Guinea : Reference Map of Kankan Region (As of 3 March 2015)

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Guinea : Reference Map of Kankan Region (As of 3 March 2015) Guinea : Reference Map of Kankan Region (as of 3 March 2015) Bankolen Mambifagalena Niagassola Kry Tourelen Berlen Sokoromansa Magadiano Faraboloni Linkekoro KIGNEKOUROU CENTRE Bouyido Malsadou Seourou Konfara 2 Gnembou Tanssa Magnaka KOTE CENTRE Balenda SOUMBARAYA CENTRE Kourelen TALABE CENTRE Dialawassa II Kondoko Djanwely Itipony Dougounta Dora Kourakoda DIBIA CENTRE Djinko Ilimalo Naboun Kanimbakalako Kodougoulen KAKAMA CENTRE Tondo Komagron Kayaga Kignedi Sininko Kadabili Kignero Gnere Sininkoro Badamako Kounsounkoro Yirikelèma Kanikoumbaya SOKORO CENTRE DIATEA CENTRE Dita Salla Tondji1 Koda Kebesabaya Siguirini Sakounou Malea Bembéta Megnèkoma Silabado Diakan Toukönö BOULAN CENTRE Gbèdela MANKADIAN CENTRE Gbörökola Doko Tombani Maragbè Kana Sékela Mansadji Sidao Tonso Banankölö Tomba Doula Amina Amina Kinièba Franwalia Tinko Diatifere Fountou Soumbalakölen Iroda Kounkoun Koda Mainou SARAYA CENTRE Tomboni Sinimbaya KOBEDRA CENTRE MIGNADA CENTRE Bökökö Farani Banora Simbona Bida Tomba Boufe Bandioula FOULATA CENTRE Kintinian Yorola Tougnou Sanouna SEELA CENTRE Bankon MALI Tinkoba Kobada Beretela Sando Noumandiana Kandani Fodela Bèrèko Tabakoro BAMBALA Tabako Madila Moyafara Kourouni Banantamou Siguiri FALAMA BANFARA CENTRE Saint Alexis Dialakoro Nedekoroko Banantou Lansanaya Sakolado Manakoro Farabada Dounin Farabelen Bida Bantambaye Woléwoléya Koda Koda Kogne Tambabougou Gbongoroma Kigne Kokoudouninda Dinguiraye Gbilin Balandougouba KONKOYE CENTRE Waran-Fougou Kiniebakoura DIARRADOU CENTRE Sansani Faradjian Tassiliman Centre Kewoulé KODIARANIDA CENTRE Diabotésidi Balanen TANDO CENTRE SAMBAYA CENTRE Tombonin Siko Sokoro KEROUANE CENTRE Gbasamba Koundianakoro Sambaya Konkekan Doungbé Danfako KONOMAKORO CENTRE Sokouraba Konkefing Kolenkoun Koyaranida Kolensen Kolendou Lori Djankabefra BANKOUMANA1 CENTRE Sansa Bissa Talibonin Gbonko Gnoumaya Dongol Sagbakoro Tonofila Sébèfarani Niandankoro Kinieran Kada Sansando NAMISSA CENTRE Kendeya Dambafée Kountoun Komola Koura Signendala Kadabili Bousoura Sanankou Sedaninkoro M'BALIA CENTRE Dalakolon Konkono Gbanimofara Morimoussaya Centrala Taliyaran Dar -Es- Salam Kessoko MAGANA CENTRE Soron Diabakaniya Boroto Gnamatombo Fandia Centre SAIMANA CENTRE Niantanina KANIFARA CENTRE Denso Wassaya Gagna Landi Centre Sadamadiya NONODJENIA CENTRE Korowagnako DALAKAN CENTRE Karankama Sifra Soulafinko Farala Sembadala Norassoba Koundian WASSA CENTRE Kignenido Silabada KINIENI CENTRE Fassoumaya Kandrala Sotoya Wan Koloni Talikan Bondjan Sérékoroni Sölöba Nono Centre Benegban Demendou Wossö Djigbe Fono Bokondo Fadani Namafouada Mangbèko Sokoro Frada Kotabatou Siralaya