isféb QAECK COLLEGE; \x. £43311:a ../—

All Rabbis and Guests for the Rabbinic Seminar

Leo Baeck College office

11 May 1992

I IN HEMORIAH JAKOB PETUCHOWSKI abbin' St d Da - esda 26 a 992 Please note that the date for the above Rabbinic Study Day is TUESDAY 26 HAY 1992

V NbT Wednesday, as was inadvertently put on the invitation sent to you. We are sorry about any inconvenience caused and hope that you will try and join us for all parts of the day programme, which is.§§ follows: ‘


10.00-10.30_ Coffee . w, 10.30—11.15 3 Conversations with Jakob Petfichowski on logan Min figsggmayim - Rabbi Dr Loués Jacobs 11.15-12.30 Memories of Berlin — Curtis Cassell, Albert Frigdlander, Harry Jacobi, John Rayner 12.30-1.30 Lunch 1.30-2.15 Jakob Petuchowéki's work on Liturgy — John Rayner 2.15—3.00 Jakob Petuchowski’s work in Post-War Germany — .

3.00 Kaddish

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Nrghlnul l IlzlriI} Nu :m777 31


~Eb Jdi”'1925i4~ 12 November 1991 ~

" . 5:137 111137

(Titles of books in bold capitals, articles in lower case)

"Karaite Tendencies in an Early Reform Haggadah" in HUCA, Vol. XXI (1960), pp. 223-49

"Reform Prayer out of Zion" in CCAR Journal, April 1963, pp. 31- 37

"A New Approach to Jewish Liturgy" in Judaism, Vol. 15, No. 1, Winter Issue, 1966 '

"Reform Benedictions for Rabbinic Ordinances" in HUCA, Vol. Vol. XXXVII (1966), pp. 175—89

"New Trends in the Liturgy of British " in

Judaism, Fall 1966, pp. 492—96 -

PRAYERBOOK REFORM IN EUROPE, World Union for Progressive Judaism, New York, 1968

"The New Prayerbook of English Liberal Judaism" in CCAR Journal, June 1968, pp. 94-99, 103

"New Directions in Reform Liturgy" in CCAR Journal. April, 1969, pp. 26—34

"From Censorship Prevention to Theological Reform", in HUCA, Vols. XL-XLI, 1969-1970, pp. 299—334


Ktav, New York, 1970 . V

"Cult, Entertainment and Worship" (The 1970 Benjamin A. Tintner Memorial Lecture), The Association of Reform Rabbis of New York City and Vicinity


DAS VATERUNSER — GEHEINSAHES IM BETEN VON JUDEN UND CHRISTEN (ed. with Michael Brooke and Walter Strolz), Freiburg i.Br., 1974

LITERATURE OF THE SYNAGOGUE (with Joseph Heinemann), Behrman, New York, 1975

BETEN IH JUDENTUM, Stuttgart, 1976

THE LORD'S PRAYER AND JEWISH LITURGY (ed. with Michael Brooke), London / New York, 1978 THEOLOGY AND POETRY, Studies in the Mediéval—Piyyut, Routledge & Kegan Paul (Littman Library of Jewish Civilization), 1978

GOTTESDIENST DES HERZENS, Herder Freiburg, Basel, Wien, 1981


"Modern Misunderstandings of an Ancient Benediction", in Studies in Aggadah etc., see preceding

"Reflections of a Liturgist" in Proceedings of the Rabbinical Assembly, 1986, pp. 4—13

Unpublished Lebtures

"Liberal Halakhah and Liturgy", Celebration of Solomon B. Freehof’s 95th Birthday, Rodef Shalom Temple, Pittsburgh PA, 30 April 1987

"The Relations Between Liturgy and Theology in Judaism, and How Jews Express Their View of Christians in Worship", Abrahamic Accord, Philpdelphia PA, 1989 (513) 761 5850 7836 Greenland Place Cincinnati Ohio 45237-1006 July 20, 1992

Dr. John D. Rayner 37 Wilmington Fold Woodside Park London N12 7LD

Dear John,

My brother, George Mayer, gave me a copy of your recent talk about Jakob before the --thank you very much indeed. Of course, I am fascinated to see How it Strikes a Contemporary.

Permit me one factual correction.

The congregation where Jakob served for one year, 1955-56, before joining the HUC faculty, was not affiligted with the UAHC. What attracted Jakob to Washington, Pennsylvania, was precisely that it was innocent of affiliations of any sort—-

as you might have guessed. -

As a matter of fact, the congregation was recovering from the ministrations, over a period of fifty years, of an "orthodox" rabbi, really a shocnet. I don’t know if you are familiar with the type of American rabbi who served small congregations, without what I call horizontal verification. Some of them may have been Shams and did not dare face colleagues. Time and outlook simply stood still for such congregations, locked in by their fearful rabbis. They did the cause of Judaism quite a bit of harm, of the long-lasting kind (this is my View).

Jakob came into this unaffiliated congregation and they took off! or stumbled, as best they could, into the twentieth century.

Funnily, what had happened was that the congregation had had a synagogue building in an aging part of town. They had built a new, very handsome, super-modern synagogue in an

up-and-coming part of town and felt they needed a modern « “rabbi to go with the modern building. One of the members had connections to HUC via a nephew ordained there, etc. At that juncture, Jakob was the ideal person, for architectural or cosmetic reasons, you might say. He arrived for the dedication of the new synagogueV We have photos of the Torah scrolls being carried from the old building to the new. JakoB advised the congregation to join the Conservative movement, as a compromise, as it were, between their (then) orthodox conscienceg and their modern exterior, After a few years, they did.

Before your fine talk is published, you may wish to correct the sentence for the sake of accuracy.

I hope this finds you and Jane well. To both of you, kind regards and best wishes. WASincerely,

Elizabeth Petuchowski Mrs Elizabeth Petuchowski 7836 Greenland Place Cincinnati, Ohio 45237-1006 27 July 1992

Dear Elizabeth,

Thank you for your kind letter of 20 July about the talk I gave at Leo Baeck College on 26th May. Although it was a sad occasion, it was a privilege for me to make a little contribution to what I think was an affectionate retrospective appreciation of

‘ Iakob’s work. It was also a pleasure to meet your brother, and I am grateful to him for conveying the typescript to you.

I am sorry about the factual error; thank you for correcting it. It was a mere assumption on my part that Jakob’s first congregation must have been an affiliate of the UAHC, and I will try to remember that in scholarship (and perhaps not only in scholarship) one should not make assumptions! I have noted the fact that the congregation was unaffiliated at the time and later became Conservative, and am informing the College, although I don’t know whether there is any intention to publish the paper.

Do please keep in touch and visit us when in London. Jakob is often in my thoughts, and his writings are often before my eyes.

Jane joins me in sending you all good wishes,

Yours sincerely,

John Rayner

Copy to Rabbi Dr (please note that on page 2 of my paper

"Prayerbook Reform in Europe since 1966 as seen by Jakob J. Petuchowski”, in the paragraph beginning "From Harold Reinhart...”, the second sentence should be amended to read: "Therefore, when he settled....1mi_ajj;g;s_egying_an_md§pgrflgm

' ' ' n e nin hin n Pe f r joined its faculty...”