www.oxfordtoday.ox.ac.uk Michaelmas Term 2010 Volume 23 No 1 OX FOR D TODAY THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE 20 | WILFRED THESIGER AFRICA SEEN THROUGH HIS LENS 30 | SCIENCE WHEN TO SHARE GENE DATA? 45 | GEOFFREY HILL SEAMUS PERRY ON OUR GREATEST LIVING POET PRIME MINISTERS Why has Oxford produced so many? OXF01.cover 1 8/10/10 3:37:5 pm FROM HOME Since 1821 the Oxfordand Cambridge Club has provided alumni of both universities with an exclusive home from home in the heartofthe Capital. Todaymembers can relax, dine and meetfriends in supremely elegant surroundings thatalso featurewell stocked libraries,sports facilities and first-class bedroom accommodation. Reciprocal clubs welcome members of the Oxfordand Cambridge Club in 35 countriesaround the world. Formoreinformation, please contact:
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