A beautiful monument of Scotch DOAIINIONVILLE granite has been erected in the Max- THE ville cemetery here to the memory COUNTY AND DiSTRiCT ot the late Mr. Duncan McLeod. Mrs. J. D. McIntosh and Miss Mar- PARTICULAR Our local teachers during the short ion returned home on Monday alt^ O UR FALL STOCKS NOW Thanksgiving holiday were the guests LANCASTER daughter of J. D. Wightman, of this spending the Thanksgiving holidays HOUSE W I FE place. She had been in Montreal for of relatives, Mr. McIntosh visiting with friends in . about two months where she was tak Morrisburg, the Misses Cameron and Mrs. Robertson, ol Montreal, spent en ill with typhoid fever. She arriv- Grant their respective homes. the week end the guest of Mrs. James demands the best to be found Miss Kate McArthur paid South ed home about two weeks ago and her Miss Hattie Currier, of Dominion- Clark. Lancaster friends a visit on Wednes- on the market. condition became worse until Wednes- ville. on Monday of this week lelt for Mrs. B. Mansell entertained a num- COMPLETE day. day morning when she passed peace- Portage La Prairie, where she pur- ber of friends on Friday evening. All Rev. C. B. Ross and family, of 1^- We have the good things fully away. Deceased was a bright poses taking a course in stenography. report a very pleasant evening. chine, spent the week end at ‘‘Gair- young lady and exceedingly popular Mrs. McDonald left on Monday of J. J. Anderson was In Alexandria that will help her to make the ney,”' South Lancaster. and will be greatly missed especially this week lor the West, where she on Wednesday. HEADQUARTERS FOR daily fare more nearly ideal- Miss Mary McDonald visited her fa- by the youth of the place. The funer- will join her husband who left here Mr. C. 0. Wood, Township Engineer ther, Mr. Peter McDonald, on Sunday al will take place on Friday after- last spring. Every meal will be a satis- Rev. J. U. Tanner returned from ot Billings Bridge, Ottawa, did some noon at 2.30 p.m. to the 2nd Conces- T. W. Dingwall was in Toronto and drainage work here this week. Windsor Mills, P.Q., on Friday, where faction and every purchase an sion Cemetery. The bereaved parents Hamilton last week on business. We Councillor J. P. Mattice attended he had been visiting his peopie. • and family have the synir.,tin- of a understand as a result he becomes a the monthly council meeting at Green economy, if you do your buy- The Misses Lottie, Annie and LEADING host of friends in their herecavement. knight of the grip and will represent field on Monday. ing here, where the stock is Zaldee Bethune, of Montreal, visited the Domestic Specialty Co., oi Ham- Mr. Alex. Aubin, of Dyer, was here their brother, Mr. John Bethune, on ilton, covering the territory situate Thanksgiving Day. for a few days recently removing “turned” so often that goods MAXVILLE between Toronto and Montreal. large stones with his stoning ma- Mr. Joe Rioux has returned home STYLES. are always fresh- A social under the auspices of the chine for some of the farmers in thi after several months’ absence. local Orange Lodge was held in the Mr. Alex. E. McIntosh was in town section. Capt. and Mrs. Darian haver'arriv- Town Hall here on Tuesday evening, on Saturday. Messrs. F. S. Campbell, J. J. An- ed In town from Alexandria Bay, Nov. 5th. A capital programme was derson, Wm. Clark and J. P- Mc- N.Y., and have taken up their resid- Miss Millie Tait, of Sherbrooke, We will consider it a pleasure to show you carried out, and all who attended Naughton were in Maxville on Friday Pickling season is now on was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Mao- ence here for the winter. thoroughly enjoyed the proceedings. attending the meeting of the Direc- Miss Llbbie Gillespie went to Mont key last week. our Fall Styles in Jackets, Furs and Dress Goods Leave your order for spices tors of the Kenyon Agricultural So- real on Friday to spend a week with Mr. .7. D. McRae, of Lodi, was in ciety for the purpose of winding up Our stock is large and up-to-date. her sister, Mrs. Vipond. town on Tuesday. and vinegar. VANKLEEK HILL the year’s business. The Treasurer Miss Louise Sandfield Macdonald Among the visitors to town last was authorized to pay the prize mon- spent the Thanksgiving holid.ays with week were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mc- Mr. Malcolm McCallum, of Charle- ey as soon as possible after the IStli MEN'S SUITS D. J. MCDONALD, her people in South Lancaster. Diarmid, Mr. and Mrs. James McDiar magne, Que., spent Thanksgiving Day inst. A largo assortment in styles Overcoats, Hats, Caps. Ties Mrs. J. D. McArthur was in Corn- mid, 10th Con. Indian Lands. at his home on Derby Ave., return- Mr. James Vallance, Director, ac- that cannot fail to meet your ap- and Underwear. We sell the wall on Wednesday. ' Messrs. Donald McIntosh, of Strath proval- Yon get a large variety Faultless Brand of Overalls, the Phone 36 Alexandria, Ont more, and J. W. McIntosh, of the ing in the evening. companied by the President of the and choice of selection. kind that does not rip. Miss Grace Stickler, of Montreal, Dr. J. A. McIntosh and Mrs. Mc- Dowd Milling Co., called on the was the gnest of her grandmother, North Branch, paid our town busi- Intosh were the guests of Mr. John stockholders here on Wednesday. Mrs. A. Stickler for Thanksgiving ness visits on Monday. ibV :T;ONDERWEABLTI:T3 HODSEHOLD LINENS Sherman and family, Hawkeshury, on Mr. and Mrs. J. P. McNaughton Day. Rev. R. A. McDpnald, ol Green- Ladies and Childrens Under- Sheetings, Pillow Casings, field, spent several hours in town on Thanksgiving Day. were in Lancaster on Friday attend- wear, all styles. Corsets in lead Quilts and Bed Comforters Miss Mary Rayslde, who has been Mr. Norman McLaren, of Ottawa, ing the funeral of fheir neice. Mise ing makes. Childrens Waists. visiting friends in Montreal, has re- Tuesday. Blankets of all kinds from the has been visiting relatives ai»d fri- Lida, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J D mills direct. Cotton Shaker Mr. Murdoch A. McRae, ol Dyer, turned home. this week purchased for a goodly sum ends in Vankleek Hill and Breadal- Wightman. HOSIERY AND GLOVËs" Flannels and ail staple goods Miss Ross, of Kingston, was the Mr. Frank Villeneuve’s farm. bane during the past week. Posters are out announcing a dairy We carry the largest stock of guest of Mrs. J. U. Tanner at the Messrs. David McGregor and F. J. Mr. Joseph Brunet, barber, moved meeting for next week. Farmers and hosiery and gloves in the town. WE CAN SAVE YOU Manse Igst week. We can fit the smallest child or McRae, of St. Elmo, were thj guests last week into the vacant shop next the full grown adult. We sell MONEY Mr. William Bethune, one of the of Montreal friends on Thanksgiving door east to the Windsor Hotel, the brands that wear well. oldest and most respected residents Day. where he will carry on his business IN ALL YOUR PURCHASES South Lancaster, is confined to his Miss Beil Munro, of Montreal, who in the future. IDRESS GOODS home through sickness. His many is one of the candidates for the Mont We much regret, to report that our THE MEN’S STORE LADIES' JACKETS 3^ friends, notwithstanding his advanced W; show the newest from light real Herald’s Old Country Tour, was worthy townsman, Mr. Levi G. Ban- T?te Sk>re 0f Q-^od VaUtee. goods to heavy goods. We have Our fall stock is right in style. age, hope to see him around again. the guest of Maxville friends on Thurs croft is quite seriously ill at his the atest in Silks, Sadns, and The garments are cut by the The sudden death on Monday mom- day of last week. home Pendleton St. Velvet. Drees Trimmings and best house in Canada. We gua- day morning last of Mr. Laplante, Mr. A. A. McDougall, our well- Miss Florence Cross, Mill street, notions to match all shades. rantee a perfect fit. NECKWEAR ! Prices are goaranteed to be low- Children’s from $1.25 up. the boat builder, of Summerstown, known auctioneer, and his estimable has also been on the sick list for est for value in town. If yon Ladiee froch $5.00 up. was the cause of great surprise and spouse, have recently moved to their some time. She seems now to be Amoni? th® many lines oom will buy your dress go^s Next week all Jackets will be regret to many of the people here ty new farm situated a little west of slowly improving. prising our large stock of here you are sure of the correct shown on the first flocr. We Eïerything New whom he was well known. thing. invite your custom. this village which was the property The Streets Committee of Vankleek “ Things for Man to wear ” Mr. Jim HeCrimmon, railroad en- j Q| McDougall’s brother the late Hill have lately had several new none stands out more promis glneer on the C.P.R. between North | McDougall. street lights installed in various ently than that of Neckwear. We have been getting in a lot Bay and Fort William, is on a few j Mrs, J. W. Eaton, of Ottawa, spent parts of the town, which will be a new goods to replace those days’ visit to friends here. ! the week end here the guest of her very acceptable boon to the parties We have won an enviabl SABOURIN & CAMPEAU reputation throughout ti.A taken by the busglars and we Dan Dlnneen is once more comfort- j friends, who are benefitted thereby. ably esconsed in his barber shop, i stock of fall country for this particular ? ^BYANUIUi ONTARIO. can now say that our Stodk is all The Ladies’ Aid Society of the Me- which has been fitted up with the | c^pg gnd gloves, sweaters, etc., now thodist Church held their regular line,—on® that we are proud nsw and up-to-dats. latest modern Improvements. • view at McArthur & Co., high meeting at the residence of Mrs. J. of,—and we are prouder than The annual slaughter of cats took L. Bates, Tuesday afternoon, and it ever this season of the many We Invite you to call and ex- class tailor and gent’s furnisher. beautiful creations in neck, place at the McRae Hotel a couple of Mr. Richard Rowe, of Riceville, was very successful. amine our Assortmnet of wear we have just opened weeks ago. The time chosen was dur was among the visitors to town last Prof. Beale has lately organized a ing the absence of our genial friend, j week. vocal music class in Vankleek Hill. up. You must see them. They are at once the dainti- Watches 81 Clocks David, whose kind and tender heart 1 The first meeting was held in the The Misses E. McDougall and A est and nattiest we have ever revolts at even the suggestion of such j basement of the Presbyterian Church Campbell, students at the Alexandria shown. Made exclusively for Chains, Rings, savagery and who was thus sublimely ■ on Monday evening last. ^ High School, were home lor the week ourselves, from the newest unconscious of the impending fate of - We had quite a foretaste of winter Jewelry of all kinds end. materials. There is «.n in. these caterwauling quadrupeds. The on Tuesday ol this week, when the Fancy Combs The vouth of our town celebrated dividuality about them not “Fair Treatment to Every'Castomer-?’-'4 affair was conducted with ail due res- Hallowe’en in the usual way as their ground was quite white with the t*ften seen. Couspicious a- Ja^janese China pect and necessary despatch and was pranks were not of a very serious na- fleecy mantle. ; mong them is a collection of the direct supervision of the ture, everything passed ofi smoothly. Mr. James McMillan, formerly pro- Flowing end Scarfs selling at a Silverware .himself. Several of our hunters are greatly prietor of the Domlnioo Hotel, who 75c., that for quality of tex- j^Qonell and the Misses It will be a pleasure to us’’^ excited over a report received irom removed with his family a short time ture and richness of design wwen*'iSteuw.sgiviag t)-,y in Bloomington in efiect that a wolver- ago to the dwelling house on the cannot be surpassed. One to show them to you. Miss Martha, ine was heard in that vicinity. corner ol Mill and Union streets, own dollaç ,j;ias often been cheer- NEWEST STYLES V^of“!8”Bttdndlngi!-thÉ convent ia the Snapshots are the latest souvenirs ed by Messrs. J. R. McLaum^nc^. .d ior Ties not half H. R CUDDON, above "places ' betweea^iziss^ . S. Northcott, has been cafiraT’ .lÿoii They make beau- R. T. MehiSjftfejf iLUii Montreal f a An enjoyaWe S^ptlse party was to mourn the loss oi his sq%. ,,H,^'i acceptable gifts, Alexandria, Ont business visit leceitlv. ^ j held. who died quite suddenly garlsÉi^j^ in all the new and AND BEST VALUES A. F. McDonild, "f Coinwail, day mnn.iug, Nov. bth. tunofW of shot silks and companied by his * ’fe and ehiidl'vù, T. SFreal, Kev. Mr. Crane, of Point Fertunfe ïn*tbè Tnost desirable combin- spent Sunday in town the guests of spent Than!?*' .ends here. Circuit, very acceptably supplied the ations. See also that swell Mrs. W. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson'' %,6re the pulpit ol the Vankleek Hill Method- line of four-in-hand ties in Men’s Fall and Winter Overcoats, Raincoats, Dr. W. J. Gunn, D.D.S., returned guests of Kingston friends for the ist Church on Sabbath last. Nov. 3rd Jaspers, Beugalines, Bara- Rubber Coats, Corduroy Coats from his deer hunt on Saturday with Thanksgiving holiday. He also preached in the Cassburn theas, 6ic.; in Maple Leaf, Men’sFall and Winter Suits for business wear, two fine deer. Mr. L. J. Pilon, ol Monkland, again Church in the afternoon. Mr. Crane Scroll, Sea Wave designs. ' locrn a. r loss her clear, good dwelling house and frame The ütsil ïâd 4^ their many Lancaster friends. on Friday, Nov. 1st, secured a couple husband, four chilJ.ei, her parents, bam, and other outbuildings. Also Miss Alita Wightman. of large buck. Those who are bunt- Mr. and Mrs. Horn McGregor, one good young orchard, 3 miles east ol PHONE 29 ALEXANDRIA ■JtÆ-îft tbs y'Z-é It is our sad duty this week to ing in the vicinity of Whitney were Alexandria, in cloae proximity to sister and three b^ochers. The »vu- church, school and cheese factory. chronicle the death of Miss Alita also most successful on the first day pathy of vhe community i.s exi need For terms, ete., apply to John H- Wightman, aged 19 years, eldest of their hunt. to them In their hereaveiao’it. McDonald. McOtlmmon, Ont.


