HAWA I I KMCAS, Kaneohe Bay, HI MARI June 16, 1978

THIS JOB IS A CUT -UP! - Staff Sergeant J. P. Strom, Packing, Packaging and Preserving (P,P&P) NCOIC, cuts lumber to be used in the construction of pallets. For story and photos see page 5.

'bow WC.


Must have taught between 1966-75 In this issue Pops' Day Overseas teachers due back pay: DOD Sunday is Father's Day and the The Department of Defense equal to the prevailing practice of pay should furnish the Depart- Hawaii Marine takes a look at (DOD) announced recently that a majority of the large stateside ment of Defense, Office of Depen- the tradition and how it got teachers employed by the DOD school districts. The maximum dents Schools, Attention: Back started on page 2. Overseas Dependent School Sys- payment authorized by the court Pay, 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, tem between April 14, 1966 and is S10,000, before deductions. Alexandria, Va., 22331, the fol- Conservation June 30, 1975 have until Novem- On February 1, 1978, the lowing: name under which Station housing occupants and ber 1 jp apply for back pay entitle- Department of Defense essen- employed, date of birth, social even single residents- enn help ment under a court judgment tially completed notification to security number, inclusive dates the air station cut down on elec- issued in June 1975. more than 20,000 current and of employment, and, if currently tric bills by cutting down on hot former teachers of the back pay employed by the Federal govern- water. See page 3. The judgment resulted from a due them_ To date, more than 25% ment, the name and address of class action suit in which the of this number have received their the employing agency. No further Bond meets Islanders court ruled that DOD had been back pay checks, with payments application is required. The When Marines are on hand, the compensating teachers under a averaging between $3000- Department will compute each Hawaii Islanders do a little bet- year-old salary schedule and had $4000. teacher's entitlement and so ter. See page 7. failed to give the teachers pay Former DOD school teachers advise the teacher, without credit for teaching experience who have not yet applied for back further action on his part. 16-year NRS worker retires today

By LCpI. Randy Daugherty Md. She came to Oahu in 1945 to explained that she was leaving work for the Department of the due to family needs, not because After 16 and one-half years, Navy and has lived here since she wants to. When asked what Mrs. Millie Graham, a book- then. She was married in 1949 she would do now, Mrs. Graham keeper with the Navy Relief and has lived in Kailua since jokingly said, "Catch up on 16 and Society office here, is retiring 1959. one-half years of house today. During her many years on cleaning." Millie then said she Millie began her career with Oahu, Mrs. Graham has partici- intends to catch up on some Navy Relief after her husband, pated in various volunteer reading and do some knitting and George Graham retired from the projects. During her children's sewing. Millie also plans to return Navy. She has spent her 16 years school years, she worked with the to other volunteer work. with Navy Relief here doing most Parent Teacher Association "I want to thank the people on of the jobs in the office at one time (PTA). She has also worked as a the base for all the support they or another volunteer at the Kailua Library. have given Navy Relief. It has Mrs. Graham was born in Cali- "I hate to leave. I don't want to been a gratifying job," concluded fornia and raised in Baltimore, go," said Mrs. Graham. She Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Millie Graham Page 2, Hawaii Marine, June 16, 1978 Happy Fathers Day Dads receive day of recognition

The famous painting of Whistler's Mother was for seemingly in a left-handed manner. In proclaiming many years identified with Mother's Day, but what Father's Day in 1924, President Calvin Coolidge of Whistler's father? said, "The widespread observance of this day is While James McNeil Whistler's mother was calculated to establish more intimate relations posing in her rocking chair for that now-famous between fathers and their children and also to portrait, dad was pursuing an Army career and impress upon fathers the full measure of their obli- railroads for the Tsar of Russia. gations." Yet the term "Father" has always been one of Another probable reason is that father and son honor, and it has been the custom to bestow it on didn't see eye to eye on the artist's chosen men who have contributed something of im- profession. Whistler's father, Major George portance in human affairs. Some examples are: Washington Whistler, was a graduate of the U.S. Father of his Country, George Washington; Father of Military Academy at West Point. The young Whistler American Methodism, Francis Asbury; Father of became a cadet, but he neglected his studies in favor Angling, Izaak Walton; Father of Comedy, Aris- of sketching and was dropped from the Academy in tophanes; Father of English Printing, William his third year. Dad never forgave him. Caxton; and the list could go on. The credit for starting a day to honor fathers probably belongs to Mrs. John Dodd of Spokane, This year Father's Day is celebrated by Wash., where she organized the first celebration of Presidential Proclamation on June 18. It's a special Cadet Whistler at West Point the day on 19, 1910. day for fathers and anyone who has ever had one. Even when dad was finally recognized, it was Don't forget to remember dad! tr I AM YOUR Day: Tflakings nemaralyrkle3r5oyfedars otorodnevtoeloopu; today's Flag flag

Between flights from the city of Philadelphia Their reply continued in a manner which was un- FRIIJOS before advancing British forces, the Congress of doubtedly confusing: "Some of the States have I am your Flag. the new nation of the United States of America, vessels of war distinct from those of the United I am not a pennant, but a pur- enacted the charter establishing our Nation's flag on States. For example, the flags of the vessels of war of pose; June 14, 1777, the State of Massachusetts Bay have sometimes a not a standard, but a symbol; pine tree, and those of South Carolina, a rattle- not a banner but a belief. snake in the middle of thirteen stripes. Merchant The resolution spelled out the requirements for ships have often only thirteen stripes, but the flea of I was conceived in justice, the flag: "Resolved that the flag the United States ordained by Congress is the fostered by the love of liberty, be ripes alternate re. lir itt thirteen stripes and ribed." and nourished by the desire for be i ars whit freedom. con I am not a flag, but your Flag. 144 * * psed before th design of the My fate is in your hands. * * * , * off exact detail. can rise equal to your highest ated as the hopes. re n birthday ajor changes I am indicative of your ideals A n , Congress nacted a bill and symbolic of your sacrifices e e ay 1, 179 the 11, of the United in the preservation of Liberty, St S be " stars, e in a blue Freedom, and Justice sol th trookis us, I am not a substant e, but a shadow: new w The heroic spirit chan S CS of all the great Americans . tions were of Washington and Wayne, Co ass state that begin- of Jefferson and Jones, expre a u I that th uti°h, h flag wa§,to be "thirteen of Calhoun and Carver. shoul ese e British f ed and hite; the I flew as proudly at Charleston chose he "Stars e y A second as at Concord, those o g F ers used ourth of at San Antonio as at San Juan their im Rio , white, a ion of every new State, a Hill, banners , moreover, di th at Iwo Jima as at Independence Stars an es for anot Hall. carrying various S. I am a composite of a Nation's statigir-and-myths ideals the the and a denotation of its desires. Wh ing of Naples de one ass ne to U. ed f torian dis to I am Old Glory . . . Benj m the U S. t in was hanging in the the Star Spangled Banner . represe rance, for a des- the Red, White and Blue. b e intellectual caliber and o t U.S. flag. I am what you believe me to be, cription he. Ines of George Washington and and am nothing more. Robert Morris would fritter away an afternoon in fa- Love and respect me, miliar discussion with an indigent seamstress over then Freedom, Liberty, and the trifling detail of how the stars in a flag should be Justice live. The statesmen answered, "It is with pleasure that cut and arranged exceeds the reasonable bounds of we acquaint your excellency that the flag of the human creduity." Neglect me and we perish United States together. of America consists of thirteen Stripes, alternately red, and white; a small square in I am YOUR FLAG the upper left, next My fate is in your hands. to the flag staff, is a blue field with thirteen white stars, demoting a new constella- It is the history of the people represented by the ' tion." American flag which gives it true significance.