Bokoro Centre Doura Sokoro Fouadjou Kodiaramba Bolonsonda Popofara Sisséla Gain Oulen Kourouni Gdouaya Sinkeren Morodou Toumourou Layiya Sanguiana Dafée Faraninfe Koindji Oulen Diabagbekoda Cherifouya Diata Kanaworo Wourouba MANFARA FADOU CENTRE Samamoudoula Dankabali Fodédou TASSILIMAN Noriko Gboro Tahibatou KOBANI Bogo MISSIMAN CENTRE Saraya Centre Kobiya SANGUIANA Kamatimadia Djonko Kobiko Gbenso centre Gbilinin Banko Linko Odiamounouna Sily Gare Kondia Kinkini Balato Kokoudini Yirikiri Beretela Komoya Centre Kouroussa KOURALA Fesse Bada Madicé Sogbè Welete Bate Nafadji Faralako Frakoun Famako Kounendou Kouroussala Kobako Sect Cite wouloukin Fissadou Dounouko Gnafini Babila Zangbela Kignedouba SAMAN Fairadou Mandiana Baro Diafara Bakardou Sect Chateau DIARAGBELA CENTRE Fananko Djesse Bankan Sedakoro Sekoro Kato Kognafera Dourendji Kodoko San II SOKOURABA CENTRE Yarani Farako Kiniéba Fomi Bokoné Kobiko Faraba Léfarany Farabana Woyonko Tambiko Segbe Kouroulamini Melleyla Bomboni Koloni Koure BALLAN CENTRE Trido Ilola Bakouna kouroubado Djesse Fara Kantoumania Banle Doula Kodoula Kankan Kamèlila Somokolen Farabalan Brumba Sékoro Moyidalani Dalala Minina Soridou Timbafara Kiniero Gberedou Baranama Dalandougou Débidiana Serekoroba Kigneba Centre Sèguèla SEKORO CENTRE Fansani Broko Yaoulènna Berekena Folon Sanana Centre Benebo Kigneba Djallon Djalabo OURALA CENTRE Woninko Lenko Yirabala Nafadji centre KONSON CENTRE Fèrèdou Kaniko MOUSSADOU CENTRE Laminina Branssa Tiffon Koumban Missamana WAHIRY CENTRE Famanina SALADOU CENTRE Saladou Tebenko Gbèlema Sokouralakoro Djee Boro Laninkoro Fadako Loofè Douman Foroma Wolondou KOMAH CENTRE Koudala Dougna Koura TINDILA CENTRE Woroko Koumban Tintioulin Filako sando Borfingna Kolen Maramoriya Sékoro Somokoro Komana Koimana Dialanki Sédakoudoun Trikoro Kignero Leya Yarakoura Bambayanin Siframa Bindou Kassa Missagbela Gbangban Djifoa Banfele Koumbankouro Sabadou Baranama Sana Barama Kouroufe sidia centre Gnamorowa Morigbèdou Bene Talikourani Sanah Centre NOUMOUDJILA CENTRE Marna centre Sidibora Moridou Fourda Sorokoro Talikouraba Gbereba Torokoro Faranah Sininkoro centre Gberedeni Yirala KARIADOU CENTRE Pampam Wolowoko KONSAN CENTRE WOROKORO CENTRE Guindo Koyou4 Womy1 Gbotola Diakolia Kinieko Nongowa Kemoko Bambarandou Balabadou Dalakan Womy2 Diamanda Konaninko Manianko centre Kansereya centre Gbossoko Womy3 Kébolona Namoridou Nialia Sedakoro Gbela Bissandou Centre Borokoro Saladou Sebela Kalafilila centre Sidafaya Banfele Balila Narendou Bananken Faboya Gnarako Moribaya Narèna Missadou Kossidiya Farabana Tère Tinila Mansouare Sakodou Farala Farora Danka Boudaya Brèsso Djeridou Kessona Sobalia Worondo Bananke Bakouna Djebidou Gbossokoria Simbo Bagnaya Massako Brongbeko Bolosso Tinkon Mounou Benkola Manifala Woella Fesse Dialakedou Baransan