THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authonty of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

Vol. XLIX-No. 14 NAIROBI, Apnl 8, 1947 Pnce 50 Cents Regstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Published every Tuesday

CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZEITF SUPPLEMENT No 16 Govt Notlce No - PAGE Proclamat~ons Rules and Regulatrons, 1947 328-Appo~ntments 173 Govt Notlce No - PAGE 329-Appointments-K U R & H 173 t 330-Vacancy in Vetellnary Department 173 339-341-The Tradlng nlth the Enemy Ordlndnce, 13I- Mombasa Mumc~palBoard-Appointment 173 1939--Orders 372-Foi lntroductlon Into the Leg~slatlveCounal- 342-The Harbours (Amendment) Regulat~ons, 1947 A Bill to Amend the Transport Llcenslng 343-The Defence (Control of Prrces) Regulations, Ord~nance 1937 174 1945-Delegahon of Powers 333-Dlstnct Productlon and Man Poaer Com- 744-The Defence (Military Contracts) Regulattons, mlttees-Appointments 175 1945-Delegat~on of Powers 734-The Income Tax Ordlnance, 1940-Appolnt ments 175 145-The Defence (Control of Prices) Apploved 335-The Miraa Control OrdmanceAppolntment 176 Tradeis (Amendment No 2) Order, 1947 736-The Defence (Control of Hotels) Authonty- 346-The Increased Productlon of C rops Ordin- Appo~ntment 176 anct-Marze Prlces 337-The Tradmg In Unwrought P~ecious Metals 347- The Defence Regulat~ons, 1939-Wool Con- Ordinance-Forfeaure 176 trol-Revocation 318-The Nat~veLands Trust Ord~nance-Land Set 348- The Customs Management (Export Contlol) Apart 176 (Amendment) Order, 1947 Proclamation No - I %-The Suppression of Rab~esOrd~nanct 176 349-The Defence (Control of Distr~butron and 14-The D~stasesof Anlmals Ordlnance 176 Rationing of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 1944 General Notlces Nos 645-678 176 350--Confirmation of Ordinances

APPOINTMENTS VACANCY-STOREKEEPER, VETERINARY DEPARTMENT HI%HONOUR MR JIISTICER~NSLEY SAMUEL ~H~CK~R KC to APPLICATIONS are Invited for the post of Storekeeper b: 4cr1ng Chiet Jushce, HIS Maje\ty s Court of the Colony In the Vetennary Department, and should be submttted to the and Protectorate of Ktnya wlth effect from 1st day ot Aprll Secretary European Clvll Servlce Advlsory Board, P 0 Box 1947 621, Nalrobl, to rea~hh~m not later than the 25th Apnl, 1947 Appllcant~ In Go~e~nmentemployment should apply in terms BRUCE BRITTEN DONALD to be Acting Commss~oner of of Secretdriat Cncular No 30 of 1944 Pr~so~sw~th rff~ct from 1st Aprll, 1947 ?he scile of salary attached to the post is £440 by 20 to GEORGEEDWARD NOAD to be Distnct Comrmssioner, Nakuru £540 by 20 to £600 prr annum (lnitldl sala~yaccording to age, Naivasha and Rav~neDl~ttictb, Rlft Valley Provmce w~th quallficatlons and prevlous experience) on Kenya European effect from 24th March, 1947 CIIII Strvlce terms and cond~tlonsot benlce Details of these SIR HOWARDELPHINSTONE BART to be Acting Resldent Mag~s- terms, whlch ~ncludeparticlpatlon ~n a contr~butorypenslons trate, K~sumu,with effect from 31st March, 1947 sch~me, housmg allowance and cost of liv~ngallowance at rates in force from tlme to time, may be obtalned from the MISS GERTRUDEJOYCE RUGG Gum' to be Acting Res~dent Secretary, European Civil Servlce Advlsory Board, at the above Magstrate, Mombasa, w~theffect from 2nd Aprll, 1947, in address In the event of an officer of the Clvll Service who add~honto her usual dutles as Deputy Registrar, Supreme has already been accorded pens~onable status belng appo~nted, Court, Mombasa he dlretam ha pens~onablenghts dnd other privileges on an appropr~ate salary- scale C H THORNLEY, Actzng Deputy Chjej Secretary The dut~esof the post include the rssue and despatch of lalge quantities of b~ologlcal products from the Vetennary Research Ldbordtory, storage of drugs, chcmcal reagents and technical equipment, as well as general stores and postlng of stores ledgers

KENYA AND UGANDA RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS GOVERNMINT NOTICENO 331 APPOINTMENTS MOMBASA MUNICIPAL BOARD ALFREDDALTON c B E Deputy General Manager and Supenn- tendent of the Line, to be Actlng General Manager, wlth APPOINTMENT effect from 30th March, 1947, vjce Slr Regmald Edw~nRobms, IN EXERCISL of the powerr conferred upon h~mby Sechon c M G o B E General Manager, proceeded to the Unlted King- 9 of the Local Government (Munic~palit~es)Ordinance, 1928, dom on leave His Excellency the Govelnor has been pleased to nommate-- LEONARDRICHARD CUTTS Senior Diaughtsman, to be Actlng MR H A MARKUS Office Assrstant (Land), w~theffect from 8th March, 1947, to be a member of the Mombasa Mumclpal Board, vrce Mr Lice John Glllam Lmdeman, proceeded on leave pendlng re- B A K McRoberts resgned, w~thefiect from the 1st day of tlrement Aprll, 1947 STUARTWILLIAMSON, Senior Clerk, to be Actmg Office Asslstant Government Notlce No 615 of the 27th June, 1946, IS to Port Mandger with effect from 24th March, 1947, vrce hereby amended accoldlngly Btrnard Mdnsfield Masters, proceeded on leave pend~ngretire- By Command of HIS Excellency the Govelnor ment T C COLCHESTER, fo? Memb~~for Health atrd C B A DARLING, Ndnobl, Set retary to #he High Commrssr~nerfor Transport 1st Apnl, 1947 Locnl Go~ernment 174 TH E UFFICIAL G AZE'FIY April @, 1947

