
V o 1.4 N o .1 M A RIN E SCIENC E BU LLETIN M ay 2 OO 2

S ed im e n t L o a d o f A sia n R iv e rs flow in g in to th e O c e a n s a n d th eir R eg ion a l V ariatio n ★

L iu Shu guan g (刘曙光)‘-2 Z h en g Y o nglai(郑永来) ,Zhuge Zheng ji (诸 葛 正技 ) , L i C ong xian (李 从先)‘ l K ey L aboratory of M arine G eology, Tongii U niversity,Shanghai 200092 2 D ep artm en t of G eotechn ica l E ng ineering, Ton~ i U niversity,S ha ng h a i 2 000 92

A bstract Study of the m ajor A sian rivers discharge to the ocean reveals Variations o ftheir w ater d isch arg es an d sed im en t lo ad s,an d loca l ch ar acteristics o f river se d im e nt co n cen tration s.O n the

bas is o f th is,the A s ian rivers fall into th ree reg ion s,in clud ing E u rasia A rctic,E as t As ia, S o uth east

an d South A sia R egions.111e Euras ia A rctic R egion is characterized by th e low es t sedim ent

co n ce n tratio n an d lo ad ,w h ile th e E as t As ia R eg io n is o f th e h iIgh est sed im en t co n ce ntratio n an d

higher sedim ent load, an d th e South-E ast an d South A sia R eg ion y ields h igher sedim ent

co n cen tration an d h igh est sed im en t lo ad . 11le sedim ent loads of these region s are m ainly co ntrolled by clim ate.geom orpho logy an d tecto n ic activ ity .111e E uras ia A rctic riv ers w ith larg e bas in areas an d w ater d isch arg e .dra in low

re lief w h ich co n sists o f tu nd ra sed im en t.thu s cau sing th e lo w est sed im en t lo ad .111e E as t A sia

rivers w ith sm all bas in areas an d low est w ater discharges ,drain extensive loess plateau,an d tran spo rt m ost erodible loess m ateria1.which results in high est sedim ent concentration .111e SE an d S o uth As ia rive rs o rigin ating fi'om th e T ibet P latea u h av e larg e bas in are as an d th e larg est w ater d isch arges because of the S um m er M o nsoon an d h ilgh rainfall influence ,causing the h igh est sed im en t 1o ad .

In A sia, tectonic m otion of the T ibet Plateau plays an im po rtant role.T hose large rivers originating from the Tibet Plateau transport about 5O% of the w orld river sedim ent load to ocean an nually,form ing large estuaries an d deltas,an d co nsequently exerting a great influence on

sed im en tatio n in th e co as tal z on e an d sh e lv es .

K ey w o rd s As ia, riv er flow ing into the oc ea n ,sed im en t lo ad ,w ater d isch ar g e

In trodu ction

R iv e r is o n e o f th e m o s t im p o rtan t a n d a ctiv e c o m p o n en ts in th e E a rth sy ste m . It p lay s an im p o rta n t ro le ln surface m igration ,geo m orp hic po rtray and interaction o f lan d and o cean A sia is th e largest . continent an d has the m ost co m p lex p hy sical g eogr ap hical co ndition in the w orld .A sia ex tend s across the frigid,tem p erate an d trop ical zon es,an d has m any large rivers flow ing into th e ocean . W hile these riv ers tra n sp o rt p len tifu l w a ter d isch ar g e in to th e o ce an ,廿le y c arry a h u gIe am o u n t o f se d im e n t in to th e o c e an ,th u s fo rm in g an im p o rtan t ch a rac te ristic o f A s ian riv e rs.A t th e sam e tim e .A sia is a re g io n w ith

R eceived o n D ece m ber 3 ,19 99 T h e P rojeet is spo nsored by the C h inese N ation al N ature S cience F ound ation (49 67 628 8),Scientific R esearch Fo und ation for the R e turn ed O v e rsea s C h ine se S ch o lars o f th e M in istry o f E d u c ation o f C h in a a n d th e R u ss ian F o u n d a tion fo r F u n d a m e n tal R esearch (P roject N 0 0-0 5-646 90 )

