FOR 1979


HON. ALLAN WILLIAMS, Q.C. M. L. MCCAUSLAND Attorney-General of British Columbia Director of Film Classification MINISTRY OF ATTORNEY-GENERAL

Honourable ALLAN WILLIAMS, Q.C. A ttorney-General Victoria, B.C.

SIR: I have the honour to lay before you a report of the business done in pursuance of the Film Classification Branch during the fiscal year ended December 31,1979. MARY-LOUISE McCAUSLAND Director February 15,1980. INTRODUCTION The Motion Pictures Act of 1970 is the authority under which this Branch operates. All pictures to be shown to the public must first be submitted to the Director for classification. The three categories of classification are GENERAL, MATURE, and RESTRICTED. A warning indicating the possibly objectionable content of a filmma y be assigned as part of the classification. The Annual Report of Film Classification is based on a calendar year. This year's report provides a five-yearmonthl y and annual comparison for 1975 to 1979. Revenue for 1979 increased by $7,370.42 over 1978, although the number of films submitted increased by only three. The increase can be accounted for by the increase in the number of certificates issued. There appears to be a trend toward "saturation booking" of certain features, when a film will open in a large number of theatres simultaneously. Of particular interest this year is the change in proportions of ethnic films. Whereas Chinese films (PRC, Taiwan, and ) made up 22 per cent of films viewed in 1978, they increased to 28 per cent in 1979. American films, on the other hand, decreased from 50 per cent in 1978 to 34 per cent in 1979. Cana­ dian films increased from 8 per cent in 1978 to 16 per cent in 1979. This is less encouraging than it would appear, because in 1977 there were 15 Canadian films, and in 1976 there were 18. I hope you will find this report useful and informative.


PAGE Film Statistics- . 7 Revenue Revenue by Month 9 Films Seen Each Month 12 Films by Ethnic Groups 12 Canadian Films 13 Certificates of Approval 13

Films Classified— General 35 mm. 15 General 35 mm (short subjects) 17 General 16 mm 18 General 16 mm (short subjects) 18 Mature 35 mm 18 Mature 35 mm (short subjects) 24 Mature 16 mm 24 Restricted 35 mm 24 Restricted 35 mm (short subjects) 26 Restricted 16 mm 26 Restricted—Designated 3 5 mm 27 Restricted—Designated 16 mm 28 Restricted—Designated 16 mm (short subjects) 29 Rejected—16 mm ."_ 29

FILM STATISTICS 1979 1. Number of subjects submitted for approval (35 mm) 697 2. Number of subjects submitted for approval (16 mm) 67 3. Number of short subjects (under 3,000 ft.) submitted for approval (35 mm) 44 4. Number of short subjects (under 1,600 ft.) submitted for approval (16 mm) 43 5. Number of arcade films submitted for approval 532 6. Total number of films viewed 1979 1,383 7. Total number of films viewed 1978 1,380 8. Total number of films viewed 1977 1,244 9. Total number of films viewed 1976 980 10. Total number of films viewed 1975 898

CLASSIFICATIONS A. 35 mm and 16 mm 1. Number of subjects submitted classified as General 170 2. Number of subjects submitted classified as Mature 375 3. Number of subjects submitted classified as Restricted 121 4. Number of subjects submitted classified as Restricted (Designated Theatres Only- No Drive-ins) 98 5. Number of subjects submitted classified with Warnings 491 6. Number of subjects submitted and passed with Eliminations 45 7. Number of subjects submitted classified as Rejected 3 8. Number of subjects still Pending 0

B. Short Subjects 35 mm (Under 3,000 ft.) and 16 mm (Under 1,600 ft.) 1. Number of subjects submitted classified as General 50 2. Number of subjects submitted classified as Mature 1 3. Number of subjects submitted classified as Restricted 1 4. Number of subjects submitted classified as Restricted (Designated Theatres Only— No Drive-ins) 35 5. Number of subjects submitted classified with Warnings 35 6. Number of subjects submitted and passed with Eliminations 30 7. Number of subjects submitted classified as Rejected 0 8. Number of subjects still Pending 0

C. Arcade Films (16 mm and 8 mm) All Restricted 1. Number of arcade films classified just as Restricted 532 2. Number of arcade films submitted classified as Rejected 0

D. Trailers 1. Number of trailers (including copies) handled in 1979 2,075 2. Number of trailers Passed 2,074 3. Number of trailers Rejected 1 4. Number of trailers handled in 1978 1,689 5. Number of trailers handled in 1977 1,496 6. Number of trailers handled in 1976 1,279 7. Number of trailers handled in 1975 1,083

REVENUE The revenue for the Office of Film Classification is obtained from the licensing of Film Theatres and Exchanges, Inspection of Films, the issuing of Embossments of Certificate of Approval for copies of films already viewed and the supplying of Restricted Clips. The following data gives figures for the years 1975, 1976, 1977, 1978, and 1979 for time periods of January to December. 8 BRITISH COLUMBIA

Revenue 1975 Total Revenue for 1975 $ 81,682.18 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Theatres 3,050.00 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Exchanges 3,994.18 Revenue from Inspection Fees and Restricted Clips 71,677.00 Revenue from Certificates of Approval 2,961.00 Number of Certificates issued in 1975 806 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1975 (35 mm) 94 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1975 (16 mm) 75 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1975 ($300) 9 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1975 (Ltd. 6—$50) 19 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1975 (16 mm—$25) 16 Number of Restricted Clips issued in 1975 (35 mm and 16 mm) 150 Revenue 1976 Total Revenue for 1976 110,956.42 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Theatres 6,185.00 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Exchanges _ 9,608.42 Revenue from Inspection Fees and Restricted Clips 56,380.00 Revenue from Certificates of Approval 38,783.00 Number of Certificates issued in 1976 1,163 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1976 (35 mm) 173 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1976 (16 mm) 62 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1976 ($300) 16 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1976 (Ltd. 6—-$25) : 19 Number of Film Exchange Licences isused in 1976 (16 mm—$25) 23 Number of Restricted Clips issued in 1976 (35 mm and 16 mm) 228 Revenue 1977 Total Revenue 1977 107,525.50 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Theatres 5,050.00 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Exchanges 6,700.00 Revenue from Inspection Fees and Restricted Clips 54,576.50 Revenue from Certificates of Approval 41,199.00 Number of Certificates issued 1977 1,358 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1977 (33 mm) 178 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1977 (16 mm) 47 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1977 ($300) 21 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1977 (Ltd. 6—$50) 17 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1977 (16 mm—$25) 19 Number of Restricted Clips issued in 1977 (35 mm and 16 mm) 186 Revenue 1978 Total Revenue for 1978 114,396.32 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Theatres 6,105.00 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Exchanges 10,020.82 Revenue from Inspection Fees and Restricted Clips 55,396.50 Revenue from Certificates of Approval 42,874.00 Number of Certificates issued 1978 1,639 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1978 (35 mm) 219 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1978 (16 mm) 39 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1978 ($300) 23 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1978 (Ltd. 6—$50) 34 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1978 (16 mm—-$25) 23 Number of Restricted Clips issued in 1978 (35 mm and 16 mm) 209 Revenue 1979 Total Revenue for 1979 121,766.74 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Theatres 5,720.00 Revenue from the Licensing of Film Exchanges 8,928.74 REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979

Revenue 1979—Continued Revenue from Inspection Fees and Restricted Clips 55,690.00 Revenue from Certificates of Approval 51,428.00 Number of Certificates issued in 1979 2,179 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1979 (35 mm) 220 Number of Film Theatre Licences issued in 1979 (16 mm) 22 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1979 ($300) 24 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1979 (Ltd. 6—$50) .... 25 Number of Film Exchange Licences issued in 1979 (16 mm—$25) 16 Number of Restricted Clips issued in 1979 (35 mm and 16 mm) _ 198