G OVERNMENT N o'rlcE N o 332

H Is Excellency the G overnor ln C ouncll has approved of the follow lng BIll belng lntroduced lnto the Leglslatlve Councll

W PA D LEY , A cttng Cletk to the Leglslattve Councll

A BILL TO A M EN D TH E TR A N SPO R T LICEN SIN G O R D IN A N CE , 1937 BE IT EN A CTED by the G overnor of the C olony of K enya, w lth the advlce and consent of the Leglslatlve C ouncll thereof . as follow s -

short tltle 1.. Thls O rdlnance m ay be ctted as the Transport Llcenslng (A m endm ent) Ordlnance, 1947, and shall be read No 40 of 1937 as one W 1th the Transport Llcenslng O rdlnance, 1937. here- lnafter referred to as the prlnclpal O rdlnance

Repeal and z. sectlon 23 ot the prlnclpal O rdlnance ls hereby 10 replacem ent of sectlon 23 of the repealed and the followlng sectlon substltuted therefor - pnnclpal O rdlnance 4deAppeals agalnst 23 ( 1 ) A ny person who.- ecjslon of L'censlng (tz) belng an appllcant for the grant or varlatlon of A uthorlty a llcence, ls aggrleved by the declston of the Llcenslng A uthorlty on the appllcatlon, or JJ (!9 havlng duly m ade an oblectlon to any such appll- catlon as aforesalda belng an oblectlon whlch the Llcenslng A uthorlty ls bound to take lnto conslderatlon, ls aggrleved by the declslon of the Llcensm g A uthorlty thereons or :4 (c) bm ng the holder of a llcence, ls aggrleved by the revocatlon or suspenslon thereof , m ay wlthln the tlm e and ln the m anner prescrlbed appeal to the A ppeal Trlbunal appolnted under the provlslons of sub-sectlon (2) of thls sectlon NJ (2) For the pulposes of hearlng appeals under the provlslons of thls sectlon, the G overnor m Councll m ay appolnt an A ppeal T rlbunal (herelnafter referred to as the Trlbunal) conslstlng of such persons not exceedlng hve. as he m ay determ lne 3* (3) The m em bers of the Tnbunal shall hold oï ce for such term and under such condltlons as the G overnor ln Councll m ay determ m e (4) Save as m ay be prescrlbedp the Trtbunal m ay regulate 1ts plocedure and proceedlngs as lt m ay thm k fit JJ (5) Three m em bers of the Tnbunal shall form a quorum (6) The Trlbunal m ay, on any appeal, aë rm or reverse the declslon of the Llcenstng A uthonty, or m ake such other order as to the Trlbunal appears necessary 40 and Just (7) W here the Tnbunal has recew ed an appeal under the provlslons of thls sectlon, lt shall peruse the sam e and, lf lt conslders that the grounds of appeal are frlvolous or vexatlous or do not dlsclose suë clent reason #J for m terferlng wlth the declston of the Llcensm g A uthor- lty, m ay sum m an ly relect the appeal T he declslon of the Tnbunal under the provlslons of thls sub-sectlon shall be Enal anö çondusw/ '' Apnl 8, 1947 TH E OIT ICIAL GAZET'I'E 17!

3. T he prm clpal O rdlnance ls hereby am ended by Addltmn of neu secbon 32 m sertlng thereln the followm g new sectlon - to tlw prmclpal O rdlnance :132 N otw lthstandlng anythlng m tlus O rdlnance con- Apphcatlons lf talned refused, not to s where an appllcatlon has been or ls m ades on or be entertamed J after the tirst day of January, 1947, by any person for a agam for twelve llcence under the provlslons of thls O rdlnance and has months been refused, no subsequent appllcatlon m adc by the sam e person for a slm llar llcence shalls except at the dlscretlon of the Chalrm an, be entertalned or adludlcated upon by 10 the Llcensm g A uthtm ty untll a penod of tw elve m onths from the date of such apphcatlon has explred The deci- slon of the C halrm an under the provlslons (Af thls sectlon shall be fm al and concluslve ''

M EM O RA N D U M O F O BJE C T$ A N D REM ON S Thls Bl1l seeks to am end the T1 anspolt Llcenslng O rdlnance, 1937, ln two respects 2 At the present m om ent the law plovtdes fol dn appeal to the Suprem e Court from the declslon of the Transport Llcenslng Board A s the appeals a1e 1 eally on questlons of fact, lt ls con- sldered that lt w ould be m ore sultable and less expenslve for the appellant lf appeals lay to an A ppeal Trlbunal Clause 2 of the B11l therefore seeks to provlde for the establlshm ent b) the G overnor ln Councll of an A ppeal Trlbunal to whlch appllcatlons on appeal from the declslon of the Transport Llcenslng A uthorltv m ay be m ade ln order to prevent the Appeal T rlbunal from bem g m undated wlth appeals whlch are frlvolous or vexatlous or wlthout m erlt, the Clause seeks to em power the Trlbunal sum m al 1ly to relect such appeals 3 The T ransport Llcenslng Board ls experlenclng great dlfli- cultv ln deallng wlth the plesent volum e of appllcatlons Thls dlë - culty ls hmghtened because m any apphcatlons whlch have been retused after due conslderatlon by the Board, are resubm ltted by the appllcants wlthm a short tlm e U nder the 1aw as lt stands, the Board ls bound to glve tull conslderatlon to a renew ed appllcatlon, although there m ay be no fresh ground for g, antlng lt Clause 3 of the B1l1 therefore secks to am end the prlnclpal Ordlnance by debarrlng the Transport Llcenslng Board from conslderlng any apphcatlon whlch ls lesubm ltted wlthln twelve m onths from the date of the orlglnal appllcatlon, except at the dlscretlon of the Chalrm an 4 lt ls not posslble to state w hat addltlonal expendlture of publlc m oney w11l be lnvolved lf the provlslons of thls B1ll becom e 1aw

