HAWA I I KMCAS, Kaneohe Bay, HI MARI June 16, 1978 THIS JOB IS A CUT -UP! - Staff Sergeant J. P. Strom, Packing, Packaging and Preserving (P,P&P) NCOIC, cuts lumber to be used in the construction of pallets. For story and photos see page 5. 'bow WC. ti."400,0001,10.PPfeltk---- Must have taught between 1966-75 In this issue Pops' Day Overseas teachers due back pay: DOD Sunday is Father's Day and the The Department of Defense equal to the prevailing practice of pay should furnish the Depart- Hawaii Marine takes a look at (DOD) announced recently that a majority of the large stateside ment of Defense, Office of Depen- the tradition and how it got teachers employed by the DOD school districts. The maximum dents Schools, Attention: Back started on page 2. Overseas Dependent School Sys- payment authorized by the court Pay, 2461 Eisenhower Avenue, tem between April 14, 1966 and is S10,000, before deductions. Alexandria, Va., 22331, the fol- Conservation June 30, 1975 have until Novem- On February 1, 1978, the lowing: name under which Station housing occupants and ber 1 jp apply for back pay entitle- Department of Defense essen- employed, date of birth, social even single residents- enn help ment under a court judgment tially completed notification to security number, inclusive dates the air station cut down on elec- issued in June 1975. more than 20,000 current and of employment, and, if currently tric bills by cutting down on hot former teachers of the back pay employed by the Federal govern- water. See page 3. The judgment resulted from a due them_ To date, more than 25% ment, the name and address of class action suit in which the of this number have received their the employing agency. No further Bond meets Islanders court ruled that DOD had been back pay checks, with payments application is required. The When Marines are on hand, the compensating teachers under a averaging between $3000- Department will compute each Hawaii Islanders do a little bet- year-old salary schedule and had $4000. teacher's entitlement and so ter. See page 7. failed to give the teachers pay Former DOD school teachers advise the teacher, without credit for teaching experience who have not yet applied for back further action on his part. 16-year NRS worker retires today By LCpI. Randy Daugherty Md. She came to Oahu in 1945 to explained that she was leaving work for the Department of the due to family needs, not because After 16 and one-half years, Navy and has lived here since she wants to. When asked what Mrs. Millie Graham, a book- then. She was married in 1949 she would do now, Mrs. Graham keeper with the Navy Relief and has lived in Kailua since jokingly said, "Catch up on 16 and Society office here, is retiring 1959. one-half years of house today. During her many years on cleaning." Millie then said she Millie began her career with Oahu, Mrs. Graham has partici- intends to catch up on some Navy Relief after her husband, pated in various volunteer reading and do some knitting and George Graham retired from the projects. During her children's sewing. Millie also plans to return Navy. She has spent her 16 years school years, she worked with the to other volunteer work. with Navy Relief here doing most Parent Teacher Association "I want to thank the people on of the jobs in the office at one time (PTA). She has also worked as a the base for all the support they or another volunteer at the Kailua Library. have given Navy Relief. It has Mrs. Graham was born in Cali- "I hate to leave. I don't want to been a gratifying job," concluded fornia and raised in Baltimore, go," said Mrs. Graham. She Mrs. Graham. Mrs. Millie Graham Page 2, Hawaii Marine, June 16, 1978 Happy Fathers Day Dads receive day of recognition The famous painting of Whistler's Mother was for seemingly in a left-handed manner. In proclaiming many years identified with Mother's Day, but what Father's Day in 1924, President Calvin Coolidge of Whistler's father? said, "The widespread observance of this day is While James McNeil Whistler's mother was calculated to establish more intimate relations posing in her rocking chair for that now-famous between fathers and their children and also to portrait, dad was pursuing an Army career and impress upon fathers the full measure of their obli- railroads for the Tsar of Russia. gations." Yet the term "Father" has always been one of Another probable reason is that father and son honor, and it has been the custom to bestow it