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Ql . .. \ .. , . '1 • Serving The State University of IOU(1l and the People of Iowa City i • E~blisbed in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - AP Leased Wire and Photo Service Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday; 0ctIeler 2. 1,9M Vs at l~ . Nati~I.l$. :.:J~!-n Ike .Pins Education Aid - D. eieat ~· $. · ~ .ez ~anQr Glaitp " .' . .,;'.:

~ ,.

The United Sta ~, Britain and , France spo"sor~d thct formation of '. , ~:'. . ., ~ .. • ;~~Ia~~~~~~::~~.~~ ~ppr~~ I' Nom- -Inee Asks GOP .Sup '~~ .; The UN Security Council is due I ,.~ .~ "1,0' e-,'tal-d' .' thei~r~~~t~ip~!aC~IS\~ United States favors ~~:!~ a softer, s~; . ". liege Work Fo:" r a-.II' ~.)~. more flexible approach to Egypt I • . , , ' :.;'::;~. ~='Y w,,1d For AlliAble' By ' Pr.si~n(,; ;. The British and Frehch would LEXINGTON, . KJ. III _ , ~, :. , like to chart courses that would WASHINGTON (.fI _ Adlal E. compel the regime of Egypt's Pres· dent ElIenhoWf!r M~y nlibt ~._ Ident Gamal Abdel Nasser to come Stevenson called Monday night for cused tho Democrats in CoIIatew to acceptable terms. a federal aid-to-educa\ion program ,f buryln' his' reQuest Cor ledet ..·• British and French officials em. to help provide 50,000 teachers and • . phasized that Dulles has given I . '..; 100.000 classrooms each year. plus aid to the SCboots in a Stashld4.: them no reason to doubt that the 1 .' a college education for all "able ~ttack on J tlie D@qIOc:ratlc,coa! Nasser uhnited Stadtes wants uanythitn'b lesds Lloyd I st'!<'nts:' mn.> tic . edtt:o~ ~~ . ~ ~ , ~. 4D~ t an th ey 0 - a set emen ase ."e De ""ra , 'lUI "apparently COIif.'~ op'o' , LONDoN (,f) - The Suez Canal on some form or Interaallonal coo· States and Britain. nominee accused the Eisenhower ~nt, Adlai ,t). SteVensOn, ". wets Associalion (SCUA) was set trol of Suez. I SCUA will start working In about Iadmini stration of having "uUerly: .H,e,. said,:. tbe, Q,e~.• '. •' ja '~. ' , ¥~ .M'on\lay amid reports of West- But differences hav. come up re·' two weeks. lai1ed to deveiop a comprchcnsivq Uo\iIe . '" ~ Big Three disagreement on lating to taotics and methods. While SCUA's exact role was not policy for education." 1 ' , ~ed ! 1{6 to • .' ~ . ~ ",bether Egypt may be either per- While Britain and France are the entirely clear, report from Port He said the administration had . 1e~1 , ~am, ,I WIdIe , ~ Juaded or forced to accept inter, prime movers of tile case for pres· Said at the northern end of the demonstrated a lack of "stron~ fo~ of -'the l\~cUs .· * IY\tJon~1 control. entation to the Security Council, canal said the Egyptians arc man · leadership in the cause of our ~ed It j , • • ...... Fifteen of the 18 nations invited the United States 'has cautioned aging tbe job of handling ships most valuable rcsource-our child~ I Trlen, in ,,,,,~, , ~ . ;~ t1.."t; h~ ~ Lonaon joined SCUA af once. against a resolution condemning smoothly. ren." .. ..,... -~~~ ' ~ r . '~ben'd Paktihstan and Ethiopia re- the N, assetr rAegilme t~a~ wouldd teind S The Elgrptidan lad592minisht~atorsh 0df Elaborating on his proposal in =~ ' ~ , shot at C~', ~ f I Will on e ence. to a lena e s an opinion an g ve uez c tllme , s IPS a Milwaukee Friday. Stevensol\< '''N.ow-:wi ".",_. 'J":':--...•week- ,' . ~. • ' Foteign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd an opeJling to Russians to cash in passed through the waterway duro said his program envisages spend- \JPII. "'."" ~ ., iii Britain ' once more refused 10 with a certain veto. ing September - only five less see the stran#e ' sJJCC1afle ·~.9! , ~ Tn . , ing of from 500 million to one bi!- . lAP Wlr.,b.la) ·. appere tI .• cd r\1i4!d oanIIliiate ' OS i1Ie out (orce as a finai solution. The first organizational meeting than III September; 1955. when the lion dollars more each year for TWO PROSPECTIVE VOTERS of 1974 IIs ..n to Prlll"'t IIHnh_er a, 1M "p4Iintl ttle way." '"e halt. .... _ n. y n " ,Lloyd, told newsmen just before 'of SCUA was attended by the en· canal was under management of I UK> oppoiIUoi\ ,· aup~ttlalt ; u,.e ' leaving' by plane for New York and voys of 18 powers, representing 90 the old company. the next 10 years. .d his motorcade from tIM Lul",to", Ky. al..,.,.. to talk to the p"...... n at a cenvalescent ho·pltal Prl~IRI~ ~( the :llUi ~t. ' 'f~ pf4-

the UN Secretary Council debate per cent of the shipping that passed The British Press Association re. Stevenson outlined his proposals wlMr. they were watchln. the ,.rade from the lawn. ~.'"I ~ , !ha. ~ . hI~. , ~~ .. de" !e.~ GAI 'SUet :. through Suez. All have supported ported the gov~mment intends to in a lengthy statement which he I "'II ( , I ··'We dislike the use of force. but the idea of an international regime resume 'shortly the transportation described as "the passport to a u .thQr'-t,~e 's miStnelstrYensOna-Uo". J;!id.' "~~tW. p'::~~._.· ~adf.'.'. "e.intend . to stand by our rights to control the canal. of troops to the Far East. These bettcr society" through "better Integrat,'on A GOP'. ,Sm' ',Ies : "lti, Inf'IQf" ~.. aitQ ~ilc rights of other nations." The 15 members are Australia. movements had been interrupted education-for one and all." enOUgh to g~ ~ se.boot, biI! p~e~, . Lloy~ and Foreign Minister Denmark, France, West Germany, ! by the canal crisis which was fol· The statement was issued as ' .' ,... , Neltl\cr be ~or - f"lr, >·EI~~'r. Christian Pineau of France will i Italy. Iran, the Netherlands .New lowed by a peacetime buildup of Stevenson conferred with top strat· S· kAt - ole t A' F m menUMed, the facl , ~ the thre.~- lJ)Cet with Secretary o[ State John Zealand. Norway, Portugal. Tur- \BritlSIt forces In the Mf)dlten-an' eglsts on the eve oE hib departure ee cIon Tour s I way ar ened attachmellt of a (:lvJl ' r~ht~ !:oster Dulles ahead of the UN de key. Spain, ' SWeden. the United ean. ~~~ t;:rt~~:s~S a~d c;,::a~~~~g J~ DALLAS I.fI _ The NAACP laid HENDERSON. Ky. (.fI _ The u· E. ~:=e:: t:~.·...' ~~~.· r~ '1 ' I- L ,- has just returned from a 7,500 plans Monday. to use federal courts Henderson County Board of Educa-,' nrest-· stes Mr. EJseOho ....cr uldiil. : s~b h b J .11 " B" B mile barnstorming tour in the Mid- t t T t d I t at a GOP i t...... I 1:l srae 's eave I II" ,- t ' v.oj'-\:, I" " d 0 s op exas n,ewes . r ve aga ns tion Monday 'inslructed its attorney , . ., .n ",0 ve. 'ew rI IS () mer ., west, the border states an the school segregaUon SUitS. of Kentuclty.T~y Col1seu~ lilat· rl~ .' N. . ~eep South. The National Assn . for the Ad- to explore the possibility of obtain· WACO, Tex. 1m - ~en. Estes Ke· cause eGnsresa1fa!led ' tO att .:'w,e . t' ". ..,. Y . '. ,. ,. Irl'N H' Stevenson called for : vancement of Colored People was ing injunetJons against' any person fauver sai" Monday night Presi- have ~w.·. lo~f.one.. oiI , t :, ot., ~\Ye .~. ~"'" h A• ' , , • u .. earlng (1) Establishment of a natiopal turned down in one such plan Mon- interfering .with operation of tlie dent Else~owcr Is "too busy tr,- precious ,yel ... ,l In hli long-ianae .',,t,.", ras e ·~.. "at ·, Irpo.ri ... " ,.... _ _ policy of federal alt! to education day, but Federal Judge W. H. At- integrated We!l\'crton Elementary ing tQ Win. AI> IncLiOli ,..w Ith SIUI school ~[Qlra~. ,' ". S ~ I ~ ' ~ where local and individual re- well told the organization it could School ' , ..... "e,.. ."( . ' · "1 shall ' aceordlngly · c.\~ upon sources fall to meet the needs. filc a suit later. ' . . ' shine and sndles to do iH)ythlng ef: the · lIe.Xt ~ssion · of' ~nlfless , t-o , i 'l ~;; Nj)ON I~ _ viU~an': world's Istgest delta-wllJg bombe(, I (2 ) Assumption by the Federal The maneuver resuil,cd in post- l,'cllce )Ionday ~~rDlr' 'c1eared ft.-ctive to help small farmers and enact lestalatjdn ·thakNtll· ciO :. tiw: rlw O'n ·.A rmls 't ICe ' l misSed the runway and crashed in names at mlst,shroudcd London Goverllment Immediately of a ponement or a hearing. by which a patb through a shouting eroWd ranchers hard pressed by drought." ' ~not . In: . tl~but .ID ·· ~0Ur ~iblPrt Monday. Hair·trlgger ejcc~ion sellts catapulted the pllot an~ ,J fRUSA~EM I.fI - The. Israeli share in meeting "the present ur- the NAACP sought to integrate'the which attempted to prevent a Ne.' .'~ ·A'n~ ' .s Cor' Benson, the Tennes" rears," be dectarect/' :' "",;,." II liritish air marshall to sarety, but (our crewmcn pcrJshed. delegation ' to the Isrnel.Jordan gent financl~1 requirements" of sprawling Dal1a~ school .syslein. gro mother fTlm leaving fthe sO.n sal~, ."the sccrctar~ oC agrl) Western KcntiiclP-'; ~~~~ 1ra. ,. ~ crowd waiti,ng ' t~\·. welc'ome .th~ . four , - jet , ")\.fight>:, Bat·· home Armistice Commibsion walk.ed out schools. particularly m?re elass- The hearing was rchset for Nov. 14. school's parking l~t. ' , .• cultllre haw sought to smile away seen Incidents oflllrlfc. rivet r8tl~ from a le.,tirtg flight to AustTalla I -, f '"'' t' f th .. rooms and more qualified teach- t Latost l!'0ve Ofdt e, state t10 over- The mother "Irs James Clancy the problems of Texas farmers and integration in sOme -M 'Itll"lichOoiS: wl~ncssed tile crash. I P f PI 0 a mee wg 0 e commlllSlon ers, , urn prevIous aD curren t ntegra- . .... • others with bland optimism and but Mr. ~bo-,vcr ~id ,II,«. " '~. The· plane. one of ~ritaln ' s se- I ro urn Monday just as the ch l\lrman was (3. ) Federal aid to help see to it tion decisions ls to seek to prove had driven five Negro st~dents to , complacency." Into the subject. H~ Pointed olll~ ~et atoln-bomb eamers. roared· about to vote >n a reSlllution pro. that no "abJp student" is denied that the children and parents the school. She was leavlDll when The Democratic vice· presidential to the "It~riulne' Pro~e8s" he' .fd out' of driving rain and plunged . - POl!Cd by Jordan. The Israelis took a chance at a, college education named in the NAACP suits did not the crowd of approximately 100 nominee hurled these accusations his. admlnlstrsttpn; hU . ma~ -, ·.'1iI into the ground while being "talk· Dies. A f SUI the view the Chairman \Vas going to becal!se he can t afford it, and to fI~:~ . permission for the suits to be persons gathered at the parking a.bout the Republican admlnistra- all. area • . 01, 41 rect ~P9!"IJjI:nt1.': eel in" lH;cause of bad visibility, , '. vote for it. thus glvin, i1 approval. encourage such students to enter This maneuver was sucecssful lot's exit. Thcy didn't move until tlon In a farm polley speecn at the It .would be ' : fOol~slt," the Pt~,!