BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA FILED 06/14/19 04:59 PM Order Instituting Rulemaking to Consider Streamlining Interconnection of Distributed Rulemaking 17-07-007 Energy Resources and Improvements to Rule 21. (Filed July 13, 2017) WORKING GROUP THREE FINAL REPORT JONATHAN J. NEWLANDER Attorney for SAN DIEGO GAS & ELECTRIC COMPANY 8330 Century Park Court, CP32D San Diego, CA 92123 Phone: (858) 654-1652 E-mail:
[email protected] ON BEHALF OF ITSELF AND: KEITH T. SAMPSON ALEXA MULLARKY Attorney for: Attorney for PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY COMPANY 77 Beale Street 2244 Walnut Grove Avenue San Francisco, California 94105 Post Office Box 800 Telephone: (415) 973-5443 Rosemead, California 91770 Facsimile: (415) 973-0516 Telephone: (626) 302-1577 E-mail:
[email protected] E-mail:
[email protected] June 14, 2019 1 / 141 BEFORE THE PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA Order Instituting Rulemaking to Consider Streamlining Interconnection of Distributed Rulemaking 17-07-007 Energy Resources and Improvements to Rule 21. (Filed July 13, 2017) WORKING GROUP THREE FINAL REPORT Pursuant to the Scoping Memo of Assigned Commissioner and Administrative Law Judge, dated October 2, 2017, as modified by the Assigned Commissioner’s Amended Scoping Memo and Joint Administrative Law Judge Ruling, dated November 16, 2018, San Diego Gas & Electric Company (U 902-E), on behalf of itself and Pacific Gas and Electric Company (U 39-E) and Southern California Edison Company (U 338-E), hereby submits the Working Group Three Final Report. Respectfully submitted, /s/ Jonathan J.