The most interesting, if not the recognize their seriousness and the THE Nb.;S most important, part of Mr. Oliver’s peculiar position in which they placed IS PUBS-WHED interview is his account of the chang- the Conservative party. The attempt An IToit SatitfM ? ed conditions that made it necessary of any party to make political capi- EVERY FRIDAY MOINING AT "THE to abolish the privilege of proxy en- tal out of such an appalling accident NEWS" PRINTING OFFiCi; MAIN With the Cloths WINTER IS COMING ! try a year and a half ago. So long as that of the wreck of the Quebec ST., ALEXANDR.A, ONT. as the railway sections were of little bridge, must be most humiliating to You A. Q. F. MACDONALD the country generally and to the men And Now is the Time to Editor a.-td Manager pecuniary value no harm resulted in Have Been Wearing practice from allowing one homestead of intelligence in that party. But have the actions of the new Minister FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8 er to make entries on behalf of oth- If Not, Try BUY FURS ers, on their undertaking that they borne out the assertion that he h;vs w'ould settle on their homesteads and treated this matter lightly ? Not at EXPORT DOTY ON CANADA’S fulfill the prescribed conditions. But all. The very day he was sworn in Me ARTHUR’S SPRUCE WOOD AND PULP. when the value of the railway sec- his first act was to appoint one of Advantage in buying early is that you tions ran up to ten. twenty, or twen- the leading bridge experts on the For your next Suit or Overcoat Your have more to select from. continent to make a complete and In an able address before the Cana- ty-five dollars an acre, the tempta- Stock of Ladies’ and Men’s Fur Coats, dian Club at Montreal, Mr. Donald tion to perpetrate fraud and per.ury thorough investigation into every- McMaster, the eminent King’s Coun- became irresistible, and the privilege thing connected with the disaster, Rrices From S12. to S3S. Our Ladies’ Fur Ruffs, Throws and Muffs is sel, discussing the proposal to put an of making homestead entries bv jiroxy and the conclusions of this eminent undoubtedly the most complete line of Furs ever export duty on spruce wood and raw had to be withdrawn. One effect of man will be placed before the public Gent’s Furnishings, Suit Cases and Umbrellas. pulp said ’ "The foreigner is simply this change was to lessen the number as soon as completed. Following this shown in Lanca.ster. up, the Government appointed a com- gtripping our land of an asset that of entries during the past year, but We have a fine range of Ladies’ and Gents’ there is nothing in that to rc"-ret, so mission to sift the whole question is invaluable to us, in order to sup- thoroughly tc bear all the evidence ply his own deficiency, without con- long as each entry represents a genu- C. MCARTHUR and Co. Fur Lined Coats, Men’s and Childern’s Fur Col- ine homesteader and settler. as regards the plans' of construction tributing anything to the permanent and everything connected with the lars and Caps, Fur Robes ; in fact most everything settlement or wealth of this country. immense project from the day of its ^/le fashionable bailor, in the Fur line. An export duty on pulpwood or pulp, LIQUOR AND LAW. inception until the collapse took if not actual prohibition of exporta- place. That investigation is now go- Maxvillc, - - Ontario. More new lines of Men’s and Boys’ Over- tion, is urgently called for in the na- ing on. The Deputy Minister and coats and suits. Underwear, Sweaters, Mitts and tiona, interest. A like policy in the It is not altogether a had sign to chief engineer of Railways and Can- Province of Ontario in regard to the see the liquor men of Ontario, with a als Department, Mr. Butler, has Cloves, Yarns, Blankets, and Comforters. exportation of sawlogs has been fol- view to combatting local prohibition been most active in endeavoring to Always in Stock a full line of Carpets, Rugs, lowed by most beneflcial results. The more successfully, resolving to purge bring to light all information re- sawing formerly done in Michigan themselves of law-breaking. They may garding the affair. So far from the Banque cT Hochelaga Oilcloths, Boots, Et«. and Wisconsin was transferred to not be very successful in doing this. Minister of Railways treating this Canada, to the great benefit of Cana- There is an old saying that what is matter lightly, his action would in- dian trade and labor. From another bred in the bone cannot be taken out dicate, as would also his words, that Capital fully paid . . . $2,000,000 point of view, if we have a surplus of the flesh. One would think that no- he considers it a great calamity, far R. D. McOONELL of a thing that foreign nations must body was more interested in liquor too great to be discussed from the have, we can very w'ell put an export law enforcement than those dealers, standpoint of petty partlzanship as Reserve Fund . . . . $1,600,000 LANCASTER, ONTARIO. duty upon it, and thus make ‘the if such there be, who obey the restric is being done by the Star and not a foreigner contribute to lightening the tions of the law. It is they who few members of the Conservative President,.. F. X. ST. CHARLES, Esq taxation ot,the people of this coun- should, in the natural order of per- party. try. sonal interest, be the foremost in It must not be forgotten that the Vice-President...ROBERTBICKERDIKE, Esq., M.P pressing for the suppression of ille- construction of the bridge was the VANKLEEK HILL BRANCH, THE I.C.R. AND POLITICS. gality. When a barber shaves on Sun- most gigantic undertaking ever at- day there is no need to wait for a tempted in the world, and that prin- Referring to the Toronto News ar- society of disinterested citizens to ciples applied in this construction D. MeINNES, MANAGER ticle on the I.C.R. and Liberals hold- peer into the premises to obtain evi- had never been applied before to such ing office, the Moncton Transit says : dence against him. His fellow bar- a degree for the magbitude of the INTEREST PAir TIMES A YEAR. AN OPPORTUNITY TO "If the Minister desires to see Lib- bers insist on the enforcement of the structure, as stated before, was in a erals holding I.C.R. jobs, he had bet- law to which they themselves have to class by itself. That something ter postpone his trip until the gravel submit. But when it comes to liquor went wrong everybody regretfully trains are in operation ; then visit selling, whether on Sunday or after knows, but the attempt of small Sconomize — the ballast pits and' see his party hours, or to minors, or whatever oth- politicians to erect on this calamity Established 1865. supporters shovelling earth. A story er clause of the law may be broken, a party platform is too small work is told in this connection that car- the temperance societies in seeking for any intelligent body of men. ries with it a lot of truth. A Liber- to have the law enforced have always When all the facts are known and the Head Office, Quebec. al M.P.—one of the solid eighteen— counted, and can always count, on commission’s report made up; when People talk of High Prices was standing on the Truro depot having the whole sympathy of the li- all the bright light of the best en- 13 Batvehes platform when a swell train carry- quor interest against them. The li- gineering intellects is let in on the Assets Buy your groceries at Boyle’s and you ing a lot of I.C.R. officials and uni- quor men of Ontario, in council as- disaster and its causes, then it will formed employees swept by. A friend sembled, however, seem through force be time to discuss calmly the situa- can save a lot of money. remonstrated with the M.P. over the of circumstances, to have waked up tion, and to learn the lessons that OF CANADA $30,000,000. fact that only Tories were on the to see in the fact that their accredit- are to be learned from this disaster, We do not handle cheap, trashy, com- trains and asked why in several ed legal adviser was also habitually both from an engineering and a pub- years of Liberal rule at Ottawa, defending breakers of the liquor law a lic standpoint. — Brock ville Re< order One of the oldest of Canadian Banks. pound goods. We buy the best in all lines Liberals had not been given posi- scandal and a reproach against their Always keeping pace with the rapid development of tions. ‘Oh,’ the M. P. answered, whole fraternity. It had not before and are satisfied with a reasonable margin of ‘you will see the Grit voters* in a struck them as incongruous nor had THE CANADIAN RED BOOK the Dominion. Every facility extended to Farmers few minutes. J«st wait until the it struck the public. It was just for the movement of their crops, and ’assistance given in profit. A most valuable book has just been ballast train comes along.’ Provid- what was to be expected. But, then, the development Of every line of legitimate business did not this very sense of fitness put issued called, "The O.mad an Rfd ing the Liberals are in power, for Book.’’ It is a book of ahO pages all Negotiable paper of every discription handled upon Place a trial order for Tea^ Coffee, Co- eleven years more maybe some Lib- them as a body in the position of law about Canada and things Canavirns reasonable terms; erals may be holding down good jobs breakers by habit and repute ? They coa, Chocolate, Pure Jams, Canned goods, claim the Premier of Ontario as their should know. It is publtiheJ by the on the LÇ.R., hut they are now as Fmiily Herald .and Weekly St»' i f scare as hpn’s teeth and if there is friend. They want to strike up a Alexandria Branch, W. J. DAWSON, Mgr- Fresh Fruits, etc. etc. and see how we Mcitreal which is a s.ifc’Lce any they were there in some capacity partnership with him. He it was re- quired a sixty percent vote before a of Us reliability. It aictains complete “Dalhousie Branch, T. W. MUNRO, Mgr. can please you. under the Tories and were then as ret ai'lt information or every ti ncciv- good Tories as were going, the kind local prohibitory by-law could pass. He has also said that there was no anie svnject pertain'ng to Canad.-., it? there wer,e when Sir Hibbcrt Tupper HLstory its GeogruPhv, 'lo'^einmont declared that every official in the need of prohibition if only the liquor Dep’.s, Railways, i'ana’s, si«am'.hips. county of Plctou voted Tory. No laws were enforced, as they were not enforced under the Ross Government. Banks, Lands, Insurance Co's., I’ostal Tories on the I.C.R. ! Well, the To- Service, Churches, Hospitals,Societies JOHN ronto News is as ignorant of I.C.R. He, therefore, as in duty bound, has BOYLE very much improved this enforcement. and thousands of interesting tacts and matters as old Balaam was of the figures. ALEXANDRIA, mind of the Lord.’’ So the liquor men have passed a vote of commendation of this activity and There is sure to be a big demand for C/VHl|pAN declare themselves — yes, themselves this book as notliiiu- ''omplete has Trains Leaîe Alexandria East Bonnd ^ P/ifCirie- MR. OLIVER’S VIEWS ON THE also—in favor of the strict enforce- ever been issued. It has been copy- WEST. righted by the Family Herald and ment of the laws. It does look as 10.00 A. M. Daily though they had got a change of Weekly Star and will most likely be ^reen YaHey Trains on most reasonable terms. Full parti- and Hawkesbury. Arrives Montreal 11.86s« ttu The Minister of the Interior has heart, or at least, as though the gra- culars can be had In the Family Her- 4*A 40 rP • ITI*M BioDtrea^ID.iiy, Oles ’ aBriliv)Bobertoon: tat done the whole Dominion a very valu- dual reduction of their area of opera- Bewkesbory, Coteau ùoC valleyfieM,'Co^wall? ‘Ooiiig East 10.33 a. m- tions had given them to realize that ald and Weekly Star as well as a liroekTine. IDwtnsl ~ able service by publishing his opinions partial list of contents. No home in 5.19 p. m. on western conditions after a widelyr they must behave themselves at least 6.12 P. M. according to law if they do not want Canada should be without a copy of ton also Boston Going West 10.33 a. m. extended personal insp^ii^^ .v ef T .t^ the Canadian Red Book. real 1.4^ P, m. country between Lak«L'.^perIôr and t| soe -their whole ruinous business 6-07 p. m. the Pacific 'Ocean. od^aW'"as a thing inherently lawless. Trains Leafe Alexanitrla West Bound has had as good ofSÜnmnttës Tti>. ®*t?Tlt’*is all very well to pass reso- ,10.00 a,m. know that country aj'W^.Hl^iTer has lutions -like this' at a general meeting; Gttawa Trains for had, lor, in addition to his long resi- liî'delâil the sympathies of the liquor 10.00 dence at Edmonton, he has been, as men will continue to be with the man North Bay and other intermediate TOinte, Winnipeg & West. Aarrive Ottawa U.8o a.m. North Bay 9.4oP.m. a private member of the House of charged with breaking the law.—Mon- 5 1 O «« m (Daily except Sunday for Ottawa Leave Otta'wa 1.10a. m. Commons and more recently as Min- treal Witness. tiL* and all intermediate Htations Ar ister of the Interior, under the neces- rives at Ottawa 6.40 p. m. 1,15 p. m- 9AA M m Daily for Maxville and Ottawa sity of keeping in close touch with BEATING THE AIR. •UU P*ni» Arrives Ottawa 10.80 p.m. “Soo” Train 12.40 a. m- the development of both the North- No connections on Stinday for Rockland ir rr.*. rr: "«■*!* :;;x;;t.r,iriX^S3ai west Territories and British Colum- Hawkesbury branches. Tourist Reservations secured in bia. As an experienced publicist he There is some excuse, owing to re- When “ sweets ” advance by applying to- cent exposures, of how and by whom Middle and Western Dlylsions. was able to cover very wide ground Trains leave Ottawa 8.35 a.m. for Pemb- in his succinct but lucid statement. the long green was supplied and lose their sweetness— roke, and Barry’s Bay. F. KERR Agt. Alexaadria. handled for the Conservative party So much has been published of late and “ substantials,” Trains leave Ottawa 11.55 a.m. for Pem- about the grain crops, the harvest, during the last campaign, for the broke, Madawaska. Whitney, Parry Sound, Montreal Star to feel quite sore at Arrives Depot Harbor. 9.40 p. m. North and the prices that the part of Mr. their charm—there are Bay 9.15 p.m. Oliver’s interview which deals with itself and its friends. Mr. Hugh Gra- Trains leave Ottawa 5 p*m. for Pem- them may be lightly passed over. The ham, however, whose energy and always MOONEY’S broke, Madawaska and intermediate points. great wealth have been devoted of re- Parlor cars on all trains between Ottawa great lesson to be learned from what and montreal. Throught sleeping cars be- he says is that in a country of such cent years to the abuse and criticism PERFECTION tween Ottawa and NewYork withoutchange MONEY MONEY of others, should not lose his head extent and variety of agricultural CREAM SODAS to Pullman Buffet Sleeping Car doily te- Thetmdorsignea ii prepared to loancnouej land a general failure is practically altogether, or allow his paper to be- tween Montreal and Boston, at 5 percent on terms to suit borrowers impossible, and that with more accur come silly just because a small part coax back Ocean steamship passangers booked tha of his hypocrisy has been exposed. rough bjr any agency over all important OHABOKM BBAB01CABI.B. ate knowledge and greater technical steamship lines. ^ FA IB I>BATllfCI ACCOFDItr TO Ali*.. Glengarry’s skill resulting from lengthening ex- Since the public have been made fully the appetite. FBITATB UOKET AYAUiABUC. perience the liability to partial fail- aware of the scheme worked by him G. W. SHEPHERD, FAtUHS FOR SAIÆ. Home ures will steadily be reduced. This is tor Mr. Borden at the last election, Do YOU Agent, Alexandria. ANGUS MCDONALD equivalent to saying that the future which was so brilliant in its honesty, luaurance Agen Journal of western Canada as one of the great that it had to be carried out under know how cerceal-produoing countries in the the dark shadow of Zandrank, and like world is absolutely assured. It does euphonious assumed names, his paper RKAJL ESTATE. not follow that mixed farming may seemed to have lost its bearings al- KEEPS GETTING BETTER safely be neglected. On the contrary, together. A recent example of this go :i mixed farming will be found the attack of panic is found in the Star’s properties for sale on reas >Dable tenue- Will Be Sent To est guarantee for the maintenance criticism of the Government over the Also several Stores and Hotels for Quebec bridge and incidentally its on sale. Money to loan on easy terms f grain-growing pre-eminence. n good curiiies. While, according to Mr. Oliver, slaught of the Minister of Railways Any New Subscriberin CANADA and Canals. Address, I here has been a considerable falling Jas. J, MacDonald. The Quebec bridge disaster took ! in immigration from the United If you only knew how much Alexandria Ont ates, there has been a material in- place about twenty-four hours before Post-free I money you could save and jase in immigration from QreatBri- the present Minister was sworn in, how durable it is, you ; in. The latter has not compensated so that possibly clears up one point I nc modern ;;:i- would use Wool Carding And Spinning. Until January 1st, 1909 r the former in the West during the which seems to have lagged heavily ard Family Mv't-i- ■St year, because practically all the on the stage of the Star’s mind. PAROID At a price per pound as usuau, or wool Mr. Hugh Graham’s paper also ac- dne : Çur^ U, ' ROOFING be exchanged tor single yarn for any desir- 'lited States immigrants come over for roof* aod sides of all farm buildie^t, the purpose of settling at once on cuses the Minister of Railways and Easily applied by any one. Water, ed purpose or for doubled and twis xi Canals of treating the Quebec bridge common every-day spark, acid, heat and cold proof. Ligrbt yam for Knitting fn two or in three ply In ms, while a considerable propor- ■late color ; contains no tar ; does not Gray, White. Blaok, Blue spd Rod; L n of British immigrants reinain for disaster in a flippant manner because taint ram water. Illustration above Ula of humanity. shows bam of J. W. Youne, Ryckmans or for manufactured goods k- T >voeds me at least in one or other of the at a recent meeting he ridiculed the Ci^ners, OnL, covered with Paroid. Cloths, Flannels, Blhakots or Bed Sheetf •r Provinces. This is not a sub- attempt of the Conservative partv to S«a4 tec tees nampln. ing. All of which a ooriant supply win for regret In itseH, however, for build a platform on this catastrophe. be kept oo hand ko serve oustomafs at JOHN A. URQUHART. once. FOR ONLY So far from flippancy was the re- ■ chances of ultimate success in Local Agent • Alexandria. Also CaabPaid far Woûlf West are likely to be improved by marks of the Minister removed, that C. F, STACKHOUSE. : ort sojourn In the Eaxt the public who heard them seemed to m &taefcho