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6 2 M A R IN E S C IE N C E B U L L E T IN V o l|4

th e h ig h e st p o p u latio n d en sity an d th e fa ste st e co n o m ic a l d ev e lo p m en t an d h u m an a ctiv ities d ire c tly o r in d ire ctly in fl u e n c e riv ers ,co a sta l z on e an d p a ra lic e n v iro n m e n t,re su ltin g in d ifi ere n c e o f w ate r d isch arg e an d se d im e n t lo a d an d th e p artic u lar o f e ff e ct o n c o a sta l zo n e .T h ere fo re ,stu d y o n r eg io n al v ariatio n o f th e se d im e n t lo ad o f A sian riv e rs fl o w in g in to th e o ce an co n trib u te s to a b e tte r un d ersta n d in g o f th e g lo b a l c h an g e an d th e p articu larity o f in tera ctio n o f lan d an d o c e an in A sia . A c co rd in g to th e hy d ro lo g ic a l a n d se d im e n t d ata an d th e fi e ld m e asu re m e u ts in so m e larg e riv e rs o f N o rt h a n d E a st A s ia,th e au th or s h av e m ad e a co m p ar ativ e stu d y o n th e d eltas in so m e la rg e riv e rs o f R u ssia an d C h in a .an d d iscu s se d re g io n a l v ariatio n o f sed im e n t lo ad o f larg e riv er s in R u ssia an d C h in a [1-:q . O n th e b a sis o f th is,w e h a v e c o lle cte d n e w d ata o f w ate r d isc h arg e ,sed im en t lo ad an d con centration of m ajor riv ers fl ow in g in to the ocean in S outheast and So uth A sia,an d stu died ch ara cte ri stic s o f w ate r an d se d im en t d isc h a rg es o f A sian riv e rs in d iff e rent n a tu ral z o n e s,in d ic ate d re g io n a l v ar iati o n o f se d im e n t lo a d in d iffe ren t la titu d e d d iscus se d th e rela ti o n sh ip be tw e e n riv e r se d im en t fo rm atio n ,tran sp o rta tio n an d d ep o sitio n an d p h y s ic a l g eo g rap h ic c o n d itio n o f d ra in a g e b as in .

1 T otal Sed im ent L oad of M ajo r A sian R ivers F low ing in to th e O cean

R iv ers,dr a in in g th e A sian co n tin e n t,m ain ly flo w to th e A rc ti c ,P a c ifi c an d In d ian O c ean s .T ab le 1

sh o w s th e w a ter d isc h ar g e an d se d im en t lo ad .R iv e rs fro m th e A sian co n tin e n t tran sp o rt a to ta l w ate r discharg e of 6 362 .4km ,an d contr ibute a total sed im ent load of 4 145 .2 ×106t in to the o cean s (T ab le 2 ) T a b.1 D ra in a g e a re a .w a te r an d su sp en d ed sed im en t d isc h arg es fo r th e m ajo r riv e rs of A sia t。’。·。。’。’·’ ’。’’

D ta ina - W ate r S ed im en t S edIime nt D m ina- W ate r S ed im e nt S ed im ent

O cea n R iv er g e al g a d ischarg e disch arge eo n ee nlra - 0 cca N R iv er ge alga disc harg e d isc harg e co ne ent ra-

(×10’kin ') (1 /a) (10‘t/a) tion (kg/m 3) (×lO’km ) (km /a) (106t/a) tion (kg/m 3)

T i s-E u ph rate s 38 00 4 6 100 2 .17 Ob . 25 0 o 43 0 l6 0 .0 37

Ind us 96 9 17 5 4 3 5 2 .4 9 N ad y m 64 l8 O .4 O 02 2

N arm ada 49 5 2 6 .9 1 -32 7 T az l5O 4 4 0 .9 0 .O2 In d ia K rislm a 2 50 32 4 0 . 12 5 P y r l 1O 34 O .6 O 0 18 O cean B 糟 hlT强 28 l6 2 0 1 . 2 5 Y enise i 26 0 o 62 O l3 O 0 2 l G an gc s 9 80 5 90 5 2 0 0.88 1 V ya sm a 180 86 3 4 O 04

B rahn ~ p u tra 5 8 0 6 30 54 0 0 .85 7 A K h ata ng a 3 60 85 l 7 O 02 rctic Ira w ad dy 4 3 0 4 30 2 6 0 0 .6 1 A n fl b al" 100 17 0 .4 0 0 24

M ekong 790 470 160 O 34 0 ceall O lenjok 220 36 l l O 031

H 0n g ho 16 0 120 13 0 1 .0 8 L e na 2 5 O0 52 0 l8 0 0 35

Z h~ iang 329 7 227 71.8 O 34 O m oloy 39 7 0.13 O 0 19 m ailbag 30 l 25 9 7.2 O 28 Y alia 320 34 3.5 0 093 Jiulongjiang 15 15 3.1 O.2I Ind igirka 360 61 13 O 2 13

