. .. - , ... ., - i ~~.~--- -- -,.,-~-.~ # Ql . .. \ .. , . '1 • Serving The State University of IOU(1l and the People of Iowa City i • E~blisbed in 1868 - Five Cents a Copy Member of Associated Press - AP Leased Wire and Photo Service Iowa City. Iowa. Tuesday; 0ctIeler 2. 1,9M Vs at l~ . Nati~I.l$. :.:J~!-n Ike .Pins Education Aid - D. eieat ~· $. · ~ .ez ~anQr Glaitp " .' . .,;'.: ~ ,. The United Sta ~, Britain and , France spo"sor~d thct formation of '. , ~:'. ., ~ .. • ;~~Ia~~~~~~::~~.~~ ~ppr~~ I' Nom- -Inee Asks GOP .Sup '~~ .; The UN Security Council is due I ,.~ .~ "1,0' e-,'tal-d' .' thei~r~~~t~ip~!aC~IS\~ United States favors ~~:!~ a softer, s~; . ". liege Work Fo:" r a-.II' ~.)~. more flexible approach to Egypt I • . , , ' :.;'::;~. ~='Y w,,1d For AlliAble' By ' Pr.si~n(,; ;. The British and Frehch would LEXINGTON, . KJ. III _ , ~, :. , like to chart courses that would WASHINGTON (.fI _ Adlal E. compel the regime of Egypt's Pres· dent ElIenhoWf!r M~y nlibt ~._ Ident Gamal Abdel Nasser to come Stevenson called Monday night for cused tho Democrats in CoIIatew to acceptable terms. a federal aid-to-educa\ion program ,f buryln' his' reQuest Cor ledet ..·• British and French officials em. to help provide 50,000 teachers and • . phasized that Dulles has given I . '..; 100.000 classrooms each year. plus aid to the SCboots in a Stashld4.: them no reason to doubt that the 1 .' a college education for all "able ~ttack on J tlie D@qIOc:ratlc,coa! Nasser uhnited Stadtes wants uanythitn'b lesds Lloyd I st'!<'nts:' mn.> tic . edtt:o~ ~~ . ~ ~ , ~. 4D~ t an th ey 0 - a set emen ase ."e De ""ra , 'lUI "apparently COIif.'~ op'o' , LONDoN (,f) - The Suez Canal on some form or Interaallonal coo· States and Britain. nominee accused the Eisenhower ~nt, Adlai ,t). SteVensOn, ". wets Associalion (SCUA) was set trol of Suez. I SCUA will start working In about Iadmini stration of having "uUerly: .H,e,. said,:. tbe, Q,e~.• '. •' ja '~. ' , ¥~ .M'on\lay amid reports of West- But differences hav. come up re·' two weeks. lai1ed to deveiop a comprchcnsivq Uo\iIe . '" ~ Big Three disagreement on lating to taotics and methods. While SCUA's exact role was not policy for education." 1 ' , ~ed ! 1{6 to • .' ~ . ~ ",bether Egypt may be either per- While Britain and France are the entirely clear, report from Port He said the administration had . 1e~1 , ~am, ,I WIdIe , ~ Juaded or forced to accept inter, prime movers of tile case for pres· Said at the northern end of the demonstrated a lack of "stron~ fo~ of -'the l\~cUs .· * IY\tJon~1 control. entation to the Security Council, canal said the Egyptians arc man · leadership in the cause of our ~ed It j , • • ...... Fifteen of the 18 nations invited the United States 'has cautioned aging tbe job of handling ships most valuable rcsource-our child~ I Trlen, in ,,,,,~, , ~ . ;~ t1.."t; h~ ~ Lonaon joined SCUA af once. against a resolution condemning smoothly. ren." .. ..,... -~~~ ' ~ r . '~ben'd Paktihstan and Ethiopia re- the N, assetr rAegilme t~a~ wouldd teind S The Elgrptidan lad592minisht~atorsh 0df Elaborating on his proposal in =~ ' ~ , shot at C~', ~ f I Will on e ence. to a lena e s an opinion an g ve uez c tllme , s IPS a Milwaukee Friday. Stevensol\< '''N.ow-:wi ".",_. 'J":':--...•week- ,' . ~. • ' Foteign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd an opeJling to Russians to cash in passed through the waterway duro said his program envisages spend- \JPII. "'."" ~ ., iii Britain ' once more refused 10 with a certain veto. ing September - only five less see the stran#e ' sJJCC1afle ·~.9! , ~ Tn . , ing of from 500 million to one bi!- . lAP Wlr.,b.la) ·. appere tI .• cd r\1i4!d oanIIliiate ' OS i1Ie out (orce as a finai solution. The first organizational meeting than III September; 1955. when the lion dollars more each year for TWO PROSPECTIVE VOTERS of 1974 IIs ..n to Prlll"'t IIHnh_er a, 1M "p4Iintl ttle way." '"e halt. .... _ n. y n " ,Lloyd, told newsmen just before 'of SCUA was attended by the en· canal was under management of I UK> oppoiIUoi\ ,· aup~ttlalt ; u,.e ' leaving' by plane for New York and voys of 18 powers, representing 90 the old company. the next 10 years. .d his motorcade from tIM Lul",to", Ky. al..,.,.. to talk to the p"...... n at a cenvalescent ho·pltal Prl~IRI~ ~( the :llUi ~t. ' 'f~ pf4- the UN Secretary Council debate per cent of the shipping that passed The British Press Association re. Stevenson outlined his proposals wlMr. they were watchln. the ,.rade from the lawn. ~.'"I ~ , !ha. ~ . hI~. , ~~ .. de" !e.