N alrobl, J BA SIL H O BSO N , 2nd A prll, 1947 A ctlng A ttorney G eneral

GOVBRNMENT N o'rlcE No 333 (dgr 411515 f/) GOVBRNSGNT NoTicE No 334 (Fnce 28 1301 1I4j D ISTRICT PRODU CTION AN D M AN POW ER CO M M ITTEES TH E IN COM E TAX ORDIN ANCE, 1940 AIYOIXTMENTS IN EXERCISE of the gopers conferred upon h1m by sectlon IT IS notlfied for general Inform atlon that- 60 of the Incom e Tax Ordlnance, 1940, H 1s Excellency the M r C Keese replaces the Rev O H Knlght as Challm an G overnol has been pleased to appolnt- of N E W ard, Trans N zola Productjon Sub-com mlttee J L m ddoch, Esq , M r l G Robson replaces M r L R M W elwood as a R M M acG regor, Esq , member of Klgkabus/l-essos Productlon Sub-commzttee M r 1, H am bleton Jones and M r S W Retlef 1 eplace to be m em bers of the Local Comm lttee for any area, other than M r R H oddlnot and M r G H ales as m em bers of the the Coast Provlnce, ln place of- W S W W ard, Trans N zola Productlon Sub com m lttee A C Tannahlll, Esq , c B E (deccased), M r P Beverley and M r R O W atklns to be mem bers of C N M Harnson, Esq (reslgned) Subukla Productlon Sub com m jttee (appolnted by G o&ernm cnt N otlce No 927 of 17th October, M r D D udley of K abete Productlon Sub-com m lttee should 1942), for the purpose of hearlng and deterrmmng appeals ln tead M r A J D D udley accordance wlth the provlslons of sectlon 61 of the aforesald M r C D H !1l to bo a m ember of N lol o Productlon Sub- O rdlnance com m lttee Government N otlce N o 200 of 25th Febl uary 1947 ls beleby amended accordlngly By Com m and of H ls Excellency the Governol F W CA VEN D ISH -BEN TIN CK , Nalrobl, Nleltlbel Ior Xg? lcultule alld N a1l9rothb ,karch, 1947 F G FTROUGHTON, 7rd Apnl, 1947 N atural Aeâ-tplfgceâ knanctal Secretary 176 TH E OFPICIAL G AZETIY A prll 8, 1947

GOVBRNMSNT Noncs No 335 (F Ph 481513j PROCLAMATION NO 13

THE M IRA A CON TROL ORD INAN CE THE SUPPRESSION OF RA BIES OR DtN AN CE APPOINTMENT OF N ATIVE AUTHORITY IN EXERCISE of the powels thcl eunto enabllng m e l hereby IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon m e by sectlon declaro that tho Proclamatlon m so far as lt 1 elates to the 3 (5) of the M ltaa Control Oldmattce, 1946, 1 hereby appolnt follow lng- the Local N atwe Counml of M eru and the Local N atlve Councll Proclam atlon N o 24 dated the 19th day of June of Em bu to be the natlve authorlty ln thelr respectlvc dlstrlcts , 1946 The whole of M olo Clean Area, 1hc Dlstllct Com m jsslonel for tht purpose of sectlon 3 of tho sald Ordlnance and ln P O N akutu N akm u D tsttw t, , exerclse of the powers conferred upon me by sectlon 3 (2) of , the sald Ordm ance I hereby speclfy that no perm lt granted be revoked undër the provlslons of sub-sectlon (2) of sectlon 3 of the sald Gwen under m y hand at K abete thls 26th day of NFalch 1947 Ordmance shall authorlze any person to sell or supply m 11 aa to any natlve of the M eru D lstrlct who ls below the age grade E BEA L M ONT of M lntl or to any natlve of the Em bu D lstrlct who ls below Dll tmcrtp? uj Vetel Jptz? ) Se' J//t;c5' the age garade of N gtolur! A C M M U LLIN S, PROCLAM ATION N o 14 Nyen, Acttng Provinctal Comm tsstoner TH E D ISEASES OF AN IM ALS ORDINAN CE 1st A prll, 1947 Central Provlnce PROCLAM ATION IN EXBRCISE of the powers thereunto enabllqg nle l heleby GOVBRNMBNT Ntm cB No 336 (G Lnd 2611511 11184 declare tho areas desned m the Schedule to be Kfinfected ' areas THE DBFBNCE (CONTROL OF HOTELS) AUTHORITY ln rehpect of the dlsease lndlcated at the head of thc bchedule A PPOINTMkNT SCHEIX LE I- EXST Coxs'r FBVF,R IN EX ERCISE of the powers conferred upon h1m by sub (Vlde Proclalnahon No 65 o? Ju/. 1936) regulatlon (1) of Regulatlon 3 of tbo Defence (Control of L O N o 6875, M rs F H ollls, P O N anyukl N orth N yer! Hotels) Regulatlons, 1943, whlch have eFect by vlrtue of the Supphes and Servlces (Transltlonal Powers) Act, 1945, as apphed D lstrlct to the Colony by tbe Supphes and Servlces (Transttlonal Powers) L O No 2880/ 1, M alor J H J Thacker, P O Na lyukl, N orth (Colomes, etc ) Older ln Counctl, 1946, and all other powers N yel ! D lstrlct thereunto enabllng hlm , H 1s Excellency the G overnor has bcen SCHEDUI.E ll- Eplzool'jc LYM PHANGITI3 pleased to appolnt- Stableb ln Dlstrlct Com mlsslone) s compound M R T E LETHAM , J Plnney, Esq , to 1>e a m em ber of the A uthonty ln the place of M l R M axwell Dlstllct Comm lssloner, Islolo, N ol thern Front el Plovlnce A nd 1 further declare that the poltons of Ploclam atlons ln G overnm ent N ottcû N o 227 of 27th February, 1947, ls vallcd so faT as tbe'y rdato lo tbw f ollowil,g- accordmgly Ploclam atlon N o 8 dated the 20th day of Februa'y By Com mand of H ls Excellency the G overnol , 1946 L L O Nos 239/2/3 4966 and 3576, Kenya Tea Co , l-td , N alrobl, C H THORN LEY , lmuru, K lambu Dlstnct, to be an lnfected al ea (east coast 2nd Apnl, 1947 joI Chlej Secretary fever) , L O No 239/2/6, L T Klngsford, Esq , Togt Farm GovEltxstENT N o'rlcE N o 337 Llmuru Klambu Dlstrzçt, to be an lnfected area (east coast, 'I'HE TM D IN G IN UN W ROU GH T PRECIO U S M ETALS fever) , ORDINAN CE Proclam atlon N o 1 datcd the 31st day of December, 1946 Foloslela;ltE os UNw ROIJGHT PitEclouq M BrAt.s Palts of Plans N os 1044 and 3256, A pploved School Kabete, c/o Commlssloner of Pllsons, Nalrobl , In the Subordlnate Court oj the Flrâ'/ Class M agtstrate at , to be an 1n- T'/ltpprlxw ; & Falls f eoted art.a (ulceratlve lymphangltls) N OTICE ls hereby glven that 7 0121 gram m es of dl'y gold be rcvoked was on 18th M arch, 1 947, selzed at Thom son s Falls and has G lven under m y hand at K abete thls 26th day of M arch 1947 sm ce been declared to be forfelted by reason of 1ts belng un- , lawfully possessed unwrought prexaous m etal Any pe1 son clajm - E BEA UM ON T, lng any tltle to the sald unwrought preclous m etal m ust prove Dltector oj Jz-e/crgatz/y Sel l'lcc.ç h!s tltle to the satlsfactlon of the Court wlthln three months from the date of tbls notlce if no sucb clmm ls proved, tlze GENSRAL NoTIcB N O 645

