


oATE April 4,

FROM: .; oseph , • :,urphy

l\t, dim,er t.he other evenint Y.ith a local attorney

r. ~err/ .. ov. (~.e 3117), he rnlled ~.y attention to the radio

;:;ro,_ra111s o1 -_he c.E aul a

~e1·e rEceiviL~ covera_ e in the lnited States, Particularly,

\-.e a;,:eri r.e v.'.•o't!er they Y.ere beinL carried over ·:NYC. If

they ~ere no't receivinL such coveraie, Lo• intiicated that he

::·,iJit be able tu do s01:iethinF about the matter, l-.e also

asked n,e if it 1.oulci be i:ossible for hin, to get 9. sample of

t!-e scrir-ts ·.-.LicL are beins u5ecJ,

Inas,_,uch as I expect to be out of tov.n off and on

for t~e next couple of 'eeks, I a~ passin£ this on to you for

,,;mt ever you ffay Y.isl1 to do about it, Ootober 2s, 1944

Dear Hr. Schneiders Thank you. very 1111oh for sending the copy 0£ the Robert Magid.off portion of NBO' e world News

Roundup of Ooto ber 201 ae I requ.eated by telephone. It has been very he:Lpi\J.l to us to have an exact account of what Mr. Magidoff 88.1.d. Sincerely yours,

('Mrs.) Virginia M. Mannon Public Relatione D1vJ..s1on

Mr. A. J. Sohneider1 Acting Manager, News and Special Eventt1 National Broadcasting Compan;r, Ino. 1 RCA Building, Radio Oity, New Yon< 201 New York. (Tho following radio broadcast byMr.JohnW. Pelllo; Executive Director of tho War Refugee· Board, an4 · Baukhago, Blue Netwrirk guest commentator, on .tho program of tho United Jewish Appeal for Refugees, Overseas Needs and Palestine is scheduled for presenta• tion from Ylashington by tho National Broadcasting Compafiy between 12 m. and 12:30 P• m., Eastern War Time, Sunday, May 14, and is for roloase· at that time.) · · ·

BAUICHAGE: Baukhago talkingL From Washington whore on January 22 of this year by oxocutivo order the President set up tho war Refugee Board co~ · sisting of tho Secretary of State, the Secretary of 'the Troasilry and tho Socrotar;r of War, quote 11 to talce action for tho immediate rescue from tho Nazis of as many as possible of tho persecuted minorities of -- racial, religious and political -- all civilian victims of enemy savagery, 11 and quote. Those wore tho words of tho official statement.

A full-time executive director of that Board was appointed. Ho is John Pehle, assistant to tho Secretary of the Treasury, and on leave as director of Foreign Funds Control, Mr• Pohlo. is sitting." right hero vrith mo now. .

Tho driving force in every successful effort is 11,; personality ~ · a hu.man being - and I want to bring that personality before you. Ce · Mr. Pehle, I want you to tell me in your ovm words something aboµt . tho motives behind tho formation of the lifar Rofugco B.oard~ PERLE: Holl, in tho first place, Mr. Baukhage, let mo say that thor~ i~.; more than a personality behind this ef'fort. A nation i_s behind :it· an<;i I think that tho offort is typically Amorican. Thci.factthat in the midst of a groat war tho President saw fit to assign to his three top cabinet officers tho task of rescuing tho rofugoe(l,f:t'oni the clutches of the enemy is significant. It brings h,omewith groat force the urgency of tho problom.

BAUKHACtE: Yes, I cl!Il understand that urgency. We know that thousands of persons are being rounded up every day and shipped to execution centers like those in . We hear about these things, but they seem rather vague. · - : .,-_.., -·~ .,/<:·-~:>~ :-·~'~·-. ,·,:\~ 'c" ·-~·-,:. :~--:·i\~~:~~;~1~~\~'-~~:·( ':'~? ., - . L" ••. -. -. • ,; - -_. ;- --:~:_ ~ "~:'.. '£ · _o·.:; ~ ~ .·· C • ~'Y': ·;·.: ·.. ~ ··:·, •• \; ~'.-. ,-·.~,;:---:· ,.. ·;. ,-~\ :: :>'-:._-~:~'.',{: -·-:i~ :-.. -~ .~,: ~-. -· •. - "'-i Y ~-, ;·i;:~(.• _5.;:,;_.:_:·: '';····J· ::· "·" ·r~\-~.G~~.--i~~.'.~~-- ·!>::,- •-· ·--.-;·.·;;:.:;:-_;~o,; < ,. - --.. ;>'.-;.:· ..:· ~- ":.. ·- '.·,,< ·.;:~--\;;:; ·\<.~> ~>,.C ,~}-:.~}~ ·" ;- ..- . .;:.~,. . ': -... - • ·:_.,_ .. "- - '· "--< "\~\~\;'.-\-'J~0~ -··,;_-. _:,_._.-o·; · c:~:;··.• ·- :;~.. ~- :-~i'-;·:_~-·.. ·.'.:,: -.·-.: .·.·_:-_•.,·,, .'•. ·,·.·-~_-.:.'~.-~:... ·.~ -,-., _ '.· .. ·_,_,.-;_-_··. · ~:.,:·~, - . ··2·-·- .. . c~~~ ··':'"'--' .:'.". •;· >.·;·,:~·:'\>- .'',· .· "'' /_~-..·--.;.:--._- / . >--· ...... ·.·_-.·_.: ...... ,_-.'-~.-1,._. , __._- _._ -; • .. - --·-. _, __ . -·.--=:.. -- -\./<.-· .. -->·::·_:·.~r ,':~-~\;\,,·(-=·- ... '; - .·.:·~~\~'r~/ i~ ~.-i.. ·, '"; ._,_. __ .. -·,··::,_··'--;~/' ' - ''.(._. "'" .- ...__ -.-:- _-:; _,··: - -· - ( - _._ -~ --.. \ : -} '" - ·-.::;~ ';:'~~--->: ·.. -- ~-.-:-~\~;·::"?<:,~~'~?-- .: .. :---~·;· :::- :: >'.. o-..... -- ••••·• ·• :-:~~---:~ .. ~}}~~- -:~''· PEHIE: tilt me tell you, Mr. BaGkn~15e,,.r ~r{e'.• tYJ,:~6.~J:/-st~X:y:'~.'._··~-!~~-$~~:\H3;1;- • • • • - . ' < • • ' - • -. • • • ~ <•;;('.·\ 0-~~:::'-. ' .<~._-_:-:-~.;_'.·_·.··:,- ..•_;{•: .•-.-_c.-.'.~--~.~--.· . b'egan in Poland but, tflank;heaven{·i:li,.dti, 1.y'.E3t'ld there~• There,.is.. ;',· ... _;>-_};~ home. later the undergrotmd helped_lliJn;across tD.e bprde'i{:to:• '') ·--i-.;~':" ~;\~ Roumania. There he was caught in the geiieral roundupdf-f<:Jre;i:8n,i;· '.~:·~·'< 0:•';,;•; Jews and sent to exile in Trensnist;ria which,; you ~tjoyr; wa:s

R-lUKEAGE: ::::·:n ~=:·~rti rular exilo, waau' t\t, th>t. a,e, J.i <>f, '\. : [ ;~~ '~ .200,000 refugees ~ed of mistreatment and starvatiori, _. . ~ : y·,:-~ { .. i FEHIE: That• s right. Several months ago - along with 40,,000 Jello:w - ·.· ..· •· ?. ,, exiles -- David was brought back to Buchare13t, ·. RbµJllfl,nia~ W]1en _- •.. ;: ; · · .,. ' •· , pressure was put on the Roumanians to E1ave the surv.i"{ing refug~es, •: .;,( from annihilation by the retreating Germanyarmy. · , .·.. ··.. {(·:~~; A fe~·1 weeks ago, with the help of the Je~sh Agency for · : . - ,\;·;-,t Pa,lestine, David obtained passage on a Eihip which. ~ailed b'o.in · ·• .> /-:· :· • · '--•<.: Constanza across the Black Sea to Istanbul~ The Joint Distribution:: --~:'/ Committee provided funds for the voyage. David had no documents ;;:.,;.; :- • · .,. • none of the exit and entrance oennits required of travelers •. · But. thanks to the ei'forts of Ambassador Steinhardt and the '\!far Re.fuge~ Board represente,tive in he'got throi.lgh·•Turkey and on to · . Palestine. David has been through fire. But no,7.he 1 s safe;.· He··· faces life instead of death. · ... ·


~-· PEHIE: Much of the work is done through diplomatic channels, Yd th the _ •··.· '(~'WiiE assistance of the State Deµirtment and i-ts foreign r:epresenta:tives, • :. ':;"\y" To_day the , as one of the- recognized leaders:among · _ ){~~: _nations, is in a position to bring home to other countries -- alli~:s ;. \]' neutrals, and Axis satellites alike - what the -1\me,ricaii people \val'lt -~;". done about refugees. Ai'tor all, the job of the r:ap Refiige~ Bcial'd_._: ·.. _ :', is to carry out the desires of the Americ

PEHll:: It certainly can.



~---- -•.··-- -3-

PERLE: The satellites no longer have any illusions· about the outcome of the war.

BAUKHAGE: They certainly shouldn't have,

PERLE: They know that will be defeated. We can bring about a more liberal attitude toward the refugees by making it crystal-clear to those countries that the United States and the United Nations will bear in mind their treatment of minorities vlhen tho time for final settlement comes.

BAUKHAGE: Let's sec, it was only a fovr weeks ago, wasn't it, that tho President warned Germany and tho satellites of tho consequences of further persecution of the Jews •.

PEHLE: That's right. And ho called ~pon all tho froo peoples of Europe and Asia 11 to open their frontiers to all victims of oppression."

BAUKHAGE: Have you any way of knoi.ing thc:t such 'Harnings have had any effect?

PEHLE: 'ifo arc sure that they do, although it is obviously difficult to measure their effectiveness exactly. The f.act that Roumania per­ mitted the refuge0s to return from :ransnistria to Roumania proper may ,_.,ell be_ ·an example of tho success of '~his technique. We have ovid-:nco that those --arnings have injoct.:::d no,; life and hope into thousands· of dov:ntroddcn, tormented people - have boon "booster shots" to sinking he2.rts •.

BAUKHAGE: Is the work which the ·rar 2.efugoc Board is doing in. any way dup1icat~ng tho activities of private agencies such as those which aro.rqprosorited in the United Jewish Appeal?

·PEHLE: Definitely not, Mr. Baukhago. Private; agencies and tho Board work as a team. Through tho Bo2.rd things are done that only Government cari do. Private agencies me:ot tho principal costs and assist in functional ways._ We need them and they need us.

BAUKHAGE: Woll, Mr. Fehle, can you toll us a little more concretely how this works out?·

PERLE: Lot me toll you about Loon and Ruth, a Jovrish couple whoso martyrdom began when the Germans took Franco, For o. time they hid in the outskirts of and thon in the surrounding country. Last winter they made their way to . Their only possessions were the clothes on their backs, After making this treacherous journey they were held in custody ~::rtil provision could be made for them. The LToint Distribution Committee - one of the agencies in the United Jev1ish Appeal - secured their freedom by guaranteeing their main­ tenance. Leon and:Ruth a::'.'e in Barcelona no,.,. 'l'hey are candidates for evacuation to a car.1p ·;rhich the United States and Great Britain have sot up near Casabl211cR in North Africa~ The War Refugee Board is goi:1c to see that they get there - soon., ~· -. ,.

BAUKHAGE: That's fine~


.. :.-.

BAUKHAGE: Now there's one more question I want :to ask you, Mr. Pohle. Hciw is tho present military situation -·tho invasion we•re all: waiting for ~ affecting your work? ·

PEHLE: Mr. Baukhago, wo realize that.tho exigencies.of war may suddenly reverse or delay soma of our plans. We realize that tho vory nature. of our problo.11 may change. But lot mo assui•o you thnt we arc ·· · determined to save as many .lives as we can, as fast as we can. wo arc prepared to use this Nation's growing povrer and our coming victory for tho humane purposes for which wo.>fight.

BAUKH.ll.GE: Thank you very much, Mr. Pohlc, fo1· .giving us this clear picture of tho part tho war Refugee Board is playing in holpirig ·tho refugees~.


oOo ~~~~l~~Tll{~~I- hi~. Resciu!°Efforts,...... ~· . '. "" :, ~:·;--:,: •/ : An· Interview With ·JOHN W. PEHLE ~- out \'ti ~ir~ot°.r! th~ ~~es~~ent:~.r';~',:;~~f~~~ ~. ·.. . Mr. P.ehle •Was ,mterv•.,wed· by,B;:•Ri . . . e; cotntnentator;. on ;the' ritea~ij~~~··whloh ar:e;.b!l.• fiig. taken. by.the ·American. Goverl!tnent: ln::speedlng cthe:l'es'··· .' ·.cne of5·.iClilOB·". f ('.Jip~e. sslcln..· ·.a. iid.. ·.the 'r9le. ':'\•!il~h.:;.·th. e:. .ageii. c.1~~-g.j . of. the Unlted~•Jew~h ·Appeal are. ~ia)'fng:ln_;-savmg;)arl(t•':· nuntbers of : refugees:,, :The· :follow1ng cb•:· lhe ·text· of; tl!IS/, ln~~ryl~J".'T~B~ .~l)l~OR,) :~·; !',.. : , .f{i'J:;;,-~?if S;·; f·?:E}~i:/j Mr; .Ba'ul

setconsisting. ...u .. p. t··h:e of.•the-W.a. r... ..R efug·Sebre.tary.. e·.e· .. ·•~Bo.. a rd·.of have.... ·P._.el.•le: any·iuuslons... T .. h·...... • s· a. t:.•!.'1·t abol!Phe,out.. •.~•.... n·.·o. -.l·o.. ...n·.·.IJ. e··~·· State, the.Secretar;v .of the !fre~s- come :of. the:•war." .. : ; .•,\•·:.-·::, .> :: .. ury· and ·the Secretary. o{.: War, .: . Battkliage:,._ Th.~ y ;-,certain! quote. ".to tnke>actlon for :the shouldn't have;· i··'':. :c.:,·:: . <; .. immeiliate·rescue .. from· tne Nazis · Pehle: 'They, kno'w:.tl)a:(·Gefd of as mari;Y~-~s ~o_ssible of :the m~ny win lie .. defe~te!J .... We'ca)i persecuted- m1nor1hes ~f Europe .bring about· a_ m?re_.~l~J;ie~~l. ~th.; ~raciill, religious and political tuc:Je toward_ the -refugeesti':, 1can. The facf that"ln the .midst mania·. proper" may; v.~ell .. be -an: of a great war the President.saw· examj)le.',•of the': success: ·of tlii&: fit to o:issign to·: his-· thre~ toP tec~~iq~e.r_-',:W:e~~~av~,.~-.,-7VJdejjce~ cabinet officers the task of ~esc_u..- ~!rat i~es.e~.\yf;lrn~n~(hBVe--iiije:c!_-; ing · the i'efuJ:!ees from · ·:the ed ·new:-I~fec_aiid -~Q-~e-):I)~~Jf.i~µ-l_ clutches of the· enemy·, is signifi· _sand_s- of downti:_odd_eri,-. t.o:rll\er:,.t_-j cant. It brings hqm~ with ~reat ed peQple~lnwe ~ b_et:n-~ -'~b~~t~.i force the urgency o} the. prob• shots" .t~ s(ril: being·rqtiiided,tip ~very day:, ar,~: ,as_,_ tho:;;e='·_Whicli ~ a-fe- -~?Pre~ent~_df~; shipp~d _to' ex_e~TJ_tion: _Cez:i~er~_ like" .jn·1the .Un,ited -Je\Yi$h:,APPe~I? ._-.? ~,.,;:~. :~~~= i~:~~~~~,~~'<~~i~-~~~--::~-~~~.·.. _'E~P.~e·k·'i:;~~.:-~~p..-A~~.~J.-~~e.:i~1~~'.·.:~~d.:,1;~~8 rathev .vague. . ,, _c - .. · · ': •• the . .Board work as· .. a -team.f:· i:'e/!.le: Let me, tell.:YOU;,"~f-foreii!r:i;· - " Jew~ -~!id ey.···'.m· •u e ··. . "..a"~i-"n·-~.·.: ... ·.;: ; sen~i'~!).,c .!l1\lle ;',l1J;•i.Tr!'ns11lstr.h1. Their 'o!\ly ·possess!Ons were .the'. . , whicn~-:vou· .know;• was ·Germa.n.· 'clothes 'op•:theil'.' 'backs,•.:.After(. •·· I. occupled.:Russla. , ...... _ .... ···: maklng·thistreacherous'fourrteyt.­ . Bciukhage: It·was in 'that par- they Were .held In custoliy. m1tllf ticula\':exlle,:wasn't ltdbat .over provision·· coµld•·· b.e.:l.inade. -forf' half·of .. ?Oq,ooo rcifit,liet• dled·'of .them,.... The.• Joint Distrlbuuo·rtF" . mlstrea~erit .'~h~ · st~ry11tlon: :-·· .Conlmlttee-,-one •of· the agendes t. ·,: · Pe!i1!1.·· ·Thats-;rll!hL Several In ·~he United .:(ewlsh · AppeaJ...:...f_ lrtontl:fli '.llJ'Ocalong wlthAO;OOO secur~cl thelrJre,edom by: gu!l,rcf fellow exiles .._. D a Ir!' d' ·. was aiiteemg their mam.tenarwe::·Leon :· .·, brought back to Buchares(Rou, ancl "Ruth are·iri'Barcelona. now.'f'- · mania,· when pressure, -was. put They are ·candidates .for evacua­ on ·the Routnanians to"save the tlon,.fo n ·camp .which ·the. United surviving refugees ·from annilii' Sta,tes and·. Great Britain have latlon by the retreating Gerrrian set 'up near-Casablanca ;n North artn:Y- , : . ..; ·. · · : · ::· Africa. ·The.War Refligee Board · A)evt·.weeks ago, with the .. is· going· to; see ·that thl)y · get ~~~;fi~e~~'b:~~is~b~~~~Y p~~: th)i~'l?1i°~~:, ~hilt's flnel :/}} ''· sage on· a· ship whiclt'sailed:from: · . fe~le;;.Yciu see•. Mr, Baukha!ie"'; Constanza ·across:the Black .t.he agell,qles:lh.th nltlid J:ew! .to'IatanbuJ; The··Join isb:Appeal.:C:.,thl'' · · · ·· ...J!!l~~&t.e