~ GAI 'SUet :. through Suez. All have supported ported the gov~mment intends to in a lengthy statement which he I "'II ( , I ··'We dislike the use of force. but the idea of an international regime resume 'shortly the transportation described as "the passport to a u .thQr'-t,~e 's miStnelstrYensOna-Uo". J;!id.' "~~tW. p'::~~._.· ~adf.'.'. "e.intend . to stand by our rights to control the canal. of troops to the Far East. These bettcr society" through "better Integrat,'on A GOP'. ,Sm' ',Ies : "lti, Inf'IQf" ~.. aitQ ~ilc rights of other nations." The 15 members are Australia. movements had been interrupted education-for one and all." enOUgh to g~ ~ se.boot, biI! p~e~, . Lloy~ and Foreign Minister Denmark, France, West Germany, ! by the canal crisis which was fol· The statement was issued as ' .' ,... , Neltl\cr be ~or - f"lr, >·EI~~'r. Christian Pineau of France will i Italy. Iran, the Netherlands .New lowed by a peacetime buildup of Stevenson conferred with top strat· S· kAt - ole t A' F m menUMed, the facl , ~ the thre.~- lJ)Cet with Secretary o[ State John Zealand. Norway, Portugal. Tur- \BritlSIt forces In the Mf)dlten-an' eglsts on the eve oE hib departure ee cIon Tour s I way ar ened attachmellt of a (:lvJl ' r~ht~ !:oster Dulles ahead of the UN de key. Spain, ' SWeden. the United ean. ~~~ t;:rt~~:s~S a~d c;,::a~~~~g J~ DALLAS I.fI _ The NAACP laid HENDERSON. Ky. (.fI _ The u· E. ~:=e:: t:~.·...' ~~~.· r~ '1 ' I- L ,- has just returned from a 7,500 plans Monday. to use federal courts Henderson County Board of Educa-,' nrest-· stes Mr. EJseOho ....cr uldiil. : s~b h b J .11 " B" B mile barnstorming tour in the Mid- t t T t d I t at a GOP i t...... I 1:l srae 's eave I II" ,- t ' v.oj'-\:, I" " d 0 s op exas n,ewes . r ve aga ns tion Monday 'inslructed its attorney , . ., .n ",0 ve. 'ew rI IS () mer ., west, the border states an the school segregaUon SUitS. of Kentuclty.T~y Col1seu~ lilat· rl~ .' N. ~eep South. The National Assn . for the Ad- to explore the possibility of obtain· WACO, Tex. 1m - ~en. Estes Ke· cause eGnsresa1fa!led ' tO att .:'w,e . t' ". ..,. Y . '. ,. ,. Irl'N H' Stevenson called for : vancement of Colored People was ing injunetJons against' any person fauver sai" Monday night Presi- have ~w.·. lo~f.one.. oiI , t :, ot., ~\Ye .~. ~"'" h A• ' , , • u .. earlng (1) Establishment of a natiopal turned down in one such plan Mon- interfering .with operation of tlie dent Else~owcr Is "too busy tr,- precious ,yel ... ,l In hli long-ianae .',,t,.", ras e ·~.. "at ·, Irpo.ri ... " ,.... _ _ policy of federal alt! to education day, but Federal Judge W. H. At- integrated We!l\'crton Elementary ing tQ Win. AI> IncLiOli ,..w Ith SIUI school ~[Qlra~. ,' ". S ~ I ~ ' ~ where local and individual re- well told the organization it could School ' , ..... "e,.. ."( . ' · "1 shall ' aceordlngly · c.\~ upon sources fall to meet the needs. filc a suit later. ' . ' shine and sndles to do iH)ythlng ef: the · lIe.Xt ~ssion · of' ~nlfless , t-o , i 'l ~;; Nj)ON I~ _ viU~an': world's Istgest delta-wllJg bombe(, I (2 ) Assumption by the Federal The maneuver resuil,cd in post- l,'cllce )Ionday ~~rDlr' 'c1eared ft.-ctive to help small farmers and enact lestalatjdn ·thakNtll· ciO :. tiw: rlw O'n ·.A rmls 't ICe ' l misSed the runway and crashed in names at mlst,shroudcd London Goverllment Immediately of a ponement or a hearing. by which a patb through a shouting eroWd ranchers hard pressed by drought." ' ~not . In: . tl~but .ID ·· ~0Ur ~iblPrt Monday. Hair·trlgger ejcc~ion sellts catapulted the pllot an~ ,J fRUSA~EM I.fI - The. Israeli share in meeting "the present ur- the NAACP sought to integrate'the which attempted to prevent a Ne.' .'~ ·A'n~ ' .s Cor' Benson, the Tennes" rears," be dectarect/' :' "",;,." II liritish air marshall to sarety, but (our crewmcn pcrJshed. delegation ' to the Isrnel.Jordan gent financl~1 requirements" of sprawling Dal1a~ school .syslein. gro mother fTlm leaving fthe sO.n sal~, ."the sccrctar~ oC agrl) Western KcntiiclP-'; ~~~~ 1ra. ,. ~ crowd waiti,ng ' t~\·. welc'ome .th~ . four , - jet , ")\.fight>:, Bat·· home Armistice Commibsion walk.ed out schools. particularly m?re elass- The hearing was rchset for Nov. 14. school's parking l~t. ' , .• cultllre haw sought to smile away seen Incidents oflllrlfc. rivet r8tl~ from a le.,tirtg flight to AustTalla I -, f '"'' t' f th .. rooms and more qualified teach- t Latost l!'0ve Ofdt e, state t10 over- The mother "Irs James Clancy the problems of Texas farmers and integration in sOme -M 'Itll"lichOoiS: wl~ncssed tile crash. I P f PI 0 a mee wg 0 e commlllSlon ers, , urn prevIous aD curren t ntegra- . .... • others with bland optimism and but Mr. ~bo-,vcr ~id ,II,«.
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