Kouman Maraboria Touba Beretela Balan Diallodou1 Marabereteya Koroko Gbolobadou Bouro Tigneko Kignero Bassando_Moussaya Lèlen Frandou2 Douako Sirsala Tindikan Fakissadou Kaballedou Songoya Tiro Gbenikoro Mafran Balladou Konessaladou Sifako Kassaya Yaladou Djaladou Kamamouroudou Gneldou Sangbamba Biradou Irambaly Boula Tamakoloko Kandaya Morioulendou Sefouna Friantou Morowaya Farmamoriya Kogbedou Kanadou Frambadou Lemounoubo Koumbalen Samba Djikofe Gnassoumala Kassiadou Komanaba Selikenè Lebala Banaya Wouloukorö Komodou Tomono Tokounou Fassoumankoya Tonsala CÔTE Farako Merna Kémodou Boidou Banian Sengbedou Facineya Férédou Tinikan Solidou Flowaro centre Kalamando Badoula Sogbe Mansadou Morodou Kassiadou Karaako Mamouroudou Semènèdou Deyla D'IVOIRE Albadariah Tellikaya Dabadou Famoriya Santédou Massagnana Morissindou Kelètidou Fanakö Bankö Gbalakola Farakola Totala Yangbandou Porokoro Diarabadou Foloni Sano Kassabiya Bissaliya-Ba Kossarö Djérédou Kariana Cekoro Manima Kolédou Siramandou Gnataya Djomadou Fanifadou Sokoro Frondo Sibirikoya Siriya Nonkoro Diamankéla Kaala Lolino Siradou YRAYA CENTRE Sekamadou Fadjiya Dougbela Karala Sangardo Lèro Sitaya Sogbenin Linko Nonkowa Sayola Djiredou Mancedou Manfran Facéliya Waramoufe Soromaya Dania kassiadou Koyola Karako Karifaya 2 Woussouma Douya Kansiadou Gbankoya Gbangbadou Fabaya Damaya Kerouane Sirakoro Djibadou Maneya Gbenko Begus Kedjandou Moribadou Firawa Soukourala Wassako Sokourala Kobikoro Foromoriya Famorodou Sackodou Boidou Faraya Sendou Tandéya Fermadou Diatela Condedou 2 Siridou Moridou Kissidougou Dalowa Fermessadou Pompo Kirdou Momokoro Bafouro Sokodou Damaro Banankoro Feredou Samana Diassodou Koumandou Beindou Brindo Farala Forogbèya Condeya Boulidou Siledou Siriya Woroma Fassoya Farafina Saladou Yombiro Telembaya Toumandou Kabadou Siledou Bardou boula Sawa Gbankana Sirwadou Gbassadou Koussankoro Borea Koyafe Manabry Sakidou SIERRA Kilassa Garanke Sibiribaro Bandaya Dafolo Sameidou Fouala Vambadou Kondiadou Tomono Sacedou LEONE Sambaliya Findou Kassadou Kandou Dangna Moriah Toubaro Mamadidou Kabadou Loyaro Seidou Forèya Moyoko Gbawadou Samoidou Moribadou Gbofodou Sinko Koréya Komoidou Bolodou Yendemillimo Monzondou2 Kondela Watanka Gbotodou BOURO CNTRE SENEGAL MALI Regional Capital Region boundaries District (Préfectures) Neighbor Region GUINEA District Capital District boundaries BISSAU Kankan Sub District Capital Sub Districts boundaries Neighbor Country Kouroussa Village Main roads Kérouané Paved runway Secondary roads CÔTE D'IVOIRE Mandiana SIERRA LEONE Unpaved runway Rivers Siguiri LIBERIA Scale 1:1 800 000 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation Date : 03 Jan 2015 Sources: UNCS, UNMEER, WFP, GOVERNM. ENT Feedback: [email protected]
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