Month Revenue 1975 Revenue 1976 Revenue 1977 Revenue 1978 Revenue 1979

$ January 8,773.00 16,684.10 9,354.50 11,700.00 11,628.00 February... 6,689.50 8,607.00 8,607.00 6,296.00 9,249.50 March 7,043.50 7,077.00 7,608.00 8,516.00 10,711.00 April 6,210.00 8,096.50 8,481.00 8,214.00 8,237.50 May 6,831.00 8,521.70 7,098.50 9,707.00 8,871.00 June 6,451.00 7,162.00 10,401.00 10,658.50 7,917.50 July 8,314.50 9,672.50 10,917.00 7,406.50 13,230.50 August 5,591.50 9,052.00 8,471.42 11,980.00 9,481.00 September. 5,107.00 6,585.72 7,532.00 5,614.82 5,846.50 October..... 5,139.00 7,293.50 7,075.50 7,600.50 13,266.74 November. 1,566.68 12,462.50 7,813.50 8,974.00 11,319.50 December. 13,965.50 11,986.50 14,166.08 17,729.00 12,008.00 10 BRITISH COLUMBIA



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16 mm and 35 mm Shorts and Arcades Totals Month 1 1 1 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1975 I 1976 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1977 I 1978 | 1979 1 1 65 49 67 68 66 10 10 76 12 156 75 59 143 80 222 February 56 63 49 76 54 4 35 15 12 2 60 98 64 88 56 51 75 64 67 65 35 26 52 51 8 86 101 116 118 73 April 55 80 50 62 59 34 7 37 145 121 89 87 87 207 180 60 64 64 79 76 25 29 75 70 8 85 93 137 149 84 June 62 55 77 68 80 3 26 33 20 43 65 81 110 88 123 July 75 65 71 54 75 30 10 54 33 3 105 75 125 87 78 29 54 48 51 57 4 20 73 209 221 33 74 121 260 278 50 55 68 54 43 7 25 15 17 13 57 80 83 71 56 October 77 57 64 56 69 32 15 26 14 33 109 72 90 70 102 59 66 51 73 57 2 9 44 7 5 61 75 95 80 62 73 81 55 59 64 0 4 13 23 6 73 85 68 82 70

FILMS BY ETHNIC GROUPS (35 mm and 16 mm Feature Length) Number Per Cent Number Per Cent 1. American 262 34 13. Japanese 4 2. Chinese 233 28 14. Spanish 3 3. East Indian 67 9 15. Australian 3 4. Italian 58 8 16. Dutch 2 5. French 36 5 17. Israeli 2 6. British 23 3 18. Swedish 2 7. Greek 17 2 19. Mexican 2 8. Canadian 16 2 20. Yugoslavian 2 9. German 16 2 21. Russian 1 10. Filipino 8 22. Vietnamese 1 11. Hungarian 8 23. Venezuelan 1 12. Polish 6 24. Brazilian 1 REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 13

CANADIAN FILMS 1. The number of Canadian films classified in 1975 is 16 films. 2. The number of Canadian films classified in 1976 is 18 films. 3. The number of Canadian films classified in 1977 is 15 films. 4. The number of Canadian films classified in 1978 is 8 films. 5. The number of Canadian films classified in 1979 is 15 films. Name of Film Brood, The New World Mutual—Restricted—Warning: some gory and frightening scenes. City On Fire Astral Mature—Warning: some graphic scenes of burns and injuries. Fast Company Danton Mature—Warning: some coarse language, occa­ sional suggestive scenes and violence. Find That Lady Danton Mature—Warning: occasional nudity. Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang Saguenay General. Jig-Saw Creswin Mature—Warning: some violence. * Marie Ann Canfilm General. Meatballs Paramount Mature—Warning: some suggestive dialogue and coarse language. Murder By Decree Ambassador -Mature—Warning: some gory violence. Nous Deux, A Creswin Mature—Warning: some violence; occasional suggestive scenes.* Panic .New World Mutual—Mature—Warning: scenes of child birth. Running Universal Mature. Tomorrow Never Comes.-Cinepix Mature—Warning: frequent coarse language and some violence. Very Big Withdrawal, A—Astral Mature—Warning: occasional coarse language and swearing. Winter Games Frontier Amuse Restricted—Warning: frequent nude and sugges­ tive scenes.

* Canadian-French Co-production.


Number Number Number Number Number Month Issued, Issued, Issued, Issued, Issued, 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979

January 41 40 72 77 156 February 52 74 76 69 188 March 91 101 133 219 143 April.. 37 88 97 100 149 May... 57 146 136 161 198 June.. . 102 91 160 175 240 July- 50 104 115 145 197 August 45 90 138 122 167 September 70 145 80 142 202 October . 109 98 139 159 241 November . 54 101 113 140 156 December 98 85 99 130 142 14 BRITISH COLUMBIA










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Title of Film Distributor Footage

Aadmi Sadak Ka... Evergreen 14,711 Aap Ki Khatir Evergreen 10,533 Aatish Indian Films Overseas.. 13,703 ABBA the Movie Warner Bros 8,640 Aetos Ton Sklavo Menon Hellenic Views 9,540 All Our Friends Here Odeon Theatres 7,470 All's Well That Does Well.... Golden Crown... 8,370 Amazing Mr. Blunden, The.. I.F.D 8,730 Amber India Films Overseas 13,487 Apple Dumpling Gang Paramount 7,830 Arabian Adventure Bellevue 8,640 Attack of the Killer Tomatoes Danton 8,180 Autumn Memories Chinatown Theatre — 8,550 Beautiful Duckling, The Chinatown Theatre 9,900 Beauty and the Beast Canfilm 8,190 Bermuda Triangle, The .._.. Canfllm. 8,280 Birth Goddess, The Chinatown Theatre 8,370 Black Hole, The Paramount 8,820 Buck Rogers in the 25th Century Universal 7,920 Bugs Bunny Road Runner Movie, The Warner Bros 8,640 Chakraryuha Crown Films 12,220 Chala Munari Hero Ban-ne ____ India Films Overseas. 12,086 Chandi Sona India Films Overseas- 13,968 Charandass Evergreen 12,368 C.H.O.M.P.S. Ambassador 8,010 Warning Continuavano A Chiamarli I Due Piloti Piu Matti Del Mondo Italia Cinema 7,650 Counterattack in Self Defence Canadian Chinese Films 4,230 Damaad ... Evergreen... 11,430 Devata .... Evergreen 13,883 Dhongee Gala Films— - .... 12,380 Diary of Di-Di, The Chinatown Theatre 8,640 Dillagi _ _. Gala Films 10,816 Dirty Kung Fu Shaw 8,190 Fever.. Golden Harvest 8,460 Dulhan Wahi Jo Piya Man Bhaaye. Kiran Films 15,362 Ek Hi Rasta _ Crown Films 13,038 Enas Andras Me Filotimo... Hellenic Views 7,650 Esena Mono Agapo Hellenic Views — 10,440 Europeans, The Ambassador . 8,010 Febbre Da Cavallon Martinelli 8,280 Fiddler on the Roof United Artists .._ 13,230 Final Challenge, The Sun Sing 8,280 Fish That Saved Pittsburgh, The United Artists 9,180 Warning First Kiss First Goodbye Golden Harvest 8,100 Flaming Mountain, The Chinatown Theatre 8,370 Four Loves Chinatown Theatre 9,000 Franco, Ciccio, e la Pirata Barbanera.. Italia Cinema 7,650 Further Adventures of the Wilderness Family, Part II. Pacific International 9,450 From Victory to Victory Canadian Chinese Films Co. 11,520 Girl Without Sorrow Golden Crown 8,190 Great Brain, The. Bellevue 7,290 Guru Manio Granth Crown Films ... 11,245 Have I Given Satisfaction Canadian Chinese Film Co.. 7,920 He Never Gives Up .... Chinatown Theatre 9,810 He Who Never Dies _ Shaw 8,550 Heroes of the East Shaw 9,540 Holiday in Britain _ New Cinema ..... 7,380 Home Sweet Home Chinatown Theatre 9,720 I Due Assi Del Guanton _ Italia Cinema 8,550 I Due Kennedy- - Italia Cinema 10,260 I Have 12 Wives __ - Chinatown Theatre. 8,460 Ideal Couple. Great Eastern 10,260 II Sergente Rompilioni Martinelli 8,100 In Search of Historic Jesus ... Roke/I.F.D. ... 8,100 Io Non Scappo . . . Fuggo.. Italia Cinema.. 8,100 It Was Rainy Last Night- Sun Sing 8,500 Jacob Two Two Meets the Hooded Fang . Saguenay.. 7,110 Jay-Vejay ... India Films Overseas 14,383 Journey of Love, A Sun Sing 8,370 Jurmana .... India Films Overseas - 12,420 16 BRITISH COLUMBIA FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