M ian g 6 1 5 8 7 5 0 13 A lazey a 6 8 8 .8 O .7 O .O 8

Pacific Q iantangjiang 4 1 5 34.2 4.4 o 13 K olym a 660 130 16 O 04 6 O c ea n Y an g tz e 19 00 93 0 4 80 0 .52 A m g ye m 30 9 .2 O .85 O 0 9 2 Y ello w rive r 77 0 5 9 l 10o 2 7 8

Y o ng d ing he 5 0 8 1.4 8 l 6 o 8

L u anh e 4 4 9 4.9 2 2 7 4 .6 3

D alin g he 23 2 2 l 36 2 1 9

L iao h e 16 6 .3 5 6 4 1 6 86

Y alujiang 63.8 25 l 1.9 O.08 A m tlr 18 00 32 0 23 0 0 72 中国科技论文在线

LiuShuguang et :SedimentLoad ofAsian Rivers andRegionaltheir Variation 63

W aterdischarge intotheArctic Ocean.the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean aboutis 30% ofthe total water discharge apart.W ater discharge into the Arctic Ocean is more than that into the other oceans.Sediment load into the Pacific Ocean is the most.In contrast,sediment load into the Arctic Ocean theis least.only about 2.2% ofthe total sediment load.The water discharge from Ganges-

Brahmaputra Rivers is the mOst.and the second largest in Asia in terms of water discharge is the River.The waterdischarge ofYellow River only is about 1 0 Ofthe Yangtze River,while its sediment load is far greater than that ofthe Yangtze and any other large river in the world.W ater discharge ofthe YeniseiRiver flowing intothe Arcticabout is 1/2 Ofthe Yangtze River,while sediment load onlyis 1/25 ofthe Yangtze River.About 70% oftotalthissediment load thein world derivedis fromAsia .Asianrivers have an important place the in worldrivers.

Tab.2 Distributionofwater discharge and sediment load Asianof rivers flowing into the ocean

2 SpatialDistribution of Sediment Loadof Asian Rivers Flowing into the Ocean

111e sediment load of major Asian rivers is affected byclimate,terrain,vegetation,soil andon, soaffected is majorAsianrivers of loadsediment 111e andhas distinctregional and seasonal difference. Distribution ofsediment load in Asia continent nonuniform.Sedimentis load in the rivers ofthe Southeastern Asia is larger than that in the Northwestern Asia.Sediment load in the rivers oflower latitudes largeris thanthat thein higher latitudes.Sediment load in the rivers thatoriginate from the Oinghai.Tibetotherregions. in rising riversthemore Plateau inis thatthan Variation of sediment concentration of Asian rivers is very clear(Fig.1).Riversvery is Asianofsediment Variationrivers concentration North of Ch a' locating in the latitudes 34~39uN,drain in the LoesS Plateau,transporting the most easily erodible material available to moving water.As a result.sediment loads are huge and concen订ations are tremendous.The carries 0。t Xll 1 ofsediment annually into the sea.The average yearly sedimentconcentration thein Yongding River as greatis as 60.8kg/m".These shown

in Fig.1.arein fargreaterthan those forany other large river Asia.Sedimentin concentration theriversin of Southeast and South is less than 0.5kg/mthan SoutheastandSouth ofless China is .Rivers fromQinghai·Tibet theoriginating Plateau into SoutheastAsia are largeand havelarge fa11.Sediment concentrationof those rivers in excessis of 0.5kg/m .Inthe Indian Riverthe highestis it .upto 2.49kg/m" . Although concentration ofthose rivers is less than that in the Yellow River,uplift of Qinghai-TibetPlateau,summerof Yellow the River,uplift in that than monsoon,large less is and runoff water discharge cause tremendous sediment load.Compared with that in the above.mentioned rivers. sediment concentration in the rivers ofNorth Asia appears very smal1.These rivers drain low.1ying 中国科技论文在线

M A R IN E S C IE N C E B U L L E T IN V O 1.4

terra in in tu n d ra an d ta ig a re g io n s.a n d ar e le ss th a n 0 .0 5 k g /m 3 c o n c e n tratio n w h ich is th e lo w e st in ,

A sia . 一^ Ⅲ』 v 基 搴暑 暮 : 萋

F ig . 1 V a riatio n o f se d im en t co n cen tr a tio n in th e A sia n ri v ers fl o w in g in to th e o cea n

3 T e m p o r a l D istr ib u tio n o f S e d im e n t L o a d o f A s ia n R iv e r s F lo w in g in to th e O c e a n

A m ajority of region s o f A sia continent iS con tro lled by m on soon .S easonal distrib ution o f w ater d isc h arg e an d se d im e n t lo a d to a g rea t e x te nt d e p e n d s o n th e v ar iatio n o f ru n o ff , a n d ,th erefo re ,se c u la r an d se a so n a l v ariatio n s h a v e a larg e c h an g e ra te .