Hawaii marine Commander, Marine Corps Seers Pecdic 1034th Loam E Drown in Chagos teat 1 D Mahn 12117.20741 Office' The Hawaii M arms is published weekly Editor Mallon Martinet, Jr (217-2141) on i Today for Merinos. Navy personnel. dependents and civilian employes et Mane Mkt Corps commends on Oahu Sports Editor Sot Oil Fullat,ca(217-2142) It 'sprinted midi approprseted funds by Hews, Hoch.. Ltd Honolulu HI. under the SUIPNVISIOO PI the Joint Public Afters Office, KAICAS Kaneohe Say, Hi 911143. in compliance with the Deportment . of the Prow and Entertmehent Editor ...... Ow Cathy Seaga 1217.2431) Mann. Corps publications end prontino toeutatsone The Hawaii Marine is member of the Armed Forces News Bureau. Press Chief ...... Chest. J 111 Mahn 1207.21421 Views and opinions expressed are not necessarily ropes of die Mane Corps The Hems, Mane . . . . 111e1 is published to inform. Staff Wriest ...... At C.. (2572142) educate end and should ...... CO Chuck Sway (217.2141) entertain not be interpreted ant directly, on nature Mention of products. personalities and services StallWOW ...... does not constitute endorsement Staff taftWat Sot Lends hitartimaa 12117.21411 by this newspaper or the command AM copy subouttod for publication must roach the Staff WAN Cpl Richard MacDonald 1217.21421 editors& office in Bldg 301 by Tuesday noon prior to publication data AM copy via be screened and edited in Ocoordsoco Suitt W.I., I-00 Randy Daugherty 121721421 with the editorial policy established by the HISOOSII Mane Community Relations tigt Lu J4011237.24311 Community Relations ...... Sgt. Wendy Wafters 1207.24311 Camp 'khan, Cotowt.nda01 1111 W J Car.... (477 -4231) June 16, 1978, Hawaii Marine, Page 3

CHANGE IN HA vidual accounts, for those Marine stationed here, the new rates will At a . Effective glance.. May 26, a new change be reflected in the pay checks has YACHT CARNIVAL been made in the rates of Off June 30. In quarterly recruiting, only Air Station Housing Allowance for On Sunday from 11 TEEN CENTER a.m. to 7 Force achieved 100 percent of its Marines Stationed on Oahu. p.m., the Kaneohe Yacht Club, 44- objective, with Army at 97 per- Daily rates of housing GRAND OPENING Kaneohe allowance The renovated 503 Bay Dr., will host a cent, Navy at 95 percent and the now in effect are as follows: Teen Center will combined State of Hawaii yacht Marines at 93 percent. - have a grand opening tomorrow clubs carnival, titled "Cup Capers Quality of recruits in terms of at 6:30 p.m. Colonel John Miller, '78." Sailing races, plant sales, high school graduation is down. WITHOUT WITH station commander, will open the flea market, food, One year OFFICERS DEPENDENTS DEPENDENTS center for all dependent games, free ago at the same time, 71 $6.10 $7.45 beer, U.S. Coast Guard heli- percent of all recruits were high 0-5 5.60 6.75 teenagers here on the air station. copter demonstration, plus many school graduates. Today, 62 0.4 5.00 6.05 The center is located in Family other activities are planned. Cost percent are. 0.3 4.40 5.40 Services Classroom 3 next to the is $2 per person (12 years of age 0-2 3.80 4.85 Thrift Shop. Admission is free and older). This benefit carnival is But another measurement of 0-1 3.00 3.90 with ID cards and refreshments W-4 4.80 5.80 will be sold. to obtain funds to assist selected quality - testing out at Category W3 4.30 5.30 sailors to represent the State at III or better - remained at the W.2 3.75 4.75 The new hours for the center the National Sailing Champion- same high 96 percent level. W-1 3.35 4.35 are: Thurs., 7-10 p.m., Fri., 7-11 p.m., Sat., ships on the mainland later this The biggest statistical jump ENLISTED 7-11 p.m. and Sun., 7- year. was in almost doubling the num- E-9 6.05 8.50 10 p.m. ARMED FORCES STRENGTH ber of women recruited to 15 E-8 5.60 7.90 Quarterly manpower statistics percent for the quarter, versus E- 7 4.75 7.35 for January-March 1978 show eight percent for the same period E-6 4.30 6.75 E-5 4.15 6.20 Share the armed forces numerical a year ago. E-4 3.65 5.45 strength still on target at the two- E-3 3.25 4.75 million manning level. The recruiting of blacks E-2 2.90 4.75 the ride At the end of March, there were remained at about the same level E-1 2.75 4.75 2,058,500 military members on as last year, 20 percent this year Due to processing time with active duty, or 99.8 percent of the compared to the 18 percent for required for disbursing docu- 2,062,800 objective. the same quarter in 1977. ments submitted to change indi- a friend. Conservation Too much hot water keeps us in it The hot water heater is the single largest consumer of energy and is therefore subject to the greatest wastes. There are a number of things that the station and family housing occupants, here, can do to substantially reduce hot water usage. It requires 25 gallons of hot water to wash one dish- washer load. The average housewife does a load of dishes with the washer 1/2 to 2/3 full. If full loads were utilized, the following savings would result: for an elec- tric heater it takes 5.5 kwh of electricity to heat the water at a cost of 19C. The annual cost is $70. Full loads would save approximately $35 annually. Family housing occu- pants are encouraged to hand wash dishes, particularly when small amounts of dishes are involved. In the washing machine, the hot and warm rinse cycle consumes 25 gallons of hot water. This requires 5.5 kwh of electricity at a cost of 190. Many of today's fabrics do not require a hot wash cycle with a warm rinse cycle. A warm wash or even a cold wash and rinse cycle will do as good or better job and provide a longer garmet life. Many delicate fabrics require a much shorter wash cycle. Most laundry gets just as clean by using cold water de- Photo by Cpl Rschercl MscOonekl 325 LB. KALUA PIG STARS IN HMM- Squadron (HMM)-265's Luau at tergents. 265 LUAU - Gunnery Sergeant H. Bellows AFS recently. The huge pig Full loads should be washed unless the washer is Patomo (right) and his two Hawaiian was cooked overnight in the special equipped with a variable load cycle, then they should be friends are making final preparations Hawaiian style in an underground oven adjusted accordingly. The average housewife does eight for the distribution of the well-done, pit (imu). The HHM-265 Marines will loads of wash per week. On a yearly basis, this represents 325-lb. kalua pig to more than 600 par- be leaving soon on a Western Pacific 10,400 gallons of hot water at a cost of $79 for the elec- ticipants in Marine Medium Helicopter deployment. tricity. By using full loads and taking advantage of lower temperatures for some garments, the savings are about $39 annually. The average bath requires approximately 25 gallons of water, 15 of which are hot water. A five-minute shower consumes 15 gallons of water (with a water savings device), eight of which are hot water. In a year's time, a family of three, each taking a daily shower instead