King and Queen.. Golden Crown 8,280 Kisame Street Filipino Community Centre . 11,610 Kissing Cousin.. Golden Crown 7,920 Kitang Kita Ang Ebidensiya Evergreen 11,790 L'albero Delle Foglie Rosa Italia Cinema.— 8,550 Ladlee — Evergreen 12,628 Lady General Yung Canadian Chinese Films 12,690 Liang Shan-Po and Chu Ying Tai. Great Eastern 9,990 Little Mermaid, The Prima 6,030 Lonely Seventeen Chinatown Theatre 8,460 Lost Dream, The Golden Harvest 7,830 Love Flowers, The ... Golden Harvest 7,920 Love of the White Snake Chinatown Theatre 8,820 Love on a Foggy River Sun Sing.. 8,370 Love Pursuit Sun Sing 8,100 Love Seed, A Sun Sing 8,640 Love's Many Faces. Sun Sing 8,370 Marie Anne — Canfilm 7,740 Marixouana Stop — Hellenic Views 8,190 Matilda .— Ambassador 9,180 Million Dollar Bride, The_ Chinatown Theatre 8,730 Monkey King Subdues the White Boned Demon, The Canadian Chinese Films 8,820 Mountain Family Robinson. _ — Pacific International 9,090 Warner Bros... 9,450 Mr. Natwarlal — India Films Overseas 14,827 Muppet Movie, The - Bellevue 8,730 Muqaddar Ka Sikandar India Films Overseas — 16,420 Murder Most Foul — Golden Harvest 8,280 Nie Lubie Poniedzialku Odeon Theatre 9,360 Nie Ma Mocnych (Take It Easy) Odeon Theatre 8,280 Nykta Gamou _ Hellenic Views 8,460 O Anthropos Roloi Hellenic Views. 8,280 O Arxipseftaros Hellenic Views 8,820 O Katep Garis. Hellenic Views 7,740 O Klearhos H Marina Kai O Kontos. Hellenic Views 7,920 O Pehniadiaris Hellenic Views 6,750 Polkon Ki Chhaon Mein Evergreen 12,954 Prize Fighter, The New World Mutual — 8,820 Promise, The Universal 8,550 Rainbow in My Heart Golden Harvest 7,830 Ram Bharose Kartar Films 14,717 Red Guards of Lake Hunghu, The Great Eastern 9,900 Return of Monsoon Sun Sing _ 8,010 Roller Boogie United Artists 9,180 Rust Never Sleeps Danton 9,990 Scavenger Hunt Bellevue 10,260 Se Badhkar Ek _ Evergreen 14,842 Shirdi Ke Baba Crown Films 12,966 Small Dagger Society Canadian Chinese Films.. 8,010 Sorrow of Love - Sun Sing _ 8,280 Spring - Chinese Youth Assoc 7,290 Star Crash New World Mutual 8,100 Star Pilot Danton „ 7,200 Star Trek Paramount.. 11,700 Stardust.- Chinatown Theatre 8,910 Story of a Small Town, The Sun Sing 8,370 Story of , The.— Goldes Harvest 8,280 Sunrise Canadian Chinese Films . 10,440 Superbug, Craziest Car in the World.. Cinepix 8,280 Swami _ Evergreen - 11,440 To Pio Lampro Asteri Hellenic Views 8,010 Touch of Fair Lady.— Sun Sing 8,280 Toy, The .... Danton _ 8,280 That Cruel Boy Odeon Theatres ... 7,020 Trishna Evergreen — 12,072 Tzeni Tzeni — Hellenic Views— 9,000 Unforgetable Dream, The Chinatown Theatre _„. 8,010 Unidentified Flying Oddball Paramount 8,280 Utasas Jaccabal New Cinema 7,560 Walking in the Setting Sun.— Sun Sing 8,550 REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 17


Title of Film Distributor Footage

War Between the Planets.. Astral Films 6,840 Watership Down.. New World Mutual 8,190 Way Ching Killed the Dragon Chinatown Theatre. 7,830 Wild Goose on the Wing Sun Sing 9,180 Wildflower in the Storm Golden Harvest 8,730 Woman Basketball Player No 5- Great Eastern 8,190 Wonderful Small World, The Chinatown Theatre. 7,920 Young Lovers.. Golden Harvest 8,100 Your Smiling Face- Golden Harvest 7,920


Title of Film Distributor Footage

Beluga Baby . Astral (N.F.B.).. 1,158 Blowhard Columbia 850 Chairman Mao's Memorial Hall Canadian Chinese- 1,710 Today 1978 No. 12 Great Eastern 990 China Today 1979 No. 1 Great Eastern 990 Day in Forillon, A Columbia. 647 Day in Pacific Rim, A. Columbia. 607 Day in Point Pelee, A Columbia 593 Diving Girls 1978._ Chinese Youth Assoc. 1,710 Doctor Pink _ United Artists 620 Doubletalk- United Artists 856 Every Child Astral 560 Footloose Fox Paramount 2,610 Gathering Flame Canfilm 1,890 Gobind Darshan Siddoo 468 Hardware Wars.. Frontier Amusements- 1,172 It's Only a Game- Universal 706 John Law and the Mississippi Bubble.. Astral (N.F.B.).. 875 Lake Odyssey.. Famous Players.. 1,130 Pink and Shovel (Cartoon) United Artists 620 Pink Breakfast (Cartoon). United Artists 620 Pink in the Woods (Cartoon).. United Artists 620 Pink Lemonade (Cartoon). United Artists..... 619 Pink Pull Pink Panther (Cartoon) United Artists 620 Pink Quackers (Cartoon) United Artists 620 Pink Suds (Cartoon) _ United Artists. 620 Sauk-ai _ Astral (N.F.B.).. 888 She's a Railroader- Astral (N.F.B.). 880 Shotgun Shambles... Bellevue 561 Side By Side.. Bellevue 1,434 Space Varmints (Cartoon) Bellevue 562 Spark Plug Pink (Cartoon) United Artists. 619 String Along in Pink (Cartoon).. United Artists 632 Sunchanger. Odeon Theatres.. 800 Super Market Pink (Cartoon) United Artists .... 620 Ten the Magic Number Astral 1,135 Toro Pink (Cartoon) United Artists 620 Touch of a Child, The Frontier Amusements.. 1,108 Travel Log Astral (N.F.B.) 872 Treasures of a Pharaoh United Artists— 897 Why Me? _ Astral (N.F.B.) 850 Yokes on You Bellevue. „ 571 BRITISH COLUMBIA FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued GENERAL ENTERTAINMENT—16 mm