sald unwrought preclous m etal w1l1 becom e tho absolute property VACAN CY FOR A STENOG RA PH ER , M ED IC

GBNBRAL N o'ncB N o 646 GENBRAL N oTlcs N o 651 THE COFFFE INDU STRY (FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE) TH E ESTATE OF TH E LA TE JU LIUS STBPH EN SON ORDINAN CE NOTICB ls hereby glven that admlnlstratlon havlng bcen IN PU RSU ANCE of the provlslons of sectlon 15 ot Ordln- gtanted to the w ldow ln the above estate, credltols are lequested, ance N o IV of 1944, notlce ls he1 eby glven that the ad&ance lf not al1 eady done, to hle thell accounts wlth and debtors to glanted lrt term s of the above-nam ed 01 dlnance lzas been pay tllell debts to the undelslgnep, not late) tban 30th A plll next l epm d - N ame - F1 edenk G um oes, Thlka W A SHA W A lttotlnt - f,800 3 lst M alch, 1 947 Adt tpcc/c !ol the z1.l/lplalâ trutl lx G o%etltlnent N otlce N o - 567 dated 14th July, 1944 T L H A TELY , Secretar) The Lattd tz/ltf Agrlcultural Bank t# Kenya Agents The C'o#ee lndustty 3rd Aprll, 1947 (Fmqnclal Asslstaltce) Ordtnance G ENERAL N oTlcE N o 652 PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION GENBRAL N oTlcB No 647 CAuss N o 16 or 1947 In the ??lJ//ev oj M g'el?l blnh Junla deceased TH E M ED ICAL PM CTITION BRS AN D D ENTISTS TAK E N OTICE that a1l pelsons havm g any clalms agam st ORD IN AN CE the estate of the above nam ed M gem blnt.l Jum a, deceased, who (Cap 119 t# th.e Revtsed Fdlfltzrll dled at M ll-wa-K ale, M om basa, on the 7th day of February, THE underm entloned have becn roglstered ln accordance m th 1947 are requlred to prove such clalm s before m e the under- the terms of the M edlcal Practltloners and Dentlsts Ordm ance slgned on or before the 1st day of after whlch date the clalm s so provtd wll1 be pald and the estate dlstrlbuted (Cap 1 19 of the Rovlsed Edltlon) - accordlng to 1aw Vohra, Vllay Pal, t, R c P (BDIN , 1944), L R c s (EDIN 1944), L R 17 P s (GLAs , 1944), L D s R. c s (BDIN 1946) M om basa, M D CHITNA VIS, Vohra (M rs ), Anma, M B , B s (U PIJNJ&B 1943) 28th M arch, 1947 4gellt oj the xp//&ic Trustee N M M A C LEN N A N , R eglstrar