of a tub bath, could save $83 for electric heating. In summary, for the average household with electric heater, savings of $157 are possible if the occupant is not now practicing the above recommendations. Most residential water heaters have a thermostat setting, to control water temperature output. Design criteria call for a minimum temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit for those homes with dishwashers and 120 degrees Fahrenheit for others. The setting is usually ad- justed at the factory and very often will be above the 140 degree Fahrenheit minimum. With an electric water heater (for every degree above 140 degrees F.) it takes an additional 2.5 watts per gallon to heat this water. For an average home which consumes 23,700 gallons of hot water per year (assuming all other conservation measures are used), this represents $2 per Photo by CPI J." Orland* degree F. over 140 degrees F. Thus, a water heater set at IN APPRECIATION - Pointing out Mokapu School. The 5th grade classes 150 degrees F. is costing an additional $20 per year in their contributions to a mural pre- of the school combined, under the electrical consumption per family housing unit. sented to the station's Public Works, as direction of Ms. Chang, to make some- Water saving devices for showers restrict the flow of Robert Booth, public works officer and thing "really special" to present Public water. They are available from a wide variety of sources art teacher Wanda Chang look on, are Works in appreciation for the many in- and can range in cost from a few dollars to as much as Helen Townsend and Michael Kamai, stances in which they hliv come to the $30 or more. All showers should be equipped with these Members of the 5th grade glass of aid of the school. devices as soon as possible. Page 4, Hawaii Marine, June 16, 1978 Working in avionics not his only talent During ceremonies conducted parent squadron, VMFA -1 12, that in the office of Colonel Stanley had then just recently changed to Chaligren, commanding officer the F-4 from the F-8 Crusader. Marine Aircraft Group (MAG)-24. Taking another leave of absence First Lieutenant Mark Hunt, a from his job at AT&T, lstLt. Hunt limited duty officer (LDO) who returned to active duty in August serves as Marine Fighter Attack, 1976. Squadron (VMFA)-232's avionics On this latest active duty stint. division officer, was commis- 1stLt. Hunt received a letter of sioned to his present rank. appreciation from the command- This in itself is not an unusual ing general of the First Marine occurrence, as a number of highly Aircraft Wing (MAW) for his qualified warrant officers are superior performance of duty as selected as LDOs each year. What assistant wing avionics officer, makes this particular promotion and just prior to his departure unique is the fact that just 22 from the 1st MAW was meritori- months ago 1stLt. Hunt was a ously augmented into the regular field equipment engineer work- Marine Corps. ing for American Telephone & Lieutenant Hunt attributes his Telegraph, specializing in micro- success to two factors. "First and wave carrier systems. These sys- foremost, I believe, is the out- tems account for about 70 per- standing leadership that I have cent of the long distance calls in had the privilege of being exposed the United States. to during this period. And second, In 1967 1stLt. Hunt, a native of are the infinite number of chal- Dallas, left the Marine Corps. lenges the Marine Corps has to Electing to remain in the Marine offer," he said. "I can only speak Corps Reserve, he took leaves of for the aviation side of the house, absence from AT&T to improve however, I feel MAG-24 as the Avionics largest group in the Marine Corps, his lot, attending "B" Feswerme School, Aviation Maintenance certainly is the most challenging Photo by Sgt G W with its unit rotation commit- CHANGE OF COMMAND Lieutenant Colonel W. D. Seymour Officers Course and the Main- (right) receives the Headquarters tenance Officers Supply Course. ment. and Service Battalion colors from Colonel V. L. DeBoever in a change of command ceremony at Camp to his com- "The one thing I would like to After demonstrating Smith June 9. LtCol.Seymour serve as Camp Com- manding officer, Lieutenant get across to our young Marines," will also the Colonel John Kretsinger, his avid he went on, "is that opportunity in mandant for Camp H. M. Smith. interest in aircraft avionic main- the Corps is not dead. Anyone tenance, lstLt. Hung was asked who possess the necessary to consider active duty training in initiative and drive can excel and Leatherneck receives the complex F-4 Phantom air- outdistance his or her con- met,. This would benefit his temporaries." recruit honor medal By Cpl. Chuck Henry physical fitness test scores as well as general military Ask Private First Class Roger knowledge and leadership ability. Weiss how he feels about the Private First Class Weiss, Marine Corps and he'll tell you whose father is a former Reserve that he really hasn't been in long Marine, left recruit training with enough to solidify an opinion. The the honor medal, a meritorious short time he has spent in the mast and with the ranking of service, though, has gone well. platoon and training series honor man. He was promoted to Weiss, a native of Augusta, his present rank upon graduation Wis., and now a grenadier with Company from boot camp and because of "K," 3rd Battalion, his "honor" Third Marines, was awarded the status was pre- American sented with a free dress blue uni- Spirit Honor Medal form upon his graduation from by the Corps. recruit Having only been training in April at Marine Corps in Hawaii for a month Recruit Depot, San Diego. now, PFC Weiss is still learning to adjust to life in garri- The medal, which is presented son and training with a line com- by the Citizens Committee for the pany but if his past performance is Army, Navy and Air Force, Incor- an example of what is to come, Photo by SSgt Al Co. porated, is given to an average of then good things are in store for SUCCESS STORY - It's with a look satisfaction that 'halt. Mark four or five Marine recruits a year this Marine who in just his first Hunt receives the silver bars proclaiming him a limited duty officer in recognition of outstanding per- weeks of service displayed the from Colonel Stanley Challgren, commanding officer, Marine Aircraft formance at the training grounds "outstanding qualities of leader- Group-24, and his wife Suzanne. What makes this promotion unusual where Marines are made. Taken ship best expressing the Ameri- is the fact that just 22 months ago 'I MU. Hunt, avionics division into consideration when deciding can Spirit, Honor, Initiative, officer for Marine Fighter Attack Squadron-232, was a civilian field if and when the medal should be Loyalty and High Example of equipment engineer working for American Telephone & Telegraph. awarded are rifle range and Comrades in Arms."