- B'rltaln's bomber chief, Air Mar· ' teaching or other lines o{ work big "Heart O'Texas"· fair. The dent said to .. .. ri!vert ,. now' · to · ~ s.ha\ Sir Harry Broadhurst and 62 y The resoluUon alleged ..an attack needing more people. last week in a Tyler Federal Court city police drove through. speech climaxed the first day of iOUJOWId. moatiOpau. ~ . ~&:~(. pilot Donald Howard - made last- ears a.t Ramal Rachel Sept. 2:l was car- (4.) Expansion of the interna· and is an issue in a current ~'Jit The ¥udents wcre taken {rom his second campaign tour. ne~ ; hel!VY-t'"" fteitvy · s~."" second escapes as their ejector TIed OI,It by n Jordan soldlcr who tional cxchange program through ~~ ~~~t~~J~~e~e l~urt - this one the sehool by bus Monday aClcr- He centered much of his attack ,ovemment-l.nt~rtCnincll. ,. ~n~r*' sea.ts hurtled them through the Funeral services 'or Proressor· had run berserk. which the United States swaps • noon without Incident. directly on the President, but did ited-conttol . Jl9ltci~,I ~ . ":h!cll ;he cabin roof. .. I emeritus Harry Grant Plum 87 Four IS.raelis were killed ~nd 16 studen~s and teachers with foreign d The school has been boycotted by not forget to Include some Jabs at said Ute· ~~a,* . hacl t~: , __ After an investtgation, a spokes· .' 'wounded ID the shootin, - dlreeled countrIes. Ju ge D.·sm.·sses f 't tar t f tho De ts LI-' ',-"'. ~ man for the Hawker-Siddeley were held Monday at the Iowa Ci.ty f lit a party 01 archeological excur- (5'> "New approaches" to voca. white students since Sept. 24. Tho a 8vorl e . ge 0 , moera, .. In bdnliDl ~ w. eam~19 . and A. V, Roo, ',"'akers of First Presbyterian Church.~ Profell· slonlsts, the Israelis clolm. ' Uonal and adult education. Segreg"t.·on Plea Negro students h8ve been atteDd· Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Taft poUUCa.1 border , sta\e-:-~bleh t ' " • I . Benson. lost by ool¥ 7Gro +oW.l.o J952-Mt. ::UPe Vulcan, said par-ts,.of ,tllC un· sor Plum, for 62 'years a member i An Israeli ' foreign ministry Stcvenson said. "We should be . ing the school since Sept: .4. ~ Kefauvcr noted Umt 'llm'o( Texas' Elseabower 1.lIIIChfid Ids DIO!i\. ~- cScrcl\lTjaae wcre , fQund · in a of the SUI History ' Department', rspqkesman ~aid the braell dele· building 100,000 new classrooms HOUSTON, Tex, (.f) - Dist. Judge boycott lost ground Mooday \ wh I) 254 cognties arc listed as dlsa~;ter orous a/!8Ck thus fa(' . ~ , tJIe ~G. ;plowed ,field sever.al . hllodred dl d S turda . .. gallon asked the vote be postponed each ycar. We will need about Dan W: Jackson ~[o~day. d1smls,ed 460 I Of the . total 870 enrQltrpent areas because o( droullht aDd' reo ersts ' attf)oliih' m.nJ!·~ lie"""IJcdi · t,ards' in, frQnt of t~e nmway out· . cay, -'., '''in view of lhe need for further de- 50.000 more school teachers every a petition f(ir 3n lD)uncbon to pre- . ked " " .'!" ' I'll ' . ' ,--)." win Ie ~ ''' .;.ll'' .!lide the .airport fence, .' ..•. Professor Plum was ~n the StH. Ilberatiops." . This request was reo year to t.ake care of the new child. vent the Univolrsity of Texas from 1attended . c1!,sses. The sohool ·IS m~r , I am : ,omg to a.rr'e here sBY 011: caa .fhofe e bo ~~ . ,This. U10 ~pokesman saidl i,!~i -. , sta,ff from J894, when he rpceived fuSed by the UN chairman, Nor- ren coming to school.:· using state funds to pay teacher located in the ci.ty , although' It. JS the dtoughl on t Rep~blic~"s. . with the 'help 01 . , W !IO ~'f:" ~ .c.~ the .. ~llrcra.{t . t~4cll. ?own ,.1n his bachelor of philosophy degree wegian 901. ChriRlian MI)Cn, the . He accused the Of{lce of Educa· salaries while undergraduate Negro IInder county jurlsdl~tlo? :- " ,. " But •• .he went on In his prepared Iy vote De~ . . '.', '.' 1 "1 R~va"e~ . of ) be e'¥,lfrG.tc..,, 5~mwIlY In history. He retired from full:' ' sPQk~'sman sllid. Votes on the com- ~Ion of tclll~g the people "s~ock- students arc attending the univer- The boar~ repoi'Wd .no, r~~~e~p" 'text. The natural disaster o~er , Th4 ~~t r'~ ; ~Aii,'eJi~~ ",~, the ,. ,undercarnagr , Y(,~ .~ rip- time teaching In 1939. ' mis.sion nllmbe .. three __ the ISraeli !!,gly little about education- stty. ' taUve o(,the White <;iUzens Council this state has been com~u~de~, Its ~le .cd ~ " 10 , .. ~ .•~~ ~ ·.If fl ofr. ." . delegate,. the Jordan delegates and your ·. congres~man can send you Mr. and Mrs. Lee Barnett, who o( Henderson atte~d~ M!>nday's effects have been multiplied, '?' ~hoo jo&8 4t '*oot .,va~ -;.' Jll'oadhur.st, 50. was ,.actmg as ,He received ah M.A. from SUI thc chairmlln . . ' . more mformatton about hoof and contended lhat statc law prevents meeting. the m~-made dlsastcr. of, Repubh· ~y re-elect hlP'! atld· ~.~ w~t ~Rilot to Squ~dron l:-elldl)~ , How· In 1896 and a Ph.D. fr\lm Columbia ' mouth disease than he. can about payment of ~ alar ics of teachers In can demal of your needs ~nd your he , sa.1d (s. ~~.iUc. ,. ~P.". ar~ . 33,. on thIS provmg (light of University in J906 He also studied OffiCial. of fc.ur Arab "a"" con- the challenges confronting our ed· integrated schools. I • , Interests." " • dlrectlQnleu. · ~d ,of ' ~ ~a . et· qnl! . ~[ the' worl\l's mightiest war t th So bo p' I fcrred 111 Beirut Monday to draft a ucational system." ----- P-,.ck~· ts Stop . "You need rain here in Texas. ror." l,... . t;.,,~ i ;' . ; ~ ~l~ l'lilnes. , They suffered only minor a e r nne, ar s. protest tl) the UN Security,Councii SALk VACCINE A.nd In Washil'lgt?n you need the . 'J'hc . Pre'l~ , ~~. ~ :· ",,~kG~ . _k' as 'parachutes eased them He was tho author of four books, on I-.t week's lsrael-Jonian'border PANAMA PRESIDENT WASlIlNGTON tA'! _ The supply kind of Democrattc leadership tl\at In. the, fictor'~ todBv. mikbij·d · 390 .loot to 'the ground. the most recent of which was "Re· clash.in which 38 Arabs were kltled PANAMA (.f) - Erncsto de la or Salk polio vaccine has improved . ., w1l1 kecp you going until the rain average Of '$12 II w' more; ~ The crash 'was only a few hun- tl P 't ' St d f in reprisal for the killings in the Guardia Jr. . 52, took his oath of to such an extent. the government comes." be did "in : AllituSt: ~.J=."Hb : · iai~ stora on uri amsm, a u y 0 archeological group. 1n t egrat-Ion ;...,\.", jobL ~1J.. dfed. )lards in front of a welcom· the G th f E gIish Llbe t "I ' office Monday as President of Pan- said Monday, that it Is slepping up " The senator said "what Is hap- there now. arc M,_. B,.", I'n~ ~oJTImittee of high government row o. n . r y, Repr,esentaUves ' of lhe ·. foreign ama. In an inaugural address the export authorizations five·fold. It I I paning here in Texas to the small iI1lUloo, mOre than' ~h( .~"';il ~ it. ~nd Royal Air Force brass, air· which was published In 1943. I ministers of Lebanon, Syria, ' Jor- new ehlcf executive pledged him- okaycd thc export of seven million 2 A k d farmer and cattleman is happening 1952: He did not meiUolI tItC · 1Jl. porJ personnel and a party of Rus· Only one person has ever served dan and Egypt /lttended the 2·bour scI( to a program of national rc- doses of the vaccin~ during the last ' ttac e everywhere throughout the coun- creue In the aatl0l\4. popuJitl~n 'alaos at the airport waiting to as long at SUI as did Professor meeting. I covery. three months of thiS year. try, over that perlod.~" . i:. ~et the Bolshoi Ballet. Plum, according to SUI records, "The little fellow has his back Mr. Eisenhower s ' there waa The Vulcan was returning from I Ge B . W StNt - BEAUMONT, Tex. IA'! - Two Ne· to the wall. and the Republican ad· an "angubhed 6-y".. .'~ oj. II test flight to Australia and New That w,as the a,te orge T, W. urmese omoliJ .esses a 've ~ gro students were roughed up and miniatration in Washington has Its position that, the pcIII . ls . nqt[~ Z~nland. On the outward flight ill Patrick, who was a faculty mem· , ;, prevented from attending evening back to him." that It should be. He ~ UIl"" had ~ panned the 11.4-75 1!l\les from ber from 1887 to 1949. ' 1. • classes at Lamar Tech Monday much more rema .... ~ IN! ~ . tAl

London to Melbourne in Just over I I night when 150 pickets blocked t'll' Obtain real pe-.:e .. 1M be 147' hOilrs. Jlt an avertlge 'of ovel' Le" aaersh ,'p" €u Iture ,'n- 5 UI '101k trances to th~ eoUege ca!JIlK\s: Th W th !.be Democ:r~ for t\JIIe8tDia,. ~. lbit 5cIo miles 'an 'hour. .,. . ~ ! B- d G' - I « .. The Negrocs were not · Injured. • " e. ep er . ,tis a~$lratlon w. not dOlq 'The Vulcan's massi've delta . I . • I II ." their Ide tit t ' Nb t It - .. Id ' '. • . Ir Ir By rQM SLATTERY Although the title of her talk mixture of peoples. outlooks and po e.,c ~"!' n y wu no ~ " a . \.V\II. " ... wings span 99 feet -.:.. making it, Western ' leadership in Burma' mentioned social "revolution," Mya cu~toms which have made Burmll Jmmedl8tely ,learned. . In his natiolrWide radlcttel!vlsloQ t~c world'slargest warphine of ItS '1 Th . k t'd 'fled , .. _ 1 Cloudy Wit from Lexington. Mr. EiBen. tjjlc. Dietails of its speed ane;1. .. D.. uck CaUer Peacock was rejected by a Burmese eduea· 1Sein said it is more properly a a "confluence of culture." '. ePIc e S I entl . ....",mse Veil ;lOW.er said biB. admiJllltratioJl. .hta '\)ad " I'll t . t ' tor dUring 'her talk Monday night, "~eDaissance." The long British After selecting 8uddah as per:. 88 members of the White Citizens ( " ; ..l.1• . a , ~ ~_ . op s.ecre . ,. Eyes New Titl. "J don't think ~y (the Bur·, rule had weakened Bur,mese cui· haps the most significant Innucnce COWlcll. They calTied . pl~;ards ' and pointed Arnettea In .. Q''l..~_~ mese) want Western leadership at t~e. BlU'ma had aot assimilated in Burmese culture ' Mfa Scln i bcarlJlg ·sucb slogans as, Keep tion, away ftom what I\e ~ U•S . 'A Sk S T0 Keep MISSOURI VALLEY III - Miss aU," Mya Scln said In answer to enough of British culture to have traced his part ' in i~piration or Our Edu~atlon System: White,." :e · ~v~~~. ~ ,,"'f';. . . Patricia Peacock, a preUy l8-yearJ a queation. She sald Burma would stability. 