Folder 16 Radio, Miscellaneous
EXECUTIVE OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT WAR REFUGEE BOARD INTER•OFFICE COMMUNICATION oATE April 4, FROM: .; oseph , • :,urphy l\t, dim,er t.he other evenint Y.ith a local attorney r. ~err/ .. ov. (~.e 3117), he rnlled ~.y attention to the radio ;:;ro,_ra111s o1 -_he c.E aul a<oked ,.,e the extent to v,hich they ~e1·e rEceiviL~ covera_ e in the lnited States, Particularly, \-.e a;,:eri r.e v.'.•o't!er they Y.ere beinL carried over ·:NYC. If they ~ere no't receivinL such coveraie, Lo• intiicated that he ::·,iJit be able tu do s01:iethinF about the matter, l-.e also asked n,e if it 1.oulci be i:ossible for hin, to get 9. sample of t!-e scrir-ts ·.-.LicL are beins u5ecJ, Inas,_,uch as I expect to be out of tov.n off and on for t~e next couple of 'eeks, I a~ passin£ this on to you for ,,;mt ever you ffay Y.isl1 to do about it, Ootober 2s, 1944 Dear Hr. Schneiders Thank you. very 1111oh for sending the copy 0£ the Robert portion of NBO' e world News Roundup of Ooto ber 201 ae I requ.eated by telephone. It has been very he:Lpi\J.l to us to have an exact account of what Mr. Magidoff 88.1.d. Sincerely yours, ('Mrs.) Virginia M. Mannon Public Relatione D1vJ..s1on Mr. A. J. Sohneider1 Acting Manager, News and Special Eventt1 National Broadcasting Compan;r, Ino. 1 RCA Building, Radio Oity, New Yon< 201 New York.
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