namely, the necessity of giving their THE APPLE SITUATION cows in some way plenty of air when AGRICULTURAL DEPARTMENT they are confined in stables during ❖ 4 There is considerable excitement in Is It Your apples in the west, and some heavy the winter. Unfortunately, the build have been evolved in the great corn ers of barns twenty or thirty years 4 THE BACON HOG INDUSTRY belt ol the Middle West for the pur- purchases have already been made at Alexandria’s Greatest Store Kood profitable prices to holders,says ago had in mind merely the exclusion pose of converting corn into lard, for of the cold and did not understand 4 Own Hair? Durlnfç the last decade and a half which there is but little demand in The Trade Bulletin. There is consid- no branch of live stock has claimed erable competition between buyers for as we are beginning to understand Every Monday Beirgedn Day Canada. To compete for a share of now, the necessity for pure air as 4 so largely the attention of Canadian the export trade in tat pork products the English and American markets, Doyou phi your bat to yoor farmers as the bacon hog. In 1890 and it is estimated by a party in the well as proper feed. . 4 would be folly. Our interests are cen The same is true ol human haliita- Ovo hair? Caa’t do h? I there were marketed about 200,000 tered in the lean type. We have a re- trade that fully 200,000 bis. have been ; hogs ; last year the number was fully purchased west of Toronto for Ameri- tions. Even to-day architects do not 4 Haven’t cBooi^ bair? It must putation to maintain and a demand seem to understand that it is quite GENTLEMEN be you do not know Ayer’s ' one and three-quarter millions, 75 per to satisfy. By feeding large quanti- can account at $2.75 to $3, and $3.25 cent, of which finds its way to the to $3.50 per bbl., the two latter fig- as necessary to let pure air into a 4 Hab Vigor I Here’s an intro- ties of cheap, green food economy and dwelling house as it is to keep out the English market. In order that Cana- quality are promoted, and incidentally ures being for choice winter varieties 4 doctioo ! May the acquaint- dian bacon shall not come into direct The Western States are evidently cold. Hence the increase of consump- the farmer’s cash account.—J. Hugh tion in the human family wheuever ance result in a heavy growth competition with the vastly larger ex McKenney in Rural Newyorker. short of choice winter fruit, as Chic- We have another bargain for you 4 of ri^thick,giosayhairl And port tr.ade of the United States, our ago and other western cities have the farmers get well enough off to build modern houses. There was an h The Greatest snap ever offered we know you’ll never be gray. packers make a specialty in what is bought considerable quantities, and 4 known as the ‘'Wiltshire side.” This are still in the field for more. The old saying current in our boyhood ** tthtak that Ayer*i Bafr Tigor Is tb« mo«t Sanitation in the Cow Stable jrtipdBlTul hair grower that was aver mada. I j is the whole side of the hog with the applet Ifl'owers and dealers of Ontario that a death in the family might be A chance of a lifetime 4 nire ttsed li for »ov*4 thn« aod I ean tmtb- expected whenever there was built lor fsUy MT that I am greatly ^«aaed with fL I head ofi, and cured in that way. In have already experienced a profitable aboerfuny recorameod it as a splendid prepa> Sunlight doesn’t cost anything, so it a new brick house. Unfortunately, An opportunity you can’t afford to miss 4 V. BBOCK. Waylaud, Mïeh. the large cities ol Great Britain there season. Shippers to England have al- j is a well-to-do and lastidious class of we should not deny it to cows. The so done fairly well on all good sound there was plenty of reason for this amount of window space recommend- seeming superstition. 120 Men’s elegant single breasted suits, at 4 ^ of customers who are willing to pay a fruit sent forward as we hear of SAB8APARIUA. high price lor this lean and c.iretully ed by the United States Department sales on the other side netting $3.50 The same applies to ciiurches, less than they cost to manufacture. PfLLS. schools, assembly halls, any plaqp 4 cassay PEcnsAL I prepared brand, and it is to these we of Agriculture is six square feet per to $4 for straight lines of choice red yers are endeavoring to cater ; existing cow. Windows should be long, placed varieties. The demand continues good where numbers of people congiegate The style to be worn by fully three fourths 4 vertically, most of them preferably on in our institute work during the win- of the well dressed men this fall. The lapels conditions being such as to compel us from Great Britain, large orders hav 4 to keep out of the fat-hog business. the south and east sides, where they ing been received from London, a ter we dread the impure air ot the long and fairly wide. To make Wiltshire sides, a hog is are protected from the coldest winds. portion of which is still unfilled In hall far more than we do tlie cold 4 required weighing from 160 to 220 Whitewash is a most effective, inex- this market sales of 1000 bb’s. .>( fine weather outside. Many a valuable The skirt full though close fitting at the pounds. He must possess good length pensive agent of sanitation, and winter varieties were made at $3.50, life has been sacrificed because the waist. 4 It’s a Fact from the back of tlie shoulder to the should be used about twice a on and a car of Baldwins at $3.25. Oth- se-xton forgot that there v as pure air that the ham, because in retailing a side of ceiling, walls and fixtures. It can er sales at $2.50 to $3. outside, and all that was necessary The shoulders broad and concave. 4 bacon, it is there the most valuable best he applied with a spr'ay r>ump was to devise some way to let it in. COWLING BUSINESS COLLEGE Many a time we have wished that a The material best imported worsted. 4 cuts are found. It is also important A little common salt added to the Ottawa, Ont., that the shoulder and neck be not whitewash renders it less liable to small boy would make an upper pane i* he wholesale price ^15.00, We bought prominent, giving as it ,ioes a side rub off. of glass^ a target for a good, healthy 4 FARM ADVERTISING PAYS snowball. '' i* hem so that we can sell them for $11.50 finds positions for all It’s graduates. that is heavy at the cheap in,i. Lile- The plank fioor is now expcusiu, 4^ That It’s system Is the most modern and wise, the belly meat being clieaper not durable and, as commonly laid, The farmer is generallv rogai'leff as If you need a suit come in quickly and 4' up-to-date. That it’s equipment is the than the part above it, explains why permits liquids to leak thecagh liilo a Very conservative business uu.n. His secure one, they won’t last long. newest and finest In Canada. That It’s a bacon hog should have a tiim belly the soil, which becomes foul ami from ability to successful fence '.j' er the ADDITION TO PRIZE LIST 4 premises cannot be excelled. and a straight underline. I n foimity which gases rise uiiw.ird into the expenditure ot cents has become pro- If you cannot come in write for one by ex- Write for new catalogue NOW. in thickness of the layer cf fat a;,.i;g stable. As a rule it '.s a decidedly verbial. But practice has proven that The Canadian Ayrshire Breeders’ ress, send your measure and we will see that 4 the back is another requisite. This unsanitary floor. Whenever a n< w a more liberal attention ti, bus ness Association has added $14.00 to their floor is to be 'a.d cimieiit CirM.u-te you will get a suit that will fit you better than W. E. Cowling, Principal should not exceed IJ inch, maintain- expenditures that advertise the {aim- already generous prizes for competi- 4 ing the same thickness from loin to should l>e used by all means. '1 hen any you have ever had J. D. McEadyen, Associate Prin. er and Ms goods lias been the means tion by Ayrshire cows of Canadian 4» 4 Note the address;* neck. What is wanted is not thin there will ae no leaning and no de- of much money making. record in the dairy test at the East- We guarantee these suits in every respect OrmeHall, 174 Wellington St, meat, but a lean, firm quality with cay. The best advertising is that which ern Ontario Live Stock and Poultry and will cheerfully refund the money to any 4 plenty of tender muscle. 'I’o pi'iduce The stall doors mav l)ii ovcilaid presents the goods to the greatest Show, to be held at Ottawa, Jan. the best type of hog for bacon much with boards ( c plank. Tiic ./noh of number of people, wno will read and 20th to 24th, 1907. This money is one not satisfied that the price is at least 4 depends on a judicious se,e<;tioi. and the stall fioor stvuld ,.ot txeced halt be influenced by it. Consequently the classified as followa I $5.00 under the value. mating of breeding stock. By a series an inch Iroai in.-.nger tu gii'toi The publicity gained by a goo.i ad. in the Sec. 1.—$7.00 is donated by the 4 of experiments at the Ontario Agri- size of the gutter, .lecoiding to some Farming I’agcs of The World : -aches Canadian Ayrshire Breeders’ Associa Bring Us Your Eggs 4 cultural College a conclusion was of our most progroii.ive daiiynien, more people than could !,e .mined by tion for Ayrshire cow registered In White reached, that of the various iiteeds of should be eight iu’-.hes deep hy twi.ety the county papers m d ll;e bills nest- the Canadian Ayrshire Herd Book, 4 swine, those act, poorest Ventilation the iweutv • eW’s Writing- and a small percentage, only, w'ould newspapers generally, to ad- to avoid such disintegr.auing effect. weighed 213 pounds hjss, drank 228 Grace Robinson. be utilized in building up the animal To this end, clean out o'lstiuttions more pounds ol water, and gave 11 Sadie MePhee. structure. Until they reach maturity vance its present low rates on from the ditches, look to the ouiverls pounds less of milk than thjv did dur- Margaret Cummlng, Teacher the Pigs are kept growing continually and drainage outlets, a.i l Uiun urag ing the periods of better vi viti'-'liru. all classes of advertising. In summer the pastures are depended the road after every wet rq-ell, and That is, each cow lost m weight on MR. MERCHANT The new rates will go into on for the bulk of their feed, and especially before a prospective freeze- an average 10.7 pounds, uotwiihrtand effect on 1st January, i6o8, roots during winter, these being sup- up. Practically a.l kiuds oi roads ing the fact that she drank 11.4 more plemented with a little grain and by- should be dragged at this season — pounds of water and gave .55 of a at which date nearly all exist- products ot the dairy. When it is de- Advertising is the science of throwing sand, gravel and clay, but p.irticular- pound less milk. Tliese People AH Speak WeU c ing contracts terminate sired to finish them for market, the ly the clay. Opinion has been express The philosophy of it seems to be as the Limelight on a Proposition. grain allowance is increased ; thus ed that, in localities 'vi ere the win- follows : In the vitiated atmosphere Good Advertising means that you have A. G. F. Macdonald, ^I any tendency to lay on tat may be ter is open, a split-iog ,irrg couid he when the ventilation was poor there Good Limelight and a Good Proposition. Manager ; easily controlled, a firmness is im- used to excellent udva.rtage, rot only was an excessive excrement oi fluids, We have the Limelight—our newspaper parted, and the cost oi production so in fall, but during winter break-ups. producing thirst and leading to the :Zutoo Î reduced as to leave a good margin oi such w'ork, especially, the split log The Japanese Headache Care* service. It is good and we don’t charge drinking oi more water, but not profit in favor of the producer. drag would be far su))erior to the * much for its use. enough to keep up the body weight. The best remedy on marknt fi A question not unfrequently raised single-piece leveller, as. ;f not id too If tire aitimal body is not sufficiently beadaefae. N. W. THOMAS, Have you a Good Proposition? in this connection is whether it costs heavy materiii, it be used right supplied with oxygen, the kidneys,the Director of Eastern To^mshipi Bm If so let us give it the benefit of our more to produce the bacon hog than in the mud ; and. indeed, requires, fi.r skin and the bowels are stimulated to Coat kook, Qaa. ' those oi the iat type. That there is best results, that it ;.c betoro Good Limelight. greater activity in order to remove We have found them to be all tba’ COURTS OF REVISION I any fixed relation between the type the road is dry. Wc must kero the the poisonous products developed in claizned for them. J. S. McDONALT ; tJAof CVa F*pig cAand Lt *A theLAiC costwvd u UEof producingwUUA/iil^ XMv100 drags a-dragginz. jiid liuiU more - the system. These poisonous products Editor Pkrtou (K.S4 Advoc: Farmer’s .Advocate. wiU°Md.‘“putt®to*ïhe Ontof[o ^ were, so to speak,^ burned up when I have always been averse tobeada Voters’ Lists Act, by His Honor the found impossible to demonstrate. If there was plenty ol oxygen, passing remedies on account of their being in; Judge of the County Court of the a pig is thrifty, has a good constitu- off as carbonic acid. When the cows ious to the system, but 1 can recomm THE NEWS United Counties of Stormont, Dundas tion and good digestive organs, it ean that suffered from lack of oxygen or your Zutoo Tablets as a safe and rc’ and Glengarry, at the TownshipHall, bit remedy. MRS. L. F. BAYLE Greenfield, on the 12th day of Novem- make good use ot its food, no matter fresh air were turned out in the yard Beebe Plain, to what type it belongs. Tndividual- ber, 1907, at 12.30 o’clock noon, to '^2^ SM;,.'»-- they proceeded to scratch themselves, Alexandria, = Ontario. hear and determine the several com- itv has been shown far more effective lick the lower portions of their limbs Every User Praises Zutoo. # plaints of errors and omissions in the in determining the cost of production; CA and sides, and on rubbing the hands ■ Voters’ List of the Hunicipality of the whole problem thus resolving it Eof Inîautz 1 Kenyon for 1907. over the sides and limbs an eruption All persons having business at the self into a question of sélection, and The Kip.? V,-,i' would be felt in the form of small, Court are required to attend at the clearly proves how important it is to hard pimples. said time and place. perpetuate only the best. .As pre- This seems to be good common Dated 30tb Oct., 1907. viously stated, the short, fat breeds J. D. CAÏIERON, sense and emphasizes what we have CUck o( saM Township. are unsuited to our conditions. Thev been try'ing to teach our readers, THE NEWS ALE3XANDRIA, ONT, NOVEMBER 8 1907. !» day to attend the Ontario Business Sandi ifigham i»’V County and College, Belleville. ' *9»*^ 4(1^ A large number attended tbe funer- Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McDiarmid al of the late Duncan flb McLeod on ’ have recently taken possession of District Monday. their new home. Alexandria’s Greatest Store Miss Lilly Molloy, of Sandown, was Jack Steinburg paid Sandringham FALL AND WINTER visiting in town the early part of the friends a call on Tuesday. Every Monday Bargain Day^ NORTH LANCASTCa week. j The Misses Cameron, of Xankleek Mr. J. L. Lortic, representing A. Neil W. McCrimmon, of McCrim- j Hill, were the guests of friends here McDougall & Co., Montreal, did busi- mon, was in town on Saturday. I during the latter part of the week. | ness here last week. Mrs. Duncan McLeod and Mrs. Neil ■ Mr. John Cameron, Maxville, was 1 OUR LAST ADVERTISEMENT NEWS Mr. Ousford Fille Sundayed at his D. O. McLeod spent the latter part ; a visitor to our hamlet on Friday. j parental home, returnhg to Montreal of last week in Montreal. I Mrs. A. Baylis, of Ottawa, was the ' Told you something about 120 mens’ suits guest of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. U. FROM on Monday. Mr. Alexander R. McDonald. ' we are selling at less than manufacturers Mr. Jos. Leclair paid St. Polycarpe C. McGregor on Thanksgiving. We are called upon this week to j Mr. and Mrs. A. McDermid, Avon- a business visit on Thursday of last chronicle the death ol Alexander R. ; cost. more, spent Thanksgiving at the week. McDonald, which sad event occurred I home of Mr. A. A. Aird. Miss Montgomeiw and Miss McDon- Saturday, Oct. 26tb, at his late re- ■ Misses Florence McGregor and This time we go a SIMON’S ald, of Dalhousic Station, were vis- sidence, Lot 24-7th Kenyon. The de- Gretta Bennett, of the Alexandria itors to town last week. ceased, who at the time of his de- High School, spent Thanksgiving with little furthur and Mr. N'orman Morrison paid Dal- mise was 79 years of age, was born their parents here. bousie Station friends a visit on Wed- in Glenelg, Inverness-Shire, Scot- Mr. and Mrs. W. Sproule, of Max- .show you the style. nesday last. land, and came to Canada with his ville, spent Thanksgiving with Mr. Mr. J. F. Cattanach, general mer- father’s family in the year 1847, be- You will at once no- and Mrs. A. Fraser. chant. paid Montreal a business visit ing then 19 years of age. Alter re- ast week we told you all about tüe Miss Bella Fraser, of Ottawa, paid L on Wednesday. siding for some time in East Hawkes tice that it is the her parental home a short visit on Grand Fall and Winter\Stock we were Mr. T. W. Munto, Manager Union bury, near Vankleek Hill, he moved to Thanksgiving. showing this year. Now we will give you Bank, Dalhousie Station, paid North very latest in every Kenyon. In 1869, he married Christy -Mrs. Willie Blair, of Moose Creek, prices of some of the same. Lancaster a business visit last week. Stewart, daughter