1ft, eraflmanllhlp beyond the In. BUI· Nelson, a Beaumont Joul'I)al . I . . Troops In Iceland old who holda the world's duck- like to run ita own affairs and will The answer of Burmese I~adcrs. ducement of money. and the But'- reporter who attends IIlgbt classes Coo er . calling championship. is ,oiog to follow ~elther the West nor Elist. guided by former prime minister ' mese outlook on life. at the school. witnessed the scurne·1 , 'Ina' .nit"IIS ' " '.':' I. ' .. WASHINGTON III - Secretary of try for the goose-calllng title' also. ~~al ~n streascd a ;;:m~~n ~. i U Nu ",as a return to the main This outloolt is characterized by He said a spokesman for the plci- Stato Joiln FOiter Dulles met for To win tb~ c~mplonship Mlsa e n en:cracy a'w t a s or strea~ 01 the ancient culture. She "Ar.na-de," a sense of delicacy ets told him they would picket In· Today's weather will be much ' '; , ..' . : ~ . ~lnute8 with l!:eland's foreign Peacock, Stuttgart, Ark., will have frlJendshll~p 1~1I hetheUf esi he v . contrasted the varied Burmese and of consideration' for (be feci. definitely In an attempt to bar all the same as Mooday's with the . AMtIier ~ -N.... ' ~ : •. ~ . "'Inlster Monday In a session both ,to out-call the man who first n ~e ng 0 the ~ ~edt aili! culture since tile end of British rule ~gs of othen With the infinity Negroes froll'l the campus. posalble exception Itr cooler tem- Dilly ,_*_ *11l1li a.. II+. M .. *greed "gave rise to hopc" for set1- showed her how to Imitate the with her Ichool days when In her of after-life as 'a goal. the Burmese A U.S. District Court ordered peratures in the south and east. Iy'cet""", .... tI ~: Bu':.'=:w~ma:Ol: eqU~U~O t~ ~.,,..,.. ·,,,.Hiiis ement of the question of Amer - honk of the aooac. Iman In m08.t wa s "Englilh" school, there 'Vaa nOlIe, achieve a calm, peaceful life where Lamar Teeh to admit Negrocs this . 1 II '" ~ til. cla:~~::~elno~~J:~:' on Iceland'a The two Wlll be amonl those The woman y~tains her own Festivals, ,nd colorful Burmese material things are a minor consid- fall. It was Wlderstood that 33 ~c· SkJes will be clear to partly ,...... "'" ~~ ' • .wi :' " cklmlilld . th'lIf U.S. troops be with. competlni at the !llxth annual name in marriage, title to her pro- pareants were described by Mya eratlon. gro students arc enrolled. • cloudy durin, the day and nlaht. ~ ~~~~~ • • awn from Ita territory will begJn world's champlon.hlp goose calling perty, and ,eta equal pay Cor equal Sein a. an outlet for the calm, A love or nature, apparent In Il'l't About 30 clty police and sherlrf 8 TCJ!'peraturea arc expected to .,::r"" ' ~ .. '" ~ . " .f" "sometlme In the ncar future" contest here. More than 60 entrlel work. While olClclally mall comes eUY'rolns peoples, who normally forma. freedom of thought and a o{flcers rushed to the school after be nearly normul at about 70 Itt ,~. , ~. . . . pesQ)lJq said. • ' from 10 atates have been 'recelved fltlt. tbis I. · ~ala.nced by the fact maintain a strict self-dIscipline. love or beauty was also attributed the scu~ne between p!ekets a,nd the ,delrte.. ;. ... ~, .i.! 1.~ ,,.. 4it ,~. " Dullea wa~tl ' to ni.Uta'in··\~ "of for the tw..-y COIIteIt. • .•. tbJt ~ ~ Wife gets t~ pv check Speaking 00 Burmese history and Ito Buddha by Mya Sein •. Who .sald Ne~ , ~u~~tI. Wedaftday- proftl~ to , be 1.- .... ",w.,' 't"" ~ . ~. the 4 000 American trdop8ll~ Itt. I Mill Peacock won ' the duck. apd h.ncne. money matters, a slt- . culture, she opened thl Humanltlell ~t Burma ,admires the \ja~anee of I .NC!I"" "Id the 1M!ll.~ ~t ~ " ;"'" .L , • lbd toi8peratc1be- &iant · Kelavik championship lut December iii her luaUon Ameiic .. mc:n eap .uOy SOclaty fall aerie. by C>JItlinin. the I utility with btIIut)', u acell.' In all plcketi. ~~~ btlt ·' ~ . ~jOrtt1 1ft"Uy 'fair: ~ !D"d .tempera- • ~ ~, ." :',,' ,;.' ",:- Air Base. J home town . . ,,-""p. .' /lac:kJO'ound IIf Burma, , IItor)' of a l\aUve work. " , . llilood their gro\llld. . . {Ures. ' .. I ~ , .. '" State L.IBRARIES. I • ---The Daily Iowan"-' -' -' ~ RiCiing the Tide . l Inanities ' i .. 6efteral ":f\!Tqtices Tile Doily lotCOII ~ lIll il1- Tl/f' lOlean edUbria/ "-1, • Qel>ot'al Nolie'S mU S~be ree'llved at Tbe baily Iowan of Ice. Room a(' I>t' IlIll.' /I t clotTy /ll"U:sptI pn, 3Unlltlo~c.r.ter.• . y • .a ' D.tn . \ r~ l'pUllllmtibn Ihe 101l~lnl . Icrile i/8 edltoriDls tdtM"t aM '\ I us! e y ~ or ~ bly 'l'littel'\ 81/d 01&. ~d; Ihey 1"111' 110\ uyitte'l, alia I'ditl'd by til, a !,ell. 'l'h reser\ the ' ri hi to edit ,'lI IG.ner ! n~ ~a~' r0 \'l.~ ,~ C'('1l; orallil> by Millin' tralion I'll n' dl'nts. It Is {!Ot;('rlU.'d h!J a B EI PLAY·NITE - The facilities of MITCHELL SQUADRON - '-r~:.t fire 8tnderlt tnulee or !oC'lIlty. Till' !cXt:an' edi· Y I r recrei by tht Muden, body toriDl policy, t~r£1orl.': Is not the Fieldhouse will be ava~able for . Mitchcll Squadron of the This is th e first cO/1Imn of a 'JTIixed recreatio~1 activ.ittes each Air Society will meet at 7:30 .nd fottr fwe,,/ty tm" f' ap­ fleC lily /Ill ex pre.uioo of Tuesday and Friday night from poIl1t(,~"y till' presicll'llt of SC'l administration policy or neu:, regular feature of the 1:30 to 9:30, provided no home var. ~ue s d~y . Oct. 2, 1.956. The 1IJetII•• _~M_' the Im/l'('. opinion. Dai/ylowan. Tile twice.week· sUy contest is scheduled. Mem. Lng Will be held In ~he squ;atlrlillP'" I Iy column will appear on l'lIi's, bers of the facultr. staff. and s~u. headqua~ter s. All active mel!Tlbfl~" . d~t body and their spouses are In. are reqUIred to attend. day and FTI(lay. vited to attend and take part in ( Almost, almost " Illanitle~ by Elman" is terit· the activities i.n ~hich. they are In· SMOKER - A smoker {or ten bl} 101m Elmon A4 Des t(!rested. AdmiSSion Will be by Cac· members oC the National I I ulty. staU. or student J.D. card. T e,un cver:'one w nted to win did not. . of Pershing Rines will be " Moines, kliOIVII by some 08 a Activities for October : badminton, night in the Armory! 1'~~:~~~I~\~~;;l With !\ n('('ded a ist from the St. LO\li~ CardioQ) . the campus clolVll, cam"u~ polio hfID~b~ll sWi~~Wble l,lllpnis. and sophomore students are prookl Dodgers copped their fourth p<:lIn~nt i past tieian or ,'ust a cipar ~mokin.c, tenntll. rhash ,~ asKetjjall at1d ...vol' ed to attend, ' 11.(' " ''b leyball. , ' , fj\,l' r;. Sunday with a &..(l victory ~)Vc r Pitt hurgh'. .. public relatlolls majo"... ' ~ i1 11{1 But n Friday night la t thfng lookc"ct b eilk fo.. the faith· Elml/ll, wilOSe activities . on READING J,i~.oij 'EMENT tile SUI calrW"" IIl1·ve i"cluded ~tudents may enroll Ifor the R~ad· fill from Fbtbll h. Their beloved Bums were onE' out of firs't vicc.nresident of UniOIi Board !ng Impro~em~nt Course by sign· pinc , wilh ani}, three game remaining to play. r , ' lOg ~18SS hsts In Room 35A OAT. member of Central Party com.. Tllis.: i f: lt ; vqlunteer non·credit • • e mUtee and c],ainnOfl of Greek course designed to help students Week is f(lIl1l1iar with mony to increase their reading rate and The ~fiIwauk ee team had moved into St. Louis Thur ·day. , comprehension. They listened with glee os Robin Roberts and the Philadelphia facets of campus life. He has Classes will be in session Tues· day. Wednesday. Thursday and Phillil' defeated the Dodgers, 7·3. served as master of cerembnies U '. . f Friday beginning October 2 {or .a But. alas. With Brooklyn idled by miD and cold weather, f or many IllVersJty tUlCtiOll8. period oC five weeks. Enrollment "It is my intention to report will be limited. Classes will be UNDERGRADUATES ' - the Cardinals edged the Braves Friday night ;)·4. The Dodg­ humorous incidellts that occnr, held at 1:30. 2:30. 3:30 and 4:30. will be a meeting of all ers won a double· header on Saturday, and thai night the Cards aCCidentally or otlJenoise, from dergraduate women who Bravl's again did battle in Busch Stadium. LIBRARY HOURS - Monday· ble for senior privileges on and virtually every comer Of the Friday, 7:30 a.m.·2 a.m.; Satur· day, October 4 and Friday. WarrE'l) Spahn. ~lilwaukC'e 's ace. pitched against a hot· cam1n"~," says Elman. " Person­ day, 7:30 a.m.·5 p,m.; Sunday, 1:30 5 at 4:30 p.m. in room 221A ~ ...... ,.. .. ally I like to Taugh (I"d { 'hink p,m.·2 a.m. Departmental Li· fer Hall. It is necessary to ,lId·cold lIenllfll1 Wehmeier. Wehmeier was hot - so was braries will post their hours on the only one meeting. everY01le ought to enioy th e Spahn. The SCorl' was tiro l · l until ,the last of the 12th, when doors. lighter ide of college life." COMMERCE WIVES - The two Redbird ' hits pro(h~eed the winning rnn. Spahn w<,pt· a RHO D E 5 SCHOLARSHIPS _ meeting of the Cpmmerce ill' lE'ft the mound. ~ 'Jilwnllkee fan drown('d their arrows in the THIS IS THE 'IRST of a ,series Rhodes SchoUjrships . Cor study at cluQ wUl be . held Wednesday. r i k1 I h' I OXfol'd ,reo,offered ~q uJUJlatl-ied ber l3 lit 8 p.m. in the, tuff that made thl' to\ n famous. The 13 ra \'(', tran ~d by one o tw ce·wee y co um!1S ~ 10 l we men students who have ,comp1bted the 'Iowa-Illinois Gas and , . Oistrlltuted Ity YIn, Feature, 5y.a.. hope ~U1 .entertain you With hum- two or more years of college . . Stu. ' CQn}!~any. 211 E. WashingtO/l ' filII game, orous IDcldents and crazy quotes dpot$ . ' ,all . ~llkJft ar .rr~\l>le. All wives DC junior, senior ThE' Braves won Sunday, but their effort was in vain. Diu· from all parts of the SUI, ~amplls . ' No~ba'nonsj roirl 'flU'" \till btl graduate student~ in the College W~ want you t? lau~h WIth your made in mid.October for scholar. Commerce are I cordially askep ing th sixth inning At Bu ,·h tatiium, the coreboard flA$h cd Washington Scene- fflends. not ~t em; If you see Or ships to begin in autumn 1957. Po. attend. he.ar somethtng funn);' that you tential candidates should consult the 8-6 Dodger victory, think others would enJOY. contact at once with Professor . Dunlap. WEI G H T TRAINING - • e us and we will tell the readers. 101.1 University 'HaiL I' Weight ' Training , Room will Who Knows When opened for studen t use ' on In n way it was too bad the Braves did not win the National WE ARE DEPENDING on you days, Wednesdays and Fri. And about all ~filwall.k e fan cnn do now \s the i r back?" -- II by' October 5. " ' ''.' ' • • Along abo u Wife: "I never can remember. ONE OF THE FEATURES of the The "tool" examinalion in " Ac· borrow an oft quoted Flatbush phr'W'; o'clock the I think we had to get up an hour Friday column will be a . wee~ ly counting'wl11 be< giten in Room 301· off;c;al daily IT'S "Wnittill next .yenr." ! In 0 r n ln g, earlier. or maybe we slept an hour ~oetry contest. A fou: to eight hnc A University Hall beginnin«: 'at 1 '.", t • • ~ "bug " picked up' longer. and the paper said we Jingle may be.. s ubllUtt~d by post p.m. on : WedneSday. October 10. I , " • would be ahle to make it uP. or card to. Inamttes ..Dally I.owan· Students ex""cting to take this ex· I the following high .'" 'f I C t Th ill be"'~1 . lI~\"ERSJ1f"'"~ '"" IY'r!!vealing con. DiXON have to make it uP. when daylight owa I y. . e ~tnner w . ' amination should notify the secre· $' ~ versation : saving ended. But there must be selected by !his wrIter aQd a dlC' 1tary' Room 213 University.Hall by ~ " ~ BULLE The Israeli Raids some simple way to work it out. ferent gues~ Judge each week. The Oct6ber 5. ,. ~ . Wife ( apparen~ waking from a If Id n1 thi k f't N winning lI~rick or poem wJU be. I . '. ,..'