- --.--.--.-.----.-··---. -.--_·--;--·-----~,...,-:...- ;- :-,:-:::l:~~\~ci~¢;?~t~t~h~_-;_:'t . , ii was .-~~e,a_SU):-;v,!':~m.a:-~J_l le~v~.~as .. :d!~~c ..: :b~JY··::i.i~ fe~ ... wee!(S'lii(Q• ~W.~~n't~ · tor~~_of_ .._Fo;re1gr:i .. -.-F_unQ.~-~:.Co~tr?~~- Jt_, ' .. U~a~--~ t_h~~: ~r.~sl~e-~t>war_~ed·, ·11fr: . Pelile ;is •sitting': rllinf•here ·Germany:· and .the' satellites·:'o~ ! .~ltli-~e :no~v. -:.-:.·~: ·;_·;~ -:"·~ ·:-~- ~~-.''-_· ·,.~ :: :·~ ·:llie .·cons_~qlJ.'eilceS :qf.~~r;~!J.ef-p~_r:~ · 1 '.The drlVIng-·_;_ fQr~~ Jn·,-1 every-. ~-~~UtiO~; ~f c~he_. ~~WS,i~ '.)·_ -,_.,··:· ... :.· :~· ;'l4ccesS£ul 'effor.t:is .;r.!JersonalltY. · .· •J>ehl~: ;!!'hat's, .ri,ght,c; ·~nd 'h~ +a . human . ~~mg~~nd .- 1<-w~~t .~alled :.UQO_~::a~l"t~e_-.fi;ee·.. µ~opl~s _to-:J:?ring.that Pe~s~i;tal_ity··_b_e'fo_1;~' of :E~ir_ope_-_a_~? :)\-~ta·~ '-'~r{:~p~n; _ypu_. - Mr~-~Pehle, -I _-Want:Y.~ll~:.to .tfl~i~ fr9.Ptier(,t_Q,·_ff.1J __vi~t~ms,:of! .tell me:in your _ow~'.\v9r~S:~·o111~-""· 'q_pPre'.~Sion:~' '._ ·-:_ .;· · ~ ~: _.:-:.· '.·f-::.,:·;;.-.::-~--f thing about.;the·:inotives ;]:i_ehlnd. •: ·)3au],vh1g;t.hal ,·sue!\' wa(ni11,g&f g~e)~~.·".--. ,_, .. _... ,____ , __ : have had any~effE.!_c~? _,____ . ,_J _ ,;; . _-;:.: .. :Mr, 'Pehle~ Well, i.n: the' first' .·)'eh.le: .We:.are,sure'. that tney.; place, ·Mro.Ba\lkllage, let me say ·dQ;,·although: fUs !>bviously ·difl\'i that there is:more :than a' per- cul.t.'tO·jneastlre:':their,.elfe¢!1ve'' sanality .:behind . this ·effort. :'A, nes~ i'!J<:ac.tl:Y.-' 'l'h.e'fMUhat Rc;iu'. natl.on .is· behlnd ·it . and .I· think. majlia petmitted :, · efugees· t!>' .that the' effort is typically Amer'. return,fron'l .T o ~pfr· :'M';iih' of a great war the ·President saw exam1>le.,'cofq ' I~: fit to assign •to:·his'threc top techniQ'iie,;.', ·ce' cabinet officers: the task of rescu'' tha.t .. these w~.. ' ing the refii.gees· from ' ~be eq. ne\V- life·.·. a. . clutches of the· enemy .is sign!ii-'. sands 9f downtrod . . cant. It _brings home with :great: ~d people.,....,..-ha:ve- been- "be>pste!-' force the urgency o~ the .prqb'· snots·.1 ·to·~\rtkini(liearts.:.· :.\", I lem. . . . " .:: •.:; · J3a«k~aQe: JsJhe.work,wh1ce; Baukltqge: Yes,-.J;;ca:n ,uncler.' the .War ·Refugee·.Bo."'rcj is Jlolng, stand that urgency.· We know m any_way·duphcatmg the"ac.'' ~ _7,. tli~t 'thqusandS Qf ___ P!?rSons --~-e- .tivities' o~ Pr.ivate:. jl~ell~l~S-_suc;:l]-i bemg rounded up every day and. as those.:which. iire· r 0pre~e)lted shipped to execution centers like in' the Unitect Jewi~h_'-·J\Pbe~l?~·:·_, those fr1_Poland .. We'hear'ab0ut . 'Peltle:, J)efipitely: not, :.:MI','. these. th.ings, but t)ley seem Baµkhage~ 'Pf~vatec!lilencies• and; ratheu .valiue, • . · · ·: · the:: .Boar:.- ·: elght-(Years bld when he sa\v·his' " •. .Bauk,hage: ,-.wen:.i:;I\'.\f;,i!le)lle;: parents 'killed 'in Warsa,v··by· a· can•:vou telLuS'l(littl•fniore·c6n'· Nazi :firing squa·d. !le ran away creteiY. how·.this worJrn .11,ut? :,;.. to the. wood.s.·.• For weeks he · .- P_eh(e:>Let:·me :Ml·,you.:% occuJ)led·.-Russla.< ,. , .· - , · ..··• . · Baukha!/e: It":wair 1n'tiiat par~ J . . . to ticulat;:_eXUe .. wasn~~:i,t;Jh.a:t .oye:r .- .. _isiori' -c~uld..• · · · half:of· ~ l'el11g~s ·dledt<>£. :t em",: .The,· Jo.mt __ inlstrea . pi:rsf'!f\'!!tl<'>i:i.••\:cc: ;~onlnntte_~.ne :of_ the : l'el:r.1.e. a1rlgJik;Severat ·m:the·l!I1lfed,Jew1sh·. n\oil!lui' . 6ng with ;40,000 ·s-ecurei:htlleil'. freeao · - fellov/: . ;:.;_ Da\rfd'';'\i{as linteeingtheir'i'nainte ·': brought.I>ack to :Suchares( RC>u' and Ruth 'are.fa\ · · . :·J m~riia~-:_-_when :ptes~u~~·- :wqs PuT ~'.l'hCy-.~~e_·§~ndi~ateef ~for~_ ~y8.ctja~ on. the Roumanians to-save 0 the tion•to a camp whkh the United s\Jrvivin1icrefligees from a:rinilli' S(ates and . Great Brltiifo nave: Iat!on,b:Y ~he retreating, Genrtan .set:up near·Casablanca iri'.Nortlt army,·.:··: . . · . · .... Africa, .TheWar.R,efUgee-Board A.!ew':weeks ago; :;with the· is' going ·.to :see :that· th¢'y gef help•·'!f' the. Jewish :Ai:ten·cy for ther~soon.. · . -~:,.:. · ·:,,..:~:-'\: Palestme,: David ·.obtained .pas- :,., Bauk1iage:.:.'J'hat's fine!·:. :; .·/ sa_g~e_on·a-~hh> wh_ic~_ sail~d fron\, ~,-~' ~'!h~~; ~9µ,s~e .. J!ir .. ·"Ba~k~agtr,' Constanza across .the Black .Sea ,the agen·c1es·:1rt Jhe::United Jew"· to' . The ·Joint ·mstribu' isn .Appeal-..-the Joint' Distribu'· : tioj\· Coininitfoeprovided funds tion Committee;Ahe:Uriited•Pah · for the· voyage: 'David· had •no l>ea!.' arid ihe·Natio\uii • dQCwnen~none • :of Jhe ··exit R,e_f..,gee .. ·s_ervlce--cha:ve·: a-. very '• '!rid .., en~ranc!'. permits . required' ·d1s~mguishe\I, record of .achie_ve: .; 9f'.•travelers:... But t)lanks to the men~.'... We'. want: to' supplement elf.arts of.:A.rnbassador Steinhardt and, .'reinforce.- 'their··.:actlviti¢~1 ~11d tl~e -War ·'Reftil{ee B~iird_ -~e_w~.n~to-c_o~ppel-9.t~-.With t4-ein ~ r.e;presei:itative in Turkey· he; gOt -~h~t~Y"~r )t is ·apJ>rdpi'i:ite. ·we'" th~ou11h· Turkey and. onfo Pal- 'hope:C::that· those ·:who :wisn' ta· $tine. ::David has been thrbugh further· the·Program.of:the:War f\re; -Btit:now he's safe, He fa¢es :Refug~e: Board .wm ·do· it .by re- life instead.· of death/ .. ·:·:. . j spondmg generouslY:,to:·the· cam• 'Baukhage: ·. That· brfog·s It :p,aign:<(of';effective,.privati(agel\'. home. ·B!jt.just·how, Mr. Pehle, c1es .such as.those in :the United does your:Board function at this Jewish·· Appeal. .As President ~qd~-,_: .WP.e;i-e. -doe_s :was~in.gtO_~ _Roo~~eve~t -said,; :,~hroug~(- _t11:em' come .in?, .. . -_.' -__ · _ ·_ ,-~· ·,:- -:·- - ..~ .'c :~'th~ AniericaJ;l..'p¢~>Ple cail.~m~\c~ ··Pehle:··Much: of·.the work Is the1r-,contrlbubon· to :the.-fight f'.lone- _thrOugh- diplomatic chart:- ,for:·d~c~n~y.-human' djgnitY;·._arid l'els, wltll· t.he assistance of. the fr_eedom for ·au to live in peace.'' ~tate Dei>artment··and ·its',fo~' ·: ;Baukhag~; .Now:· there's .one elgn ·representatives.. · Today. the more. question .I want .to ·ask you·, Unite!i·States, as one.of the rec-, !'ll!\ P~hle,: '.How-i~ :tlje•present pg~z~.~ :. leaders :.alnong natiQns, :!U_tht~:rY: ~ntu~tio.rt~t.he. i_nv~sion.- . Is .in ·8 .position. to. bring __ hoine- w~'!'e-~al_l.'-oW~itiilJ?:,t_or~Rffectii'ig to, other countries--:-Allies,' neu- your.. work?'' .. · . ,: . , · ·. :: : ·~ ._: ...· t•als, and Axis satellites alik.e~ · .Pehlc: Mr. B~u] :· '.:·.; ·· ,\ ,; : Baµkhagqi -'l' ~111< YO\\ :.very'\ imuch.::Mr. ··Peli e,-for. ~lvtng .us· "th..1·· .•. *1.ea.r .picture. of. th·e· p.. art···t.he,, t~~i\'~,~rJ~~tii'~ ~;4"~~~!'!2~~~J . a




TO Mr. J, w. Pehle

FROM I. M. Weinstein

Columbia Broadcasting System will broadcast a

program for the War Refugee B9e.rd·over a national hoqk-up

at 11:15 tonight, Saturday, May 20, 1944. May 20, 1944

Mr, J. '.'l, Pehle

I, It, '.'leinstein

Columbia nroadcastjng ·system will broadcast a propram for the ":ar Re_fugee Board over a national hook-up at 11:15 tonie:ht, Saturday, !.'ay 20, 1944. . . ·_. . ... Paolfle. Tb• OerlllAll l'tt\!l'ea\ la h1t1a to•Uaute11 la fe.f)\1 the 09 ....t U.h .'<,-. •bat \bey MY• lJt&Wt So vUh.dmw iA two l'•tlOA• oa 1lt• ata\ral. ~ tOU.\h9i'a '"'''/ where \he Rlle•ha• Jla•• .,,, JG\ oia1111ed. ant •taa. la l'8llt llt! A•l'l._ 04:: Dr1Utab •roop• ora Uw Ando 1'ae.PUAli ju1t IO\\\h ot lioM llaft •toppbil ,,._ !at-.Tle1t

a.nu auaek pt - wfli.O\ilta bis l•H•• on '11• tntlltl', 4\M Mitri.-. ~ ;Dfltt• bollbor• Ne •••atnv aupptac· up th•l• a\iaokt on O.Ptl..,, • •U1tl •lffrat'\ t.ll

WJW tlnal 4eteat of 0.l"NUll' Mil Jal)IUl ao:qr loako4 10 oeflat.• •• U d••• l'l,b\ now. •Jut lt S.. equall7 091'\~ln th.a\ we aMM\ nope to rMk• •M.t i.tffjt.\ IOllJl•t• vUhou\ •Ull gn&teJ' •ftH\lil BM POl'lft.o••· O\lr tlgbttua_ , ...... M\'.9 nov plne4 the 1D1UnUn aa4 gone onto iM olt•a1tY1 ~lao•t ..,.17\thHlt. JJll)':·,,""'·, - ".( -- ant otfentl'N ha ~ttl.T, l'ltJq w1lu11. ·It•• iltthlon MU too eooa ·•o· Hel•',·;;:" ..

-:!:->-~ •aklng what wtt eapeo\ to get.a. aao. atQ~llth Re a neu1' of •v ettol'h * -~ UU'l.floet • pa.1\, Pl'•M••• a.ad. ratun. A thor\ U• ._, ffttlun• IMaeY&l' 111!.tt• ol.tu to all t~ ••l.tl .at' i•an .• one of th~. •hlftlt •bat •ht.e ooua\l'I PJ'OPo••• '"' 4o. llo •' up- a ••• ._.,,..Pt..a• Uon known •• \he War Jtetucea ioM'Cl. the pVpOff of thh va., ll•ia;ct• iloar4 vUl . . • i ' be to a~n th• lt.n11 of eomo •vo or thn• lll1l.Uo• petrao•• u J!.'\lrt~ vboa •u hnaae •I'• S(flJaB to \q \o .z\erlld.n.4\tt btfon the 'lffll' end•• A• VoU. bow, W.tl•• ·ha• au..q ucl• l\ th• ••\Uet volt.or of a.,.._, '° kUl • .,...., oae of the ttw •11l1oA ol' Mn Jew• who ••• lhlnc t.n 'fd'lo~• i'°"' ~f »uope wh•ft •k«l -~ laepn. io tv he hat o•on rt4 of aldl)- halt of i'ta••· :h\ U ·~. no\ t•ll •bt

eoa l41t• OhaWla11( (tor \)le $•0•1>. Pau.1. U61toa. Wilt••· P411~l•, .t.utel'4• * .. ,•. 7 Mei•• .s.u. »•n•t•S.nri_tewart, tatMr. i'i'leAllllin+ Mt#• ~•l• Mr• 1ol,,..,uo II 'fii /4 ~ --· '-~--~ ;·::)_:::-,;~_ Jevs ihnt. !11.U.fn• la nttn. :r·ti.'1 Gef!Mlla lv.\n li.1!$0 utora1Mti,d. hu,'i'!.\lteda Ot .

uieusand.a oi P'olea - Md 1n fJV'e:r1 oountq 'hat \he Oe~na tAn oooupltdl

\houuarute o:l' men. vo:aen. ttn~l ol'J.ldren ure .lllM'k*d for t,Jmlbil~Uon a• t.he htu1dt

ot the 'filt.•18.

\o a&ve uU thoD ptU111le • 11llo m1J!!bll1" isovoral 111Ul1

BB uti•emelf llible ¥OUne Aldtninht.rt..tor - •John J'l\le¥ • to Ht ti.)) 11. fl!l;'IC\ll,

ettiolent orc;ttnil!AUon vtth \tl!le i:.o"1nr.i to get tll~H bti~ruieu v10Um11 o! tho

the vurioua Gfl,'OlU.ttt ooimtriu - 1'1!11;t;~eir.U}· l:'!w:mnt&., l'lunll,l}~f end ST~nitt.

'i'ae on\e.HU• ooiu1tri>!!11 tfo not }~rsecmte thtt retugtJae !rom Go~ no ruth1(fttl7 •· .,_

as tho .cu f~A th tn a 0.rztAn •lctorr

tho.v dll wnnt. t'1 ~t in w0l.l -..Uh tho wll'm1na.; d&i bf rt1ft~o.in1t: '~ plfi1 JiUler•t

'tune. In eome t>.ueu, the ltttul•r'l! of the "tell.itti co\U\tit1H nre on.11 ~ gle4

to 'bNak &Vfl;,y from tho Gern;:.noi tn e1the~ e11aeH1, thoy EU'fJ l'{!>luott1.nt.. ~t th•

det•l'lll1n1nr.; f{l<~tor wUl no\ bo \ii.11til!' own pnfereJi«JH. bui our :uo~r 41,nii oul"

Thh le \fhnr~ t l:tm 'lf1>r I1.eftape !out1 oomn 1n. wr .. ig no"' on U lo ((OlAg to

be the policy of thfl 1Jn.1tod $t11.titt1' to UMi' he µewer to '°' notne 111illiont of

biJ & l1te•en·ttn4~ upH.lUon - nothtng mo:t:• nn4 notbtnc l.ua. ·;tor 'ht 1iiorrn

flha.t t.lie 11111111 nlen1d o'fer hrop1fhnt worked llk• '' udural .ontl\tJ\rifphe - an euth""4k•• a flood. or a temlne - .end u me nl\>'k18 been \ll.•»olJ.orot tibe .. 3 ..

UnUe4 fta••• fl;Oftrutnt llA4 lbf 4••ln ot Wle AMS'l,oan ptopl.t t.O' Mft .- } ,

11•••· We MW ti.one tho 8Ufl thbm agat.a Wllt •1• ... t

Mr. tr• A. ltil"l!lehmann. vio• pruU.ntl of Ble1u11agdal1•e bl1 4•pa-'••ni ''°"• here in Nev Yon, Attlwf. ta ~uy tu de wltu\ ht 4*l\n 4o 'o «tti people ov.\ of aeut>t oounh'l•• to ;;lt.t.oea of safety. Ml'. UlJ!'tOhr.wt wlll 'l,a~; \hit tlr'tl &\\K o.ialJ U'llUe4 $t&\H olUaea tn fvkq tlo ba Bl t'1wo4 to \re.de wUb. ihe •••W •

Q4 the '>nelV 1».ol.Udo thfl all4tel.lih c~un•ll'lfta a, vell •• the O.r•• ... it ba GU pt \Miii tlo Hletkao HM of t.he 11!9R, WOMft, Md ahllU.n 1tMli\ the Uttr•t

1'lll't0 ll!Arlbtd £or •~••r•tna\lqll.

oneo tlb6so \Ulfoi>tUJW.te ])tople set .e~t of UlU•r'• olu•••• the tetp•a~l;,;" ,. \>UU,y of '1htt UnUecl M&tt• Oo'ffmmnt •Jlt•, l'n• \b&' ,olil' oa. pl'he•• chu1UH ad nU.•f Ol'f!llt.ll1PU«Ul• will tif\b OftJJ'. Giulp• u• n'rall•'bh b whtcm

\be relu.. e will lle a-Ole \o Uve 1a pfet7. .Aa for lhetr _f,a\ur• .. wur., \hei wUl ~o i>n4 wu• vll1 ueoat of thta w>wn 'h• WM> h oftl'I \hill.I wUl '-9 •••••r for &ll tM MUona 11ho \ld£e- part ln the flnl veruso ••t\lelM!a\ •o ·d.Hl.U. !l'M.e Utt llBi6 1ttfua9• Boal'4 ht\.• onq on 4!10na•rn • to .-.w l.lu1 tJOw.

'lb P*tiP'Rll of the ~ .. hfu.pe Joal'4 le OM of \

);fl r;tou4. i\ ehowe \ht.\\ ti.II the oUmax: of U-i• ...... , 1tm' b Jd.dll'f 'll•Vt ntrn.r. WC» ~.. PJ'ctl*J'1Q \O UIO OU~ gl'Owing :po-... •B4 OWi' Cltlllllq flO\Ol'f ft» ~ ~•••· An4 U lw.s o-eai praoUoal t111p9rtA0011o;. too. fbh ••• 10 help t~#t: i¥Jlo M'ft autton4 aoai trow .Nil.Ii op,preatloA na11Nn1 ft'ffff4)b wbo wNt\~ ,,. Mt \he B'e.ah owutt'I. that "" °'" not flgb.Ung for ouratlY.to doa•• . ,_ .- .: -... -- _. .._: -:---:-··

An4 thh h an hpor•an\ t.4•1& \o &e1 aoroae • if·onl1 ~• ti. .-. •••'1~ - . . .--.-•r - -_· .:.:--·-.·.

