Magazine Europe in review 2015 Terrorism shakes Europe 4 The year when borders came 9 back to Europe After the brink, Greece seeks stability 14 December 2015 Russia-EU relations: 20 From Ukraine to Syria euobserver EUobserver wishes you a Happier News Year EDITORIAL ADDRESS EUobserver Magazine Rue Belliard 203, Bte 5 1040 Brussels Belgium
[email protected] JN in Australia cancelled his subscription to EUobserver Editor towards the end of 2015. Lisbeth Kirk Editorial contributors ´,DPFDQFHOOLQJP\VXEVFULSWLRQWRGD\EHFDXVH,ÀQGLW Peter Teffer, Nikolaj Nielsen, Andrew Rettman, Eszter Zalan, Eric Maurice depressing to read every day how the EU is gradually disintegrating,” he wrote. ARTICLE LAYOUT ´2QFH,IRXQGWKH(8·VHYROXWLRQDQGWUDMHFWRU\LQVSLUDWLRQDO$ODVWKDW ethos has vanished, because its policy makers keep on trying to “please ADVERTISING HYHU\ERG\µLQVWHDGRIIXOÀOOLQJWKHGUHDPVRILWVIRXQGHUV-1µ EUobserver Magazine Rue Montoyer 18B 1000 Brussels How true. How sad. Belgium We discussed his message at our next editorial meeting. Daniele Castaldelli
[email protected] How does it affect our readership and ourselves to be in the business of disseminating bad news from Brussels? PRINT Drukkerij Van der Poorten How can the situation be changed, and by whom? DISTRIBUTION 3URSDJDQGDLVFOHDUO\QRWWKHDQVZHU$V2SHQ6RFLHW\·V-RUGL9DTXHUSXW EUobserver Magazine Rue Montoyer 18B it at a recent conference on how to rebuild trust in Europe: “Propaganda 1000 Brussels DOZD\VEDFNÀUHVVRRQHURUODWHUµ Belgium Meg Chang There is only one thing to do: The EU must improve.
[email protected] PRICE PER COPY Institutions must deliver better results in return for the sovereign powers €4,75 + postage, excl vat / discounts they have been entrusted with, work harder and provide a better service on larger purchases for European citizens.