Wmmrwm.-- V S- -- Ip''' R Rthe " , DHL Jlr U JLJ JLJ JLJ X Llu Stibxcrtpllcin Kb
wmmrwm.-- v s- -- iP''' r rTHE " , DHL JLr U JLJ JLJ JLJ X llu Stibxcrtpllcin Kb. 2U. HONOLULU, II. I., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7, 3882. 10 I'rnls nr .Month. THE DAILY BULLETIN Professionals. Is published every morning by the B. F. EHLERS & Co., Daily Hum.utin Puiimhiiixo Co., AUSTIN WHITING, Attorney nml cli (minted throughout thu town, mill W and Counsellor at Law. forwarded to the other Inlands by every DRY GOODS IMPORTERS, Agent to lake acknowledgments of opportunity. iiHlrumcnW. All Latost Novelties Fancy Goods Received by evory steamer, Kaahumanu St., Subscription, GO cts. per month. tho in Honolulu. 209 1 FORT STREET. G. Caiisok Ki:nyok, Editor. I.J J. M- - M0NSARRAT, v, All business communications to be nil. 'J. il'Jil 'LI'. .J. dressed, Manager Daily HMllctln, Post Commission Morchants. AT LAW and Notary Ofllcc Uo. No. 14. ATTOHEY J. G. Ci.r.vion, Manager. Oco. W. Maclarlaue! H. MacfiirTaiicl Heal Estate in any HONOLULU CLOTHING EMPORIUM, G. W. MAC7ARLANE & Co. part of the Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on The very latest teetotal drink up IMFOUTEHS, COMMISSION MKlt. CHANTS ami commission. Quccuslnml way is called "snnkc A. M. MELTjIS, Proprietor, Sityar factors, Loans negotiated, juice." It knocks Eli Johnson and FlrcProof Huildine;, 52 Queen street, Legal Documents Drawn. his drugs stiff in one net, and it is Importer and Dealer in Clothing, Honolulu. If. I. prepared as follows: Take seven AIIKNlfl for No. 27 Merchant St. (Gazette Hlock), 190 the deadliest Tim AVaikapu Sugar Fhintation, Maui, Honolulu, Hawaiian Island. snakes of sort, four Goods, Fancy Goods, tiic Spencer Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, death-adder- s, Dry and the inside parts of The uceia Suun'r Plantation, Oahu, DOLE, Lawyer and Notary Pub- - Mil), Maul, G cover with sul Huelo Suuar SH.
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