' , - . - .- ··-,··' ~"· 8ll4 fl,lr lllOl'lt pOWl'M t.hon ·~ two OJ' , ... lilllUo• lldpl•H ..., ... ' ·•

who• •he Haab wat \o U.lel'llllonte. Alld ilhere lit no bl!t.t•t viq i'oi> uit to sMlt · ov '-'&l'mlDAUi>Jl t.o help the vlcU11t1 ot \be &1h b.tlp 1lbtliltlTel tbaa tMtl

move \o bftlp \hoae who •tand in the ~eat•*!l nee4. A ,oar or \we aaoo. Q. War

htugeo Boaril could have nouo11pllehod. litfllo ol' aothlng. tit dld no$ M.'ft \M·

power \Mn \e 'bring &"¥ preallUI'• \c bear on HwAuta, l~T• !fpata, at.4 oUer oowi\rlea lllOl'e or leeo 11' \ho Axle eamp. · Bu.\ the l'loppftub ot vtcto*7 ohtlJlce• all tba\. 'Ii• nae baa \llenfon 001111 t~I' u• t.o =*• u<»me 11011 u._ ·•ve tu• vlU. weann 01U" flMldeo \naare \hey AH wab&t 004 to s\l'4"lft\hen RH•lwe via.ff - ve en stnneHt. Our eumt.11 have u.ed on<y Md oppJ'Hfllcu~ tor n.11 'bei...,. worth • flll4 4•foa.\ hfls now bttgun to oven8Q 61ut11. '!le life pf'opadq \IJ U•t ,,~ ponl' in behall ot tu hUlllaM puJVO•••-tor whloh w tllh'· And rm lnYeeltllt~tli''·,.

j _j Feb~uary l, 1944

SecJ?etary Morgentha.u J. w. Pehle

I think you will want to look at the attached statement of CongPessman Geller in wb.toh he comments at length on Breckinridge Long's testimony before the House Committee on Fo.reign Affairs.

/s/ J. W, Pehle

i J


. i ~'·--i ---Entrance of Refugees Into the United State&

SPEECH OF HON. EMANUEL CELLER OF NEW YORK IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Monday, January 24. 1944 Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker. Mr. • Breckenridge Long. Assistant Secretary of State, appeared before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Novem­ ber 26, 1043, and testified concerning House Resolution 350 and House Reso­ lution 352. His testimony has been printed, and in reading that testimony I tlnd thereih so many fflults and errors with reference to the subject matter of the resolutions in question that I deem it incumbent to point them out and high­ light them. They indicate a culpability that cannot go by unnoticed. They must be corrected, because they caused grave and erroneous impressions in the minds of the committee members, and false no­ tions Jn the minds of the public gener­ ally, They seem to indicate not only a lack of appreciation of the subject mat­ ter of the resolutions but seem to Indi­ cate that the gentleman, In quei;tions in • his testimony, went pretty far atleld in _.. A404 COI,J>RESSION AL RECORD-APPEl~IX JA"1L\HY 2ii his desire to bolster his forced and false years. Not since 1863 have less immi­ shall be perrnHted entrance if the per­ conf'1,,~· .1s. A little research wouJd grants come to our country. At a time son intending to enter has relatives in • have told him of his blunders. He de-. when mass 1nurders in Festung Europa Ax1s-controlled EuropP, and he laid serves condign criticism. It indicates were greatest, in 1943, when the doors of down us a condition pn•ccdent to rn­ that he is no longer entitled to hold refll.!le should have been kept open, they trance that the Intcrde1-rnnnwntal Visa sway over refugees and visas. For ex­ were del1berately, practically closed. and Control Con11n1ttC'e cannot permit ample. he said. in his tesllmony as 1t Only 5.9 percent of all immigrants ad­ entrv if the intended inunigrant hns appears on page 32, as follows: missible came In in that year. Nobody ls such~ a relative in Nazi-controlled Eu­ We have been interested in refugees. and I asking for any change in the immigra­ rope. Ipso facto. tlrnt regulation cut think there has been :wme indisposition on tton statutes. We are asking changes In off well-nigh 90 percent of all potential the part of rnme officers to accept a thought the impossible conditions and cruel. refugees from Europe. Be advis~ct t hut that the American Got·ernment ought to spe­ cold-blooded regulations that are laid rlalize nnct make it particularly direct that most. refugees have sotne relatives in we are interested only in the Jews. We have down as to "screening" by the Depart­ Axis-controlled Europe. That regula­ felt from the start that we could not exclude ment of State. and particularly by Mr. tion in and of itself cut down immigra­ other persons from our governmental and Long. tion to the bone. Mr. Long had the otllclaJ activities. However. because of the richly de­ hardihood to say that he wa.s stiil atlher­ On page 45 appears the following as served criticism~ brought against Mr. ing to the histo1·ic attitude of the United Mr. Long's testimony: Long, I am happy to state that those in States as 11 haven for the oppressed. Frankly, the Statue of Liberty in New The State Department's policy. I think. authority in the Department of State are must be that we cannot exclude persons from about to decree that Mr. Long shall no York Harbor is supposed to hold up a our sympathy nnd our sympathetic attentlon longer be in charge of refugees and visas. light beside a golden door to welcome 1! they nre not Jews. As proof positive of the blunder made by the tempest-tossed of all lands. If Mr. Mr. Long when he undertook to state Long has his way, that ltght will have No one asked Mr. Long or anyone con­ what he thought was the attitude of the to be blotted out and the Statue of Lib­ nected with the State Department to ex­ State Department with reference to ref­ erty can no longer welcome in immi­ clude non-Jews. I think It is degrading ugees, we find a member of the Cabinet grants to this country and shameful that an official of our ad- In a different Department, Mr. Biddle, Mr. Long ruled that the ·Interdepart­ ministration should imply, much less the Attorney General, taking Issue with Yer, that we intend to withhold aid from mental Visa Control Committee conld him. Mr. Biddle emphatically and not give a reason for rejection of an ap­ on-Jews. We arc in favor of aid to all scorchingly took Issue with Mr. Long. persons, but beyond that, and not as a plication for a visa for a refugee. It You can see how serious was the mis­ takes months for applications to be substitute, we want a special and an ex­ chief. It is rare that a Cabinet ollicer traordinary aid concomitant with espe­ acted upon. Five departments must r~ challenges the statement of any Assist­ port on each sponsor and each Imm - cial and ~traord1nar1ly cruel treatment ant Secretary. It ls only done when a of Jews and all others threatened with grant, whether the latter be in Euro serious and dreadful error has been or In this country or wherever he may_ b death. No minority people are treated made. as cruelly as the Jew. All others are ln a The Departments involved are the Stat prison. but the Jew is in a death cham- Mr. Long has sought to give the im­ War, Navy, and Justice Departments, er. All others may with victory ulti­ pression that we had received in 10 years and the F. B. I. Each Interdepart­ mately breathe free, but the Jew ls tri a 580,000 immigrants and that 1nost were mental Visa Committee is composed of charnel house-most of them already are Jewish refugees. The 580,000 mentioned representatives from each of these five In a sepulcher. by Long include visas authorized for entities. It takes at least 6 months be­ The gentleman from California lMr. quota. nonquota persons, and those in fore the Investigation Is completed. A ROGERS), who is present In the Chamber, transit. Often a visa authorized ts not hearing is held. The sponsor for the has offered one of the aforesaid resolu­ issued. One Issued is Ireqnently not even immigrant or his laY.s of in1n1Igratlon 1943 thr number of Jews who rame in under the trouble of examining Lloyds Register wh1C"h ;1clm1 t lPd rl'iugeos nnd evncuees. quotn.s totnll'd l66.H-t3 The total 1 nnti~nal Count!·,,.'" t, \' !11<"11 Jew~. ha\·e been depo:·t­ of Ships and I also have before me an numlK:· c:- Jl'ws uctmitte(f on emergency nsas f'd by the ?-.· .1z:s. excellent report of the World· Jewish was -13.(l8u. but ~umc of thest' were Included IT. Jt"fL'ISit imm:.9ratw11 rnto the Unitecl Stat-es Congress. entitled "Neutral Shipping 1n the 166 84.3, ~luce thry later reentered ~acilitil's" hy A\'ram A. Juditcb. 1nem­ t:nc.ler t Ile national quotas · These totals in­ Gen('ral lmmlgratlon. quota nnd non­ Ser of tht· Yugo..,Ja\· Jc\\bh Rcpn·~enla­ clude .Tt>w1c;h unm1grnnts from nil O\'er tlw quotn. ·Jewish tmm1grat1011. number of tive Cllflllllltte{·. I gather. lhf·r1_•from. world sumP nf whom were not refugN·~ from refugees Unfilled quotas. En1lgrntlon from that aside from ~lups commL< from the United States. Rntlo of Jewtsh immi­ lI grants to Jewbh population. and to thP UnitPcl St;,1tL.'> and The reslrictwus on 1mmh~rnt!on impcHct going from the United States to the ///. U11itcd States i~isa proccc:urc in 1L·a1t1mc by the State Department ure a definite Argentine. and the same ,1·ith , I hindrance to the rescue program. In the pnst Applicntlon for \'lsns I Form BC). Con~ld­ find that there we1"t" 25 passenger ships of year. only 5.9 percent of the tmnlii;rant_<; pl'r­ ernllon or applications by Go\·ernment Rgen­ various tonnages available. plying across mlttf'd under the quot.n la'.v \\'C'H' fHimlt~ed cles Criteria for ndm1sslon of nllens In the Atlantic between the _Unit,•d Sla.tes This is due. in part to the clabornte ··1'L'!"('Pl'.- wnrume. Prrparntion of npplicntlon. Prlm- 11ry comtr:.'.t tee. Ad,·1sory approval, period of • and Spam, 16 Swedish ships, 11 Portu­ 1ng" process esta!Jli~hed ily ti:e State 0 .. 11:11 ~­ guese ships. and 12 Turkish sh1p.". nH:·nt \Ve agree that rn•ry !)rc'C'lllltJOll llHl~! 'alldlty. Renew of nppllcatlon by Inter~ ctPpanmental visa re\·lew committee. Board Those ships could have carried thou- be t:1ki·11 111 th(' tnt!·fp:ot~ ui" ~f·L·tir1ty l•.• pr~·­ n•nt t!~" aclmi~>ton nf c:wmy a~'.l'!ib. lJllt of nppeuls. Application of aliens of enemy sand., of refug'ecs into the United States f'Xlt;trn;; prccedure L'- needlP!''-lY ( u:nhtou<> nat101wlity Suspended ca~es. Quota year. if they were otherv."ise admh:-.::iblt>. ~o that In other countr1c·s reha~eC's are :1dn11ttt>d. 111- Ii'. Co·11111e11ts OH 1:isa pioccclurc \\."hen Mr. Long .<:ays there wa<.; no ship­ trrnC'd. and rcil'nsed after C"nmplete inn•st1- Fli111 ~ of application often delayed on nc­ ping spaC'". hP does not know what J1e cation A h .... rsll nm! lll1JU~tifi,11Jle rule of the 1 ,1u11t uf d1fficulty in obtn1ning 1nrormatwn is talking about or deliberately did not \'1,,a D1\·1~ion ,·:(·q.;l~..:; \"e:·~- h"avlly ugarn::,t t be· !1um app1icant nbrond Lo.tcsl changes in deal 'vit.h the truth, in eilJH.T of wilicl1 :.tl!!ll'->'-.Cll c.: p~:- ''C:i Wllll llC'nr !C'l:tL\<'"' l:l nc !urm 1.:umplkate procedure. "Hostage Ax1,.; Europe Th1:-; '-'f'r\"('!'" to bar ndm1~ · .'n !•1 Pvents it is a sad commentary on affairs am'.lt"' ha1Hilc;tps appnJ\f\l. Occupational ex­ nrnn~ p<'•ipk :11 twee! of a h:!n">n as conducted by Mr. Long as hrad of p1·1.·11ce .tllt·i)l!ctecl :1.-. ·'useful to war ef­ thf' Visa and Refugep Di\'ision of Ow lPit ·· Ap1il: .1::ts !I •ll: Spain and Statr· DepartnwnL Th~1L b not all I I\ 11~1\"t' to ;", ;,::~ t,_,r lLl' lllallner In Which en_ t to tlw troublP of examlnnv~ Lloyd:-. !\!:· ! 1.i ~: 1~:1~ r£•\e;,<;p(\ t!if tr·x· (.f 1 !'I' !':: t LP. 1Pac!H·d llH,:.e C"ountrics. Refugee5 not rg1-tr·r of Sh1p11:n!:! \\"J!h refl'r1·nc1· to c\::tP rif tl.e Inter'...'.0\"·:'"!!ll'.''J.';t! C 11!" ··«nne danger" denied visas. Internees in • :1,;;-... cn1111ul obtain \'isn. unless they reach cargo ~hip~. i\11 J1.:·:.~l ~: II~:·· .. 1 11!···­ liri·.1,- :~ 11.ct1on111g 11, I.r,:. !· 1, ";.ri {IE, :,1rPli tlH1! ::1_·r·c'.dtn.<.: ~" th:·. ~!;: .': 1'· ·:.(· c .. !T­ ~Pnt;;; intcr'"'tlllr' data CJn 1·;.~re'o hi:; n11ttf·p Wit'.-' 1..':'.t'!. ··p]• J. ···· a:J'!l·•:;· \, d" 'Iht· ship-.. 1h:1; I spok1· of b ·f.,.,. lfi \\"h:l ! (·~ t·: ']_p•: (.if· '.' l ! !1. :: :1 ld! w:. h•, :11 (it: - Swcdi.-.h -"hlp". th1~ 25 Span1~h ~hip~ ,,r:d ,,,·L;.1p:r-~I !£''-,. .ri ll'lTllOl T!.ic- :\:n;.·. .h.\\ ::,Ji ( ·, ,:,1, !:! '.;• l Alrn:-1'.-1F- thP 11 Port;.:· r_· .... hlp . v:i:•re pa::--..L·n!...'1 :·­ heen WJ(it'Jy inrc-rpJ,tPd tii Jt \',oil i 'j-... J!l:i:J-1943 lwarirn-" \·1· .... i.-.;. Thl'rc ·.n i ;_· -· i. 1·1 ._\I ' 1 .1 Comn1ittee is empr;v.• ir·:l ,,. h1mc!rC'd f"~tr'.rJ n··-.-,r·ls th,11 \·.• ·•· pl·:;i~ (!' ·· !'' , of the problem c: :·,-·~r Ut· .'.: ;; l'<'l·Cr .>•r:r,!'> llH·AtL.!1 1_.1 d';lJ11<.: tlH· l!nH: ;Il tjlt··~twn, £~ c~··1:1t!n!1~ \\!lh [j, ~·111;,i.'. O\'."PPd by l\·'-.'.L·ni.lna. Ch1k. Fontl!!al. • ~ . '. ! f : f \ • :-:•;11~ 1l:• 11ciH!1L ,,1 li:'.H" !n Hn3.; 1.c: 1·.· 1 ~Lr.lt' ••:1!h1l.1ti. 1 f \\'11 Jl'; \uluntary e1niKn1t11,11. L·',.tClla- 11111:!1(11_·~! .1 ::!1:i:·r:1111- \ 1.r,·;:,; I: 1-.·· \Jf. 11 L'111don .:'1\0·::.1:·. l" l!.)l\JI'···· !. l,1·1-1 ;1'·-': l',11; fJ[ r 1·Lt':!."·'.' b. t1;1 .. j,· 1r:tn "l '.\/:') h:t\.l' hee1J cit-­ . . ~ ' (" . ' ; ' l . .. \" t , .tJ'. f",1.'!~ fJJJ ! ~l? 1-11 (; : !l ,·'" 't!:d '!.• I._·- E ::·~·Jlf', I: •ni cine 111 .. •" t • :t:ir:!lH!" W!l!:- 0 ll!i;~ Tilf· Lr>iL· a1•1t11d1· , 11d :\n. ··r! ··r: r,J: :;f.1'.tl! J' ii!. t"·cl ( 1' 'hr· ii!n:1:- 1.: !iH· · 1:1:1· r· u1,· \ I· ·~Jic•ll•d Til1_· I.or~g ~"11•·, ~1:{· ct1J;' ti.· f11(· L'Jl!;~ :w 1 ....·a:~ exte11df'{i -':Jc:r·1!ir 1L:; ·:.•·: bf· 1: 'f'd tli:1' tiH· < :: " :l!<'.t"'·n w;i_i1 H'<>JH'CL to pe: ~c: ..;;, a!~! 1".t u.~1ntrte!'; I •·n !u~t·c:~-- d•.I''> I.Cit ill'''.lHI!' thl' J1".n~ll i'~'. i..: t};p Jmr· ).!!. L'•!1!'..'." 1n:O!r:tnl.'< fr111n ,.:t"'l"rl~ E·.•·''i"' ••r ritiH'! r••~ll.­ ·CJ~t~~l..:~~~,:~;'~··dtl11- In \·:cw (,f thE";.,e cr:11!:-ac!1ctory 11~tf''.'"Jlre­ "·ho eallt:· . ,.. ;::.!;~1· ll_-,_; ~-,_.. t of !\Iussolini the situation Confuhion and conlllct c..f The f0!!

1 ...... It ' .. ~. t l . l :, ) :· :.t• F !2, (.o'• 01.:•, i .J 1_· ",\ J.~il l l! :!!\.._' r .l' •. L l !! • •' t )~ tla· S.lll.t' P'" ·U Wlli··h \\.,;.. Si.1.·r-cl· !l ~b ulcl be added ::. rPfu~r· «- :· :., gtnn~ it."\'.u;; 12 '100 Jf'wlsll :l'fUl?f'f'S f:•1:11 D · ·, rJtbf·:· p:ir!.r: r,f Eu:·. ·IH' I!. PrJ;tlw·!l ri·,· ny J1·w.; ]•: 1,_. ,,, I! <..{_J['..t' \!.'-lt !t· . ~ . !.' !{' :,1. 1\1.

