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Mhnint ' Geotge.C ;v-- I T"\ r. • ' f*' r. 3v ■/ MONDAY, MARCH 4, .19fFT ATerare Daily Net Press Run -PAGE FOURTEEN 1 ' Th'e Weather"’.-:^ J- • • ■ •/ -V, For the Week Eeded . Fore asst of V. 8. WAuiior BerSen ■t; 7 '- - ^ v r n m ./■M Mkrch t . 1*53 Feii>; .go^tiaiMd Qoli toniglit. akit - entitled • "Are You attainment ^ 'ih s’ highest _goal our ■ ' '.7 , The Stanley Circle of the South chapter haa set.'but to raise. We 12^469 - / Low ifi-'m, Wednesday telrj vait-' Methodist Church will be the T’*' will be a feature of “the iugue Drive Passes 7 v - ' tot Town gueats of Mra Pred Edpr at the for the weekly meeting foses must keep the Red Cross on the Member of tbs Audit able cloudbiess during day. Blgb parsonage tomorrow night at 7t of thp Home Usague a t the Salva- ■Job wherever there la human mis­ Bureau of Olrculatton near 46. - ery and need." ; • ’The WllUn* Workers Qrcle of V M tlop Army_ Citadel tomorrow at $26 J )00 for IS€w Bathhouses SI,500 Mark M anchester— A City of Village Charm N the WSCS 0* the South Methodlet ■“tJ.S. forelCT policy la irtjsrd to:|\2 jr.'ra. Those taking part Include That Interpret The C hur^ will' meet et 2 o’clopk the Middle ilaat wrtrv^ll be.dlseussed‘ sirs. Luey Richardson,- -Mrs. Fan-- The local Red Cross campaign Wedncedey eltemoon In the ladles a, panel meetling of the ^elbish, Mrs. Annie Nlcklen A proposal to appropriate 326,-vWOuld aPerue to‘-Manchester. I f . a Raftsmen’s Unit' Wishestir The Family VOL. LXXVI, NO. 131 (SIXTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 5, 1957 (Olagfifjed Adverth^ag on Page 14) PRICE FIVE Ce n t s parlor. Hostesses will be ^ r s ; Flor­ ! of Women Edith JS 9kson Who wUJ ■ pose 000, for construction of new bath schoo ls-built here, passed the tl.SOO mark today ^ ence Moore and-Mrs, Anna Bron- .................. ;« patients in the walUng room houses at Globe H<rfIow Swilm- nearl the basla of returns made by.dbgi- of the school Will he held befo;e To Hold Contest jM n B. BURKE^ kie. ^ lome of Mrs, Harlan Taylor, of a doctor's office. Mrs. Mildred •ifn'lng Pool has been opposed by mittees. covering spcblal..;glfts and Hkrlan Rd, ■ Pickup /Hi fill the role o? nurse trtp newly formed '’Taxpayefs' the 'Education Committee of the retail outlets. ' . •, FUNESAL Ho m s The Army mnd UiLvy Clul> Aux­ and Mrs.'Martha Mansfield the re­ L eslie . General Assembly at IQ s.m, tor ^Thc : Society of ConnectloQisj^ The Waddell School will ceptionist. A social period wlll.foC- piorrow, and Warren will -carry the In rep ^ in g Uie.piesent total, Craftsmen has announced a con- TRU MI 8-1 iliary will hold a setback party to­ At Its meeting yesterday, the ■'X87 EAST CEP night at 8:30 at the cl^oose. m.eet Wednesday lUrtft at 8 ‘ow with Mrs. Cedi' Kittle, Mrs. League voted to send a delegation major burden of presenting the Francl^ ^ , Mahoney, chairman, I for the design of Connecticut o'clock in the achoy/^uditoriunr. yrtle' Glamann and Denise :01a- Manchester aVea case. Am e u l a A'Ci ^-. Of about 36 members to protest paid tri^'te to the generosity 6f Souvenir's pnd applications have One .child, from' ewm -of the fifth lann ss' hostesses. Warren spoke abbut other bills’ \ MyrOn Rdbblna St. W a. hono|»d th e'' expenditure at tomorrow’s local' merchants and Industrial been sqnt to its 400 members. Wift a surprise birthday party last and sixth grade utasaes will bfc on public hearing at 8 o’clock before before the Legislature .which con­ a panel dlscuaslOT. entitled "What y'stic ReVlewr No, 2,' WBA, will cern Manchester, including one firms already' contacted who have ., The -^ciety feels that its de­ 4lgh t at his home, 19 Flopehee St. the Board of Directors In the hear­ equaled Orl^ttered-their contribu­ Are We,EducBtlng Children Eor?" mdet .tomorrow ' at 7:30 p.m. in ing room pf the Municipal Build- which vyould give the, toWn Clear signer-craftsmen m em b ^ should 1(he party was' given Iw^ls daugh­ tions qFpast years. do something to improve the qiial- ter, MrsL Beverly I^mienaki, and Miss -Et>sf Robb will be the OM FeUows Hall. A kitchen ap- iuB., authority to sell a portion of the modetatbr. clall will follow the business meet- Globe Hollow land It bought from ’’ TIm chairman also reported that lt.v of souvenirs for sale jn the vw attend^'Jhy relatives and \ The main aim of the group, now the'nouse-to-house canvass by Some State’s shops. The Connecticut De­ fkends ftOT ^Martford and Man- IpgA Members are also rertilnded iri , the