of the late Peter was the guest of Mrs. D. Cameron respect. We have Mr. .Jos. Gauthier, Dalhousie Sta- Stewart,’ Esq., 26-7th Kenyon. The during the latter part of last week. On Monday evening several of the tion, was in town on Werinesdav. late Mr. McDonald was a highly re- young people of Maxville were enter- now just 58 of these IN LADIES FUR CC LLA S Mr. Murdie McCuaig, of Dalhousie spected citizen and was a member ol tained at the home of Mr. George Station, paid North Lancaster friends the Presbyterian Church, Dunvegan. Bennett. suits left, less than COLLARETTES AND RUFFS a visit last week. He was in good health up to a few The Misses Aird and Mr. D. McIn- Rev. D. R. Macdonald, Glen Nevis, tosh were the guests of Miss Jessie one half of the orign- days previous to his death. McLeod the early part of the week. Stock No. 261—Ladies Hare Mink Stole was ii^town on Monday. He is survived by one brother, Don- al lot, these will be very large and of the btét quality, veiy fash- Mrs. D. Sabourin, Montreal, spent ald. of Plantagenet, his widow, seven ionable and will last a life-time. Regular a lew days at her parental home sons and one daughter, namely, Pe- Gie.i Sandieid sold before the end retail price $14.00, our price $10.50, here. ter, Duncan and Dan in New York Miss Ferguson, trained nurse, re- State; Norman and John in Vancou- We are pleased to state that Mr. of the month. If you turned to her home in Williamstown Louis Sauve, who has been seriously ver, B.C.; Kenneth and Jack at home ill, is recovering;. need a suit and want on Sunday. and Mrs. Angus Grant, 24-8th Ken- Mr. K. McRae and daughter, Rich- Stock No. 155—Ladies Black Hare Sable Miss Dube was the guest from mond, Que., spent Thanksgiving with yon, near Dunvegan. to save $5.00 when Stole, very stylish and warn, large size at a Thursday till Monday of relatives in The funeral, which was largely at- friends here. Miss L. Airlie, of Montreal, and very low Price $3.25 Hawkesbury. tended, took place on Monday, Oct. Mr. Louis Marleau, carriage maker, Mrs. A. McRae, of Sault Ste. Marie, you buy one, get one 28th, from his late residence to Dun- have been visiting at Mr. D. A. Mc- St. Telesphore, paid North Lancaster vegan cemetery. Rev. K. A. Gollan Millan’s. of them; They are a business visit on Monday. olficiated. The pall-bearers were Mr. Rod. Dewar, of Montreal, spent Stock No. 152—Ladies Brown Hare On Wednesday of last week, while the holidays at his parental home. as good as you can buy anywhere for Messrs. Angus Grant, A. A. Stewart, His many friends in this vicinity Stole same as above, price $3.25. Mr. James Black was returning from M. Stewart. Ewen McLennan, Angus were glad to see him. Montreal on the G.T.R. train, he McLennan and Alex. Campbell. Mr. J. McRae, Ste. Anne de Pres- $16.00. We are selling them guaranteed met with a very serious accident. Mr cott, passed through here on Friday Black was to leave the train at Bains Duncan R. McLeod, Esq. en route to the south. for $11.50. Stock No. 131-—Ladies Black Hare Cra- Mrs. R. H. McKenzie spent a few vette, extra length very good quality and ville station and shortly after the It is with profound regret that we days with friends in Montreal. We also show Moccasin train passed ihr.iugh this week record the death of Mr. Mr. J. B. Macdonald spent Thanks- very stylish. Price $4.00 Bainsville, he was found lying on the Duncan R. McLeod, 25-9th Kenyon, giving in Montreal visiting friends. here a very fashion- track at the end of the switch in an aged 54 years, which nal event Misses K. McLennan and Mamie Me Ncii, ol Ottawa, are spending the able over coat made unconscious condition. He was con- took place on Friday, November 1st, holidays at their respective homes. Stock No. 132—Ladies Sable Hare C' veyed to the station and cared for at the General Hospital, Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. S. McCuaig visited of best quality black prior to being removed to his home. after an illness of only a week’s du- friends in Newton the early part ol vette, same as above $4.00 We regret to say that Mr. Black has ration. The deceased, who was a son the week. beaver. Progress Miss McDonald, of St. Raphaels, is not regained consciousness, and the ol the late R. McLeod, is survived by at present visiting her aunt, Mrs. J. Brand the best brand cause of the sad accident still re- his sorrowing widow, three sons and Heath. * Ladies Black Cloth (joats — Uampsh mains a mystery. two daughters. Miss' C. McDonald, our -worthy of clothing made in and natural Muskrat Lined, Sable and Mink Mr. Gustin Chevrier. The funeral took place on Monday, teacher, spent Thanksgiving at her home in Brodie. Canada. The best Collars, quality guaranteed, styles the very On Sunday, Oct. 27th, Mr. Gustin Nov. 4th from his late residence to Mr. W. S. Jamieson, who has Had latest at prices 47.50, 57.50, 60.00 and $76.00 Chevrier passed away >t the resid- the Presbyterian church and cemetery the contract of building Mr. H. Mc- proof is the fact ence ol his son Adolphus, after a pro- Dunvegan, Rev. K. A. Gollan officiat- Donald’s barn, is about completing longed illness. The funeral took place his task. The good work done once ed at the funeral service. more tells ol his capability. that their $5000.00 on Tuesday, Oct. 29th, to St. Raph- The pall-bearers were his four cous- Mrs. C. A. Cardinal, Alexandria’s challenge has never Men’s Fur Coats and Fur lined Coats aels church and cemetery, and was ins, Messrs. M. McCuaig, R. McLeod, talented artist, has been here for the at prices from $20.00 to $90.00. Next week attended by a I.IJTI- number of friends N. McLeod, Laggan; J. K. Stewart, past two weeks. During her stay been taken up. Our full information about them and relatives thus paying their last here she taught a large class of very and his two brothers-in-Iaw, J. Mc- apt pupils. The splendid work done tribute of respect to the deceased. Lean, Moose Creek, and J. McCuaig, by each member of her class tells price for this coat i.s Dunvegan. only too well that in her hands lies an exceptional talent which she is 10.00 In Men’s, Youths and Boys ready to Among those present from a dis- fully capable ol imparting to others. Ttiessaion Ont. tance at the last sad rites were his We feel quite confident that should We have other wear Clothing we are showing the season’s J-. Quite a number of the boys spent neice. Miss J. K. McLeod, of Boston, she visit our town or any neighbor- latest creations. Faultless Fitting Garments. ing town again, her old class and as makes at all prices Friday, All Saints’ Day in town. and his two slsters-ln-law. Miss M. Quality the verv best McCuaig, Montreal, and Miss C. Mc- many more shall be eager to receive Among those who recently arrived instructions in this beautiful art. from $5.00 up in camp were Messrs. Hugh McIntosh Cuaig, Moose Creek. We extend our warmest sympathy Duncan E. Dewar, Esq. Our stock of boys and Duncan McNaughton. Men’s Black Cheviot and Black Vecuna Mr. Dan McKinnon was laid up for to the bereaved. It is with deep regret that we have to record the death ol Duncan E. and childems’ clothing is growing less but Cloth Coats, Velvet Collars, All wool Italian a few days sufiering from a sore fin- Dewar, ol Glen Sandfield. Deceased, ger. who was a son of the late Eward still as well assorted as you will find any- Sateen linings, full concave shoulders, the Mr. H. A. McDonald left for his Dewar, was born at Glen Sandfield, style the same as the most Fashionable Tail- TO NEWS CORRES- 38 years ago. home in Greenfield. PONDENTS. Of a kind and gentlemanly disposi- where. ors in the largest Cities are turning out, the Mr. John McCormick had the mis- tion he was very popular and well quality is also the same but the prices are fortune of cutting his finger severely liked throughout Glengarry. He was lower $6.00, 8.50, 11.00, 14.00, in Youths recently. - • — a talented musician and nothing de- lighted him better than to entertain John Simpson and Son 6.50 and 5.00, Boys 4.50, 4.00 and 3.50 At an enjoyable hop given on Sat- his friends with the martial airs of turday evening, Messrs. Sandy Mc- Wo have a nmuSer of ex- Scotland, on the bagpipes or violin. Alexandria. Millan and Dan McKinnon acted as He had been in falling health lor a Main St., violinist and floor manager respective oellent G'H’roKponclents from few years, thinking that a change of Men and Boys Tweed Coats in stripes whom we are glari to hear re- climate might help, he went to visit ly. Among the number present were his brother. Dr. .John Dewar, of St. checks and all patterns, fancy and plain, all Messrs. D. Cuthbert, B. Cartier, Ran gularly: some others send in Paul, Minn., but was only a few wool linings, velvet and cloth collars, very aid R. McDonald, J. Bellmore, F. interesting budgets of news weeks there when heart failure set in and he passed peacefully away on the newest styles and ’will wear like iron. Prices Cartier, R. J. McDonald D. Cartier, occasionally, but we are sorry D. J. McDonald, J. Gauthier, R. A. 29th October,, at 7.15 p.m. His re- Men’s, 36 to 42, $6.00, 7.00, 8.00 and 9.00; to miss their items too often mains were sent home and arrived at HcDopald, A. Cartier, R. McDonald, Glen Sandfield on Friday morning. Youth’s, sizes 33, 34, 35, $5.00, 6.00 and 7.00 J. McDonald, R. McRae, W. McDon- from our columns. We want The funeral took place on Saturday, Boy’s, sizes 30, 31, 32, $4.00, 5.00 and 6.00. ald, R. B. McDonald and J. McCor- to give all the county news, 2nd November, at one o’clock, the service being conducted by Rev. A. mick. and if any of our corrdspend- McCallum. Notwithstanding the in- KAKJ> iS KING «- ents are out of stationery or clemency of the weather, a large num MENS WATERPROOF SUITS » her attended the funeral to offer their Dyer unable t-o write for any rea- last token of respect to the departed. 20 Men’s Cravenette Suits double breast son will they please let us Among those present from a distance Our teacher. Miss Jessie McIntosh, were Dr. Dewar. St. Paul, Minn.; Mr ed, all wool. Sateen linings, perfect fit, wear has returned to resume her duties al- know so that we can arrange and Mrs. White, Montreal; Rod. D. like iron and always look good. Regular ter two week’s illness. matters. We want the news Dewar, Montreal; Duncan McNaugh- ton, Cote St. George, and Alex Mo price $12.50, Special price for Monday and Sat- Miss Glectia McKillican, of the every we^ successful plow- T ours 1 ruly on Tuesday. lent order. ing “bee” at the Manse on Monday. Built to last a life time and guar Miss Bella McKenzie left on Monday Rev. Dean Twomey is at present in Rodie McLeod, A. D. McGregor and Price to attend Cornwall Commercial Col- Montreal and Rev. Father Fox is A. D. McLeod doing the work. eed for tan years. officiating in bis absence. Mr. Stanley Scott spent Thanksgiv- Writ# lor Oatalogae. ISAAC SIMON, lege. Three of the local sports t

Rev. Wm. Fox is spending the week ^^™.;UARY at Williamstown. John *L Macdonell, Lstj. ■ < Miss Jennie Hill, of Cornwall, is The news of the death, from an at* ! visiting Miss Hattie McMillan, River tack of pneumonia, after but four Î (lays’ illness, of the late Mr. John J. I side. Macdonell, Insurance A^ent, came as Mail Contract O 5 Mr. Neil McMillan, Brookdale, left a great shock to our citi/.ens general- PERSONAL I Saturday for St. Eugene. ly, many of whom had not heard of his illness. Some three weeks ago, GOOD GOODS Sealed Tenders addressed to the Wm. Brady, the popular Reeve of Mr. Macdonell arrived home from the Postmaster General, will be received Lancaster Village, paid Alexandria a Cobalt District, where in con.iuiiclioa at Ottawa until noon on 20tb De- business visit yesterday. witii other Olengarrians, he held ex- cember, 1907. for the conveyance of tensive mining interests, the develop- His Majesty’s Mails, on a proposed .Mr. ami Mrs. M. Daprato were the ing of which (luLin.g some months past contract for four years, six times per Cadet McDonald, of the Royal Mil- Mr. Peter Chisholm, ol Lochiel, was guests of Montreal friends the latter had been going on under his personal EASY PRICES week each way. between Brodie and itary College, Kingston, spentThanks in town on Wednesday. part of last week. supervision. ’Shortly after his return Glen Robertson, from the 1st April giving Day with his mother, Mrs. D, he contracted a cold, which later de- next. Miss -Jeuu McGilHvray. , i Dr. Roddick, of Montreal, paid .'cloped into pneumonia and the end Printed notices containing further R. McDonald, Catherine St. Hill, and Mrs. McCuaig, of .Uuxan- Alexandria a professional visit yester came somewhat suddenly on Thursday information as to conditions of pro- dria, were the guests of A. .Mo- evening of last week. posed contract may be seen and blank Mr. E. B. Ostrom spent Thursday Master, Fassifern, on Frid.ay of last The deceased, who was in liis 18th CORRECT STYLES forms of tender may be obtained at of last week in Montreal. year at the lime of his death, Wiis a week. son of our esteemed townsman. Mr. the Post OfRces of Brodie, Glen Rob Miss J. Cameron, ol Ottawa, was ertson and Glen Sandfield and at the Mr. D. D. McDiarmid, Apple Hill, ! ’ I i''iS John Kov Macdonell, Elgin street, office of the Post Office Inspector at the guest tor several days of her mo- spent a couple of hours o; town on and was born on lot îJ-3rd Kenyon. Ottawa. ther, Mrs. .John Cameron, Lochiel. Cniebec, N'ov. 4.—(Special • — he Some twelve vears ago the family re ALL NEW ONES Wednesday. lirovinciai bye-clections in Quebec to moved from the old homestead to the Post Office Department, Mail Con- Miss Campbell, of the PublicSchool commodious dwelling house they now tract Branch, Ottawa, 4th November. staff, spent the week end at her home Mrs. Perry, of Winnipeg, who hut day resulted in a victory lor the Oov occupy. About the same time the 1907. in Vankleek Hill. recently returned from an r-fended ernmerit candidates. The jjreatest in- late Mr. Macdonell was appointed an agent for the Glengarry Farmeis’Mu- G. C. ANDERSON, Mr. D. .1. McDonald paid Montreal trip on the continent, occupying terest probably centred in BnVyth.issc ■11-3 Superintendent. tual Fire Insurance Go., a position he a business visit the latter part of about five months, and who had been where Hon. Mr. Turp;eon .im. Henri filled with marked success, having ALL THE YEAR the week. the guest during the past month or Bourassii were the principes it a made a study of fire insur- spectacular battle. His manv friends were pleased to so of Glengarry friends resident at ance and being possessed of good judg Dalhousie, Laggan and Skye, is this overwhelmed. ment, the interests of the company he meet Mr. John McMillan, of Shaw- In Montmorency, Taschereau won represented were paramount with him GUARANTEED ville, who spent Thanksgiving Day in week the guest of the Misses Simp- He also represented several other Treasurer’s Sale of son, Kenyon street. by a majority of n70. Bevuier was well known companies. At all times town the guest of his mother, Mrs. his opponent. Mr. Macdonell took a keen interest in D, B. McMillan, Elgin street. Mr. Arthur children Land tor Taxes In Rimouski, Danjous won by 'Hk. the welfare of the town of his adop- BLACKS and BLUES. Mrs. D. D. McMaster, who for sev- and Miss .Alice Tetu, all ol Ottawa, tion. and was at one time a member By virtue of a warrant under the were the guests over Sunday of Mrs. DeMin, recently elevated from the hand of the Warden and the Seal of eral davs was the guest of her sister, of the Municipal Council. Possessing W. J. Dawson. House of Commons to the Quebec a generous disposition, an afiable the United Counties of Stormont,Dun Mrs. .James Kerr, Bishop street, re- Cabinet, had a closer Aght, relatively manner, it goes without saying he das and Glengarry, bearing date the turned to Ottawa Sunday evening. Mr. M. McLeister, of Fergus, Out., - had manv friends, and few if any ene- A complete ramge twenty-first day of June, 1907, and to but won by 364. Mr. Harold Ostrom, ol the Union spent the latter part of last week in The Result in Bellechasse. mies. This was all the more observ- me directed, commanding me to levy ant by the large number who on Sun- of the latest styles in Overcoats upon lands mentioned in following list Bank, St. Polycarpe, spent Thursday tow n the guest ol his daughter-in- Mr. Turneon’s ma.iority in Belle' law, Mrs, John McLeister, St. Paul day afternoon, when the weather was for the arsears of taxes due there on and Friday of last week with his par.- chasse is now given at about 760, the •lything but a.grceable, attended his and the costs there of set forth, I street. 2ind Fancy Suitings ents, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Ostrom, return from one small iioll f.. eral. The cortege left his father’s hereby give notice that unless the said Mrs. C. McCuaig, Elgin street, was ro'' !encc on El,gin street at ’i p.m. arrears and costs are sooner paid, I Main street doubtful. for - t. Finnan’s Cathedral and ceme- shall proceed to sell said lands, or so the guest on Wednesday ol Maxville Mr. C. P. Turnbull, Accountant friends. tery '.