Maya Spiritual Praxis in the New Baktun: Ritual and Reclamation in 21St-Century Chiapas
MAYA SPIRITUAL PRAXIS IN THE NEW BAKTUN: RITUAL AND RECLAMATION IN 21ST-CENTURY CHIAPAS BY KELLIE CAVAGNARO A Thesis SubmitteD to the Graduate Faculty of WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL OF ARTS AND SCIENCES in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF ARTS Liberal Studies May 2014 Winston-Salem, North Carolina Copyright Kellie Cavagnaro 2014 ApproveD By: Steven Folmar, Ph.D., Advisor Jeanne Simonelli, Ph.D., Chair Lucas Johnston, Ph.D. ii This work is DeDicateD to my mother, Anne, Who inspires my choice to live in an animate Universe, AnD to Laine, my better half—there is no one With Whom I would rather journey. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS With gratitude, I sincerely thank my beloved mentors in this project: To Jeanne Simonelli, for the guiDance, the fielD WisDom, the community introductions, and the WorDs that Will guiDe my career…To Steve Folmar, for your endless advice, the acaDemic fathering, and for always keeping your Buddhist cool…To Lucas Johnston, for the tireless eDiting and professional advice…and to WanDa Balzano, Who has been there for me since this journey began, my enDless gratitude for a decade of friendship and support. To Leslie Sponsel in HaWaii, Who learneD the harD way that acaDemia’s fear of goD is an entirely Different beast, thanks for your Work on Spiritual Ecology. I’m reaDy for the fight…To Flori, Goyi, Chepita, Alej, anD the Women of Lunatik Collective Who Were so founDational on my quest to aprender obedeciendo…AnD to the many Dear frienDs anD community partners Who, Due to a Greater WisDom, shall remain nameless: My soliDarity.
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