Twelve Kaneohe-based degrees were awarded to Master tenance Squadron (Psychology, Servicemen Marines and sailors received Sergeant John Berumen, Jr., of with distinction), Staff Sergeant degrees during the month of May H&S Company, 1/3 (Sociology), Jackie Hendren of MACS-2 through educational programs Master Chief Hospitalman James (History, cum laude), Sergeant offered by Chaminade University Connors of Headquarters Vernon Hines of Company "B", of Honolulu. Company, Brigade (General Busi- First Radio Battalion (History), get their ness, cum laude), Senior Chief Sergeant Ronald Kesler of Receiving Associate of Gen- Hospitalman Thomas Daniels of VMFA-232 (Sociology), Captain eral Studies degrees were Cor- "A" Company, First Medical Bat- Lawrence Machabee of Com- poral Allen Gould of H&MS-24 talion (General Business), Cap- munication Support Company Chaminade (Social Science) and Sergeant tain Arthur Daniels, Jr. of H&S (General Business, with distinc- Michael Pare of Headquarters Company, First Radio Battalion tion) and First Lieutenant Battery 1/12 (Business Manage- (History, with distinction), Raymond Willis, H&S Company, ment). Warrant Officer Loren Jaduk of BSSG (General Business). degrees Bachelor of General Studies Station Operations and Main- June 16, 1978, Hawaii Marine, Page 5

Wrapping things tight, a job for PP&P Story by LCpl. Randy Daugherty pallets, according to the size of the gear being packed. Then along with Sergeant Joe Aguilar, they pack the equipment into the crates, ensuring There are many small units which are important to the efficiency and each piece of equipment is wrapped in plastic cushioning to.prevent any operation of the 1st Marine Brigade, but receive little or no recognition. damage or excessive movement during shipment. Packing, Packaging and Preserving (P,P&P) of Marine Aircraft Group Meanwhile Corporal Steve Wiley, of shipping and receiving, makes (MAG)-24 is one such unit. sure the gear coming through P,P&P has the correct paperwork and identification. When the crates are ready to be shipped, it then becomes The main task of P,P&P is exactly what th name implies; packing, Cpl. Wiley's responsibility to check all shipping documents for accuracy. packaging and preserving. They receive equipment from MAG-24 that is All of these men and others work together to perform a small but vital not needed here, pack it up and send it where it is needed. part of the MAG-24 mission. Like many of the small units aboard the There are several different jobs with P,P&P. Lance Corporal Doug station, the Marines of P,P&P perform their job with the pride of knowing Barger, the shop carpenter, first builds a variety of different crates and they are an essential part of an overall operation.

INSTRUCTIONS FOR PACKING A BOX? - No, but clost, Staff OM& bp CpI M. Govt +vs Sergeant J P. Strom is checking the paper work to make sure all the FILL IT UP - Sergeant Joe Aguilar is filling it up, but not with ethel. gear being packed into the multi-pack is listed. A multi-pack is a box Instead he is using an Insta-Pack, a machine which produces a liquid with different types of gear being shipped to the same destination urethane foam. The liquid foam which is poured into plastic bags and the gear is wrapped in plastic bubble wrap instead of the liquid inside the box hardens around the object being packed and provides a foam. safe traveling place for.tho.goor being .sbippod.. . .

. -4,Wi'fmt7to Page 6, Hawaii Marine, June 16, 1978

SOCCER ACTION - Angel Hernandez (far right) sets up for-ar throw in. Lindy Colly- more (right) has to put on some fancy moves to elude two Barbers Point defenders during the Kaneohe Bay Marines' match at Bar- bers Point NAS Satur- day. K- Bay lost to Navy 2-0.

