A PUBLICATION OF THE NYC SERGEANTS B ENEVOLENT A SSOCIATION VOLUME X/ ISSUE I • 2012 FRONTLINE A Publication of the NYC Sergeants Benevolent Association Ed Mullins, President Writer/Editor Sgt. Charles Pulci, 72 Pct Sgt. Christopher Scott, 71 Pct Robert Mladinich SBA Communications Director Phone: 212-343-5674 Fax: 212-343-5678 E-mail:
[email protected] Photography (unless otherwise noted) Robert Mladinich Walter Taylor On the Cover SBA members were among the well-wishers on hand to welcome home Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, on Sgt. Andrew McEvoy, PCO Sgt. Stephen Papp, PCO February 21. The Cardinal had spent 9 days in Italy, where he was made a Prince of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI. Photo: Robert Mladinich © 2012 NYC Sergeants Benevolent Association All rights reserved NYC Sergeants Benevolent Association 35 Worth Street Sgt. Gordon Pekusic, New York, NY 10013 Counterterrorism Sgt. Siria Henriquez, 42 Pct 15 years as a sergeant Phone: 212-226-2180 Fax: 212-431-4280 Health & Welfare phone: 212-431-6555 Health & Welfare fax: 212-431-6487 Hotline: 1-866-862-0695 Web site: www.sbanyc.org Twitter: @ sbanypd Members of the School Safety Unit TABLE OF CONTENTS The Cardinal Comes Home Amid much pomp and circumstance, Timothy Michael Cardinal Dolan, Archbishop of New York, returned home on February 21, after 9 days in Italy where he was made a Prince of the Church by Pope Benedict XVI. Among those welcoming him were several SBA members, as well as the Emerald Society’s Pipes and Drums. See page 5 for more.