on didn't see eye to eye on the artist's chosen men who have contributed something of im- profession. Whistler's father, Major George portance in human affairs. Some examples are: Washington Whistler, was a graduate of the U.S. Father of his Country, George Washington; Father of Military Academy at West Point. The young Whistler American Methodism, Francis Asbury; Father of became a cadet, but he neglected his studies in favor Angling, Izaak Walton; Father of Comedy, Aris- of sketching and was dropped from the Academy in tophanes; Father of English Printing, William his third year. Dad never forgave him. Caxton; and the list could go on. The credit for starting a day to honor fathers probably belongs to Mrs. John Dodd of Spokane, This year Father's Day is celebrated by Wash., where she organized the first celebration of Presidential Proclamation on June 18. It's a special Cadet Whistler at West Point the day on 19, 1910. day for fathers and anyone who has ever had one. Even when dad was finally recognized, it was Don't forget to remember dad! tr I AM YOUR Day: Tflakings nemaralyrkle3r5oyfedars otorodnevtoeloopu; today's Flag flag Between flights from the city of Philadelphia Their reply continued in a manner which was un- FRIIJOS before advancing British forces, the Congress of doubtedly confusing: "Some of the States have I am your Flag. the new nation of the United States of America, vessels of war distinct from those of the United I am not a pennant, but a pur- enacted the charter establishing our Nation's flag on States. For example, the flags of the vessels of war of pose; June 14, 1777, the State of Massachusetts Bay have sometimes a not a standard, but a symbol; pine tree, and those of South Carolina, a rattle- not a banner but a belief. snake in the middle of thirteen stripes. Merchant The resolution spelled out the requirements for ships have often only thirteen stripes, but the flea of I was conceived in justice, the flag: "Resolved that the flag the United States ordained by Congress is the fostered by the love of liberty, be ripes alternate re. lir itt thirteen stripes and ribed." and nourished by the desire for be i ars whit freedom. con I am not a flag, but your Flag. 144 * * psed before th design of the My fate is in your hands. * * * , * off exact detail. can rise equal to your highest ated as the hopes. re n birthday ajor changes I am indicative of your ideals A n , Congress nacted a bill and symbolic of your sacrifices e e ay 1, 179 the 11, of the United in the preservation of Liberty, St S be " stars, e in a blue Freedom, and Justice sol th trookis us, I am not a substant e, but a shadow: new w The heroic spirit chan S CS of all the great Americans . tions were of Washington and Wayne, Co ass state that begin- of Jefferson and Jones, expre a u I that th uti°h, h flag wa§,to be "thirteen of Calhoun and Carver. shoul ese e British f ed and hite; the I flew as proudly at Charleston chose he "Stars e y A second as at Concord, those o g F ers used ourth of at San Antonio as at San Juan their im Rio , white, a ion of every new State, a Hill, banners , moreover, di th at Iwo Jima as at Independence Stars an es for anot Hall. carrying various S. I am a composite of a Nation's statigir-and-myths ideals the the and a denotation of its desires. Wh ing of Naples de one ass ne to U. ed f torian dis to I am Old Glory . Benj m the U S. t in was hanging in the the Star Spangled Banner . represe rance, for a des- the Red, White and Blue. b e intellectual caliber and o t U.S. flag. I am what you believe me to be, cription he. Ines of George Washington and and am nothing more. Robert Morris would fritter away an afternoon in fa- Love and respect me, miliar discussion with an indigent seamstress over then Freedom, Liberty, and the trifling detail of how the stars in a flag should be Justice live. The statesmen answered, "It is with pleasure that cut and arranged exceeds the reasonable bounds of we acquaint your excellency that the flag of the human creduity." Neglect me and we perish United States together. of America consists of thirteen Stripes, alternately red, and white; a small square in I am YOUR FLAG the upper left, next My fate is in your hands. to the flag staff, is a blue field with thirteen white stars, demoting a new constella- It is the history of the people represented by the ' tion." American flag which gives it true significance.
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