Title of Film Distributor Footage

j\nais Observed . Frontier Amusements.. 2,139 Antonia Frontier Amusements . 2,051 Different Slopes Canada West Productions- 3,206 End of Summer, The._ Frontier Amusements 3,662 Grand Illusion — Frontier Amusements 4,052 Great Balloon Adventure. Paramount 3,176 Hamraaz ... Kiran Films — 5,634 Hotel Imperial (1927). Universal 2,871 Jesal Toral India Films Overseas . 4,907 Magoo's Favorite Heroes. Bellevue.— 2,557 Mastermind- Canfilm 3,300 Napoleon II L'Aiglon.. Canfilm.. 3,431 Noah's Ark Bellevue 3,971 Revenge of Ivanhoe, The . Canfilm. 3,262 Revolt of the Barbarians... Canfilm 2,945 Safed Haathi Kiran Films 4,260 Sanjuro _. Frontier Amusements.. 3,427 Shabab Kiran Films 5,493 Tayoy Madoyo Up Up and Away- Evergreen 4,446 Vagabond Skiers Barrymore Productions- 3,074 Yang Kwei Fei _ Frontier Amusements 3,256


Title of Film Distributor Footage

Antartica Bluewater Cruising 1,600 Bighorns Battle Heikkila Films 501 Ground Shook Under Their Feet Heikkila Films 488 Le Passage Du Nord-Ouest Du Greenland Au Det roit De Bering Bluewater Cruising 1,600 Moose, Calf and the Predators Heikkila Films 470 Northern Wanderers Heikkila Films 873 Upstream Tatchenssina - __ Heikkila Films 955 Wash, The Odeon Theatres 600