«here Rev. Jos. Dulin officiated much thereof as may be necessary for Union Bank, spent Thanksgiving Day at the ’ ist sad rites. the taxes and costs, at the Town Hall Mr. James Ferguson, manufacturer, with Ottawa friends. The honorary pall-bcarers were : — in the town of Alexandria, for the Maxville, was in town on Tuesday. TO'zrN COUÏTCIL Mayor McRae, J. A. Macdonell, K. JC. Malone, County of Glengarry, and at theCourt Miss .Julia McDonald was the guest C. Duncan A. Macdonald, P.M., An- D. S. McDonell, of Cobalt, was in House, in the Town of Cornwall, for on Friday and S.iturday of friends In The regular fortnightly meeting of gus McDon^d, V. G. Chisholm, A. the County of Stormont, and at the Cornwall. town on Wednesday en route for St. Council was held on Tuesday even- A. McKinnoh. Reeve of Lochiel. Town Hall in the village of Morris- Raphaels. ing last. The acting pall-bcarers were Messrs Graduate of burgh, In the County of Dundas, by Mrs. E. Devlin, ol Ottawa, who Tile lollowing accounts were order- The Misses Millie McRae, of Glen James Kerr, Peter McDonell, Geo. R Public Auction, on Tuesday, the 4th was the guest lor a tew days of Mrs. ed to be paid : McDonald, J. R. McMaster, John Ir- Chicago School of Garment Cutting Sandfield, and L. Urquhart, of Rich- day of February, 1908, for County of H. A. McMillan, 4th Kenyon, return- Donald McDonald, $53.22. vine and Jos. R. McDonald. Glengarry, Monday, 3d day of Febru- mond, Que., were in town on Satur- Hugh Weir, $6. ed to her home Monday evening. Among those from a distance who ary, 1908, for County of Stormont, day. Anthony Bissonette, $1.50. attended the funeral were his sister, and Thursday, 6th day of February, Mrs. J. T. Hope had as her guest C. J. McMillan, $25. Miss Anabel. and aunt. Miss McPher- 1908, for County of Dundas, at the Miss Gertrude Hubert, of Montreal, for a few days her sister, Miss Mc- D. J. McDonell, $7. son, of Rochester, N.Y., Mrs. D. A. hour of two o’clock in the afternoon, was the guest for the week end of Geo. Charlebois, $6.35. Dougall, of Ottawa. Williams, Ed. Williams, EdgarGreen- in compliance with the provisions of Mrs. J.. R. Proctor, Bishop street The Committee on Waterworks, hill, of Montreal, Dougal MePhee, of the Assessment Act. Mr. James Martin, Manager Bank north. She is this week the guest of etc., together with Councillor Cam- Sudbury and Mrs. Helps, of Maxville. eron were authorized to take the ne- The late Mr. Macdonell is survived Township of Cornwall of Ottawa, and Mrs. Martin spent her aunt, Mrs. A. 6. F. Macdonald. cessary steps to remedy a defect at Thanksgiving Day in Ottawa. by his ^ed father, two brothers,Fin- We recently had the pleasure of a the standplDe. lay, of Phlllipsburg, Mont., and Rod- FURS Description Mr. and Mrs. E S. Bishop, of Call from Mr. K. McRae, of Rich- erick, of Cranbrook, B.C., and three Crysler, were the guests on Saturday sisters, Mrs. D. A. Cameron and Is- So§2 5 o« So « ^® mond, Que., who is spending a few o «e o frt fuD and Sunday of Mrs. H. B- Macdon- abel, at home, and Anabel, of Roches days in Glengarry the guest of his CH.aES3î BOARD ter, N.Y., to whom, in this their hour SW pt of WJ 31 g so »ir>0l d9.S3 $17 24 Pt 1 ald, St. Paul street. WJiieAconfield 19 27,60 2.54 80.0t " mother, Mrs. Mai. McRae, of Glen At the meeting of the Alexandria of trial, we extend our heartfelt syro Towiiobip of Finch Mrs. Stanton, of Montreal, spent a Sandfield. Cheese Board held on Saturday, Nov. pathy. few days with her sister-in-law, Mrs. 2nd, there were 695 white cheese Nè 20 4 100 217.26 7.38 924.54 “ Alexandrians generally are pleased Mrs. D. J. Ross. Village of Morrisburch Angus McDonald, Elgin street. boarded, all selling at 12J cents, to to see Mr. G. H. Shepherd once again Mr. J. F. McGregor. Blk9M»inst I 97.^5 6 44 103.99 “ Master Freddie McDonald, who Is On Oct. 22nd, at the General Hos- 3 Bockstcad8t54 22.29 8.56 28.85 “ in office as the painstaking agent of The following were the factories re- pital, Spokane, Wash., at the age ol attending school in Montreal, spent gistered Township of Winchester the Grand Trunk Railway Co. here. 53 years, occurred the death of Anna Ei 3 9 100 641.36 17.38 558.74 “ the holidays with his parents, Mr. Glen Norman 90. bella, beloved wife of Mr. D. J. Ross, S. E. i 9 50 |9^7*98 10.70 8b8.T6 and Mrs. Donald A. McDonald, Cat- Messrs. J. A. McMillan, A. (lignas Union 70. formerly of Buckingham, Que., now 8. W. i 4 9 60 141.91 7.40 149.31 of Breadalbane, and E. Gciur. Dun- Dornie 47. of Rossland, B.C. The deceased was herine street. Pine Hill 55. N. 2 ti. è 5 » 75 292.62 11,17 303.69 vegan, were in town on Tuesday. born on lot 17-1 Kenyon, being a W i 7 io lou 591.32 laes 609.95 Mr. Angus McDonald, of the C. P. Balmoral 94. daughter of the late James McKen- Ei 7 10 100 .599 18.83 618.00 R. offices, Montreal, spent Thanksgiv Messrs. J. H. McDonald and Peter Green Valley 40. zie, Esq., station, and a sister of Central 50. Mrs. E. McCrimmon, of this place. Township of Monctain ing Day with his mother. Mrs. Alex. MeSweyn and F. A. McRae, of Lag- Fair View 73. She was married to Mr. Ross on N W i 11 10 50 20.27 4 36 94.63 McDonald station. gan, were in town on Monday. McDonald’s Fancy 90. Dec. 24th, 1876, and for some time 13 11 200 89.34 6.o9 95.48 Messrs. Geo. Marjerrison, Apple Mr. W. D. McLeod, ex-M.L..A., Kirk Battle Hill 44., resided in Lancaster village. About K à 13 10 50 41.07 4.88 45.95 Baltic-s Corners 42. 8 è VV i 3 11 50 7 84 4 06 11.90 Hill ; H. P. Stewart, Dunvegan, and Hill, spent a few hours in town or. fifteen years ago Mr. Ross and family moved to the West, first settling at W è 12 11 100 46.84 6.05 51.87 Geo. R. Duvall, of Lancaster, were Monday. Phillipsburg, Mont., afterwards re- Township of Konyon among the visitors to town on Mon- Messrs. V. G. Chisholm, Lochiel moving to Rossland, where Mr. Ross 8P 9 5 1 4.65 6 00 10.65 EDUCATIONS I is actively engaged in mining pur- Dunvegan 23 9 i 64.67 6.46 70.03 day. M. A. Munro. North Lancaster; Isaac suits. She is survived by her hus- Townsnip of Locbiel Mr. and Mrs. -I. F. McGregor spent Sauve, Glen Robertson, transacted Here is a sensible utterance on education by the editor'of the Park- band, one son, James, ol Goldfield, Glen Uob’tson24 6 1 2.Ql 4.04 6.05 Thanksgiving Day with friends at business in town on Monday. and one daughter, Mrs. Edwin Griset, \ Blk'R' 9 i 1.67 4.01 5.68 hill Gazette-Review, himself a teach- of Seattle, Wash., to whom we ex- B C O'housia St 4 17.60 5.18 23.78 Bainsville. Messrs. John McCuaig, of Dalkeith, er of experience : tend our sympathy. B ‘R’ N Main st 8 i 14.38 5.19 19.57 Mr. N. Gilbert, of the Munro & Mc- and A. Lefebvre, merchant, of Glen ‘There is an unrest about our sys- Just opened out the Newest and Best-Assorted stock of N. W. P. 25 8 1 17.87 .5.26 33.1J Robertson, paid Alexandria a busi- tem which is probably a sign of Intosh Co., Limited, spent the week healthy and intelliKent «rowth. One Mr. Fr.'i'cois Mi.ssie. Furs ever brought into Glengarry. The Public know ness visit on Monday. On Monday, November 3rd, 1907, end with friends in Brockville. thing, however, which receives little Francois Massie p-cised tv/ay at the perfectly well of our reputation in giving this line our par- Tenders for Repairs y,Mr. Fred E. Longstaff, of Toronto, thought or attention and which plays Mrs. C. F. Stackhouse, of Peveril, rlp« age of 96 years. The deceased Tenders will be received up till on Monday of this week assumed the an important part in the education ticular attention. t Que., spent the early part of theweek of any country, is the attitude of the who had resided with .bis son, Fer- noon, Saturday, Nov. 16th, by the managementsbip of the job depart- dinand, 25-2nd Lochiel, T as bc'ii at President of Dornle Cheese Factory, with her daughter. Mis. .1. .1. McIn- people who are to be educated. To Ste. Marthe, Que., and toox up his for repairs, which consist of new tosh, St. George street. ment of this office. Mr. Long.stutf,wg,i those who have mingled to any ex- residence on the above- lot several flooring, tamarack, inch and a half has had a number of years’ experience tent with the people it is quite pal- years ago. I Mr. D. H. Wason spent Sunday with pable that the chief reason why the thick, 18x20 feet, one new cill 7x7 covering every branch of the trade The late Mr. Massie i< survived by relatives In Hawkesbury. schools fail to educate as they inches by 26 feet, one stringer twenty will, we feel assured, give the pa- should, is because the people do not his widow, one son ,uid live liaughters feet by nine by ten Inches, the ceiling Miss Christine Macdonell, graduate namely. Ferdinand, on the homestead; WORTH and wall to be boarded with bass- trons of The News entire satisfac- realize the benefits conferred by edu- now on 'exhibition in our store, Call in and inspect Mesdames H. Roussin, Glen Robert- nurse, who spent some time with her tion. cation. It is not usual to find much our stock and secure a catologue. wood (V joint) ceiling and wall twen of that thirst for knowledge or that son ; Rheaume, Chelmsford, Ont.; ty-six, leet long, and the lour walls mother, Mrs. Duncaii J. Macdonell, re Mr. Duncan Munroe. Insurance King Valade, Rheaume and Hurtibise, of recognition of that power that know- Montreal. Ws extend a special invitation to Teachers. eight and one half feet high. For fur- turned to New York, Monday evening. of Cornwall, paid Alexandria a busi- ledge gives which spurs a youth on ther particulars apply to undersigned. The funeral, which was attended by W. Proulx, J. R. Kennedy, Mr. J. R. Shaw, of Ottawa, paid ness visit on Tue^ay. During the to educate himself even while em- a large number of sympathising fri- Alexandria friends a short visit on ployed at hard labor. P. A. HUOT and SON President. Sec.-Treas. day, in company with the local agent “There is a pretty general idea ends, took place on Tuesday, Nov. Tuesday. of the Royal, Mr. James Smith, Mr. 5th, to St. Finnan’s cathedral and that education is not necessary in cemetery. Rev. Jos. Dulin officiated the ordinary walks of life. Too often Mr. E. H Tiffany, barrister, spent Munroe looked over the risks carried at the Requiem High Mass. The by that company here. He was much you hear it said that a farmer has NEW ClIRRIflGE PAINT SHOP Monday evening in Maxvllle. no need of any but the most rudi- pall-bearers were Messrs. Abraham Miss Allan, of the Alexandria High impressed with the rapid strides Alex mentary knowledge, and too often Poirier, I. Chevrier, Nap. Legault, Emile Ouellette, Jos. Cholette and First door south of School staff, spent the hoHdays fn andria is making, and like others who you hear it said that a girl does not have recently visited us undoubtedly need an education, for she marries, Leo Ouelette. We extend our warm- Montreaf. est sympathy to the bereaved. sees a great future for Glengarry’s and then it is no use to her. Even J. H. Charlebois’ Messrs. J, D, Macdonald and .las. Capital. in pupils^ entering the high schools to Blacksmith Shop Tarlton, of the Hank of Ottawa, take up commercial work or in young BABY’S BÎ Great spent Thursday of last week in Otta- Mr. and Mrs. D. A. McDonald, of people about to learn a trade, you find this Idea firmly implanted, and TIME Main St., Alexandria. wa. Sabattis, N.Y., spent the early part A RYING of the week in town the guests of the no amount of persuasion will con- Miss Vineberg. of Montreal, spent vince them that a broader education Made '( the Mother prepares You can get your Baggies, Cutters former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Her ■System with a Bracln6 Thanksgiving Day the week end in town the guest of than the public school affords will’en- Sleighs, Etc., pain'ecJ, plain or fancy D. McDonald, Elgin street. During able them to grapple more success- Treatment of Ferrozone Mrs. I. Simon, Main street. cheaper than anywhere else, by send- the past thirteen years Mr. McDon- fully with their chosen calling, and Women immediately experience a Mr. and Mrs. .Arch. Lothian, Max- will firmly place them in a position real gain in power and strength from ing them to ald, who holds an important position near the top. They will tell you ville, spent the -*arlv part of the week with that well known lumber firm using Ferrozone. that what the world needs today are It is n true nerve and blood tonic with Mrs. Donald Lothian, Main St. the Mogheneren Co., is delighted to specialists. True, but the medical *nd effects permanent cures unparal- Clearing Sale J. J. KEMP, doctor who becomes a specialist first south. find his old town going aheal>if»»i leled in the history of medicine. completes his general education and Ferrosone supplies the essentials ot Mr. and Mrs. J. J. McArthur, of and wished it further prosperity. specializes alterwards. The special Ptinter, North Lancaster, Mr. Wm. Munro and life that are exhausted by overwork, Mr. J. J. Anderson, of Dominion- ists in Great Britain does not neg worry. Indigestion or high living. It Master Clude W. Munro, Martintown, vUle, was in town on Wodnesd^. lect his mathematics or his h'rench contains just what every run-down Alexandria, Ooteria. and the farmer who makes a spe were the guests of Mr. M. Munro, St. Messrs. D. H. Wason and Geo. Brad woman and girl requires. cialty of good butter does not neg By instilling new strength into the NOW GOING ON AT George street for a few days last ley returned to town from Toronto lect to learn to plow or hoe. Thi week. blood, Ferrozone benefits the whole the latter part of last week. idea is one of the strongest factor body. Auction Sales in retarding the work of educatin Messrs. D. McCrlmmon, of Williams Rev. S. D. MePhee moderated in a - Digestion improves, the eyes sparkle The Misses McDonells* At Lot 8-3rd Kenyon, Nov. 12th, the people, and if it could be replac the cheeks glow with girlish beauty. town, and D. .1. Fairfield, of Hawkes call at Wood Islands, Prince Edward cd by a thitst for knowledge ou farm stock and implements. Sale to bury, registered st the Commercial Normal powers ate restored to the commence at one o’clock. D. J. Mc- Island, on the 26th October, which schools would do good work despit regenerative organs, the nerves are Millinery Parlor Donell, auctioneer. D. J. McMillan, on Satnrday. came out unanimously in favor of their faults.” recharged with energy, proving that prop. Rev. Duncan McKenzie, ol Kirk Hill, direct benefit is resulting from Fer- Messrs. J. R. MePhee, Dunvegan ; rozone. and will continue for two weeks only. At the residence of E. Brousseau, A. Dewar, Greenfield, and S. Seguin, Ont. Wood Island is a most desirable HYMENAL There is no greater boon to suffer- successor to Ed. Cross, Rousseau’s Glen Robertson, were among the congregation. ing women than Ferrozone. It fills Mills, St. Telesphore, Que., on Mon- Miss Christens McMillan, who spent thê system with the snap and fire of day, Nov. 25th, 1907, farm stock and visitors to town on Tuesday. McDonald—Premo. Thanksgiving with her parents here, youth, builds up firm tissue, rounds All lines of Millinery marked at the very lowest implements. Sale to commence at 10 Mr. J. W. Weegar, of Maxville, paid An event of considerable interest out the form until perfect womanhood o’clock. D. D. McCuaig, auctioneer. Alexandria a business visit on Tues- returned to Cornwall to resume her took place at Trout River, N.Y., on and vigorous health is attained. prices. Evangeliste Brousseau, prop. day. studies. Sunday, Nov. 3rd, when Mr. Donald Ferrosone is the one sate tonic tor A. McDonald. Sabattis, N.Y., son of ladies to use, because it contains oo Mr, A. R. McDougall, of Dalkeith, The Misses Ola and Violet McDufi John D. McDonald, Elgin St,., Alex- alcohol or dangerous drugs. Grow- Call early and make your selection Lost was in town on Wednesday. and Mr. James McDuff, St. Eugene andria, was united in marriage to ing girls, young women, expectant Miss Edith Tierney and Miss Flor- Maldia, daughter of Louis Premo, mothers—every female will derive un- Between 13-lst Kenyon and Alexan- Mr. J. W. Low, of Russell, spent ence G. Thoburn, of Ottawa, spent Esq., of Constable, N.Y. The bride questionable benefit from this grand i drla, an Electric Flash Light, about the early part of the week In town. was attended by Miss Miss M. Pie- the Thanksgiving holidays with Mr restorative. 8 inches long. Finder please leave Messrs. J. A. McDonald. Hugh mo, while Mr. George Premo dis- Prepared only in tablet form. 50c. ; same at The News office. ... 41-1 Cameron, A. A. R. McDonald, all of aod Mrs. D. McMillan, 28-1 Lochiel. charged the duties i f groomsman. for a box of fifty tablets, or six hoxea Glen Roy ; Alex. D. McDonald, of Mr. Peter McDonald, for several Mr. and Mrs. McDonald '.eft by the for $2.50, at all dealers. Green Valley, and Jos. Leelalr. «t New York Central to spend their BOAR FOR SERVICE years a member of the staff of the The undersigned has for service the Lancaster, spent several hours In honeymoon in Montreal, Alexandria Grand Trunk and Pedigreed Berkshire Boar (Glengarry town on Friday. Commercial Hotel here, left on Tues- and other points. Congrrttilat'ocs. Jamestown ExposUfon Mr. Ed. M.atte, of Vankleek Hill, day for Finch to enter the employ of Champion), fee Î1. D. J. McPherson, Tritgraphie advice is received that' 20-3rd Kenyon. was a visitor to town on .Satu dxy. the Messrs. Gormley of that village. Messrs. Peter Grant, of M.nxillc, McDonald-Mahon—On Wednesday, Oct. Jury of Awards. Jamestown Exposi- and M. J. McLennan, of William»- Mrs. Alex. McDonald, of Portage 16, 1907, at St. Lawrence’s Church tion, Norfolk, Va., have announced TURKEY RAFFLE town, visited in town the ».x'ly part du Fort, Que., and Mrs. D. H. Mc- Barry’s Bay, by Rev. I. A. French, that Grand Trunk exhibit has been of the week. P.P., Donald A. MacDonald, ot awarded two gold medals and one sil- A turkey raffle will be held at the Donald, of Arnprior, are this week North Lancaster, Glengarry Co^ ver medal (iovering installation of ex- residence of John A. McDougall, Lot Mr. J. F. Sullivan, Inspector of the guests of the Misses McIntosh, ty, to A'gnes, daughter of .JoiSi hibit, photographic scenes and fish 1-1 Kenyon, on Tuesday night, Nov. Separate Schools, Ottawa, was am- Mahon, of Barry’s Bay, Ont. and game display. 12th, 1907. 41-1 on.g the News callers yesterday. Main street south. ALEXANDRIA ONT. HOVEMBBR 8, 1007

