Myanmar Information Management Unit Myanmar - Southeast Region Kayin, Mon & Tanintharyi

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Myanmar Information Management Unit Myanmar - Southeast Region Kayin, Mon & Tanintharyi Myanmar Information Management Unit Myanmar - Southeast Region Kayin, Mon & Tanintharyi 96°0'E 96°30'E 97°0'E 97°30'E 98°0'E 98°30'E 99°0'E 99°30'E Hta Naung Khoke Nyunt Law 20°0'N Nam Nauk 20°0'N Thar Yu Ponparkyin Chiang Rai Wan Kone Nar Son Kwayt Hmone Pekon Aing Hti Ri Nar Kwei Daw Ta Sant Meit Hta Nay Pyi Kaw Ta Naw Daw Ta Ngu Wan Hpyan Nar Aum BHUTAN Khaing Naw Taw City Daw Daw Ngu (North) Kone Sut War Pa Shey Daw Ka Yan Thar Kyauk Gyi Khu Hpe Mu Le Su Le INDIA Yar (South) Law Ka Lar Le Hsaung (South) Homein War Yi Kan Nwar La Woe Pun Kachin Kaw Khu Lin Hpon Pyinmana San Pya Chaung Tin Lwei (Upper) Daw Loikaw Paw Khu Daw Se Hpaung Daw Mu Ka lar CHINA Sin Taung Daw Taw Daw Ka Loe Khu Li Woe Bar Do Par Daw Ta Le Du Oh Kay Nar Kut Laung Yoe Daw Shar Taw Htay Pa Ahr Khu Sagaing Lewe Pa Le Dar (North) Tay Ban Muang Pok Ban Na Wai Loikaw Daw Ta Maw Htee Saw Daw Gay Daw Hlar Hti Shadaw Daw Daw Bu Ngan (Ah Lel Paing Sa Laung Ywar Haung Kho Pan Pet Ywan Ku Kone Poet Si Yei Su See) Thar Ma Htaw Khu (Lower) Lwee Mya Le Maik Kan Daw Ta Maw Saik Nyaung Kone Ka Hti Ki Hpu Kwin (Taung Pine Ho Wan (Upper) Daw Thea So Sa Lo Pu Daw See Ei (2) Su See) Naung Pale Lel Kyauk Saung Du Pu Hpar Daw Ta Ngu Khu Pa Hsaung Yat Khu Ywar Haung Daw Ta Wi Yat Khu Ywar Thit Yar (Upper) Demoso Chin Ngan Yoe Daw Ku Li Shadaw Za Loke Ywar Taw Seik Hpu Thar Day Khu Kwaing Ngant Ka Dar Maung Ba Lauk (Ywar Ma) Htee Hpoe Ka Loe Gyi War Ye Aung Chan Thar Kone Koe Tit Lar Boe Gyi Seik Hpu Kone Koe Tit Nyaung Pin Taung Hlyar Shan Aung Inn Yar Le Ma An Khu Daw Daw Hpa Yar Oke Hpo Chin Paung Taung (Ywar Thit) Maung Ba Lauk Khaw Ta Hpo Chan Tha Yet Kone Ye Kone Ywar Ngay Daw Law Khu Mandalay Kone Bar To Thit Doe Kha Tha Maw Thar Inn Kauk Lel Pyin Ma Mi Ei Gyi Maung Kyaw (Upper) Khu Khu Thweit Ywar Thit Si Saw Ni Du Khu Yawt Maung Kyaw (Middle) Hpruso Daw Ta Ka Let Kan Beit Khu Daw Peit Du Myo Myay Oke Thar Si Kone Shwe Boe Maung Kyaw (Lower) Han Li Lo Htoe Ta Daw Byar Ku Rakhine Pyin Si Kaing Do Mo shit Pin Thea Kaw Tat Taung Kan Pyar Naw Law Zar Daw Ta Magway Thet Kyoe Kyauk Pa Rei Soet (Ah Htet Ywar) Khu Nyaung Pin Taung Daw Cha Nge Kyin Ta Lone Shan Lel Pyin (Upper) Do Yaw Maw Thi Do Nay Pyi Kyay Ka Tawt (Lower) Pa Rei Saw Law Khu LAOS Gyi