Issuance of Commercial Aquarium Permits for the Island of O'ahu
.I ,, SUZANNED. CASE DAVID\'. IGE ~ Cll,\IRl'I.R"iON GClVl·RNOM. <II I Akll<ll LANIJ,\NIJN,\lllR\I Rl\lU IIUl'i IL\ W \11 f i l E Cnt" Jj P (<JP,,i ISS UlNIJN\\'ATI.RRl"i(JllRl' l· M\N\filt.llNT ROJIERT Ji . MASUDA 11RSTl>f·J'1 t rt JEFFRE\' T. PEARSON, P.F.. l>l:Plrt'Y UUU:l fl IR \\ \11 R A(JIJATll Rl:.St>l !Rl l}\ l!IIATlNG ,\Nil IK_I AN REl"RI AilllN HI REA1 11JI {IINVl:Y,\NCl-"i l"lJt,.lr-.llSSUIN IIN WATI.R Rl _"illllRCh M \N,\l,I.MI NT roNSl:RV,\flON ,\NDCO,\STAI L\Nl>S l"<JN"iEHVATlllN \NI> Rl .\l>l lRCI "i I.NJ:clR< l.MMH I.NlilNI l'.RlNl, STATE OF HAWAII 1:11RI_\ rnv ANll WU Ill lll IIISTl>IUC PRbSLRVATU JN DEPARTMENT OF LAND AND NATURAL RESOURCES KAIII IC II ,\WI l'ilANIJ RI 'ii RVrn>MML'i~ l( ,r,,,: I.\NIJ POST OFFICE BOX 621 ST.\n PAHK'i HONOLULU. HAW All 96809 March 27, 2018 Mr. Scott Glenn Director, Office of Environmental Quality Control Department of Health, State of Hawai'i 235 S. Beretania Street, Room 702 Honolulu, Hawai'i 96813 Dear Mr. Glenn: With this letter, the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources hereby transmits the draft environmental assessment and finding of no significant impact (DEA-AFONSI) for the Commercial Aquarium Fishery in the Honolulu, Ewa, Wai'anae, Waialua, Ko'olauloa, and Ko'olaupoko Judicial Districts on the island of O'ahu for publication in the next available edition of the Environmental Notice.
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