sicians and business men and theirir 1 *^One thing remember, dear chfld,** I wives as a treatment that absolutely fiOME DEPARTMENT cured catarrh, no matter liow serious'5^ / said gravely, “and that is that k>ve or long standing, the sales rapidly blazes its own paths and cuts Sts own grew and today there is no other re- channels. If it be written* that you are Sr.VER PASTE medy that has such a large and staple for me you will marry me in good sale. time. Love brooks no interference in Of Interest ^ ^ Boil together for half an hour one The yrst breath of Hyomei’s heal- his realm.” # pint of water, half a pound of yellow ing air kills all catarrhal poison. Her cheeks stormed Into color as I soap, and two and a half pounds of There’s nothing else that gives such helped her to her feet quick curative results in catarrhal I>rcpared whiting, and stir until the conditions. 6 “Do you see this Lady Washington?” ^ ^ to Women mixture becomes a thick paste. Then We positively guarantee Hyomei, for she demanded, holding the pelargoni- ■W turn jt into jars, and instead of pol- should yeou buy a corapiete outfit, um before me. “See, I lay It in the ishing the silver so often, wash it and' price $1.00, and be dissatisfied with herflow of this little big tree. There is results vour money will be refunded dirt In the hollow, and the pelargoni- use the paste instead of ordinary soap Hyomei is sold by druggists every- um may grow. Coming again, I may A little ammonia may be added to where. W’rite for literature. Booth’s find that it has taken root So may I the wasliing water, if the silver i.s Hvomei Co., Buffalo. N.Y. !>ecome your wife. The one is as pos- T'f~[f-^ PjA ^/y/f^ A/^ I"'0™ '''■t*' suits of well rinsed afterward. Use a bit of •* •*'*^ ' ^-Ji Mildly J I brown. Hand- sible as the other.” flannel for washing and drying the So Muriel went back to the east with somely embroidered collars are cut The best separate waists are of silver, her schemes of philanthropy, and T round and not too deep and continu- handkerchief linen, nainsook, crossbar, tShe Miracle of stayed In my west to dream and then cheviot, dimity, corded white goods ing in deep stolelike points to the '0 write, but I found that dreaming had grow'n to t>e a weary task when and fine lawn. These each have their line in front arc French im- TO VïAEFi SÏLK STOCKINGS portations. Chemisettes made with the Pelargonium. the most beauteous one of them all own merit and their own followers. Make a lather with lukewarm water was a forbidden one. for I had lost round yoke and close-standing collar The woman who wants a separate and good soap, put the stockings in By INA WRIGHT HANSON. ■ aith In my own brave avowal of love’s and llufiy lace trimmed frills running waist or any occasion where the this, adding a teaspoonful of vinegar •nmipotence. down the front to the waist line are white waist can be worn would do to a gallon of water If they are de- Copyii^hU 1907, by M. M. Cudniugbam. Nearly a year had gone before I offered for use with bodices slightly Lstted the Big Tree grove again. I well to indulge in one of each variety licate Colors. Let soak ten minutes, ’..•eat alone and took my solitary way It would well repay her to put a lit- | open in front, or cut in a very deep V, as are any of the jumper bodices. then wash by pressing and squeezing We were at the Big Tree grove, little the rh'er where I had said goodby tie work upon her waists this fall, i between the hands. Silk stockings eastern bred Muriel, with pelargonl- ) my dream of dreams. A furious for there will be numerous occasions must not be rubbed. Rinse through •uns at her slender waist, and I. a iorm had wrought some havoc there. this winter when they will come in two lots of clean lukewarm water, western writer. We had wandered :' . -o or three of the lesser trees had well and be appropriate ; others will ' as dry as you can, pull into through the Inner grove, where the and the swinging bridge had RECIi ES moat mighty monarchs are—the Giant, wear them. shape, and hang in an airy, shady . lai twi.slcd and broken and thrown General Sherman. Jumbo, the Sisters ;H)II the bank, while the swollen river • • « ' I Beet and Cabbage Pickle—Take one place till almost dry. Then iron un- I third Cabbage, two-thirds of cooked and others. We had reveled at the igod angrily by it Voiles and panamas, and the com- , ^^^^s and one red pepper ; chop the der a cloth. contrasts between trees 300 feet high At last I turned away from my sad and the cream enps and other sweet -•irospection. My eyes caught a bination of wool and silk, such as beets verv fine, also cabbage and pep- lansdowne, will be much worn for sim spring flowers nestling at their feet. .riimpso of blue in the distance, and ' per, which are not cooked. Mix these CARii OF THE RANG!: Then we had gone through the gates somehow I thought of Muriel’s dress pie informal costumes lor all sorts of three together, then add one-third of Into the enter forest and were sitting occ.asions. The lansdowne and other It looked on îh.;t other day when I the whole, of grated horseradish; su- In cleaning a kitchen the range at the river's edge at the end of the Nhe had not been kind. Hut then I mixed silk and wools in fine grades , and salt to taste. Pour in vine- should receive the first attention. It ' was joined b.v tlie guide. \V!îO v.-as arc really charming and are durable , j^p of is necessary if you want to get good itilte a ITieud of mine. lie had disco-' and novel. These goods will be largo- , pickle ; do not make it too wet; put results and full value for the fuel emi a new plant and was natui'ally ly used for the one and two-piece 1 in jars immediately and seal tight. consumed that the range should be ;uito enthusiastic over it, so I went into the inner grove to view the dis- -it IS always "correct jumper dresses. I kept clean. It might liere be stated that tlie kitchen lire ouglit to be covery. After I had left him I still Spiced Beets—Take one pint of vine- the household refuse destructor, with had a half hour before train time, so and for any occasion. gar and two pounds of sugar, boil up I went back to llie broken bridge. One of the handsomest and most advantage to health and a .saving to once, then add sliced cooked beets, a Again were my eyes caught by the Semi-ready Top Coat* hav* aa original fabrics seen this season is of the coal bin. To clean the bright little whole mace, cinnamon and clo- glimpse of blue, and I saw tliat a wo- hall-inch even stripes of silk chiffon work friction i.s necessary, but fiuely distinction and always make a ÿooÀ ves ; let boil up once or twice and man was kneeling tieforo one of the I voile and chiffon velvet. These run j powdered bath-brick will lie found put in jars and seal. These are deli- little big trees. In Ûxiord-grey Clirviots and ia ibadMlw crosswise of the material, ending with J useful. It should also be remember- ” ‘Each to her oak th<‘ bashful dryada I V.-6 show tLe Cnester£eld at varying vaiw isVf»“tSI in about eight or ten inches of the , 6 ed that if rust and other .marks are shrink,’” 1 murmured. “If oaks eoukl [ to $40. Tlie higher-priced Coata hav* edge, where there is a border made removed at once much hard rubbing have dryads, why not redwoods?” 1 I asked myself. Rut when she turned | of three graduated stripes that run will be avoided. Stove polish and Usings, hut at $20 you can gat a SMil Pickle for Hams.—This will keep her head and looked at me I started to- horizontally. The goods will natur- QM*ter£eld with silk faced lapali. the year through ; we hang them up similar compounds should be applied Yvard her. ally be made up widthwise. The new upstairs in a dark room where they but sparingly, and only after the “Muriel!” I cried, yet still half be- j purples, green, plum and blue are to keep and are good till butchering parts have been well washed with lieving that It wa.s a beautiful vision. be had in it. The velvets interwoven comes again. To one gallon of water water wlien the range is cool. The But she sprang to her feet her white with the silks and wools are all of add one pint Turk’s Island salt, dry inside of the oven requires to be face going pink and her tear wot eyes emi-ready Tailoring chiffon texture, so that no extra measure, rounding ; half pint molasses washed out occasionally and a elat- holding a sweetness I had never seen there before. She pointed toward the weight is given to the fabric. Of the one ounce saltpeter. Make enough ing of tin limewash at intervals will chiffon voiles and velvet weaves inter hollow’ of the tree. We Cordially'invite you to call and Exanine the full brine to cover the hams and keep be found an advantage. “Look, Armaiui, the miracle of the mingled there is an endless selection. them in the brine seven weeks; then pelargonium!” One af the expensive robe patterns smoke. Ours weigh from 20 to 30 There, in the little sifting of dirt, comes in panels of chiffon voile with pounds, and have always proved gobd USEWL ÏÜ KNOW grew the Lady Washington, not very line of fall Samples before placing your order. a self-colored arabesque design of vel- Potato Parings, which have 1-een sturdily, but still It had rooted and vet near the foot and a wide band of dried in the oven, are a good substi- was alive. Her words came back to me: the velvet below it. Sausage and ham tute for wood in kindling a fire. P. A. HUOT & SON Here is a good tested recipe for “ T might leave this flower here and, To keep cut maidenh ur fern fresh coming again, find that it had taken sausage meat. This is a good one ; do not soak it in water, but lay it root So might I become your wife. SOLE AGENTS FOR ALEXANDRIA. The newest belts are of vivid scar- To 30 pounds meat, two ounces black in a cool place between the folds of a The one Is as possible as the otherf let scintillant with iridescent or cut pepper, four ounces sage (dry), 10 damp cloth. If the maidenhair fronds I held out my arms. She hesitated, steel beads, and always finished with ounces salt, one small tablespoonful so treated are full grown they will and her color deepened. a large buckle. Coral buckles in ginger. I grind the meat as fine as I “Don’t think me boW, Ajmiand. I last for several days. quaint rose bouquets adorn many of wish to have It ; dry the sage and rub didn’t come seeking you. My mother It is said that used tea leaves and the black silk webbing belts. Metal is not well, and I came with her. I it through a sieve, then add the other vinegar will remove stains frem dis belts were never more popular. One articles, and mix it well with the came”— colored flower vases. “Ton came because the love god sent of the daintiest shows a series of In- hands ;• also a little warm water, a 4 terlocked rings with a tiny enameled When bousccleaniiig start at the top you, sweetheart” I finished for her. pint or so. Then fill cases and it will of the house and work downward one “Now. come the rest of the way to the flower in the centre of each, and a keep good till warm weather comes. 4 4 room at a time. arms which may never let you go single fiowei with its stem and foil- I hang the sausages up in a dark again.” age forming the clasp. White linen room. Shy In her love, pulsing with life, 4 4 *^tBM MTBAfTM 09 THB FSXiàBOOKXüXr belts, decorated with embroidered col- glowing with happiness, she came to SAVE YOUR EMPTY SPOOLS 9wtn^g bridge^ The rest of the pa»- lege, club or boat designs, are ex- me. My dream came true. 4 4 Never throw away impty cotton ty stayed away. We were to have this ceedingly good. The belt buckle is Boiled lettuce— — “The east and the west are n>et to- spools ; they have a hundred uses. In Itttle goodby boor apart gether.” I said. “Now I think I can 4 4 usually a flag in enamel. Other belts Wash four or five heads of lettuce, most kitchens there is a rijw ot nails Giant is 6S feet In ctreom- write the book which will moke the are of plain suede with merely carefully removing thick, bitter stalks on which aprons and dishclothes ate fereoce, 806 feet high and is estt world better.” 4 4 a very handsome buckle for ornamen- mated to be 8,000 years old,^ chanted and retaining all sound leaves. Cook hung, with the result tnat they at “Don’t begin It Just yet” she whis- tation. Mtirlel In the words of the guide. **Or 4 in plenty of boiling salted water for freijueatly torn and rust-inarke<1. Thii pered. with her soft cheek against 4 tenor fifteen minutes, then blanch in was It 6,000? Three thousand or 6,000? mine. “Let the world wait till you will be preventid if you force on each Oh, dear! Must I always refer to my coW water for a minute or two. have loved mo awiitle.” 4 4 nail one of your empty spools, noth- notebook? Can I tell nothing with- The mousquetaire, perhaps more Drain, chop lightly, and heat In a thing could make a more useful i eg out always referring to my notebook?** 4 4 than any other sleeve, is difficult to stewpan with some butter, and salt Short Namos. A spool will make an e.vccjli.nt stop she demanded wildly. An English clergyman. Dr. Frederick shape properly, and is only suitable and pepper to taste- If preferred, the 1 took the notebook from her. 4 4 for a well-formed arm. One sleeve to prevent the 'loor opening too fa I, had a prejudice against a long chopped lettuce may be heated with **your lips were not made for facts, I string of Christian names and held that model is shirred, fitting not too close- and banging the tu.nicuie. Cover the dry as dust They were made for”— FURNITURE a pint of white sauce seasoned with 4 4 spool with thick iloih to lof-vent its ! if such names w’ere proposed the eler- ly, , from the shoulder midway to the salt, pepper and grated nutmeg. Af- I bad Intended to say for poetry and I gyman should alter tl)era at baptism injuring the v.irnish of the noor and romance, I truly had; but chancing to elbow, where the fulness used in the ter simmering for a few minutes In I whether the parents were willing or 4 4 screw it firmly to the flooring in the look at those lips, so red, so daintily shirring is caught into a tape on the the sauce, draw to a cooler part of J not It was said of him that he chris- position required. Often enough or curved, so wondrously alluring, I said under side and allow'ed to droop the range and stir in the well beaten j teued all the boys Frederick after him- 4 The most extensive line of 4 finds the door of a cupboard provided “kisses,” and I proved my assertion. ; self and all the girls Mary after the slightly over another two inches of yolks of two eggs. No man could have helped It with no better means of opening than I Virgin. The author of “The Life of 4 furniture you’ have ever had 4 shirring, which slips Into a turned Of course she was very angry. 1 I Walter Pater” gives Dr. Lee’s method a kevhole. Ton '.'an make an effective suppose 1 would not have had her oth- back cuff. j of christening as follows: 4 an opportunity to select from To cook a cauliflower— knob by screwing an <>ne -if lia-seever erwise, but she did not spring to her j * • * “Name this child,” he would say In Choose those that arc compact and useful spools. feet and run from me. I his authoritative voice, 4 in this town is now to be seen 4 It is predicted that the filet lace of good color. Strip oli the outsHle “I will not apologize, for you know 1 “Archibald Cholmoudeley Constan- will be the most worn of any during leaves. Wash them thoroughly and want you so, Muriel,” I pleaded. !j tine Ferdinand,” perhaps the mother 4 She regarded me scornfully. 1 in our store. If its anything 4 the coming season, not only by itself, lay them head downwards in a pan ol LINEN LOVELINESS I would whisper. “As I have t(^d you befoi*e, I will not !I “Frederick,” she would hear, to her 4 a good furniture store should 4 but in combination with other laces. cold water and salt, whiJh will draw To keep the housen-ild lim.n .spotiiss mate with a dreamer. Why do you not j vat all the insects. Boil Jiheni in 1 amazement and then would follow the Genuine filet antique lace is expensive is one of the .mxieties ’h.,t caKful go Into the world and do some mighty II formula of baptism. 4 have—it is here—at the ; right 4 and it will be combined with genuine plenty of boiling water, -.‘ith i I'ltle housew'ives always have »'th them, wca^? Bverybody**— !I In the vestry of course there would Irish crochet and real Venetian point. salt, and when the stalk-j are tenter ‘Everybody works but father?* ** I I yet there are few slMdis that cinnot be objection. 4 price. 4 The real Irish crochet will be used they are ready. Then tak- a iunt of Interrupted politely. j be removed if their agents are ur.dtr- Even with my heart sore I could nev- | “Tlds child,” I>r. Lee would reply, for trimming evening coats. For this lb- boiling water, stir iiU' it . bat- “will have to get his living in the 4 4 stood. As to the *a.blc iii-en, e'ery er help laughing at Muriel and her flue j world, and what do you want to handi- purpose it has for years been fashion- tel made of a little (iimr. a UiUf housekeeper of even the shortest stand talk of workers—little dainty wisp of able. Cluny and Chantilly will also milk and the yolk of an egg, let it cap him with Archibald Campbell 4 4 ing knows that it is the freshly laid creature, bom to be worshiped and j Cholmondeley and all the rest of them be much employed, especially the boil a lew minutes until as thick as cared for, but taking so serious a view ( cloth that comes a f :b;- quick- few? Anyhow, it’s done now and can’t 4 Cluny. The Chantilly will be used in cream. Then put in a piece of butter o£ Ufel 4 est; that it is the snowy cover with- be altered.” narrow bands on gowns. Princess and a little pepper and salt, and some nut “Would you have me a hodcarrler?“ out a wrinkle or blemish for which 4 meg Serve with the cauliflower I asked. “As it Is, I dream, and my 4 point de Venise laces will be much in every liquid and solid on the table dream makes a book, and the book Better Unknown. evidence, and, of course, any of the while hot. brings some dollars, and the dollars Into tho yard of the great factory 4 UNDERTAKER. 4 feels an especial affinity. In house- crept the ragged urchin, while the real laces will be smart when proper- holds where the size of the week’s make several things possible. If I ly employed. Lace nets and filet nets were a hodcarrier It would mean sbn- owner of the establishment watched 4 Apple charlotte— -- ■ - laundering is an item of interest a him from the doorway. 4 for waists will be much worn, and ply debars, though pertiaps fewer of Soak one-half box of le'atiue two sightly cloth may be preserved for them. So the result is approximately Presently the nrchln bent down and 4 they may be dyed to match the cloth hours in two cups of cold water ; several days by removing spots from picked np a piece of string. This or velvet of one’s costume and then the same, and you have no idea how pare and steam eight medium-sized meat and vegetable saucers or from much pleasanter It is to dream than moved the heart of the merchant 4 4 trimmed with bands of the gown ma- apples ; when they are tender loess milk as fast as they appear. To do to carry bricks.” prince, and he stepped forward. “My lad,- be said, “I have a vacancy terial or with velvet or other con- through a colander, add three cups of this it is only necessary to place the “You are a trlfler,” she declared. 