1.. lhOU'>al1d Jc·.r;:,,h lf·IU!l(t'~ W!!v i.~c.q:.·<" f .,. ·•• I Pola1.~l th:1,u.,!1 t!:· u:.de:g:·11l1I.d Ii •• \.,_. T .... IJI F 111 -Jcin~h rl··p• :-~1·r~ 1 :1:1'·:.d:·,o ·c -"·" l(,,r1 :-t 1 1i.1 :O• ,., !·· _.,- ... 9f''' truppccl t•! r•c' ltP!"d t 1 ·~, .r· r·· '1 rrc­ Fr·u,,. (·f,'cl!•tr1 !(> 1'i:-•1." '.•_:/ nj rl"P'" :a'I'• i 1"r·:1 J.- 1 l r•o\:1' ,'i•·:·· ,,. · ~J1,\•akrn I ~ ' ' ... -" l.i!hll&!Jl l .. 1 L1!\:i1 I'" :\ll C<•Untdr-.- B•·l~1um \

ll··ll.JiJd __ · p :,.i:d_ {,(I() '...•' Y•1,· ... ~11· .. 1 I ~-:·::.::I ; "'I c;,,.,,, ,"11) [)'"' I B11l~!n:.1 i,::::: Fr;: nee :l.l r,Q;1 (llhN t 1n ; .. B ·lgium_ '.:,·1 [11\1 Hci!l;.ncl '.~ f 11-, I . 1u1 cnnr:~: 1 VroJH J1 ., !{. '"•r' ! •• !<;,:Tl J: !fr - " ' ' This figure i:-. :Edete! n,::,. ·_r· Tnrtak•1\\1; ·:nr:•1r1'1-··1q.1 ,,,1 ... p11• ·.~ l .. ' :: :-lllul•· r,r /," ·' \1T.1!J , \•: • .. ,.'1u .:. ! \'ary in tul.5 of thuusar.d- :<'!· ··1,! \·.-, C'1,n;.·1··--., !1 X. 1 .! : I \Vllll the Pxci:;ption of p,.;_,i,d :111li J, ·. .J l ; It appears fr(Jm this table til:l.'_ 5.261 000 cupied parts of the U. S ~ R t J wh:tll t!"­ J, Jews. out of o total of B.250.000 Jcwl5h pdpu­ pcirtee.<; from all c:cuntriu; wr:T tak..:·1:. 1!:1· :..'•T Ill~·:·:. f ·' - latlon lu the same area 111 19:39. Ji.ave been cuu1:trie.~ mentioned In this table ha!b·ned •i1r· ]<,(',.! J1·•.•.: :\!1• uprooted from thr-1r on~Jnal h•Jn:C''" Thr­ r<-lu~:~es !ro1n cent:·:.11. r-a.<-~e:11. and wt·!:.t· :!'. ~-i~ pe:,;• Au~ 1 • T:''."• "·I.) S refugees who escaped NHzl dumlnated and Eu:·(,pe who were trnJ,Pt'd b:; the N:1z1 r,rc A:1.,·a. 88 pe1c1·n1 ( :,;_ ~ i' occupied European countries han• found pat:un. ri:1f' f,.;]11\l,Jl\); l;1h·, J''t 'l.1 .ill Hr1:11· their way to vnriou.c; pnrts of the world to ',f tlic :d!.ll U;d (jll• .'.:• ! I r t ,.( ll l '.',H.1 ! \' [ ' { n JEWISH lM~fIGRATION INTO THE r~;IT£D countries of lmmlgratlon overseas. to the .::.1t!·,n '.h1· 1.ui:.br-:- f ci.:· '.:1 .n1:1;,11 !·<1.1i 1 STll.Tf.6, lte quota 1mm1gra11t:-; Tilt· TABLE Il. 1 -Je1n.~h refugees, 1933-·13, classified total quota for th~ ~ame periud \\ h ..<-; 1,531.740. by country o/ tmmtgration (and asylum) This means that less than one-fifth of llll' All countrlr'>: 2. 121, 000 quota was actually riclmltted to this coantr:. (Quota Illlllllgrants are cln~ic.1!1.<:cl accorcl111~ lll U.S.SR 1. 800, 000 country of birth.) It should be pomtcd 011· "J 1 Unlted State., ______that of the totRl annual quota allotted to ;ti! 190, 000 . 1;1;. : J' _,r,q., l·-·•. Pnlestlne ______, ___ _ 120.000 counnes. 55 percent. ls allocated to G.P::· ljlngland ______65. 000 Britain, Northern IrelnncL an cl lhe Iri.~h F: e(' " ------16. 000 State. and Ht~out 16 percent to Genn;1ny :wd '12. 000 Au~tria. Poland recel\·es 4 percrnt: !Lily. 50, 000 3.7 percent: nncl Swt>cl(•n. 2 1 pf'ITP!Ji -~!~~'.~~~:::::::::::::~~:::: 25. 000 each; the otl1er countrlrs. 1 pr-rcc·n~ or les..'-' Chll•------14, 000 each. BollvJa ______12 000 2. Jewish imm1grat1011 !\ ,.,,· Uru~uay ______7 000 The total number of JC\\"lsh imrn1g1 :11~t" j,., Other Latin Amerlcnn entering the United Statei; durln~ tlle same countries ______20. 000 10-yea:- period was 165.756. To this mfly f)e \ I•.,• jl I,] ______------___ _ 25. 000 added 43.089 nonlmrnh:;-rants who WP!(' ad­ ______8, 000 mitted on temporary visa-". cS:ime f•f these Auetralin ______9, 000 nonlmm1graots changed the:r status n.:; im­ ------8. 000 migrants nfter reentering tl1e cnUJ; try on p~·r­ Other countries ______mJ\ncnl \'!~a~ l 0U1. of thlh total of 208 845. 40 000 ]I,,· 1 nb!Jllt 190 f'OU Wt'rc n•fugePs ~~:·e p:·c·; Tables II and III are compiled {ill the !• basis of data In Jewish Refugee, ch X sect!on. tnhlP 1I and explanation 1 I I.•· 2 It Is e.stlmntcd that only some 2.300 Je\\ !sh 1 Unfi.lled quotas ]t,\"'·'"' refugees hav~ remalucll In Spain. tts of Jan. Unfilled quotas fur all coun:iics In ti:e '\,, •!' 12, 1944 (JTA News Jun. 13, 19441. pa.st 10 yenrs totalc>d 1.244.858 Unfillecl '< I~· ''. ['.,Jm•l s;1m~ The number of Jewish refugJ?-es 1n the quota. .., cluring the period for 20 coun­ ll •JI! 1'11' ! ~ - U. 8. 8. R. comprises 1,200,000 Soviet citizens tries uuw Axis domrnated or occupil'd. tutaleli 'i1!l'>1· 1 1. of White , the , and parts of 341.567. f)r)!'! 1·o;J[, From Jmw 1933 lo June 1939, when em;­ J ('\\ : -h I~: I' other previously occupied terrltorle.<:, and ]'._!. 600.000 tram eastern Polnnd and the Baltic grntlon from Germany ·and Aubtria w;, ... ~till Stntes whlch were occupied by the R.€d Army possible on n lnrge sea-le. the Unltcfl l"51.1tP ln 1930. Those refugees were evacuated bv admitted from those countries 01dy 78.0UJ ...:"]]'{• 1:(1.t• ,,·1 ~' • l - I e Soviet r~uthoritles Into tlie mtcriors o-f quota Immigrants (Of which 55 550 wen: ;.1, l}o'l\1!. latlc Russin. Jews). I. e. lesR than hnH of the nclm\s"'ible J•,·!1: •] ,, The number of refugees aclmltted to the quota. The admlssihle quota for the sanH' ff .it' United Stntes { 190.000) is calculated on the I II basis of the total Jcwrnh immlg1 nt1011 to thl8 1 Sources: Jewish refugee: Nntlonnl RNll­ country less that v:h!ch C'rme t:-.::..m Canada. geP Servlce: Interpreter releases, publisheul.u sen·tce-ar1· ht•l..! in .suspp:1se in th1 Stntt· Departuient or at Ainencnn consuln11·.­ Allen nppUcants desiring Visas to the Form BC must be filed iu six copies \\'lth. the V.lsa. D.l\'.lsion of the State Department. After abr1mc.I Aftpt· the terntories are freed th, Unltctl States-whether for permanent im­ applications Will have to be renewpct IJ ~lgratlon~ preference quota. temporary, or ascertain.Ing the sponsor's financial nde­ transit-must have BC forms ftled tn their quacy, a copy of the form is sent to the in\·es­ howPver, the applicant can 1<-c1.eh an A;11t·r1-· tlgnt.ing agencies: The Immlgrnt!on nnd Natu­ enn con~ul bt:·fure the 6 months ot \".t!1d:1\· hehalt With the Visa Division o! the United expire. he may obtain his \'i~11 States Department ln Wnshtngton, D. c. ralization Service, F. B. I., Military Intelll- 1 Form BC, issued by the Visa Dlvtslou (sec­ gence, Naval Intelligence, and the State De­ 10_ Annual Quut~1 partment. It usunlly takes from 3 to 6 werk.s o_nd revLston, July I, 1943). Ls 50 Inches In The fl.lllihal qnura for a g,\'Hl country f'X­ for the reports to come from these agrncies length (four legal-size sheets printed on both t€'11 requests a quotn Since the BC fonn must lw !~i-·d \~-Jtii thf' sor who is most fnmiltnr with his personal number from the Stnte D_•partment in Visa Divbion i11 "\VnF'hJ11~to11 1 '' t.d nut wi£11 hlstory and bnckgrcund. Each applicant Washington. The latter cables a quota the consulate· ;ibroad 1, m11ci1 pn•c4--~1:-. :; ,,, 1 1 over 18 years Of age must flll out a separate number. or sends lt alr mail. .If one Is available_ 1nay be lost II! ubtainlng the nccc-s~:i · ,. 1:ll \, form (BJ. Part C ts to be filled out by the tr the con~ul disapproves, the case is referrpc.I 1nnt1on from un Etlien npplica11t ,, ~:•) 1~ Rhanotal .sponsor. Ench ellen must ha\•e two back by him to the St.ate D::.'partment ro: nbroacl_ Very oftf'n thp Atnencan :;p,, , . 11 sponsors. It the sponsors, or the alien np­ further consideration. who flips the app!irat1nn 1.s not famtl1ar \'."Jt!i pHcant (I! Ile happens to be In this coun­ 5. Petiocl of Va!Jdity of Advisory Appron1l the 11umerous cletails uf tiie ;!lien':-: ldt> j,;:-,­ try), Wish to appear for a hearing before the tol'y required to be l'.lkll uut :1: frn !ll J:( · lnterdepnr-tmcntal V1sn Review Committee. An adViE=ory appro~·al is valid for O months In son1e duP tu c1· 1111nt1n;l'.1,11,n u.'.ll­ If the applicant dld not obtain l1is visa by case~. they must file an nppllcntlon for such n hea~·­ cultif's. such l?!ffJ; m:1;1.- n Pl ·Y ue,·rr IJ£' ing (Form IVRC~l) together With the BC that time, for whatever reason. the sponsol· obta111pcJ · has to apply for n11 e>:tensi(Jn, lncticatinr; Li-., torm. Witnesses /I U.: 11·wrt1· Jiil.• !. J.'L/i1' who know the applicant's life history may cont~nuecl interest in tlw applicru:~ n11cl ab!l:tr 1 to bllpport him_ · 0 ·- appear upon tlling a W;1s t nlso for u hearing. notice \\'h 11 llH· BC form l ·:!.<;pd by tl~c .".:] of appearance at the same time as the spon­ 6. Interdepartnwntal Vina Re•. iew Commit tee D{'j)u.:·tn~f'llt on Jt;Jy I. 1D4·l. tllf'. f·d! •'.'. sors. Thi.,; committee. consist:ng of tn1po:·t,1nt clrnJl!~l'<; wt~:·p n1:1ck , .. : x! re:Jr~sentn­ pl1c:!tr the> pi-(lceci11t" (b) Admintstratii1e procedure in the Vim tl>es of the same departments as thosr of the Di~·tsion Pnmcry Committee. reviews th,... ca~es £,f ia1 Till' que~.tiun 1N1' ].=; p.!l~ B, 1. Consideration of Appl.icaticns b:; F.:iur nppl!.::•anrs rejected by the Prlman- Ccm·~1!l lc-::> tilP <1!lJ~!1ca111·, ··rii:ic1·s ••f p.1·\·1,,u,, '(''-W1_1,c1· Bodies Possible It conducts hennng,: at ''·!-~·ell : l ,. o-pnn'.-c",.. lC:'.y ;,::l! C•,tJ:; ~~. 1 !e:;u:r"~ ··gn·i:,r: :1rr:·,1x - or and other wit ne~.st>s mny TLf• in·, c:. - 1·s ~l:H e Pal t.u •11·· Bl·:•!t: :1 '- · r: , of bv v. h!ch npplicatlons of aliens nn' !"Cjt;,,Pd lo g1\·e l!:·'.i' .~]-- r ,!,< given careful considenition nnd r~vlew. to in­ !: '.<.·.,rel tco h1~ A!i.,··1 J•' 7 Pre!:>Hlent ·s Board c1 1 l\:1peab sure the Interests of the United States clu1111g !?~::~• :!~~~·.n·r q~;,·~·t!<>n...: 1:-.-" :.?:; 1,··· this natlonal emergency. The BJard of Appc:::ils COll':J,\:-; cf two n~e! l'; .:b .. ut Li·- ]"·!.· t!l:J. ::!.;· App1icntim1s may be considered by fcur ben; ap1~ointed by tlw Pn·<.;1dent. \\·J:t, a:1· 1.,,. .. :, ( : , ~l~t·:, • L" · · •·(l S· < • instances: First by a primary cominitle:. .'-Upp:;~ccl to represl'nt an_v b:.tllt"h ( • .;_·_, !:\ next by nn Lnterdepnrtmen tal visa review of 1lw Go,·ernnwnr Th(·;r ciPC'L'> .. J:: 1~ i)1011 of Alie11s in of the BuHrd nt:t\' !),, :,·\(·:-1<1111, ·I:. ' ~.(if'/ ,l: l! •l' Wartime of SlfilP. who ha~ ·,,.·. l .. 1 \',"fl.· • Among the classes of aliens deemecl prf'J.i­ :.tpplicnt1u11 1.-. dC!llf<1 t\ '11. H '•! :q ;•'.' dlcinl to pub!Jc interest. there ls 01.e i<:-oun !'. lllay bt· l"t'IH'Wt·d In· \!!t .... •lll• !:.:· ot aUens having close relati\'es J11 r"'·•·:~1\· , ::. : ~ .,! ·1 ! 1: ?1Hilltl.:, Tl.t · .:• countries It Is consirlerrcl that 0-1:.. t!:;. ! : Jw !:-ta: 1 u! '.·.. ? ;; '" relati\'PS arc kPpl :is h""'a'~P-~ h\· ' ! ' ! :, ~ .. the a!H·n in~1111;:.1:_: :1,:2:1' lw; ,.,_ ..... · g~ge In :1cti•·:t:,:-, ~!1 ti· l':.:"1"1C.1 ~\ il;( ~l ?:1 !~!1· !1r· <:f · ::i.. · · ·.•.;,f ·f1,·1 !. ·· ' .. •(•:.-. . .<-.U 1ljt'(!' {'! D 1;'.t:· Il1 cit·, .. _ I. 1~,. p.1; l •! L'X!J"' !l'l!Ll'' l' L ... ,J. '.l -. ut t'll• ni:. 1 :·.u" b!• c •li~:<:- .·! !!-PC!;~i in · \"i f); \"; -:· ·ll ac. : • r:1i; · :.J,.1:..., \\1th ,,~!:, .·;.d , br 1; • rl rht· P:·11nd:·:. c, ! .• :1:: • I: ~ C'\bt· l!ir dt'!,' -., , :.',\l \'1~;1 P,.(•\"J('W {_ :f :."!•:· \t·cl IJ\' th•!'-;> t',\(J !1.ir;:.­ En1i:ha"!" .·>: !ii(• p;,.i)_,1,,:· , .. ·(' h t' 1; .lll·r r! l;v !'.:· B 'rl or the all•i: IJPt!:~· 1 : · '!! · :,, c i;: c, 'lil. · • •:. E·.t:n': r·.·:1:.11 r- ,,:,· c; .. ::::.·· .:i'. B : .. : :., Ht!L_.!' · ·::(! ~~·;:i. Close rPlnth·l''>-p:-•Jt>1 1 t:-:. ln:-b .. i.l! \\Jfr. chilclrc>n- 1n tius c•it:n~n· :1:·,, al-,.o coi: .dt :q; a;-; fut'!tir::i fa-:cr:1h:c :.1r :i:in::.-.:-.1011 01 ,.;,. :.· \" !~" ·'I'; ci.cm~· ~l r:: 1• ··1U.·' :··llin• tile rPunicn r.;· f.111:i11«-. i-, rc1:.irdt ti :,­ :i. he11•.:-nc::11 t'i 1l1r n: :·•It'': 11:f' t\;:~1-: ... i :· zens. or 1e-1dent:-. i::\ \11\·r-cl. 1 • I::1 y ll,:\ 1:. - i1ecn 1._ :,-_· :«{· }," fJ·· s.1.rz_,. l-111tt·<1 States o: .'\mcrka. Gre;1;_ D: .:1: .111r lished by C'om1n111; Cuunc1I for Am'.'11can 1egc11ded a:. an P11e1ny :tllen I, r puqk.~;t·s <·! p Unity. \'Olumr XX. Nn ·W. Ocu!n·r :29. 10-13 selecliYe ~l'r\'lc0 in rhis cu111.·!;- IIuWC'\tr .'\ Sun11nn1 y of \'i:.~t P~·rwectur .. ::1 \\-unune. by the Stnte Departn!e1a has J!ot H:t b.-.uecl a1,\.' <"•·' :!!n H:1.zu\,,,ky .D.1·::<1:-on. • statement With rega1ct to Jmrri.1grauon ircrl1 Ititly_ • • i•. \ .. l ~;_ ' ;t '·" l '; : : : : • - ' '' L'.•'1,;,

- ~ .. p· , . I:. , 1 • :.!.re·. ,11 :1~

t : ~ . ! 1 '. ' • ,, \ ' tl.1• ::;!1'1.C.l.l · '.'! ;-,!'·'l;, \,_, ·

0 (''1Jllli'.' ~! l::· .. l'(l~,. '!•-' W!.•' ·L qw ~::" 1 ~j'.\:J: .c·l-. ,,!·: t'!::-'.('rt 1:1· e: :·' < .. :i:p ~I·:: · d,t \J'. j•ll' 111l.i I' 1~,·1:-.. ~l ,,[ ·::t'lll : c-'.,'!L"t·d :, · · Pr\\":lrd :1.' ; !:"

!'P', ! . ;:{':!"::':- T '.lt' C '."!: ·::t. ".•· :!.'-1: t <'. ~:- '. !.P !--P• !..-••!· df· .·,> 1 1:r:·...: th·· !•·- k.1>· 'l tl:o :11 ;,:lL.: · l .. • \''.i.d::y II~<·-.· .. [ ; ~ ,• >-l' q ut·~ t ! • :: , 11: u . !..'..11 un.11::- \'. 1•rpc\. :--1: , , t::l' jll L, 1l]P \\ J:r• :1j1pt' p:·L~Clllt'C'S :1.l1 U!:!:t\",,!·:,h:e :111- pre,.::-1011 un the c11n11n:!tf'f'. l"f'!-'tllt!'.1~ •;e:\ pf:_t'll lli a rc!u:--ai l•! tLc <1pp:.L\!'";.,!1

6 R1'f1lfft't'\ nut 1·1 'u1·~1:1• da•:u···

T\\-'1 0~!11•;· cnn~1dl'r:1t1•n;<; !n11lt<1lt· 11\.'.,tllJ:-it th· J-'.l;(nttLg 1,f \·:" T 1JL l!r.--.! !:-> ;1 c·-1t1 nnn • e:,t1:;H! ··~·it Bl d\g i:1 Aculf• D·u:,:\'!' Tlitt. ap;1!l!'"i t•• penp!t• Ill ~,ucil COllllt!H'.-, .''-, S!Yl'JL p,)1 a:!::t!. T.1rn.;ic~- J;oma:c.t. Cnb1 a11d othl·~· L:: 1 111-:\111c:1can Ct•llll\llt''.· I! lS_ nf nHJL-:C'. trw· thnt ~uch people m.-..y not be 111 danger of t·Xt£•1n1i11n11u11. ;\lan:; o1 th{'rn. h•iWe\·er . h:1\'C' :eLit!YCS in tlw UnltNI Stal{·s whom the'\; nn1u:;\ll\' wish t!J Jni11. t,r g{'nerally ::!t' nnx-Iull!-> L• b·t·gin ltfr anew in Amen~a ;, contr~1.-tcd w1l11 the rath<-r ilopl'le:-s ex1:~tL"I1C"(' • th:it most of them lead ln placel'. like Jumnic,1. T.u:~il'I". eti:'_ In n~ost in:-;· anc<>.s the:-e ph,p:t· ilfl\t' llf) p•.Jsslbilify nf e:irn!ll!~ a ii·;ing 111 thl'Sf' pl11cc-.s. since ni.:Ly 01 th~'ll1 :1:e clrt:unecl 1:1 c:1mps. Furth£'1w·J:t..•. if LhC'!-.<' refucet'." C•il:ld ~C.1\-c fur the Un1t2d t:)tatcs. tlH·'.; w1 ;ilcl 111.tkt' 101,111 In the!-'l' pl«n- J,,,. '•thC':·s to r•>1nr· in. yel their nppJ:cat1<,1:~. ft:- Yl"°flf. a!e 11~ nl1J-t c,1'::.PS refusrcl.

