DDYYEESSSS CCOOLLOONNYY RREEDDEEVVEELLOOPPMMEENNTT MMAASSTTEERR PPLLAANN Prepared for: Arkansas State University Jonesboro, Arkansas March 2010 Submitted by: DYESS COLONY REDEVELOPMENT MASTER PLAN Dyess, Arkansas Prepared By: John Milner Associates, Inc. 535 North Church Street West Chester, Pennsylvania 19380 Tom Scofield, AICP – Project Director Terry Necciai, AIA – Planner Katherine Farnham – Historian Michael Falstad/Joy Bunch – Architectural Graphics April 2010 Acknowledgements During the course of preparing the Dyess Colony Redevelopment Master Plan for Arkansas State University, JMA was supported by several individuals who gave generously of their time, insight, and information. In particular we would like to thank the following individuals for their guidance and knowledge: Dr. Ruth Hawkins, Director of Arkansas Heritage SITES, Arkansas State University Elizabeth Wiedower, Director, Arkansas Delta Rural Development Heritage Initiative Mayor Larry Sims and the Board of Aldermen, Town of Dyess, Arkansas Senator Steve Bryles, Arkansas State Legislature Linda Hinton, Southern Tenant Farmers Museum, Tyronza, Arkansas Soozi Williams, Delta Area Museum, Marked Tree, Arkansas Doris Pounders, The Painted House, Lepanto, Arkansas Aaron Ruby, Ruby Architects, Inc., North Little Rock, Arkansas Paula Miles, Project Manager, Arkansas Heritage SITES, Arkansas State University Moriah & Elista Istre, graduate students, Heritage Studies Program, Arkansas State University Mayor Barry Harrison, Blytheville. Arkansas Liz Smith, Executive Director,
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