GBNERAL N o'rlce No 653 fzsxslut, N oTlcn N o 648 PROBATB AN D AD M IN ISTR ATION IN OCU LATION AG AIN ST YBLLOW FEVER CAuse N o 24 oF 1947 G ENERAL N OTICE N o 797 of 12th June, 1942, ls hereb) cancelled In the matter oj M ohamad Kayanda M usa deceased N M M ACLEN NAN , TAK E N OTICE that all pelsons havlng any clalms agam st Dlrector (7/ M edlcal fervlce,j- the estate of the above-nam ed M oham ad K avanda M usa, deceased, who dled at Saragol, M om basa, on the 28th day of Septem ber, 1946, are reqm red to prove such clalm s before m e G ENBRAL N oTlcB N o 649 the underslgned on or before the 1st day of June, 1947 after w hlch date the clam zs so proved w 111 be pald and the estate dls- TH E BAN K RUPTCY ORD IN AN CE tnbuted qcordlng to 1aw FIRSR M BETING oF CREDITORS xxn PuBLlc EXAMINATION M om basa, M D CH ITN AVIS, D ebtor s nam e -vohannes H endnk Le Roux 28th M alch, 1947 Agent 5/ the Pubhc Trustee A dress - K 1s11 D escrlptlon - M lner Court - ltesldent M ap strate's Court, K lsumu Number t# matter - 2 of 1946 G BNERAL N o'rlcs N o 654 Dcfe oj #ry/ meetlltg 0/ credltors - 5th M ay, 1947 H our - 10 a m Place - D lstnct Com nussloner s Ofhce, K lsum u Y'OREST DEPARTM EN T Date o! publ'c examtnattan --sth M ay, 1947 TENDERS To CvT FUy,L H our - 10 a m TEN DER S are m vlted tor the rlght to cut and rem ove a11 Place .- Resldent M apstrate's Court, Klsum u fuel and bark from wattle trees growyng on a portlon of n gonl N alrobl, H V AN D ERSON , Townshlp Reserve before 31st July, 1947 The trees to be cut are those on the stllp of land between the m aln N alrobl-Llm ulu 3rd Apnl, 1947 Deputy t/ycztz/ Recel; tv Road and the Tlgonl m ver N o survey has been m ade of the area G BNBRAL NOTICB NO 650 The basls of the tendel wjll bo a lum p sum , 25 per cent cf wluch m ust be pald on tho lssue of the llcence, 50 per cent IN H lS M AJESW 'S SUPREM E COU RT O17 K ENYA wlthln the followlng two weeks and the rem alnder wlthln four AT M OM BASA D ISTRICT REG ISTRY weeks of the lssue of the hcence PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Tenders m arked çt-fknders, T lgonl m ust reach the C onservatol CArsE N o 21 oF 1947 of Forests beforo m ldday on 21st Aprll, 1947 1,? the nlatter 0/ Charles Arthur M ason azlrltfcrAtzpl deceaned The hlghest or any tendel w1ll not necessanly be accepted and J P W LOG IE, In the nlatter f# an cppl/ccfltplz !or seallng l,7 the Colony tzatf for Conservator 0/ Forests Protecto; ate 0/ K enva JJ letters 0/ admïntstratlon w/f/l the wil/ annexed gîanted by ./l,: M alesty s TTD#/Z Court t# Jm tlce ;n the D tstrlct Reglstry at Brlstol to Fredo lca M arguo lrc Loulse Groves 0/ 25 Vlctorla s'qlft-fre tn the Clly and County GENERAL NoTlcB N o 655 t# Brlstol, England TAK E N OTICB that apphcatlon has been m ade to thls Coult N A IROBI D ISTRICT COU NCIL by M r D av'd Chllds-clarke, advocate, M ombasa, duly con- TENOSR stltuted attorney of Frederlca M arguerlte Lom se Groves of 25 Vlctona Square m the Clty and County of Brlstol, England, TEN DERS are lnvlted for the supply about Septem ber, 1947, wldow, one of the reslduary legatees and devlsees nam ed m the of one 4/s-passengel saloon car last w111 and testam ent of Charles A rthm M ason Anderson late Tenders m ay be ln respect of vehlcles not less than 14 h p of 41 U pper Belgrave Road, Chfton m the Clty of Brlstol, R A C ratlng and ln the prlce range from /550 to f650 England, who dled on the 30th day of January, 1946, at South- Preference m ay be glven to a Blltlsh- or Em plre-bullt vehlcle m ead H ospltal m the sald Clty for resealm g of a photostat The successful tenderer m ay be lequlred to take ln part ex- copy of the letters of adm lnlstratlon wlth the Mrlll annexed change one secondhand 14 h p Standard saloon, 1946, m odel granted by H1s M alesty s H lgit Court of Justlce ln the D lstnct F'urther palticulars m ay be obtalned on appllcatlon at the Repstry at Bmstol to the sald Frederlca M arguerlte Lom se Groves and that thls Court wl11 proceed to m ake an ordm om ces of Councll, Vlctorla Street, N alrobl accordm gly unless cause be shown to the contrary and appear- Tendcrs ln sealed en4elopes m arked Equlpment should ance m tbls respect entered on or before the 22nd day of A prll, leach tlle underslgned not latel than 12 noon on Saturday, 26th 1947 Apnl, 1947 JO YCE RU GG G UN N M ombasa, D lstrtct Reglsttal N allobl, J R L COVBY , 4th Aprll, 1947 Clqrk to C'tptf/?cll 1st A pnl, 1947 H M s'l/.pren?c Cout t o! .&'c?1) a 118 TH E OFFICIAL G AZBW E Aprll 8, 1941

GBNBRAL N OTICE N o 656 GENBRAL N OTICE N O 662 PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION PRO BA TE AN D AD M IN ISTRA TION PUBLIC TRUSTSB s C Auss N o 14 og 1947 PUBLIC TRusl'es s C AusE N o 21 op 1947 In the ,??J//e/ 0/ Harry Jalnes Rowland Clegg deceased /:?/c In the nltltter t# D hlra) â'/tp Kalldan deceased Iate oj Kel lcho of E ldotet f?t the Colol'ty 0/ Ken vc ln //)4 Colony ()/ Kenya TA KE N OTICE that a1l persons havlng any clalm s agalnst TAK E N OTICE that a1l persons havlng any clalm s agalnst the estate of the above-nam ed Harry Jam es Rowland Clegg the estate of the above-named Dhlral s/o Kalldas who dled at who dled at Bldoret m the Colony of K enya on the 26th day K erlcho ln the C olony of K enya on the 26th day of A ugust, of January, 1947, are requlred to prove such clm m s beforo m e 1946 ale requlred to prove such clalm s before m e the under- the underslgned on or before the 22nd day of A prll, 1947, after slgned on or before the 9th day of June, 1947, after whlch date whlch date the clalm s so ploved w111 be pald and the estate d1s the clalm s so proved wl1l be pald and the estate dlstrlbuted trlbuted accordlng to 1aw accordlng to law N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , Nalrobl, W B CUM M IN G 31st M arch, 1947 Publlc Trltstee 1st A prll, 1947 Publlc Trustee