The secri11d considen1tion Is tl1at 1ht> De­ pa1·tment of State refuses to consid':.'1 \ 1sa ap­ pl1cat ir·?F i•J!. rcfug1_'l".'- who are 111trrned in r·;1mps 111 !\l:ttll":l1lls . etc_. wl~1ch arc lllHlr·r Dr1t1.'-h rule. The attilude ror tlle V1&a Dlvls10n is tb1t It CRnrn,t net on thest' appli­ • Hot !'P­ r·:it!ons so long as these peoplP n.re leased unconcllt 1c•nal !y fro1n then u11t·rnnwn t so that they rn~ty appear 111 the con:n1i:1tc:, 111 pcrso:1 On thf' other hr.ml. !ht> Britl:-!t G<1\P1·11n1cnt \\JI\ not rckn.st' tl:Psc· pPopk uiilr·~s tllev Ehn\\' \'fl\lcl visa:-> for 1111oli1f'J c1,u1J!:·\· ·11w rr·~utt Is a vicious Ci!"C'k. It shllllP v:l1!-.r,;.\l cer­ t1f\r·;t11·~ ~Inn\' of thi>lll ha\f: fa.UL]'• Ill tlw U1~itccl St:itcs '~ho nre anxluus to h~!l.f.' tlH·,n to th1~ country To datf' tl1rl!' applira''•l!i'"> hnvp not been :ictrrl upon for tlw n•n (•!1~ ind1catcd_ -· - ·- co·:~> -' ---- . - --, - . . .. - '

-_ " ..._;.· -. ""'"• •=.'-~- ,--, ;·,··· \.' ...···············• .l>,q•t~~~f~s~~f1 '• ,

..·-._:-.' ·.:,·.,-."' . . ,, ... ' •tl\~•« ••. 1'•1 '.... -. -•··. fhtltll . - ,., .....,., •. ,fat. \'tAl!f .#;,\i!fllt1ti··~ < Hl'tli.ff i1lltd• ft tilt - •t11Po It. . ta t>.ff•l•r;* . ~VPS· J*Qi) ····)) '4tUJltlte - •···· -. ~b~ Q~~9f.l~ •K~ ~1.:::fi;:~t::c·:.:rJ::-~~::14.:~ ~::;11~·1 ·~~·-=u:·t;.:•·•_·_, ... ,,,•• , {!if 't.(l.'f '¥Wil\ ~tJttllt~Jl'# ¥11:'11~11• ' . ·. f;~~¥l>lt. .. . fllit'\ ,., \M. It••• .~••pl.a \iffiitl\l ~--. - 9.fllf\19 . . 'lJ ._..t},_N ... -.l!J tM pr.bl.. ·.•. N14.·... (;IY•fl. U: .1he7 ~ft.·.. ·1Hlf!f~•t:l.tt"~4'$~...JM ... ;tlfj.~.. tpi~ .t.•• vhlt a•·• t1av1 au e.ri:tlotl •• 'IU.\t~ •"-• of W ~~#' 0. • t•Hmt •~•eamel'ttl • l;ltd.t on. . · ·11 bl iv&ng 4i4 tur.• f~h1l ,,__ , •ttr ~gpro~. t;• -.. .,,,.~l\ .. Vfll•••»t ~- . .· ··· l/~14 *'• 1$Q~•h tlhll•. ~A tat tl:\tl'i - · . ""l.••1.tl' _.. .'' ~· tuim ·_ t>t ... •PPffMtli ,. -'"- fftftm fiOYt . . .· ' ·~H~l~ o:n:~ ,.~~.- I.rt. . ·. -·.•. ·.·. - .. 1Alowt•1fJ•a1t~ or•••~_,• ·- .·ow ''la.* ~•w•• ·.If. ~•14·-. ~·.·.:,::.c: ··. ·.· - l'Otdt..t.U,,t o! «•IQ Qflfi.. .. '1l lQ '1ff•ll ..1'tl'AWf~\l ,..\l)l J,it·.~.·.,~-~~~\- .. : ::.-:::·1:1t•t; :&$=· v!;; -::11:; ~--1~1~&1~:-t.:r~"''''f~ ~fz~-~~'~'\; -

MU.. fl\lU i(tlt···t -.·.·. dt···.;'I....·•. --.1.l.-...... _- ,h~(i) aai~lilti1$~·lN. i>~U ltt't9 .-.. -· '...... 1 .,.,.._ ·11.•••• · -~.~' t. flit t\o~ iJl_B i.J.~_.if't.•~.·~.-···.:=.·,,_.,.,.: .. ... > •"-' •• tb.t ••·l•Ullf -~utopl•• lit lh~\ lt i!lW lllit\t411\ 'Ut•n~: •-·· t:Sen• "'• wU.lt•s •• o'"~-~fl$41lff oa tll•.- •&'Wl.11.tf a•v•~1t· -··· ... ·.- "' VOt44 UlO.ffiJ.i.99 ••v t•a .. •tl••HVtftffft ft t1tllb•~l'••tQJft•'. . (4) eiv1111 lhctu~• ~•n1'4r llt••,klllf: tl'8U •• ao:tt _,... ~l41. 4tt rt~etUUlitt M 'h• VithJ t.tot•.f'U•1t•. .· . ~wbta wa6 T

·, __ ,-,:,,.-;-_- '!'lie Russ:l,i;i.ns were closing tory now.is in e1.eht, and with it tile

stun navy. But the v11,1ig.lJ,t of the war

and noth:l.n(i could prooln:l.m mo1•e emphatically tne approach o'f Following yesterday's d~ylie;ht attaok on .by tbe ath AlrFQ:Cde.·th~· RAF sent the greatent nl.llltber of Lancaster and Hal.:lfrus:. bombet-s ~vil;I? \ta~4 < .··

over occupied territory to diarupt German railroad oomrnunioattons 1~ Fl.'~ii*~"

They dropped more than 4,1~00 tons of boinba on the Noiay... le;..Sec en!l J'uvfay

railway yarde and worksh0:pa outside Paris;

and Terginior, 15 mHes northwest of La.on. bombers,

Today nearly 2,000 American bombers and fighters attac,ked a. tighteli

plant at Kassel, and 5 aircraft parks in the Ruhr... Thf:t w13a,ther WM clear

and the bombing was accurate, nut German reaistan9e wtt~'Hgl:lt •.:, These

operations cost 5 bombers and 2 fighters. 56!0 or more p:J,8.nes

routine attack on the French invasion coast.

6.500 planes. And this leaves out o'f aoco~nt a Russian ah• ~t:f;M~ on Lv6v !.n PolanO. where " concentration of troop and freight trains was slllnshed .

and set 1ifire.

'From the But'lnu front comes the news that the defendara ot K6hilna

have been relieved, by an advance guard which ia, being followed by tanks

and artillery rein:foroemen~s. 1'he English garrison had been· surroun,ded for a week in the ruino of the \'lllage and hnd beaten back almost continual

attacka. As the heaviest force of the 10.paneae catnp~1gn,had be.m shittad

to this sector; und as Imphal itself is now eonsidered out ot4angel'~ th~ ,. crisis Of the invasion Of India appears to be over. - 2 • d[~· !n the work6X'E! residentlal adjoining a bombed house. And a.bout 2ob~rl.!a sorne day this home will be hiatol'io. down a kim\ of well, and gives entry to the oataoombs o~ vn,esim. the quarry thore are otlter small and half.. hidden entrances to the Qata(lo~in1. through which a man or woman could puns if otouching low. through the workllla.n' s kitchen was a secret one, and i•ema.i:ned a set>ret until two days bofore the Germana evacuuted Odessa. One could use this entrnnoa:if' he kne?1 the password: "I r1m a friend of Harry." The Axis garrison Of Odessa knew ~1bout the catacombs, knew, too, about {110 entrances in the qual"ry. Th.ey stationed guards there ii: the daytime, . but so many guards we1•e killed at night they gave up trying to maintain night sentries.

Durinl! the Axis occupation, tho catacombs of Odessa were themselves a besieged city beneath an occupi0d city. For the two und a ho.lf years the men . "'' and women of tho catacombs held out. And then. :i.n the days v1hen Odessa's liberation loomed up rrn a possibility, the small band of refugees was organized into a Partisan guerilla army to write one of the most ;ronianti

The catac.ombs of Odessa have a history that goea back 1$0 yeal'$ 1 when

Catherina the Great ordered the city to be built -on the sit& of un o+d

Huss~an trading post. Limestone wr,s quarried out of the ground bel.ow the sj.te, to erect the regal city. The quarrying left sizeable cht1mbere below the city and nlso innumerable pas::mges. t.ater• smugglers extenc1ed the passage to join the oonter of the city with the waterfront. 1nthe 1917 revolution• the oato.oomba v1ere uaed by the Bolshevika. l!~ter the Soviet government mined the passages to prevent their being infested by th1evef;J and emugglal'a. In 1941 the cataoombs became air raid shelters, .. · Thon, )'#hen the

Germans and Roumaniana closed in on Odessa in that year. the Ruo~iuna hid --.:-~~>: ..- . __ : . .!!ea pons 1h the :Und(n'ground C~!~• · to uprising.

From the sta1-t of the Axis

,· .... ·. _:_ . small bands of guerillas. But fo January of this 'year~' ~hEln began, a real organizatfon was put ·through.

chemical engineer. Major Anatole Losohenko, an nngula1~, aatjcly ... liair~d Hie own story \~as told to correspondents who woo:e to.ken

01 ty. "We collected monoy and started n a tore of food in tlie c~taeomt,e," said. •rNe got a small mill for flour, and a sausage maker. We aet up. a printing press and renovated the artesian wells inside the caves.

a radio, and even had con~ections with the Ruoaian front. The prbt ·shop

turned out pamphlets instructing the oitizeno about their dangers. Wheb. tho

Red Army started approaching Nikolaev, we went underground. By niBht we came

out, and killed Garman patrols and the police. It vms pur worlt that provt.mteq_ ·o:, .. the Germann from blowing up the oi ty. We cut the wires to the mines

the opera house, and to cao11 of the piero. :from number

For two vieeks before the Germana left, we became the rulers of the oity .by

night. Had it not been for us, the Germana would h&'Ve blovin up the vlater · - - . . .. . _·, < anc1 sewer syste;ns. We saved the telephone exch(1ngo by planting sntoke bombs

inside it so the Germans tho11ght it ah•eady was burning, and,,did not put it to the torch."

One night theao pnrtisans touched off a bitter all•night battle between

two German military police battalions, each believing the other to be a purtisan force, During tho day partiaan women circulated through the Qity, and bought food, and still more important, arms. They ociuJ.d buy weapon.a tl'om the Germana themsolves in the open market, for the G~f>mans were even grea,ter

~.,,. apeculators than the Houmanirins. They sold their rifles for· ~~rn twelve' 1H> forty dollars, pistols for sixty to eighty dollars, and tommy•gQlls with cartridges for a hundred dollars. A loaf of br~d would pay torr a grenade •. ... 4 ...

The market place fol' Vl<%]lon!l \'iaa quitu out ' .... ,z_~.'<3:::_-,. ~0-':}''">~ . .

gflneral partisan h~tdqliarters undol-gro\lnd •

along limootone· parnsageways that , broad'ened high, Here was the reception desk with a st.one b.al'l,'icade• wher~ ait il~:t"e atol>11>e

Where Major Loschenko viorked at a stone block desk. Adjoining wa.a an fimmuni"' tion works, where the flaming cocktails to attack enemy tanks were made i'tom. gasoline-filled bottles. Furthor on was·a prison chamber for Germana. Rol))nani~ms'. and Ul

One of the prisoners had ?aen a pretty woman who had sought admission to the c ntacombs as a Russian parachutist. She was admitted and then plied with liquor, and under its influence confessed that she had been sent by the

Roumanian sooret police, · The Roumanians had imprisoned her ond her mother, ancj. promised them liberty if she would spy on the partisans'<

Two days before the Axis gave up Odessa the Germans learned 01' 'the sectll\ic._~

entrdnce in the workm

city on A1}r1l 10th, oonfUsion reigned as innumerable German stragglerfl tled through. One band of 50 Slovaks with machine-guns, mortars and ammunition

~ joined the partisans, along with some Frenchmen from Lorraine, The ohapter

reached its climax in the i'innl two days when the Partisans tougllt openly in

the atronts and killed at least 500 Germane and themeal"tes suffered only 30


~-.,,- Here ia a film scenario with a happy ending. Another film ao'enario with

dif'ferent ending ha6 come to li(:';ht, the story ot the rev()lt ot the Wa:.NJaw sh~tto; ·

whose first anniVersary falls today. This is a st.o~y of E:iven sraater hel'OiSl!i . .· . . . 'year ago. had all•eady boert red\,lced · by irtas~~bre

thousand of them h,M been smuggled in by

of the J'ewo had hud military t1'aining.

buying them from the Germans, Just ns in Odessa.

On April 19th the Jews were su.rn.moned to meet

- .· ... know it muant either·anothor maeeaore or that they were going into fo:rooo .· · labor in German industries. They decided not to meet.

German police in force, and the Jew~ started to resist. It had not be~n 1.io planned, The decision to fight back was spontaneous, The J"ewa lay with rltles. machine-guns and grenac1es on rooftops, in windows and on bu);QoU~()f,!;. For o~e

day, two days, three days, they fought back every German att11cl!• They k1.lled

and wovnlJ~ 200 Germans, Finally the Germans had to call out their oraak Elite Guard. They shelled the ghetto, They came up with armored cars, tanks and

flame throwers, Somo or thoao were knocked out with 11f'iy1ng c0o1cllailo 11 , '.l'he

battle raged tor nine duya before the Germans could even break into the ~l}~~~o,

. -· ·-_:-..::::'_:':~~~· and 1t tool<: them till Juno to clean it out, The greater number of the were killed, some were taken into servitude, some fewer escaped,

It is estimated that five to six hundred thousand :rews are still liv:l.n~ in Poland, of the throe and a half million who lived ther!) bef?re the \'far., Thousands of them are living in the woods or are being hidden' by POli~h friends or are fighting with the Partisans. The Germana now running have given orders to establish a ghetto there. Some J'ewo of' 'the eight or nine hlmdi'ed thousand in Roumania now have a last ahanoe to Moape. 'l'he most energetic efforts are being made to aid these J'ewa to reach safety, and the American

Vlar Refugee Board has done substantial service in this respect.

The question of safe asylum now confronts the Allies. Un.ii»;' present

British regul~tions• fewer than 30;000 aan be admitted into Palestine. A proposal is underdiecueaion for the \~hich will stirrtulate similar generosity oy otheX: countrl~a~ some of these refugees into the United Stntea, not cw inirnlgrarita. . ·.· :· ··' fugitives from 'H1tlerism. Hero they coulcl be acoomoda.ted in (l~pa 1 given> shelter, food, medical onre and• above a.11, security• Th.e~:r ~t1:1y :in tM.&J · country would not need to last lonRer than the war, and tho ti~e it takes after the war to organize their rea_ettlmnent in regions where tney belong or where their services are d.eaired. If thm United States takes tho had• it will be in a strategic position to aok the British to relax tn:e quota regu.. lations in Palestine, and to invite other governments to participate in dealing with the problem. This country; which 11as sui'f.'ered least .from thE! ravages and impoverishment of tho war could well make up its mind to do thia as e way to celebrate the birthday tomorrow of Ad()).ph Hitle:r•'~

AncJ now a friendly message to wartime Ama1•ioa. . '

Mrs. Virginia Mannon Treasury Building, tfm· 4416 Washington, D. o-. Dea r Mru. Mannon: Here is a oopy of the Robert Masidott portion ot NB:>' s 1brld News Roundup ot this

morning, as requested ~Y you.

Yours ve~y truly,

A. J. Sohneidor . Ao ting Manager News and Special »vents FROM ROBSRT MAGIDQF'~'l MOSOOWs ..;.. .. ::·_ .._-- ..:>-, .. ·:- : It is prem~:tura even at thiS late

. ' . . CThurohUl 's talks in Mosoow. It seeme oert$1q how~ver

joint oornmun1que whioh will be 1eaued at the end or ·tl'Je

oon:ferenoes will oonta1n good rens_on for the United N6\tJoll.; ~~

Joioe and for the e~emy to dempa!:r.

The one major trouble thn t seems cleat I ned tor-

aom~ time after- the tPilke is the Pol1ah q\_lee:tton. 'I'ho -~-~

National Committee ot Libernt1on returned to

in the moan time, 11 atonn has been gath!Jring~

Tass reports from &tRte that a wave ot

of the men trying to oaitry out the ' .• ret'ol,"ma l~u,nohod 1>1.th~'oo(n~ -.•

m1 ttee atal"ted ln mase moo tings where raEtolut1one h!!ve baen ndopted.• ·

holdinfi M1kolaJozyk and his gove:rnment 1'01> thee~ aotF.J or terror, and demanding f:rom MlkolaJozyk a publio statement ~1 thtn1.t whl.oh thl9 resolutions say no negot1at1one can be atnrteti~ alle~ging that n membel:' of the U a

Joined in f:roro the Balt1o HepubliO.

the U a MUsion to atookholm Mnated 9()0 10l'.>0 orea tton 1n fJweden or an ant1-nuas1an organ1zat1011.

the pa.par as saying 1 t -would be very 4e61rahle to g·et an Het'sohel V. · trom Mr Joht1aon, the u s Miniatar to Gtookhl)lm.


. 'i· ; __o.,


hi Oot 20/44


:tt is premature ovnn at this late dey and b,o\U" to aum tip Mr. ChurohUl • s tR-llto in Mcfecow. It eeem111 oertatn howevel' that thu Joint eommunique which w111 be hsued at tho end of the :Stg !Mt. oontarerwes will oonta.ln good reason tol' thi;i trnlted Nations ti) :re-. Joice and for the enemy to despair.

The one mnJor trouble that seems destined for eoltt.Uon only eome time after tho t1'llts h the Polinb question. Tho Nndel's of the National Oommt ttae of Liberation returned to Lublin $'tlste1'dt\V'• wM:te in the meantime, a. stol'lll ho.s beon gathering.

T~sa revorta f1'0m London state that a tm.ve of torrorist l1illrders of the men trying to co.tty out the ••• ret'orilin lnnnohe(\ by the com;. mtttee started in m.'l.M meetings whore resoluti<>M havo been adopted, · holding Mikolajoiqk .i;nd hin government tor thoao· aotn of terl·9~,., and dam~mU.ng from Mikolajczyk a pubUc statement without wMoh t~ resolutions say no negotiationo onn be started.

Tl'ouble is 'brewing also in mnothfll" df.reetlon;. 411.Sovf.et papers hnve oitod at great length the Swedhh µaper Ny l)ag (t>k:) .•. .. nllog1ne that a member of the U S MhsiUl~

Fl'i Cot 20/ 44

)J'IIDM ROBJ~RT /11\.0ID:.nnra HOBCOW1 -

lt h prorn11.f;\U'0 oven at thin late day nml h1,ut .to nUlll ~ Hr. Churohil.11 n tnlkB ln Hol!cow. It t1G&ms qef'tlatn however •h$. t \ho . Joint comimmiquo ~.M.oh will bo hsu~cl at the ">rtd of th!) 'll1g ~· · aonferooc'4o will contmt.n good rasnon f'or the thlttad Nations to ~·e­ Joico r.,s11l for the anomy to ~spid.~•.