Navy gets revenge Kraesig shuts out Marines Sports cast Hey peop' how would you like to dress up the Sports Cast to your liking? "An eye for an eye and a tooth separate occasions he snagged You know, the type of article that has a little bit for everyone. Most of my for a tooth," and when Barbers the rebound and drilled in the information on sporting events comes from Special Services. Although Point faced the Kaneohe Bay scores for the Marine 3-1 victory. they've been quite helpful I can't expect them to know everything. Now Marines soccer team, for the Alas, the Leathernecks' here's where you come in. Sports Cast handles events that can't be done in second time, that's exactly the hustling was just a spur of the actual story, from intramural to the varsity level of play. But here's the catch. philosophy the sailors had in moment occurrence. Saturday's Not only does this column work on space availability, but also a first come, mind. game proved that when K-Bay first serve basis. To ensure thet your news is published contact me, Sgt. Gil In the Marines' first encounter went to Barbers Point for the Fulgencio, preferably before Tuesday at 257-2431 or stop by the office at with Barbers Point, K-Bay came match. From the results of the Bldg. 301, across the street from Hangar 102. Any later than Tuesday and from behind trailing 1-0 to down first half the game was going to be you lessen your chances of the article appearing in Sports Cast. Don't be the sailors 3-1 for the victory. close as neither team could hesitant to call because you think- the informatioo.isn't worth mentioning However, when the Leather- muster up a score. Let me be the judge of that. necks met Navy Saturday at But in the second half, the -Time waits for no one," as the saying goes. So what is taking you golfing Barbers Point K-Bay found a Marine's get up and go, got up and freaks so long to get in on the Second Quarter Cat Fight Golf Tournament much tougher club, losing 2-0. died. Navy's defense controlled Entries must be sub- midfield June 29. The shotgun start is at 12:15 p.m. on that day In their first match, Barbers while their offense had mitted to the athletic dePartfrtnt of Special Services before 4 -3Q p m today! Point's offense came out sailing. target practice with K-Bay's Take and you'll be watching instead of making your claim to fame. goalie, your time With just minutes into the first Saul Anthony. Anthony The tourney is open to bona-fide guests. half a shot on goal was deflected blocked a countless number of Into K-Bay's goal by Kevin shots but what can be done Chess players, this is the last time I'm going to tell you about the All- DallaVecchia for a one point Navy against a team who is there for Marine Chess Tournament tomorrow and Sunday at Kansas Tower. There lead the rebound. Especially Navy's is no entry charge, so you don't have a reason for not attending. Seriously, But "when the going gets tough, Jerry Kraesig who caught the here's your chance to pick up some partying money as first, second and third the Marines get going." And the rebound twice and on both situa- place will receive 825, 810, and $5 respectively. But that's not all, espe- second half was highlighted by K- tions netted the score. But the cially for the winners. They will be recommended to attend the Sea Services Bay's new captain, Angel Her- sailors' defense prevented K-Bay Chess Tournament at Ft. Meade, Md., August 28 to September 1 and then nandez and his squad. A from equaling the score, holding the Armed Forces Chess Tournament in Washington, D.C. September 7-13 drive from far outside the sailors' off the Marine offense for the 2-0 Marines competing in the armed forces tourney will receive 830 per diem penalty area was dropped by the revenge victory. Registration for the All-Marine match is at 9 a.m. tomorrow. For more infor- Navy goalie and dribbled in for K- Tomorrow, K-Bay will try to mation call Lt. David Bender at 257- 2486/2622. Bay's first score. However the rest better their record to 6-2-1 as Say, how good are your reflexes? Are they fantastic enough all of the Marines' goals were no they take on NavCamEastPac at to get you the goodies in the Intramural Ping Pong Tournament July 17? Competition mistakes. Hernandez was the Pop Warner football field at 11 will be for both singles and doubles. There will be no of man of the hour as on two a.m. limit to the number entries from each unit or organization. Although it is requested that one officer or SNCO be designated as the team captain/representative. No officials will be provided. Players will use the honor system for scoring. Rules Runners will be those established by the United States Table Tennis Association. All needed in matches will be played in the station gym (Hangar 103). Entries must be sub- mitted to the Special Servicesathletic office by 4 p.m. July 10, and should include the unit, name, rank and phone number of each participant. There upcoming marathon are entry forms available at Special Services. A meeting for all participants and/or representatives will be held July 6 in the Family Theater at 9 a.m For If Summer has you itching for exercise, it's time to start preparing for the more details call 257-3108/3135. 1978 Marine Corps Marathon, scheduled for Nov. 5 at 9 a.m. Now for those of you who appreciate a more aquatic The AUU and USTF sanctioned course starts and ends at the Marine style of sports then the station pool has the answer. July 19 the pool will be hosting the Corps War Memorial (Iwo Jima Monument) in Arlington, Va. The route Intramural Swimming Meet.. sweeps through Washington in the shadows of national landmarks. There will be a limit of six participants per unit in the individual events and one four-man Competition for the 26-mile, 385-yard endurance test is divided into team per unit in the relay events. An officer or SNCO will be designated as the team captain and the following classes: open; 19 and under; 20-29; 30-39; 40-49; 50-59; contact person. Entry will also 60 and over; team competition among be limited as the participant can only enter and military, university, high three events, as well as the relays. be presented Two officials/meet assistants will be school, running clubs and men and women. Awards will to furnished per unit. It is recommended the top four finishers in each category. that these people have experience in swim meets but it is not necessary. Entries must be The overall victor will receive a replica of the "Middendorf Trophy" submitted to the Special Services athletic department by July 7, and should include donated by former Secretary of the Navy, J. William Middendorf II. All the organization, name, rank and phone number of each' participant. entrants that complete the course will receive a Marine marathon T-shirt, Entry forms are avail- able at Special Services. For further information Marine marathon patch and a certificate of completion. call 257-3108/3135. Officials expect the number of entries to exceed the 3604 of last year. In One final note concerning the KMCAS Youth Athletic Association. The the 1977 marathon, Kevin McDonald, 27, of Greenville, S.C., finished association was recently formed at K-Bay. Their goal is to improve youth first in 2 hours, 19 minutes and 13 seconds. Three hundred fifty men and sports and hopefully lower costs, enabling more children to participate. At two women qualified for the Boston marathon. The Marine Corps classic is the present time, they are looking for coaches for football and cheerleading. a qualifier for the Boston classic again this year. Marathon officials said the Anyone interested can contact Mitch Arnett at 257-2205 DWH or 254-1925 deadline for entries is October 31. AWH and Sam Gale at 257-2325 DWH or 254-1228 AWH. Tuesday Further information on the marathon can be obtained by writing Cap- the association is having their first general meeting at the 19th Puka at tain Jim Burke at Marine Barracks, 8th and I Sts., S.E., Washington, D.C., 7:30 p.m. All those interested in helping or obtaining any or by calling (202) 433-3238/3239. Come out on and run with the information concerning youth sports are invited to attend. Marineal June 16, 1)978, Hawaii Marine, Page 7 Leathernecks bring luck Marine support wanted by Hawaii Islanders at games