(.>j . , \ ., Fr. .. Til. Now Yo." TI,..~, ., ., ,. ",~, f'tf I I k d b h t we cou 0 y n 0 I. ow prl'nted I'n "Inanl·tl·es" 'and Its au., M , ',' - ~.. ~. • I .u s eep. mar 'e y muc urn- let me see _ there's three hours UNION BOARD APPLICATIONS- , The latest Israeli rnid of reprisal into Jordnn. in which nny- ing and twisting) . v'When does day· difference between here and Albu. thor will be a published poet. , . 1 UNIVERSITY where from thirty to fifty Jord:mians were kill d, ,~as ckpo" rable. light saving end?" . " querque. but when there isn't any Weekly deadline will be midnight Unlo~ . Board applicaltonS for sub· b d S f I Wednesday. commIttees are availablc at .Lhe SATURDAY, SEPT. 29,~ 1t56 SClch raMs hnve bcC'n repeatedly lind rightly <,ondt mned by Hemingway McKay ,Hus an : ( p~l!)g as I 10 a daylight saving here there's only Information Desk at the Umon . dru~ge d .~ tllpod: :V here ?" h wo hours. We could call Albu· They are clue Friday. Oct. · 5 at " • Tuesday October" 2 U nited N ation 0 ffida Is. As Secre tary C en~ra l Jlammar skjoI d . DOUGLAS MCKAY .(campaign· . WIfe : Doesn t..J }~ end the same Iquerquc-" WE WERe CHUCKLING with af· 5 p.m. Turn applications in to the I to 4 p.m. :.. National hns aid, they are not legitimate self·defense. ~~g fo~ the U.S. ~e nate In Oregon): time everywhere. Husband : "That's too easy. If fable Fred Tillman. on duty at the Union Information Desk. ence of Medical Illustrators _ Of hi ' II I d I h ~h e Iss~es don t amount to a~~ . Husband : "No. Some places don·t you cross the International Date. third noor library desk. about peo· ate Chamber. Old Capitol. cour e, every responsi e per on wi a so ep orE' w at thmg. It s the votes thal count. 1 ha ve daylight saving and If a place line it's tomorrow _ or yesterdllY. ple's strange independence. Stu· the Briti h cnJled the "inesponsible shooting" of lsraclis by iso· doesn't have daylight saving it We could call some place across dents wander all over. in and out w.:!~~~ ~!i~O~o~~ wiil ~c~~t~ 8 p.:'h~I~~~C~C~ybe£a~reD lntcd groups or b.y individual Jordanians. The latest case can· FEDERAL JUDGE HAROLD can't end -," the International Dateline. get the of the slacks looking for something h d' 'ft ' Edi MEDINA (w ho presided althe first but refusing to ask for help. Fred on Wednesday, October 3 rfom 4- Sot, E Itorler. Old Ca\lltol. \ • '. . ]1 , I stcreUy VISWPg' New oi'k"wlthobt a l:lock backwards, only forwards . an IS near, whcn it's night time tn scare. " ~ '8:30 a:irt.'·(G,5 p.m. _ Tax ~cvasra Ig acts of retahation. They have ¥ell ~L1g" OM rivealing w~'e he \Yal'! stayj ngl: ' The article says it is nonsense that Italy it·s Wednc!lday over here.' .. TINNIS Ctua" " TI W . : . counting S~minar _ House years .hout rel1lovlng the 'frontier daL1g~ ' A sin'tilap 'mid 11jus~ w~nt to conr1~~e the hell out it , hurts a" clock to turn it . back- Wife: "That's right! Wake every- PROP. WENDELL JOHNSON'. Recreation Associ;tion l~enn~m:~~ ber, Old Capitol. into Syri.'l last Dt'ceml:ier lost Israel her chance to acquire arms 0 Celebrity Service. wards. "". body in the ?lock! AU .J aske,d you ,general semantics course is broad· Iis meeting Mondays and Wednes· Saturday, October 6 . h U . cd S TI I . of " I' f I'f" FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT (wilen Husbands: [don t mean should was a senSible questIOn: When cast directly over WSUJ tltis sem- dllY5 lor beginners and Tuesdays Foothall- Oregon C>tate vs. 10 t c mt tates, lC mOra Issue tell I\'es . or . aile I e. Id h' you turn it backwards or. forwards ' ' does daylight. saving end and do es te r. 1 nd rrom a stoo en t ou t on an d Th ur"",-"- .. ys ' f'or [tn ermeala U' t es _ Stadium.~ f' ' cannot be overlooked by Governments or world op"llon, bllt by to C Icago's Mayor Richard J . I mean should you put It ahead or you gam an hour. or lose an North Dubuque Street comes tltis and advanced players on the Li- any calculation the Israeli policy i.s a FaUure, .It is not stop· Daley was cautiously noncommittal behi.nd "" " . hOUr?'''" . . question, "If I can't make it fo ~rary annex cou~t.s . ~oLh instrllc, )ing border incidents' it unites the Arab aud it turns WI(e :. You re J.ust saymg the Husband :. I Just can t class. can. I call up the roll·taker hon IS offered to 8 p.m. - Iowa l the :~hu:8t":~~~~~~p~~~n t~h :u~~rl~~~ ~mem· an~ co~pebtion Film·Lecture. "Colu , same th1l1g. I Wish I could re- I ber. But It'S sure to be In the and tell hun I'm listening?" any unIversIty student 011 these othen~, sympathetic people in many lands into critics. "Who's Daley? He couldn't be very member ..J have the same tro~b~e paper." days from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Contrasts." Nicol ;:)IIIlllO-l'IUICI""", ~right if he's mayor or Chicago." mb g Ift ANOTHER JOKISTER Auditorium . It' would be unfair to malee {l ny comment without saying ren;e erm every ye~r. I IS Wife: (Yawlling) "I guess that's com- .' I,J • • ., • 5 0 clock. and you put It ahead an the best way. Try to get some mentcd th.at before test days we GERMAN READING EXAM Mondav. tll.l\ _t~~)ordal1lal1S are eIther cnmmally negligent or woefully " I~~~I~s ~1~:~~=bl~e~I~~~t~~~r~~ hour - aren't you sleepy?" sleep. honey." would hear. "Tune in tomorrow Ph.D. German Reading Exam, will 8 p.m. _ Humanities Society Wl'a~ ilL allowing t h esc incidents to continue. If they are any nation or group of nations. will Husband: "1 was. darn it!" Husband (s motheredly ): "I-will and h~ar Iivc, our proctors walking be held Wednesday. Oct. 3. 4 to 6 Sehate Chamber. Old Capitol •• strong ~\\ough to stop them. If they are too weak. they should altain peace until each man . in his Wife: " I wish you wouldn't swear -clear!" aroun the room," p.m. in Room 103. Schaeffer Hall. Tuesday, October' , let the Uruted Nations help. In any event, this is a case for the own mind and hearl. treats all men wi HAYE SUN the lootball Register in Room 101 SchaeHer 4:30 p.m. - University United Nations and not for ullilateral punitive raids. as his brothers." Try an'd 'Stop Me team and the Highlanders this sea. Hall if you wish to take exam. Council - House Chamber. . '1' J' son but DOt the b~d excf'pt at the Capitol. I• l , , .• " f:I'~ •• l- " -:¥'•• , induction ceremony. Several ad. BABY·SITTING-The University 6:30 p.m. - Triangle Club Q..1)a y' I~ w;' .~ ..', .'.~. O·t' ·' " " :: i ·it~S-rll ' By BENNm CERF :~~~ o~f~~b~e T~~;n!~~er~~ ~r~~~~ i~~:~~!t~~gM~~~~~~ s~u:~~r p~m~':~n~:~~;~a~IUb , ~ .-1 g ~ . " .. ~ ' '. ASLICK ANI AL TRADER sold a farmer a no~e-too-robust watch the band leave ... off the ice Baumbach through Oct. 9. Tele- ner Bridge - University . >\. .1 .:.1.-. " ~' ' I' h "Th' h I '11 ' ste s do ... th hill d nos tb phone 58911 if a slUer or inform"tion Roo'ms - low" ·. Memor'I"1 Unlod· ~ • , . "': I .~ . < . "f. - .< '1 . "'. . ' , mu e( Wit e assurance, i~ ~re ~u e WI give you no P. WII e an acr.,., e p . ... . roo.., . 'I~·. ' :At MilO ~ ... ".,., . tr~uble whate r. He'll respond ImmedIately to a couple of I street radiating rhythm ond spirit about joining the gr0:t is ties ired. , Thursday, Octobe~ 11 TUESDAY. OCTOBER 2,1951 .. ",.' "' .f. ." :7'~ I kind words." with every step. L ~W 'Wl\iES~ L~~ Wives will 10 a ..~. i,, _~"I:'I('rSI .tl: .e ~helt ; ~; . ·'n· ·' I I b b ' Ah All ~ f L St '. ' '. '"- .. I •• 9:45 Gilbert flilbCOple against 1\5IjOCI~.L" =... .- . of all U. IoeaI llnit. pdnied An 1111& 5:,00 ChNewlld.ren. Ro'l.1' use kind words." Is ilwlted to join the group and nicipal Judge John T. ~."A .~~~!,DO.Ii ~t;~ ,.. ... crp JD...... -- C -...per u well as all AP DeWI 5:30 ON. QP THI PLIMURI. of participate In the discussion. and handed him three unpaid l ~ "·''"Artt.~s!.sllen. dlapatcb.. ~ : : W:Orllll~e , ,"Sure I did," ..,reed the trader. "but fir.t you cot to win his knowing people Is being able to ing tickets. The judge found AAl~ · :: :; .... ;:1 ... ~ DAIU IOWAN IDITOIUAL IUPF e ~ M Ne~":r our attention." say "Hi" when walking to classes DAN'ORTH CHAPEL _ Get ac- selt guilty onltwo of the Clrttda~...... Wllilur ~ .EdItor ...... Dan Hillson 7:00 The Man of !'ropert)' • • • de I MaauIIII INIIDr ,.... JCn ~pman 7:30 Llvln& Pon"alt. of f'reneh every y. We even thi\l~Jt makes qualnted with the churches of 0",. finecl ' himself · $10 with" ~ " • Ie CIty tdltor ...... a.. ... ~I_)'d f;~alnletf' • Reatto, between pictures at the ranch of I. pro8p'roUi allOClat., the next eUtIS more el-ijOtable to CIty by' atteniilhi DanCofth Chapl:l. tl'Ve 'UC' fOUr< days in .jail. If_ ...... J:I1eA 1- DAIL\: ...... ur ADVU~G . ITArr IIporb Sdilot' ...... ~. 1m ~ :OO ~. reate wn~en~1 rpt "ran,, ~ ce IProducer Sam' w~".. uw .. iaU'U take after tour or flv. cow.. hear .avera!_" .. Hi·... on the wa". Bresee F eU ows hi p (Nazarene.. ) '''111 t he fl~ . .on the ,.third -!:.~~i )i;;:"~~ ~~~~P.. · :: ::·wt~~~::: :;!: ~!I~: r\:d~~ rt. "Lo~ :.: tbhat !" exclaimed Mr. .0. "He', oJ\ly humlUl!" Tryh ,0fCerhelng a few and appreciate be in charge of the· service at 4;30 argued with himself; ClaIaII.d MIf••.•• • .• ' 11111 Hullllanl Plctur. UJtor . .... ,.,.. . lMry Day 10:00 Words lor l'o.norrow .... 1...... Y BeRDetl Cerro Dl,trlbllled by Kin, r ..tllr,. SYldlcal., . . _ ear n& t m returned, I this afternoon. gum ~ht Ifnd dlsml§scd the Ch~l,tPl' ___- 1Ij -+ . " t- . ~ 1 , ' •. ~ ..:.. .r..t.: _ - •. ~ . ~ - . .. , THI D~ILY IOW~~--I_, City, le.-Tuotcl.y. Oclober I. lts6-~ ... t • I . , I . , '1Sorority P. I~ns tcrs. Tbey lire Larry Meyerson, A'J, Council ALPHA XI DILTA Bluffs, Alan Qorol'i n, A2. Marshall· Alpha XI Delta S(lCial soroTity town, Ed MClvynsky, A2, Ames. pledge class officers arc Jane ZUCKIES PRESENTS ' and Jim Fo.,~er, Al, Highland Davidson, A1, Ft. Dodre, presi· will be encouraged to Pal'k, UI. HOUSE· "1IIldml original dances throughout I :' dent; Jeanne Howe: ~I f Ft. Smith, Jo-N:tO~ year. These interested in mu· . . Ark ., vice·president; Sara Ann I Thurwanger, Nt., Pekin, m., secre­ , :" • I ( : , will write compositions to a~~ , vf1jA(Juu/<.ee I . Two sophomorrs recently were tary; Judy Clark, At,' Cedar Falls, nUOl'.m08lnv the orIginal dances. , initiated into Sigma Delta Tau, so· Swect, A2, Central City, treasurer; Barb Olson, N2, Hum· the club's activities. cial sorority, They arc Marlene boldt, social chalr",an; and Alice Abrams. A2, Cedar Rapids. and OO' ....rllAr~ Boehmler, All, Hampton. liogan. AI, Birmingham, Mich., as vice·president. Co· IBette Rosenberg. N2, Aurora, Ill. song leader. chairmen are 'Mike Wad· ADVfJanSZIiEn A2, Kansas City. Mo., and I Curnsey, A4, Albion. Mrs. Officers of tne Pi Kappa Alpha elll1'p:ylC Bladon is faculty adviser. pledge class are Moe [gram, AI, ICedar RapIds, president; Don People ~o t~ 80: Knight, AI, New Hampton, vice· president; Mike Roseberry, AI, To Sponsor . Waterloo, social chairman; and Tear Ou't This'Ad Rogcr Oppenheimer, A I, Cedar Ra· ... and mail it today to fhid out (Dally 10\\0" "holo) pids, secretary·trcasurer. how you can still apply for a ennis Tournament ORCHESIS MEMBERS J. Lechay, A4, I.wa City, and Mike Waddel, A.2, Kansas City, Mo., practice $1,000 life insurance policy to routines' at, the m.dern lIanco workshop which started last Tuesday. Any interested students may now DEL TA TAU DELTA I help take care of final expenses '!'lie annual women's intramurals 1.ln the group In Its w.rk with technics, choreography and movement uperiences. _ _ _ The rraternity I without burdening your family. 