleansing" is ofttimes all WOMEN RIOTING IN CHICAGO The official report from British As toothsome that Is necessary. It should "be the headquarters in France, which records name first treatment given in any sickness. these successes, announces also the as the iBeware of counterfeit flg syrups. Food Markets Attacked and Policemen capture by the British of Vendelles, implies 50-ce- nt Epeby and --Ask at the store for a bottle of Severely Beaten by the Infuriated lying further north, and "California Syrup of Figs," which has Jewish Housewives. Peiziere, to the southeast of Heiudi-court- . full directions for babies, children of The text of the report reads: Thethirdofthe all ages and for grown-up- s plainly "We captured the village of Savy Chicago, March 31. Food printed on the bottle. Adv. riots, morning, four miles west of St. Wili&LEV trio which night wreck- this last resulted in the Quentin, after considerable fighting, ing of a score of kosher butcher shops Comparative Misfortunes. taking sixty-on- e prisoners and two ma- of refreshing, Lin northwest ghetto "We certainly do have trouble. Thla the side district. guns. The enemy's casualties g and more fifty chine long-lastin- year we had double pneumonia In the the arrest of than were heavy, both In killed and wound- women, broke out again today. Sev- family." ed. Seventy German dead were count- In eral shops, closed yesterday confections. "That's nothing. We had twins after ed on front of a single battalion. fixtures had been demolished the ours." their Took the Savy Wood. and stocks ruined at- with kerosene, afternon Savy Wood, a mile tempted reopen pro- "This Good for teeth, to under police of the village, was tection, but customers, fearing a repe- to the northeast YES! LIFT ACORN successfully attacked, and now is in breath, appe- tition of last night's scenes, did their We also captured the purchasing" our possession. OFF WITHOUT PAIN! elsewhere, or went meat- last night and this tite, digestion. less. village of Vendelles morning Epehy and Peiziere (south- SPolice enforcements, drafted from Heiudicourt); together with a Cincinnati man tells how to dry east of various outlying districts, were held few prisoners. We made further prog- Have it always 4ip a corn or callus so It lifts in readiness today at the Maxwell to northwest of Croisilles." . off with fingers. - ress the you Street station, which is the storm Paris, April 2. In their operations with it's center. Five riot squads were sent to the southwest of Laon the French a boon to the there-las- You corn-pestere- d men and women out from t night to quell dis- troops have made Important advances, need suffer no longer. Wear the shoes turbances. Twenty persons were in- capturing several German trench sys- parchedmouth that nearly killed you before, says this jured in one charge, before the women tems, and have reached the outskirts Cincinnati authority, because a few could be dispersed. of Vauxaillon and Laffaux, according in hot work or drops of freezone applied directly on a The women, some mobs numbering to the official communication issued long auto tender, aching corn or callus, stops ns high as two hundred, stormed the by the war office tonight. on soreness at once and soon the corn or shops and after roughly handling pur- Took Several French Lines. trips. hardened callus loosens so it can be chasers and destroying their pur- "South of the Ailette river, in the lifted off, root and all, without pain. chases, overturned counters, dragged course of a spirited offensive action, . A small bottle of freezone costs very quarters of beef into the gutter and our troops occupied from the Ailette little at any drug store, but will post sprinkled kerosene and gasoline over river as far as the Laon road several (Dfoevj it after every meal tlvely take off every hard or soft corn all visible stocks. trench systems and organized points or callus. This should be tried, as it of support east of Neuville-sur-Mar-gival- ," Is inexpensive and is said not to lrri the statement says. "The tate the surrounding skin. VETERANS OF 1898 CALLED enemy was driven back with serious .If your druggist hasn't any freezone losses as far as the outskirts of Vaux- tell him to get a small bottle for you aillon and Laffaux. One hundred and IFsram Mantis Wamitei Officials of Organization Expect to from his "wholesale drug house. adv. eight prisoners, including two officers Offer Government 150,000 Experi- and four machine guns, remained in Western Canada Farmers require 50,000 nencan An Instance. enced and Trained Men. for produce like. our hands. farm labourers at once. Urgent demand sent out farm "Like does not always Still Advance. you say so?" British of Canada. "How can March 31. British help by the Government methods produce a tight Washington, March 31. Veterans Washington, "Don't loose have occupied three fix?" of the Spanish War were called upon troops in France Steady Employment today to show their patriotism and more villages in the Somme region; Good Wages loyalty in the present crisis with Ger and in the Champagne,, where Inten Low Railway Fares progress for many in an appeal by their comma- sive fighting has been In THICK, GLOSSY HAIR recap- Surroundings Comfortable Homes nder-in-chief, D. V. Chisholm, an- several days, the French have Pleasant nouncing that he expects to "raise tured the positions taken by the Ger- fJo Compulsory Military Service on March 28, according to ad- DANDRUFF troops in each state to be offered to mans absolutely guar- FREE FROM the government for protection against vices from Europe tonight Farm hands from the United States are any foreign fpe," as soon as Congress A German retirement on both sides anteed against conscription. This advertisement is to se- "defines some program." of the Peronne-Fin- a road, because of en- Beautify Your Hair! Make It pressure, announced help to replace Canadian farmers who have Girls! "It is-- intention of strong British is cure farm Try the the national cap- Soft, Fluffy and Luxuriant headquarters," said the appeal, "to by Berlin. Two of the villages listed for the war. the Moist Cloth. recruit, if necessary, companies in tured by the British, Fins and Sorel-LeGran- d, man to investi- on road, while the A splendid opportunity for the young every department composed of ex- are this offerings, and to do so Try as you will, after an application perienced men, to be officered from other, Ruyialcourt, is three miles to gate Western Canada's agricultural of Danderine, you cannot find a single our organization, whose will the north and eight miles west of services men, at but little expense. Trace of dandruff or falling hair and be tendered to the g6vernment. Bapaume. Field Marshal Haig's your will says, ' gained west of to Farming Hood Apply scalo will not itch, but what imperative duty every London have Only Thoso Accustomed "It is the of Heu-dicou- rt you most, will be a few Sorel-LeGran- d in direction of please after every or- the to railway rates and districtsrequiring labour, you new hair, officer and comrade of our railroad run- For particulars as weeks' use.
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