Linking Lie groupoid representations and representations of infinite-dimensional Lie groups Habib Amiri∗ and Alexander Schmeding† January 10, 2019 The present paper links the representation theory of Lie groupoids and infinite-dimensional Lie groups. We show that smooth representations of Lie groupoids give rise to smooth representations of associated Lie groups. The groups envisaged here are the bisection group and a group of groupoid self maps. Then representations of the Lie groupoids give rise to repre- sentations of the infinite-dimensional Lie groups on spaces of (compactly supported) bundle sections. Endowing the spaces of bundle sections with a fine Whitney type topology, the fine very strong topology, we even obtain continuous and smooth representations. It is known that in the topolog- ical category, this correspondence can be reversed for certain topological groupoids. We extend this result to the smooth category under weaker assumptions on the groupoids. Keywords: Lie groupoid, representation of groupoids, group of bisections, infinite- dimensional Lie group, smooth representation, semi-linear map, jet groupoid MSC2010: 22E66 (primary);22E65, 22A22, 58D15 (secondary) Contents Introduction and statement of results 2 1. Infinite-dimensional Lie groups from Lie groupoids 5 RepresentationsofLiegroupsandgroupoids . .. 8 arXiv:1805.03935v2 [math.GR] 8 Jan 2019 2. The group of semi-linear automorphisms 11 ∗University of Zanjan, Iran
[email protected] †TU Berlin, Germany
[email protected] 1 3. Linking representations of Lie groupoids and infinite-dimensional Lie groups 14 Representationsofthebisectiongroup . .. 14 Representationsofthe groupofself-mappings . .... 23 Functorialaspectsoftheconstruction . ... 27 A. Infinite-dimensional manifolds and manifolds of mappings 28 References 31 Introduction and statement of results Groupoids and their representations appear in a variety of mathematical areas.