GBNBRAL N oTlcB N o 657 GBNERAL N oTlcs N o 663 PROBA TE A ND AD M IN ISTM TION PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION Pt;BLIC TRIJSTEE s CAIJSE N o 19 oF 1947 PUBLtC TRIJSTBE'S C xvse N o 22 oF 1947 In the /??tz/le? oj ShartF a4l; bln Orafzr bltt .4lpl//ltzkf/l deceased TA KE N OTICE that on or after the 22nd day of Aprll, 1947, In the ?p?c/fcr ol Shelkha blntl M ta/ltzF?let/ bln # /7t7!/t7?7 deceased l lntend to apply to H M Supreme Court of Kenya at N alrobl TA KE N OTICE that on or after the 22nd day of A prll, 1947, for letters of adm lnlstratlon lntestate to the estate ef the above- l lntend to apply to H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N alrobl nam ed Sharlff A 1l b1n Om ar b1n A bubakal , late of V anga ln for letters of adm lnlstratlon lntestate to the estae of the above- the D lgo D lstnct ln the K enya Protectorate, who dled at Vanga nam ed Shelkha blntl M oham ed bIn Khalfan, late of Takaungu ln the Kenya Protectorate, who dled at Takaungu af oresald on aforesald on the 1st day of A prll, 1946 the 27th day of October, 1946 N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , 1st Aprll, 1947 Publlc Trustee N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G 1st Apnl, 1947 #I/:/Ic Trustre GENSRAL N oTIcE N o 658 G BNERAL N oTlcs N o 664 PROBATE AND AD M IN ISTM TION PUBLIC TRUSTEB s CAIJSB N o 19 oF 1947 PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION f?1 the infp//er oj ,5'/w?i# Alt bln Oincr btn Abubakar deceased PUBL1c TRUSTBB s CAUSE N o 22 OF 1947 late oj Vallga J/z the Dlgo Dlstrtct ln the Kenya Ptotectorate In thc ntatter oj Shetkha blnh M ohanled l/fn Khaljan deceased TAKE N OTICE that a1l persons havlng any clalm s agalnst late o! Takaungu l?? the Kenj f/ Protectorate the estate of the above nam ed Shallff A 11 bln Om ar b1n Abu- TA KE N OTICE that a1l pel sons havlng any clalm s agalnst bakar who dled at Vanga ln the Dlgo D lstnct ln the K enya the estate of the above-nam ed Shelkha blnt! M oham ed b1n Protectorate on the 1st day of Apnl, 1946, are reqm red to prove K halfan who dled at T akaungu ln the K enya Protectorate on such clalm s before m e the underslgned on or before the 9th the 27th day of October, 1946, are requlred to prove such clalm s day of June, 1947 after whlch date the clalm s so proved w111 be before m e the underslgned on or before the 9th day of June, pald and tlle estate dlstrzbuted accordlng to 1aw 1947, after whlch date the clalm s so proved w1l1 be pald and N alrobl, W B CUM M IN G , the estate dlstnbuted accordlng to law 1st Apnl, 1947 Publlc Truntee N alrobl, W B CUM M IN G 1st A prtl, 1947 Publlc Trustee GENERAL N oTlcE N o 659 PROBA TE A N D AD M IN ISTRATION GENERAL N oTlcs N o 665 PuBLIc TRusrss s CAuss N o 20 oF 1947 In the ntatto o! M tss Irene Beatoll .I)//rlcc?? deceased PROBATE AN D A D M IN ISTRA TION TAK E N OTICE that on or after the 22nd day of Apnl, 1947 CAUSE N o 6 OF 1947 I lntend to apply to H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N airobl In the ???c?/cl oj 5W/lpll /7/?1 Nasol deceased for letters of admlnlstratlcm lntcstate to the estate of the above- TA K E N O TICE that a1ë persons havlng any clalm s agalnst the nam ed M lss Irene Beaton D uncan, late of N alrobl m the Colony estate of the above-nam ed Satlm bln N asor deceased who dled of K enya, who dled at sea on the m v Abosso on the 29th day at N gom benl, D lgo on the 20th day of June, 1946, are of O ctober, 1942 lequlled to prove suc,h csaim s before m e the undevslgned on or before the 8th day of June, 1 947, after whlch date N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G the clalm s so ploved wll1 be pajd, and the estate dlstrlbuted 1st Aprll, 1947 Pubhc D ustee accordlng to 1aw M od basa, M D CH ITNAV IS, QIBNBRAL èfoTlce 'fo 660 1st Aprll, 1947 Agent oj the Publlc T? ustee PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRA TION Pt/sf-lc TRusres's CAusE N o 20 oF 1947 GBNERAL N oTlcB N o 666 1lt the matter t# M kss Irene Beaton Duncan deceased PROBATE AN D AD M IN ISTRATION TA KE N OTICE that a1l persons havlng any clalm s agalnst CAus: N o 25 og 1947 the estate of tbe above-nam ed M lss lrene Beaton D uncan who dled at sea on tlw m y Abosso on the 29th day of October, Ill the nlattet t'/ Bakall bln M ussa s'f/l?sc deceaned 1942, are lequlred to prove such clalm s before m e the undel TA K E N O TIC E that alI persons havlng any clalm s agalnst the slgned on or before the 9th day of Junc, 1947, after whlch estate of the above-named Bakarl b'n M ussa Slm ba, deceased date the dmm s so proved w1l1 be pald and the estate dlstrllm ted who dted at M om basa on the 12th daà of February, 1947 are accordm g to law lequlled to prove such cl 'tlm s befole m e the underslgned on or before the 8th day of June, 1947, after whlch date the clalm s so N alrobl, W B CU M M IN G , ploved wll1 be be pald, and the estate dlstrlbuted accordlng to 1st Aplll, 1947 Pubhc Trlfyfcc law M om basas M D CH ITN AVIS G BNERAL N o-lncs N o 661 2nd Aplll, 1947 Agent oj //2t' Publtc Ttustee