4 4 trasting materials. **Toa ought to write a book which will for an <Æce boy at 10 shillings a week. sugar and juice of a lemon, mix gela- part of the cloth that is stained over If yon like, FU give you the Job, for « * • tine with hot apples and stir until a bowl and with warm water, soap, make the world better.” 4 “I am quite sure my books never hurt Fm sure yon will bo a nice, careful Collars of all kinds are lovelier cool ; then harden. Serve with cold and a soft cloth wash away the spot, anybody's morals or manners,” I In- boy. I saw you pick up that string, than ever before. Of the high, turn- or whipped cream. carefully rinsing the place by pouring sisted gently. and a boy who Is careful In little down linen collars, hand embroidered, water through it, leaving it to dry “Only a negatl^'e virtue,” rt» re- things wUI be careful tn big things. partially over a thin plate and then sponded. “The man I marry must be Is It a bargalnî- the variety ig numberless. Their vo- Indian meal pudding It was, but as the urchin sped txana gue endures but the smarter models ironing it smooth. poetttve. He must k>ok“— Mix a cupful of each of finely chop- be beeitated, gazing down at her to tell bis mother aboot his good tar- incline more anil more to open work ped beef suet, sweet milk, mol.isses, Lady Washington flowers, which she tune he muttered darkly; embroidery, inset lace, etc., and col- seeded raisins and flour, two cupfuls had taken from her belt “U be only knew that I picked 19 creates lars having the turn-over part entire- of cornmeal, and a level teaspoon so- Who Uses Hyomei “How7“ I asked, with some interest. that string to fix a da to bl tallr—London Ttt-Blta. ly of real baby Irish are much fan- da sifted with flour ; dip a cloth bag **I don’t deny that I should be win- appetite ing that be should look like you,” she cied. Collar and cuff coat sets repeat in hot water, dust inside with flour, BOYRILBOVRIL added to any dish gives admitted, a fine color coming into her it the delightful odor oi the ideas exploited in the blouse col- and pour the batter in ; tie securely, The Best People in Alexandria Guar- cheeks. “If only you would do Bome- roasting beef. lars, and are embellished with hand leaving room for pudding to swell ; antee in Catarrhal thlsg to make the world better!** Makes your mouth water—puts your appetite on edge. embroidery and often with small mo- plunge the pudding into a kettle of My mood had changed. I would Soaileld Ssap ra heuts uum sUer 3oap% tifs of Cluny or real Irish crochet. boiling water, cover, and boil con- Troubles plead DO longer with this chûd. My iMatvMiMidiBttadiniSjSltttnai Its rich, beefy flavor, starts the ga.stric juices flowing, helping Bay Saallgbx AtMttcea. tho digestive organs e.xtract uiori; nutrition from the food you eat. Collars and cuffs of colored linen em- stantly for three hours. When done No other remedy or medicated treat mind went to the packet erf letters I broidered in white or In a deep shade take out, drain immediately, place ment has ever been as popular or counted as among my treasures. They BOVRIL is not a mere extract. It contains in concentrated had come from different parts of the form all the essence, substance and flavor of prime beef. ^ — of the foundation color are smart on pudding on hot dish, and serve with made so many remarkable cures in Alexandria as Hyomei. country after my first book had been some frocks, and sets in white linen the following sauce : Mix one cupful When tired out, try a little BOVRIL in a cup of boiling Water, The best people attest its curative launched. According to these, my mis- with a soda biscuit. 'T_wlll refresh and strengthen you. embroidered in color look well upon molasses with one cupful of hot wa- virtues. The fair way in which Hyo- sion was not a faflure—my book, coats of the same color as the em- ter, the juice of one lemon, half cup mei was sold, to refund the money though a simple one, bad made better All good cooks keep BOVRIL always on hand. There’s not seeded and chopped raisins ; cook ten unless it *?^’es satisfaction, was the at least a part of the world, but I a day passes that it cannot help make some dish more palatable broidery. White or ecru linen em- —more nourishing. minutes ; add one tablespoon corn- proof when it W'eii^ntroduced that it would not tell Muriel this. I would not broidered in the clear browns are re- possessed unusual curative powders. starch ; wet with cold water ; one try to influence her In the least I ÎB sigsAtuiw wttKS box of ttw genuine AH good g^rocers sell BOVRIL. i. markably effective, and when the Later, when Hyomei was used and arose and held out my band. In the tablespoon butter. Cook until creamy Aixztiva fabieu brown Is of a somewhat light saddle recommended by our well-know’n phy- distance the train was whistling. reu>-

# mines* Sirectnrç. .secret sketch of a girl whose soft eyes hor head neld high. “The gentlemen LB looked into his with an expression ill my home have consideration for the which the living eyes had never worn, - - In - - wishes of ladies, and I told him not to AOIX)NBLIi & 0081ELLO Romance of a this and a leaf of rose geranium which sing. And he has au invalid mother M she had dropped upon the floor. She who is just praying for his success, und BASUSIIBS, Geranium Leaf. had missed It when she left, for be he Is wasting his time. It isn't right; SouciTOBS, NerTABiBS PCBXX(BTC Dormitory 10. saw her glance at her dress and then it isn’t right I” And Betty Belle clnp- SoiioitorB for fiftok of Ottawa. Alexandti ,0nt. By MARY W. MOUffT. about her, as though seeing some- l>ed both hands over her ears to shut thing. In a little memorandum book By TEMPLE BAILEY. out the strains of **Dixie.” In an In-side pocket be kept It where “Some one will toll Dick Chase what « Copyright, 1907, by Bi. C. Parcells. o Copyright, 1907. by P. G Eastment. he could peep at it whenever he Jotted you said about him.” Drusilla told the In a date or looked up a reference. o ■- =6 ! sm.all maiden after the other girls had His friends declared that Herbert One day the glory of life seemed to Retty Belle, coming in that morninj; gone to tholr rooms, MUNBO Wyndham would one day be recog- flood bis world again, for Ruth Gre- from “English two.” found on the “I don’t care,” said Betty Belle hot- M. nized as a great artist “Genius will vUle came to his studio. A charity ba- table In her room In the dormitory a ly, but when Drusilla went away she SoLiorroB, got down at tlie window and looked vJOMTKYANCBB, NOTABT pQBUt, <&0. out” they insisted, grieving secretly zaar was to be held, and she had cocoanut cake, a plate of chicken sand- AlezBDdria, Ont. over the nndisguisable poverty which charge of the art table. She wanted a v^dches and a card. The card read, out for a long time upon the moon clung to man and studio. picture for U, and she thought be “Compliments of Prudence Conway.” lighted campus. Money to Loan at Low Rates of Interest. might contribute some little sketch. He Then she rose and took the one piece They were Jubilant In this declara- Etoudence was the coloreil maid on Mortgages Parobased. promised more than that He would of <.x>coanut cake that was left aud A Special Meeting of the Dairymen of the Coun- tion when Miss Ruth QrevlUe sat to the third floor of dormitory 10 of the superintend the erection of her stall summer school. To be chosen as a pet wrapped It up in a dainty parcel and ty of GLENGARRY will be held in the him for a portrait She wus the first and decorate It himself. She wondered by Prudence meant many privileges. tloon. and in the morning butterfly who had drifted from the at his enthnshisra. When he refused To the girl she liked she brought she sent it by Prudence to Dick Chase, jlDWABD H TIFFANY, E gilded realms of society Into the ob- payment for the work she was embar- unlimited towels, while some less with a Httle note. Town Hall, ALEXANDRIA, scure studio In Herkimer street With rassed. This had not been what she favoreeen called after them know you won't forgive me, but I had SOLIOITOBS IN THE SOPBEICB COUBT, said little. She appeared sweetly anx- had first cast a startled glance at the always. Betty Belle wondered why to explain.” NOTASIBS POBLIO, &Û. kras to have the portrait painted ex- distinguished looking man in evening the northern girls thought it funny. At noon on tl»e campus Dick Chase Cornwall, Ont. The above Meeting is being held under the auspices of actly as her parents pleased. Of per- clothes who approached her when “Well, we don’t string ours together enme up to Betty Belle. MBS LBITOB. E.O., R. A. PBINOLK, the Eastern Ontario Dairymen’s Association. There will sonal vanity she seemed to have none. Wyndham became a purchaser at her that way, as a nile,” Dnisilla Davis “It was right—wliat you said.” he J. A. 0. CAMRBON, L.Ii.B. Wyndham stirred with keen pleasure stall told her. “And Î don't believe we told her soberly. “Pve been a fearful be much value in the addresses given to milk producers, as he noticed her appreciative scrutiny Because he read her thought so well place such value on names. But you cad, and I needed a good Jolt” of his pictures. She evidently under^ he made but a small purchase there, a are a dear. Betty Belle, only you ore Betty Belle sat do^^^l on a seat under proprietors and makers, and it is to be hoped that the Stood something of art Wyndham trifle decorated by her own hands. She different.” the elra.s. “You see, 1 have lots of J^ACLENNAN, OLINB & MAOLENNAN, dairymen generally will take advantage of this opportunity saw behind the roses and lilies of her saw him spend freely at another booth. “How different?” Betty Belle ques- brothers.” she confided, “and 1 know face in Its frame of curling hair a After that Windham removed to a BABBISTEBS, tioned, and Drusilla laughed: how mothers feel about their boys— to learn of the plans for dairy instruction during the coming mind to be explored. He was eager better studia He would try to forget SOLIOITOBS, NOTABIBS, ETO. “Oh, you are so old fashioned and and, then, I couldn't bear to see you Oornwall, Ont. season. At this meeting a Director will be elected to repre- to begin the portrait. her, he told himself. He did not suc- pretty and serious.” going to the bad.” When he did his hand was unsteady. ceed. Every frou-frou of silken skirts Betty Belle blushed. “You are pretty, There was a little tremble to her D B. MAOLBMNAN, K.o. sent this district upon the board for the year igo8. A full To the excitement of a first profitable uix>n his stairs made his heart pound too, Dnisilla.” voice, and Dick looked up quickly. “Do 0 H. CLINE F. J. MAOLENNAK attendance is requested. order of the kind he had longed for expectantly. One day she came. Dnisilla shook her head. “Not to the you care?” he asked eagerly. was added the excitement of painting He hoped she had not noticed his fascinating way that you are, Betty “Yes,” Betty Belle told him without a face whose kindling beauty baffled pallor and nervousness when be wel- Belle.” coquetry. “I think we could be good while It enchanted him. comed her. He feared she had, for a The scholars of the summer sctiool friends if you would pull up,” Some unformed Idea of delightful Bort of wondering interrogation flashed ate at an adjoining boarding house, Dick flung himself down on the chats about art had lingered In his over her mobile features. and at the lunch table that day Betty befleh beside her. “I would have to GLARE BROWN mind, to be brushed aside like a cob- She wanted to have an engagement lîelle told about the chicken sand- be more than friends, Betty Belle,” he web at her first sitting. She was cold, made for sesldcs the girts. As Betty B^e de- “That’s what Drusilla says,” Betty WILLIAMSTOWN ONT, barrier. Nothing of haughtiness tinged pages. Prom between them there flat- scribed the deliciousness the men Bette remaiker, “and I don’t Jnst see ber manner. It seemed merely not to tered a rose geranium leaf. A flood erf groaned enviously. what you all mean.” crimson rushed to his forehead. His “And we don't come to for any ot ''Well, you are so good and true, lit- eyes of guilty cooscloosness betrayed that?” asked Dick Chase, who had tle Betty Bette, Xoa make a fellow 1 MAODONBLL. /Addresses i^ill be delivered by all the story of his love to her glance flunked to his studies the winter be- feei that life is worth while.” of swift inquiry and ctMnprehensloo. fore and was making up during the That night to dcnmltory 10 Betty BABBISTBB He saw that she recognized the leaf, Bette made a confession. EoUoltor, OoDTsyanoer, Commissioner Eto. D. Derbyshire. Ex-M. P., Honorary President, Brockville. bat he could not conceal the tenderness “1 am sc«Ty that I said such things Offioe-<-Ooart Hoase, Oernwa John R. Dargavel, M. L Â., President, Elgin with which be picked It up. about Dick Chase.” They were sitting “It was such a pretty leaf—eo to the dark, and the other girls could OoUeotlODS promptlv «tended to 3tf E. Bourbeau, St. Hyacinthe. derfully formed”— he stammered apol- not see b^ Uusbes. “I was to a bit Geo. A. Putnam, Snpt. Dairying, Kingston. ogetically. of a temper, you know.” She looked at him txavely, a flush “Bouthem blood T* commented Mar- G. G. Publow, Chief Dairy Instructor, Kingston. fading from her own cheeks, and ex- garet Mills. ng Distance 'Phone 64. C. F. Whitley, Member of the Dairy and Cold Storage Com Staff plained her errand as though the inci- .“Maybe,” said Betty Brfle. gMITH A y^ANQLOia dent of the keaf had meant nothing to Across the campus they could see the Ottawa. her. Bat as he wrote down a date Ugbts to the o>en*8 dormitory. In one Barrist Solicitor^ there suddenly rushed over her the re- toocn a crowd of boys had gathered Notaries PabUo Allen McDonell, Local Dairy Instructor for the District. membrance of his falthfulnessi, his around a piano, and their voices floated BOBBBT SMITH A. SANDPIBLD LANGLOIS Bnetein r's Block, Oornwall, Ont proud dignity in pover^T» his modestT out to a rollicking college song. In in hard won success. Money to loan on easy terms. aiXkrfher room a lan^> with a greea She paused upon the threshold and shade made a halo around a man's held out her hand. bent heed. “Won^ you come to see meT* she “Why, I believe Dick Chase is study- All are welcome asked sin^y. Her eyes were filled tog,“ said Drusilla Davto. “What to with a üght he had never seen in them gotog to happen?” before. In their depths be read sur- MEDICAL, J. R. DARQAVBL, M, L. A., p. F. McGREGOR, R. G. MURPHY, ' “He to gotog to turn over a new render. leaf,“ said B^ty B^Ie demurely. President Director of the District Secretary. “Oome 8000,** she added tremulously, Something to her voice made the MISCELLANEOUS. withdrawing her hand, “for I have giris ask to a choroa, “How do yoa N, M.BLLLAITY. wanted to say this.** know?” “Because 1 am engaged to him,** said Tctercary seigeon A DenBist, Avoiding Direct Testimony. Betty Bette. graduate ont. vet. college The wealthy parlshoner had with /at A. McMillan’s Livery. him his pastor, and miles of road were Shadow Sketches. “WON'T YOU OMiB TO SEB mf *nni thrown to to doods of dust by the ALEXANDRIA ONT. Caledonia AAgRTY SIMPLY. Nature was the first artist, and a plunging antotnotole. occur to her that any social intercoorse shadow sketch was the first picture “Haltf* commanded the offle», but made. She is still spreading her beau- could exist between an aristocrat of no n>ore attention was given to him tiful destos wherever a beautiful oh» ►RAS. MCNAUGHTON Elmwood avenue and a dweller tn this than to the flitting telephone pdes. small studio at the of three flights Ject stands in the sunlight, and we ara Over those poles, however, sped a mes- about to learn what she can teach os Springs Hotels of dingy stairs. Her very yoath toatbs have you not admired MAXVILLK ONT. wealth, she was so entirely uncotv- repreBentattre ef the law. 8umn>er term. His fath^ was *worth Under Canadian Pacific •dous of tt the shadows tiiat the dowers and all “Not only did be break the speed a million, and It was hard to graceful plants cast on the ground? Perhaps this Impalpable barrier of law,” complained the constable when understand why be needed to grind Those of leaves end vines actually dto- y^lVERY STABLE reserve might have been brushed aside over books. jMa:hagement the party had assemtoed in court, “but play the outlines od before the dear giewaome kind Is redted by ILyim Tev Sprague to the Ofltlng Magazine in an granite, foreign and domestic in latest designs and “Shall 1 change my position?** she the Heart ld the rage for col- “he Isn't a gentleman.” Itoed by his adversary. The story, we Bill Letter sympathy and golden lights to her lecting exist In those days?” The girls looked at her, startShdL may add, is CurbeTtson*s very own, The Proprietor Guarantees curling hair, luck seemed to have de- But no one enlightened him oo this, “Why, Betty Belle,” one gasped, hot who shall say that the patriot parted. All that was left to those and ho was left to assort history to makes you say such a thing?” army lacked constructive imagina- the best and most satisfactory weeks of poignant emofloci was this suit himself. tion r Heads Having laid in a large stock H eads “He isuX” affirmed Betty Be!K litOl Laundary work of Letter Heads and Bill PRICES - MODERATE Heads of the Highest Qual ity we are in a position fcc iWdNG HUM OCK snpply you quickly with an thing in his line. Ai\ Adv. in PROPRIETOR News Printing Co T'3 Gsa-: ideas The News ALWAYS PAYS bttOhC. Jl JUUUUUL JUUUULJUL5LJL THE î^æws ALEXANDKIA 02ST. NOVEMBER 8 1907

The death occurred at Plantagenet, Thursday, November 28, has been on Thursday of last week, ol Mrs. proclaimed United State# Thanksgiv- ing Day. Isidore Proulx, widow of the late member of Parliament for Prescott The Thaw trial is set for Decem- County, and mother ol the present ber 2. It will serve as a Christmas member, Edmond Proulx. story for the New York yellows.