Title of Film Distributor Footage

Acquasanta Joe - Italia Cinema 8,370 Warning Agatha Warner Bros. 8,730 Ako Sayo Filipino Community Centre- 10,080 Along Came the Tiger Sun Sing 7,830 Warning Americathon United Artists _ 7,470 Warning And Justice for All Columbia - 10,620 Warning Angi Vera New Cinema 8,550 Warning Ashanti Warner Bros 10,350 Warning Avalanche New World Mutual . 8,280 Warning Avalanche Express — Bellevue 7,920 Warning Azaad India Films Overseas... 14,387 Warning Badaltey Rishtey India Films Overseas... 12,762 Bamboo Brotherhood, The. Frontier Amusements . 8,460 Warning Barracuda Cinepix 8,460 Warning Bees, The New World Mutual 7,650 Warning REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 19 FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued MATURE ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Beyond Death's Door. Roke/I.F.D.­ ,460 Beyond the Poseidon Adventure.. Warner Bros— ,080 Warning Bhala Maanus Evergreen ,600 Big Land Flying Eagles.. Shaw ,640 Warning Big Number . Sun Sing ,460 Warning Birds of a Feather United Artists.. ,080 Black Belt Sun Sing... ,550 Warning Black List Chinatown Theatre- ,470 Warning Blind Fist of Bruce Shaw ,370 Warning Blooded Treasury Fighting.. Sun Sing ,100 Warning Born Invincible Golden Harvest- ,740 Warning Boulevard Nights Warner Bros ,000 Warning Breaking Away Bellevue ,910 Warning Breza Evergreen ,100 Brinks Job, The.. Universal ,090 Warning Brothers, The ..... Shaw ,370 Warning Bruce Tuan 7—Promise.. Golden Crown- ,550 Buek — New Cinema .... ,470 Warning Bullet For the President, A.. New World MutuaL.. ,810 Warning Burnout. Saguenay. ,380 Butch and Sundance: The Early Days.. Bellevue ,900 Warning Butcher Wing Chinatown Theatre._ ,280 Warning Caning— Golden Harvest ,830 Warning Capture of Bigfoot, The Creswin _ ,100 Warning Cat and Mouse _ Saguenay ,630 Celine and Julie Go Boating . New Cinema ,190 Chaalu Mera Naam Evergreen 077 Chac New Cinema ,370 Champ, The~ United Artists ,800 Chase Sun Sing. ,820 Warning Children of Sanchez, The.. Derma Communications- 350 Warning China Syndrome, The Columbia. 890 Warning Chinese Whimsy, The Chinatown Theatre 650 Warning Chorus Girls, The_ Danton 100 Warning Chow Ken Golden Crown 000 Warning Chaochow Guy. Golden Crown 830 Warning City on Fire _ _ Astral 450 Warning College Girl.. Evergreen 950 Concorde—Airport '79, The. Universal 990 Crane Fighter, The Shaw - ,280 Warning Crazy Swordsman Chinatown Theatre. ,550 Warning Crippled Avengers Shaw ,540 Warning Cuba United Artists ,890 Warning Dance of the Drunk Mantis... Golden Harvest ,460 Warning Daredevils, The _ Shaw. ,460 Warning Darinda Evergreen - ,701 Dark, The New World Mutual- ,100 Warning Deadly Breaking Sword, The Shaw ,540 Warning Dear Inspector New Cinema ,360 Warning Death Duel of Kung Fu, The. Sun Sing 650 Warning Deceiver, The_ Golden Crown- ,650 Deliver Us From Evil. New Cinema 100 Warning Despair Saguenay.. 620 Warning Dilaur Deewar India Films Overseas.. 655 Shaw 540 Warning Do Mosafir Evergreen 970 't Hate Me. Chinatown Theatre. 550 Double Cross Shaw 290 Warning Dracula Universal ,720 Warning Dragon Fist Shaw _ ,550 Warning Dragon and Tiger Kids Shaw - ,280 Warning Dragon in the Thieves' Den, A„ Sun Sing ,280 Warning Dragon's Claws . Golden Harvest- 8.19 0 Warning Dream Sword, The Shaw ,730 Warning Dreamer. _ Bellevue ,010 Drunk Monkey in the Tiger's Eye. Golden Harvest- ,810 Dual Flying Kicks Sun Sing - ,010 Warning Duel of the 7 Tigers Golden Harvest ,640 Warning Dumb Ox, The _ Chinatown Theatre ,830 Warning Duniya Meri Jeb Mein _. Indian Films Overseas.. ,902 20 BRITISH COLUMBIA FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued MATURE ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Ecco Noi Per Esempio- Martinelli 10,260 Warning El Super.. Pan Canadian 8,280 Warning Electric Horseman, The Columbia 10,800 Warning Enigma of Kasper Houser, The. New Cinema- 9,720 Warning Enter the Fat Dragon Golden Harvest- 8,460 Warning Escape From Alcatraz Paramount 9,900 Warning Escape to Athena Bellevue. 9,000 Warning Eternal Love, The Chinatown Theatre- 9,400 Evictors, The Ambassador _ 8,280 Warning Extras, The — Golden Harvest 7,830 Warning Fast Break Columbia 9,000 Fast Charlie The Moonbeam Rider- Universal 8,820 Warning Fast Company- Danton - 8,100 Warning Fearless Hyena, The.. Shaw 9,300 Warning Fierce Fist, The Chinatown Theatre 8,100 Warning 5th Musketeer, The.... Columbia 9,180 Find That Lady - Danton 7,920 Warning Find the Lady. Shaw ... 9,090 Firepower- Bellevue 8,280 Warning First Error Step, The Golden Harvest 8,910 Warning Five Bloody Graves Frontier Amusements. 7,290 Warning Five Superfighters Shaw ... 8,910 Warning Five Days From Home- Universal- - - 9,810 Force of One, A Canfilm 8,100 Warning Four Real Friends Golden Crown 8,280 Warning Fox Bat - Golden Harvest 8,460 Warning Frankenstein Blood Terror- Frontier Amusements.. 7,200 Warning French Detective, The Saguenay 8,100 Warning French Postcards Paramount 8,370 Warning Frisco Kid, The Warner Bros 10,530 Warning Full Moon Scimitor Shaw - 8,910 Warning Furious Slaughter Chinatown Theatre- 7,920 Warning Game of Death . Columbia 8,820 Warning Gautam Govinda Evergreen- 13,607 Warning Gee and Gor Golden Harvest 8,190 Get Out Your Handerkerchiefs . Saguenay. 9,720 Warning Ghar— India Films Overseas.. 11,456 Godsend, The Allied Artists 8,010 Warning Going in Style Warner Bros 8,640 Warning Gold Constables Sun Sing 8,190 Warning Golden Age, The Golden Harvest 8,280 Golden Mask, The.. Sun Sing 8,190 Warning Goldengirl.. Astral - 9,360 Warning Good Guys Wear Black- Canfilm 8,460 Warning Great Heroes, The... Sun Sing 8,730 Warning Great Train Robbery, The.. United Artists 10,440 Warning Greatest Battle, The— Saguenay 8,550 Warning Green Dragon Inn, The Golden Harvest 8,280 Warning Gumapang Ka Sa Lupa. Kiran Films 9,450 Warning Hair . United Artists 10,800 Warning Half Loaf of Kung Fu.. Golden Harvest 8,550 Warning Hanover Street - Columbia 9,630 Warning Head Over Heels United Artists 8,820 Warning Hellfire Angel, The Golden Harvest 8,640 Warning Hello Late Homecomers Golden Harvest 8,730 Warning Hira Aur Patthar Gala Films 12,545 His Name Is Nobody. - Sun Sing 8,460 Warning Hometown U.S.A New World Mutual 8,190 Warning Hot Stuff. - - - Columbia 8,100 Warning H.O.T.S. Danton 8.640 Warning How I Unleashed the Second World War.. Odeon Theatres . 15,120 Hsaoli's Flyknife Golden Crown ... 8,010 Warning Hurricane Paramount 10,620 Ice Castles Columbia 9,630 Warning II Prof Dott Guido Tersilli Italia Cinema 9,180 II Trapianto - Italia Cinema 9,720 Illusions Come True Chinatown Theatre.. 8,370 Warning Immortal Warriors Sun Sing 7,740 Warning In the Desert and Wilderness.. Odeon Theatres 12,690 Warning In-Laws, The _ Warner Bros 9,090 Warning REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 21 FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued MATURE ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Invincible, The Sun Sing 8,640 Warning Invincible Monkey Fist- Sun Sing 9,090 Warning Invincible Shaolin Shaw 9,360 Warning Invincible Superguy. Chinatown 7,560 Warning Iphigenia.. New Cinema 11,340 Iron Head, Iron Finger, Iron Cloth.. Sun Sing 8,190 Warning Iron Swallow __ Golden Harvest ... 8,280 Warning It's Alive II Warner Bros 8,010 Warning Itchy Fingers Golden Harvest 8,370 Jack 'n Jill of the Third Kind Evergreen 11,430 Jaguar Lives Astral — 8,010 Warning Jerk, The _ Universal 8,910 Warning Jhoota Kahinka _ Kiran Films 13,116 Jig Saw.. Creswin 8,550 Warning Just You and Me Kid Columbia 8,550 Warning Kaala Patthar India Films Overseas.. 