Alpine Garden Club of British Columbia Seed Exchange 2017
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Alpine GArden Club of british ColumbiA seed exChAnGe 2017 We are very grateful to all those members who have made our Seed Exchange possible through donating seeds, and to those living locally who volunteer so much time and effort to packaging and filling orders. READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY BEFORE FILLING IN THE REQUEST FORM. PLEASE KEEP YOUR SEED LIST, packets will be marked by number only. Return the enclosed request form by mail or, if you have registered to do so, by the on-line form, as soon as possible, but no later than DECEMBER 9. Allocation: Donors may receive up to 60 packets and non-donors 30 packets, limit of one packet of each selection. Donors receive preference for seeds in short supply. (USDA will permit no more than 50 packets for those living in the US.) List first choices by number only, in strict numerical order, from left to right on the order form. Enter a sufficient number of second choices in the spaces below, since we may not be able to provide all your first choices. Please print clearly. It is possible that some seeds arrived too late for this printed list. Please check on-line for any late additions at Seeds are garden collected unless marked /W/ = wild collected or /W/G/ = both garden and wild species available. When both are available you may indicate your preference in the space provided or in the ‘Comments’ box at the bottom of the online Order Form. US members: you must include: 1) your permit for importation of small amounts of seeds (PPQ Form 587); 2) the provided inspection station address label; 3) a label with your name and home address; and 4) a clearly printed, alphabetical list of your first and second choices. Leave space on the right hand side of the page for us to enter the information required by USDA. NZ members: please include a list of seeds requested, as required by MAF. Australian members please include a list of seed as required by AQIS. Mail seed requests to: Alpine Garden Club of BC c/o 2921 Palmerston Avenue West Vancouver, BC V7V 2X2 Canada Any queries to: [email protected] or [email protected] Many thanks to those folks who take the time and trouble to collect, clean and package the seeds that make our exchange possible: thAnks to our seed donors Once again, very many thanks to the people who worked so hard to collect seeds in their gardens and in the wild. It is our donors who make our exchange possible and we are very grateful to them. 2017 seed donors Georg Adam, Rosemarie Adams, Jay Akerley, Ruth Anderson, Heidi Baloun, Geri Barnes, Esther Benedict, Bill and Carla Bischoff, Gert Boehme, Chris and Jane Byra, Massimo Cantoni, Alison Carson, Margaret Charlton and Charlie Sale, Andree Connell, Ann Dies, Pam Everleigh, FOGS, Pam Frost, Ken Gillanders, Rich Hankin, Patrick Healey, Diana Hume, Brian and Kishori Hutchings, Ann Jolliffe, Martien Kerk, Paul Krystof, Valerie Melanson, Sharon Middleton, Joyce Miller, Mike Miller (AGCVI), Bruny Monney, Bonnie Moro, Jason Nehring, Roland Nitsche, Anna Oguz, Heather Parker, Erich Pasche, Marilyn Plant, J. Schellingerhout, David and Wendy Sellars, Pavel