(Nagorno-Karabakh)? How Do You Treat the Deployment of Russian Peacekeepers in Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh)?
ՀԵՏԱԶՈՏՈՒԹՅԱՆ ԱՐԴՅՈՒՆՔՆԵՐԸ Մայիս 2018 RESEARCH REPORT ԵՐԵՎԱՆ, ՀԱՅԱՍՏԱՆ • Compressed spring • Oktober 2020 How do you assess our army's readiness and the skills in terms Howof co udonte ryouing su cassessh a large- sourcale aarmy’sttack? readiness and the skills in terms of countering such a large-scale attack? 68,8% Completely ready 85,6% 84,0% 25,9% Rather ready 12,5% 14,0% 3,0% 30.10.2020 Rather not ready 0,9% 0,5% 06.10.2020-07.10.2020 0,0% Not ready at all 0,0% 29.09.2020-30.09.2020 0,3% 2,2% Difficult to answer 0,9% 1,3% How do yHowou ass edoss th youe spir iassesst of our ar mthey? fighting spirit of our army? 83,3% Very high 92,5% 92,0% 16,2% High 7,5% 7,8% 0,2% Low 0% 30.10.2020 0,0% Very low 0% 06.10.2020-07.10.2020 Difficult to 0,2% 29.09.2020-30.09.2020 answer 0,3% How sure are you that the Artsakh (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) Defense Army and the Defense Army of Armenia will Howcounteract sure are the you Azerbaijani that the ArtsakhArmy's actions? (Nagorno-Karabakh Republic) Defense Army and the Defense Army of Armenia will counteract the Azerbaijani Army’s actions? 73,3% Completley sure 84,7% 83,5% 22,7% Rather sure 11,6% 12,5% 2,2% Rather not sure 1,3% 1,3% 30.10.2020 0,0% 06.10.2020-07.10.2020 Not sure at all 0,0% 0,3% 29.09.2020-30.09.2020 Difficult to 1,7% answer 2,5% 2,5% In your opinion, which country / countries are provoking this war?In your opinion, which country / countries are provoking this war? 92,0% Turkey 89,7% 83,0% 31,4% Azerbaijan 40,0% 20,3% 8,0% Israel 2,2% 30.10.2020 Russia 4,7% 10,8% 06.10.2020-07.10.2020
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