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Checonciseengtetum1-A-M1.Pdf 1 ship), sa’e ró, (a plane) sa’e aviaun abode n. hela-fatin, rezidénsia, T: horik-fatin abolish vt. kasu, halakon, tuir lei A abroga, abole, apaga abolition n. abolisaun, T: kakasuk A, a n. (name of letter) á; aboriginal adj. rai-na’in, (mus.) lá T: kahorik; n. aboríjene, abandon vt. soe-hela, husik- ema rai-na’in (Austrália lerek, T: haklerek; to ~ nian), T: ema kahorik oneself, entrega an, T: (Austrália) saran an aborigine n. aboríjene, ema abate vi. menus, hakmaan rai-na’in (Austrália abattoir n. oho-na’an fatin, nian), T: ema kahorik; matadouru adj. rai-na’in, T: kahorik abbreviate vt. habadak abortion n. abortu, oho aat abbreviation n. abreviatura, ka’an-fuan; to have an ~, T: lia-habadak oho aat oan molok moris abdicate vi. tun hosi tronu, abortionist n. abortadór; kasu an (woman) abortadeira; T: abdomen n. kabun-belar, mahohok ka’an-fuan abdomen abortive adj. la konsege, T: abduct vt. hadau, lori-halai surin abduction n. lori-halai, T: abound vi. sai buras, T: hadaun naburas abet vt. sai sala-maluk ba about prep. (concerning) abeyance n.: in ~, la serve kona-ba; ona (approximately) kala; abhor vt. odi, hakribi (nearby) besik hela; I’m ~ abide vi. hela; (put up to go, ha’u atu bá with) aguenta, atura; to ~ above adv. iha leten; prep.~ by, kumpre, halo tuir the house, iha uma (nia) ability n. kapasidade, leten; ~ all, liuliu; ~ jeitu; to the best of my board, moos, lejítimu ~, tuir ha’u-nia abovementioned adj. temi iha kapasidade, tuir ha’u-nia leten hatene abrasion n. kulit koi, T: ablaze adj. ahi han hela, T: kakoik naburun abreast adv. sorin-sorin; to able adj. jeitu; to be ~, keep ~ of, akompaña bele abridge vt. habadak ably adv. ho jeitu abroad adv. iha tasi-balun, abnormal adj. anormál iha raiseluk, iha li’ur; abnormality n. anormalidade to go ~, bá tasi-balun, bá aboard adv. (a ship) iha ró raiseluk laran, (an aeroplane) iha abrogate vt. kasu, halakon, aviaun laran, (a car) iha halo nulu karreta laran; prep. iha abrupt adj. (person, reply) ... laran; to go ~ (a brutu; (change) derrepente 2 abruptly adv. derrepente off) tarata, hakilar; n. de’it (misuse) abuzu; (insult) abscess n. fisur boot, T: (lia-) tolok; (language) nabuta-laran tolok, T: tatolok; term of abscond vi. halai-sees, T: ~, lia-aat teku abusive adj. (misusing) absence n. auzénsia; T: abuzivu; (insulting) haktulak si’ak, ibun-kro’at, T: absent adj. auzente, iha maktolok, taratak fatin dook, la tama, T: abyss n. kuak kle’an liu, T: haktulak oun absentee n. absenteísta, T: acacia n. ai-kasi haktulak-na’in academic adj.,n. akadémiku absent-minded adj. neon- (f. -a); halai, neon-kari, ulun- ~ year, tinan letivu anin, ulun-halai academy n. akademia absolute adj. absolutu accelerate vi. lailais; vt. absolutely adv. tebes duni, halais, T: hatekir absolutamente; ~ not, lae acceleration n. aselerasaun, liu, la hasa’e velosidade, T: bele ida hatekir, halais absolution n. absolvisaun, accelerator n. aseleradór, kasu-salan T: malais absolve vt. absolve, kasu accent n. (spoken) sotake, salan; (rel.) kore klamar T: lalakun; (written) hosi sala; to ~ from, asentu hasai hosi sala accentuate vt. tau asentu absorb vt. absorve, T: iha, enfatiza hamo’at; (physically) accentuation n. asentuasaun hemu, susu; to be ~ed in, laran kona loos ba accept vt. simu absorption n. absorsaun, T: acceptable