Guinea : Reference Map of N’Zérékoré Region (As of 17 Fev 2015)

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Guinea : Reference Map of N’Zérékoré Region (As of 17 Fev 2015) Guinea : Reference Map of N’Zérékoré Region (as of 17 Fev 2015) Banian SENEGAL Albadariah Mamouroudou MALI Djimissala Kobala Centre GUINEA-BISSAU Mognoumadou Morifindou GUINEA Karala Sangardo Linko Sessè Baladou Hérémakono Tininkoro Sirana De Beyla Manfran Silakoro Samala Soromaya Gbodou Sokowoulendou Kabadou Kankoro Tanantou Kerouane Koffra Bokodou Togobala Centre Gbangbadou Koroukorono Korobikoro Koro Benbèya Centre Gbenkoro SIERRA LEONE Kobikoro Firawa Sassèdou Korokoro Frawanidou Sokourala Vassiadou Waro Samarami Worocia Bakokoro Boukorodou Kamala Fassousso Kissidougou Banankoro Bablaro Bagnala Sananko Sorola Famorodou Fermessadou Pompo Damaro Koumandou Samana Deila Diassodou Mangbala Nerewa LIBERIA Beindou Kalidou Fassianso Vaboudou Binemoridou Faïdou Yaradou Bonin Melikonbo Banama Thièwa DjénédouKivia Feredou Yombiro M'Balia Gonkoroma Kemosso Tombadou Bardou Gberékan Sabouya Tèrèdou Bokoni Bolnin Boninfé Soumanso Beindou Bondodou Sasadou Mama Koussankoro Filadou Gnagbèdou Douala Sincy Faréma Sogboro Kobiramadou Nyadou Tinah Sibiribaro Ouyé Allamadou Fouala Regional Capital Bolodou Béindou Touradala Koïko Daway Fodou 1 Dandou Baïdou 1 Kayla Kama Sagnola Dabadou Blassana Kamian Laye Kondiadou Tignèko Kovila Komende Kassadou Solomana Bengoua Poveni Malla Angola Sokodou Niansoumandou Diani District Capital Kokouma Nongoa Koïko Frandou Sinko Ferela Bolodou Famoîla Mandou Moya Koya Nafadji Domba Koberno Mano Kama Baïzéa Vassala Madina Sèmèkoura Bagbé Yendemillimo Kambadou Mohomè Foomè Sondou Diaboîdou Malondou Dabadou Otol Beindou Koindou Koma Sakola Djeminin Yimale Mako Ouladin Néméya Otoumè Sub District Capital Lèwa Konian Kola Guelo Goyala Laba Yentèdou Tamikola Diondala Sogbèni Fouaro Patédou Koronakoro Gnana Sanankorossanfè Dandou Gbawa Watanka Segbémè Blèdou Ii Borola Senany Bongo Star-Guinée Farala 2 Sobakouroudou Badala Senguè Sépé Dendian Guendembou Bambezou Kilima Binikala DoukourélaMoussadou Kamala Gbessoba Teldou Damba Kolimè Boézia Tenebadou Alidou Diakoro Samodou Souloula Kondoma Maa Sandia Katia Vonezou Diémissadoukoro Sidiridou Saama Segadou 2 Koma Tagbi Soro 2 Kamian Nemiah Kolimè Baladou Zimodou Nyela Kamana Gbakedou Morifadou Falango Botèma Goyala Douama Pondémè Bangalydou Djibidou Kamana Sibinino Farala Feremasso Kèbaly Iffo Soïma Tombala Kama Soro 1 Pessou Selega Celaou Magaïmadou Boula Emous Koubéla Touréla Mano Maléma Sassama Bhakpoou Nionsomoridou Samadou Layédou Konéla Termessadou Guelo Lambou Bobo Bokorodou Vasseridou Lagbesso Lèwa Fassa Bofossou Ii Valoga Wamadou Famoila Tignèni Manankoro 2 Morifindou Ii Djibadou Tenodou Flemodou Koundou Salè Diarakoro Traoréla Kekoro Airport with Beldou Powa Kao Lela Bakama PanziazouAssaoma Kpetelzou Koro Korela Kabadou Morigba Fatounzo Dowa Pöwa Taka Woleme Balizia Gbatoubala Manidou Niadou Diaraguéréla Diamodou Tiefè Bamba Daro Lèwa Koékö Faro Seliga Djagbadou Beyla Fouasso Koïma Sanhan Kalita Louoma Banankro Tabilala Tiamodou Boko Kolimè Kolifa Falanko Worono Mafindou Gogbedou Fakourousso Unpaved runway Tongoma Beindou Tenewa Gbetedou Doubadou Kaadou Mah Gueckedou Kendou Fassazou Makamè Macenta Vaférédou Bossodou Kogbedou Siounga Mano Bopita Sakouedou Koïmorydou Dabadou Komorodou Daro Sakona Yamma Tekoulo Louyazou Paziazou Debimè Boïga Singbendou Diassodou Banankoro Labaa Soro Moriya N'Vaferedou Siragbè