r" Story by SSgt. J. L. Kaufman Phillips sighed wistfully at the end of the conversation. He ended with the thought that it was impossible to draw good crowds when the club For the Marine sports buff, in Hawaii, the Hawaii Islanders Baseball wasn't doing well, and even harder to do well when the cream of your Club is an excellent and inexpensive outlet for-his or her free time. crop is being called to bigger and better things with the parent The Islanders, who have been playing in Hawaii since 1961, offer organization. reduced prices to the military and their dependents on Tuesdays, Pedro Garcia, the Islander's regular second baseman and seasoned Wednesdays and Thursdays. The price reduction includes both general veteran of the big leagues, concurred with his manager's thoughts. Pedro admission and reserved seats. was quick to point out that the players enjoyed playing in Hawaii, but their Last month the Fleet Marine Force, Pacific, Band and a Joint Service prime concern was making the big leagues or as in his case making it back Color Guard participated in the opening ceremonies for a game between up to the top. the Hawaii Islanders and the Salt Lake City Gulls. Garcia is a veteran of two years with the Milwaukee Brewers and spent For the uninitiated, Aloha Stadium (Home of the Islanders), is indeed a time with the Detroit Tigers before being traded to the Padres and being sight to behold. The seating capacity of the stadium is fifty thousand and assigned to the Hawaii Club. Although he's 28-years-old, Garcia plays though the Islanders hold the Pacific Coast League record in attendance with the intensity and drive of a "rookie" and rejoining the majors is with thirty-three thousand, the stands have never been filled to capacity. foremost on his mind at all times. The Islanders clinched their first Division title in 1971, under the helm Jim Wilhelm, the club's center fielder is often referred to as a big of Chuck Tanner, then the team manager. league fielder with a minor league bat and readily admits that his hitting They followed with Pennant titles in 1975 and '76 and started the '7'8 is not up to par. "I have a lot of work to do on my hitting and when I get it season with aspirations for a fourth straight Western Division title. straightened out I expect to be playing with the Padres,- said Wilhelm. As Manager Dick Phillips, a former Islander player in 1965, '66 and '67, is you watch the tall athlete cover center field with the grace peculiar to being hard pressed this year to repeat as Western Division Champs. Cur- professional ball players it's an expectation that you have to agree with. rently they are floundering in last place in their division. Probably the hottest player on the club right now is Craig Stimac. The In a pre-game interview with several of the Islander players, the sub- 'Steamer' as he is affectionately called by his teammates started the sea- ject of this year's slow start came up. Manager Dick Phillips quickly son as a reserve catcher and utility infielder/outfielder. His hot bat has pointed out that, "It's a tough situation to be in." Phillips went on to propelled him into the lineup and though he is happy with his move up explain that when a ball club is doing well its success normally hinges on from Double A ball, he looks at Hawaii as a stopping off place in his quest . key players. for the big leagues. When you are playing in Triple A Ball and your parent club (the San The Islanders and the Marines have a good record together pointedout Diego Padres) is struggling, it's bound to happen that you will lose some Nick Sylvester, the Islanders' public relations director. "Marines have of your best players to the big leagues. As was the case recently when the opened two military nights for us and our winning percentage with the Padres called up Tucker Ashford, Pat Scanlon and Dave Roberts to the Big Marines is 100 percent" he said. Club. Realizing the good luck the presence of Marines seem to bring to the Phillips indicated that he was happy for the players involved, and that club, Nick has encouraged those Leathernecks on the Island to come out the primary role behind the Farm Clubs is not to win Pennants but rather and support the team. With the military discount it's a good deal for all to groom players for the big leagues. concerned.

Photo by SSgt R E Soother SOLITUDE - Pedro Garcia, the Islander second baseman reflects a pensive mood as he contemplates his trip back down to the minors after three years in the Big Leagues. Photo by SSgt R E Sant-her Pedro played for the Milwaukee Brewers LET THE BAND PLAY ON - The Fleet patriotic opening at a recent Military Night and the Detroit Tigers. Though now in the Marine Force, Pacific Band, under the direc- for the Hawaii Islanders Baseball Club. They minors,Garcia has no doubt that he will make tion of CWO W. H. Cox conducted a are highlighted on the scoreboard. it back up to the Majors.

in the main lounge from 5 30 to 8 30 p m CAMP SMITH OFFICERS CLUB THURSDAY Stuffed Peppers will be a hd for lunch today TODAY Regular club hours Happy Hour 4 30106 30p m

11 m to 1 p m Tonight. Mongolian Ilerbeque from 530 to Four Lana Highway plays from 8 to midnight 8 30 p m Plan to stay and entoy entertainment in the main TOMORROW & SUNDAY - Closed Local Locomotion lounge from 8 to 9 p m MONDAY Regular hours SPECIAL NOTE - Dont forget to buy your tickets for the TUESDAY Regular hours Happy Hour from 4 30 to 8 lt-SAY OFFICERS CLUB THURSDAY Lunch served ,n the Pacific Room from 11 famous Cowden They are grieving at the club Saturday. pm a m to 1 15 p m Thursday evening the fare is Beefeaters June 24th Tickets me on eels now at the SNCO Club WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY Regular hours TODAY Lunch served in the Pacific Room from Item to Buffet WI you can sat buffet adults 54 50 and children iSpm featuring home mode soup. two doily specials and s $7 112 and under, It -SAY ENUSTED CLUB CAMP SMITH INCO CLUB twee varsity of winchenches Happy Hour from 4 30to 6 p m in TODAY SNCO Luncheon from 1 1 30 to 1 p m Happy the Taps Bar with free pupus Mongolian Barbecues on the SNCO CUPS TODAY -Happy Hour from 4 30 to 6 30 p m with compli Hour from 4 30 to 6 p in Don Long from 8 to midnight Lower Lanai from 8 to 9 p m Entertainment by Stand New rowntary pupus Special entertainment horn 4 30 to 8 30 p in TOMORROW -Don Long Disco from 8 to midnight SATURDAY - Candlehpht Dining in the Pacific Room from TODAY Seafood Plate will be served from 11 in to 1 Slooth will be on stage from 9 p m to 1 a in SUNDAY -Don Long Disco horn 6 to 9 p m Cook your own 8 to 8 300 m featuring our "Steal, S Lobster special Dinner p m Happy How with Special Entertainment from 4 to 8 p m TOMORROW - Liberty will bo performing on the Lane. meek from 3 to 8 30 music by Tom Vollmer Reeenrattons please Menu dining from IS 30 to 8 30 p in with enteftammilint by from 8 p m to midnight The dining room main bedroom end MONDAY B WEDNESDAY - flegulsr hours SUNDAY - HAPPY FATHER'S DAY -Comet in this "Liberty" variety group playing from 9 p m to 1 am her will be closed for the Hospital Corpsmen Salt THURSDAY -*Regular hours Cook your own steak from morning for the Father's Day Buffet feeturtrig a fantastic TOMORROW - Father's Day Picnic horn to 4 p nt for SUNDAY - Come in and onmy one of the special char 6 to 9 p m buffet Sunday evening out vary populor "Beef & Crab' in the members of the SNCO Club Pot Luck Plasm bring dish to broiled steaks Steak and *eke from 6 30 to 8 30 p m Picific Room from 6 all 8 30 p m All you can set buffet for 69 the Club will furnish hamburgers, hot dogs, sods, and MONDAY - Cahoots will be on stop for you, listening beer in the evening, all you can eat -Seel Crab" will be pleesuf from 730to1130pm Reservations Please I RED CROSS WSI MEETING MONDAY Lunch served in the Pectic Room from 11 s m served from 5 30 to 8 30 p m Tonight, beck by popular TUESDAY - Regular club hours with short orders to go or 10 1 19 p m featuring the Meatcan Plate Special, home made demend, the variety group Sweet Fir will May for you from eat there Attention ell Rod Cues safety instructors Them will be e anti a large variety of sandwiches Join them Monday 9 p m to 1 am WEDNESDAY -- Special entenammont from 6 to 10 p m soup, meeting of all WSIS on June 211 et 5 p m in the Comity Son, lunch Monday everting the Dining Room is Brunch will be served from 9 30 a m to 1 p m thru Friday for SUNDAY THURSDAY Regular club hours with short orders to go insi Classroom 52 Please be prompt Taps at 1 30 p m On the Lana, this evening Mongolian Serbsquit from 5 30 to closed The Sir closes or eat there TUESDAY Lunch in the Poodle Room from 11 a m to 1 30 p m Room is closed The SAILING ASSOCIATION MEETING SET 1 16 p m Tuesday evening the Dining from MONDAY - Mexican Plate is the special 11 in to 1 CAMP SMITH ENLISTED CLUE Tape Sot is open till 10 p m pm TODAY Regular hours 'Star Sound' from 8 to midnight The United States Naval Sailing Association will hold a we- 11 for your lunch today Regular hours WEDNESDAY -Lunch served in the Pacific Room from TUESDAY - Enjoy Veal Parmesan TOMORROW - Disco from 8 to midnight c lel interest meeting at the new Special Services Morin* Soot Lanai Fried Chicken will be featured over the SUNDAY Cook your own shriek from 5 to 8 p m m to 1 16 pm Mongolian Sertreque on the Lower WEDNESDAY - - House on Wednesday June 28 at 7 p m Anyone interested at iromettill3Opm noon hour Maskers Plates and Chicken Sodom will be served WEDNESDAY - Disco from 8 to II pm sailing is encouraged to attend Page 8, Hawaii Marine, June 16, 1978 Classified ads