3 .1 S ec u la r v a r ia tio n

Y e ar ly v ar ia tio n s o f p re c ip itatio n ,ru n o ff an d se d im e n t lo a d ar e u su a lly sh o w n b y th e v ar iab ility c o effi c ien t C v.T h e lar g er th e v alu e C th e lar g er th e v ar ia tio n .T h e v a lu e C v o f w ate r d isch ar g e in th e riv e rs o f N o rth A sia iS 0 .1 5 ~ 0 .3 0 .an d th e v alu e C v in the riv e rs o f S o u th e ast A sia is 0 .2 - 0 .4 .In latitu d es 3 4 ---3 9 N .the v a lu e atta che s th e larg e st C = 0 .6 ~1 .0 . 中国科技论文在线

LiuShuguang a1.:Sedimentet LOad Asianof Rivers and Regionaltheir Variation 65

Variability coefficient Cv of sediment load in the rivers ofNorth Asia the is lowest,Cv 0.13. Coefficient C inthe rivers ofNorth Chinasuch as the Yellow River,Haihe River andLiaohe River is

the largest.Cv O.77~1.87.

3.2 Seasonalvariation

Annual distributions of runoff, water discharge and sediment load are not uniform, basically characterized by plentiful water in summ er,and low water in winter.Usually the periodfrom May to October floodis period.In the flood periodthe water discharge 70%is ot the average annual totalandthe sedimentload l 2 3 ● ● ● t ● ● 10 lI 12 I.,4ll[1a-一Tabaga is is 75~90% ofthe average annual tota1.In the low water period the water discharge and sedimentload arevery low. 三 Sediment hydrograph is similar to discharge hydrograph.The peaks ofsediment 一童^目 暑 -{ concentration and discharge of the majority ot ot majority the of anddischarge concentration ^{^E v暑 -{ rivers appear in the flood period,when the 2 llli 3 ii§l§. 4 ‘ ‘ , ■ ● IO ll l2 peak of flood appears(Fig.2).Fig.2(1)showspeak flood of YellowRlver-Huayulnkoe thatappearance ofpeaks offlood and sediment is basicallyis synchronous in the Lena River.In striking contrast with Lena,Fig.2(2)showswith contrast striking that the flood inthe YellowRiver rapidly risesand falls,and,therefore,the peaks of flood and sediment are generally synchronous.In many

cases,the maximum sediment peak appears l 3 4 ‘ ● T ● ● IO lI 12 YangtzeRlver-H ankou M 呦 ahead of the maximum flood peak.Fig.2(3) shows that appearance of peaks of flood and

sedimentbasically is synchronous Yangtzeinthe Fig.2 Seasonal variationsof water and 袖 牡 舳 ∞ 嚣 ■ 埔 ● 憎 m 啪 岫 ∞ 帅 柚 ∞ 。 一^_墨叠苫豆譬b尊-甚8基。 ¨●● ¨ ¨T● ¨ S ¨ ●3 蓦 ¨2● ∞ ¨ ¨ River 一董譬0E甚■-爿 v ∞ 一’量■ { 蛊 H8口8葛 ■lII ∞ sediment dischargein differentregions

4 R egionalDistribution and ControllingFactors of Sediment Load

The sediment loads ofAsian rivers are mainly controlled by climate,hydrology vegetation,soil, , geomorphology and tectonic activity.In different areas,these factors play a different role.The Asian rivers can be divided into the following three types in terms of their values of water and sediment discharges: (1)Rivers that carry little sediment,but waterdischarge.These have large little Ob’.the carry include that (1)Rivers rivers Yeniseand Lena Rivers.draining into the Arctic Ocean. (2)Rivers that contribute tremendous contribute that sediment(2)Rivers load,but lOWofare water discharge.These rivers 中国科技论文在线


