THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE OF THE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE OF KENYA Published under the Authonty of HIS Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XLIX-No. 14 NAIROBI, Apnl 8, 1947 Pnce 50 Cents Regstered as a Newspaper at the G P 0 Published every Tuesday CONTENTS OFFICIAL GAZEITF SUPPLEMENT No 16 Govt Notlce No - PAGE Proclamat~ons Rules and Regulatrons, 1947 328-Appo~ntments 173 Govt Notlce No - PAGE 329-Appointments-K U R & H 173 t 330-Vacancy in Vetellnary Department 173 339-341-The Tradlng nlth the Enemy Ordlndnce, 13I- Mombasa Mumc~palBoard-Appointment 173 1939--Orders 372-Foi lntroductlon Into the Leg~slatlveCounal- 342-The Harbours (Amendment) Regulat~ons, 1947 A Bill to Amend the Transport Llcenslng 343-The Defence (Control of Prrces) Regulations, Ord~nance 1937 174 1945-Delegahon of Powers 333-Dlstnct Productlon and Man Poaer Com- 744-The Defence (Military Contracts) Regulattons, mlttees-Appointments 175 1945-Delegat~on of Powers 734-The Income Tax Ordlnance, 1940-Appolnt ments 175 145-The Defence (Control of Prices) Apploved 335-The Miraa Control OrdmanceAppolntment 176 Tradeis (Amendment No 2) Order, 1947 736-The Defence (Control of Hotels) Authonty- 346-The Increased Productlon of C rops Ordin- Appo~ntment 176 anct-Marze Prlces 337-The Tradmg In Unwrought P~ecious Metals 347- The Defence Regulat~ons, 1939-Wool Con- Ordinance-Forfeaure 176 trol-Revocation 318-The Nat~veLands Trust Ord~nance-Land Set 348- The Customs Management (Export Contlol) Apart 176 (Amendment) Order, 1947 Proclamation No - I %-The Suppression of Rab~esOrd~nanct 176 349-The Defence (Control of Distr~butron and 14-The D~stasesof Anlmals Ordlnance 176 Rationing of Foodstuffs) Regulations, 1944 General Notlces Nos 645-678 176 350--Confirmation of Ordinances APPOINTMENTS VACANCY-STOREKEEPER, VETERINARY DEPARTMENT HI%HONOUR MR JIISTICER~NSLEY SAMUEL ~H~CK~R KC to APPLICATIONS are Invited for the post of Storekeeper b: 4cr1ng Chiet Jushce, HIS Maje\ty s Court of the Colony In the Vetennary Department, and should be submttted to the and Protectorate of Ktnya wlth effect from 1st day ot Aprll Secretary European Clvll Servlce Advlsory Board, P 0 Box 1947 621, Nalrobl, to rea~hh~m not later than the 25th Apnl, 1947 Appllcant~ In Go~e~nmentemployment should apply in terms BRUCE BRITTEN DONALD to be Acting Commss~oner of of Secretdriat Cncular No 30 of 1944 Pr~so~sw~th rff~ct from 1st Aprll, 1947 ?he scile of salary attached to the post is £440 by 20 to GEORGEEDWARD NOAD to be Distnct Comrmssioner, Nakuru £540 by 20 to £600 prr annum (lnitldl sala~yaccording to age, Naivasha and Rav~neDl~ttictb, Rlft Valley Provmce w~th quallficatlons and prevlous experience) on Kenya European effect from 24th March, 1947 CIIII Strvlce terms and cond~tlonsot benlce Details of these SIR HOWARDELPHINSTONE BART to be Acting Resldent Mag~s- terms, whlch ~ncludeparticlpatlon ~n a contr~butorypenslons trate, K~sumu,with effect from 31st March, 1947 sch~me, housmg allowance and cost of liv~ngallowance at rates in force from tlme to time, may be obtalned from the MISS GERTRUDEJOYCE RUGG Gum' to be Acting Res~dent Secretary, European Civil Servlce Advlsory Board, at the above Magstrate, Mombasa, w~theffect from 2nd Aprll, 1947, in address In the event of an officer of the Clvll Service who add~honto her usual dutles as Deputy Registrar, Supreme has already been accorded pens~onable status belng appo~nted, Court, Mombasa he dlretam ha pens~onablenghts dnd other privileges on an appropr~ate salary- scale C H THORNLEY, Actzng Deputy Chjej Secretary The dut~esof the post include the rssue and despatch of lalge quantities of b~ologlcal products from the Vetennary Research Ldbordtory, storage of drugs, chcmcal reagents and technical equipment, as well as general stores and postlng of stores ledgers KENYA AND UGANDA RAILWAYS AND HARBOURS GOVERNMINT NOTICENO 331 APPOINTMENTS MOMBASA MUNICIPAL BOARD ALFREDDALTON c B E Deputy General Manager and Supenn- tendent of the Line, to be Actlng General Manager, wlth APPOINTMENT effect from 30th March, 1947, vjce Slr Regmald Edw~nRobms, IN EXERCISL of the powerr conferred upon h~mby Sechon c M G o B E General Manager, proceeded to the Unlted King- 9 of the Local Government (Munic~palit~es)Ordinance, 1928, dom on leave His Excellency the Govelnor has been pleased to nommate-- LEONARDRICHARD CUTTS Senior Diaughtsman, to be Actlng MR H A MARKUS Office Assrstant (Land), w~theffect from 8th March, 1947, to be a member of the Mombasa Mumclpal Board, vrce Mr Lice John Glllam Lmdeman, proceeded on leave pendlng re- B A K McRoberts resgned, w~thefiect from the 1st day of tlrement Aprll, 1947 STUARTWILLIAMSON, Senior Clerk, to be Actmg Office Asslstant Government Notlce No 615 of the 27th June, 1946, IS to Port Mandger with