15,405 Kartavya Evergreen 15,130 Warning Keoma Martinelli 9,090 Warning Khel Khilari Ka Pearl Entertainment- 13,477 Kids Are Alright, The New World Mutual— 9,450 Bellevue - 8,820 Warning Kings of Fists and Dollars.. Shaw 9,450 Warning King of Kung Fu Chinatown Theatre 7,920 Warning Knockabout _. Golden Harvest 9,270 Warning Kramer vs. Kramer. Columbia 9,360 Warning Kung Fu Instructor Shaw 9,450 Warning Kung Fu Master. Chinatown Theatre .. 8,280 Warning Kung Fu Master Named Drunk Cat - Golden Harvest 7,830 Kung Fu of Dammoh Styles Chinatown Theatre... 8,010 Warning Kung Fu of Eight Drunkards Sun Sing 8,190 Warning La Citta Gioca D'Azzardo - Italia Cinema. — 9,100 Warning La Dolce Vita I.F.D 16,440 La Preda- - — Italia Cinema.. 8,640 Warning La Mazzetta —- Martinelli 9,720 Warning La Polizia Ha Le Mani Legate Italia Cinema 8,640 Warning La Chambre Verte (The Green Room).. New World Mutual. 8,370 La Schiava Italia Cinema 9,180 Warning VAmour En Fuiet (Love on the Run)... New World Mutual... 8,370 Last Hurrah for Chivalry. Golden Harvest 9,000 Warning Last Wave, The Creswin 9,360 Law Don Golden Harvest 8,010 Warning L'Emigrante Italia Cinema 10,260 Le Silencieux - _ New World Mutual. 10,440 Warning Legend of "Feng Shui" - Shaw 8,190 Warning Life Gamble— Shaw 9,090 Warning Life of Brian Warner Bros — 8,280 Warning Little Romance, A Warner Bros. 9,720 Warning Lost and Found — Columbia — 9,350 Warning Lost Kung-Fu Secret, The Sun Sing 8,100 Warning Love and Bullets Bellevue 9,360 Warning Love at First Bite- Ambassador 8,550 Warning Love in a Cabin _ Chinatown Theatre... 9,000 Warning Magnificent, The Sun Sing 8,190 Warning Magnificent Bodyguards Golden Harvest 9,090 Warning Magnificent Ruffians — Shaw 9,450 Warning Main Event, The Warner Bros 9,720 Warning Main Tulsi Tere Aangan Ki Crown Films 14,063 Manhattan - — United Artists 8,460 Warning Mars Villa, The Sun Sing. 8,280 Warning Mastan Dada - India Films Overseas- 12,541 Meatballs Paramount 8,280 Warning Meteor .... Ambassador 9,450 Warning Mission Kiss and Kill Chinatown Theatre 8,100 Warning Monkey Kung Fu - Shaw . 8,550 Warning Moonlight Sword and Tade Lion. Golden Harvest 8,370 Warning Moonraker. —_ United Artists 11,250 Warning More American Graffiti Universal 9,900 Warning Mr. Funnybone Strikes Again Shaw ... 8,730 Warning Mr. Mike's Mondo Video Ambassador 7,200 Warning Mr. No Legs Cinepix 7,920 Warning 22 BRITISH COLUMBIA FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued MATURE ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Murder by Decree . Ambassador.. 10 980 Warning Murder Plot Shaw... 550 Warning My Dear Brother.. Sun Sing- 830 Warning My Kung Fu Master Golden Harvest. 370 My Kung Fu 12 Kicks.. Shaw. ,830 Warning Newsfront Pan Canadian ,900 Night of the Seagulls, The Creswin ,920 Warning Night They Robbed Big Bertha's. Prima ,650 Warning Nightwing Columbia 360 Warning 1941 — — Universal 530 Warning No One Can Touch Her Golden Crown- 640 Warning Noorie. India Films Overseas.. 512 Norma Rae. Bellevue 170 Nosferatu—Phantom der Nacht— Bellevue 540 Warning Nous Deux, A - Creswin ,990 Warning O Anthropos Pou Girisse Apo.. Hellenic Views ,720 Odd Couple Shaw— ,460 Warning Odd Job, The _ New World Mutual ,010 Warning Old Boyfriends Astral ,090 Warning Once in Paris _ Danton 820 One Foot Crane Shaw 190 Warning One Son Too Many. Shaw 280 1000 Dollari Sul Nero- Italia Cinema.. 180 Warning One Way Only- Sun Sing 740 Warning Operation Thunderbolt- Saguenay... 250 Warning Pai Yu Ching Golden Harvest- 830 Warning Panic New World Mutual- ,460 Warning Pei Shih Golden Crown ,710 Peppermint Soda — New Cinema 000 Warning Perfect Couple, A~ Bellevue 900 Phool Khile Hain Gulshan Gulshan. Evergreen 009 Picnic at Hanging Rock Danton _ 260 Players Paramount 710 Warning Porridge. Bellevue ,370 Prisoner of Zenda, The. Universal ,630 Promises in the Dark Warner Bros... ,710 Proud Twins, The Shaw ,900 Warning Purple Taxi. Pan Canadian- ,270 Warning Queen of the Gypsies . Pan Canadian.. ,560 Warning Quintet _ Bellevue. ,530 Racquet _. Creswin ,650 Warning Ramkasam Crown Films ,861 Warning Rangilla Ratan Evergreen ,499 Rascal Billionaire, The„ Sun Sing ,190 Warning Ravagers. Columbia ,100 Warning Reckless Cricket, The_ Shaw ,280 Restless - Creswin ,660 Warning Return of the Heros of the Water Front- Chinatown Theatre... ,740 Warning Revenge of the Shaolin Master Sun Sing ,280 Warning Rich Kids United Artists ,550 Warning Robert and Robert Market Movies ,450 Warning Rock 'n Roll High School- New World Mutual- ,280 Warning Rocky II United Artists.— ,620 Rose, The _ Bellevue _ ,970 Warning Runner Stumbles, The.. Astral. ,630 Running Universal ,000 Saajan Bina Suhagan... Kiran Films... ,452 Safar Crown Films.. ,679 Sarkari Mehmaan Evergreen ,793 Search and Destroy.. Canfilm ,280 Warning Secret File Golden Harvest- ,730 Warning Seduction of Joe Tynan, The.. Universal.. _ ,540 Warning Sense of Love, The Evergreen ,972 Sense of Love II, The Evergreen ,660 72 Desperate Rebels, The Shaw ,370 Warning Shaolin Abbot Shaw ,560 Warning Shaolin Heroes Shaw ,370 Warning Shaolin Kung Fu Master.. Sun Sing ,550 Warning Shaolin Invisible Stick Sun Sing 100 Warning Shaolin Rescurers Shaw 090 Warning REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 23 FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued MATURE ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Shatranj Ke Khilani.. Ridge Theatre.. 11,166 Shock Waves Creswin 7,560 Warning Shout, The... Pan Canadian- 7,650 Warning Six Directions Boxing, The.. Shaw 8,100 Warning Skatetown, U.S.A Columbia 8,870 Sleeping Fist _ Golden Harvest 7,830 Warning Snake and Crane Arts of Shaolin.. Golden Harvest 9,000 Warning Snake-Crane Secret Sun Sing 9,090 Warning Snake in the Monkey's Shadow.. Golden Harvest 7,830 Warning Snake Queen Chinatown Theatre . 8,190 Warning Snake Shadow Lama Fist Sun Sing 7,920 Warning Something Short of Paradise Ambassador 8,100 Warning Spiritual Boxer Part II Shaw _ 9,090 Warning Spiritual Kung Fu _ Shaw 8,460 Warning 9,360 Warning Starting Over- Paramount 8,190 Story of Green House.. Sun Sing 7,920 Stunts— I.F.D 8,910 Warning Sunburn _ Paramount. 8,010 Super Dragon — Sun Sing- 8,280 Warning Super Swordsman Chinatown Theatre . 8,010 Warning Swordsman and Enchantress.. Shaw 9,720 Warning Teacher of Great Soldiers, A~ Chinatown Theatre 7,110 Team Mates - Danton 8,190 Warning Texas Detour- Saguenay. 9,900 Warning Time After Time Warner Bros ... 7,110 Warning To Blocko - Hellenic Views 9,450 Tomorrow Never Comes _ Cinepix 7,650 Warning Tourist Trap - Astral Warning Tree of the Wooden Clogs, The.. Pan Canadian 16,560 Warning Turtle on its Back New Cinema ... 9,720 Warning Two in Black Belt Golden Harvest 7,650 Warning Tyaag Evergreen- 12,736 Uncle Joe Shannon United Artists 9,450 Unforgetable Day, The Sun Sing 8,190 Valley of the Butterfly, The. Chinatown Theatre. 8,190 Warning Very Big Withdrawal, A Astral 9,000 Warning Villain, The Columbia 7,740 Violette Noiziere Cinepix 9,540 Warning Virilita Italia Cinema 8,640 Warning Voices United Artists 9,360 Walk Proud - Universal. 8,730 Warning Wanda Nevada United Artists 9,450 Warning Wanderer With the Nimble Knife Golden Crown 8,280 Warning Warriors Two — Golden Harvest 8,550 Warning Ways of Kung Fu, The— Sun Sing. 8,460 Warning When Joseph Returns New Cinema 7,920 Warning Wickedness in Poverty. Sun Sing 8,460 Evergreen 8,010 Wildings- —- 6,840 Winter Equinox Danton Warning 8,550 Warning Winter Kills Astral 9,720 Woman at Her Window- Saguenay 8,280 Woman Avenger Shaw - Warning Yanks ~ Universal _ 12,420 Warning Young Avengeress, The_ Chinatown Theatre. 8,640 Warning Young Lovers- Shaw - 8,910 Warning Youthful Delinquents, The Chinatown Theatre. 8,730 Warning Zen Kwun Do Strikes in Paris. Sun Sing 8,190 Zindagi — Gala Films 13,246 Warning Zoltan—Hound of Dracula Astral _ 7,740 Warning 24 BRITISH COLUMBIA FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979-^Continued MATURE ENTERTAINMENT—SHORT SUBJECTS—35 mm (Under 3,000 ft.)