PROBATE AN D A DM IN ISTRATION G SNERAL N olqcB N o 667 PUBLIL TRUSTBB s CAUSE N O 21 0F 1947 In the l'latter oj Dhlral .:/tp K altdas deceased REVOCA TION O F POW ER OP A TTORN EY TAKE N OTICE that on or after the 22nd day of Apnl, 1947, N OTICE ls hereby glven that the power of attorney granted 1 lntend to apply to H M Suprem e Court of K enya at N mrobl by the underslgned to Sukhlal Pdpatlal Valana of N alrobl ln for letters of adm lm stratlon lntestate to the estate of the above the C oleny of K enya dullng the m onth of N ovtm ber 1935 named Dhlral s/o Kahdas, late of Kerlcho m the Colony of has been cancelled as from the date hereof and the sald Sukhlai Kenya, who dled at K m lcho afortsayd on the 26th day of Popatlal V alarla has not now any authonty to act for the under- August, 1946 slgned ln any m anner whatsoevel N mrobj, W B CUM M TN G , N alrobl, 5th Apnl, 1947 1st Apnl, 1947 Pubhc Trustee 7AM NAJM S POPATLAL VAJARIA Apnl 8, 1947 TH E OFFICIAL GAZE'ITE 179

GBNBRAL N OTICB N o 668 CU ST OM S D EPAR TM FN T OF K E N Y A AN D U G A N D A Pvszzlc A vcTzoN N OTICE ls hereby gzven tha,t the underm entm ned goods w 1ll be sold by publze auehon at the N ew Ivory R oom , M om baaa, llkuated near the Post Om ce, behm d tbe prem zses of M essrs W J K zng & Co , on 5TH: M &.v, 1947, a,t 9 a, m lf not eleared btsfoz.e that date and the proceeds w ll1 be applled as follow a - Ftrstly, m the paym ent of the expenses of the sale seeondly, m the paym ent of the duty , bhlrdly zn the paym ent of w aro btluse > nt and eharges , fourthly, m the pavm ont of the frezght, lf any, due upon the goods lf w rztten notlce of such frezght shall blkve been gzven to the Collector A nd the balance zf any, shall be pazd m to general revenue, but m ay be refunded to the person entltled thereto zf elazm ed w lthzn slx m onths of the date of sale Cl7sToM H ovss, M oMsAsA W JOH N STON lst Apml, 1947 Com m u aoner o.f Cuntoma, Aozùyl and Ugqnda U NSNTXRSO CM too Lyzxo IN K zNo's W xltlnovslc ovxs THRS? M ozœ xs I>vs lrozt SAU ox 51a M ztv, 1947 W /E K D ste N o Bhm s N am e #rom M arks snd N os D esemptzon of G oods 7-11-46 220 Carmer Pzgeon U S A A E S NAIROBI/- 15 1 carton tomato ketehup PHILLIPS NAIROBI /- 98 1 case wme contarmg 12 quart bottles < W ztzenburg 75-11-46 229 Fm pkre Glorz N 01th N IL 50 bags eem ent B H S S M 5754 l22 K E RICH O /- 36 1 ease hardware contaznmg hmges, eyelets and rm gs 5-12-46 235 Shzrala Bombay R J SCOW AN C/O NATIONAL BA N K 1 box personal effects 7-11-46 220 Carrzer Plgeon U S A A P S L 3202 N AIR OBI l case Cazter Bros sauce 24-8-46 166 Gauntlet South N P NAKURU /- 70/81 12 drums prmters mk 34-12-.46 248 Landaura South G B 2989 50 /- l 145 or Nll l keg o11 (turps sub ) 8-1-47 3 Robln SherB ood South KASSAM HAJI KAMPALA /- N:1 1 ease Dudleys ehocolate m ould pow cler 28-12-46 245 Modasa North T O M EPC KAMPALA 264/1 l case radzo aeeessomes 8-1-47 3 R obln Sherwood South K F A N XK U R U N zl l bundle ferro prusszate paper N IL l bundle m osqulto nets, 1 bed sheet 5 com bs, 25 knltted scarves, 26 blankets, 4 pleces znutton e10th 20-1-47 5 Shzrala Bom bay S A B M OM BA SA INTR A N SIT R EU N ION 44 bales bleached grey sheetlngs N A IR OB I CAR N IC B R ID GE S H BAR A K O T A LI & SON S H OLY QURAN NAIROBI 2 cases H oly Quran 20- 1-47 11 Sam pan South 1 R K ISU M U VIA M OM BA SA 5 caseq pneum atte tools l ease drlll 2 cases pneum atzc tools 22- 1-47 13 Sofala N orth S M C M SA 12 bundles em pty tea cartons 16-1-47 16 Inchanga N orth T C & S COL 1366 1 psekage personal effects 18-1-47 17 Afmean Creseent 50:1th M AM AR AL BA N D U LLA D S 9912 N A O R M 7733 fs 795 l case m otor car spares 22-1-47 20 M andarm South M M ORD E R N O 326 & E 9 m otor car tyres 13-9-46 l70 W ater W ltch South K F & PSL 18659 /- 1/2 2 eases * Glorza furnlture pollsh 29-1-47 22 Czt, of H ereford N orth R ev Fr J' G eeohe Catholze M tsslon K C 2 cases personal effeets N IL 30 pzeees ;re brlclts 27-2-47 249 Atrcraft - L P KEW C/N NO 241569 l parcel crockery samples 29-1-47 22 Czty of H ezeford N orth N IL 12 m otor car tubes N IL 3 karazs N IL 2 buckets 29-1-47 25 Sktensfjord N orth LAN GBALLE W AM O GA E STA TES U SA R IV ER T T 3 package: personal effects M R S M A GIU IS LISELAN D E S TA TE N IA VASH A M OM BA SA l box personal effects R AN D ER SON J'OPA TA E STA TE 1 case bookq E FS 69A H O FV ER BER G SW E DISH MISSION C/O M ITCHELL COTTS COM P M OM BA SA l caqe household goods E A 342138 TIM B OR O A T C 36 l ease m aehzner: spareq AM /-61 MERCANTILE 8460 CO LTD l ease pznet eastlllon brandy 4-11-46 2l6 K aragola Bom bay N 1L 2 pzeces C P goods N IL 1 tow el 8-11-46 217 Inchanga South A C F N B 1 M B A l case elnem a spares 17-12-46 240 (7e010g1st N orth Sallsbury H otel 1 e'kse eleetloplated table w are