effect from 24th March, 1947, vrce hereby amended accoldlngly Btrnard Mdnsfield Masters, proceeded on leave pend~ngretire- By Command of HIS Excellency the Govelnor ment T C COLCHESTER, fo? Memb~~for Health atrd C B A DARLING, Ndnobl, Set retary to #he High Commrssr~nerfor Transport 1st Apnl, 1947 Locnl Go~ernment 174 TH E UFFICIAL G AZE'FIY April @, 1947 G OVERNMENT N o'rlcE N o 332 H Is Excellency the G overnor ln C ouncll has approved of the follow lng BIll belng lntroduced lnto the Leglslatlve Councll W PA D LEY , A cttng Cletk to the Leglslattve Councll A BILL TO A M EN D TH E TR A N SPO R T LICEN SIN G O R D IN A N CE , 1937 BE IT EN A CTED by the G overnor of the C olony of K enya, w lth the advlce and consent of the Leglslatlve C ouncll thereof . as follow s - short tltle 1.. Thls O rdlnance m ay be ctted as the Transport Llcenslng (A m endm ent) Ordlnance, 1947, and shall be read No 40 of 1937 as one W 1th the Transport Llcenslng O rdlnance, 1937. here- lnafter referred to as the prlnclpal O rdlnance Repeal and z. sectlon 23 ot the prlnclpal O rdlnance ls hereby 10 replacem ent of sectlon 23 of the repealed and the followlng sectlon substltuted therefor - pnnclpal O rdlnance 4deAppeals agalnst 23 ( 1 ) A ny person who.- ecjslon of L'censlng (tz) belng an appllcant for the grant or varlatlon of A uthorlty a llcence, ls aggrleved by the declston of the Llcenslng A uthorlty on the appllcatlon, or JJ (!9 havlng duly m ade an oblectlon to any such appll- catlon as aforesalda belng an oblectlon whlch the Llcenslng A uthorlty ls bound to take lnto conslderatlon, ls aggrleved by the declslon of the Llcensm g A uthorlty thereons or :4 (c) bm ng the holder of a llcence, ls aggrleved by the revocatlon or suspenslon thereof , m ay wlthln the tlm e and ln the m anner prescrlbed appeal to the A ppeal Trlbunal appolnted under the provlslons of sub-sectlon (2) of thls sectlon NJ (2) For the pulposes of hearlng appeals under the provlslons of thls sectlon, the G overnor m Councll m ay appolnt an A ppeal T rlbunal (herelnafter referred to as the Trlbunal) conslstlng of such persons not exceedlng hve. as he m ay determ lne 3* (3) The m em bers of the Tnbunal shall hold oï ce for such term and under such condltlons as the G overnor ln Councll m ay determ m e (4) Save as m ay be prescrlbedp the Trtbunal m ay regulate 1ts plocedure and proceedlngs as lt m ay thm k fit JJ (5) Three m em bers of the Tnbunal shall form a quorum (6) The Trlbunal m ay, on any appeal, aë rm or reverse the declslon of the Llcenstng A uthonty, or m ake such other order as to the Trlbunal appears necessary 40 and Just (7) W here the Tnbunal has recew ed an appeal under the provlslons of thls sectlon, lt shall peruse the sam e and, lf lt conslders that the grounds of appeal are frlvolous or vexatlous or do not dlsclose suë clent reason #J for m terferlng wlth the declston of the Llcensm g A uthor- lty, m ay sum m an ly relect the appeal T he declslon of the Tnbunal under the provlslons of thls sub-sectlon shall be Enal anö çondusw/ '' Apnl 8, 1947 TH E OIT ICIAL GAZET'I'E 17! 3. T he prm clpal O rdlnance ls hereby am ended by Addltmn of neu secbon 32 m sertlng thereln the followm g new sectlon - to tlw prmclpal O rdlnance :132 N otw lthstandlng anythlng m tlus O rdlnance con- Apphcatlons lf talned refused, not to s where an appllcatlon has been or ls m ades on or be entertamed J after the tirst day of January, 1947, by any person for a agam for twelve llcence under the provlslons of thls O rdlnance and has months been refused, no subsequent appllcatlon m adc by the sam e person for a slm llar llcence shalls except at the dlscretlon of the Chalrm an, be entertalned or adludlcated upon by 10 the Llcensm g A uthtm ty untll a penod of tw elve m onths from the date of such apphcatlon has explred The deci- slon of the C halrm an under the provlslons (Af thls sectlon shall be fm al and concluslve '' M EM O RA N D U M O F O BJE C T$ A N D REM ON S Thls Bl1l seeks to am end the T1 anspolt Llcenslng O rdlnance, 1937, ln two respects 2 At the present m om ent the law plovtdes fol dn appeal to the Suprem e Court from the declslon of the Transport Llcenslng Board A s the appeals a1e 1 eally on questlons of fact, lt ls con- sldered that lt w ould be m ore sultable and less expenslve for the appellant lf appeals lay to an A ppeal Trlbunal Clause 2 of the B11l therefore seeks to provlde for the establlshm ent b) the G overnor ln Councll of an A ppeal Trlbunal to whlch appllcatlons on appeal from the declslon of the Transport Llcenslng A uthorltv m ay be m ade ln order to prevent the Appeal T rlbunal from bem g m undated wlth appeals whlch are frlvolous or vexatlous or wlthout m erlt, the Clause seeks to em power the Trlbunal sum m al 1ly to relect such appeals 3 The
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