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Astral (N.F.B.) 639


Title of Film Distributor Footage

Bansi Birju Pearl Entertainment . 4,865 Blazing Sand _.. I.F.D 3,058 Warning Brave Ones, The CBA of Canada 3,297 Warning Cheat, The Crown Films 4,604 Diamonds for Breakfast... Canfilm 3,700 Dodes Ka-Den Frontier Amusements- 5,008 Gehra Daag... Evergreen 5,594 Great Gambler, The.. Gala Films 6,030 Heeralaal Pannalaal... India Films Overseas.. 5,465 Warning Karmayogi.. Kiran Films 5,653 Love Goddesses: A History of Sex in the Cinema.. New Cinema. 2,882 Warning Marriage of Maria Braun _ Pan Canadian. 4,700 Warning Massacre in the Black Forest Canfilm 3,297 Warning Nunzio _ Universal 3,122 Warning Of Flesh and Blood _ Canfilm 2,995 Warning Raaste Ka Patthar Kiran Films 5,058 Rain and Shine _ Pan Canadian- 3,546 Warning Shalimar _ Crown Films. 5,456 Warning Stevie _ Pan Canadian— 3,657 Sunghursh _ Siddoo 6,327 Women New Cinema 3,700 Warning


Title of Film Distributor Footage

Alien Bellevue.. 10,260 Warning Amityville Horror Ambassador 10,500 Warning Ammunition Hunters, The.. Chinatown Theatre- 9,180 Warning Angels From Hell.._ Astral 7,560 Warning Apocalypse Now United Artists 13,590 Warning Bank Busters Shaw 8,100 Warning Bell Jar, The Astral 9,990 Warning Best Hustler Wins, The Shaw 8,910 Warning Beyond the Door II New World Mutual . 8,370 Warning Black Emmanuelle I.F.D. 7,380 Warning Bloodline Paramount 10,350 Warning Bottom Line Creswin 8,910 Warning Brood, The _ New World Mutual.. 7,740 Warning Bruce and the Iron Finger.. Chinatown Theatre... 8,280 Warning Brucia Ragazzo Brucia Italia Cinema. 8,190 Warning Butterfly Murderers, The Golden Harvest. 8,010 Warning California Dreaming Ambassador - 8,280 Warning REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 25 FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued RESTRICTED ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Cheaters, The ..... Frontier Amusements.. 8,280 Warning Confessions of a Young American Housewife- Marden 6,120 Warning Convention Girls New World Mutual 8,010 Warning Count Dracula and His Vampire Bride . Astral. 7,740 Warning Country Blue - Frontier AmusementS- 8,730 Warning Cry of a Prostitute - Creswin 7,200 Warning Dangerous Game Chinatown Theatre 8,100 Warning Dawn of the Dead Astral _ 11,337 Warning Deer Hunter, The Universal. _ 16,290 Warning Disco Summer Cinepix _ 8,370 Warning Distance Dabara Films 8,100 Warning Dona Flor and Her Two Husbands. Dabara Films.- 9,720 Warning Dracula Sucks Ambassador 6,840 Warning Emmanuelle in America.. I.F.D. 7,830 Warning Eraserhead Creative Exposure.. 7,830 Warning Erotic Three, The ..... Danton 7,560 Warning Executive's Wives, The— Marden 6,300 Warning Eyeball, The Creswin 7,740 Warning Fanny Hill Meets Dr. Erotico Marden 6,660 Warning Fanny Hill Meets the Red Baron- Marden 6,300 Warning Female Bunch - Creswin 7,290 Warning Fiona Frontier Amusements.. 6,570 Warning Force of Evil New World Mutual 8,730 Warning Frigidity- Chinatown Theatre 8,550 Warning Gambler, The Chinatown Theatre 8,820 Warning Ghost Story, The Shaw 9,540 Warning Giornata Nera Per L'Ariete_ Italia Cinema 8,370 Warning Girls Next Door Danton.... 7,920 Warning Gory Murder, The Golden Harvest . 8,190 Warning Grave of the Vampire — Cinepix 8,010 Warning Growing Up I.F.D 8,460 Warning Hard Candy ... Frontier Amusements- 6,750 Warning Hardcore _ Columbia 9,540 Warning Hot Ice . Frontier Amusements.. 9,450 Warning II Vizio Di Famiglia.. Italia Cinema. 8,370 Warning Innocent, The.. Ambassador 10,260 Warning Innocenza E Turbamento Italia Cinema 8,460 Warning Keetje Tippel (Cathy Tippel).. Ridge Theatre 9,180 Warning King Frat Saguenay.. 7,830 Warning Knockers Up.. Marden 5,580 Warning La Dottoressa Del Distretto Militare.. Italia Cinema 8,370 Warning La Premiere (First Time).— ._ Prima 7,290 Warning Last Embrace, The United Artists. 9,000 Warning Last Judgement, The _ Shaw 8,820 Warning Legacy, The Universal 8,910 Warning Let Me Die a Woman Frontier Amusements.. 6,480 Warning Madame Claude New World Mutual 9,810 Warning Magician of Lublin, The Allied Artists 9,450 Warning Malibu High . Saguenay — 8,010 Warning Matter of Love, A Frontier Amusements- 7,200 Warning Money on the Way... Chinatown Theatre 8,100 Warning Mustang House of Pleasure.. Cinepix 7,560 Warning Naked Prey, The New World Mutual 7,290 Warning Nea. Pan Canadian 8,910 Warning Night of the Askari. Danton 7,650 Warning Nocturna Astral 7,200 Warning North Dallas 40. Paramount 10,530 Warning Nurse Sherri.. __. Danton 8,370 Warning Oona New Cinema- 5,850 Warning Operation of Spring Wind- Chinatown Theatre . 7,560 Warning One Man Jury, The Creswin 9,180 Warning Onion Field, The Astral 11,160 Warning Ordine Firmato in Bianco.. Martinelli 10,530 Warning Passage, The .'. United Artists 8,640 Warning Phantasm Astral. 7,830 Warning Playmates Frontier Amusements.. 7,110 Warning Private Nurse _ Cinepix 7,020 Warning Prophecy.. Paramount 9,090 Warning Quadrophenia Astral _ 10,170 Warning Richard Pryor Live in Concert.. I.F.D 6,930 Warning 26 BRITISH COLUMBIA FILMS CLASSIFIED IN 1979—Continued RESTRICTED ENTERTAINMENT—35 mm—Continued

Title of Film Distributor Footage

Scandalous Warlord, The. Shaw ... ,010 Warning Saint Jack New World Mutual. ,260 Warning Schoolgirls in Chains I.F.D.. ,650 Warning Screams of a Winter Night- Saguenay ,100 Warning Secret, The Golden Harvest.. ,830 Warning Sedia Elettrica Italia Cinema ,100 Warning Servants, The- Golden Harvest- ,830 Warning Seven Astral ,910 Warning Sex Fever Cinepix — ,100 Warning Some Like It Cool. Prima ,830 Warning Spiteful Woman Chinatown Theatre.. ,010 Warning Storming Attacks- Golden Harvest 730 Warning Struggle Golden Harvest ,000 Warning Stud, The Ambassador- ,370 Warning Summer Camp.. Danton ,560 Warning Sunnyside Ambassador ,000 Warning Swap Meet- Saguenay.. 560 Warning Tattoo Connection, The. Chinatown Theatre._ ,640 Warning 10 - Warner Bros.. .. ,350 Warning Till Marriage Do Us Part Pan Canadian ,640 Warning Van Nuys Blvd Saguenay 370 Warning Vice Squad 633 — Golden Harvest ,010 Warning Wanderers, The Warner Bros — ,440 Warning Warning for the Young ... Chinatown Theatre- ,550 Warning Warriors, The Paramount ,190 Warning What's Up Superdoc?. Astral.._ ,100 Warning When a Stranger Calls Columbia ,730 Warning When You Comin' Back Red Ryder? Astral ,620 Warning Wif emistress Saguenay _. ,000 Warning Winter Games Frontier Amusements- ,090 Warning Worldly Foursome Chinatown Theatre ,460 Warning Yvonne From 6 to 9 Marden.. - ,400 Warning


