Opportunties for Service in Tallahassee, All Agencies, A‐Z Homelessness 2‐1‐1 Big Bend www.211bigbend.org 2‐1‐1 Big Bend is a non‐profit organization of 5 hotlines that provide free, short‐term counseling, crisis intervention, information, and community referrals. Liovani Nazario
[email protected] 850‐617‐6309 Arts & Culture 621 Gallery www.621gallery.org The 621 Gallery is a non‐profit contemporary art exhibition and gathering space offering diverse experiences in Tallahassee, providing access to quality art and interactive opportunities. Denise Drury on site webmail 850‐224‐6163 Disabled Services Ability First www.ability1st.info/ To empower persons with disabilities to live independently and participate actively in their community, to increase the public's awareness of disability issues, and to strengthen the community's capacity to fully meet the needs of its citizens with disabilities by actively involving staff, board and consumers in local and state systems advocacy on issues that impact the individuals across disability populations. Dan Moore 850‐575‐9621 x 102 Adult Education Adult and Community Education ‐ Leon Count www.ace‐leon.org/ ACE provides adult learners with GED testing, ESOL services, high school credit for graduation, adults with disabilities education, and senior learning. Edna Walker walkere@ace‐leon.org 850‐922‐5343 ext270 Disabled Services Advocacy Center for Persons with Disabilities www.advocacycenter.org The Center's mission is to advance the dignity, equality, and self‐determination and expressed choices of individuals with disabilities. We promote, expand, protect and seek to assure the human and legal rights of disabled persons through the provision of information and advocacy.