Slaby, Marlene Specht, Paul Spriggs, Joy Stack, Mark Stephens, Willy van Riel, Linda Verbeek, VIRAGS, Lambert Vrijmoed, Hideaki Watanabe, John Weagle, Brenda Wilson and Paige Woodward. north AmeriCA 42. CALOCHORTUS macrocarpus /W/ BC 1. ABRONIA latifolia W 43. CALTHA leptosepala /W/ 2. ACHLYS triphylla 44. CALTHA palustris var. alba 3. ACTAEA arizonica was Cimicifuga 45. CAMASSIA leichtlinii /W/ arizonica 46. CAMASSIA leichtlinii cream form 4. ACTAEA rubra red berries 47. CAMASSIA leichtlinii ‘Alba’ 5. AGASTACHE rugosa ‘alba’ 48. CAMASSIA leichtlinii ssp. suksdorfii 6. ALLIUM acuminatum W/G ‘coerulea’ 7. ALLIUM cernuum /G/ 49. CAMASSIA quamash /W/G/ 8. ALLIUM cernuum ‘Major’ deep pink 50. CAMPANULA rotundifolia 9. ALLIUM sp. cf praecox. Scented 51. CAMPANULA scouleri /W/ 10. ALLIUM textile 52. CAPNOIDES sempervirens was 11. ALLIUM unifolium Corydalis 12. ALLIUM validum 53. CARPENTERIA californica 13. ANEMONE multifida /G/ 54. CASTILLEJA /W/ possibly mix of 14. ANEMONE multifida rubra miniata and hispida 15. ANEMONE occidentalis /W/ 55. CERASTIUM alpinum v. lanatum 16. ANEMONE oregana W 56. CHAMAEDAPHNE canaliculata 17. ANTENNARIA dioica rosea 57. CLARKIA amoena 18. AQUILEGIA canadensis ‘Nana’ 58. CLEMATIS crispa 19. AQUILEGIA formosa W/G/ 59. CLEMATIS hirsutissima 20. AQUILEGIA jonesii 60. CLEMATIS pitcheri 21. AQUILEGIA saximontana 61. CLEMATIS scottii 22. AQUILEGIA scopulorum 62. CLEMATIS viorna 23. ARBUTUS menziesii /W/ BC 63. CLETHRA alnifolia ‘Ruby Spice’ 24. ARCTOSTAPHYLOS columbiana 64. COMMELINA dianthifolia /W/ 65. CORNUS canadensis /W/ BC 25. ARGEMONE platyceras 66. CORNUS nuttallii /W/ 26. ARGEMONE polyanthemos 67. CREPIS sp W, Shulaps Range, BC, 15 cm 27. ARUNCUS dioicus W 68. CUPHEA glutinosa 28. ASARUM caudatum 69. CYPRIPEDIUM parviflorum 29. ASCLEPIAS incarnata /G/ 70. DELPHINIUM menziesii 30. ASCLEPIAS speciosa 71. DICHELOSTEMMA multiflorum 31. ASCLEPIAS tuberosa orange 72. DIPHYLLEIA cymosa 32. ASTER divaricatus (may now be 73. DODECATHEON conjugens /W/ Eurybia divaricata) 74. DODECATHEON dentatum /G/ 33. ASTRAGALUS purshii /W/ 75. DODECATHEON hendersonii /W/ 34. BETULA pumila ssp glandulosa W as Primula hendersonii 35. BLOOMERIA crocea 76. DODECATHEON jeffreyi /G/ 36. BOECHERA lyallii W 77. DODECATHEON meadia 37. BRODIAEA coronaria 78. DODECATHEON meadia ‘Alba’ 38. BRODIAEA elegans 79. DODECATHEON pulchellum 39. BRODIAEA sp. blue 80. DODECATHEON sp. /W/ 40. CALOCHORTUS albus 81. DRYAS octopetala 41. CALOCHORTUS albus var. rubellus 82. DRYAS octopetala ‘tundra pygmy’ 83. EMPETRUM nigrum ssp. 115. FRITILLARIA camschatcensis hermaphroditum /W/ /W/G/ 84. EPILOBIUM luteum 116. FRITILLARIA pudica /W/ BC 85. EPIPACTIS gigantea 117. GAILLARDIA aristata /W/ Interior 86. ERIGERON caespitosus BC 87. ERIGERON compositus /G/ 118. GAULTHERIA procumbens 88. ERIGERON flettii 119. GAULTHERIA shallon 89. ERIGERON karvinskianus 120. GAURA lindheimeri 90. ERIGERON linearis /W/ 121. GENTIANA andrewsii /G/ 91. ERIGERON poliospermus /W/ 122. GEUM rivale 92. ERIGERON speciosus /G/ 123. GEUM rivale Leonard’s variety 93. ERIGERON trifidus 124. GOODYERA oblongifolia 94. ERIOGONUM douglasii /W/ 125. HABRANTHUS tubispathus Wenatchee, WA 126. HEPATICA acutiloba 95. ERIOGONUM heracleoides /W/ 127. HESPEROCHIRON pumilus W 96. ERIOGONUM niveum /W/ 128. HETEROTHECA villosa 97. ERIOGONUM umbellatum /W/ low 129. HEUCHERA pulchella and taller forms 130. HORKELIA fusca 98. ERIOGONUM umbellatum /W/ low 131. HUNNEMANNIA fumariifolia forms 132. HYDROPHYLLUM capitatum /W/ 99. ERIOGONUM umbellatum ssp. 133. ILIAMNA remota subalpinum /W/ 134. IRIS hookeri 100. ERIOPHORUM angustifolium W 135. IRIS setosa ‘alba’ 101. ERYTHRANTHE guttata 136. IRIS setosa dwarf (Mimulus) 137. IRIS setosa v. arctica 102. ERYTHRONIUM californicum 138. IRIS tenax Dorothy V. ‘White Beauty’ 139. IRIS tenax violet flowers 103. ERYTHRONIUM californicum/ 140. IRIS versicolor revolutum mix 141. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid ,black 104. ERYTHRONIUM grandiflorum /W/ 142. IRIS x Pacific Coast hybrid, ex 105. ERYTHRONIUM montanum /W/ Banbury Beauty 106. ERYTHRONIUM oregonum 143. JEFFERSONIA diphylla /W/G/ 144. KALMIA microphylla ssp. 107. ERYTHRONIUM revolutum microphylla /W/ BC ‘Kinfaus Pink’ 145. LEPECHINIA hastata 108. ERYTHRONIUM revolutum 146. LEPTARRHENA pyrolifolia /W/ /W/G/ Cascades, BC 109. ERYTHRONIUM sp. western 147. LESQUERELLA alpina species, pink or white flowers 148. LEUCAS martinicensis 110. ESCHSCHOLZIA californica 149. LEWISIA brachycalyx 111. ESCHSCHOLZIA californica 150. LEWISIA cotyledon cream fls. 151. LEWISIA cotyledon candy pink and 112. ESCHSCHOLZIA californica salmon mix peach-coloured, semi-double 152. LEWISIA cotyledon mixed 113. FESTUCA californica 153. LEWISIA longipetala 114. FRITILLARIA affinis /G/ as 154. LEWISIA nevadensis lanceolata 155. LEWISIA pygmaea 156. LEWISIA tweedyi 197. PENSTEMON confertus 157. LIATRIS spicata ‘Floristan’ 198. PENSTEMON davidsonii /W/ 158. LILIUM columbianum /W/ BC 199. PENSTEMON fruticosus /W/ 159. LILIUM michiganense 200. PENSTEMON hirsutus var. 160. LILIUM pardalinum pygmaeus 161. LILIUM pardalinum ‘Giganteum’ 201. PENSTEMON hirsutus var. 162. LILIUM philadelphicum as L. pygmaeus f. album lanceolatum double 202. PENSTEMON peckii 163. LOBELIA cardinalis 203. PENSTEMON pinifolius 164. LOBELIA siphilitica 204. PENSTEMON procerus /W/ mixed 165. LOBELIA x vedrariensis form, incl. var. tolmiei 166. LOISELEURIA procumbens /W/ 205. PENSTEMON procerus var. tolmiei /W/ Europe 206. PENSTEMON procerus var. tolmiei 167. LOMATIUM columbianum white/creamy 168. LOMATIUM nudicaule W 207. PENSTEMON pruinosus /W/ 169. LUETKEA pectinata /W/ BC Wenatchee, WA 170. MALUS fusca W 208. PENSTEMON rupicola /G/ 171. MATHIASELLA bupleuroides 209. PENSTEMON rupicola alba 172. MERTENSIA longiflora W 210. PENSTEMON serrulatus /W/G/ 173. MICRANTHES tolmiei /W/ 211. PENSTEMON speciosus Cascades, BC 212. PENSTEMON speciosus ssp. 174. MIMULUS cardinalis now kennedyi Erythranthe 213. PETROPHYTUM hendersonii 175. MIMULUS guttatus G 214. PHACELIA sericea /W/ 176. MIMULUS lewisii 215. PINGUICULA vulgaris /W/ from 177. MIMULUS luteus Europe 178. MINUARTIA rossii 216. PODOPHYLLUM peltatum 179. NESTOTUS stenophyllus /W/ as 217. POLEMONIUM brandegei Stenotus 218. POTENTILLA rivalis var. 180. NICOTIANA langsdorfii millegrana W 181. OENOTHERA kunthiana 219. POTENTILLA thurberi 182. OENOTHERA longifolia ‘Lemon 220. PROSARTES hookeri /G/ was Sunset’ Disporum 183. OLSYNIUM