The Apostle Paul, Servant of Christ Boiling Springs, NC Overview Study Guide 704 966-6845 Unit II, Chapter 8
[email protected] “Captivity and Death” © All rights reserved by Lorin L Cranford Quick Links to Study Introduction 8.1.2 Imprisonment in Caesarea 8.1.0 Paul’s Final Period of Ministry 8.1.3 The Voyage to Rome 8.1.1 Arrest in Jerusalem 8.1.4 House Arrest in Rome Arrival in Jerusalem 8.1.5 Release and Resumption of Ministry Arrest in the Temple 8.1.6 Subseuent Arrest and Execution Conclusion Chapter 8: Captivity and Death Introduction Once Paul arrived back in Jerusalem he delivered the relief offering from the Diaspora churches in the northern Mediterranean region from the three missionary journeys. He had strong anticipation of facing trouble in the city, and sure enough troubles came his way. These difficulties would change the direction of his life. His plans for the future would be altered drastically from what he had expressed earlier in Romans 15 and else- where. But God remained in control of Paul’s life, and sustained him through these turbulent years at the end of his life. 8.1.0 Paul’s final period of ministry This phase of Paul’s life covers the time of his arrival back in Jerusalem around 57 AD at the end of the third missionary journey to his martyrdom at the hands of Emperor Nero in the mid-sixties. The Acts narrative from chapter twenty-one through twenty-eight provides the greatest description of the first major segment of Jerusalem to Roman house arrest.