2 bottles gm , 500 bTddles, 7 m etal tum blers, 1500 pzeees sllver foll, 10 lbs coloured sasheq, 74 prandss, 1 tzn ozl, 5 tm s colours, 52 wooden combs, 3 sarz borders, 5 m etal travq 1 spoon, 12 packg playzng cards, 4 pazrs khangas, 7) yards cotton pzece goods, 3à yards M oollen pzece goodg, 2 he vd covers, l 2 eakes soap, 2 gramophone reeords (damaged), 2 frocks, 2 fez caps 10 paekets toreh bulbs, 1 1 slabs ebocolates, 1 cloek, 6 pzeees w earm g apparel

G ENERAL N o'rlcE N o 669 G BNERAL N oTlcE No 670 IN H lS M AJESTY S SUPREM E COURT OF KEN YA IN H IS M AJESTY S SUPREM E COU RT OF KEN YA AT NA IRO BI AT NA IROBI PROBATE AN D A D M IN ISTRATION PROBA TE AN D A D M IN ISTRATION CAuss N o 138 oF 1946 CAIJSB N o 77 olz 1946 ln the matter oj the estate o! the late Robert M elvllle deceased In the pzla//e? ol the estate oj the late Comte Roger M al Ie PU RSU ANT to an Order of H 1s M alesty s Suprem e Court Fellx Symon de Perqny oj Xbngtprll Fartn Nalvasha Kenya at N alrobl dated 4th D ecember, 1946, wbereby letters of adm lnls- PUR SUAN T to an Grder of H1s M alesty's Supreme Court tratlon to the estate of the above-nam ed deceased wele granted at N alrobl dated 19th June, 1946, whereby letters of admlmstla- to Jam es H enry W llklnson, attorney of D avld G ordon M elvllle, tlon wlth wl1l and codlclls annexed to the estate of the above tho brother of the sald deceased deceased where granted to Jam es H enry W tlklnson the attorney Take notlce that all persons havlng any clalm s agalnst the of R oger de Pengny, the executol nam ed m the w111 estate of the above-nam ed deceased, who dled at N alrobl on tbe Take notlce that all persons havm g any claim s agalnst the 73rd day of June, 1946 ale requlred to lodge and prove such estate of the above nam ed deceased, w ho dled at N alvasha on clalm s m th the undermentloned on or before the 30th day of the 5th day of N ovem ber, 1945, are requlred to lodge and prove Jkpnl, 1947, after w hlch date the clalm s w hlch have been so such clalm s wlth the undennentloned on or before the 30th day Ilroved w11l be pald and the estate dlstrlbuted accordlng to law of Aprll, 1947, after whlch date the clalm s whlch have been so proved w11l be pald and the estate dlstrlbuted accordm g to law DALY & FIG G IS, DA LY & FIG G IS, Advocates jor the Admtntstlator above named Advocates yt)z the Admlntstrator above named, 1 st Apnl, 1947 Clqrke ,7 Chambçrh N atrobl 1st Aprll, 1947 Clqrke s Chambers. N'fwr/tu 180 TH E OFFICM L G A ZET FE A prll 8, 1947

G BNEIGL NoTIcE No 671 GENBRAL N OTICE N 0 675 IN TH E DISTRICT D ELEGATE S COU RT A T ELD ORET THE REG ISTRATION OF TITLES ORD IN AN CE PROBA TE AN D AD M IN ISTM TION (Chapter 142 o! the Replâ'eff Edltlon, sectlon 69) CAuss N o 7 oF 1947 W H EREA S Abdulla bln Jum a of M om basa ln tho K enya Notlce t# appltcatlon /br letters oj ctfzpprl/xf/t7//tp?l oj the estate Protectorate ls reglstered as proprletor of Plot N o 698, Sectlon oj the late W tlllam J.fe/?r.y Ralt oj Uann GIJJ??,I Dtstrct Kenya 111, sltuate ln the M om basa Island by vlrtue of a certlficate of Colony deceased ownershlp N o 4472 reglstercd ln the Coast Reglstry, M om basa, as N o C R 3277, and whereas suë clent evldence has been TAK E N OTICE that appllcatlon havlng been m ade ln thls adduced to show that the certllicate of ownershlp relatlng to Court by Ethel M ay H arnett of Eadebess, Tran.s N zola D lstrlct, tbe sald plecu of land has been lost, notlce zs hereby p ven that K enya C olony, for letters of adm lm stratlon of the estate of the after the explratlon of 90 days from the date hereof I shall late W llham H enry Ralt of U asln Glshu D lstnct, K enya Colony, who dled at Endebess, Trans N zola Dlstnct, K enya Colony, on lssue a provlslonal certl cate provlded that no oblectlons have the 6th day of June, 1946, thts Court wl2 proceed to lssue the been recelved m thln that penod sam e unleqs cause be show n to the contrary and appearance ln M om basa, R A H AW K IN S, thls respect entered on or before the 23rd day of Aprll, 1947 1st Aprll, 1947 Regtstrar t# D tles M D LY ON , D lstrlct D elegate DJ.:/?/c/â' oj Uasln Gll/llf Trans Nzola N andl, Elgeyo and M o akwet G ENERAL lfoTlcB 'fo 676

GENERAL N OTICE No 672 TH E FM U D ULEN T SFER O F BU SIN ESSES OR DINAN CB, 1930 IN TH E SUPREM E COU RT AT N AIROBI NOTICE s hereby mven that the buslness of general trade PROBATE A ND A D M IN ISTRATION carned on by M oham ed N am z Lallanl ln the tirm name or style CAUSE No 42 oF 1947 of $