Kessesso Naaba Kakö Mella Bawa Bawa Yéké Daro Balia Dandou Velezala Bonodou Komodou Vaboudou Nongoa Gbamey Foloou Fandou Toubakounon Sokoya Fangamadou Dawa Bawa Damadou Nvalidou Flakédou Pöwa Baladou Sowonimè Baloma Trarela Fooma Famodou Regions boundaries Makö Douadou Moïla Köhota Benou Gnènèkèdou Diewoulèno 2 Diakoro Dagnodou Saadou Séfédou Kotizou Sengbémè Kassanka Wondekenema Karo Kouankan DomanidouSogbèni Ferédou Lakoulo Baloma Mosqué De Kossialatinikan Bawa Dazaguizéa Gomè Loouma Valaidou Manö Döma Salè Mafta Diabamoridou Bignédou Districts boundaries Kolimè Balassou Ouata Diani Dala Douata Kamana Kolomba Tèdou Orémai Siyedou Koïdou Sagbakoro Wondö Lèwa Foa Morigbèdou Dandano 1 Diatawoulédou Kamena Mosqué De Tagbedou Bamba Zobroma Sérédou Bom He Kounandidou Saama Lengö Nyainlazou Godota Fouama Boola Sub Districts boundaries Kondembadou Wabengou Lazaou Paly Vassadou (Route) Labou Vagbanatou Yabema Goboela Wolokpoï Orata Morigbèdou Sedimè Palan Brikoïdou Vamorodou Mosqué Kèlèma Dandou Campement Kpafala Main roads Timbo Koïma Tongolo Kpowo Galaye Ouinzou Sebamou Gbolokolodou Solofè (Mosqué) Dopamè Damania Woliwolozou Koni Lomou Ouota Balamoussadou (M) Koropara Kabadou (Mosqué) Gbakoro Yilouadou Komoya Koropara Kpeïda Kognea Secondary roads Lamineta Gbotoro Siabata 2 Lokoa SIERRA LEONE Foozou Founbandou Kemodou (Mosqué) Goh Wolono CÔTE D'IVOIRE Baimani Bayama Koroh Gbana Kabiéta Trakore Ouleouon Niomorodou Fandou Madina Labilata Rivers Suokpoyaï Kpinita (AP) Yèrèndou Kongola Mamadidou Pampara Bhoïta WomeyTokpata Laine Sékouta Tonon Guéwé Faïndou 1 Keorah Zebela Loula Nyonta Gbatominata Kolidou Soumouta Fassankoni Koule Bapet Selöh Yaligna Bitienta Neighbor countries Noungoura Koya Cedba Komata Gbatota Yalabala Makabou Kpaye Ouyèyè Gouecke Carrefour De Kenienta Garassou Gueassou Gbonomma Tamoé Zèssou Missadou Silissou Zoboloma Yalakpala Kpoulo Garage Konia Gnineta Soulouta Fogna (AP) Ouézou Kèmonta Siriya N'Zappa Maouon Nona Gbouo Guimpo Zogota Koronta Kpagalaye Kokota Bakaria Bombodou Nienh Powai Pompe Soualonta Sansany Gbamba Gouh Yènèta Sékouta Kotè Kobela Gama Koyama Kpatié Banzou-SudTeaye Batouata Gopouta Lomou 1 District (Préfectures) Bouzouta Baou Cité Forage Barouta Duola Gnampara Gama Yalé Yirébo Sinetata Gbata Bodezia Konipara Woloye Dirita Ouétoa Komou Demou 2 Forage Lepalalo Yalanta Samoi Kpaya Zonita Fanhan Guéta Beyla Gozoguizia Bowe Lonhondia Lola Tounkarata Iii Koule-Sud Guela Laata Kpinita Zowoya Nzerekore Togbanata Kèmèta Zouwè Wezou N'Zao Lomou Gaah Sèita KètaGbèkè Kanvalita Ballo Goamo Ouéta By Kéréma Gonon Zapa Pora Daninè Ouéya Sooh Bipa Yalenzou Zagata Kpaole Zabia Thiepa Iro Gueckedou LIBERIA Tenia Kouita BhéinToulemou Ziguepo Gbokomeye Yakpata Guéiwi Soromiata 1 Gbèi Kogota Gbanhoé Gban Gottoye Kpaolé Péla 2 Lanaï Bounouma Bossou Lola Waïta Gborota Kankoré N'zoo Yilata Pela Nyon Gwèla Woopoukwèlè Gbèlèye Yomou Kilikpala Vöngböpa Thuo Mèlèkpoma Dié 2 Yosönö Kpao Macenta Dongouéta Gbamou Gamanta Mêlou Banie Zahakpala Koïpa Forofognè Zöwèta Vagna Kpaala Yaï Béméye Pamporé N'Zérékoré Yowa Gangamou Yowi Guélia Bheta Dissaye Dourapa Koïma Goola Lagbara Nawèi Yomou Baffala Nyiaï Gbein Cité Daninè Bignamou Seala Diecke Guibhi Banzou Gbèipa Goyopa Neighbor District Baouta Baala Denla Yassata Gonon Kowi Nimpa Scale 1:1 600 000 The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Creation Date: 03 Jan 2015 Sources: UNCS , UNMEER , WFP, GOVERNMENT. Feedback: [email protected]
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