11<'1'.-' .....•• tournament, sponsored by ·""-- " ' • pledge class reecr:lly elected om. bas;eml,nl Women's Recreation A~socia· B . S' I~#t, W :H ' TikI cers, They arc Ralph Went zein, You handie \.he entire transac· , < ru , (WRA ), will be held 'frolp . egi,n · eries ' , .' , , ea r a At, Tama, prc~ident; ~,ance Blue, lion by mail with OLD AMERJ. . 5 to Oct. 26 according 'to, Jean 1 , ' Al. Spencer. vlce.preSldent. . Bob CAN oC KANSAS CITY. No obli. , :J~::~:.~: A4, Perry, intramurals , , ", I. ' f I Bcnner • AI, Clinton, lreasurer ', and II .. . . " . .. . O"n MorIT.loge . ·(8 .. Of'e 'Caroll Dage, A3 . Ames. social galion, No one will ca on youl sign up with their residence's .,,' . " 1 leer chairman • __ Write today, simply giving chairman. Those in " T~e Cirst lecture 11\ the \MaJot DEL TA CHI your name, address and age. housing may contact I in Marriage" series ~iiI be held in Dr. Eleanor F. Dolan, national The fraternity pledge Mall to Old American Ins. Co., '5 Association. Shambaugh Lecture ,Room, Libra- , 3 West !lth Dept LlOOOB Kan of the tournament ry. on Wednesday at 3!30 p.m, chairman of the American As ocia- class recently lected officers. ,.,- .. 'tion for University Women (AA- They are Arnie Vogel, A1. Clinton, sas City, Mo. Shirley Roberts, A4, Mason The series, spol1sorM each scm· ·~:'~;';~':":'::::';'~~:'':'''.iiiiiiiiiii~'-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiii~ii!iiiii~ and Maryanna Spies, A3, ester by the Y'wCA, is ,designed to UW I' will add res the Iowa City I. ··,'''rllctW'n2cl '. give' students additional insight into , branch of tht' organization at a din. e~rned by an individual thl! problems. and rewards of mar· I d " ... participating in this event, ried life. Each semester the pro. I ner meeting Wednc3 ay at 6: 30 I IOWA MEMORIAL UNION towards membership in gram is different. All men and p.m. in the Iowa Memorial Union . I year WRA awards a women students are Invited to at· Dr. Dolan. who is also national ' lral velitlg trophy to the housing unit teni!. headqu!lrtC'rs staff member on I CAFETERIA HOURS' ~"'ljIttllll1\ul'atirlg the greatest number The pre!jCnt jloTies, to be held highcr education, will speak to the Each housing unit com· every ' other Wednesday, will fca· group on "AAUW and Higher Edu. an event receives parti- ture tht! biological aspect 01 mar· points. Winners gain riage. LeetureTs will be Dr. W. B. cation. " BREAKFAST garnes,ll bOIIlw points. Goddard lind' Dr. Ro O. Swann or Part of her work with higher cd· Mon. thru Fri. 7:00 to 11 :00 ,. Tau Alpha wa$ awarded tilC the' University Hospital Depart· uClltion fnclude; helping membcr I prei!enilltropoh~ last year. Pi Beta Phi ment' ot' Gyriecology. Sqt. 8:00 to 11 :00 second; ' !,{orth .Currier,' TQpics for this, lilLI 's colleges and universities, as w~I1 '1 and Gamma Phi Beta, are: , ' , , as statc divisions and local branch. '. ' I • il Wednesd,y - Anatomy of j the es, in cS, tabli~hill g and maintaining LUNCHEON ReProcIuctivo ,,system: • high standards. ,', " 1,.'5 A GIRL Oct\ 17 ~ Problems of M.nstru,. - , Dr Eleanor Dolan She i also a men-.ber of the com. Mon. thru Sat. 11 :30 to 1:00 LI. and Mrs. Jaek S. Toedt, Del tion. · >" ' 110 '}\({c'lr(',\$ AAU \~l miUee on standards and recogni. '" lulli~, HouJe '.Jkiolll Rio, Tn., are the parents oC a Oct. 31 '- Y,nerea\ Di.,.ans. , • . .• , tion of colleges and universities, Student Special 40c II tire tltlvtrliletI ill girl Janice Marie, born Sept. 25. No •• 14 ..!. Infertility. . , " whioh is, concerll,C'd with A~UW I " "o,ue tlntI Hgrpcr'# Btl"" TI(e.' Toedts graduated rrom SUI Nov. 21 - ,-....nanc' .nd Itt (' ArorOlfl"es Beg' °In . I ' membership pollci(· s. DINNER , . ,- June , 1955 , Mrs. Toedt, the for- Compllclltions' (Film. on pren,t,l .,)U • . Dr. Dolan joined the AAUW staff . , . Ann BakeT, is the daughter of ,n,,' postnatal care). 0) I 'f'·· · .' "I R h in 1950. Before that she was pro· Mon. thru Sat. 5:00 to 6145 and Mrs. J . E. Baker: 30 S. D~. - 12." -:- ,Pre"n,ncy ,nd Ita norma US Cessor oC polilical science and dean _I [;overnor St.. Mr. Toedt IS for· Compll~.hons (Film on , I~~rll and of Flora Stone Mather College, a Sun. 11 :30 to 1 :30 thi trim i. the topicl . .' . it'. a tiramatic hand.crafted heavy rUJNllmprlv trom Laurel, Iowa. .' Informal rUShi ng for SUI social part of Western ' RC'serve Univer. .Iiveryt~ wool blllk, knit' that outline. and perfectly ·matche. the . ' ., sororities started Monday. The sity, Cleveland, Ohio, for nine I • f I '·:Jd e . \ period will last until Nov. 1. years. She has al ~ o been on the COFFEE BREAK wasp-weight wool of the short·sleeve princess, .heath e u' 'I n 9 ~uring this period,. any c1~apt e r Caculties of W, .... which does not have Its maxlInum and State College for Women, Tal· Mon. thru Fri. 2:00 to 4:30 dresl and the three.qllarter sleeve empire locker. It. Imall , , membership may contact interest· lahassec, Fla. ed women. • Dr. Dolan received her B.A. de· rhlne.tone pin adds just a dash of glitter. In .oft natural Rushees who register in the or- gree from Wellesley College and ',. beige or grey. Sizet 7 • 15. $35 lice 01 Student Aflairs by Oct. 2.S her M.A. and Ph.D. degrecs from Box are eligible to accept bids at any Radcliffe College. She is a memo Lunches Othen from $14.98 time. Women who registered for bel' of Phi and Delta formal rushing in Seplember arc Kappa Gamma, honorary societies. for all home football gam.. automatically registered Cor the Mrs. Richard L, Holcomb and October rushing pCJ'iod. Miss Mary Parden are in charge of on sale each Saturday Miss Helen Reich, Pan hellenic arrangements for the dinner. adviser, will answer qUeSliOns ' Neighboring AAUW branches about rushing [or women who want have been invited to attend the Union Dining Service' marc information. Her office is in lmeeting. Local members have , the Office of Student Affairs, Uni· been requested to bring guests versity Hall ." tcrested in AAUW aeth'ilies. in_'~i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~!""!!!~~~!'!7~!""!!!~~~~~__ __ ':"--~-:-- _.__ ." __--,. _..,.-__,...---,~ ___-:-~ . ___' _ LOCAL GIRL PLEDGES Rachel 1\nn Crawford , daugbter of Pror. and Mrs. Bartho,low V. Crawford, 208 Richards St., is on~ of the 293 coeds at thc University of Arizona to be pledged to one of ~e 12 so rl> ~iUes. Miss Crawford, HAVE AREAL CIGARE1TE .... ~ , ti a freshman, was pledged to Delta Gamma. Roman Miss Suzanne, McBride Stnn.ff - Roman and 'has -beel)' WIth TWA in New Edward S. Rose 1&11- 'n" .. ~~I~,untam«~1II Miss Elizabeth Anne Roman will York lor.,the past Year. She is af­ low, winning, its first game, bsceme the bride of MI:. John AI· filiated with Kappa Kappa Gamma makes one feel the team is pre· Sennerf ur on Saturday, Oct. social' sOrority . . parod to tlke on other teams - II in St. Joseph's Catholic · Church Mr. Marfin ,is a senior in the SUI as w. have filled thousands of ill Pekin, ill. College of Medicine. He is a memo PRESCRIPTIONS, we feel pre. _ Roman's engagement was pared to fill any of your PRE· --.nccd by her parents, Mr. and j)er of Nu professional SCRIPTIONS with our usual ex­ Mn. Randall Roman, Pekin. She mcclical (raternity. actin" car--. ", ...__ n • senior in the SUI College of The couple will live at 232 S. 0 RUG 5'H0 P ,...ing and a member oC Alpha Summit St. .until Mr. Martin finish- ~ Pi social sorority. es his studies. 109 5. Dubuque St. Ifr. Sennen, son of Mrs. John AI· _ Senneff Jr., is a junior in the .;;:,,;===;..;;;=:;;:;;::.;.:;;:;==;:;;;;===.;;;:;:;;===.;===~ College of Law. He is a tnem­ of , social !tater· .1 and Phi , profession· ., fraternity. "f Want Your " I • Mr, and Mrs. R. M. Lumsden, . '·,Shirt Done Waterloo, announce tbe marriage, ., Sunday, Sept. 30, of their daughter, ,. CDrlCfl'll Suzanne McBride, to Charles Dyer Rare. .Or ' " Melmor'llMBrtln · III, son of Dr. and Mrs. , ChaTles Dyer Martin Jr. The marrIage ceremony was per· Medium? fonned in Danforth Chapel with a recePtion !ollowing in the Iowa Memorial Union. Mrs. Martin graduated from SUI We launder your .hirt. tq, your precise order ... the way the Waldorf do•• d steak. If you want a little st~rch, a lot Don't Get Marri.d ••• or. none at all, you t.1I UI •• , and that's the way you will .• ,wlthtut ...In. IVr ampl... , receive It. Plus being cellophane wrapped and packaged Iridal Service. - Inylt.tI.... , to prevent cru,Fling. Your sparkling white shirt wili have AnllOVftclment., 1m"",," NIp­ all butto", replaced or lightened Or .. .''we'll launder Free Idn., Wedellnt INk., "Think 'that .hlrt plus one more. You'll find damels taste richer, fuller, more Yill" H.... , Wetlllint Phetet. • WtMnt "I. w e r., Wetllll", j'.,l(eUey ,CI.an,rs deeply satisfying. The exclusive Camel blead Call.. " Minh Ind MllItti Nuts. '~"tC'1 Svtl. N{te Nei',;, , of quality tobaccos itrtngs,y:ou smootkremoking. HAL Di'scover the difference between "just smoking" and Caarets! ' L'S .. ,VMT.TV ·. C~lI;. " ~ .. .. You're ·sur~ · to enjoy 'Camels, the most I ' , 127 S,vth Dllltll'lue "\" ., .'1' .. I • JI, J. Jl '¥nDI~i T.iI. CD., \\lUIIDU ·S.I,m,!'. ~ / ______~ ______----~~'~t _____ ~~M.~ ~ ~ A J ! j>Opwar ' cig~rette today ~~her've really go~. ~:.., ~