adj. aseitavel, hamo’at T: simu-belek abstinence n. hadera-an, acceptance n. aseitasaun, T: abstinénsia sasimuk abstain vi. hadera an: to ~ access n. asesu, T: tatamak; from meat, hadera an la vt. tama han na’an, T: luli han accessible adj. asesivel, T: na’an lanetik, tama-belek abstract adj. abstratu; n. accessory n. asesóriu, T: rezumu buat-tutan; ~ to a crime, absurd adj. absurdu, beik sala-maluk liu, kontra razaun, T: accident n. azár, asidente, kalauk dezastre; absurdity n. lia-mamuk, to have an ~, hetan hanoin beik, absurdeza, dezastre; by ~, lahein, absurdés laespera, porseinkerér; abundance n. abundánsia, T: that rock fell by ~, babasuk fatuk-inan ne’ebá monu abundant adj. buras mesak, fatuk-inan ne’ebá abuse vt. (misuse) abuza, monu rasik halimar ho; (insult), accidental adj. kazuál, tarata aat, tolok; (tell asidentál 3 accidentally adv. lahein, to ~, bolu ema ida atu laespera, porseinkerér hatán; vi. to ~ for, accident-prone adj. lajeitu, esplika hetan beibeik asidente accountable adj. acclaim vti. haklalak responsavel, T: tesak; to acclimatize vt. halo toman make ~, responsabiliza, T: klima; hatesa to become ~ed, toman accountability n. klima, T: haseluk bee responsabilidade, T: accommodate vt. fó hela- tatesak fatin ba, simu iha uma, accountancy n. kontabilidade hamaha; (satisfy) halo account holder n. konta- kontente na’in, titulár-konta accommodating adj. oin- accredited adj. akreditadu, na’in; (helpful) ajudadór ho abilitasaun accommodation n. (place) accumulate vt. bou, habutuk; hela-fatin, vi. bou (an), butuk (an), alojamentu, T: hakmahan T: nabutuk, nabou accompany vt. hamaluk, accumulation n. bou-an, akompaña; accompanied by, butuk-an, T: nabutuk, hamaluk hosi naboun accomplice n. sala-maluk, accuracy n. loloos, kúmplise ezatidaun, T: tatebes accomplish vt. halo hotu, accurate adj. tebes, ezatu akaba; (bring to fruition) accusation n. akuzasaun, realiza, hamosu duun accomplished adj. talentu- accuse vt. akuza, duu barak, talentozu accused adj. (jur.) akuzadu, accomplishment n. (end) T: duun; the ~, akuzadu (- konkluzaun, realizasaun; a), T: ema duun (talent) talentu accustom vt. hatoman, accord n. akordu, lia-ida; kostuma vt. (grant) haraik; accustomed adj. toman (ona), vi.(agree) hatán, kostuma (ona); he’s ~ to konkorda; of our own ~, drinking coffee, nia toman tuir ami-nia hakarak hemu kafé, nia kostuma accordance n.: in ~ with, hemu kafé konforme, ace n. ás halo tuir, han malu ho acetylene n. asetilinu according to prep. konforme, ache n.,vi. moras; I’m tuir, haktuir; ~ to (our) aching all over, plan, tuir ami-nia planu; ha’u-nia isin tomak moras; the Gospel ~ to St ~s and Matthew, Evanjellu Saun pains, moras oioin Mateus nian achieve vt. realiza accordingly adv. ne’eduni, achievement n. susesu, tan ne’e, konforme ne’e realizasaun accordion n. akordeaun acid n. ásidu, buat-siin; accost vt. hakbesik ba, T: adj. siin hatubuk acidic adj. siin, ásidu account n. (com.) konta; acidity n. (med.) kabun- (report) relatu, haktuir; siin, asidulidade on ~ of, tan; to call s.o acne n. oin-merik 4 acolyte n. akólitu; (altar legal ~, prosedimentu; to boy) ajudante take legal ~ against sb, acorn n. bolota foti prosesu hasoru ema, acoustic adj. akústiku lori ema ba tribunál acoustics n. akústika activate vt. hamoris, ativa acquaint vt. fó-hatene; to ~ active adj. ativu; (person) sb with sth, fó-hatene ema isin-moris; (energetic), ida