The ono t1tljor troublo tho.t. oeomei deritiu&d foi' B01\ttion. only iiorno time aftel~ tho t~llim b the Polhh (!Utlation. 'f1:1e l.eed&l'o of the lfatlonru. 0o1!1!111ttao of l1lboratton i>oturned to tu'bUn tosfJe~1 \llu~ro in tha motilZltt.me, §. ntorm hnr. boon gatlv~dn,~. ·

'Pa11s i~e-,iort~ hma f40ndon stl\te thnt ta wave Qf terrorl.st iwrdrtta of the me11 trying to crn~ry out the • • .. rofor!ll~ 1nunohe4 'by the. Co!Jl-

't'l·ouble h 'browtng al.M in enoth0r d!i>~otion. All t.tovlet p1,r,ptn:•fl have 01 tod at groat longth tho Swm1hh ;my&J:' N~ ~ (old nlleg1n,<-; thnt a. member of the U S Mhr;ion in St:ookholnt ht\e Jointlll. ln the :':stonbn (1ovorntrtent fo~ ·by ontt... SQvht .:tefugoea ftol!l tho Hnl tio Hapu1JU.e. '.l'he pit.per also allege3 th'1t a ll'iij,abf':l; Of thlt U 6 MhGion ta Gtockholm MMto(l 900t000 Swet.'liall m~OB fOl' the orei;tion in 15wedim of en antt•Ru.us!.1~.n orgP..nbat'lon.

'l'ho Joviat bese does not ccmi:r.Gnt on th1& i'opot-t bU:t f.litOl:J the pt~Jet' ito 1m;rint; 1 t would be vecy dosi:rablo to gl?t nn \'lxt>1s1uitfon horn Mr. Uorsch~1 V. Jolm11on, the U s H1nhtor to Stoekh()l.m, · mio i©mlWG OO'!JIH'AW

lt !a p.-cr.a::1ttu-o OV1':1l mt this late dr.iy r.M Mu.r to mun Ul' Hr. Cl1urchill1o talks 1n Moeeow. lt 1Hlcm11< eo~btn bo\-fa\'Ol" tll..o\t \hf) Joint COl'!llMliqu~ which "1111 be 1.G0uetl at tho (,'Jnd. of th~ Btg ~ oonf'e:>encet1 will oontii.in e.ood rcnoou for tlw untto! NnUona to >.>e­ jo1co 0011 for tho en~my tO despair.

'.l:ilo ono 11fljor t:rotiiJlo that e~oms tlimt.ined for rtolutlon l!ltii~ oorae time !lfter tho tn.lke h tha Pollllh &tt.esM.1<,m,. 'l'he loaders of tlH3 Hs.t!onu Committeo ot L!'bert

Taae r01-mrt11; iron London stnte truat n 'h'1.w·o of tel'ro.rint .mttr.doptm"l, holll1ng H1kolajortyk entt hb gov0rmnen\ for. thenis nets flf ter:l'ort im6 demrmdillO f'llom M1ko1nJc~ a publtC etnt~t vlthou,t \fill.eh t:hct J."egoluticms aay no negot1dfona can bG ebrtGt'4

Trouble h bvMng alao in E'rlOthorc dir<~ttt:lon. All. ~vht papt>1·~ hnve cl too 11t greet lonsth the Swedhh ~)nper tty ~.1J: (oh;) nl.lag!nr; tlvi.t a mfmiilel" of the t1 s Hhtd.on in 01'.m.tkhobt hM Jotnut\ tn tho ~~eti:mtrm <'t0ve1'Wilent to~ by Antl•Sovtot refueG$9 trom tho Ilttltio Republie. 'L'he ptrper a1no ~ue~ao th11.t Ii. taooibeJI' ~:t tM U S H:lssioo to S~okholm dbMtod 900.000 flwe/Ueh m!'il'Om to:r thtl creation ln ~dml of nn &ntl•Ilu0drin crgo.nbation.

TlH'l 1xw1et l'&-&uo doet not coi?J.o~t on tht.& repox-t but ette& th(t prn,;Jo1• an saying l t would lu~ vtn.7 d0t11ra'ble to {~~ti an oxplnnatfon fl'Oto Mr., Herschel v. J()lmmm, tho U s Hinlntor to ~~tOekholm. ·

\ .. mm NOH!llliO i>i\)trdllm~

lt h p1•m11at.ttre even c1t thb laio dq 1'Ud Mw." to ~ 'Ul) Hr. t;1mrahill'E tR,lkfl in Honoow. It MeP-1• owb1n howove11 that tlio Joint ooromuniquo t>hiieh ~ill be bli!Uoo nt tho e!\d <>! thf) :Btg f\t0 cont'eronoeo wU1 eont1dn good rqnoon. fcrt the lli!tod Natton!l to ~ o.1oloo aflEl for th6 Olletny" to d~~l".

Tho ona r~r.:,_Jor trn l"oturn~ to r.1ilil1n vontm'dq• ~ Sn tho meHnt1m>• a utoftl ltll~ 'bru'm gai.tfheyrlrig.

'b,.gs riFuOrtG fi'ol:) ton1lon ~tiiate that \~ 'l'vtnt;; to ¢"'CrY (Jut the • ,. • t>of(}YS(J lntmtih~ 'f!t tb~ ~ mttee start~ tn mM1s r.:motf.UiJl'l wl1mre rG1!Qlutio'!le h,'lvo .. l)aen· a~.6].)t~t · hol1Ung MtkolaJo!!Wk ~mti h!n f:;Qvmm1111!nt ft>~ tMoo act~ ot ~of', ,, · and deimmdln[S from Hlkofo.joa-/.t &. lW!bllc etnti!at'!Ut w!tlm\tt lit'h1Ch tli~ :reeolutione ar-.r:t M ·nogotiaM.oni) osm be util'r.tfM4'

~b1e le 't.moid:ng aleo tn anothor dl1"0attoh. AU &vlot pnptiI'i; hfivo cl tt'Jtl at wont 1~ the r1uarthh 1>u1,ier lff tlt-,,a ·(~k) · G!lo61ne tlmt a Ml.lib0l' of the U S Mhsfon ln fitoekliolm has Jo!n~ In tho '.!1atonlf.m rovonu~ent tomett by Mtl•flovtl}t ;oei\fBG$3 ~• tho :13r:;l tlo Ha-J.>Ublic. 'l'h0 papGr also $1l~e thnt tt' m

TM !Jovht fee not cott11~t Qn thb l'Ql~ort but ct•ee t~• pupor M 80..;\11~ 1t t>'OUld bo V0ey deab°flblO to got I'm ~Zpl!">l'latfon fltof!l Mr. Herschel v. Johmum1 tho 11 S Hlnloter to r.:toekh<>b. c 0 P Wi.ffiA T lncorpQ1•ato4

Deal' iw. Secn,.~t:ur• I euoloue h.011w1th bop,- tt

a b~oe.doe.st ~hi.oh I belieft ttJ 'bo of

1ntol'tat to yon in vi1w ot ot>nv~·aa.tlou whioh I had tho p1•iv1ll),fi!I ot ¥Vilt.I with you.

Plea&o OB.ll up@a me 1f l OD,c'

if! bo of wrt fvt;hw ••• 11ast i•(l)gt1;1~as 1 /al Jolwutta stool ' . . _:,. ~ =.- '• -- ~- ~ - - .·...... ·.. '.·····...•

. - ·. ~ .. -- . ·. :·. . 1i/1iv~·f

d: 'l!.olf m. Hc1r ;,'.;\\y :10 d tnwr.i lH'$0 u.a euti1tel7

:;_c1 .. l..nt1i.ror.tlr~[. h~cun1H1 wirn.tt"'tc:i• thti fat

.:.rjauy ~.1'.mtht1 '.nn~r: tt~<.'. i'~~t\l

o:.J.Qf J.3 !"til1'M''•rk1.1.bh f1u• tho ftwt that it 1rn~ned

to :10 uothi:~i: oln$ but ~ .1:e-h;,1.ah cf thti tHt1"1litw

11 udl Hons of .J. tle1• 1 B l.l.ein tw.i!p£ .. ir As 3UQh. it tcmd!$ to a tr·tmgthe.n. t,hl'.\ belief' that Hitler ts

1aoa.pt~aito.tod., 1·0.!" \'JM r·MuHJn l)l' .!'itnt,tb~;r. As to tho· i•eporh that Hltlttr itl ins1,m• -..

U~.t la p.robAblJF truo hut thtm he hAB U.l\t$.)'~ httll lnut\nc ••.and I cl.-ocn•t thtn.k: thtt.t ho ia ~ .:sr£1.•br to. ay than h.e wti.~1 when Gh.rMi.btWl&l.n to(l.k him .ooritHUJJ.j'. ·

M; t;;; tho nffoot Hlthr'n prool~ati~.m, ns well f:l.B the s9eocb whlc11 GotJhecl~ m~de y~tstorl~~y, wi.ll 111;. :re upon the Grn»Jt&il people f;~n.e1~a..U.y lilnd tho

~:e.ri:su1n ~1i.ll to f igbt in partioulru•,; my otm. ftel1ng ls th<»t H wUl :~ot ~·f'h

1 a.a o vl.W 1n~£H.t thii< t Ult Our:~a..n PO?pl-e tc1ihiy arc ihi b..r•ut&li::ied and h.'1.\:0. eo lcwt ~l.. Nts'llr~bli.nut to no1•i.w hUi';}An. h11;L1iis that tbtt1 will 001:.t,\Jtne to zmrch like lHm!·l~1rn a.utomoti:m~ to thdr oim dest1·1,ot1011. 1rhey will do thu.t with a. I4£i.Ci\bv• p:reoiai.on whloh mt.rely ro!l~o ts the e t;lttk Ni1~11bm

!'&..'\liU!lt ln tho .:lotp €i-t1d $ld.~i ttil' rl'rn&Hf)IJ of t.ht> (;ep~ ucul. rt la that Ul'L\~ fo1: nfllf... d@vtI•uction ot wb.ioh the Gert.:.1an poet, Heini~ioh Heino, tJpo~:o of. so

--...-· : ; No sound trom the out~luo\~orl

'~'hey are 111 t. Lltlep hy!imotlo fll.Oe_p ftow. \iM.ch on:ly A o.ro.6M.Rt oefoat will &Wiil-ken thOi•l•

uou.thcrn i;1-tta..oway to Cc:r~.aa.n;r.

Muuh li"H"H'~ sig,J1ii' iot1.;. t than. the £Jpeculc~tiqn about tho fa.ta of. Hltler., llimu,1lf a.nu hb f!c()lyteo

lltn :·1:t1:;;>..lor~ Go{lr:rinc, Goeb:;tJ.l3 a.nil o. .fE1w dot!en

g &nornla • h th~ -1 twr; tl o.n of ;;hat t; o do wi ~h tlor.man1r t 1 _ · -.

huni.reii billion dolla1• lndu~t1•ial. pla.nt. :: It

La ».ov1 n..t;reed tbn t the key to ·~he .i\~ture pe~a~

of :':u1·ove llcrn tn the '1ncstlor>. Qf whf)tht~l" .tt is ...... ·

;>o~rnlh14 or :~{)t to aoll-1(1 to tln at;rM1::Hm.t lH~twte.n

tho United ~>ta.ha and Gr

hand, au(! Rttt:uia on tho ot~:.el' as to thti alaposition

of C;oriilAJ\Y*ti lx~d,,atr1al potoatio.1 rJh1oh haat


ir~1ped.~'-l.t;.'1t anhi t!ons and lwr wo.1"rs o.f i~gg.re•aicm.

,;....,, ___ .

£!&net~t1 U.1Gnr•e•1$ co~m!,ttn. I?l'~1H)~tl# out-lawing of onrta:t.s. rt l#i a pvop.~uil ~;(bi~ ' .. . inaitltntal.11, b VfW'I 1!4noh 11k& rnooN~tCU7 llo.~g•ntl•u•• · J,Jlan whioh, tt.a you iilll i•tlI:i,~lllbtj4~ vm~ so at'Upldlf

and rei..W:liMrnly t4.Unok~d b1 ltr. r.~w~r in hie Nadit<,'>n Squa.N1 GtJ:•diA ttpiJQOb.

rar~ithG~ieallf it ~Y ~o uaid ho~Q thfi.1

lt !a nooe~us•vr to x~ecall that attMtk gf "'• :O.Wq•i.t

·~daioh .may be douo~ibed a~ ti~o notlue which a~x-1otm

~nop ~ll:;;~ ®J'I i. tb.l J;;4~~c to th.u t.tf f cot th~t it wante 1...

- -'. - __ - rrera lien t1~ htHd.o. il.ifJ1~.t1 l't'nilo bfttWfl.

O'f>pone:n.t. rt b J:i~t;e ...UU&.t•;t ti; j.'~Q(\ll tt~l;. ~}~\l~.Ultl'

the c~x-t.ol.G who baoktd Mr. Do·rro1 ~(;:tttf41~1:ty lwive 110' given up fl.~rl will oontim10. 1;o oxeroiuo tlu.ir o"topue-..likt pt•eeanii•u upon thb edminic tr,,.tlon na well at~ th~t ~ f _.-

d1~mantllntt of 61.ll dl.r~u1t r.~n.mltiona indu~~11u but

also tho dlam.amtllng fhXid r~mova.J. to tJ~fil di.1vt1,~te.td ·

n.refHl of EtU"OPC of the plv:trw.17 b:~llh•eet munltU.)na

b1d.u3tJ:•ie6 1 inclml.L'lg th.6 racr~~~lJ:ur1;:i~al tU.lti ehm>li

Tl10 (}~~ "iwe ~r·•Cly d.loyi1~ tl1~1.v

to011oi:\lio t·e~0rvo~ tlU"Ouglrout tlit) lto11ld f~r a tld1~d

attch'lpt n.t r1t:1rld rkmi.lnf!+t;l{mw a.nd VfAFn~ trut.t il1t.arMtto\Ul.l ett1•tala atl.fit b$ td.pc4 out in tho bttar•ot

of u.n un.d~1ng p$&Oe.

ln taking & tJtana at~ti.1r•.nt oo..vtels, th• KU~Q~r,t CoI~t>.a1 t t4J~ nnked Co114;ve~ u to iJi.l!>lmw.nt tb.e th!bt1 ar--1;1 olt

11 of the uooono1nia bill ()f rigb.ts pJ"opo~e(l by P.r"~li.l•nt

Roo~evel~ in hb moiuiuco to Cont;&1enfi lai:it \1&11\Ul.17+ 'l'lle OQ11f11! tt~u.i, wh.toh 1l~~(i~ ttl n.\lp1>i~t lb reco11i>ton(ltltio.n1 with "' digent ot tetibl.~111,'lllW to ho r"tnraaltul "thul.1'udr.y, point~ 1,n1t that tl~1~n.~fl~diwtr1 and Gel"illtm 1:uu•t1l.3 uo~o in·t.ogx•ul pn.r~ of tho

"11110 Ge~ inli1i.,11 't.PiJt.l g1~oup ham l;t1en tllt nn.ins tny of the i:nhf'.n~tlom~.l c~wte1 uyt'ltom, rt th8 l'Qj}{)I't tH.:d..d. uln th:e!.J> t~I'6flmWl\ta With; /~:1,..,1,gM,

Md ·Hri tish. oo~un1eG 1 th@ n@:i:~1~"l. 1.:it.~i1 ·tollsts iBpaeHloo.lly 1a•ovldo.d that in the evllnt oi' wn.r; cartel arr~(l.f.!ltllt$ wuuld he v~1au.mea wh.@n b.l.irrttillt.1.~a

11 Any oi'ft.}rb to r~tatn the lnt:@i"'nat.to®J. mu•tol G;Ylilt.& rlill h.elp keep h-1 ponor th.a (.hJ~ mill. tal~itd;-1n. ..hint1•talint Q.15.quo who hiwo fi\l1:in•t,1f launohed tw't'J war•." (l} 11001J.na· inrorm1.tion to got'.ia ~~t·t plotm•t ot G~ ·. etJOnoato ·pon.•trat1mt into ·· otbw ·

(2) t)bttklntng a. oom1)lt~t, !nvqnto17 ot

Gttrmn.n holdlngo abroa.41 lnolt\dLJa$ th.one 11144- ami7. in «ttoh oo>..1nli.riiau tl.a ~1·gontt1m., Hnitst1r-laui and Bolu.na.

in tho ~Jn1t•d ~lat.io1Uti. and vaUA1wal ul' I:llUl~t.•MAt control frQ»l Nazi aoUa\m~~nt~oru.

(4} SttiZUl"D ot (}ormru\ ~took b:t GO•Oallo& nou~ral OOr4J>aniea. Thc.uie rGoomntfmdr1.tlons f.lt' San.ato:r ttilwtre'o

Ml'ruli.1 ttao 1ue.y than he dGscv;.b~d e.a tl:w fl riat l}lv.ep.rb~t for .1H1ae tH>f't o.f a~l,..it;ion ()f whti;I; uo;itctlt·Ht:taa 'bltt rlllfl.1 Gt'lnim.n problffi!lol · -- 1;he ccn~t.t•c)l 01~ Oor~ta ino t:rum.unts iiRe pl't.lduotion. · 1:i~c~tul.a.tlt:n.i1 Obviou3ly• ·r.houw'hti.vo h~r,n .inttd.t l)Ubl1

A• auob. they C()Mti tutc tihB •~rt l~6alht1cf $.ltd tho

.g.rM.teat ooi~tribu.tlmi tawarA tlt,11) .td..ng ot el> &tf>•tl p~qco &r'Ot offol"ad. Co111!rat11lnticu'n to 3«mat(JJt YJ.ltt6r#,t.

·;· ..--·~ ·- - :~=: ::, . . ·~·'; :;; : ,:.. .. ;'. ,<··. .- . .:·'.. ·. -· . ... ·... '~·c"·.> "..··< .. ··~···~ :'.~ ..•..

--• --:· .. -_.-~-~-;:~~: <~::\~-~.:-.:~--~ ·- --, -<-.-:;:\;_;.;-:,.' •·• > • -.··:•.'.i>?_:,?·~~~-;<' o';·>~-~<< ,-~--- • -- .. ~' :: - ~ ;- ' _: . . -. - ' . ; --· .-_ -_ ::__ :, . .·-: _-:..'-::.- -::_:'...... _::; - -· ·-.~·.·:::_..,; . ,-,;~:: .. ·-: -~\~ >- :~ ':-~•<:" <~:---<:'>"? ;... : ·,-\~> .-_ :·~-.---' - . --- . . .· . -·- .>< - -c--.-- ;._--,<<~-:-'~ ...-·;-_:·,:?::'<·_ ~~y:·\.(. - -~ - ··::_,_. __ :._,-~ ..\,-, ___ ,-~-- ..-_:_.>· .....-- ..-'--:\'-.~ ~~.-wtl olstto.,i«\·~~ul.IJO·.. ·)~/~z.D .. ·\., '·' ••:; ·· ~ : ...... c> · -<· >·.::: , . :.;'\~ :.:;: ·}~\-.. .'.'t>b.,. ~nrm l'ttft'4t J•.~••l•o

i\~~ :,( 1D4uol17. < '; . ... t'l•l. ut•a• 'tf a..,.. Nii!& ~a\,Ff.n ncv." UOU4 IO qtJ"$nb~ ~IL •• ~~. . <>;-~' l'llJ)lt aow. Bil\ St h equa.J.ly 11ena111 tilul.' we cmniol ht»; to ~· llMI 4tlfat., - . --, ,;,- - _-. - : -·;·.,. -. i!Y' ..

QI' oftq1t.w h '4 C10t'17, •1• butitlliH. tt•it i~_rdote uv-. ~ t~i,''i~·iteita\; :~ - . ' . ·- . . . ~ ------.. ~--- -.- . . ; ._,_ --~_,;;:,_ ~·-·o;.. •*inc at we •*Ptoi io. pln ~ct noitoMJ)lbb ntt· I\ ·n~t ot t\&J" .t~oJ'jjf•--· •'- · "'K~.~- '-,.·-- •Mrlt•c•• ... PA•'· VJ'4Ma\. CM tut~. ...