I I , Hawks 20th; " Sooners "7sf Light · Drill for Hawks Jumbo Malts The Iowa Hawkeye took a eom­ I weakne . However. two com- ·It''i~inir;,¥~ paratil'e breather .tonday. plete unils operated practically' In AP Poll • King Size .. '. The Iowa placed their Saturday 2H "ictory in the interchangeably and held lndiana Hawk~yes Bu rgers ...... 25t season opener at Indiana in swel­ twentieth in the Associated Press BROOKLYN ~a1 Maglie had I tees a 6-5 choice in the opener. I tering temperature. and worked to 76 yards in total rushing yard­ poU of college football tpams after the miseries Monday. leaving wide The Yankees are 71~ to 5 favorites I • Plate Lunches . 5~ for two hour in a no-contact drill. age, or an average of 1.9 yards a their opening season 27~ victory open the question of who will be to win the series. but it's 10 to 1 The session wns devoted mostly crack. over Indiana Saturday. I Brooklyn's pitcher they won't mak.e it a four-game to polishing up their pa ing at­ Iowa's new offense, though It Oklahoma. Michigan State and Iagainst the New • Dinners from tack, which WM te ted only slight­ sputtered and faltered 0[[ and on are the nation's top York Yankees and sweep. ~ainst ly the Hoo iel'!l, and work­ in the first half, blossomed In the three football teams in the opin- lefthander Whitey The Yankees appear healthy Cor • Italian Dishes ing against Oregon State plays. second half of the game and dlg- ~ ions oC sports writers 2nd broad- Ford in Wednes- this one. Although Mickey Mantle Randy Duncan. the Des Moines played huge potential. Evy said Roosevelt sophomore who got his , casters. day's World isn't perfect in Stengel's mind. • Broiled that much of lowa's first half Although ther ·~ were few. if any ies opener at Arw;I ,Case also has a question at first taste of college competition troubles were due to "nervoUlmess major upsets last w('ekend. the bets Field. Choice Steaks Saturdny. looked a little sharper on the part of Ute ball-handlers second weekly Associated Press The Dodgers, second base in Billy Martin, trou- in hi aerial work in londay's and faulty timing in play execution ranking poll resulted in anotller hungry for some bled by a bad back:. • Chow Mein practice th n dld Kenny Ploen. big reshuffling the top 10 teams. relaxation ~ f t e r • Mantie. winning hitting's triple which will have to improve 50 per or CITY'S WIDEST VARIIlY Clinton nior tarting quarter­ cent before we play Oregon State." ' Eight of lasl week's first 10 re- the frantic . crown batting .:t!ci, .hitting 52 hon:e back. Ploen drew plaudll.s from aU on­ tained their pl;lees in the upper to the National MAGLI,E . runs and knockl1~g . ID 130 ~uns •. did OF TOP QUALITY FOOD Ploen. however. still worked with lookers for his performance in group. but except for Oklahoma's League pennant race: had the day not. s~o~ an! signs of Ius mmor the fir t team which he dlrected handling the new offense. He also No.1 rankin" none held the same 01. But when Maghe showed up , gram m)urv m the workout at the AT SENSIBLE PRICESI o tr.!lslerfully in its new Wing T set up two touchdowns with clutch %,o:""" .. ','.:,~,b ":+;"~-:.: ~ spot. 6. with the rest t.p p~ck up his tic~et stadium. off nse at Indiana. Th fir t team runs, one of 17 yards on a fourth Oklahoma receioted 60 first-place allotment, he adnutted to an upset ..,....,:-----..,---:,.,.--;---,,.----'.------_.J rundown : Frank Gilliam and Jim down and eight yards to go situa­ votes out of ~ ballots cast. 20 stomach and reported his shoulde~ ~ ~ Gibbons. end ; Dick Klein and tion. He was a cool and heady per- Frank GHliam )nOrc for second place and polJed 'a bit stiCf. ". - . " .' _. - -, ,- ' --f· -- 1, - Alex Karras tackles; Frank Don Suchy former throughout the contest and Stitt Neck But Practic;n a 883 [l!)lnts on the usual basis of That··confinned manager Walt Bloomquist and Hugh Drake. ll1/IITtI Not Serious 11 Stop or .. led the Iowa rushers with a net '10 (or first, 9 for second, etc. Alston's worry over the 39-year-old . " , guard: Co·Captain Don Suchy, yardage gain o( 60 yards in 15 car­ ries for a 5.6 yard average. The top teams WiUl first place righthander. who was the big guy center. Ploen. quarterback: Don Gilliam made a hard, head-on ries for an average of four yards Evy was also pleased by the per­ voles' in the stretch run. The Dodgf)r Dobrino and Bill Happel. halC­ tackle of Indiana's big fullback, per try. formance turncd in by Bob Pres­ I. O~Ia.h.ma (It ...... , ...... , ..... 1\11., skipper. given little chance to enjoy ~_!"8"-Quick Service...... ~ , backs and Fr d Harris. (ullback. Bob Fee, and twisted hi neck. Bill Happel , the 163-pound Cedar t . ..Ie ... 81. Jj ...... 13 bis second consecutive pennant. Th quad came through the Number two center Chuck Rapids junior, was second in rush. cott the Sioux City ~ophomore. s. G.. Te." L .... " ...... " . Ii(;~ has doubted whether Sal could get t. Obi. 51...... , ..... '" .~7 h b I th d • opener wi thoul a erious injury. Pierce got some experience after ing with 44 yards in lL carries Prescott, anoUler Hflwk who was MI ... ~ ...... 4~. t e jo done after ~n y ree ays I Center Don Suchy over-extended Suchy's injury Saturday, but he In addition. "Hap" was a defensive playing in his fir t college game. e. Mlul•• lppl.'I ...... ' ...... , rlA.' est 1. PIUlbllrr" It ...... _ . . ~M r . Lau~rY and Dry Cleaning hi right elbow. but the welling too later le(t the game with a standout. making a number of kicked two extra points in as I . TCU I ...... 32. "Maglie's the logical choice," had gone down by Monday and broken nose. He operated with the bone-jarring tackles from his de. B. Tenn .. ee S ...... ~I said Alston. "bul he may need second unit Monday. though, wear- fensive halfback position. many tries. 10. e. .llf. J ...... ~O:P he was running with the fir t unit. II. Tu_ A"~' • ...... '" ~IO more rest. (know he pitched that ing a noseguard. Don Dobrino. 210-pound convert- Evy said, 'Ilhat kid is coming Frank Gilliam who sustained a :i: ~ie ~~I\~:t:'l ...... " .. 61 no-hitter last Tuesday with only A'verage Student Laundry stiff neck while making what A surprising amount of depth in ed quarterback playing left half, along fast and should be a really Ulaml. Fla.. . , . .. ••• •. .•.. ",. 5,} three days rest. but how can you Coach Forest Evashevski caUed. the line was displayed in Bloom- slammed for 44 yards also in nine good football In fact the Arm, ...... " .... "" 41 pl~Ylr.:· :~~ B.,I.r ...... " 46 be sure he can come back again?" "a beautiful defensive play" was ington. Evy had warned earlier in carries (or an average of 4.7 yards Iowa coach hau praise for aU the I 17. N*Ir. Dam . .... ,," " ...... :141 Sal, who has been coming back Costs Less Than $1 also running in his usual lert end the season, that a lack of line per rush. Fred Harris, junior full· linemen, saying, "They all did ~ i IK. ~:h~~~~~t" ... '.. .'.., ~9 all season, jigukcd the stiffness position. depth was one of the squad's major ' back ran for 34 yards in six car- good job." ~Q . , IOWA ...... "." ...... ~ ~ might work out of' his sboulder in WOlh, Dry, and Fold __ •••••• 11 C lb. a pre-game warmup. 'and Al~lo'l1 ' followed the lead. Wash and Dry ••••. _. ____ ••• _• 9c lb. Feller Finishes 1st I Braves ~ ;W. as·te No "( won't know who starts for us until just befOre ganietilll(!," he Winless Season said. ""\ 'S'AME.I)AY, SERVICE .\ CLEVELAND IN! - Bob FeUer'S' "And if it isn't Maglie. it might T· . ". : 15 7' PI ' S be Carl Erskin~ or Roger Cr~ig pr erk 8-4 loss to Detroit Sunday gave , l - I ·me In'· . H 4 an maybe even Clem Labine." ,I ,. : AT'~ NO EXIRA CHARGE him a scason rccord oC no vic- MILWAUKEE ~The ~Cl) who eludc Quinn, owner Lou Perini. While the hectic closing to ' the t~ries and ro~r defeats for 58 in- . run the Milwaukee 'hraves, deter'- Manager Fred Haney. who signed National League 'race left Alston I , Leave Clothes at 9 a.m. - Get Them at • p.rn. Sez .. DIngs of pitching 19 games. It was I mined not to settle for anything a one-year contract for '57 on Sept. with a weary pitching stare. yan-I the first time in 17 seasons with less than the pennant in the Nation- 11 , and Farm Director John !'Ilul­ kee manager Casey Stengel had no such worries, having clinched the SPEEDY SHIRT SERVICE the Cleveland Indians that he has 01 League next year. will start len. Iy JIM NEV American League flag two weeks I Dally I.""" porlo IlIII.. failed to win a game. mapping their 1957 plans imme- Perini, with the richest franchise ago. "I know they don't want me on diately after the World Series. in baseball but still without the "It's Ford. all right," said Case' Letls Cross Those Bridges As We Come to Them the team another yeor." FeUer Before General Manager John pennant he has coveted since he as his Yanks worked out at the said. "and I doubt that there's any . " ric b I moved the Braves here from Bos- stadium Monday. 315 Ee MARKET Lel's ke p our fingers crossed coach Forest Evashevski that . ' 11 ' QUIDn left for New.1o y pane ton in 1953 Sunday gave a possible Job in the front office that WI . • ~. "Yeah. yeah. [know. They say now, We saw an (owa leam whip tbe Hawks' timing was deCinitely interest me. M?nday,. he sad~d: I . I d ! tipoff on hIS feelIngs for next year: those guys (the Dodgers) have a Indiana 27~ on TV Saturday and off Saturday. In fact he made "I' t t • cd tb t I'm 'Our Imme late Ran mc u e a I "Anything we do in the future picnic with lefthanders over there we'd like very JTluch to say lhe the statement that the team's ef­ m no ye - convmc a . r '11 1 'II b I f th t II" all through. I want to talk to conference after the; encs. 1 WI WI. eo. ur er our s reng 1. (in Brooklyn's bandbox ballyard). Hawks looked good and go 0[( ficiency in operating the new of­ But I can't afford to wait til we the deep end and predict all fense would have to improve "50 Catcher Jim Hegan and Coach Mel include a discussion ,of player per- ,'10 do thIS. veteran baseball ob· Laundry Harder in the next few weeks and sonnel, what we ve, what we s~rvers ~gree. the Braves. have get over here, so I gotta go willi kinds of wonderful things for this per cenl" in order to defeat Ore­ my Qcst and my best is Ford." gon State here Saturday. This see what lhey say. Maybe ['II be need." little chOIce but to trade dunn.g the season. Ford, 28, ha~(\ : t WQrked 'lince Bul we musl be cautious. Iowa may be an exaggeration, but if pitching somewhere else next year.\ The confcrees 0(£ season. Even though tbelr 15- and ·;' club farm system, probably the Wednesday. when he lost his shot had a tricky oCfense. dubbed It is possible for the attack to be [or a 20th victory at Baltimore. polished that much by Saturday majors' fincst, produced seven ti­ a Wing-To which combined the That gives him a Cull week'S rest it would be very comlortable in­ tles this season. no immediate help 111 E, WaaJtinlll. , "!"f~~~'!:""'" , ' .' ..'~ ,\~ - ,': y. .\-, ... . ~ ' ··r · 1 or ~. . .7":- ...... , I , , . .~ - nie DAilY IOWAN-Iowa City, la .-Tue~d v.Ocfober 2, 1956.-Pao_ 5 • i CHANGE NEEDED MARRIED? , I Ends Jonite - .(THAT CERTAIN FEELING - GABY PHOENIX, Ariz. IA'I - A com· LITTLE ROCK. Ark. j.fI-An In· .. } : 1i .~ STARTS ' 90,000 ' Childr.,lll. 