includethe Yellow,Haihe,Liaoheand Luanhe Rivers,draining into the Yellow Sea and . (3)Rivers that transport very large sediment large verytransport load that and(3)Rivers have very large water discharge.These rivers include Yangtze and Zhujiang(Pear1),draining into the Pacific Ocean andMekong Pacific Yangtzethe Zhujiang(Pear1),drainingand River,Ganges,include into rivers Brahmaputra,,draining intothe Indian Ocean. Distribution ofsediment load ofthe above.mentionedthree types of iS distinct characteristics.On theone hand they depend onbasic variation tendency ofprecipitation and runoff.On the otherhand they relateto geological construction,terrain。soil and vegetation. Riverswith very large sediment load are located in frigid,middle,and warmtemperate zones and semi.humid and semiaridregions.Rivers with large sediment loadare located inwarm.middle andCOOl subtropical zones and broad.1eafand deciduous forest regions.Rivers with small sediment load are locatedinfrigid,frigid—temperate zones and semi—humid and taiga regions. According theto above analysis,the Asian continent can be divided intothree regions termsin of sedimentconcentration(Fig_3),each terrain.Regionorgeneral climate different byacharacterized is I located inNorth Asia,where rivershave lOWsediment concentration.Region located I1 iS inEastAsia.

where rivers have very high sediment concentration.Region located III iS thein southern part ofEast Asia,Southeastand SouthAsia,where rivers have middle.1evel sediment concentration.In our opinion, regionsand I CanIII be dividedinto some subregionsterms in of theirvalue of sediment concentration.

Fig·3 Regionaldistribution sedimentof concentration Asianof riversflowing into the ocean 中国科技论文在线

No.i LiuShuguang a1.:Sediment et Load ofAsian Rivers and their RegionalVariation 67

Table 3 shows the basiccharacteristics ofwater discharge andsediment concentration thein three

regions. Region characterizedis I by large drainage area,plentiful water discharge,lowest sediment yield f5~39t/km .a),JOWsediment concentration and flux,and accounts forabout1.4% 5 basin the oftotal area draining into the oceans,drained the rivers(Oh’,Yenisei,Lenainto draininglarge area fourby and ).These rivers contribute about 39.1% of the Asian rivers’water discharge into the ocean annuafly,but sediment discharge iS about14.6× 1 lO~t/a only about 2.8% ofthe Asianrivers’fluvial sediment flux into the . ocean.The bed load riversin higher.1l~40% iS ofthe sedimenttotal discharge.Different terrain and climateresults in different sediment concentration,and,therefore,Region CanI be divided into three subregions(Fig_3、.

Tab.3 drainagearta,water ofRegional distribution dischargeandsediment ofloadmajor Asian rivers

23 593 6 362 4 145

Subregions I andl 2 I arelocmed inthe frigid continent climatezone.widely distributed over the tundrabeIt and taiga.Sediment concentration iSsmall and controlledby terrain andclimate.Rivers in Subregion drain1I low plain,much swampland,causing lowsediment concentration.Subregion 2 I has massif relief,with an elevation ofabout 600m.Just an elevation massifrelief,with and degree ofvertical terrain of height the as dissected topography gradually increase,and the rainfall gently reduces,from west to east,SO the sediment concentration increases.Sediment concentration tothe west ofabout 140。E (I region1 iS different from that to the east of about 140”E(I 2 region).Rivers in this region are located in the frigid frigid the 140”E(Iin about oflocated are regioneast the region).Riversthis to 2 in fromthat different zone,where thawweathering strong,but iS chemical thaw weak,SO is the sediment particles inthe rivers arethickandthebedloadhas highproportion. a M ostpartof Subregion 3drains I thetundra zone.The difference between and theit subregions 1 I and2thatthe iSI rivers inSubregion 3 areI located thein sub—frigid and tem peratezones . controlledby 中国科技论文在线


monsoon.Runoffrecharge originates from mainly the rainfallcausedby summer monsoon.The annual precipitation is large,and therefore,sediment concentration in Subregion I 3 is higher than that in

Subregion 1.I Region II has small water discharge,highestwater small has Regionsedimentyield(240-2 II 800 t/km"·a),large sediment concentration and load.These rivers contribute only approximately 1.1% of the Asian river water discharge.but their total sediment flux is about l 28X0 l l .a, contributing more than about