Title of Film Distributor Footage



Title of Film Distributor Footage



Title of Film Distributor Footage

All Around Service . Cinepix.. 6,660 Warning Always Up.. Cinepix.. 5,490 Warning Amorous Adventures of Don Quixote and Sancho Panza Marden Films 10,530 Warning Angels Hard As They Come New World Mutual.. 7,560 Warning Back Seat Cabbie _ Cinepix 5,310 Warning Beyond Erotica Creswin 7,817 Warning Big Thumbs _ __ _ - Cinepix 7,110 Warning Body Love- Cinepix _ _... 5,615 Warning Cadillac Named Desire Danton 5,210 Warning Case of the Smiling Stiffs Danton 5,940 Warning Cheating Couples Cinepix 7,020 Warning Chorus Call Cinepix _ 5,706 Warning Climax of Blue Power, Art Films 6,409 Warning Computer Game Art Films 5,490 Warning Confessions - Cinepix. 4,550 Warning Confessions of a Sex Maniac. Canfilm 7,110 Warning Count the Ways - Cinepix 5,207 Warning Danish Sailors - Cinepix. 8,240 Warning Delilah Marden Films.. 4,950 Warning Devil Inside Her, The... Cinepix 4,564 Warning Expectations Cinepix.. 5,670 Warning Female Factory Marden Films. 5,670 Warning Final Sin, The Cinepix 4,311 Warning Fist Full of 44's Marden Films.. 5,580 Warning Five Minute Kiss, The._ Marden Films. 4,320 Warning Foxy Ladies . Shaw 9,180 Warning From Holly With Love Cinepix 6,750 Warning Good Luck Miss Wyckoff. Astral — 9,360 Warning Happy Holidays Steko/Danton. 5,037 Warning Hard Core Blues Marden Films. 7,200 Warning Hard Ones Cinepix. 5,287 Warning Heat Wave Cinepix 4,088 Warning High Jinks — Cinepix 6,390 Warning Horn A' Plenty Cinepix 6,660 Warning Hot Wives Cinepix. 4,516 Warning House of Bondage _ New World Mutual- 6,840 Warning Inside Jennifer Welles Cinepix 7,920 Warning Invasion of the Love Drones . Cinepix 5,658 Warning Knock Them Over New Cinema 5,400 Warning Keep It Up.. New Cinema 6,030 Warning Kleinhoff Hotel New World Mutual- 8,280 Warning Lady of the Convent, The.. New World Mutual.. 8,504 Warning Love Camp.. Cinepix 7,020 Warning Love Secrets of the Kama Sutra . New Cinema 5,299 Warning Madame Kitty - Cinepix. 9,900 Warning Naughty Freshman _ Cinepix . 7,020 Warning Other Side of Julie, The Cinepix . 6,930 Warning Passionate Dreams Cinepix.. 8,190 Warning Paul, Lisa and Caroline New Cinema — 8,230 Warning Pro Shop, The. New Cinema.— 5,435 Warning Rape Killer, The .. Creswin 7,020 Warning SS Experiment Love Camp . Cinepix— 8,370 Warning Saturday Night Special Marden Films.. 4,860 Warning Sensual Girls — - New Cinema... 5,220 Warning Sex World Cinepix 7,302 Warning Sleepy Head . Cinepix 6,265 Warning Slippery When Wet- Cinepix 6,243 Warning Soft Places -- - Cinepix. 6,122 Warning Submission Frontier Amusements.. 9,450 Warning Summer Heat Marden Films 6,300 Warning Sweet Pumkin I Love You.. Cinepix _ 4,534 Warning 'E" Swinging Couples Cinepix _ 6,570 Warning Teddy Bare Cinepix 6,352 Warning


Title of Film Distributor Footage

Truck Stop Cinepix — 8,190 Warning Valley of the Nymphs.. Marden Films 4,722 Warning "E" Wild Pleasures.— Cinepix 7,740 Warning World Is Full of Married Men, The„ Astral 9,450 Warning Young Secretaries, The - New Cinema... 6,390 Warning Young Tycoon, The - Cinepix 7,843 Warning "E"


Title of Film Distributor Footage

12,600 Warning


Title of Film Distributor Footage

All in the Sex Family Frontier Distributors. 1,617 Warning "E" Aphrodisians Frontier Distributors. 1,932 Warning "E" Can Your Daughter Sit Tonight . Frontier Distributors 1,709 Warning "E" Coming of Angie, The Venus Theatre 1,867 Warning "E" Daughter of Satan, The. Frontier Distributors. 1,972 Warning "E" Family, The Frontier Distributors. 1,666 Warning "E" Girl Hunters ... Frontier Distributors. 1,900 Warning Heist, The Frontier Distributors. 1,870 Warning "E" Hot Summer Night _. Frontier Distributors. 1,579 Warning "E" Lickity Split Frontier Distributors. 2,152 Warning Love Cruise Frontier Distributors. 1,853 Warning "E" My Husband the Producer.. Venus Theatre _ 1,539 Warning Ole! Frontier Distributors. 1,917 Warning "E" New Comers, The Frontier Distributors- 2,104 Warning "E" Night of the Voyeur Frontier Distributors 1,854 Warning "E" Norm's Dilemma Frontier Distributors- 1,688 Warning Sex Mystick.. _ Frontier Distributors. 2,119 Warning "E" Sexual Therapist, The.. Frontier Distributors. 1,734 Warning "E" Sweet Diane Frontier Distributors- 2,073 Warning "E" This Love for Hire.. Frontier Distributors. 1,995 Warning "E" Upright Action Frontier Distributors 1,881 Warning "E" REPORT OF THE FILM CLASSIFICATION, 1979 29


Title of Film Distributor Footage

American Blue Love/Two for the Price of One.. Frontier Distributors- 1,271 Warning "E" Bananas Frontier Distributors- 1,244 Warning "E" Bang Gang, The... Frontier Distributors- 1,456 Warning "E" Champagne Party. - - Frontier Distributors- 682 Warning "E" Fresh and Foxy... Frontier Distributors- 1,580 Warning "E" Getting Ready for Roxanne.. Frontier Distributors- 716 Warning "E" Girl From A.U.N.T.I.E Frontier Distributors- 987 Warning "E" Hellen Bedd _. Frontier Distributors- 1,497 Warning «'E" Harry the Horny Hypnotist- Frontier Distributors- 1,242 Warning "E" Hidden Lust . Frontier Distributors- 1,284 Warning "E" House of Whorers Frontier Distributors- 996 Warning "E" How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Lays,. Frontier Distributors- 1,182 Warning "E" Illusions and Dirty Talk. Frontier Distributors- 895 Warning "E" Liars, The ..... Frontier Distributors- 857 Warning "E" Lonesome Wives Frontier Distributors . 1,093 Warning "E" Love at the Door Frontier Distributors... 1,339 Warning "E" Love for Sale Frontier Distributors ... 855 Warning "E" Love Hollywood Style- Frontier Distributors- 1,356 Warning "E" Lucifer's Lust Frontier Distributors- 1,590 Warning "E" Magical Ring, The.. Frontier Distributors- 759 Warning "E" Maharajah of Bangmor _. Frontier Distributors- 1,557 Warning "E" My Secretary, My Love Frontier Distributors- 1,570 Warning "E" Orgy of the Dolls. — _.. Frontier Distributors... 1,167 Warning "E" Pornous Line, A _ Venus Theatre _ 1,309 Warning "E" Public Affairs: The Watergate Buggers.. Frontier Distributors- 1,379 Warning "E" Rose and the Bee, The Frontier Distributors... 1,371 Warning "E" Run Jack Run Venus Theatre 1,417 Warning "E" Sex by Mail Frontier Distributors- 794 Warning "E" Sky Pilot Frontier Distributors- 1,378 Warning "E" Spirit of Seventy Sex. Frontier Distributors... 1,566 Warning "E" S.W.A.P Frontier Distributors- 918 Warning "E" Take Out Secretarial Service . Frontier Distributors- 850 Warning "E" Twilight Cowboy Frontier Distributors... 1,311 Warning "E" Virgin Awaken.. Venus Theatre 1,485 Warning "E" Young Working Stiffs. Frontier Distributors.. 1,007 Warning "E"


Title of Film Distributor Footage

1,750 Frontier Distributors _ 2,163 Little Girl Blue Frontier Distributors 1,678

* Eliminations.

Queen's Printer for British Columbia © Victoria, 1980

500-280-968 y