GARAGE SALE 2063 B Campion Dr Sat and Sun 9 a in 0, take over Wanted Parts and Accessories 1973 BUICK ELECTRA LIMITED. NO EQUITY pm TV set, typewriter. vacuum cleaner. Clothing and Payments. Pw seals, AM 'FM, 8 tr ac, coon windows, etc .call more TRANSPORTATION FOR YOUR CHILD to and from St TWO 13' RECAPPED TIRES never used $10 for both Call 235 3137 AWN ALOHA, HAVE FUN & LOSE WEIGHT TO01 TOPS Hi 38 nieen, Anthony s School, Sept 1978 Please call 254-4822 AWN or 254 2927 OWN 257 3106 Thursday night 8 30 to 8 p m For more infoomatron call Barr HONDA CB450 ENGINE newly rebuilt. some other parts 1973 CADILAC COUPE DE VILLE full power, good condition 264 3601 Jan 254 4039 or Herman 264 5101 included Contact SSgt Wright 257 2068 OWN or Sgt Block 12800 261 6260 anytime 10 a m to ROLL AWAY BED, good condition Reasonable price 254- YARD SALE SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 3 AWH 254-2112 Multi family Crib walker backpack. infant clothes yid, 4039 1973 MAZDA RX 2 Body and interior shape, engine 1971 HONDA BLOWN ENGINE Parts car Make offer 262 MOW clothes, bows/droves, arts IL clefts 2071A,Campion St has blown seal $200 /best otter Sot Issrosmon 4774422 HOUSE APT_ TO SHARE WITH RESPONSIBLE PERSON 5028 DWH, and 455 7009 AWN Military preferred Must have wnetels and be near KMCAS. STARTER AND RADIATOR for 1966 Dodge 10 Horse boat PLANT SALE m items Sat 8 a m to 4 p m 2274 Pond Rd Will pay 1150 per month 257 2300 OWN, Richard motor All in working condition Cell AWN only 254 1183 1973 CHRYSLER NEWPORT, Al preset, ItiNy 1006111111. Wry GARAGE SALE - Moving must sell ceramic bowls clothes 1 SLIGHTLY USED TIRE 14 78.15 Sell fbr $15 Camper for 8 tram. rebuild. prestigious automobile rust drooled Recent end table, salon style haw dryer Saturday 10 a m to 2 p 11 CHILDS TRICYCLE AND WAGON Also 48 high fencing and It truck, ice box, wardrobe. and storage Sleeps 6 AWH 254 leaving must sell 31,895 /offer 4775063/1372-3155 1944 A Perks Ave trusts AWH 254 3433 1615 1974 AUDI 100LS, sc. car excellent condition, $4000 /Offer, SALE!, Anyone interested in wood products come to 2653 C lo RACE CAM FOR 289, 302. 35 tn , 2 Hollys 750 8500 side FENCE at least 100 feet 1 cheds swoop set and rocking horse Connor Loop KMCAS from 9 a m to 2 p m Saturday or cal, popes for small car, air cond cooler grill for Pinto AWN 254 4819 anytime AWN 254 3781 235 254 4672 6501 dr auto trans . atr all poweo 1974 CHEVROLET IMPALA, 4 20" TWO SPEED GIRLS BIKE $25 - 20' girls bike $17 (-011 FOR mixed doubles league on Sat rotes CB RADIO B E %PANDER POWER MIKE, 100 h coax. 60 h pole BOWLERS NEEDED excellent condition, low mileage. 62300. 281 1828 AWN, 264-2210 anytime 8 30 prn couples only call Secretary. Mrs Martin 254 and Astroplane Antenna Best offer will be accepted Contact 257 3360 OWN, ask for Lt Hunken 2215 SSgt Wright 297 2068 DWH MM SELL 8 HOWELL MOVIE PROJECTOR $25 DWH 251 1974 DATSUN B -210. excellent condrtion, inside and out. 2704 AWN 254 2188 WANTED BY THE AMERICAN RED CROSS, Teenage great on gas. automatic 36 000 miles $1995 offer 2b7 METAL DESK 3 drawers 420 Metal typewriter stand Sb Volunteers ages 14 18 to work as Aides in the PAW. Vehicles 9887 AWN 254 2188 Kaneohe Clinic For registration and further information 1964 DATSUN TRUCK good transportation. 78 plates am HCA PORTABLE 21 TV in control please call American Red Cross office 257 3575/2606 1974 7. MGB. escenent condition, yellow vocblack interior. COLOR icteen w/remote 0525 Phone 261.5685 stereo record played Current insdectron 53300 257 3561,3156 OWN, 254 2540 AWF asking $350 'offer Motorola AM/FM excelled condition Leaving island soon, must sell Call 257 1965 MUSTANG 6 auto. 46,000 mi . mags, clean Reath 2431 or stop by 2511C Lawrence St Pets to go 1800 Call Tom 154-1697 1974 CHEV LUV PICK UP W 'CAMPER, 4 sp radio. heater, CB 1 radio w, two enemas good body IS meth . condition, GARAGE SALE FRIDAY 8 SATURDAY 760 Lawrence Or AKC REGISTERED DALMATION PUPPIES. 11 wks. I male, 1 1966 DODGE 318 V 8, 59,000 mr 2nd owner New heave $2200 'best otter 254 3650 AWN ireani 8 chedrens clothing kitchen appliances, glassware. female Black and white. Shots. no worms Call after 5 p m duty radiator core master brake cylinder, muffler IS ores patterns sewing machine hair dryer. toys books bedspreads 254 1230 Cheap dependable transportation $650 best offer Mike 1974 DATSUN STATION WAGON, auto trans. ac, rust proofed tableware, garden hose and much more AWN 254 4660 27 000 miles. roof luggage rack, must sell leavtng island. CWO BABY CRIB AND MATTRESS 550 or best offer and umbrella Is 4 F EMAIL PUPPIF S mother is a pure bred Samoyed, father Tevebaugh 267 2985 OWN, 254-2364 AWN stroller Used only a few tomes excellent condition 515 Call black Lab Make great pets $25. each Contact SSgt Wright 1966 MERCURY CALIANTE. 6 c1fj. some new parts need after 5 p m 247 1542 157:2068 DWH_ 'tarter and 78 sticker Good on gas Make offer Call 262 1975 INTERNATIONAL SCOUT II XLC. 4 4, excellent 7862 condition, ps 'power disc brakes 'ac AM FM cassette MINOLTA 8MM CAMERA Auto zoom lens electric eye (built in light BABY RABBITS FREE AWH 254 3623 deck CB w Co phase ant 34,000 miles, must see to meter) remote control, leather carrying case beautiful 1966 FORD WAGON excellent interior body has some rust appreciate $5500 firm. 2573278 OWN condition. $60 or best offer also 10 speed bike $35 needs FULL BRE D CHOW CHOW puppy 3 months old, paper trained asking $300/best offer, new inspection new plates. 257 work AWN 254 4506 3278 OWN. 254 1183 AWN Asking 130 Can after 5 p m 247 1542 19 75 TOYOTA CELICA. 30,000 miles Only 10 months on the TWO 10x15 ALL TERRAIN TIRE mounted on slotted maws ,Idoti and garaged since new, no rust White wor brown cloth Will fit small pickups or Chevy '7, tons with 6 lug pattern offer AWH 254 1976 CHEV CONVERT needs battery many new parts. AKC BASSET HOUND 4 mo old $125 Wooster, AM FM 4 sp recently tuned up perfect condition Or trade OWN 550 best offer 257 3228 DWI-1.254 4504 AWN_ Excellent condition $50 will consoder equal 3138 tCol Stoner DWH 487 8420 AWN 262 0609 2572668 AWN 254 -2704 BABY KITTEN, black with FREE ADORABLE ORPHANED 1967 OLDS STATION WAGON PS, Pe. 21313C Cart, rebuilt YARD SALE 2418 8 English St . Friday 9 rri to 3 p m 2181 OWN white boots on feet Pound on base Call 257 trans 9 a m to 1 p m Baby crib dresser, changing table, new tees. good trans ponetion, 6550, offer 1976 TOYOTA, 4 DR_ STATION WAGON. redo, Saturday luggage rack, ball 'bag gas model airplane car: 5 spd trans air new walker playpen bowling I 1968 BMW 1600 tires. one owner excellent condition, MALE CAT. 10 months old has shots great with children SEDAN, with 2002 parts, excellent $3400 'best offer 254-3098 AWN 257-2247 OWN clothes and row condition over S1 700 best offer 254 4434 OWN. house broken, very affectionate. contact ' Gil I c, pence) at 259 8008 NIKKO 12 GAUGE OVER AND UNDER SHOTGUN, ISEVEAL--- VI AWN 257-2141 DItMt or 43111-111114 AWH FIRED Single selective trigger Modeerd,onproved bore 1978 GMC CUSTOM VAN Highest offer over $300 257 3149 or AWN 2544784 1978 OPEL KADETT rust proofed, good condition 6850 Lv 350, auto V 8. pa pb. c /e. AM. FM Stereo one owner insg 10f Herman at 247 6145 Beautiful teddy customizing fully MACRAME PLANT HANGERS different colors and styles to Furniture carpeted upholstered walls dime that becomes bed, 4 swivel choose from Priced from $7 to $15 Phone 262 7882 captain chairs, coctaol table. Ka box, dorsal Its not full 1968 SPRITE rebuilt engine new trans interior & top looks SYLVANIA 7000 TURNTABLE RECEIVER & TWO SPEAKERS BROYHILL DINING SET with china cabinet $450 without ,.anger Chop pd $10.000 Now will go for 66700 Perfect and runs good, 11800 offer 261 5204 AWH 575 Sears hand calculator $5 Brown leather chair woth ablnet $250 Sears Kenmore dishwasher $150 AWN 254 condition Sot Sodek DWF1257 2141 -2142, AWN 754 2067 3433 footstool $30 Manual typewriter $40 Reel to Reel tape 1969 CHEW 307 V8 2 barrel carp custom interior chrome recorder Omar, $40 AWH 254 1012 inside mails new tires wide ones, nice car Iredl in cold feat 7 HUTCH ONE PIECE unfinished Made in Costa Rica $1000 1926 WE NGHOUSE ELECTRIC STOVE Should work or and cheap running 1900/befit offer. ask For Anthony 261 1977 TOYOTA COROLLA DELUX WAGON excellent if 2 Indus Hanging lamps $75 each umboetla AWN when I.; Very heavy $20 /best offer Has to go I was Inds 1250 1349 or 282 9286 AWN condition $3200.264 -2736 foot 261 6280 800 Ins overweight last move AWN 23S 3137 1977 PACER. two 1969 DODGE DART VB, 4 dr . ps, at asking $700.8 track -tone. custom interior and whoior low 71 DAY CRUISER New 455 olds with all the treks yet 1895 KIMBAt UPRIGHT PIANO rebuilt made needs tape player recorder AM 'FM stereo turntable, cell Sgt Seeger mileage. excellent contagion air conditioning like new asking or tom 60 plus mph but still economical Great Ski Family refinishing $700 Barbers chair poscroban bap. needs reup 2572326 DWN- 54400. cell 261 8744 Cruise boat Excellent condition with over 513 000 invested holstering $250 AWN 261 6260 57.500 or best offer OWN 257 3649 AWN 236 2449 1969 DATSUN 510 only $400, 1977 YAMAHA DT 400, excenent condemn $896 Call SSgt FORMAL CONTEMPORARY good, reltable car 257-2977 m 110' SOFA, blue Si wrote OWN 254 4006 AWN Smith, OWN 4778807 GARAGE SALE 2115 Bancroft Dr Sat 9 a m to 2 p Baby 0611116.11 selves upholstery & widow trim with matching eaorodeol and clothing as condition. stereo, ewer el, le 7977 DATSUN ohms $325 Walnut coffee table $150 Both excellent 1969 MALIBU 2 DR SEDAN. 307 good running engine, clean. 2005X at AM -FM stereo rust proofed lee tams paintings childrens by bones rah.- pread. ocellrbon Solid Cherry bedroom suite with queen bookcase car good condition, $500 2572312 DWH. 2475768 AWH new condemn "awn island must sell no reasonable offer ael eland. screen door headboard refused 239 6466 matching dresser with minor & chest of drawers COMPLETE SCUBA GEAR 2 steels 72 tanks w prate r gr