30.9% Asian oftIle fluvial sedimentdischarge to the ocean.The bed load lessis than 1% ofthe total sedimentload.In thisregion,there are the Yellow,Liaohe,HaiheRivers,etc. There vegetation little is inRegion II.Stormrainfall concentrated is inthe flood period,andforms strongsurface erosion and carries large amounts of sediment intothe river channel,resulting insediment deposkalong the river andtransport intothe sea.Especiallythe YellowRiver drains the Loess Plateau, so a huge amount ofloess is scoured into the channe1.The Yellow River is a river with the largest sedimentload the in world. Region III is characterized by large drainage area and waterdischarge,middleand area drainage bylarge characterized sedimentyield(130 is Region III l 00t/km2l 1 ~ . rivers a),lowdischarge.The sedimentthe ofconcentration,but sedimentlarge majority in in Region originateIII from the Tibet Plateau,and drain in the sub-tropic and tropic monsoon zone. These rivers carry about 59.8% of the Asian rivers’ water discharge into the ocean. Sediment

concentration smaller is than thatin Region II,butdue tomany large rivers and rich water discharge, sediment load is larger.These rivers have about 2 750X0。t/a l of sediment discharge . contributing about 66.3% Asian oftIle fluvial sedimentdischarge to the ocean.Region hasIII the highest sediment load thein world.According to measurementfield and calculation,the bed load onlyis about 1-5% of thesediment total load. The subregion III l includes the Yangtze,Minjiang,Qiantangjiang,Zhujiang the includes l III The subregion Rivers.Hanjiangand SedimentYangtze concentrationandthe load in River,originating from Qinghai-Tibetthe Plateau,are the themost.Sedimentload theof Yangtze River mainly is from theupperreaches,where muchthere is sandy shale.Low corrosion-resistance and impermeability ofsandy shale results in a large sediment load.SedimentMinjiang,Hanjiang the low,becauseof load is in rivers Qiantangjiangandclimate the these riverbasins are warm and humid,andtheir underlying surface consists ofthe corrosion.resistance igneous rock.The the in those Zhujianghigherthan the Riveris in sediment ofconcentration value M inj iang,Hanj iang and Qiantangj iang rivers,because the mountainous region and hills account for accountfor rivers,becauseiang mountainousiang,Hanjthe andhills Minjregion Qiantangj iang about 90%ofthesedimentload.about large a causes discharge water rich theand Zhujiangbasin River The subregion 2III drainedis by Hongho,M ekong , Ganges,Buramaputra and Indus Rivers.The majority ofthese rivers originate from the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.Due to the Qinghai.Tibet Plateau uplift uplift Qinghai.Tibet Plateau.Due Plateau the Qinghai-Tibet to the from originate rivers ofthese majority and the strongriver undercutting,water large is and fall theerosion andtransport action very is strong . The value ofsediment concentration higher is than that inthe subregion1 III . Asthe rainfall Originates

fromsummer monsoon,and water discharge large is , sedimentloadvery is large.It the region is withthe highestsediment load andwater discharge .

5 Conclusions

(1)Distribution of sediment load in the sediment(1)Distributionofthe inload Asian rivers flowing intothe ocean has clear regularity . Asianrivers canbe divided intothree regions interms ofsediment concentration . Rivers inNorth Asia 中国科技论文在线

No.1 LiuShuguang et :SedimentLoad ofAsian Rivers andtheirRegional Variation 69

have large waterdischarge,but haveload;Riversand large Asia(34~39 Eastconcentration sediment inlowest the ) have the highest sediment concentration and a large sediment load;Sediment load in Southeast and

South Asiathe is largest. (2)Sedimentbyclimate,hydrology,terrain,geology,soil controlled is load and vegetation.Rivers, originating fromoriginating Qinghai-Tibetthe Plateau,are Qinghai-Tibet of influencedby uplift Plateau.In this region,erosionaction strong is and large,and,therefore,sedimentrainfall is load large.Sedimentis load in the in rivers drainingthe Loess Plateau large,mainlyis because ofdry climate,small rainfall andstrong physical weatheringof loess.Sediment concentration inthe rivers ofNorth Asia the is lowest,because these rivers drain into the tundra and taiga zone,with gentle basin reliefand a high covering rate of

vegetation. f31 Indifierent natural zones,the composition ofriver sediment different.The is bed load inthe rivers ofNorth Asiaoccupies a highproportion,about l~43% 1 ofthetotal sedimentload,because these rivers drain into the frigid zone,where thawweathering is very strong,and the particle inthe river is verythick.Suspended sediment the in rivers drainingthe middle and lowlatitudes predominatesover the

bedload,which makes up only 1-5% ofthetotal sediment value. (4)Theoceanthe occupyflowing world.Every into theAsian rivers animportantin position year they transport huge amounts of sediment into the ocean,and exert important influence on the ocean depositand theland and ocean interaction.

R eference

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