Nat Taung Seint Kyauk Gyi Taung (U Yin) Pa Rei Soet (East) (Upper) Ku Khu Htee Du Khu Daw Hpar Pai Taw Za Win Hle Pwe Chon Inn Gway Thea Yae Kan To Taw Pone (Middle) Bi Yar Kyaung Htay Kho Hlyar Du Chauk Gyi Tat Soe Ho Yar Kone Se Taw Meik Tha Lin Taung (Lower) Khay Chee Lo Yar Do Htee Du KhoYar Khu Demoso Myaung Thar Si Yedashe Ma Gu Taung Myat Htin Do Yaw Hu Mo Yo Sa Pa Yar Saw Lon Kayah Kan Chaung Thea Pyaw (Upper) Kar Pa Ru Lei Ta Naw San Taw Po (Myanmar) Lay (Lower) Hti Hto Khwi So Daw Daw Ta Daw Ngay Kyoe Ka Law Myaung Chaung Zauk Nan Cho (Upper) Mar Hsar Khaw Li Ku Pa Yar Di Ku Ka Law Le Ma Gyi Khu Tha Tan Khon (Upper) Kyun Kone Thar Nyaung Kyu Zaung Kyay Min (Ywar Thit) Raw Daw Kha Yoe Lei Daw Po Maw Chee Khar Bei Pa Yei Bago Kaing Shan Su Se Wa Taw Kyay Min (Lower) Khaw Khee Kho Doe Lar Saw Shey Seik Sin Ma Gu Hnget Pyaw Taw (Upper) Lo Khar Pa Lo Taw Mae Hong Son Na Kyat Pin Thi Lar Lo Pa Yar Yar Par Kho Ka Nwe Hpruso Khaw Bu Khu (Upper) Mya Thar Kone Taw Lone Lo Ka Dar Shey Pa Rar Pa Yet Saw Khu Yedashe Yae Ngan Hman Si Hpei Hpoe (Upper) Leik Tho Law Zar Yan Lar Mei Hpo Li Kywe Kaw Pin Baung Kyar Inn Shwe Thaung Hta Mon Ngwe Taung Day Dar Kho Ri Ki Khaw Haw Khan Aung Nar Law Hpo Li (Upper) Si Ki Har Saw Kho Aung Chan Thar Thet Ka Tan La Bet Inn Lay (Lower) Yo Li Pa Lay Pa Leit Lel Lwei Toke Chan Thar La Bet Inn Lay Ywar Thit Nar Law Hpo Li (Lower) Khaw Htee Nan Nge Kyin Thit Khwa Taung Kho Lar Waing THAILAND Myo Ka Taw Htone Thaing Wa Nyaung Hta Mon (Middle) Nga Poe Ka Lay Lo Bu Wan Ma Gyi Kone Htaw Tho Du Kho Khwee Ka Li Bawlakhe Ma Yoe Gyi Pin Kaing Mei Thaw Hpo Li Khaw Kay Kaw Ka Raw Nan Hpe Ba La Kho Hlyar Khon Thar Moe Taung (Lower) Thay Thaw Kho Hpar Wei Hpaw Law Ywarthit Ayeyarwady Kayin Pein Hne Sin Bo Te Su Saw Pa Lay Kho Htee War Pay Khee Daw Se Main Nam Ma Myaung Shwe Lan Bo Yae Yangon Gway Lan Ku Htee Pu Chee (Lower) Khaw Doe Mu Khu Htan Lin Ni Pauk Sin Yedashe Thar Moe Taung (Upper) Saw Lei Khaw Lay Lan Chee Yu Kay Khee Myaung Swei Myar Kyay Inn Hei Moe Lar Hpar Wan Chei Bawlakhe Baung Din Hpar Hpo Myaung Htone Hpo Kywe Hpyu Taung Hti Daw Ni Ma Gyi Thandaunggyi Oke Ngwe Taung Gyi Ka Bway Mon Te Su Kaytumati Leik Pyar Ka Lay Shit Taw Pyar Ka Lay Tho Thee Hpoe Nan Nauk Thet Za Yat Thea Dar Pin Hpo Doe Hpo Nat Yae Twin Kei Hpyat Lan Ku Ka Bway Gyi Chi (Kyu Inn) Chin Kyauk Me Thin Khar Gyi Shwe Nyaung Pin Doe Kweit Mya Kone Taing Ho Mu Pint Ku Nan Chein Khwin La Me Ka Lay Nat Sin Ka Lat Shan Su Thandaung Kone