S250 AWN 262 5028 1970 MERCURY MX 1 dr . hardtop, redo. AT, PS. PS, A/C. Calypso IV reg 1978 SILVER ANNIVERSARY CORVETTE, Mahogany Pack w/depth gauge, short top west sorer vinyl roof no rust $1200 cash, AWN mi.. 2541802 miming mainland. $350 Can 257 2407 DWI' 5 PIECE LIVING ROOM SET Matching sofa IL chair and 3 from never used asking $12000 257 ;;166'2540 AWN ',ides Must sell $200 best offer OWN 257 2200. AWH 235 1969 BUICK ELECTRA 225, 4ck hardtop. laced color) 3754 Col Brown E kronen' condition etude outsode end mechanically, AM/FM Deodllne for advernewnonts to wooer on radio electric *endow.; tires hie new $ew call 254 -4477 One Mile is 1 p in Fridays for next week's publication In other PIECE BEDROOM SET 6 drawer dresser with 2 mirrors and OWN 261 3683 AWN Motorcycles two night stands Must sell $100 OWN 257 2200 AWN 235 words. of you want an ad run on nest week's Hawse 1966 HONDA 306 DREAM BIKE runs good. wz extras begs Marine. it must be turned in to our office Ion an ad form 3154 Cpl Brown 1970 MERCURY MONTEGO 4 de 250 C.0 6 cyl automata I Electra 1 p m Power stewing new tired new shocks. new master cyl 225 *none. 947,15317 available at our office) today at The Joint Public 4 DRAWER alter Affairs Office is located in Bldg 301 across the street DESK need* to be refoushed$20/best offer Must tor is on good condition and body has some rust, good gas 1973 HONDA C8750 excellent condition, new toes. btry, from Hangar 102 Camp H sell OWN 257 2200 AWN 235 3154 Cpl Brown mileage $900zbast offer. 267 200 OWN, 2513154 AWN M Smith readers should saddle seat sissy bar, 1 owner garage kept. 12.500 mg meet deliver their ads to the Force Public Affairs Office Cpl Brown leaving island, must sell.-$1300 DOUBLE BED W MATTRESS end boo sporty White with gold -offer. 257 3340 OWN 254 located Sr Room 111101 2676 AWN Trim provincial desoon. orchids* head and loot board out 1970 PLYMOUTH STA TIONWAGON. 318 engine. runs or sell standing condition $90 Call Mat Suwon, IDW141 477 for parts $150 as is 257 3637 OWM, 254-4917 AWN The appearance of advertisements in this publication 1974 HONDA 260 XL. one owner, 5000 miles on it 5111 22 23 (AWN) 262 rack end 0648 fiberglass carrying case $000. does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of 1971 FORD VAN CUSTOMIZED INTERIOR bed, call 254-4588 anytime DOUBLE w, green ship the Navy or the Marine Corps of products or services WIDE FAKE FUR LOUNGE CHAIR $99 254 2210 carpet. black padded webb automatic AWH_ trans, recent tune up. advertised $ 1950. 1976 KZ 400. needs some work. $300. call Gary 267-3169 254 2210 AWH Ad submissions are governed by and cited in Marine TAIL CHEST OF DRAWERS very old dirk wood wonted green OWN. 257 3147 room 331 Bldg 1804 Corps Publications S30 Also Troyer Coggin green contemporary and Printing Regulations Adventsino sole plus green 1971 VEGA, excellent condemn great on gas automate 4 mo OLD GARELLI SUPER SPORT XL. 50cc. 800 miles, is prohibited rn service publications When inserted by or slipcovers and pillows $350 AWH 254 4943 cyl newly painted 63.000 $995 mew offer 262 9887 excellent condition. 254 3193 for, any private individual firm or corporation escept that BAR IN 4 STOOLS $250 Dining room table 8 4 chairs $400 station newspapers may contain free and noncornmer 1971 VEGA Beautiful must he seen OWN 257 2247 AWN 264.3011111 GI excellent condition mechanical. very low CITY BIKE extras advertising mileage. gas tank $225 254 2188 AWN dal of real or personal property or of services (47.0001 Recently overhauled. 4 cyl , 4 speed, great SIMMONS QUEEN SIZE BED $150 Single bed se/11110$9 and offered by and for personnel of the station for their con on gas. minor rust 13 dent*. new soltoust system. $714 /offer. headboard 1150 piece MOPED CIMANTI, blue low mileage 10 months venom:* provided such represents an 3 couch (down) 150 261 9887 old, saddle advertising ((peen) couch $40 err" chair (greed 10 lir tR deal bag baskets end complete repair manual included Works fine incidental inicherme between personnel of the Naval ondeoon 264-4819 anytime 1344 254 2080 anytime Establishment and not sustained business operation 1971 TOYOTA CROWN tuft* WAGON. auto trans ac 6875/offer. 254 1796 AWN, 4775088 OWN, SSgt White Such advertisements may include lost and found notices THOMAS DOUBLE KEYBOARD ORGAN -01011191111111111111111091%. listings of offers by personnel assigned to or employed by lots of cow, quilt in SSgt Wine" 257 maser__ 1971 MAVERICK GRABBER mags vinyl top ac pot new paint Miscellaneous the facilities which are used or are to be used as the per formal asking $1500 call before 4 30 p m 254 4713 TWO TONE SHORT SHAG GREEN RUG iov /pad 12x20- residence of the advernser excellent condition $225 best offer. available June 28, call Appliances 254 2683 1971 DATSUN PICK-UP W/CAMPER SHELL. $1900 offer 19 B&W TV WITH STAND 645 child' bed $15 Green good condition. *MI otter. 257,3639 OWN. 236-0261 AWN PARACHUTE. Roupip Good condition no damage Best offer Hofpoont Range $30 Call 254 1255 254 2000 1971 CHEV IMPALA 2 dr good running condemn. V-8 pa . ac, SEWING MACHINE, PORTABLE, new home 12000 BTU AIR CONDITIONER Sears Power Saw exceeds drove away for 4300, 754 3380 swingline ammo attachment Excellent working condition, $49 2642080 EER Reds 10 rho old Used 2 mo $250 or best offer AWN 1972 Zgla 7$14. DATSUN PICK UP. CAMPER, fully containd. $2400, will ROLLTOP DESK. TEAK. whole marble wrong Inlay Brand new ( sell camper separate for $425, call 254 3371 for more info E never used, $449 2542080 anytime AMANA REFRIG/FREEZER 17 cuft excel condition $19 F LANAI.* SALE - Fraley and Saturday 9 a m to p m 2647 S S M T W Th 254 3183 1972 TOYOTA 4 dr SEDAN CORONA DELUXE, automatic. Connor Loop, &netts, washer. TV, foe alarms old coins mow FAMILY THEATRE engine good. body good. $1000/of1er. 257 2226 DWH, 239 7:15 p.m 11 12 13 1 4 MAGIC CHEF ELECTRIC RANGE, 2 yrs old good condom., 9000 AWH George PIANO FOR SALE Call 254 11% AWN 5 6 $100 or best offer Must sell OWN 257 2200 or AWN 235 CAMP SMITH 3154 Cpl Drown 1972 FORD ORONCO 4 wheel drive excellent overall MOVING SALE Just what you need and can't find. Set 9a in 7 p.m. 4 9 10 5 6 7 8 condrtion *2960 call 254 1977 AWN to 4 p m 2441E Cochran St MARINE !MKS 18,000 810 AIR CONDITIONER 4200 OWN 257 2704 AWN iNHEE FAMILY YARD SALE donde,, Metal shelves for 7 p.m. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 254 2188 1972 PAK YELLOW DODGE DART SWINGER. 6 cyl auto Csdehari Housing, single bed frame. left handed Spalding 901 vinyl top good condition, call 264-2609 clubs and bag. portable color TV, ponable B&W TV. guitar (like 1 BAD NEWS BEARS Walter Matthau, Tatum 0 Neal STEREO WITH SPEAKERS $25 OWN 257 2704 AWN 264- newt, small record player, rope. paperback boOka. and lots PG comedy 2188 of 1977 DR BUICK SKYLARK. 360 cu in in excellent mist Sat and Sun 9 a m to 4 p m 2287 A Pound Roed. 2 THE UST REMAKE OF BEAU OESTE Ann Margret condition 111495. call 262-0741 AWN KMCAS Marty Feldman. PG. comedy 22.000 erp AIR CONDITIONER $200 220 V necessary AWH 3 411104BACIS THE EYE OF THE 7101111 Patrick Winne 264 2186 MULTI FAMILY GARAGE SALE Set and Sun 9 s rn to 2 30 - 1972 BUICK 4 DR SKYLARK, one owner new toes, radiator, Taryn Power G. adventure p m Appliances, TV's clothes. books, plants. air conditioner, /Fm. Makes. battery, alternator, water pomp mufflers, over hauled 4 MANIAC Reed, COLOR TV CONSOLE W/TURNTABLE. Am good odds El ends 2463 C Cochran St KMCAS Oliver Deborah Reim, PG, drama trennossion blue beck SI 700- leaving the island must sell 5 condition All new tubes, needs minor ediustments, 4150 DIAMONDS FOR BREAKFAST -- Marcell° Min anytime GARAGE SALE Scuba doer end much more Sal 10 m toe 2905 AWN $1495, cell 2544588 triotanni, Rita Tushonghem, PG. comedy 254 o m 1766 B Lawrence Rd KMCAS 6 HERO WORK - Rod Browning, Robert mags. track, Chapel. PG SUPER DELUXE DRESSMAKER Ziglag Sewing machine 30 1973 FORD RUNABOUT, AM/FM radm/8 GARAGE SALE Boy's chest, end table drapes, Moped comedy-drama $1300/best offer 254.1551 OWN, 281-5196 AWN, risk for baskets 7 cams for different stitch** Never used 1976 model with case scuba gear, spear gun, regulator fins, mask, Tolima, GRAYEAGLE Ben Johnson. Ales Cord, PG. western $225 or best offer 264 3394 Delta Sue games Portable Whirlpool dishwasher lipid) 2669 A adventure Manning Cr Sat and Sun 9 HERNE GOES WESTINGHOUSE SIVE II REFRIGERATOR Avocado green 1973 AMC HORNET SPORTASOUT WAGON, now crab. else TO MONTE CARLO -- Dean Jones, Don self cleaning oven aOlometic time beke Frost free frond t AWN MOWER. BLACK lo DECKER. 18' electric. needs some Knott*, G, comedy 'Ts . battery, het radio. sc $1250, 25440136 11325 both or best offer SSgt While 4WH 2541795 repair, with grass catcher $5 Can 254-4075 9 THE DEEP Robert Shaw, Jacqueline Bisset. PG suspense 1973 CORVETTE T -TOP ps. pb, dew, AM/FM, /c, auto trans BABIES CAR SEAT $20 Metal baby stroller like new $20 , 10 THE COLOR RCA TV 21 console $135 Call 254.4568 anytime $6600 257 800113 AWN OTHER SIDE OF MIDNIGHT -John Beck Marie umbrella stroller, $10 booby walker jumper 1120 . automatic PallOf R. fomenter baby swing 1110/best offer DWH 267 drama 1973 PINTO, $8 bodes high chew I1 GRIZZLY V-9 auto completely overhauled, ens trans, Christopher George Andrew Prune. PG new radials. 2200 AWN 236 3154 Col Brown drama Homes mode. ion, AM/FM/11 tr. needs mom 11 cereal. side wpm. 2/6-6601 CONSOLE STEREO AM/FM 8 TRACK with-Surat*** 17 ORCA Richard Harris, IMMACULATE 2 townhouse Aokaho ChartMtis Remplorg PG worm 3 bdrm, both in Gardens $75 /offer OWN 267 3639 AWN 2350281 drama for long term lease, $4150 no pen preens, credo references 1973 TOYOTA COROLLA, stick, excellent condition, 1300. SWIMMING POOL 10)12 feet Excellent condition 13 MOHAMMAD required, OM p34 1977 2543193 MESSENGER OF 000 Anthony . . avellelde anytime, MO lit Roe/ 267-1372 AWN AWN Quinn, Irene Palma. PG, historical-drama