'I H ai.WStll Progr~InS pany which sells eyegla ses quick· ternal Rew nue f5e rvic~ employe 3 DAYS ' ~! ~';A:l.;¥?i? WEDNESDAY- Iy painted out the sign it found Wednesday r;ot a chuckle. out o( ONL ~~~ MIl Thru FRIDAY More than 90,000 grade·school can nol arrang~ a class seision at for Tue¥lays at U-a.m. and Thurs· Research Station: Eldon Obrechl, '=&it== Malts l over the door when it moved into , ~n entry he found while ch:!cking f . '.". ~,. .. •.. - ....2:" · .. TWO ; students in 34 Eastern Iowa coun· the time of a broadcast. . days at 2 p.rn. assistant prof sor of music; new quarters. The previous ce· mcome tax returns. . T/t_Gr\JnJ".j.,.rw"".oI()pooW1 FOREIGN tits will hear a series of classroom WSUl sends to teachers upon reo "Our Musical World" will include James Dixon . instructor in music 'Ie cupanl of the building was a win· A(~er the question "marital sta· I' FILMS broadcasts from radio station quest manuals which summarize progr~ from. the classical, . ro- and . conductot' of the SUI Sym. dow shade CiI1n, and its sign read: hiS." a taxpayer had wrillen: WSUl this fall. the programs and suggest pre· and manllc, ope~ahc, folk and laz! phony Orch!!stra;' Dave Stewart, ''TIle Blind Man ." "Good." I" .... Starting Monday. the 1950-57 edi. post·broadcast activities helping to areas. It wlll be heard on Mon· elementary coordinator of the Iowa ' lion of the WSUI School of the Air correlate the radio and c1as sub- days at 11 a.m. and on Wednes· City public ,;chools. and Grace ,nc:h" . wUl broadcast six weekly chilo ject matter. days at ~ p.m. " Ferns oC the office of the Johnson '1 . " .. On Fridays at 2 p.m., Explor- Co t school HOLDEN Ilrorn dren's programs an d one d al y pro· This rear, Let s Turn a Page, log the News" will present current un s. KIM gram for in·school listening. ~e series on boo~. authors, stor· events. On Tuesdays at 2 p.m. and The school programs have been WILLIAM NOVAK The 1S·minute programs are pre· les. and tales. will be broadcast Wednesdays at 11 a.m .• the "Liv. presented for the last 8 years. sented to sUPlllement classroom dally at 2:15 p.m. ing Together" series will drama· material with inrormation not read· The "Old Tales and New" ser· tiro real·life experiences in {our RUSSIAN BEAUTIES ily available to most small schools, I ies. produced by 'he Minnesota settings - the Individual, the (am· LONDON "" - Doris Maxima, Picnic and to sttmulate experiments, dis· School oC the Air, classffles the dra· Uy. the communit)' and the world Moscow radio's woman commenta. cussions and related classroom ac· matized stories under four head· at large. tor, says the British press is ~tThe ;!tJ:1 i'l 1};1 tivities. ings: "Plain and Fancy Animals," "The World of Ideas' series is spreading a canard about RUssia. Four oC the seven programs will "Fairy Days and Holidays," ,"Pets designed to cmphuize history, bio- ' The canard: Soviet women seldom be brbadoast twice weekly for con· and People" and '!Spring Things." graphy and homespun philosophy visit a beauty parlor. "Absolute WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY vcnience in classr,oom scheduling, It will be heard at 11 a.m. on Fri· and will be broadcast Mondays at ignorance," La Maxima sniffed in Nate: PICNIC starts at 7 :1.5 out at 9:20 Tape recordings will also be avail· days. 2 p.m. and 'nlursdays at 11 a.m. a broadcast. "There are beauty eo·Hit •.• Anne Bnter in able from the Iowa "Tapes for Conservation and science wl\l be The advisory staCf for the pro· parlors all over town - CrLquentJy "BEDEVILED" Teaching Project," SUI extension the subject matter of "Conserva· grams includes Ralph H. Ojemaon, within a stone's Ihrow of the Cac· Ph. 2213 Buck - Ni .. I division, for those teachers who I tion in Hawkeyeland," scheduled professor in the Iowa Child Welfare tory gates." ...... _la·lIS MIll .::.":. IIIIIIa rM· Oe __ . ~" ... 1iiIt IIdi ~.., a...... All 0.. fII ...... M@ ..... ~ &*.,j:Q', i.] ,. Starts TODAY ON THE SAME PROGRAM ... _ • ______1st low~ City Showing • WINNER OF 3 INTERNATIONAL FILM AWARDS , THE LOVE; THE DRAMA ~. MAGIC THE THRILLS, THAT in STUNNING COLOR .... @ •., .... I HERE FOR THE FIRST-TIME THE ECSTASY OF Classified Child Care Service. Rides Wanted • Begin When t1le Music Fades! THE BLACK MACUMBA. Adverti!ing Rates CHILD "ar". Expe.l&nce ond rererence. PHOTOFlNISHING - 8 hr. ""rvlc~. COMMU'IER Willits In ear pool from Phone ~ 114 . 10-6 LowfSt Ratel Youn,," Studio. 10·31 Cedar Rapi

Talk all you ••lit ql' .bou' '''e L man and ~ , lite wo...." IV. aUT n.Ase ~ PON'T TElL : -tu AIiiiiJi IM 1lIIJ ' 1101£ •• 1 nere wi " I IIrlef catcb·yOtlt·l!rutb' Intermission at each WARNER BROS...... showilll .... NO OIIE prH.nt the 2-Y.If-lIm "ag. "nution with thl prin-wlnnl", etll 01 Ih. pl.y! Will BE SUTtD ,'AUINO LAST 15 IIINIlTtS t MA Mey illY. PAilf,.7c"oUIMACK HrH"U IOIIESo[ILUN M[tKA." MlYN VAlOIlI • A MERVYN LEROY PRODUCTION ~'"~ .PlIr ' by JOHN m IAAl1IN Ined UP'" Iht pll, b, MAXWSLl ANO(tSOII ..d tItt novel~, WILLIAN MAIICN· D,recled b, MmYh hlOY .~::-.;:"


t j, I • Il 1 f


f I i , ~ p ... &-THE DAILY IOWAN-I_. City. I•• - T ...... y. DcteMr 2, 1tU DIGS SELF TICKIT , , _ _ , , _ , S (. I OKLAHOMA CITY I.f! - PoIJQa, FIngerprint KIller Tornadoes ,upreme ourt ::~k~~~'~~;::~d~'~~ SUI Grad Student Optimi~~i~ . Officer R. T. Standridge said the unusual citation came after be cij, I ',. ed Mrs. Tubbs for speeding. T1Ie o[[\cer said that 10 minutes later i In B-id for legislature Seat Tubbs came by and spun btl wheels so that gravel new over ~ By JIM FLANSBURG I you belicl'c :md ask him to 20 to 25 foot area pelting St8Jld. A 1956 S I gT;1duate in political for you." he said. ridge. sciencc is pUlting lois training to lbc Newton has attempt\'d to reach WASHINGTON 1m - The Suo supreme Ie I-be' running for ole the voters by every method. He has preme Court Monday began a ses· Establis-- fiee. prescnted his case over radio in sion that may go falur jn determin- Bob elll'IM. i\hl.·catin • a radu· Muscatine and plans another pro- - ate assistalll in th I Political I gram before clection. One letter ing the country's fu te course In Science Department. i running {or 'I has been mailed to 5 000 house· the field of civil right'S. the tate le;islature in his hom hold lind l calculsted to reach all The nine-man court will tackle counly on U,e l)('mocratic ticket. lof the counly's 12,000 registered pJ10blenis of racial integration i,11 1 And he' opliml. tic about bis "olers and oth~r letters are being chances. "I'\' • "ol a good chance Qf prepared. public schools and will consider winning." 11C :ly!t. "hlo t people . Newton av ' that graSi'roots applicaliorls of the Smith Act. the, in MuscaUtic County ar'. ready lor sentiment in his cbuntyl~ms to be government's prbnary weapon I a change.". for President Eisenhower. Sen. again.st the C~mmfJnist party. He oppollcs Rep. Wilmot Hllndrix: IBourke B. Hiek~nloopl'r; U.S. IRep. • The ope~ipg ses$i~ was held to of Letls. ",ho i campaignine: for Fred.Schwengcr ·lall R.-publlcalU ). brief (ormalities. Nc.tt Monday the,/ his sixth cOllscc:u!i,e viclory. Hend- and surprisingly, Herschel Love· courl will begin hearing arguments rlx carried the narmaUy Republi· I ~ less. Democratic candidate for gov., on renewed attacks against the can county by (\lIly 900 of 9,500 : erno~. But the Republican senti· Smith Act, The court will deter· . votes cost in 19;)4. ment doesn't bOther DeD;locra~ mine lateI' this month I possible ae· Newton a C:ltholic. His com· Newton. lion in the school .segregation Dull. palgn maugcr i the H('v. Le tcr H[ sUII thinl< you've got to vote cases. On Moore of the . 'orth M.elhodist R b for the man," hc liaid. adding, ''I'm I For' Associate Justice Sherman church in fuscatine. The Rev. Mr. 0 ert Newton gOing to suoport most .,t the Demo. Minton, this week and ooxt will be Moore W3S an un ucc.!ss[ul can· He said he f3\,llrs a system of crals but am not going to vote a his last on the high bench. Minton. Pre dldate again t Hendrix in 1934. county option 011 the liquor ques. straight ticket." • . 65. is retiring Oct. 15 becausc of The 2S-year-old candidate and his tion. 1\10 t oC his campaignlna will ill health. Ans campaign man:lglr ha"e put Ule take place In the city of Musca· I ' President Eiscnhower! Saturday Arthritis - Rheum I beglnnnings or a political orgllnizll· Reapporl,ionm nt is, Ncwton's line. where more than two·thlrds oC Inamed William J. Brennan Jr .. of V· I F E I' ' lion together in the county. Com. strong pom~. l\ 1~ scatme County, the county popul'ltion Is located. New Jersey to succeed' him. The Ita acts xp al . For.i miltecs have be!:n appointed In I under almo"t an~ system of reo Part o( Newton' ;) optimism is appointment is subject to Scnalc FREE DESCRIPTIVE BOOK, each of the 14 township in U1e npporlionmcnt. weuld get another c3used by the inst city election approval. As a public service to l all read- r presentaliv' During the summer recelSs thrcc I ers of this paper. a nclf' :!6-""oe . 1 county. "Aad they'r IIctive ." says~ ' there when:1 Democrat,was elected 11 ..... "'ewton. "from the committee "The county simply if not rep· mayor by an overwhelmin'" mao appeals were filed from District Ihighly on. Arthritis ". APP~ • ' CA P Wirephoto) Court cases stemming frlml the and RheumaLIsmiliuslra~ed ~kWill tk maUed chairman down to the committee resente d equa IIy und I'd like to do jqrity. FORECAST OF KILLER TORNADOES such as this one which took more -than. donn live. in Grand ABSOLUTELY FREE t 11 ho WASH member." something about it... But in the town of Muscatine Rapid •• Mich. I•• t April i. predicted by ,cienti ... workl .... at Fort Monmouth. N.J. The scienti.ts say high court's order iast year to end" 0\ a w ... _ ... enforced segregation in public wrtte for It. I State Jo So far In the campaign. Newton His opponent. Hendrix, voted (where he has lived all his Ufe) , .... ability to forocast the killers before they form will save score. of death. and property dam.ge schools. This FREE BOOK fUIIYfltPla1l...! has depended mo t1y on gotling out , against a real>portionment measure he'lI have some help. h'l saId. His IS ldequato prep. rations can be made to mMt the twi.ters. Two of the appeals nbw pend, the, causes. ill-effects ant d_ ', day the to meet VOtcrs rlrst·haljd He plnns in the last legislative ~essi on . father (a Republican) is a promin. FORT MONMOUTH. N. J. 1m _ ing are from Texas achOQI boards. in neglect of thesp pai ful aad with Br a whlrl,\"ind finish durin , lh,e next A letter \V.ritten bv Newton to "" ent business man and "is helping 'The third was filed l1f, a grou", of CriP. pIing coodltions. It Iso de- Suez Ca I .,... "H I h Scientists at Fort Monmouth pre· Moooo .. I be ( II m~n lh . • . • mail d to voters tlu week, outlines some. e a so ,.s some support South Carolina Negro parents "Yho scrl 5 a . .tiuccess u Y proVeQ lAter he Whcn yqu i'e rUI·mng !or a stale I his felliings on ll1(' subject \l it hom Republicans who are unhappy' diet. tbey sooq may be able to fore· want their children admitted Im- drugless m ~ thod of reatm!ilt ence rcc office like ihill you've ju t got to he calls for t)n(l of lbe' house of about "the dlsprof,ortlonate s\lare east the coming of a killer tornado • )nediately '\o.