Me Ka Tone Kwar Sar Chee Kyaung Kone Ma Au Taw Chaung Hnit Khwa Saung 19°0'N Taungoo Bo Khar Lay Kho Kwar Yaw Hta 19°0'N Kan Yoe Lay Maing Tha Ye Yu Khee Bu Kho Lawt Kyu Inn Su Tat Nyaung Pin Sa Khan Sa Par Kyi U Bo Ka Gyi Htan Ywar Ma Si Pin Ka Lay Khu Pyaung Maw Ku Doe Nga Htuk Shan Ywar Su Poke Myaung Me Kyaw Gi Lo (Upper) Kone Thay Khi Lar Ba Han Nyar Ma (Nyar Pay Pin Lay Pyaung Tho Taw Pu Baw Doe Do Lawt Ta Lay Thaik Taungoo Hpaw Ta Lu) That Dar Htone Bo Thit See Taung Mae Rim Tanintharyi Yay Ni Kone Bu Kho Kone Doe Thaung Kyauk Pon Ga Li Nant Kit Kin Yae Thoe Ka Lay Hpa Lo Tan Chit Doe Thaung Hpasawng Par Pu Kayin Ywa Gyi Nge Yae Thoe Gyi Thay Khu Doe Tee Thar Si Kyi Su Pe Poke Baw Ga Li Ka Lay Pwar Do Yae Ta Khun Hoe Chee Kaw Thu Pi Tauk Lay Yoe Do Doe Wan Aung (Kayah) Kone Ku Lar Ohn Pin Chaung Tha Aye Lo Hpasawng Ein Su Htantabin Lay Bu Law Bo Ywar Thit La Mai Hpyar Khe Hpyu Baw Di Chan Gyi Kho Khun Yuam Pauk Kone Myat Swar Chaung Kyauk Kone Ta Pyay Taw Kone Bone Lo Khar Lo Mawchi (Taung Paw Ywar) Pe Nyo Nay Oktwin Si Son Kone Kyauk Sin Taung Thandaunggyi Hway Pu Kone Kyi Taw Loe Law Oktwin Tha Myat Chaung Par Lan Inn Gway Pin Htee Khu Baw Kyauk Su Chiang Mai Zaung Yoe Ywar Tan Shey Taung Gyi Hpo Khon Su Sin Su Nan Pin Thit Char Seik Lein Gway Kone Mei Se Mese Nan Man Ta Loke Kone Doe Seik Dar Dauk Nan Taung Kywe Lan Kone Nan Hu Mese Wan Kan Min Kyaing Gwa Aing Thet kae Pan Kein San Pan Pauk Gwayt Kone Gyi Sa Mut Than Sin Seik Be Saw Law Hlyet Htee Baw Lo Hto Ho Gyit Ho Seit Sun Lan Zon War Hnaw Taw Sut Kwin Lar Lel Taw Phyu Ta Dar U La Gan Kawt Pyin Auk Khon Kaung Su Si Pu Kyauk Wea Gyi Taw Yar Htan Thaung Lel Kin U Yone Su Kone Phyu Mun Nyaung Chon Sint Gaung Naung Bo Kywe Ma Ku Pin Thar Yae War Bo Kyaw Kyauk Saung Kyar Le Doe Khin Kone Sar Bu Taung Baw Lay Kho Chin Shey Khin Kone Inn Za Har Nan Nga/Lauk Tet Kar Si Pu (South) Da Meik Zee Khon Pat Tar Ywar Thit Myet Yae Oe Sin Kwin Meik Kyaukkyi War Kho Doe Ye (Kayin) Waing Tha Lin Ywa Mu Khee Hpa Kant Nga Yar La Har Say Lant Nu Than Naung Pale Kyun Kyaukkyi Boet Thaung Yae Le Kone Ywar Gyi Ban Nong Lom Highway Strip Gone Te Khe Doe Thit Wet Tu Nyaung Kone (South) Ta Kaw De Thit Naung Kone Tu Maung Kyun Kone Lampang Hpyu Seik Sar Pyin Nat Pyin Taw Hle Lan Laung Ma Pin Kyawn Pauk Kyee Inn Penwegon (Middle) Oke Myay Du Paw Ka Doe Doe Tan Than Pu Yar Kon Khin Inn Kone Thaung Pu Khin Kyee Yoe Gyi Mae Sariang Za Loke Gyi Inn Taing Thar Khin Shey Yae Aye Kone Shwe Kyauktaga