kona-ba buat ruma; to badinas, servisudór be ~ed with, hatene kona- activist n. militante, ba, toman ona ativista acquaintance n. (knowledge) activity n. atividade koñesimentu; (person) actor n. atór koñesidu (f. -a); to make actress n. atrís, atór-feto the ~ of, koñese actual adj. reál, tuir loos acquiesce vi. hatán de’it, actually adv. tuir loloos, halo tuir de’it afinál acquire vt. hola, hetan acupuncture n. akupuntura acquisition n. (act) hahalok acupuncturist n. hola nian; (thing) buat akupunturista ne’ebé ita hola tiha; T: acute adj. (grave) todan; haholak (ling.) agudu; the ~ acquit vt. absolve, la accent, asentu agudu kondena, T: haforu; to ~ ad (= advertisement) n. oneself well, hatudu nia anúnsiu jeitu adamant adj. maka’as, acquittal n. absolvisaun, T: infleksivel haforun Adam’s apple n. kakorok- acre n. akre (= are 40,47); fukun, T: fulikau (field) kampu, rai-luan adapt vt. adapta, T: hadaran acrimonious adj. manas adaptable adj. adaptavel, T: acrimony n. laran-hirus hadaran-belek; (person) acrobat n. akrobata adapta di’ak, fleksivel, acrobatic adj. akrobátiku T: tomandór acrobatics n. akrobasia adaptation n. adaptasaun, T: acronym n. sigla, akrónimu hadaran across prep.,adv. hakat; to adapter, adaptor n. (elect.) walk ~ the field, la’o adaptadór hakat kampu; they live ~ add vt. tau tan, T: tusi; the river, sira hela iha to ~ on, tutan; to ~ up, mota-sorin bá; ~ from, iha halo adisaun, adisiona, ... nia oin, T: talain soma act n. hahalok, asaun; adder n. samodo-malae, (formal) atu; (law) lei; (samodo-) víbora (on stage) númeru; vi. addict n. visiadu, drogadu halo nu’udar; (to play (f. -a); vt. to become ~ed act) reprezenta, to, toman halo teatru addiction n. vísiu, ACT abbrev. (Australian dependénsia (ba droga) Capital Territory) TKA adding machine n. (Territóriu Kapitál kalkuladora, mákina-sura, Austrália) T: mabadan action n. asaun, hahalok; addition n. (action) (jur.) prosesu (judisiál); adisaun, T: tatusik; 5 (thing added) akréximu, T: adjustment n. ajustamentu, tusin; (supplement) buat- reajuste, T: hadaran tutan, T: katutan; in ~, adjutant n. (mil.) ajudante saida tan, satán; in ~ (militár) to, ad-lib vi. improviza aleinde ad libitum adv. avontade, additional adj. adisionál, nu’udar hakarak ida tan, T: tusik; an ~ administer vt. (govern) reason, motivu ida tan administra, ukun; (manage) additive n. aditivu hala’o; to ~ an oath, halo address n. (on envelope) ema jura; to ~ a diresaun, enderesu; sacrament, administra (abode) hela-fatin; vt. (a sakramentu ida, fó person) hasee; (a letter) sakramentu hakerek enderesu (ba), tau administration n. enderesu (ba) administrasaun addressee n. destinatáriu, administration unit n. T: maksimuk sekretaria adenoids n. adenoides, T: administrative adj. fusin-bubun administrativu adept adj. jeitu, badinas administrator n. adequate adj. natoon administradór adhere vi. belit; to ~ to a (f. -ora) cause, apoia metin kauza admirable adj. admiravel, T: ida admira-belek adherent n. partidáriu (f. - admiration n. foti-matan, a), T: maktuir admirasaun adhesion n. adezaun, T: admire n. vt. foti matan ba, babelit admira adhesive adj. belit, T: admirer n. admiradór (f. - mabelit ora) adjacent adj.,adv. rabat, admission n. (entry) iha sorin; entrada, ingresu, T: ~ to the school, iha tatamak; (avowal) eskola nia sorin konfisaun adjectival adj.
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