The foreign trade in Newfoundland Hicks says November will be cold for the year ending June 30th, 1907, and stormy with heavy gales and se- shows imports of $3,069,098 from vere frosts. Get ready for winter. Canada, and exports of $1,611,480 to GREAT Canada, which represents an increase The revenue of the Federal Govern- ment from the Chinese poll tax since of $147,159 over the record of 1907. January last amounts to $391,000. In the same year the Newfoundland CLUBBING OFFER Bog iron deposits, the mineral be- i We have to thank Mr. Hugh Munro trade with the United States declin- Slot machine stamp selling devices ing much more valuable than iron I of this place for recent copies of the ed $161,833. are expected to be established by the ore, have been discovered near Port New Liskeard Speaker, a live up-to- Postoflice Department in Toronto. Arthur. date journal. The London Times in its financial supplement devotes the first article Five new wireless stations will be to the financial situation in Canada, opened on the Pacific coast in .Jan- The Independent Political Labor' The Board of License Commission- uary. Victoria station is ready to Party of Ontario are organizing a ers of the County of Glengarry, at a and says conditions in Canada are work now. branch in Toronto. Over fifty mem- special meeting held in the TownHall sound, but business men must be con- hers have been enrolled since Satur- here on Wednesday, granted a license tent to mark time for a while. Cana So great is the grain congestion at day. -to A. L. Gilmour, the Commercial, adian banks are better judges of the Buffalo that three railways in despair ' * ’ , Alexandria. situation than most of their custom- have refused to take any mure con- The News and Toronto Weekly Globe Twenty-one steamers have been ers can be, concludes the Times. tracts. chartered at Glasgow to convey coal ; Following our usual custom The and other supplies to the United News, on Thursday last, Hallowe’en, -k The total Indian population on I'he French treaty will l;e submite and Canada Farmer to Jan. 1st, ’09 ted to the Parliament of on States fleet which is to cruise this I distributed among the boy and girl March 31st last was 110,345 compar- Nov. 28, the day for opening the winter on the Pacific. j friends of the town, a barrel oi ap- ed with 109,394 on June 30th, 1906, Dominion Parliament. (Balance of Year Free), I pies. The little ones apparently ap- an increase of 951, when all the Pro- Bear in mind, also, that all the re- : predated the compliment paid them, vinces showed increases except Nova The American Railway Association cords show that November is a i: and voted The News alright. Fcotia, where there were 34 of a de- has directed its on Steel for about tiie Price of One-=Only mighty good month not to lend your i * * * crease. The earnings for the nine Rails to keep up its search for the best possible type of rail. umbrella. ;! The several shooting matches held months from all sources, wages and 1 the latter part of last week were at- industries were $2,300.^^00 .r $1.239 A deputation of citizens will wait I tended by several of the members of , There will be lour kings at Windsor less than for the ocevlois twelve on the Kingston City Council asking ' Castle this week—King Kdward, the j the Alexandria Gun Club, who, we months. that a vote be taken on 'oc.ii option Kaiser, Hing Alfonso ainl K ingl laak- are glad to learn, in each case did in January. 1.25 remarkably good scoring, bringing $ on. Some men would bet all night on yit has been announced hy Mr. S. J. • * * a hand like that. back to town a number of fine birds. Jackson, M.P. for 8e'k;.K, that the Mr. Bourassa’s resignation ol ihe « • * * • * boundaries of Manitoiia, which h.rvc seat for Lahelle has been received by A meeting of the members of the the Speaker, .ia-1 a v. rit lor » new THE NEWS is pleased to be able to announce this coai- The immigration returns for the six so long been a bone of coiuciitii'in in election issu id. months of the fiscal year, tom April St. Finnan’s T. A. Society will be the political arena, will be extended bination offer for its readers—two papers for practically the held in Alexander Hall here on Sun- along the eastern border o! Saskatche to September, both mouths included, The Department 11 Agriculture has show a total of 19.1,690, compared day evening next at 8 o’clock. The wan to the sixtieth par.Jlel, then sent an inspector to Grimsby to take price of one, with 147,760 for the same time last president, A. Cameron, in the chair. eastward to Hudso.r s Bay .^nd south- charge of ;rmt importations which year, an increase of 45,059. Members and friends are cordially in- ward to 5 ork Factory .rnd the Nel- are infected with the San •'esc scale. This offer is to old subscribers as well as new ones, but vited to be present and to take part son river. Under this extension Man- in the proceedings. itoba will have 200,090 square miles The Canadian Mi"lng Institute will Hon. Mr. Graham, Minister of Rail- memorialize tee Provincial G ivern- old subscribers will confer a favor on their neighbors and friends ways and Canals, has been invited to added to her area. ment for changes in the mi’'iug act visit Washington and aiHress the Na- Mr. Alex. Cameron, contractor,this regarding the p .ynient of r.ndDies. by making it kown, so that all may take advantage of it. tional Waterways and H irhors Asso- week completed the veneering of Mr. Speaker Sutherland, tf Üæ Hovse ciation, which meets on Decemher 4, Duncan A. Macdonald’s new store on of Commons, has received the résigna X There have been one nnilhon d'vo'-ce THE NEWS is unrivalled as a local newspaper, whilst 6 and 6 Owing to the niecting of Main street north. The work has tion of Mr. Henri Bourassa to.- the decrees issued by American couies in Parliament, however, be has been com been well d^ne, and the building is constituency of Lahelle in the Dom- nine years. no 'hev lersirt l-i calling that co''v the UnitedBtatcs THE WEEKLY GLOBE AND CANADA FARMER, as reconstructed, is pelled to decline the inv't.ation. equal in every way to the most mod- inion Parliament. Mr. Speaker has em now in town. issued his warrant for a new election. unsurpassed as a general newspaper and weekly magazine. Mr. R. L. Borden, leader of the Op- Hotels that contemplate raising There are now two vacancies for the their rates siiouli wacoi'm'a whether position, returned t^ Ottawa on Sat- Hm. Dr. Reaume has officially an- Dominion. One is for Lahelle and the Ihi: same objc't cannot he .a-con.- Either one would be good value at the price. urday afternoon after his long cam- nounced that an assistant inspector other for Nicolet, caused by the re- plished by charging the chair hoard- paign, in the course of which he has to Inspector Rochon, of tlie Separate signation of Mr. C. R. Devlin, who er:. a nominal fee. Send for sample copies to show your friends, and made some seventy speeches. He ap- School System of Ontario, will short has entered the Quebec Government. ly be appointed. While the name has peared to have stood the big stiain • • • Have you -ead the latest voiume not been giveq out, it is understood issued by the Dominion Archives? li well but now proposes ta take a The Registrar-General of Ontario that Principal Gaboury, of Plantage- not, make it your business to read it ADDRESS ALL ORDERS TO short rest, his next pub'.ic appo.uanco has just issued formal notice that no —that is, ol course, if you are inter- being at a meeting to bo held .U th> net, will receive the appointment. pastor or minister shall take part in ested in Canadian history. Russell Theatre, Ottawa, on the kith * * « any funeral service without first hav- THE NEWS, Balloons sent up from the Boston inst.. the eve of the opening of Par- ing received the Registration Certifi- The Presbyterain General Assemb- liament. Observatory and reaching a height of ALEXANDRIA, ONT. cate. The public are requested to ly’s Committee on Moral and Social 46,900 feet record passing through a Reform recommended public owner- notice and in future not ask any pas- The annual report of thé •lustif e temperature of HI below zero. This ship of the traffic in liquor in places tor to conduct such a service without where there is no prospect of carry- Department for the nine mouths of was eight miles up. Higher still the first presenting him with the neces- ing prohibition. record says it was much milder. the fiscal period ending March 31st.. sary registration form, duly signed shows the inmates of the Canadian by the proper authorities. The déath rate in Ontario during penitentiaries on that date to nave Prohibition in Prince Edward Is- September was 12.9 per 1,000. been 1,433, an increase of only 26. land is, according to the Charlotte- The official estimate of Saskatche- The report states the opportunities town Guardian, a decided success. In Hon. Clifford Sitton left on Friday wan’s wheat crop is about 30,000,- 000. to earn an honest living have discour the city of Charlottetown since it for England and will be absent for aged' tendency toward crime. There was enforced this paper says they some weeks. There are rumors that were 157 paroles and 29 pardons giv- have better stores, better sidewalks, his trip has connection with the ne- The Dominion Government will en- en, only 4 paroles were cancelled. steadier employment, better ^ges. gotiations for the establishment of deavor to n^otiate trade treaties better hotels, and general order, con- the AllRed steamship line, as well as with Germany and Italy. • • • Charges of fraudulent dealings are tent and prosperity. that Mr. Sifton is interesting Eng- The Doukhobors who hav* arrived made in an action against the Cobalt lish capitalists in a scheme to estab- at Fort William from Yorkton, pro- Friday, All Saints’ Day, being a re- Lake Mining Company. The IThe Store lish a line of freight steamers In Hud pose resting there until the spring ligious holiday, services were held In • • • son Bay and for the equipment of before they beg;n their tramp to St. Finnan’s Cathedral here both That volte face of the Toronto Store DOYLE BROS. that lead«'’in Montreal. They declare animals Churchill as an ocean port ; but ne- Globe on the liquor question must morning and evening. At High Mass have made some old readers sit up should neither be killed cor made to ither of these can be confirmed. of good service an earnest sermon appropriate to the • » • and rub their eyes. For the Globe to work, that newspapers are liars, that feast was preached by His Lordship admit that prohibition is not prac- Satisfnetion &^good value. preachers are fat heads, that jails The Montreal Star says : “What- ticable is remarkable ; for the Globe Alexandria Bishop Macdonell. Saturday was All ever the party papers may claim, the to advocate State control of the li- should be abolished, and that any one Souls’ Day and Requiem Masses were who objects to work should not be bye-elections in Ontario appear to quor business is astounding. It is, chanted for the repose of the souls of however, a recognition of the true ■ required to do it. show no change in sentiment. The the dead. position which it is just as well for ■ T Conservatives held East Northuraber- the temperance people to face, and, The thirtieth annual convention ol ■■‘-'•.■uiais uviu AurthVvcl- i.iCin^7-'-gwoole with- ■■ 1 / ew ra 11 ;*i/} 1 e F e Y a Ç a i s e Mr. John J. Kemp, one ol Alexan^ the Ontario Women’suGhrtetlait ^Tem- lington, the only constituencies in dria’s popular knights .A£ brush, perance 4Mofi*^ened*T«»da^ fiiorn- which the two parties faced each oth- If the last two months of the year recently opened^k paint shop in the Every day adds to our already interesting display of goods ing in er.’’ Later in the same article The do as well as the first ten, we will building immediately south of the es- have brought into Canada 280,000 ivith a lÿ^j^^bd^^':^^^e5éj{ates Star says : “The Opposition — con- tablishment ol Mr. J. H. Charlebois, this year as against 215,000 last year When stocks are complete this store will be a true reflex of the smart irora all piSs of tlie provjpce' the Main street south. Mr. Kemp will trary to all tradition—has become the said Mr. W. D. Scott, superintendent soSSns pu Suiqnqiqsqns Hqied pimi; of immigration at Ottawa. The in- president, É. McKee, of make a specialty of repainting and city stores. tion for positive aggression and do- crease this year, Mr. Scott stated, Barrie, presided, and in opening re- renovating buggies, cutters, etc. was largely from Great Britain and ferred to the life and energy display- Bring him your next order. ing its officials ‘opposing’ in a half- the Continent, there having been a Having access to all the sources of supply we stand reody to furnish you ed by the Provincial Union. Several hearted w'ay. It ^ breaking no new slight falling oH in the flow of set- interesting reports were presented, ground with any implement more for- tlers from the United States due to with a good assortment of the best productions of the foreign and home mar- Remember the great Dairymen’s the severe conditions of last winter. IK .showing 175 unions in the Province Meeting which will be held in the midable than an erratic golf club, and kets. with a njwnbersbip of 5-,009. The am- Town Hall here on Thursday next leaves the people guessing what they would gain if they were to work a The customs receipts of the Dom- ount raised in the year for all pur- 14th inst. Mr. John F. McGregor, inion for the month are more than a political revolution and lift the Con- poses was J13,7S4. who has had the preliminaries in quarter of a million greater than for servative party to power.” charge, is leaving nothing undone to October last year. For the seven as* months of the current fiscal year the The death^ate in Ontario, accord- ensure a first class meeting. Able 4-Mr. A. L. Gilmour, of Ottawa, who increase is over six millions and a ing to official returns, Is 12.9 per speakers will he here to address you. recently purchased the Commercial halt. The recipts tor October were D $4,930,031, an increase of $273,500, thousand. This is a low rate and is See that you in return will make a Hotel building from Mr. Arch. Mc- point of being present. and for the seven mouths the receipts another tribute to the bealthfulness Millan, liveryman of this place, took were $36,342,766, an increase of $6,- of the Ontario climate. possession of that well known host- 691,790. The revenue from all sources A complete showing of English Tweed and German fixtures. We learn with regret that Mr. Dan lery this week. Mr. T. J. Gormley for the year will be over the one hun- McDougall, of Green Valley, who for and family, we understand, will re- dred million mark. Exclusive dress patterns. The United States census shows some months past had been engaged main on for the winter months, hav- * « • that the value ol farm property in In mining in the Cobalt District, was ing leased the handsome residence, Our Provincial Government should Very superior range of black weaves. New York State has decreased In this week brought home suffering from corner of Kenyon and Harrison Sts., learn from the example of the Amer- value one hundred and twenty-six the property ol Mrs. Archibald D. Me 1 lean railways in undertaking practical West of England suitings. a paralytic stroke. He was accom- reforesting. Last year the Pennsyl- millions during the thirty years end- Phee, of Toronto. We feel satisfied j panied by Messrs. Dan S. and Chris. that Mr. Gilmour, who comes toAlex vania Railway planted out 475,000 ing with 1900. S. McDonell, ol St. Raphaels, who andria carrying with him the good trees, and also 135 pounds of seed In left nothing undone to ensure the wishes of a legion of Ottawa friends, a forest nursery. This railway has now 1,000 acres under cultivation, comfort of Mr. McDougall while on will “make good” in his new ven- If the Immigration returns for the ture, and will cater to the wants of I and in addition to the seed planted last two months of the present year the journey. We trust that under me- his patrons to the very best ol his I has set out 2,250,000 trees. This is Ixadies ^eady^te'^weat Baedg do as well as the past ten, the Ot- dical skill, Mr. McDougall will short- ability. During the two years and a j for the future supply of ties. tawa immigration department will ly recover the use of his-Hmb».,,^ half that Mr. Gormley managed the j * * * Commercial, by bis courtesy, tact, j The “Investors’ Guardian,” speak- Exclusive styles in Fall mantles. have brought in 280,000 persons this ,nd sunny ways, he won lor himself year, as against 215,000 last year . tv'T'he Triduum held in St- FinnarBs ing of the agricultural progress of any warm friends who will always Canada in recent years, says that it Novelties in tartan mantles. The increase is largely from Great'■J ^Cathedral here this week, despite in- e deeply interested in his future, has been little short of marvellous— Britain and the Continent. clement weather, an4 bad roads, was n a word, there is nothing too good I that, in fact, it is now one of the or Tom Gormley. Modest ideas in Winter wraps. * * * I followed by a large number of the ! world’s centres lot food supplies—and English congregation as well as some I successful agriculture has carried with After an interval of eleven years a I Glengarrians are just about awaken it steady commercial and industrial Beautiful silk and net blouses. members of the French congregation, ing up to the fact that they have a new state will be officially brought ' development. In mining, however, the jit opened on Sunday and cjosed with candidate of their own in the Mont- I Dominion was not particularly distin Elegant Lingerie waists. into the union, Nov. 16th, by Presi- ienediction last evening. Several eal Herald’s Old Country Tour, i guished—it had gold, but no Rand or rom all sides during the past few dent Roosevelt, when Okolohoma will /Masses at which Instruction was giv- j California ; copper", but no Rio Tin- Dressy street skirts. assume that dignity as the 46th dhys Miss MePhee has received let- en, were held daily and at 7.15 each ter enclosing coupons, subscriptions , to or Anaconda ; coal, but no South state and the stars and bars of ljl|y evening, the Rosary was recited, fol- fna in every case wishing her success I Wales ; Canadian mining, in fact, bad Silk and Moreen underskirts. American flag will be Increased ac-‘. lowed by a sermon and benediction. I you are a subscriber to the Daily ; no outstanding world feature until a cordlngly. Herald, on page two of each issue few months ago phenomenal silver de- The Triduum was conducted by Rev, will be found the voting coupon. Cut * * * j John McPhail, C.S.S.R., of Montreal’ it out and when you have a half a I posits were reported from Cobalt in I Mr. Wm. Patton, who for several / whose ability and earnestness are soj dozen or so. forward them to Miss Northern Ontario. Phenomenal min- Isabel McPliee, Mr. John McLeister, ! eral strikes have been made on occa- Doyle Bros, and Co. „ weeks very acceptably filled tho posi-i well known to the Catholics of Glen-j garry, that it is unnecessary tor us druggist, or to this o®ce. If you qjCe I sions all the world over, but their tion of relieving agent O. T. station/ not already a subscriber to the Her- here, left the early part of the week; to dwell thereon. There were a great ald, by sending us one dollar we will ’ chief use has usually been to serve as for St. Polycarpe to for a short time number of communicants daily and as secure it for you through Miss Me- , world-advertisements for the favored assume a like position. During hl^ almost constant reference was made Phee for the period of one year and } locality or State ; they made no Main St-ÎJ Alexandria.. that subscriptions fftrwarded by her j claim or had no claim to permanency short stay in Alexandria Mr. Pattop to the cause of temperance the result will just add 3000 votes to her gran made many friends who will was that a large number took the aggregate. A Glengarrian is good ! or consi.stent richness in bulk. These pleased to see him at any time, aqd pledge. The local clergy, during the enough for Glengarry, and Glengarrv ' were the doubts immediately raised also to learn ol his advancement In week, were assisted by several other will be represented in the Herald'» concerning the silver deposits of Co- the service. priests of the Diocese. Old Country Tour, we feel as.sured. balt.