~wh,ke ~I~. . which has. been applied in mat' In re get oul and talk ~o a lot, of peopie. the legislature to be placed . ex. of ~xes paid by 11le city anq cooo· before it even forms by identifying Thundering Herd After Also $ch~dul'ed- for hl:!a lnt is an thousands o~ ~ase6, . Said the. an Am aut the ~l'Ouble IS. you re tied to cluslvely on a population basis. ty. its sire from among hundreds of COW, Chute Tangle appeal by Steve Nelson. Pitts· This book is yours I WITHO T national I sue cY~n though. as 3 But how does u young man cam. A Korcan war veteran and now I' . burgh Communist party leader. COST or obIig~lion . It may be tt.i; ~lJIewh g dealing membel' of lh(l "tate legislature. paign (or oHice. carry 14 semest r a reserve second Iieu!cnant since ; Ir htmng . and that I C RT E and by 14 California Communist of years of thunder s ~orm s m~ans s~vmg uDt~4 , Later, you.Aave nothin: to do with tJlcm." hours (he's planning to do a thelia ,finishing ROTC year. Newton. ' break dally over the United States. A. HAG, tA'I - Byron She leaders. All are convicted of ad- nusery. Don t dclay. for,¥OiJr la~ ~cx, 0 US terence NewtOn i runnlf\g 011 Celli tale, on some n IUJII har d es t mcnt, and handle an assistantship. men • trave s 0 avcnpor once wlll give birth t" the mighty twist- . . ! . Sprin S. 'Mo.- - .•• , ~ say "th is reappol·tionment. but he has be n "It's lough.·' he admits. "and ?Verr .two weeks to ta~~ a course ers could mean the saving of thou. One of the bureau's weather in· NICE France 1m-A shell cx· d~efr~~h~e~snu~t~h~A~ct~. ==~' ===~~~~g~~~~~~g~gt, ! enee." Involved In I)th rs. k b" m CIvil affairs and military gov· sands of lives 'and millions of dol strument parachutes settled down ploded in the breech o[ a five.inch La tid Lat .'d eeps me usy. -. I Dulles s ycar. 1e ma e s e·" Ie . .. . ernment under the reserve system. lars m preperty damage. on the heads and horns o[ one of b d th U S d t er rema. news ~hen ~IC refuscd to answer Last sprlOg. whI le enmpaigni~g Newton is :l young b3ehelor who The weaU1erman now is only gun a oar e " . os royer involved II QlIestlOnn:llrC '.!nt to him by tJ1e ( u~oPPOSCd I i~1 the Democraltc . seems to be capable of doing l5 able to warn that tornado condi- his you ng cows. John R. Piercc Monc\(lY. killing such as Women's Chri tian 'remperance Iprimary cleehon. he spent week. , things at the same time and never lions exist within a broa. d 2·state In trying to untangle itself from lone sailor anJ wounding 12. courage lin ion. He sUII replies sharply to ends and . one or two nights a letting one project interfere with area. Under experiments being the chute and 75 feet of Ii.nes, the The searing bl.~t taught all toward qU.~8tion s on .the l!ub~ect : . week taikmg to \'oters: He plans' others. conducted by the Army Signal cow stampeded the remamder oC be r d 'l . I i PreSi I jus~ don t think It I an Issue . to rollo~ the same m·:thod from , This, he $ays. I~ a political vir. Corps. forecasters may soon be the herd. which tore down two Imem rs 0 (l etal manmng tIe told re -a man s pe :'SO!~(l1 habl~ . as lo.ng Inow unttl . election day, Itue. But he docs admit that poli- able to give a 9cCinite danger fences. gu n in antiaircraft exercises. ( 5\'1ers. d as ther .don t Impair hiS nb~hty "There Isn 't milch rllu can do tics is a tough business requiring warning. pinpoinliog the twister'S Ross pleaded, "Tell them to send IThree of the injur(;d w(!re in grave differen to do hiS Job, should not be publiC ," with a voler c'Ccepl tell him what a lot of work. striking zone within a l().mile ra. the next one In a different direc· condition . Five were hurt . seri- spoke a dius, ~~on . " ously. solved i One of nature's sneakiest and The explosion came at 9:50 a.m. It see most violent storms. tornadoes changed have been known to blow with St U d en t's F a th er as the Piercc's gunners fired on (ending speeds approaching 700 miles an D.·es ,on Car Crash a towed aerial target about 75 minister hour or tM velocity of sou nd. miles south of Villefranche. " meet in Although the twistel's cut a swath '. The father of sur student Robert Naval o(ficers declined to dis. Howev only about 100 yards wide. they Shanahan was killed Sunday in a . Dulles a : I ~ have killed more ~n 9.000 persons head-on car collision on Highway 6, I cuss the dccldent. They said '. and wrecked over a half billion doJ· Cour mlles west of Iowa City. Sha· names were being withheld until • I~ ...... -.~ . e;1 anQes lars in property in the last 40 I hahan. tl~e driver of ~~e car, was reiatives were notified. Once every month Gabriel Doom Id ,. ~h. years. reported In good condItIOn Monday Doctors rrom tht' ncarby cruiser Locked bimeelf up in a lIOund,proof room; , , ." ' . . The most important experiment at University Hospitals. Salem were taken by helicopter Then he laughed out loud and rocked with glee ~orks or. art look • dIfferent 10 belhg collducted here in tornado John T. Shanahan, 71 Dubuque. to the destroyer, At a life that was funny as life coula 'be! various ~rlods of hisl?ry becauseJ research is "f.ingcrpriOting" twist· dicd wnen the car collid~d with one He laughed at ,the weather, sunny on Monday i o~r coocepts oC re,lib' change. ers by their lightning charactcris. driven by Robert E. Wellman, 19. After first aid tl'ealn: ~' nt , the in· I Prof. Lester D. Longman, head of tics. 'Coralville. at a curVe. Wenman jured were transferred to the ... rainy on Saturday. rainy onlSunday. \ / the SUI ar~ department, said in a . All tornadoes are preceded by and his father. Henry Wenman. cruiser at sea. Then the Salem He laughed at the news 80 loaded with grief "'. '-" • talk .Monday at the lllh annual thunderstorms streaked with light. 68, uffered minor iojuriea in the sailed full speed [or \'iIIefrance. that an ax murder came as a pleasant relief! meeting of the International Asso· ning, according to Dr. H. K. Weick- ,accident. base for U.S. warship~ on the ~iation of Medical llIustrators be· mann. head of tornado experi. The Shanahan son. 21. is being French Riviera coast. He cried. "what with worry, hurry, and strife 109 held at SUI. ments. treated for a forehead laceration. The injured. who included an . you couldn't ask for a funnier life! .. T~ulh to reality was one of three The main problem is to identify . officer. werc dri ven to Nice air. ' ma~or criteria lor judging art the kind of lightning that always c. port whcre an ambu!unce plane MOIALI In this fast.moving world w~lch Prof. Longman discussed precedes the twister, Since light- Ity waited to fly th2m to a military it'e good to Bit looee, relax and enjoy the ~urrcnt , WIth refcrence to the con· ning and thunderstorms always oc. hospital in F'r,1nkfurt, Ct-rmaIlY. real satisfaction of a real smoke ... a ~I , flict between two types of art- cur together and tornadoes are a1- Record Chesterfield. More real flavor, more I ~~~t repre~?nted by the modem ways fathered bY1 thunderstorms. PORTWINE?· fi' d h h flOe artist and the Ulu*ator of tbe forecaster would be able to tell MILWAUKEE I /I~ _ Joseph Port. aatUl action an t e smoot eat 8IDoking facts and idea~ . . . which thllnd~rstorms will spawn ANDERSON. M,~ 1~JJ1~ rs, Dewey. 615 wine. 39. was fined $150 in District ever, thaw to A",,-a.y', The m31n crIterIon used In JUdg· the deadly twisters. 5. Cllnlon 51.( a Illrl, Salurday at Court Friday on a chargc of -driv'l Take your pleuure big! .... , Day~~w~~~'~~~'~ Is orlgillality of form, while conjunction~q~a1~~~~~~~ with researchers at Glnt.cr~~~~~_AI~=i~~g~W~h~il~eJd~r~ Ave .• a girl. Sund.y at Mercy bad been dt'inkinu~n~k•. ~p~O~li~C~e~s~a~~~g something be.I:m~l ~~~§k~~§~~~~§~~~~~~~;~::~~~~~0., ,•• 1 • , • _ok. Ch.".rfI.ldf !he , rar:dst1e~ for cvaluating ~at , of Oklahoma A and M are using a M~~:;Y~~ER. Alr, .,d Mr!, WIlli..". 78 ,sides port wine. the Illustrator \s skiD; of execution. ~adio \jke electronic device called Rlver.lde Pork. ,~ boy. Sunday al I • th~ SUI I>r~fessor polnt~ out. Il Sferics direction finder to "fin· ' M~o;~~~S~~\\\d Mro . Emmel. 121 EmphASIS lin origmality ~f gerprint" lightning. The direction s. Governor 51 .• a gfr1. Sunday 01 KAPPA GAMMA ..hi" chllirman Bovorl, ~.. 1 f , "l t i ' tc~P~A .,r~'lty sch~a for~ during the 20th century IS finder types the dlfferent kinds of Me,'cy Hospllnl. , I , , Polanon. Al, Ft. Dod ... rOCOlVOI the PIRholl,nlc Ich.llnhlp trophy ~sproportlonatp to Its ~porta~cc, 1 Iig\ltlling, , recording the path they M¢~J!ftEli :, ~r.~~~ r.~~t;;"daJ:*!'f\:r~::; ''''''' 'Helon, Kinll. A4, G'Mnfi,ld. Plnhellenic scholarship chairman. Wh~e . skill o~ ex~c~tlon (e(\~ ~q be trayel and their electric frequency. Mr~~I~~r. dnd . ~ I r s. Kennelh. 438 w, T". IWI,d, ,Iven for mllntalnln, ffle be.t scholarship .verl" of the min mized as II crl~erlo", Prof. "Within about one year we may Benlon 51 .. D boh-I' S.\urdGY at Mercy Those wonderful re-usable" . 12 SUI . • rorltl.. for 1955·56, WII prllonted MondlY It the Plnhol· 'Longman stated. "this Is. not' III know 'What kind of lightning ap- Hoolh of Waubeek . . " ~ ". , . ,. .".. . soprano. \'OGEL' R' Id 21 Ced II' Id d o( sorority members who mainlaln. ""u. A3. M",ca\lne; Barbara SUentJel.1 b'd Hall ' ' . 1 • ona., ar.p s."n • . ' 1\3. Sioux City; Phyllis Tea. A2,' DOwn· rl. e . '. " • MISS Cross r(.~ived hcr 8,M.. Louise f{JLMER, 20. WalJ own: is a Is now a member o( the MUSIC De· Mo,' pla~tii:.i bag~ 'Year. ~1~er 'I~!~ca~g;t!:';II"'M~';yca;.~~ trar~of , SUI. i..', ,.': ." partment faculty.' Mrs. Eitzen has MCNA~~:~~~~ :"t~L:';~TI~:rvln "(. starin']. _ pr'ote-crs YOUt garments trom du~f and PI 'Dnta Phi 5O{'ial sorority was Hann., N4. Vln"""n"" 111CI .. l£Ia\llc Pet· 0 9 ~r ,t~ ,r: ub are Mrs. taught voice at Marietta (Opiol DIVOIlCIJ GRANTED , ' have' been expertly e\eaned. po;. , rou. II!\!! ,radua, •. Wr\to1er Clly· . Margaret Stokel!t" ~t~ S., tlnq St., Conele and at Luther College, De. LE¥ME, ~;:~~~~,lrtou ~rry . ., awarded ICCOIld place mention for a.,~'~~n '1~I~~' A:'2MO~':;~~Qo::'; pres,ld~n~' Mrs. ·~mot~ 'airehlld. eorah. COX. Melvin I.,. K~kUk~ \ lined flj(Jj an all