process pf fonnation, Is to Cheney Btos. v ' , Jit. BenUdette’a MoUiers Circle td^Hring articles for the white ele- Any sale w;ould have to be madip' velopment Opm’mlsaion wHi publi­ "hat A eheater. gu>»i of honor re­ m u meet ^tomorrow night at 8:30 find, ways to save tax dollars. ceived ' many useful' gifts, cards. phMt sale. President Mrs'. Aides oy Ordinance. , - cize the contMt and -aid In mer­ at the home of Mrs. Henry Micha­ The 326,000 expenditure. If It Is chandising the prize winning de- BOYE Slid mbney. A buffet luncheon Gutwher, Mrs. Betty Sobljki and approved, would come from the Dr.. A. B; MOran, who ppikises sedved. with a/bl«thday cake as lak, 42 Norwood St. The co­ MrsJTrene LA Palme are Die epm- sale of the town-owned course .sighs. STAINLESS STEEL hostess will be Mrs. Walter . Mc­ Capital Improvements Reserve Contributions of- prize n ^ e y , y - ■ o^erpieke, / . ' ' mtttW ln\^^rge. Fund and, thus, would not reflect to the Manchester Country Club, Nally. An auction will follow the directly Irt, the budget for the ^zzed Warren .after his . Jalk, have been received from ymany'i NAIL FILES Ur. IrWln Resnlck IS^ attending meeting, le executive, commlttee-of-the. forthcoming'ytar., queslionfng. whethet the WU’s pur­ Connecticut'.iSflldents and^siness ] ruman Tax A ides a af^ ial course in..endodontics at Manichester Women's ..pepubHcan' The provision of new bathhouses pose is not to .clear thp way for firms. -Prizes Have also/neen re- j Jm Neu* Haven today , and tomorrow. XI Gamma Chapter of Beta Cluli hold, a meeting. Wednes- j (,f several steps such a salp. ^ celyed from the Amerkian C rafts,' D u U e ^ Sigma' Phi will meet tomorrow I In improving conditions at the Wilber jdttle, spoke briefly on men’s Council and/lhe National Sentenced in Fraud sands \ • bl-mqnthly i^ U n g of ' the night at 8:15 at the home of .Mrs. Gustave EichoUser, 100 Washing-j town-owned swwim'wiiIng pool.'Oth" what hpfeels arc excessive expen- Gift and Art A ssn ^ f New York. TWEEZERS \ Horate Bissell, 57 Bretton, Rd. ton St. , The award-winning crafts will of ^ e c t o r a ^ the Manches- for fuf dlturpe In the school building pro- 'Sr; Louis, March 5” i4P) pter, Awtrican Red Cross, would be provlding-aNconcretc bot- He charged' there were III-1 - b# exmbit'eiited :iy- me Dymau Alien ; ails Matthew J. Cqnnejly and T. held tomorrow night at 8 Manchester Lodge, No. -73, A.F, •Fhe American Leglpn'Auxiliary I tom for , the pool, a (Hviiig. area/ stances of waste when ,he wgs a Museum PTew LLondon, from May j and A.M.,'will hold a special com­ vrtjl meet tomorrovf'^at 8 p.m. in rV. ..-OA 1 SPECIAL Lamar Caudle,-' who held high o In Uj^ chapter office, 69, and, po.sslbly, picnic grdunds. member of the Building Conimlt- 5 ^through/-126. Further informa­ positions ih^ the Truman ad- N’ Oentei^ SS' ty ' munication at the Masonit Temple thS Legion Home. Mpmbfifs are tep during the construction of Bhe tion abouf^ this contest may be ob­ Ea. tomorrow night at 7:30. The enter­ Hear Warren \ minlsitratlonc: today were sen­ reminded to biing In coupons at , Suez Work i In other developments at yester­ Waddell School,' tained from Mi-s. Robert Pettit, Stainless steel, will hot rust, tenced to twoxj’caVs In prison ed apprentice degree will be' con­ this meeting; .which In turn sre day’s meeting of the . Leagiie. FINS Post Temporarily '6 Glendale Rd.. Glenbrook. triple cut for smooth trim ferred; with Junior Warden Hayden sent t^ h e Department Child Wel­ and fined 32,500-each fof- con-' Representative Ray WatrenV ad- Little and Mrs. R. T. Poutre, 51 Manchester, members of the So­ tapered nails. Washington. Marcli, 5 (yP)— spiring to defrSutl^the.govern­ United Nations, N< li. Griswold Jr.' In charge of the fare comnfilttee. \ - dre.ssed the group, chiefl.y onNkc summit St., we-e named first and ciety are Nora Addy, Mrs. Marlon j • 4" and 5” Nall Files , \ Secretari of State Dulles said ment.' ' . '. f«ok. Nervous work. At Ahe conclusion of the subject of a technical sphopl fbf scconVl temporary vice presidents, Atkinson, Mrs. i^orge Budd. Miss i s'Foldlng Pocket Nall Files March 5 j/P)—Setrg meeting, there will be a social hour today that Egypt has\tended Federal Dlstrjct Jkdge Gun- William 'Turkl re.spec lively. Caroline Lang. V a ries P: Mitch­ ■ (with gold-plated, handle) y n'ar H. NoVdbye. before Impos­ General " Dag Hammarskjold and refreshments. Mr. and Mra. \ Herbert Klccolt. 52 Treb^ Dr.’, s, Surehold Tweezers.
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