A thOJ'\ \~IGO •• Pl'Hld.tnt Rooao1'dif Jl#t.dt c.tl'1l_D- ll~:·~lt •h• '!'Oi1f. i°i\ ~·-1'••' one ot iht \htn&11 that \hh OOAAl1'¥. pn,on•• to 40.: Jii .., ~ ~;jte~ .~..... ~, . - - .. - . ' -- . .. " ' _·.-, ~- .." - Uon known•• \ho h'nl' ltetqeo ioMA. tna J>v!u" ot' _•W.• v,.,.~~-.~~:wti1,f · bt •o •Yt the ll.Yoa ot °'* swo oir 'hn• 11U.Uoa pei-.-•• .1.a· ~tit ~l\0111 tll9 Otl'liWI• ""fil 801114!; \O ...¥ to ft:llhNiu\• kfoN ih.. WUl' ·-·· . A• 1'1'14 kMw, Bitltt' ' lia• al1'*144¥ M4• h •M ..lUtd ?Oll'¥ q,f .u.~ .,, ~Ul .....,. ••~ {t( ··~·,ti~'. .. • •1111.on o• •n Jew1 who ,...,. U.~nc ln •uiou 1~~·· o( ,.~.P• ¥-_._ "1• #:. -. . ' . be~. ~ tu he hat •"•n •14 ot •••li' l~lt e,t tlMI•• ~~- '' ti ..,, v.J.r \iii ' . '-·· ·. ,'.=· . . . . .' : - . ': ' . ·. -. ". " ' . : _: - ., __ ~:--:.-,.. ~.-_._:.. ·.-' -.1 1411!' Olml&aOt,r (to.. r \h• h. •.•:ff• ~ ...... • P:U• ~.· \«1• 11 \i)at.i,~.1'.e~lt•·.~·. tt.( ...... •.... !•n•ffln11 Siibllrt• hh.. l!IQ. Hob;\• l'ollMtW. '!"'. ~h. -~.M. .!..ft•••· > - Ht.••. . . ~". - - ·. . - ..___ .. - --.- ..*•> ,··-.

:,__;, : - ,-.•· __ • _L_. ' t.hlJU.!M!-ilCi R o'f ~·ot•a • imtl in ovor,y euunt.1".r t,h&~ tl~~

th0U$QUda ut men, vo~frn. ~nj\ ol'l.11.di<~n 1•~ mrk~d f~~ i.mnJ.hil~U~• 11.~)M

of th~ lili,.1de.

- ., ;,_- -.. · .. - 4•olde4 Ult\t t;h~ u~ hM EW~!i \<'UM\ thg ifn!t~r:t i:lte1h11i ~t i.a1otlott, ~ ao "lil.. \hlli$" tc:> u~ve uU tliun i1@v11lci - who nl11tl".!' eav~rfl.l lailUot11h !tu lthOl'ltll>r~ tel.eiie'd,

6ft1ohn.t argzuthM.!.on vtth 'dd* powl!J'tt< '".i t,tf1fi t.lu~~u b\•nt\~ Vh\1111$ ~Jibe ~ - ~~- il'aah ou'ii ot fmd h<4>Kla. 1'1-0et. •)f !'!.he 1ntn~4 Ytc~Uia 'U.W> ~\lfidd... Uti•111 i,»J,

t.lw vtu•tou,13 U/.'l.tdlih Qotm:filr'h~ ... l'l~lHl'M.i;J.ly !t~1t.t, lfutlJ};~tf totld iijnl•h. ;

'i'.Ue ll\\ellUe oountl'illl1t do n()\ ~•l'•et1Utll t.hl) N.t'u1~~n0 ~t!I GOI'~ r1>1, ~\lit~~~~t.

as th~ C..i>Mua ii~ - wm ati th~ et~t1~l.lit61! bu1,:ln to ~9\V> f"'Uh tu t'i ~)"llWi..n ~.lou~~~;.

~ ' - - ' >. -- ":~_-:;_ ~hQy vlll wani. 110 got b·. w0>H ·with thfl '-'UnaUttg d<(~, b¥ 111.tt;l.lS.ng \(> ~l.q tii.tl•r•1

- . ~o. In et>ra& ooiioia, i;he :.~md(jt°'I o~· lih<* imhlUtn OQ~~-rho ti1i'a ~nl7.iq. glt1.d

,f"' -.- ,_ - . ·~·· ... ,, . t.i> br~ak i•VP¥ t'Nfll iM f",erw"~"n 1 in otheJ< etutH4 W'_9,t li1"4 i-~~l'!l(lt«r;.tr.c . '-Bu• th• d•,.1u•1Jllni~ f~i:toi" wUl not he th"ll' ow p:Ni'6~Mei•, bi.1.t ~ul' }.'IC)wti", cijtil ov · poUuy.

't'.hh l!? vhet{t ·u1e 'i:tiioio nuugeo nol.il'd. oo-.e J.n, :m.111 now on U h ®lnt te»

btl ~h~ ;a~l1~¥ Ol t;ht! Uni.tod $tah>l to UltB he power to ~a\ ~OJ!'#ll mU.Ut;.-t Of h'll..tilHt= pf>r.tt•H1ut•a {'.>noi;ilfli tn iurop& 01'.fl ot tl.U> hillltite ot \bit ao,1n!iU;. It h •o be a l1f~QA1'ing o.xpetlUon ... nothing '°'1>H Md. no$hlq ltH~ Ji•of 1hil a•o••

ihatl the BAil.. h rnl9nH4 Uftl' ~m'OJHt lltui '!tOtk•d llkhe····· .. an Mrt~e. 11 flf)od. or ,,. thllllne .. .end. u M~ al~e b~n t.- ·_· -··-_ -·>, ·- \=.;_~<:·>_.,~-: : .. -. .::>·>:- ·:-·_'- \'

::_--->:· .. ,_~: ,_"'·, - - -- ,-·' ··:··------•/:;.·,,:--- - /;."0 <'_-_-,-~--.~-- • - :_.·,_:_-:':·.--•-- __-_:·_-_ •• _-!i,-··._·_._--_--_------·:·;:; , . ; \>_-~~-;-_____ •__ -~·/_ ·- ;~_:_::--~,._- .. __·;. :-·;,::;:·:-~((::·:·><· 1 -· ::· -.;~ J_-; ~--': ·. -· ·--1-·· United ~ates gove;rnment and the doir~ of the Am~ri94 :P•o.Pi.e':t()· .&1'e:hi~'!#:'': <• <''.\> lives. We have.done the same thing again IUl.d ~in--:- fo~- t~--~~i!e~~~\~.': .:_:· . ,- (J Armenians, the Belgians, the .Ru.ssians. •... ,~ ~.,., ...,.. •• •~e\t.i;;..c

here 1n New York, arrived in Turkey to see w~t he can do to getpeop~e.out

of nearby countries to places of safety. Mr. Hirschman will be the. f'l.rst an4 · only United States cithen in Turkey to be allowed to trade with the enelll1'-

and the enemy includes the satellite .countries as well as the Germans - 1f lie

can get them to release some of the men, wome~, and ch:l.ldren.whom the Germana have marked for extermination.

Onee these unfortunate people get out of Hi tler 1 s clutches, the_ responsl- billty of the United States Government ends. Ji)'om that point on, private charities and relief organizations-will take over. Camps are the refugees will be able to live in safety. As for thei:r future - where.the7 will go and what will become of them when the war ls over; that will be a matter for all the nations who take part in the final peaoe settlem11nt".to decide. Thia new War Refugee Board has only one concern - to save lives now.

The program of t)le War Refugee :Board is one of which all Americana can: be proud. It shows that as the climax of the greatest war in history draws near, we are preparing to use our growing power and our coming victory for humane purposes. And it has great practical importance, too. ThislllOve to help those who have suf'fered most from Nazi oppression reassures everyone whp . ':;· wants to see the Nazis crushed that we are not fighting for ourselves alone~ ,.,._'.,_ - 1--

- .. . . COVoa\J'lea llO" 01' leH ta \bill .bia Ull.P• lh,\\ '1ut_ GPi.'~b Of Yio••l'J ..... ·.. nu en.ai. Ti:.e Uett bi \hewtore cos tol' ua w Mk4'' a•• l.>0•1'1ft ...._ .._, ~< . · ·· ' ' . . -- .. ---~ -- ____ . - .. will wt8Un our Ollftlee wfwr• '1l•7 "" wNJt.il\ oaa!l to -~~ht• *"l•~uL.. ~ < . wa on ••ronc-at. Ou enentl•H• IMl..-. ue4. OIUUy -4 oppr~111~a'l'~t~~1~· ,ife; aJ" --"-"· -· --:-. ;..::-.--r--~- . ~-- . -- -~- ._. _. .._, ~ ,.,_:;. PG"., ln lilthalt at iu ~ RU'»O••tr• tor ~1th ,,. #P.t. J.lt4 an lil~•\lllf•t~~,~{'1,.

- -·- - _,. -~· ~-- .

---~+= 'l'onisbt, ae we ait in this rooa~ a lllll&l.]; bud HUDgary 0 They are engaged in a new kind- of worko .AJ.theugh their tellow•bHeta han dou. . . . EUNpeaa eountriea, we atill oall it a new kind ot work baoau•• aot uatil the put deoade or Maa'a history haTe the beasts 80 ayateaatlo!lli:v, 80 methodtoally atteapted t<1 bury the spirit or d..Oonoy in tb.e rut•• •a •lhH

11 shins their ullholy taak•. The w•rld h oertain that they will ultimately ta1lo Tht aaCrY &Jld deteraiatd ••• •t Eur<1pe aad Am.ertoa are about to swara aoroee thtir r~t• and tear d•wn the bated awaatika from eTery wwn hall and Tillage square 1• enry •ooupted country ot Eurepe. 1be W9rld kaews. that l!Uftpe sooa will be freeo But JOU lcaow and I kaow that there are hUJldreds er thousands ••• lirtag in Bitler'• pri.. a whose prayers r.r 11berat1•• will ••Tar be aasweredo The beaeta are busy at their new worko IR Bunsar1 al.One aear],7 a a1111on 1ewa are trapped within borders el.most heraetitally sealed. And that 1111&11 bod of aea ta ae1z1ng the lista ot all the .Tewiah oo-.uutties, the ayaagoguee • all the organizations that might turn18h the Dble or &a()the:r.- 1Hhh mu.. or wowm or ohild to°)f be enrolled in the labor oaapa ( it they are luokt) ~ in the gas ohemberao More than 300 Jews have already been herded into oonoentratton cempa. We haTe reports that 100 1000 ha\'e been deported to Pelud. 'l'he report• of depertati••• are 8111.biguoualy phrased. We de not kaow wheth.er the retereaoe to Poland meaae t~at the Ylotime actually han been llhipped to that '00\Ultry •r ta tatended to COaYey to us that 100 ,ooo 3'ewe ban beea el.aught.red •• th~ apeta I, belieTe that the tera 1e used eyabolloallJo All ot ue lca•• that la the new Yecabul&r)' et Hitler's Kew 9rder Pelqd and death a:r.-e 8rll01iJMB to the lurope.. .TQ1"Q_ t•dllJ• ·,,··.. ,. -. ~~:-:"~-·-~ - ,-· .. ::._}·>,·. :.;·\\ other country overrun by. the Na.zfs, reme!llbe~ that ari< b-d':o~-m~. ln . ··· ' ):' · .·· . .. ~ .' - . . -,,_> .->~;~·--:~·-~ Hungat.'Y and the similfli' bends e].sewhere. Wb" f&.& l'lOt ~oing t~/r~~g~~',~~"· <:

i e in store tor them.

I wish l could give you officers and workl'tr_a in the agencies ot the United J'ewish Appeal a detailed account ()f thflreports from abro!il.4.that oroas my desk at the Viar Refugee Board every da,v. But the time has 11.ot · yet oome when I oen tell freely whet my colleagues fllld I bave learned and ·what

confronts us •. But·hette iB something r beU.eve you ought to know ... Md

remember. It happened in Hungary only a t'ew weeks ago. A group of Jews

( they were not Hungarians ) entered a neut:val consular ot1'ioe and inquired ebOut the posaibili ties of making arrang~ents to leaye the country. As they emerged from tha office, the neutral officials, glancing through the windows, saw a squad or policemen f.'rom the J"ewiah Department or tbtt ·-· Hungarian Ministry or the Interior seize the Jewa and herd them-int~ vanEI~

They were never seen or heard of again. 'l'hroughout cthe day, other Jmra onllle into the conaulate and ae they let met the some i'nteaa the first group. tBa Shall I spell out that despio~ble thing? The Nazia nnd their Hi,ing1n•1an jackals were uaiq the neutral ooneulates es trapa for tht; unwaty .foreign Jews who hnll escaped trom other Nazi-ooaupied countries and were .now trying to leaye their last haven of refuge.

And in that oonneotion remember tbla -- and let tho Nezie and their jackals remember it, too ... OnMaroh 24, :Preoident Roosevelt said in a· statement heard arounc! the world: "As a :reoaj.:t ot the eTente ot~he last'tew dllfs hundreds ot thousnndeot 1ews, who while living under p$rseoution have at l~ast 3

8Jlllihilation as Hitler's forces descend mol,'e heavUy.upon;tho8•1ari4s.CTii~ktti()se'. innocent people, VJho have already survived a decade or llitl~~'li :tUry1:~Q~i4. < ':> ·-· - . ' -. - .· . ··-_ .. -.:::. the .. •·· _· .· ·... ·.· .... . >;. ,~, . perish on the very eve or Mill triUJl)ph over/barbarism whioh their P•reeq\l11i~a \~· ·

.· ~ symbolizes, would be a major traget'ly. It is therefore titting.that we aboul.d ·":;:'.:.::.: ' ' ~~ ·. :·:~.' again pro claim our determination that none who participate· in .thobe acts· ot -·.'

savagery shall go unpunished.

The President created the War Retugee Board on Jenuray 22 ot this.

year. He named the threeran~ing members of the cabinet, the Secretsries itt

State, Treasury and War, as the members of the Board 9 and charged them with the task of rescuing the Jews and other minorities in imminent danger of death in occupied Europe end of finding suitab'.J,.e havens for them. With a B!llall professional staff of 25 members, the Board promptly took up its re81JOna1b1lities.

We f'Jund several private agenci.es ali•eady in the field, among thein the Joint Distribution Committee, the National Refugee )3ervice and the United Palestine Appealo At the outset, we determined to collaborate with

the private groups. As your officers oan tell you, our association has been

oloee and productive. We have saved lives, many lives, and are today engaged in · ... ,,· projects to bring many other Jews out ot the danger zianeso I have been asked whether the private agencies duplicate the work ot the War Refugee Board. My answer emphatically is that they do not. The private agencies of the United Jewtsh Appeal have been in existence a long time. They h~d functioning organizations abroad long before' the war Refugee Board was established. Their field starts are well.. informed, energetic and ef'1'eotive9 ·Th& War Refugee Board supplements _their ettorta with certain aoti'fities that only a governm&atal agencir can undertake. ot the Board's s'l)eoi&l reproaentattv1ta abroad eli.J9f~lplomut'1(5,iJ~rittiltT;A./.>,· ------.- --- ••. : ·" '-. -- .-: . : - • ; .• - :, ·.-· : . _. ~ - - . '. '" ' - ... : ,, . ·.1,. ·-." exanrple ot what that m.eana h ·th~ record made in .'l\ll'key·~~c'·th;_'fl~ar~'~ . · repr~sentati ve, Ira Hi,rsobmann and Amba.ase.dor Ste1Jlh,fu•d1i. ~ih~niu-~: .•

HirsobDlann arrived in Turkey only 11 handful of re.t'u~~ea lu.~d ~~ae:ed tcV.· - - _- .. - -· . :. - make their W&J o~t oi' the Balkans to scf'e havens 1n the Near East~ · Jtut· tbQ.t :.;

was soon changed. With tho wnolehoartocl au~poi•t or Ambassador ttfl'inhardt,

whOH aot1v1 t1ee I oennot preJ.se. too highly, Irn Hfrscbm.8XIJI. · alaehed thrl'U4$h the red tape that had been strangling the rescue effort. More than a thou19anc.\.

liTes were eaved in the month of April al.one. ·1TG believe that O.

thousands can be saved in this area in the near futui•e.

At thie petnt. I would Hke to mak0 nn annQunoemor&t that, I am

sure, Will please and E1I1oourage 1111 ot you. Mr. IHraohmB!Ul 18 going bo.

TUrkey. Within a tew 11 weeks, he Rnd -"mbasaador Steinhardt Will have a ·re•uni•a

in Ankara and • in the weeks to follow• they will have many· renc1ezvous 11Mll ia

many 'l'urki 11h port a w1 th rei'ugee newly ar:t.'i V'3d f1•om Bulgur1. a. Rumnnin an,~ . ·- ·..:::::· Hungary, too -- arrived in friendly ports through the joint etforts of the

war Ref;geo Board and ·the agenoiea of the Uni tad Jewish Appeal.

Privtite egenc1ee defrayed the principal. costs of transporting

refugees from Rumanta to Palestins in tha past and I am sure tl:lat you Will' make

the neoeaanry :tunds nvailn1>lei tor all those brought into th~ Ne>IU' Ee.nt. in the tuture. Youl' officers ana tield repreaentati vea bavo worked hand in band with the War Refugee Bo8l'd in many other p:ro jeote -- rescue and rel.iet wosrame in

Swi tzerlend, Spain end 11ortugel.. The Boo.rc1 1e now making e strenuous etrort

to enable private ngenoien to intensify their relief ~ork. Wear~ seeking

1'ao1lities for aonding l~ge quantities of food nnd clothiJl.8 into countrioe adjaoent to enemyMoocupied territory so that those neutral nations~'be in a

/ without cutting too 6eeply into their oun li.uiiteq stocks.

It is essential tlle.t we nmintuin a continuous flow of rotuf!;6e, lato.

!a mOTtld aot;heir : all the neutral countries. <'ihenever u group from one plfi.oe. to 1 orHtes a vacuum, eo to speak, and otbn lllen imd women and children l!lfll'ke4 fQr ·

deAth by Hitler and hie hllll81len, are drawn into the atm•ting poi~t. open or sewet,

vaonted by the group that ia one step ahead on tho patt1 to liberty. 'il'e have

leaned heavily Qll the humani tal'ianBitn Of the neutr&J.se iQthough u.l.l Of them ilre .

Sl!lall oountrias, and none of them riob, tb.o;y have received tbo'homeless and

hunted prey ot the Nazis and tha1r satellites. ·rhey have our deepest cre.titude. I huv!'J hoard a i'enr expressed in some quarters that th\9 f'low ot refUgoe la.to

the smnJ.l neutral countries might force them to set up permanent llavena ot refuge that they would be unable to support tor a long time since thoir resources are too J.iroited to qualify th~ f•)r ·tho status ot gr&at povrers. I hope all aspects of that t'ear as well r.s its implica.tiona aro unfoi.mcled. ----·------·---- I have been thinking tor many weeks about pogroms and pogronimtste. I have been reading the fulminations of the more notorious pogrommiata •Baill8t their victims, and thl'I rationalizations of their own brutality. t·have Ill.so been readtns the military communiques and the casualty lista. Beliuve me,

I understand tho oonnection between the111. But what I do not undoratand is how the world continues to eepnrato tho two. There 1s n po6l'om in a amnll Europonn

Tillage. It is made to e.ppeEll' a spontaneoue thing. The :Tews are blemed. The beasts get away with it. Soon there is a wave ot ant1-smnit1eni. It bursts into t'l1111c. 'l'he beaeta are on the loo~~· revellins in human blood. 'l'hey l)ellow to · the world that they will rid it ot the Jew. When tbe tlmnea die down, halt the world ie in allhee and wherewr the surrtvore turn th97 can see only long vistati ot

ll"&Yea and noeses •arkina the ot their husbands eoa~. .Po8l'Ollllllt111 18 tyr~. '6

, __ _ ~anny is war. Whoever. oountenanoell anti•l.'lemit1$m' the deatl'Uotion ot his own world.