Hman Pe Thaung Chaung Ho Ti Thaung Tan Inn Ga Ni Gyoet Kone Kaw Kyauktaga Kyoe Kho Doe Kyun Gyi Si Kyan Pan Htun Hpoe Mu Doe Ka Ri Bar Ka Laung Kyun Gyi Su Pa Dar Hto Hpoe Par Doe Lein Pin We Mun Myo Chaung (Upper) Ban The Pang Dar Hpapun Lar Kaw Doe Wet Che Moe Kho Khin (Mun Daw) Than Seik Ywar Ma Hpapun (West) Tan Kywe Me Tha Lut Chaung Gyi Hpa Do Te Su Me Tha Yo Khee Ban Tha Ta Fang Inn Ba Kyoe Say Le Doe Hpoe Pyin Yae Taung War Nyaung Pin Ta Khun Taing Noe Su Shan Su Paw Su Khu Lar (South) Kyun Chaung Nyaung Aing Whay Hmon Zee Kone Whay San 18°0'N Ye Hla Kone San Hpe Set Hle 18°0'N Gyi Kyauk Thar Yar Kone Son Kone Pan Tin Na Gar Hpapun Kyun Aye Ywar Thaung Kyauk Ku Seik Hteik Thit Bagan Nyaunglebin Lel Lone Gyi Hpaw Hta Bwar Doe Tar Gwa Chin Su Nan Khu Khee Saing Ta Mawt Kwe War Yon Kone Byet Gyi Sit Shwegyin Win Ga Ma Htaw Bo Gyi Madauk Baw Win Nar Khu Hta Mei Nyo Khee San Myaung Saing Kwa Me Waing Kha Kyoe Waing Doe Tan Thaung Gyi Kar U Nein Shwegyin Me Kho Khee War Lay Pyuntasa Chaung Sa Lu Chaung Kyauk Taung Gar Ma Ni Ein Su Myo Yoe Kyoe Htee Doe Hta Daik-U Tat Su Pan Son Son Kwe Shwe He Be Su Pa Leik Kyar Inn Wet Ma Au Ka Li Kone Kyaung Kwin Ywar Gway Tauk Myaung Sit Kone Sar Say Kywe Te (Sar Say) Oke Win Thit Gyaung Ta Hpaw Hpar Koke Pa Thwei Myin Ta Pyay Taik Gyi Kyee Taw Su Tar KAYIN Kaing Yar Daik-U Yae Lwe Don Za War Hpoe Ka Lar Law Pa Lar Hta Dawei Yit Khee Ne Hta Shwe Nyaung Pin Za Kwin Noet Gaw Shan Su Bu Ta Yar Hnget Kyon Nyar Thay Law Ka Mar Hla Gun Pyo Htee Law Thay Hta War Mo Law Yae Pyaw Taw Kyaik Kyway Ka Lit Bo Loe Hta Daw Mwe Baw Ni Kyaung Su Ngan Chaung Leik Ku Lar Sin Swei Khin Tan Shan Su Baw Naw Khee Kun Kyar Htee Thea Lay Htee Gay Law Bago Ah Ma Ra Set Su Ma Lay Kyauk Ma Au Tan Min Min Ga Seik Hpar Long Ywar Lay Kwee Ne Mei Nyaw Ywar Gyi Pu Kaing Lun Chay Taw Chaung Aung Mya Ga Yoe Kan Nyi Naung Thaw Thea Ka Shwe Kha Mun Yar Mi Chaung Win Po Mar Te Paw Ta Khwee Laung Chin Su Sa Lu Taw Thar Myanmar Su Da La Nwan Zaung Tu Yar Kone Kar Ma Hta Noet Hpaw Htee Day War (Nat Kyauk) Yae Ta Khun Oke Hpo Taung Thu U Yin Chaung Let Pan Maing Ton Myauk Thu Htay Kone Htay Waing Pat Baw Kyo Lel Win Maung Thea Hpyu Khin Tan Hpa Yar Gyi Kwin Kone Win Kan Shwe Hpa Lar Kya Htee Thea Hta Ka Kaing Baw Hman Taw Zee Taw Tar Son Waw Kyun Su Win Kan Kwee Lay Me Pa Li (Upper) Thea Hpyu Chaung Kwin Thone Boe Sein Dar Su Shwe Hpa Lar Kya (Kan Nar) Zee Pyaung (1) Noet Bei
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