And I have been thinking or that band ot men a f'ew of them:

Have you ever heard the name Andor Yaros. He ifl a orim:hial• a, holds a high of'fioe. Minister of the Interior in the :Nazi He 1s the Hungarian Himmler.

And. LaszloJAndre. former Minister of the Interior, and now the chief of the .Tewil!lh Pepartment of that Mini etry?

And, Laszlo Baky. Deputy Chief or the Jewtah Department?

And, Magylagoa Dovanyi, liaison officer between the Hungarian ·and

And, Oezvari 7rrokol, head of tho Centra'.!. Polioe'l ' And. 'l'ibor Keledy, Mayor of Budnpeat?

The eyes of democracy are on those men. Every oft'ioial aot of theirs, .. , . is recorded. bvery decree aBainst the .Tf1Wa, every bruttality inspired or

countenanced by them, eTery life they talce or cause to be taken·-·- all of it is

recorded there in Hungary by peasants, by workers, by intellect~alls, by"'~tl1l.~!:'; true democrats nnd patriota. ;\ record ta being OO!!IPiled ageinet tllern and ligij;nst every beaohman no matter how high his Office or unir:iportant hia post.

Speaking for the United Nations. President Hooeevelt eaid " we Will puraue the guilty and deliver them up in order thnt justice be done. That warning applies not only to the leaders but al.ao to their tunctioneriee and subordinates in Germany and in the satellite oountries •••• All who share the guilt shall share the punishment.

l'hose men nre members of the gang that betrayed Hungary to the Na~is &nd the Jews to Hitler's murderQ\le degenerates. They are the men every reposasible ·::-·

contact with ther;1 and help them to safe havens.

We ask all the true Hungciriana to remember that Hitler is their enemy as well ne the scourge end curse of the J"ows. This war is not o struggle between Hitler and the Jews; 1t ia Hitler vereusHumenity. It the Hungarian pooplo want to survive as a nation. they must heed their true leaders and align themselves wt th the roroes ot oivilimat1on, devote thomaeJ.yes r to the oe.uae of ri.umnni t1, the oauae. to which nll of us have dedicated ouselvos•-- and re-dedicate


j - Huagary• They are ..gaged i• a .... kiad ot Jlf9rk• ~ ... .Alth•uSh their teUoPbnats ·lie.Te deae . ~ . ._ ..... , ... _ -··-'- Eunpeb eouatriee, we ~till oall. it a aew kiad 01". w•#k b.~oaua• .Ot ,_, •• , .... the put d•oad• •t M•'e hietm han th• bJts -80 ayetemauo~, '.8' math•dioall.y atteapted t• bur7 the spirit ot deaoorao:v i• the ~ •• •tl aiiil,~-. •t Eur9peu 01 Tili zat~on, •d :aenr ·bet•re han they lishing their uaholy task.

'l'he werld 1a oertai• that they will ultimately tau. The ~J u.d deteraued me• •t lllrepe ad Amerio& are about to 111Jaraacreaa their~~~. ad tear .dewn the ~ an.atika trem •Tery tnn hall end Tillage squaH ia: nery •ccupied couatey ot Eurepe. 'lhe nrld kHwa that Europe aooa will be tree. But 70u lal~w ad I lalow that there are hwu!reds •t thouiJbda aow liTiag .. b Hitler's pri•:a whoae pr91'ere ter liberati•• Will aenr ...., be u.awered0 The beasts..__. ue buq at their aew - work. I• BUll.8a1'7 &lone uel.y 9' -; ~.. Jlillion J'ewa are trapped w1 thia borders al•st herm.etitaU,.-', aealed. .·Aaa. that •all bod •t an is aeizt.g the lista ot all the J'ewiah ooauaities' the qn.ageguee • all th• orgaizatioae that Jligh.t turaieh the uae ot ~other J'"owiah an• or ffD!U or child t'1>')f be earelled in the labor o•p• (-tr ~-;c;:~· th97 are luckt) V- 1phe:::gaw:49hamt>wao . o+C More thu 30~ Jews hue al.nad7 been herded i•te ooaoeatratioa o•pa. We h&Te reports that 100,000 hu• bee• dopertod te P•laad. 'l'he reperta · ot depertati••a ve •biguoualy phrased. We d• aot ka•w whether the reteroaoe te · Pdud aebs that the Tiotims actually han bee• a:bipped t• that ~ewatry. or 1• iateadod to CGaT9J' to us that lOOtOOO J'owa hue booa al&Ugllterect'• the ~ 1 boline that the term. 1a uaed sy:abolioallfo All et ue :U.w that a the aew ,..~A~ .. ,· .... »\,..,\.....,.".-\c-t.-,..··1 ;.:)_..._ .. 1,"-.6"'"~·7·-1.sv.... ~1...... "'"." \ ~ woabulary •t Hitler's llew irder!•land aad death. ee ;L.,.~11• th• !l'al'Ol>e•· ~'teaan- '. \ ,, ' '< . • . \:0''. .. , . c •. /. : '>.e:: c:·· ,>; •c..'/·· .· '·"····: ....> .;·::.\-c:·· ·,:·: .. o-_;-~ •'• •-;,, - -o:. ,- o.::;·.::,:- ~'_:·_-_-,·~ ~};:,_ .. _____ •" '· •::·_-:2:~ •" ,·, •"> ·;-·· :. :-_-.~~.:.. /·:~·~::·.>.· :«-,: ~----<~ --. .:\_.,.-______--::~.. --~: _:.-:.~,:<.:<~:-~;_:,· - ' ·:', ...:·:;:·..-:·--:-- - .4f:-;,h.. ··t•u- th1Sk: 'f•tlie,.J'~wl!'~lnurie:afi:;~*1'1~~~~d!~~j~~Y.· ''.:''\: -- . ·---.-_--:: ·- ~--- .. _, -----;~ '· -- :-· ,>·.:_-- : .... other co~t17 •Temm by the Hazu.. r~em.~er·~~~VaiaA:ifi·\,~d •f:i•-..;:~~\.::'.·~·,:_ '{/.> Hogey ud the sinilar buds lire els~wher~. 1'~ ]l~{·g~i~\~:get~,~1;,'~~'-,~. \ < ·... .. ;'. .~ 't We lm•• who th~ ue. We kaew the bt.• .._., w.·il:ao.; th:4i!lt b)-:'tlitlti -~-~ \ >>~ .·: .. ~~; .&ad before I ban yeu, I .. geiag to ••e_•• ~£·~~Z: -~~~~11J-~:~~~!{ <<:··:.:<>·J'.•Jt'. is ia stere tor th...... ::'\ •'">:;•::; ::·: ------.- -~ -- - . -'.- ' - . ·.. -~··-> \''f:· I •iu I oould ghe :rou •fticera and workers 1R ~e . > . -~-· '..;·:_·:·····.·-·~··:···:.• _;_;_ ..... -.~.· ~:::1 . . ' ~-·: ·: /~: . ' . . the Uai ted Jewish Appeal a detailed account •t the repGrt• froill. ab:i:ollll t~at crosa rq desk at th• War Refugee Board en17 d&IJ• But the time aas a9t :ret OGae •h• I Cllll tell freely nat 1q colleagues ud I h&Te le-.raed bd •hat eonfroata ua. But here ls somethiag I belieTe you ought to kaow ._ ac1

remellber. It happeaed ia Husgaey oaly a te• weeks ago. A group et J"ewli ( they were aot Huagariaas ) eatered a aeutral 0$Dsular office aad iaquired . abeut the possibilities of maki:ag. arru.gmftts to lean the~.couatry • .Aa. they 811lerged frl)JI the •ttice, the neutral otticials, glueing through ti!~

wiadows, saw a squad of policem.o from the J'eWieh Departmeat ot tile

Humgario Ministey Gt the Iaterior seize the J"ews ud herd.the iato Tails'

They were neftr 1en or heard ot agai•• Throughout the d.87, •thr tewa came

into the consulate and as they let ••t the s11111e fate as the first group. - Sh•JJ 1 •P•H wc cnae 1Mjfiiilii!!IM11g1 Th• Nazis uci their Hu.a~.ri ... jackaJ,.s •er• usiag the aeutral ;;:- , aeuulates as traps tor tlie 'WlW&r)'t•reigaJ'ns ·-- . ' whG had escaped tru othar Nazi... ccupied countries and were ••• tryi».g· t• lea.Ye their last haTea of refuge.

-1 Aad. in that ooueetiGn r--b•r this - ~t--..,~,,..1,._<-'A...... ,__ ud let the Nazis •d their j&ckals remember it, too - OJl)llarch 24, Presideat RooaeTelt said 1a a . statemeat heard arouad the _world: " As a result ot·the enata.'ot the l&at tsw days hUJ1.dreds ot thous.. ds •1' J"ewe, whO while 11Ting under persecution haTe &t lt1aat ~; ·, . :· ~:;". - > ---. ,-_,·--.. : ,., .-·.--·~---= . ___ ;. ,-\'- ~-:·i_~ .. ·~:-- . ~ .. ----- ·-· .. ...: :·<~>-~ \~~·"_::·)~t~i- :<: ' . ~•Wld a hana · tram death 1• H\iJlgary U:d th; B~t,#!~ ~- icnr':~bi'~'ate._•~~,:iit~'{ ;\'/ f'orcea de11c-.d ii.ore '<: ' mih1lat1on aa Hitler'11 he~-ri:J.;upe;; tll.~il~,l~d~;.''l'!iat,-,~~~l!le-·--:~-:-·- -·. -:-_ ~~·. ; :.-·.:·;<}-~.. ~'}.:

Qml>Glizea, would be a major tragedy. It is therefore -ti~ting-that lf~ ahoul~ '' ~- -<,.-~ -~:: ·:..' again proclaia our dete:riliaatioa that •••• whO participate ~· th•111~ ac~llot "- ' HTagery shall ge UD.puaiahed. -..------Th• Preeideat created the Wat Bettlgee .Board oa :r...V~f 22 of this

7ear. He aamed the three ruking members of' the cabiaet, the Se~etuie11 •t

state, 'l'reasury ud War, as the members Of' the Boarde and charged them With

the task et rescuing the Jew111 u.d ether Jlliaoritiee ia imminent dugerot

death 1• •ccupied Europe end of f'indiag suitable haT••s tor theae With a

•all prefes.ieaal staf't of 25 aembers, th' B•ard proapUy took llP its


We fOUJld aeTtral priTate agemcies already in the field, ..••g

tha the Joiat Distributi•n Co-itiiee, the Natieaal Refugee Senice ud the

Uaited Palestine Appeal. At the $Utset, we detel'lliaed to collaborate with

the priTate groups. Aa your off'icer111 ou tell you, our ass•ciatio:li. hae ben

close ed productiTe. We ha'Ye sand line, •8111 liTes, ud ~e't.4>day ~~ed ,ia

projects to bring maJ17 other Jews out of' the deager Zo•••• I han be• asked whether the pri'Yate agen.ciH duplicate the

work of' the \far Refugee Beard. MJ uswer emphatically ia that thq do aot •

The priTate agencies et the United JeWiah Appeal haT• beea in existence a loag

t1.119. They had f'uactioning orgaJlizatiGas abroad long bef'ere the war Ref'ugee

Boe.rd was establisked. Their field staff's are well•inf'ormed, en~getio aad.

ef'f'ectiT•• The War Refugee B•ard supplaute their ef'torts With oertaiB aotiTitiee

that oaly a goTernmentel agenc• call uadertakee . :.",--. .-.. ·.,

. .--!

...- - ,·.~.-· whoae activities I caan.ot praiae too highly, Ira Hirschall!l&

the red tape that had been strugli.ag the rescue effort. Mere th~ a tliouaU.d

liTes were eaved in the •onth ot April al••e• We belieTe that &dditioaal.

thousands 0811 be saTed in this area in the near ~uture.

At this ~i:at, I weuld like t0 •Ilk• au annflUlloem.eat tllat, I am

sure, will please and encourage all 0t J@U• Mrt1 Hirscluaun i~ going back to

Turkey. Within a tew • weeks, he and Asbassad~ Stetahardt •111 have a re-wii•a c- ·

in. Ankara and , in the weeks to tellew, they will have m01' r•dezvous ~ _1•

•DY Turkish ports w1 th refugee newly arrind from , Rumania 1111.d

Hungary, too ... erri nd in trieadl)' pGrts through the joint ett•rts ot the War Refugee Board and the ageaciea ot the Ullited J"ewish App~U. Prhate agen:cies defrayed the principal costs ot transporting

refugees trom Rumania to Palestiae in the past nad I am sure that. y:>u will il&k,e

the neoeaaery tuads aTailable for all those brought into the Near Bal!it in

the future. Your officers Mild field represatatiTes have worked hod ia haad ·

with the War Refugee Boerd in ma1 other projects - rescue and relief PNgl."'111• in.

Swi tzerlad, Spain and Portugal, The Boo.rd is aow JQkbg a strenU:oua etro:rt

to enable priTate agencies to intenaity their relief work• We are seeking

taoili ties tor seadi11g large quantities et food ud oli>thiag illtr;t eouatri.•• . f('f'I')) . adjaoot to GelllJ'.,.OCUpied territory se tut thHe aeutral aations 11,P 'De b. a ><;c··- ;-~ -;. ·::: - .:·;d.~: · ·• -.'.::t·i'. ·.~:. :/ -. - .· ----·_.·: >:>'- --~·-····------··_ ;>' :-> -. ~ .--- ', .. : ...:: '.:- ---;,,~ .. ' .. ~- - ._. ·_ "~:-~ -> ... -: ~.- • c - . 't .· - -~:~;-_~ >.~-: -_ ·-. .. :-:--.:-: .~ ~ 5 ,' -.;} ·_~_.'·:.- :_~------~-'··------.--.>·> ··•··:>~2- _, ·.·-··-~ ;-:.:::~--~,:·-.-~- ~-:<-;_~<_'.)' :·~-~J-,/::~--->- ·- - ._-. --- . -. -• ~'_,_-~~-~--- -:>; ----~_\;-· _··;·"· .'._·· ---.·_'.:·:;: ' -·_ :.) ; _- ,-,~ ·.:'.··. - -~--/·,: peai ti•• to receh• . llliger .~ere of r~(ilg$e-~ ~~-:~~~[~~~-l#~~~fJ~~:~ .. --- . - .- -.---~c •.-- ' \\ .. c, - - - •ithQut cuttiag to~ deeply ·-· . ---:,,,--,~-.'-.·" :;·:J i•to thl!iir o1ta lilli~e(sto~··:~{t; \ ~ "~'~ '.·:_~(< __ , ___ .. ,- '!--- -·-·--- --_-- It is essemtial.thilt we maiiltai~ -~~~talJ.~~r-'fi,.~;~1f~41~~9$-~~~- .. :';,'/ ·,, ;- '.;':•- :__ _ all ...... i -- ... -.•••• gro~p l• ~~ t• ~· 1>1.,.,. oreates ~,;~·4ki~ '~ ~~t < a vacuum., a• to-speak, pd oth•r~~ u.dw~en~dchil~•~ll~k-~#~;_?:}~:~·,'<:-----· - ·,; death by Hitler and his hugaen, are drHa iJito the starting J>Qin't,' ol>e1f~t'.'.~,~~( , Si ) _vaoahd by the group '. :}i that iS one step ahead on the pa1;h t• lib•~ty. 'if; h&i' '- ''_:'< ' ' -- - lened heaTily OD. the humani tar! U81Bl Ot the aeutra1a, Al.though all o:t thea ,Ue --- i mall oowitriea; aad aoae e:t them rich, they han rece1TJd the lloilelHB u4 1hunted prey et the - Nazis and their satellitea. 'l'hey - haTe our dee119st ~atittl-4~~ - - - hue heard a tear expl"essed in aome quarters that tho tlow ot refU$eedatO

I I have bea thinking tor meny weeks I about pogrems and p<>grftllllists~ ~ / I have been reading the tulminatioas ot the mere aotorious 1'ogroai.11te agat~t their TI.cttas, and the ra.tion.alizatioas o:t their own brutality, . I have also > ~i .-. beea reading the military cO!llD.uniques ·. ·. and the casualty lis:ts. "Jtolie".9 •• I Ullderstand the connection between th•• But •hat I I do aot U.dei

. . - ' - 'l'yraaay 1s wu-. Whoe:.:•r co\inteit.aac•a an1t1•·said.01:1

the destructioa Of hts OWJl werld• Aad I han beea .tbiakiag. ot a te• ot them:

. ~ - Hue you e:.:er heard the aame A:adorY.ros?H•ili holds a b.igh ottice, Millister ot the Interior 1R the Nazi· He ie the Hungarian Hilnmlere

And, LaezloJAad:re, former Minister ot the In:terior, lllla •• ot the Jewish Departmellt ot that Yiaiatry?

AAd, Laszlo Baty, Deputy Chbf et the J'ewieh l>epartmeat?

And, Magylages Don~i, liaiaoa etticer betweeJi. the lluqa:riu

Aad, Oezvari Zrrokol, head ot the Geatral Police? Aad, Tibor Keled7, ll9Y•r ot Budapest?

The eyes ot dqgoracr are oa those mu.. E:.:ery official. act •t tbeltli ---y£~~°5-~:f_>o.·_C:- 19 recerded. E.rery 'decree agaiaat the Jews, every bru._ality ilaapired or

- ~: :-.-- -::: _,;~ -~ · count.. aaced by them, enry lite they take or caus& te be tak:~- -1,l ot it is-- .:.:-~~~~~~-- rec•rded there in Huaga17 by peas.. ts, by werkers, by iatell~ctua1ls; by all .._:;_·_

true d-ora•• aad patriots. A record is bebg ceapiled agaiaat tll• and ~aiaet e'Tilry heachmu ao matter hew high his e:f'fice or uaiuportan.t his post.

Speaking tor the Uaited N&tioas, Presideat Roose:.:elt aaid 'i• we ~11 pursue the guilty ud deliTer them up 1R •rder that Justice- be de•e• That •araiag applies not ealy to the leaders but also to their tu.ctieaaries ead subordiaates

ia Germaay and in the satellite countrie••••.All who share the guilt shall share the punishmeat.

'lhoee mea are manbers or the gqg that betrayed Hu.gan to the Nuh and the Jews to Hi tler'e murder~s degeaerates. They are the •ea eTery repouaible · o~atact with the11 &Jld belp them to sate haveas.

We ask all the true Huagarius te rem.em.ber th•t Hi-tler is .!,hei.l, .

-· ~--·' .· ---..,..,· •n93' ae ••11 as the scourge ud curse ot the jns. 'l'll.is we.· 1a ••t a atrugg].e betweea Hitler and the J"ewa; it is Hitler Tft'llUS Hultuit)'. It th• Huagaria:a. peeple wut w aur':!n ae a aattoa, they llUst heed their trti•

\ leadjrs ud aliga themselne With the t•rcee ot oi'YiliaatiOD.1 dente theaeeJ.Tes to the cause ot Hwaa:ait;r, the cause to. 11b.ich all ·~ us haTe dedioabd •¥el••..,.... and re-dedicate If •urselTes. t•llight. #11##1111